Crossover Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts ❯ A New Journey Begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I'm back and I would like to thank all of you that reviewed my story, thus far, and you have a great inspiration to me. Plus, one of you reminded me that in the Kingdom Hearts I and II that the main characters, in the some of the worlds, changed forms and I can assure you, you will be seeing plenty of that in my story, but that will be later in the series. Next, I would like to give credit to two fanfiction authors, SSJ4Takeru/Kanius the V and Belletiger, for the idea of the Moon Heart Crystal and its origins in SSJ4Takeru's/Kanius the V's story, YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Invasion of the Rajita. However, this idea will come later in the story where I have another surprise waiting for all of you among others. Finally, expect some Sora/Kairi and some Mina/Riku romantic moments in this chapter. If you have any other romances other that what I `declared', just give me a buzz. Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, Digimon, Sailor Moon, any of the other stories, and anything/anyone else that comes from other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This chapter contains intense violence, blood, possible gore, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including alcohol and weapons usage by minors and non-minors, and X-rated adult themes/situations!
Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts
(Kingdom Hearts theme song `Simple and Clean' and Kingdom Hearts II theme song `Sanctuary')
(Digimon 02 and Sailor Moon complete theme songs)
Recap: Our tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime, Davis and Jun, have been having dreams of their past lives in the Silver Millennium, including their demises on the Sun Kingdom on the day of Queen Beryl's attack on the two kingdoms. However, with support from their friends and families, they are seemly doing okay . . . for the moment. However, during this time, Maleficent has been `brewing' another plan and has found from Yami Marik that Yugi Moto could be one of the seven princes of heart for this multi-verse's door to Kingdom Hearts. On the meanwhile, Yugi Moto and his friends arrive in the city since Yami, the spirit of the Pharaoh within Yugi's Millennium Puzzle, detects a great evil force within Tokyo and has put his search for his lost memories on hold to do combat this evil. But Yugi and his friends weren't the only ones in Juuban since Mai Valentine was also there to try to apologize from what she did under the control of the Orichalcos, but it seems like Joey isn't too forgiving. However, Joey did promise Mai a second chance if she proved herself. But then a kid comes up and takes Yugi's Slifer the Sky Dragon and the Winged Dragon of Ra cards away from him. Mai manages to make the kid drop the Winged Dragon of Ra, but, much to her horror, the kid was under the control of Yami Marik, who was regained possession of the Millennium Rod. However, he couldn't do any harm to her when Davis comes in, fist first, to knock Yami Marik for a loop. When he learns that Yami Marik is working for Maleficent, Davis swore to stop him and that promise managed to hold firm when it was found out that Davis' powers are a lot stronger than the Millennium Items, so, they don't have any effect on him. Yami Marik and Davis go into incredible duel where Davis uses the Winged Dragon of Ra to blast Slifer the Sky Dragon into pieces and take out Yami Marik to retrieve Yami's other `lost' God Card. However, Maleficent then appears to use the powers of the Millennium Items and her own powers to separate Yugi from the Pharaoh, giving the Pharaoh his own body in the process, and take Yugi Moto into the darkness. Just then the whole of the planet Earth is covered by darkness and all of our heroes and heroines, joined by Jun's/Sailor Sun's best friend Janet, are sucked into a dark hole where Sailor Moon and Kari vanish from Tuxedo Mask's and Solar Moon's arms as well as Tuxedo Mask gaining a Keyblade of his own. The two heroes then find themselves in the strange town without their beloveds or their friends and the two of them head off to find them. On the meanwhile, in a dark place, Tai and Agumon meet Sailor Starfighter of the Sailor Starlights while a dark cloaked figure watches the two of them with evil thoughts in mind for both of them. What happened to Sailor Moon and Kari? Where are our heroes and heroines now? Who is that dark cloaked figure? And what plans does he have for Kari's older brother and Sailor Moon's `admirer'? Well, you might find out on today's DigiSenshi Hearts next!
Chapter 4: A New Journey Begins
(Returning to Starlight Station; shortly after we left our heroes)
In the streets of this world known as `Starlight Station', we find Tuxedo Mask and Eternal Solar Moon running down the streets and walkways of this new world with their Keyblades in their right hands as they frantically search for Sailor Moon, Kari, and all of their friends, but so far, they couldn't find any of them.
The two of them stop in their tracks for a moment and Solar Moon calls out, “Kari! Serena! Tai! Ami! Izzy! Anyone!”
Tuxedo Mask tells Solar Moon, “It's no use, Davis. They aren't here.”
Solar Moon exclaims, in a strong tone, “Well, we can't just give up! They have to be here somewhere!”
Tuxedo Mask says, in a serious tone, “Well, I'm not sure they are in any condition to reply. We have to keep searching and not stop.”
Solar Moon states, “Good point. Let's go.”
But before they could start going off, they hear a familiar voice call out, “Darien! Davis!” When they look to the source of the voice, they find King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy running up to all of them.
Tuxedo Mask tells King Mickey, “Ah, your majesty, you're okay.”
King Mickey tells Tuxedo Mask, “It is good to see you, too, Prince Darien.”
Solar Moon asks the three of them, “Are any of the others with you? Kari? Serena?”
The three of them hang their heads low and Donald replies, solemnly, “Sorry. Only the three of us were together when we woke up in this world.”
Solar Moon and Tuxedo Mask sigh in disappointment and Goofy tells them, “Gwarsh. Don't worry, we will find them. All of us had to have arrived here and if we look together, we will find them.”
Solar Moon nods his head and replies, with a smile, “Yeah, you're right, Goofy. Let's start looking for them.”
Tuxedo Mask thinks in his own mind, in a determined tone, “Sere', wherever you are, I will find you. I won't stop you for you even if it takes me until the end of time and I have to go to the ends of the multi-verse to find you. I love you, too much, and I will not lose you, ever. I will find you, Serena.”
King Mickey tells Tuxedo Mask, “Don't worry, Prince Darien. We'll find Sailor Moon and the others.”
Tuxedo Mask nods his head and replies, “Thank you, your majesty.”
Donald exclaims, seeing Tuxedo Mask's Keyblade, “What?! You have a Keyblade?!” Goofy and King Mickey look at Donald in surprise and Tuxedo Mask displays his new Keyblade, much to the surprise of Goofy and King Mickey.
Goofy says, “Uh-yuh! That's a Keyblade, all right!”
Tuxedo Mask says, in a serious tone, “I'm not sure how I got it, but it came to my hand after Serena vanished in my arms.”
King Mickey says, in a serious tone, “Well, your Keyblade might be your only hope of finding her.”
Donald tells Tuxedo Mask and Solar Moon, “However, Yen Sid taught Sora and us a good lesson: No matter where you are, if you really care about someone, your hearts will always be connected.”
Solar Moon smiles, “Yeah, you're right. We'll find them. I know that we will.”
Tuxedo Mask thinks in his mind, “Donald's right. Serena's and my hearts have always been connected and we have a bond that no evil can break. No matter if we are separated, as long as our hearts are connected by our love, I know that we are always together in spirit. Don't worry, Sere, I'm coming, but know that I'm always with you.”
Solar Moon says, “We better transform back and conserve energy.” Tuxedo Mask nods his head in agreement and transforms back into Darien while Solar Moon reverts back into Davis.
Darien says, in a serious tone, “What I want to know is how Maleficent was able to cover this world in darkness when the heart of our world was sealed from her.”
Davis states, in a serious tone, “Yeah, you said that if the heart of our world is sealed, our world was safe.”
King Mickey tells the two of them, “Well, with the heart of your world sealed by the Keyblades, your world can't be destroyed by the Heartless, but it doesn't mean that Maleficent can't cover your world in darkness.”
Davis says, drolly, “Now you tell us.”
Goofy tells Davis, “Uh-yuh! Don't worry, Davis. You and Darien's homeworld is only covered in darkness and not destroyed. Everything and everyone you know should be all right.”
Davis tells Goofy, “Goofy, that doesn't exactly make me feel better knowing that my Earth family and all of my friends' families are under Maleficent's and the Dark Alliance's hands. Plus, it looks like they captured one of the seven princes to open Kingdom Hearts: Yugi Moto.”
Darien then states, “However, what confused me is how Yugi Moto split into two different Yugi Motos and why they called the taller one `Pharaoh'.”
Davis exclaims, annoyed, “Man! I wish that I had Demeter with me! He would know what to do and what happened back there!”
King Mickey tells our Moon Prince and Earth Prince, “For now, it is best that we look for the others.”
Davis and Darien nod their head in agreement and they say in unison, “Right.”
However, before they could start looking, a female voice calls out, “King Mickey! Donald! Goofy!” The group turns to the source of the voice and gasp when they see Olette, Daniel, and Sean running towards all of them.
When the group comes in front of our group, Goofy asks, surprised, “Gwarsh! Olette, what are you doing around here?”
Darien asks, curiously, “Do you know her?”
Donald exclaims, “Of course! Olette is our friend from Twilight Town back in our own dimension, but I don't get what she is doing here!”

King Mickey asks Olette, “How did you get here Olette?”
Olette tells King Mickey, while holding her head low, “I know that you told us never to go inside of the Haunted Mansion, but Hayner thought that since Organization XIII was defeated that the mansion was safe for exploring. When we went down to the laboratory, we found some kind of strange portal and I'm not exactly sure what happened next. My body starts to move by itself towards the portal and I couldn't control myself. Then I started to hear a voice coming out to me, telling and begging me to come towards the portal, and I couldn't help myself but to obey the voice's request. Just then in one instant I was sucked into the portal and I ended up here in this world. It is known as Starlight Station.”
King Mickey says, seriously, “Starlight Station, huh? Well, at least we know where we are.”
Olette tells King Mickey, solemnly, “I'm sorry, your majesty.”
King Mickey tells Olette, “Don't worry about it, Olette. What I'm more concerned about is about that voice that drew you here.”
Olette says, thinking about the voice, “It was very strange. The voice was a beautiful female voice and for some reason, I could tell that she didn't want to hurt me or do me any harm. In fact, I think that she needed my help and the weirdest thing is I feel that I knew this voice.”
Goofy asks, curiously, “Uh-yuh! Who are these two that are with you?”
Davis looks at Daniel and Sean and exclaims, surprised, “I know these two! They are two of my friends from Kyoto! Daniel and Sean!”
Sean tells Davis, with a smile, “Hey, Davis, it has been a while! You have really grown!”
Daniel nods his head in agreement and says, “It has been sometime since I've seen you. It is good to see you, again, and I see that you are doing well.”
Davis asks the two of them, “What are you, two, doing here?”
Sean and Daniel become a bit nervous by this question and Sean replies, a bit nervously, “You might not believe this, but . . .” Sean and Daniel then display their Senshi morphers to everyone causing gasps to come from Davis' and Darien's mouths.
Darien asks the two of them, “Where did you get those?”
Daniel says, in a plain tone, “Well, a beautiful queen known as Queen Serenity of the Moon Kingdom came to us and told us we are the reincarnation of brothers to Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter and guardians of the tsuki-no-ouji, her son, known as the Solar Senshi. I'm Solar Mercury and Sean's Solar Jupiter and both of us are Eternal class Senshi.”
Sean says, in a serious tone, “Well, we gain a portion of our memories from our past lives from the Moon Kingdom, but haven't found the Moon Prince, yet.”
Davis says, holding his Senshi morpher and smiling, “Well, it isn't crazy to me. I'm Solar Moon and none other than tsuki-no-ouji, Prince Daisuke Osiris Serenity of the Moon Kingdom.”
Sean exclaims, surprised, “Whoa! Awesome! One of our best friends is the very prince are duty-bound to protect!”
Daniel says, in a plain tone, “Well, this will make our duties a lot easier.”
Davis says, with a smile on his lips, “Well, I'm just glad for some friendly faces around here.”
Sean asks, perplexed, “But what are you doing here, Davis?”
Daniel then states, in a serious tone, “Something tells me that it isn't a good situation.”
Davis replies, drolly, “No kidding, Daniel.” Davis, Darien, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy start to explain about what happened for the past four days or so starting with what happened in King Mickey's castle and ending with their whole world begin covered in darkness from the Heartless, Maleficent, and the Dark Alliance.
After they are finished with their story, Sean exclaims, angrily, “Damn it! That witch has our whole universe under her heel! If we weren't stuck here, we could have helped!”
Darien tells them, calmly, “Even if you were with us, it wouldn't have mattered and the rest would have been the same.”
Davis tells Sean, “Yeah, pal. So, stop hitting yourself like that.”
King Mickey nods his head in agreement and says, “Right now, we have to find the others before the Dark Alliance and the Heartless do.” Just then several explosions are heard and our heroes and heroines look to see several column of smoke coming from different parts of town.
Donald exclaims, “Uh oh! Too late for that now!”
Goofy asks, perplexed, “What are we going do now?!”
Davis exclaims, in a serious tone, “Save our friends, that's what!” The group, numbering at eight now, rushes towards the nearest column of smoke and hoping that they will make it in time to aid their friends.
(In another area of Starlight Station; on the meanwhile)
Our Keyblade Master, Sora, and our princess of heart from the Disney realms, Kairi, in her Sailor Senshi form of Sailor Star, are battling it out with a powerful horde of Neo-Shadow Heartless with their Keyblades, but they are barely making any progress at all.
Sailor Star shouts out to Sora, “Sora, watch out!” Sora turns around to see three Neo-Shadow Heartless coming out of the shadows behind him and they leap in the air at him.
Sora calls out, in a strong tone, “Thunder!” Several strong lightning bolts come from the sky and hit the Neo-Shadow Heartless destroying them on contact. Sora tells Sailor Star, with a wide smile, “Thanks, Kairi!”
Sailor Star smiles and replies, “No problem, Sora!” The two of them then continue to battle the Neo-Shadow Heartless with their Keyblades for several minutes. Sailor Star then shouts out, “Star-Sparkling Wide Crusher!” Using her Keyblade as a channel, Sailor Star launches a more powerful version of Sailor Jupiter's attack at the Neo-Shadow Heartless and destroys another one dozen of them.
Sora calls out, “Great job, Kairi!” Sora then roars out, in a strong tone, “Blizzaga!” Sora sends a wave of freezing magic from the tip of his Keyblade and turns six more of the Neo-Shadow Heartless into nothing, but harmless frozen ice cubs. During the next three minutes, Sora and Sailor Star use a combination of their Keyblades and their special magical attacks to slowly, but surely take down the group of Neo-Shadow Heartless. However, three Assault Rider Heartless come out of nowhere and rush towards Sora.
Sailor Star exclaims, trying to warn Sora, “Sora, look out!” However, it was too late when the Assault Riders ram into the Sora and strike him multiple times, knocking him to the ground, hard. Sailor Star shouts out, horrified, “Sora!” One of the Assault Riders looms over the fallen Keyblade Master and prepares to strike him down with his lance. However, Sailor Star flies in the path of the attack and blocks the assault with her Keyblade.
Sora regains his senses, sees what's happening, and exclaims, shocked, “Kairi!”
Sailor Star shouts out, in a strong tone, “I won't let anything happen to you, Sora. You . . . You mean too much to me! I can't and I won't lose you!”
Sora says, stunned, “Kairi . . .” But just then to his horror, the other two Assault Riders come and give Sailor Star two powerful blows to the chin, knocking her to the ground and temporary stunned. Sora exclaims, shocked, “Kairi, no!” Sora's anger builds when he sees that one that he loves the most gets hurt and he scream out, “I won't let you, jerks, hurt Kairi anymore. Firaga!” With a great amount of power, Sora launches a very powerful blast of fire energy at all of the remaining Heartless and he destroys them with one powerful blow. But the powerful attack costs Sora nearly all of her energy and he falls down to his knees, gasping for breath. Sora says, surprised, “Whoa . . . How did I . .. do that . . .?” Sora then remembers Sailor Star, struggles to get to his feet, which is hard since his energy was nearly gone, and he goes over to Sailor Star's fallen form. When he gets there, Sora knees in front of Sailor Star and gently raises her into a sitting position in his arms. Sora asks, worriedly, “Kairi, are you okay? Kairi, please talk to me! Are you all right?”
Sailor Star groans weakly, slowly opens her eyes, looks to see Sora looking at her, quickly realizes she is in his arms, and asks, weakly while blushing, “Sora?”
Sora gets a smile on his face and says, relieved, “I'm glad that you are okay, Kairi.”
Sailor Star says, in a weak tone, “I didn't know that I meant that much to you . . . Sora.”
Sora tells Sailor Star, “What are you talking about Kairi? You mean so much to me and I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost you.”
Sailor Star smiles and tells Sora, “Same here, Sora. You mean a lot to me and I would be lost without you.” Sailor Star then blushes and says, nervously, “That's because I . . . I . . . I love you, Sora.”
Sora gasps in shock and asks, surprised, “Why didn't you tell me?”
Sailor Star replies, “I wasn't sure that you felt the same way about me. I mean we were best friends for so long. However, being with you for so long and knowing what lengths you went to find me, save me, and bring back Riku and yourself home as well as our homes back in our universe, I couldn't help, but to fall in love with you. I have been in love with you ever since we defeated Xemnas and stopped the Nobodies.”
Sora smiles and tells Sailor Star, lovingly, “Kairi, you really don't have to worry about how I feel about you because . . . I feel the same way.”
Sailor Star gasps in surprise and asks Sora, “How long?”
Sora blushes and replies, “Ever since we defeated Xemnas and Organization XIII, I realized my feelings for you, Kairi. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you, but I never told you because I was afraid that you didn't share the same feelings for me since we are best friends.”
Sailor Star smiles and says, lovingly, “Oh, Sora . . .” Sailor Star gently wraps her arms around Sora's back, causing him to blush even more, and then passionate kisses him on the lips. Sora is surprised at first, but our Keyblade Master returns the kiss. The two of them lock their lips and Sora pushes his tongue into Sailor Star's mouth which allows Sora to taste every nook and cranny of Sailor Star's mouth. Sora wraps his arms around Sailor Star's back, gently, as they continued in their passionate kiss for the next minute or two.
When they release from the kiss, Sora says, amazed, “Wow.”
Sailor Star says, also amazed herself, “I'll say, Sora.” Sora helps Sailor Star up to her feet and Sailor Star tells Sora, with a smile, “Let's go find the others.”
Sora smiles and replies, “Right, Kairi!” Sora and Sailor Star summon their Keyblades to their right hands and move out to find the rest of their friends with wide smiles on their lips.
(In another section of Starlight Station; Around the same time)
In another area of Starlight Station, we find our `Dark Keyblader', Riku, and our Sailor Senshi of Love, Mina AKA Super Sailor Venus, are in heavy combat against a large horde of Shadow Heartless and with his Road to Dawn Keyblade, Riku is doing quite well for himself. However, our Sailor Senshi of Love isn't so fortunately since her mystical based attacks are only half as effective on the Heartless.
Sailor Venus shouts out, “Venus Love Chain Encircle!” Sailor Venus then launches a chain made of energy hearts at the Heartless and manages to destroy five to six Shadows, but they are plenty more remaining. However, the two of them have been fighting for a while and Super Sailor Venus starts to breathe heavily, showing signs of exhaustion. However, taking advantage of this situation, a group of four Shadows attack Sailor Venus and she screams out in pain as she is slashed in the back as well as knocked to the ground. Eight more Shadows join the other four Shadows and they leap into the air to attack Sailor Venus. Sailor Venus thinks in her mind, “I'm sorry, girls! I really tried to win! Please protect Serena-chan for me!” However, before the Shadow Heartless could strike, Riku jumps in front of Sailor Venus and uses his Road to Dawn Keyblade to destroy all twelve Shadows in a quick fashion.
Riku asks Sailor Venus, “Are you okay, Mina?”
Sailor Venus replies, stunned, “You saved me . . .”
Riku helps Sailor Venus to her feet and says, with a smile, “Now, how could I let a girl like you get turned into one of these terrible Heartless monsters?”
Sailor Venus blushes and replies, a bit nervously, “Thank you.”
Riku looks at all of the Shadows standing before them and says, serious tone in his voice, “Don't thank me just yet. We still have a long way to go.”
Sailor Venus exclaims, in her usual excited tone, “Then let's kick their butts together!” Riku couldn't help himself, but to smile at Sailor Venus' excited tone. Sailor Venus then asks, nervously, “Do these `things' have butts to kick?”
Riku giggles and replies, with a smile, “Heartless are made of pure darkness, but in this form, they do have `butts' to kick.”
Sailor Venus chirps out, excitedly, “All right, time to kick some Heartless butt!” Riku and Sailor Venus then jump back into the battle and Riku destroy another fourteen Shadows with powerful swings of his Keyblade, but then four Magnum Loaders charge right at Riku.
Venus Love and Beauty Shock!”
Sailor Venus' lips get covered in bright yellow lipstick, she blows a kiss, and releases a wave of energy hearts at Magnum Loaders. The evil Heartless, who weren't expecting this attack, get plastered by the energy hearts and all four Magnum Loaders are destroyed.
Riku tells Sailor Venus, “Thanks.”
Sailor Venus gives her usual wink and replies, excitedly, “No problem. How can I let a cute boy like you get killed by these things?” Riku blushes slightly when he hears Sailor Venus call him `cute', but then out of nowhere a Dark Thorn Heartless appears and with one swipe of its claws, knocks Riku to the ground. Sailor Venus exclaims, “Hey, leave him alone!” However, before Sailor Venus could make a move, she gets tackled to the ground by over one dozen Shadows and is unable to move. Riku quickly gets to his feet and battles the Dark Thorn, unleashing another Dark Aura blasts at it, but it barely has any effect. Riku then unleashes a powerful combo on the Dark Thorn with his Keyblade, but like a wounded beast, the Dark Thorn strikes back hard and knock Riku to the ground, stunning him for the moment. Sailor Venus thinks in her mind, “No, I can't let Riku get kill or `taken' by these creatures! If I can't protect him, how I can protect Serena-chan, my princess? As well as protect the rest of her family, Jun and Davis? Plus, Riku is a good friend and I won't lose any friends to any darkness! No way! No how!” As Sailor Venus thinks in her mind, she begins to glow with a bright yellow and orange glow and then she feels some kind of pull inside of her. Sailor Venus takes the `pull' and continues to `pull' at it until she feels a powerful surge of energy go through her whole body. Just then Sailor Venus is engulfed in light and creates an explosion of light causing all of the Heartless entrapping her to be destroyed.
Venus Eternal Power, Make-up!”
After those words are spoken, Sailor Venus is engulfed in a cocoon of white feathers and light as a new sailor fuku forms around her body. When the cocoon of light and white feathers has fades, it reveals Sailor Venus has been transformed.
Sailor Venus' hairstyle is still the same with the same cherry red bow in her top center portion of the rear of her scalp, but there are two sets of three white feathers in the forward portion of her scalp, the tiara has vanished and the symbol of Venus in bright yellow is on her forehead, her lips are bright yellow colored, her earrings are golden jewels in the symbol of Venus over golden star jewels, she has a grey digital camera with a black wireless microphone attached to her left ear and it has the symbol of Venus in bright yellow imprinted on it, her neck-choker is still bright orange, but it has golden heart jewel with golden jewel in the symbol of Venus above the heart jewel with both jewels in the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is still bright orange, her shoulder pads are exactly like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, her gloves are designed exactly like Eternal Sailor Moon, expect they have orange bands on them, her bodysuit is still pure white in color, in the bust area is a bright yellow heart jewel with four white angel wings attached to the heart jewel, her mini-skirt is triple layered with orange, dark green, and gold as the colors of the mini-skirt, there is a golden jewel in the symbol of Venus on the top center portion of the jewel, the bow on the rear of her skirt is designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow, but it is bright yellow in color, her high-heeled shoes are still the same design as her pervious Sailor Senshi forms, but now, they are beautiful angelic white in color, and now, she has four white angel wings coming out of her back.
When Riku comes to his senses, he sees the new Eternal Sailor Venus and says, awe-struck, “Incredible.”
Eternal Sailor Venus, floating in mid-air, exclaims, in her usual cheerful tone, “All right! I can't believe it! I'm an Eternal Sailor Scout! This is so cool! The others will flip when they see this!” When Eternal Sailor Venus looks at the Dark Thorn, she declares, in her usual strong tone, “Hey, you ugly beast! You mess with my friends and my princess and you are face the wrath of Sailor Senshi of Love! Now, take this!”
Venus Heart Arrow Striker!”
Eternal Sailor Venus creates a golden low bow, summons an energy arrow with a heart shaped tip, and launches it at the Dark Thorn, but the `heart arrow' turns into eagle form and shape and with a mighty roar, strikes the Dark Thorn, causing it to give a loud roar before it is destroyed.
Eternal Sailor Venus exclaims, happily, “All right, I rule!” Eternal Sailor Venus looks at the remaining Shadow Heartless and exclaims, “Try this on for size!”
Venus Heart Shower Rain!”
Eternal Sailor Venus launches an orange beam of energy into the air, clouds form in the air above them, and then it start to rain energy hearts from the clouds destroying nearly all of the Heartless expect for one dozen leftover shadows in which Riku took care of without much trouble.
When Eternal Sailor Venus puts both of her feet on the ground, Riku says, amazed, “Wow, Mina, you were incredible.”
Eternal Sailor Venus blushes and says, in her usual tone, “Thanks. You, too.”
When Riku looks over Sailor Venus, he couldn't help to blush at her smile and he thinks in her mind, “Why can't I help myself to blush at this girl's smile? But then again, she isn't like any other girl that I met! Only Kairi can come close to compare to her, but there is something about her that makes her . . . different than Kairi.” Riku tells Sailor Venus, a bit nervously, “Anyway, thank you for saving me.”
Sailor Venus tells Riku, “You saved me and you are a friend, now. I never abandoned a friend no matter what.”
Riku tells Sailor Venus, with a smile, “Thanks, Mina. I would like to know a bit more about you.”
Sailor Venus tells Riku, with her usual smile and slight blush, “Same here, Riku. Could you tell me a bit more about yourself while we are looking for the others?”
Riku tells Sailor Venus, with a smile on his lips, “Sure.” Riku and Sailor Venus then head off into other parts of town to find their friends and allies.
(Sometime later; in, yet, another section of Starlight Station)
Now, we come into other section of Starlight Station where we find Super Sailor Mercury, Eternal Sailor Sun, Taomon, MetalGarurumon, and MegaKabuterimon fighting against a small army of Heartless known as Armored Knight and Surveillance Robot, but the three Digimon are starting to weaken and Sailor Mercury is pretty tried. Sailor Sun, using her Keyblade and her saber, is managing to hold her own without too much trouble. On the meanwhile, Matt and Izzy are behind the two Sailor Senshi and three Digimon partners with Janet, who is still confused about what's happening.
Matt tells Sailor Sun, “Be careful, Jun!”
Sailor Sun tells Matt, “I will be fine! Just keep Janet safe!” Just then several more Armored Knights and one Surveillance Robot attack her, but she dodges the Surveillance Robot's lasers and uses her Keyblade and saber to slice through the four enemies without much trouble. However, four Armored Knights are on MegaKabuterimon's body, try to slice through his armored shell, and MegaKabuterimon tries to shake them off, but he can't.
Izzy tells his Digimon partner, “Don't give up!” MegaKabuterimon, with one loud roar, manages to throw the four Armored Knights off him.
Horn Buster!”
MegaKabuterimon fires a beam of energy from its horn and manages to destroy all of the Heartless with its attack, but then two Surveillance Robots fires its lasers at MegaKabuterimon, he screams out in pain as he de-digivolves back into Tentomon.
Izzy shouts out, horrified, “Tentomon!”
Shine Aqua Illusion!”
Sailor Mercury launches a wave of freezing energy at the two Surveillance Robots and turns them into ice cubs.
Sailor Mercury tells Izzy, “Get your partner out of here!”
Izzy tells Sailor Mercury, “Thank you!” Izzy goes over to Tentomon and brings him back to Janet and Matt. Izzy asks Tentomon, worriedly, “Tentomon, are you okay?”
Tentomon groans out in pain and asks, weakly, “I'm okay, but I've one question: Who's Tentomon?”
Matt laughs nervously and says, “He will be just fine after a good rest, Izzy.” On the meanwhile, MetalGarurumon howls in pain as he is attacked by three Surveillance Robots at once. Matt calls out, in a strong tone, “Don't give in, MetalGarurumon!”
MetalGarurumon shouts out, in a serious tone, “Ice Wolf Claw!” MetalGarurumon opens dozens of ports on his metal body and fires dozens of missiles from the ports on his body causing the three Surveillance Robots to become frozen solid. However, a group of four Armored Knights rushes in and slashes MetalGarurumon causing him to howl in extreme pain as he de-digivolves back in Gabumon.
Matt exclaims, shocked, “Gabumon! Oh no!” However, Sailor Sun jumps in and with one rapid slice with both her saber and Keyblade, she slices the Armored Knights into nothing allowing Matt to get Gabumon out of the line of fire.
Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!”
Sailor Mercury plays a harp made of water energy that sends waves of freezing water energy at a group of Armored Knights and freezing six of them solid. However, two more Surveillance Robots come in and blast Sailor Mercury causing her to scream out in pain and agony as she knocked to the ground, unconsciousness and her form smoking.
Sailor Sun shouts out, shocked, “Mercury!” Sailor Sun roars out, angrily, “Okay, you asked for this!”
Sun Double Nova Flare!”
Sailor Sun fires two large spheres of solar energy from her sword and Keyblade that destroys two dozen Armored Knights and one dozen Surveillance Robots allowing Izzy and Matt to take Sailor Mercury into their arms and get her out of the line of action. When they are out of danger, Izzy gently puts Sailor Mercury in his arms.
Matt says, seriously, “Not good! Jun is the only one that's left to fight! Our Digimon are too weak to digivolve and Sailor Mercury is totally out of it!”
Janet says, perplexed, “I still don't understand what's going on here! How come Jun is a Sailor Senshi?! Where are we?!”
Sailor Sun tells Janet, “I will explain later, Janet! Now, stay back where you will be safe!” Sailor Sun beats back two Armored Knights and one Surveillance Robot, but then another Armored Knight slashes Sailor Sun in her chest and she screams out as the lower left part of her bodysuit is cut causing her to gain a nasty bloody gash.
Matt, Izzy, and Janet shout out in horror and in unison, “Jun!” Sailor Sun breaths out heavily as exhaustion starts to set in and winches in pain from the wound that she received. The remaining amount of Armored Knights and Surveillance Robots prepare to finish off our Sailor Senshi of the Sun.
Moon Aurora Slash!”
Mercury Ice Spear Crash!”
Jupiter Thunder Hammer Strike!”
Desolation Claw!”
Just then four powerful attacks hits, an aurora beam of energy, a rain of ice spears, four columns of electrical energy, and a beam of silver energy, that causes a large amount of the Armored Knights and Surveillance Robots. After that assault, a rain of roses comes down to destroy three more Armored Knights and one more Surveillance Robots. Five figures then land in front of Sailor Sun and three of those figures are Eternal Solar Moon, Tuxedo Mask, and Cyberdramon. The two other figures were a pair of brand new Solar Senshi.
The first new Solar Senshi has Daniel's hairstyle with two groups of three small white feathers with one group on the forward left side of his scalp and the other set on the forward right side, the symbol of Mercury in blue in the middle of his forehead, there is cybernetic fiber-optic device with a mini-microphone attached to his left ear with a pure silver color with the symbol of Mercury in blue imprinted on it with the microphone in a light grey color, he has a silver metallic choker around his neck with one white angel wing on each side of the choker with a blue jewel in the form of the symbol of Mercury with two white angel wings attached to the jewel in the center of the choker, he is wearing a sleeveless and leather version of the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers' uniforms, minus the helmet, the uniform is bright blue and white in color with light grey colored boots, there is a pure white version of the Saiyan battle armor that Vegeta wore during his battle with Frieza covering the chest area, there is a jewel in the form of the symbol of Mercury with four silver angel wings attached to the jewel in the top left corner of the battle armor, he has leather versions of Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves on his hands expect his gloves have blue bands on them, across his waist is a bright silver belt with the symbol of Mercury in blue on the belt buckle, attached to the belt has a silver version of the laser blaster used by the Astro Power Rangers and a sheath containing a saber similar to the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers' Quasar Sabers expect it has a silver hilt with the Mercury sigil in blue on the top center portion of the hilt as well as the symbol of Mercury engraved on the blade with two wings attached to the Mercury sigil engraved on the blade, Daniel's Senshi morpher is attached to his left wrist over the glove, and he has four white angel wings coming out his back.
The second new Solar Senshi has Sean's hairstyle with two groups of three small white feathers with one group on the forward left side of his scalp and the other set on the forward right side, the symbol of Jupiter in bright green in the middle of his forehead, there is cybernetic fiber-optic device with a mini-microphone attached to his left ear with a pure silver color with the symbol of Jupiter in dark green imprinted on it with the microphone in a light grey color, he has a silver metallic choker around his neck with one white angel wing on each side of the choker with an emerald in the form of the symbol of Jupiter with two white angel wings attached to the jewel in the center of the choker, he is wearing a sleeveless and leather version of the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers' uniforms, minus the helmet, the uniform is dark green and white in color with light grey colored boots, there is a pure white version of the Saiyan battle armor that Vegeta wore during his battle with Frieza covering the chest area, there is an emerald in the form of the symbol of Jupiter with four silver angel wings attached to the jewel in the top left corner of the battle armor, he has leather versions of Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves on his hands expect his gloves have dark green bands on them, across his waist is a bright silver belt with the symbol of Jupiter in bright green on the belt buckle, attached to the belt has a silver version of the laser blaster used by the Astro Power Rangers and a sheath containing a saber similar to the Lost Galaxy Power Rangers' Quasar Sabers expect it has a silver hilt with the Jupiter sigil in bright emerald green on the top center portion of the hilt as well as the symbol of Jupiter engraved on the blade with two wings attached to the Jupiter sigil engraved on the blade, Sean's Senshi morpher is attached to his left wrist over the glove, and he has four white angel wings coming out his back.
Sailor Sun asks, surprised, “Two more Solar Senshi?”
The Solar Senshi with the symbol of Jupiter all over him replies, in Sean's voice, “You know it, Jun!”
Sailor Sun exclaims, surprised since she knew the voice, “Sean?! Sean, is that you?!”
Eternal Solar Moon replies, “I'll explain later, sis!” Tuxedo Mask and Solar Moon summon their Keyblades to their right hands when King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy join them.
King Mickey exclaims, “Let's go!” The group of eight warriors rush into battle and the last attacks nearly destroyed all of the Heartless before them already, the final Armored Knights and Surveillance Robots weren't much of a problem, especially for our three warriors of the Keyblade, King Mickey, Tuxedo Mask, and Solar Moon. When they were done, Sailor Mercury manages to regain consciousness and slowly opens her eyes to see herself in Izzy's arms.
Izzy asks Sailor Mercury, concerned, “Are you all right, Sailor Mercury?”
Sailor Mercury slightly blushes, knowing she is in a boy's arms, and she thinks, “Wow, he is such a nice person.” Sailor Mercury gets the thought out of her head for the moment and says, with her usual smile, “Yes, I'm okay. Just dizzy.”
Donald asks Sailor Sun, “Are you okay, Jun?”
Sailor Sun replies, winching in pain, “Just a scratch.” Sailor Sun gives a small cry of pain from her bleeding wound and falls to her knees in which Matt helps her stay on her feet.
Matt tells Sailor Sun, in a serious tone, “I think that's more than a scratch, Jun.”
Goofy says, “Gwarsh! I'll say!”
Donald exclaims, with a smile, “Allow me! Cure!” Donald uses his white magic to heal Jun's wound and restore her health.
Sailor Sun says, with a smile, “Thanks, Donald. That's something I've got to learn.”
Donald says, in his confident tone, “No problem, Jun!”
Solar Moon tells Cyberdramon, “It's a good thing that we found you on your way, here, Cyberdramon.”
Cyberdramon says, in a serious tone, “Yeah, but I'm worried about Gatomon and the others.”
When Solar Mercury and Solar Jupiter go over to Sailor Mercury, she gasps, and tells Sailor Mercury, “You must be the reincarnation of my brother. One of Davis' guardians.”
Solar Jupiter replies, in his confident tone, “That's right! He's Solar Mercury and I'm Solar Jupiter, Jupiter's brother, and two of the Solar Senshi, guardians of the Moon Prince.”
Solar Moon says, with his usual grin and in a serious tone, “Like I need guarding.”
Solar Mercury says, with a small smile, “Well, you do have a good point, Davis.”
Just then a female voice exclaims, “Hey, guys!” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they see Olette running up towards all of them.
Tuxedo Mask asks Olette, “What is it?”
Olette says, in a serious tone, “I've found a few of your friends. There are some girls just a few blocks down with uniforms just those two girls.”
When Olette points to Sailor Mercury and Sailor Sun, our Sailor Senshi of the Sun asks, “What colors were they?”
Olette replies, “They had red, green, and dark violet colors on them.”
Sailor Mercury exclaims, “Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn! They're here, too!”
Solar Moon shouts out, in a serious tone, “Let's find them! We might find the rest of our friends on the way!”
Cyberdramon calls out, in a serious tone, “Right!”
Janet asks Sailor Sun, “Jun, what's going on here?!”
Sailor Sun tells Janet, “It has been kind of crazy for the past few days, Janet, and it is a long story. I will tell you on the way, but . . . you might not believe me.”
Janet tells Sailor Sun, “With everything that has happen so far, I will believe anything, Jun.” Sailor Sun nods her head in agreement with her best friend and all of them rush off with Olette leading to find three more of their friends with the hope of finding the rest of their friends, soon after.
(In an unknown location within the multi-verse; on the meanwhile)
In a mysterious dark location within the realms of the multi-verse, we find ourselves in some kind of dark castle where we find Maleficent, Yami Marik, Yami Bakura, and Seymour watching some kind of orb and observing our heroes and heroines progress as they tried to reunite.
Seymour tells Maleficent, “It seems like that you have accident opened a dark gateway into another universe when you covered this homeworld in darkness.”
Maleficent tells Seymour, in a calm tone, “It matters not.” Maleficent tells Yami Marik and Yami Bakura, “We have what we came from in that universe. Yugi Moto is indeed one of the seven princes that we need to open the gateway to Kingdom Hearts. Well done.”
Yami Marik just huffs in annoyance and Yami Bakura says, “He did not like be used as some kind of pawn.”
Yami Marik says to Yami Bakura, annoyed, “Shut up, you fool.”
Maleficent tells Yami Marik, with a slight smile, “Forgive me, my friend. However, when we rule the whole of every world, you will be greatly reward.”
Yami Marik asks, curiously, “Now, how are we going to get rid of those rotten brats, including the Pharaoh and his friends?”
Seymour says, in a calm tone, “Isn't it time for that `dog' of yours to have some use for us?”
Maleficent gives a wide evil grin and says, “Yes, Lord Seymour. Excellent thinking indeed. I shall send that fool right away. He might not defeat them, but he can delay them for a while or at least, get rid of a few of those troublemakers.” Maleficent then teleports away through a `veil' of green and black flames.
(Returning to Starlight Station; Sometime later)
Back at Starlight Station, we find all of our heroes and heroines, minus Kari, Serena, Tai, and Agumon as well as the Pharaoh and his friends, in the center of town with Solar Jupiter, Solar Mercury, and Olette with them.
Sailor Mars exclaims, seeing the new Eternal Sailor Venus, “Oh man! I can't believe that you gained your Eternal Sailor Senshi form before I did!”
Sailor Venus calls out, in her excited tone, “Guess I'm not as ditzy as you think, Rei!”
Dimitri says to Solar Moon, “I'm glad that you are safe, my prince. Plus, I'm glad to see two of your guardians have been awakened.”
Sailor Jupiter tells her Solar Senshi counterpart, “So, you must be my twin brother, huh?”
Solar Jupiter replies, in an excited tone of his own, “Yeah, that's me! From what I heard about you from Davis, we aren't that much different. I've been a fighter much of my life, too! Wouldn't mind a sparring session or two?”
Sailor Jupiter tells Solar Jupiter, confidently, “You're on!”
Sailor Mars tells the two Jupiter Senshi, in a real serious tone, “Would you two stay on task, please?!”
Sora Two asks the others, “So, none of you have seen any sign of Tai, Agumon, Kari, or Serena?”
Sailor Saturn says, in a solemn tone, “I'm sorry, Sora, but we haven't.”
Sailor Sun tells Sora Two, “Sora, I know that Tai and the others will be all right.”
Sailor Star asks, worriedly, “What if they were captured by the darkness?”
Gatomon says, in a worried tone, “Kari . . .”
Veemon tells Gatomon, “Don't worry, Gatomon. We will get Kari back.”
Patamon tells Gatomon, “Veemon's right, Gatomon. We can't give up hope.”
Hawkmon says, in his logical tone, “It might be possible that they were sent into another world AKA another universe.”
Ken says, in a serious tone, “Hawkmon could be right. Kari, Tai, Agumon, and Serena could have been sent into another universe without the rest of us.”
Sailor Pluto says, in her usual tone, “Which could present a problem. There are a vast number of universes or worlds in the whole of the multi-verse and our friends could have ended up in any number of them.”
Solar Moon exclaims, in a serious tone, “Well, we are going to search every one of them until we find them! I'm not going back home until we find our other friends are home, including my sister and Kari! I'm not going to lose my sister before I really got to knew her in this life!”
Yolei says, with a smile, “Same old, Davis.”
TK says, in a confident tone, “Well, I'm with you, Davis.”
Matt tells Solar Moon, with a smile, “All the way, Davis!”
Mimi nods her head and says, with a smile, “Yeah!”
Cody smiles and says, “Lead us to victory, Davis.”
Solar Moon asks, perplexed, “What do you mean by that?”
Izzy tells Solar Moon, “Davis, until Tai returns, you are going to have to lead all of us, Digidestined. You are the only leader that we have remaining.”
Sailor Ceres says, in a plain tone, “Is that a good idea? I mean he has his own Senshi team to lead.”
Solar Mercury says, in a logical tone, “Well, since there are only two of us, here, right now. I think that we would `join up' with the Digidestined team as one team for the time being.”
Dimitri nods his head and says, “Excellent idea, Solar Mercury. You take well after your sister.” Dimitri smiles and rubs his head nervously at Dimitri's statement.
Sailor Mars says, in a serious tone, “That's good and all, but what about us? Without Serena, we are without our leader.”
Sailor Venus says, with a wide grin, “Well, I was leader of the team back in the Silver Millennium and I'm the only one of our team with Eternal Sailor Senshi powers, so, maybe I should lead.”
Sailor Neptune says, in her usual cool tone, “I'm not sure that's a good idea, Venus.”
Sailor Jupiter states, with a nervous smile, “No kidding! Remember what happened at the school prom just recently?”
Sailor Venus blushes in embarrassment and replies, nervously, “Okay! Okay! I get the point!”
Sailor Pluto points her garnet staff at Solar Moon and tells everyone, “Well, I believe that the decision should be up to our young prince, here.”
Atriums nods his head in agreement and says, “I agree, Pluto. It should be up to him.”
Solar Moon gasps and exclaims, surprised, “Huh?! Why me?!”
Sailor Pluto tells our bearer of Miracles, in a serious tone, “You are the son of Queen Serenity and the second heir to the throne. Back in the Silver Millennium, if anything happened to Princess Serenity, you were to take the throne of the Moon Kingdom and the head of the council of the Silver Alliance. Since our princess isn't here with us, as the next heir of the Moon Kingdom family, it is your duty to choose a temporary leader for our team until your sister returns.”
TK exclaims, in a strong tone, “Hey, why put the pressure on him? He only recently remember he was your prince! He barely knows any of you!”
Yolei calls out, in a serious tone, “That's too much to put on his shoulders!”
Solar Moon tells TK and Yolei, “Hey! Hey! Calm down, guys!” When the two of them look at him, Solar Moon says, “Thanks for trying to help me, but something in my heart tells me that she is right. Since I'm a prince . . . a leader . . . I've got to start to act like one.”
Mimi asks, perplexed, “Did I just hear right?”
Matt smiles and says, in an excited tone, “Tai and your sister would be proud to hear you say that Davis.”
Solar Moon nods his head and says, “Thanks, Matt. I appreciate the confidence.” Solar Moon thinks in his mind, “Through I'm not sure what I am doing . . .” Taking a deep breath, Solar Moon thinks for a while and when he is done, he says, “All right, I've come to a decision.”
Sailor Uranus asks, curiously, “What is it?”
Solar Moon says, in a serious tone, “Look, I'm not sure if I can be your prince and I've only known to be a leader of the Digidestined, fighting Digimon, and saving two worlds, not many hundreds of universes. Being a super-hero and saving trillions of lives is quite new to me as well as being a Senshi and I'm not sure if I can handle it. Plus, I've barely known you girls for an only a while even through I've seen all of you on television. In truth, I don't know too much of a darn about you, girls, so, this decision is very difficult, you got me? I'm not really sure if I'm making the right choice myself.”
Sailor Pluto says, in a serious tone, “As the tsuki-no-ouji, the son of Queen Serenity and King Apollo, we must obey your decision to the letter.”
Solar Moon says, in his usual serious tone, “Fine. I choose my sister to be your temporary leader since she is the only other girl of `royal blood'.”
Sailor Sun asks, pretty surprised, “What?! Why me, Davis? I'm no leader! Why are putting this on me?!”
Solar Moon tells Sailor Sun, “Jun, you are the only person that I know that can do this job! You are a strong person, one real fighter, and plus, you have our royal parent's `blood' in you, so to speak. They were great leaders, so, why can't you be?”
Sailor Sun says, nervously, “Davis, I'm not sure about this . . . I mean . . . I've become only a Senshi for a while . . . You already have leadership skills with the Digidestined . . .”
Janet tells Sailor Sun, with a smile, “Jun, I know that you are a lot stronger than you have shown other people. Davis and I believe you can do it.”
Sailor Sun asks, surprised, “You do?”
Solar Moon says, with a smile, “Yeah, sis, come on!”
Sailor Venus tells Sailor Sun, “Your brother is right, Jun! I mean, you and he knocked the stuffing out that witch, Queen Beryl, and sent her packing for good! And it was on your first day as a Sailor Senshi and Sun Princess! If you did that with the greatest of ease, how hard can being a leader be?”
Sailor Mars says, rolling her eyes and a nervous smile, “Did you have to say that, Venus? With our group, I'm surprised that we didn't drive Serena crazy as well as each other!”
Sailor Sun gives a few giggles and says, with a smile, “All right, I will take command in my sister's place.”
Solar Moon says to the four Asteroid Sailor Scouts, “However, I need the four of you to join my team because my Digidestined friends only have their partners to defeat them and if they are gone, they are going to need all of the Senshi support that they can get.”
Sailor Juno says, with a smile and a serious tone, “You've got it, my prince. We'll under your command.”
Solar Moon says, with grateful tone, “Thank you.”
Sailor Uranus gives a loud huff and Sailor Sun asks Sailor Uranus, in a serious tone, “Is there a problem, Uranus?”
Sailor Uranus says, in a serious tone, “I don't follow anyone's orders expect Sailor Moon's orders.”
Atriums tells Sailor Uranus, in an annoyed tone, “Uranus, this isn't the time for this!” Sailor Sun motions for Atriums to calm down and goes face to face with the Sailor Senshi of the Wind.
Sailor Sun tells Sailor Uranus, in a serious tone, “Stand down, Uranus. I'm giving you a fair warning.”
Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Sun, in the same serious tone, “Give me one good reason to follow your orders.”
Sailor Sun, with a super-serious look in her eyes, states, calmly, “All right, but you asked for this.” Sailor Sun, without any more warning, gives one powerful swing to Sailor Uranus' chin and sending her flying right into a wall, much to shock of everyone else. Sailor Sun then commands, “Pluto! Saturn! Restrain Neptune!” Sailor Saturn and Sailor Pluto their point their weapons at Sailor Neptune's neck before she can regain her senses from the shock of what just happened.
Sailor Saturn tells Sailor Neptune, “Michelle-mama, please don't make us hurt you.”
Sailor Sun then goes over to Sailor Uranus, grabs her by the sailor neck-collar, and exclaims, her tone sounding pretty angry, “Get on your feet!” Sailor Sun then slams Sailor Uranus into the side of the building, cracking it slightly, and she roars out, her tone full of seriousness and annoyance, “Now, look here Uranus, my sister and our friends are out there somewhere and we are going to find them! I am the elder daughter of Queen Serenity and Princess Serenity's elder sister by Lunarian royal family blood and you will obey my orders! I am going to find my sister and our friends no matter what it takes me and you are going to come along as well as follow my orders even if I had have to beat you bloody in order to do so! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, URANUS?!”
Yolei states, surprised by Sailor Sun's tone, “Whoa! I never seen Jun talk like that before!”
TK tells Solar Moon, “Remind me never to get your sister, mad, Davis.”
Matt nods his head in agreement and states, also surprised, “No kidding, TK.”
Solar Moon says, with a nervous look on his face, “Good choice. You never want to make my sister mad out of all people.”
When Sailor Uranus looks at Sailor Sun, she sees the fire in her eyes and her seriousness, and she weakly replies, “You win, Sailor Sun.”
Sailor Sun replies, in a serious tone, “Good.” Sailor Sun then drops Sailor Uranus to her knees, motions for Sailor Neptune to be released, and when Sailor Pluto does so, she runs over to Sailor Uranus, who is rubbing her jaw. Sailor Sun goes over the other girls and tells him, solemnly, “Sorry that you had to see that.”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Sun, with a smile, “No problem, Jun. But I never seen anyone do that to either Sailor Uranus or Sailor Neptune before . . . not even Serena did that to them.”
Sailor Jupiter tells Sailor Sun, “You are really something else, Jun. I know that you will make a good leader until Serena returns.”
Sailor Sun smiles and tells Mars and Jupiter, “Thanks, girls.”
Izzy asks Sailor Mercury, “Does this happen in your group?”
Sailor Mercury tells Izzy, “Yes, it does Izzy. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are fiercely loyal to Sailor Moon and they are hard to work with sometimes.”
Izzy tells Sailor Mercury, with a smile, “You aren't the only one whose team had problems within our group. There were times when our team was broke up and had `internal disputes'.”
Sailor Mercury asks, amazed, “Really?”
Izzy tells Sailor Mercury, with a smile, “Our team has their stories to tell.” Sailor Mercury smiles with Izzy and our Digidestined of Knowledge couldn't help, but blush from our Sailor Senshi of Ice's smile.
Sailor Neptune says to Sailor Uranus, in her plain tone, “It seems like Sailor Sun isn't a girl to `mess with', Uranus.”
Sailor Uranus smiles and says, “She has proven a true sailor and a true leader like Sailor Moon. However, I've got to admit, she is a lot `tougher' than Sailor Moon is, but there is so much of her in Sailor Sun.”
Sailor Neptune says, with her typical cool smile, “But I don't believe it is a good idea to challenge her. She has many of Serena's qualities within her like Davis does, but she processes a strength that not even our princess has and she can overpower us.”
Solar Jupiter says, in a bit of annoyed tone, “Okay, with that `internal dispute' settled, can we get going?”
Just then a new dark voice shouts out, “You little runts aren't going anywhere!” When everyone looks to the source of the voice, they find no other than Pete himself staring at all of them.
Sora One, Riku, Sailor Star, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy step forward, Sora One, Sailor Star, and Riku summon their Keyblades, and Sora One exclaims, in a serious tone, “Pete! I should have known!”
Sailor Uranus asks, in a serious tone, “You know that overgrown dog?”
Pete roars out, in an annoyed tone, “Who are you calling `dog', girly?!”
Sailor Uranus says, a bit annoyed tone, “What did you say?”
Goofy says, “His name is Pete, a former steamboat captain from our universe, and he use to cause a lot of trouble. His majesty sent into another dimension a long time ago, but Maleficent broke him out later on. After we defeated Ansem . . . I mean, Xehanort's Heartless, we found Pete causing more trouble at Master Yen Sid's tower and that's when we found out that he is working with Maleficent.”
Sora One exclaims, in a serious tone, “Pete gave us no end of troubles during our journey to stop Organization XIII and the Nobodies!”
Donald roars out to Pete, angrily, “What do you want now Pete?!”
Pete giggles darkly and says, in a dark nasty tone, “Heh! Heh! What do you think that I want? I'm going to help Maleficent conquer all of the worlds out there and rule them all!”
Solar Moon exclaims, in a strong tone, “I don't think so, dog breath!”
Sailor Uranus roars out, in a serious tone, “All right, clown, where is our princess?!”
Pete roars out, while giving them a raspberry, “Like I would tell you!”
Sailor Mars says, in annoyed tone, “He's giving a headache! Let's make him tell us where our friends are!”
Pete says, with a dark grin on his lips, “I don't think so, little girl!” Pete snaps his fingers and just then every Heartless `boss' possible: Volcanic Lord, Blizzard Lord, Possessor, Shadow Stalker, Dark Thorn, Grim Reaper, Groundshaker, Prison Keeper, and Storm Rider. With the `boss' Heartless are Hammer Frame, Fortuneteller, Luna Bandit, Armored Knight, and Neo-Shadows.
Solar Moon exclaims, seriously, “Oh, great! More of the same!”
Sailor Jupiter roars out, annoyed, “This is starting to piss me off!”
King Mickey calls out, in a strong tone, “Great ready, everyone!”
Solar Moon asks Veemon, “Veemon, do you have enough energy to fight?”
Renamon replies, “The pervious battle have drained all of us of our energy. We don't have sufficient power to digivolve to even Champion level.”
Gatomon says, in a solemn tone, “And I can't digivolve without Kari.”
Veemon tells Gatomon, in a kind tone, “Don't worry, Gatomon. We are going to get Kari back no matter what it takes.”
Gatomon tells Veemon, with a smile, “Thanks, Veemon.”
Solar Mercury says, in a logical tone, “It seems that we are on our own without support.”
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, “I'm sure we can handle these creeps!”
Tuxedo Mask says, in a serious tone, “We had better not get overconfident, Jupiter. The Heartless are the toughest enemy that we ever faced.” Tuxedo Mask, Solar Moon, and Sailor Sun summon their own Keyblades to their right hands and Riku, Sora One, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and all of the Senshi, Solar and Sailor, get into defensive positions and prepared for battle.
Pete exclaims, in a confident tone, “What do you have to say now, you little pests?!”
When Pete starts to laugh evilly, Sora Two thinks in her mind, “If I had some kind of special powers of my own, I would be able to help, but without Biyomon, I can't do anything to help! I hate being helpless! Tai is out there, probably needing our help, and we can't do a thing with these `creatures' in the way. Oh, I wish that I can help! I wish that I could do . . . something!”
Janet thinks on the meanwhile, “Jun is so strong and so powerful! Now, she is a powerful Sailor Senshi and she is the reincarnation of Princess from a powerful and beautiful ancient kingdom along who is related to Sailor Moon! Oh man! I really wish that I could help, but I'm not even a Digidestined much less a Sailor Scout! I wish that I could help my best friend!”
Mimi thinks in her mind, “Wow, this is so incredible! It would so cool . . . if it wasn't so scary! Oh, man! I wish that I had super-cool uniforms and powers like they have and fight, but I'm one of the worst fighters in our group! There is no way that I'm a Sailor Senshi! But honestly, I really wish that I was so I can help . . .!” Not noticed by the others, there seemed to be faint symbols forming on the foreheads of Sora, Mimi, and Janet and Isis senses something from the three of them.
Isis thinks in her mind, “What in the name of Selene is going on here?! I'm sensing powerful auras starting to awaken within them! Auras only produced by Sailor Senshi! Could they be reincarnated Sailor Senshi like the others?!”
Solar Moon exclaims, in a strong tone, “Bring it on! We will take whatever you will give us!”
Sora One calls out, “Why don't you fight us rather sit back and let your Heartless flunkies do it for you?!”
Pete says, in a serious tone, “Let's see how chatty you are when you are turned into Heartless!”
Solar Jupiter exclaims, in a real serious tone, “Why don't you just try it?!”
Donald roars out, in the same tone, “Yeah!”
Pete says, with evil grin, “You asked for it!” Pete snaps his fingers and all of the Heartless charge at our heroes and heroines.
Sailor Sun tells the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi, “Okay, girls, let's show them what we are made of!”
Sailor Jupiter says, with a wide grin, “I was hoping that you would say that!” All of our Senshi, Solar and Sailor, with Tuxedo Mask, Sora One, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy charge into battle with the Heartless. Tuxedo Mask, King Mickey, and Goofy with Goofy slamming into three Luna Bandits, Tuxedo Mask using his Keyblade to destroying six Armored Knights and eight Neo-Shadow Heartless, and King Mickey uses his Keyblade to quickly eliminate four Hammer Frames, six Fortunetellers, ten Armored Knights, and one dozen Neo-Shadows. On the meanwhile, Sora One, Riku, and all of the Senshi take on the `boss' Heartless with the Possessor going into one of the buildings and turning cartoon-like `living building'. The Possessor within the `living building' prepares to battle Sailor Star, Riku, and Sailor Vesta.
Riku tells the group, “The Possessor is very weak enemy that it needs to possess objects in order to be strong. Once we get the Possessor out of that building, he will be very easy to defeat.”
Sailor Vesta asks Sailor Star, “Ready for a double team, girl?”
Sailor Star replies, with a smile, “Okay! Let's try!” The two Sailor Scouts take off into the air and the Possessor possess building tries to take them down, but Sailor Star manages to keep it at bay with her Keyblade.
When they were high enough, Sailor Vesta calls out, in a serious tone, “Okay, Star, hit it!”
Sailor Star nods her head in agreement and exclaims, “Right!”
Vesta Phoenix Scorcher!”
Star Celestial Aurora!”
Sailor Vesta launches flames from the sky that turn into a phoenix with Sailor Star launching a beam of aurora energy and the two attacks hit the Possessor possessed building in one spot causing enough damage for the Possessor to leave the building, returning the building to normal while the Possessor flies in the air.
Riku exclaims, “Good work! I will take care of the rest!” Riku then jumps in the air, launches five Dark Aura attacks at the Possessor, giving it a good amount of damage, and finishing it off with five swipes with his Keyblade.
Sailor Star says, happily, “That was great, Riku!” Next, Solar Moon, Sora One, Solar Jupiter, and Sailor Jupiter are fighting against the Grim Reaper Heartless and the creature of pure darkness swings it scythe at them and they jump to the avoid the attack. The Grim Reaper then swings it scythe against, but Solar Moon manages to block it with his Keyblade, however, he struggles to hold back its attack.
Solar Moon shouts out, “Okay, Sora, give it all you got! I can't hold him back much longer!”
Sora One nods his head and exclaims, excitedly, “Right!” Sora One rushes in with his Keyblade in his right hand, leaps into the air, and shouts out, “Blizzaga!” Sora One then fires a beam of freezing energy right into the Grim Reaper at point blank range causing him to be covered in frost. The creature of darkness is slowed down, but not stopped.
Solar Moon jumps out of the way and calls out, “Now!”
Solar Jupiter asks his Sailor Senshi counterpart, “Ready?”
Sailor Jupiter replies, “Are you kidding?! I was born ready!”
Double Jupiter Lightning Assault!”
The two Senshi of Jupiter launches a double assault of powerful lightning blasts that slams into the Grim Reaper Heartless and the creature of pure darkness is badly damaged, but not taken out. Sora One and Solar Moon then give the Grim Reaper two powerful slashes with their Keyblades and taking it out for good. However, we find that Sailor Sun, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Venus are having trouble with the Groundshaker Heartless.
Uranus World Shaking!”
Neptune Deep Submerge!”
Pluto Deadly Scream!”
The three Outer Sailor Scouts launch their planet shaped orbs of energy at the chest of the huge Heartless and cause a powerful explosion on its chest, but the Groundshaker doesn't even register the hits.
Sailor Uranus says, surprised, “There isn't a scratch on this thing.”
Sailor Venus calls out, “Let Sun and me give a whirl!”
Sun Nova Flare!”
Venus Mega Love Chain Blast!”
Sailor Sun blasts one of the Groundshaker's legs with a sphere of solar energy and Sailor Venus wraps the other legs in what looks like one of Love Chain attack, but the chain of energy hearts explodes in one powerful explosion. However, neither attack caused any damage at all. Sailor Sun then follows up her attacks with slashes from her Keyblades, but it has no effect either.
Sailor Pluto says, “Our attacks are useless against this thing!”
Sailor Sun exclaims, “We need to find its weak spot!”
Just then Sailor Mercury's voice calls out, “Sun! Venus! Watch out!” Sailor Sun and Sailor Venus turn only to get rammed by the Storm Rider Heartless and they fall to the ground and they land with one powerful thud.
Matt, Janet, Sora, and Mimi shout out, shocked, “Jun!”
Solar Moon turns to see what happened and shouts out, shocked, “Jun!” However, Volcanic Lord fires a powerful blast of flame energy into Solar Moon's back and he calls out in pain as he falls to the ground.
Donald calls out, “Oh no, you don't! Blizzaga!” Donald launches a burst of freezing energy at the Heartless, slowing it down.
Sailor Mercury shouts out, “Shine Aqua Illusion!” Sailor Mercury launches a wave of freezing water at the fire Heartless and weakening it even more.
Solar Mercury calls out, “It seems to be weakened by ice and freezing attacks! Mercury Antarctic Wind!” Solar Mercury creates a huge freezing wind and the Volcanic Lord Heartless is frozen solid.
Silent Glaive Surprise!”
Sailor Saturn uses her Silent Glaive to slice the frozen Volcanic Lord in half and destroys it without much more trouble. On the meanwhile, Sailor Uranus gets in the path of Groundshaker Heartless, who prepares to flatten Sailor Sun and Sailor Venus since they are still trying to regain their senses.
Sailor Uranus takes out her talisman, the Space Sword, and roars out, “Not this time, freak! Space Sword Blaster!” Sailor Uranus launches a wave of orange energy from her Space Sword at the Groundshaker, which doesn't injury it at all, but it diverts its attention away from Sailor Sun and Sailor Venus, who regain their senses in time to fly away. Next, we find Sailor Athene, Sailor Ceres, and Sailor Juno trying to battle the Storm Rider Heartless with their weapons, but to no avail.
Sailor Athene says, in a serious tone, “Okay, this isn't working! What's next?!”
Sailor Juno says, in a strong tone, “Let's try our attacks! Combine your powers together!”
Sailor Ceres says, in a plain tone, “All right, here goes.”
Athene Storm Wind Crusher!”
Ceres Dark Magic Crash!”
Juno Lightning Tower Buster!”
The three Asteroid Sailor Scouts combine their powers and launches a orange, dark violet, and green energy attack made of wind, darkness, and electrical power into the back of the Storm Rider causing it to cry out in pain, but the damage was too serious and it launches a powerful lightning attack at the three Senshi causing them to scream out in pain.
As the rest of the Digidestined that weren't Solar or Sailor Senshi continued to watch the battle, the Digimon were also getting restless and Gatomon exclaims, “I hate it when I'm stuck on a leash!”
Cody says, in a serious tone, “We have do something to help them!”
Mimi asks, curiously, “What can we do?”
Palmon says, “We have to find a way to fight somehow!”
Mimi tells Palmon, “Palmon, you are still too weak!”
Sora Two thinks in her mind, “The Solar and Sailor Senshi are holding on, but who knows for how long? What are we going to do?! I really want to help! I wish that there was something I could do!”
Janet thinks in her mind, “Jun is fighting for her life out there and risking everything to save everyone as well as protect me and her friends while I'm standing around here and doing nothing! I want to help! I wish that I could help!”
Mimi thinks in her mind, “I wish that there was someway we could help them! Oh, I hate it when people are getting hurt like this! I wish that I could this fighting!” Soon after, Isis, much to her amazement, sees the astrological symbol of Aries appears on Sora Two's forehead, the astrological sign of Scorpio appear on Mimi's forehead, and the astrological sign of Aquarius appear on Janet's forehead.
Isis thinks in her mind, “The symbols of Sailor Aries, Scorpio, and Aquarius! They are three of my princess' Sailor Senshi! It is their time to awaken!” Isis then does a back-flip into the air and creates three henshin wands. Each of the henshin wand land in the three girls' hands and the henshin wands transform into new forms.
Sora Two's henshin wand has a golden staff with two white wings attached to the staff with one white wing on the top left side of the staff with the other wing on the top right side, a red crystal orb is on top of staff with the astrological symbol of Aries in front of saber with both the symbol and the saber in gold, and golden heart jewel is attached to the top of the orb with four white angel wings attached to the heart jewel.
Mimi's henshin wand is much like Sora Two's henshin wand expect the orb on the top of the staff is dark green with the astrological symbol of Scorpio in front of flower wreath and a staff with the symbol, the staff, and the flower wreath in gold.
Janet's henshin wand is much like the other two girls' wands expect the crystal orb is ice blue with the astrological symbol of Aquarius with two wings attached to it and the wings and the symbol are in front of magical specter.
Mimi asks, curiously, “What are these?”
Isis goes over to the three girls and tells them, “They are your own henshin wands. You are the reincarnations of three of the Sun Kingdom Sailor Senshi also known as the Zodiac Sailor Scouts. Janet is the reincarnation of Sailor Aquarius, the Sun Kingdom counterpart to Sailor Mercury, Mimi is the reincarnation of Sailor Scorpio, the mistress of nature, including the elements and weather, and Sora is the reincarnation of Sailor Aries, the Zodiac Sailor Senshi of Fire and leader of the Sun Kingdom Sailor Senshi during the Silver Millennium.”
Mimi asks, curiously, “Are you sure that you have the right girls?”
Isis nods her head and replies, “I know that I do. You have to believe in yourselves and use your wands to transform. Do you want to save all that you care about? If you do so, you must fulfill your duties as Sun Kingdom Sailor Senshi to protect the universe and guard your princess.” The three girls look at their new henshin wands and come feel power flowing into them. The three of them, on pure instinct alone, hold their henshin wands high into the air and the words come out of their mouths as it flows into their minds.
Aquarius Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Aries Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Scorpio Eternal Power, Make-up!”
The three girls are bathed in light as their clothes are torn or melted away and replaced by sailor fukus and the when the bright lights are gone, everyone can see the three girls have been transformed.
Our Digidestined of Love has orange-reddish hair in Sailor Mars' usual hairstyle with two sets of three golden feathers in the forward portion of her scalp with one set on the left side and the other one on the right side of her scalp, the astrological sign of Aries on her forehead in ruby red, her lips are sparkling ruby red, her earrings are golden jewels in the form of the symbol of Aries with golden star jewels attached below them, she has a similar cybernetic fiber optic device to Sailor Sun's device attached to her left ear, but this device has the Aries sigil imprinted onto it in ruby red colors, her neck-choker is sparkling ruby red in color with a golden heart jewel that has a golden jewel in the form of the symbol of Aries attached in front of the golden heart jewel, both jewels are in the center of the choker, her tag containing her Crest of Love is attached below the center of the neck-choker, her V-style sailor collar is ruby red in color, her shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads and pure gold in color, her bodysuit is pure angelic white in color, in the bust area of the bodysuit is a ruby red heart jewel with four golden angel wings attached to the heart jewel, her gloves are like Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves expect they have red bands on them, the bands on the ends of the gloves have three small golden feathers on them, and they are fingerless, the exposed fingernails are sparkling ruby red color with the astrological symbol of Aries in gold on each fingernail, her mini-skirt is triple layered with ruby red, bright orange, and dark blue as its colors, she has the same heart jewel that's on her bodysuit on the top center portion of her mini-skirt, the bow on the rear of her skirt is designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow and it is ruby red in color, attached to her mini-skirt is her digivice, now, a ruby red and silver D-3, across her slender and sexy waistline is golden belt with the symbol of Aries in ruby red color in the belt buckle, the belt contains a sheath for a Roman-short sword that has the symbol of Aries engraved on its silver blade, her ruby red high-heeled shoes are designed like Sailor Mars' shoes expect they have golden Aries sigil on the ball of the high-heeled shoes, and she has four golden angel wings coming out of her back.
Mimi has her strawberry pink hair in Sailor Venus' hairstyle with cherry red bow in the top rear portion of her scalp, two sets of three golden feathers in the forward portion of her scalp, one set of the left side and the other on the right side, the astrological sign of Scorpio in sparkling emerald green on her forehead, her lips are sparkling strawberry pink, her earrings are golden jewel in the form of the astrological symbol of Scorpio with golden star jewels attached below them, she has a similar device to our Digidestined of Love's device attached to Mimi's left ear expect Mimi's device has the Scorpio sigil in emerald green imprinted on it, on her strawberry pink neck-choker that has a golden jewel in the form of the astrological symbol of Scorpio in front of golden heart jewel with both jewels attached to the center of the neck-choker, attached below the center of the neck-choker is the tag containing the Crest of Sincerity, her V-style sailor collar is emerald green in color, her shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads and are pure gold in color, her bodysuit is pure angelic white in color, there is a strawberry pink heart jewel with four golden angel wings attached to heart jewel in the bust area of the bodysuit, her gloves are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves expect they have emerald green bands on them, three small golden feathers on the bands at the ends of the gloves, and they are fingerless, the exposed fingernails are sparkling strawberry pink with the symbol of Scorpio in emerald green on each fingernail, her mini-skirt is triple layered with strawberry pink, emerald green, and bright orange as the colors of the mini-skirt, she has the same heart jewel that's on her bodysuit on the top center portion of her skirt, her digivice is attached to her mini-skirt, which is now a strawberry pink and emerald green D-3 digivice, the bow on the rear of her skirt is designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow and it is emerald green in color, her emerald green high-heeled shoes are designed like Sailor Venus' high-heeled shoes, and she has four golden angel wings are coming out of her back. In her right hand is a long bright brown staff that reaches to her bust area and it has a bright silver spear that extends the staff up to the start of her scalp with the astrological symbol of Scorpio in bright emerald green.
Janet has her hairstyle in Sailor Mercury's hairstyle, two sets of three golden feathers in the forward portion of her scalp, one set of the left side and the other on the right side, the astrological sign of Aquarius in sparkling ice blue in the center of her forehead, her lips are sparkling bright blue color, her earrings are golden jewel in the form of the astrological symbol of Aquarius with golden star jewels attached below them, she has a similar device to the device attached to the other two girls have on their left ears on her left ear expect Janet's device has the Aquarius sigil in ice blue imprinted on it, on her bright blue neck-choker that has a golden jewel in the form of the astrological symbol of Aquarius in front of a golden heart jewel with both jewels attached to the center of the neck-choker, her V-style sailor collar is ice blue in color, her shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads and are pure gold in color, her bodysuit is pure angelic white in color, there is a bright blue heart jewel with four golden angel wings attached to heart jewel in the bust area of the bodysuit, her gloves are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves expect they have ice blue bands on them, three small golden feathers on the bands at the ends of the gloves, and they are fingerless, the exposed fingernails are sparkling bright blue with the symbol of Aquarius in bright silver on each fingernail, her mini-skirt is triple layered with sparkling ice-blue, dark violet, and pitch black as the colors of the mini-skirt, she has the same heart jewel that's on her bodysuit on the top center portion of her skirt, there is a silver belt with the astrological symbol of Aquarius in ice-blue on the belt buckle across her slender and sexy waistline with silver version of the Pink Astro Rangers' Satellite Stunner attached to the belt, the bow on the rear of her skirt is designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's bow and it is sparking blue in color, her bright blue high-heeled boots are designed like Sailor Mercury's high-heeled boots, but they have silver color astrological symbol of Aquarius on the top center portion of the boots, and she has four golden angel wings are coming out of her back. Attached to her left wrist is a palm size computer that's ice-blue in color with the astrological symbol of Aquarius in gold on the cover for the computer.
TK exclaims, stunned to see Sora Two's, Mimi's, and Janet's new Sailor Senshi forms, “Sora, Mimi, and Janet transform into Sailor Senshi!”
Izzy could only say one word and it is, “Prodigious.”
Isis tells the three girls, “Now, you are Eternal Sailor Aries, Eternal Sailor Scorpio, and Eternal Sailor Aquarius. Now, please fulfill your duties and protect your princess.” Some images of the Silver Millennium flash through their minds and the three girls knew what they had to do.
The new Sailor Senshi reply in unison, “Right!” Immediately, they took to the air to the aid of the three Asteroid Sailor Senshi who were being shocked by the Storm Rider.
Sora Two, now, Eternal Sailor Aries summons five Ofuda scrolls with the words of Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and Soul on each of them in Japanese Kanji and throws them at the Storm Rider, calling out, “Aries Ofuda Seal!” The five scrolls then go into a `star formation' around the Storm Rider and then creating a star-shaped seal around it. The Heartless roars out as it is immobilized and its dark powers made useless.
Janet, now, Eternal Sailor Aquarius shouts out, “My turn! Aquarius Sub-Zero Storm!” Sailor Aquarius creates a huge freezing storm where the right wing of the Storm Rider is totally frozen.
Mimi, now, Eternal Sailor Scorpio calls out, “Time for the finishing touch! Scorpio Petal Sting!” Sailor Scorpio creates a wave of seemly harmless beautiful flower petals and launches them at the frozen wing, but when they hit, the flower petals explode with great mystical power and it is enough to totally destroy the Storm Rider's wing causing it to cry out in pain.
Sailor Ceres says, with a smile and plain tone, “Pretty good . . . For newly awakened Senshi, of course.”
Sailor Athene exclaims, “Why don't we combine powers and send this windbag packing.”
Sailor Juno smiles and replies, “Good idea. Let's do it.” Sailor Ceres points her staff at the Storm Rider and the two other Asteroid Sailor Scouts put their hands on Sailor Ceres' specter as all three of them glow in unison.
Sailor Trinity Power!”
The three Senshi girls launch a sphere of multi-colored energy at the Storm Rider and it screams out as it is totally destroyed. On the meanwhile, Solar Moon and Sailor Sun, who were on the ground battling some Hammer Frames and Neo-Shadows with their Keyblades and sabers, were amazed at what just happened.
Solar Moon says, with a smile, “Nice! Now, that's what I call teamwork!”
Sailor Sun tells Solar Moon, with a grin on her lips, “Looks like you aren't the only one getting his own Senshi team, bro.” On the meanwhile, Sailor Star and Sailor Venus scream out as they slashed by the Dark Thorn and knocked to the ground.
However, a familiar voice calls out, “Hey, why don't you pick on someone else, you big bully?!” When the Dark Thorn turns to the source of the voice, it only gets slashed by the Keyblade of King Mickey causing to roar out in pain. King Mickey jumps back and exclaims, “Riku! Prince Darien! Now!” Tuxedo Mask launches a wave of roses that hit the Dark Thorn in the eyes, temporary blinding it, and then Riku fires multiple Dark Aura attacks at it, causing it to become weakened.
Sora One goes over to Sailor Star and asks her, “Kairi! Are you and Mina all right?”
Sailor Star tells Sora One, “We will be fine. Just got the wind knocked out of us.”
Sora One nods his head and he tells Riku, “Hey, Riku!”
Riku asks Sora One, “Yeah, Sora?”
Sora One replies, with a wide smile, “Double Team?”
Riku says, with his smile, “You're on!” Riku and Sora One run forward with Riku using Dark Aura to temporary stun the Dark Thorn and when they get close, Sora One uses a Trinity Limit attack on the Dark Thorn, gravely weakening it. Sora One then jumps back, holds his Keyblade into the air, Riku jumps into the air, bounces off the side of Sora's Keyblade into the air, and comes down hard on the Dark Thorn giving it one powerful slash that totally destroys the monster.
Sora One and Riku give each other a high-five and Sora One tells Riku, excitedly, “Great job, Riku! You did it!”
Riku shakes his head and tells Sora One, “No, Sora. We did it.” However, the loud roar is heard and the two of them look to see that Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Vesta were having trouble with the Groundshaker still.
Sora One exclaims, “We need to get on its back! That's where its weak spot is!”
Sailor Star and Sailor Venus look at each other, nod their heads, fly over to boys, take them by the waists, fly into the air, and Sailor Venus asks, in her cheeky tone, “Need a lift boys?” Sora One and Riku didn't reply, but they just smiled at the girls. Sailor Star and Sailor Venus fly until they are over the back of the Groundshaker.
Sora One tells the two girls, “Okay, girls, this is our stop.”
Sailor Star tells Sora One, lovingly, “Good luck, Sora. Please stay safe.”
Sora One replies, “Don't worry, Kairi. I will.” Sailor Star and Sailor Venus drop Sora One and Riku onto the back of the Groundshaker.
Riku tells Sora One, with a sly grin on his lips, “It is about time that you, two, admitted your feelings to each other.”
Sora One asks Riku, surprised, “Riku, you knew?”
Riku replies, in a plain tone, “Wasn't too hard to figure out?” However, Riku's tone becomes serious and he says, seriously, “We can talk more about it later.”
Sora One replies, in his own serious tone, “Right!” The two Keyblade warriors then charge the `main body' of the Groundshaker and they attack it with a powerful Session, Last Saber, Dark Cannon, Master Hearts, XIII Blades, and finished off with a powerful All's End combo attack which totally devastates the `main body' of the Groundshaker. With one loud roar, the Groundshaker falls to the ground and Sora One and Riku jump off the back of the Groundshaker before it hits the ground. The Groundshaker then fades into nothing, but darkness that disperses into nothingness with a large `heart' being released into the air.
Mars Celestial Fire Flash!”
Sun Nova Flare!”
Sailor Mars, Sailor Sun, and Donald combine their most powerful flame attacks into an assault that takes out the Blizzard Lord Heartless without much trouble since its weakness is fire.
Isis calls out to Sailor Sun, “My princess, you must combine power with your three Sailor Senshi and use `Sailor Starlight Power'.”
Dimitri tells Solar Moon, “My prince, you can help by combining powers with your Solar Senshi and use `Solar Trinity Breaker' and challenging that power through your Keyblade.”
Solar Moon and Sailor Sun look at each other, shrug their shoulders, and Solar Moon tells Dimitri, “We don't know what you are talking about, but hey, why not? I'm open to new ideas.” Solar Moon, Solar Mercury, and Solar Jupiter go into a triangle formation with Solar Moon in the forward point while Sailor Aries, Sailor Scorpio, and Sailor Aquarius join hands and surround Sailor Sun, who summons her treasure from her transformation brooch and holds it high into the air. Soon after, the three Solar Senshi have their uniforms glow with bright white lights while the four Sun Kingdom Sailor Senshi glow with bright silver lights.
Solar Trinity Break!”
Sailor Starlight Power!”
The three Solar Senshi send that white energy into Solar Moon's Keyblade and it launches a powerful beam of white and silver energy at the remaining Heartless while Sailor Sun's treasure, infused with the power of the four Sun Kingdom Sailor Senshi, fires a beam of golden energy at the remaining Heartless. The two attacks combine to engulf the remaining Heartless in a dome of white, silver, and gold energy.
Pete says, seeing the dome of energy coming towards him, “Oh no.” Soon after, the dome of energy engulfs him and for several minutes the dome of energy stays in front of our heroes and heroines, forcing them to close their eyes. When the dome of energy fades away and the smoke and dust clear, the remaining Heartless are gone and only a smoking Pete is left behind. After Pete coughs out some smoke from his mouth in a cartoon-like fashion, Pete roars out in anger and jumps up and down in the air angrily. Pete then roars out, “You are going to pay for this!” Pete then runs away towards a portal of darkness forming behind him and Donald, with a sly grin on his lips, launches a silent Thunder attack on him, the lightning bolt strikes Pete on his bottom, and he roars out in pain. When he reaches the portal of darkness, he turns back to face our heroes and heroines, swings his fist angrily at them, and then turns to run into the portal of darkness, which closes behind him.
Sailor Venus says, with a wide grin, “As Bugs Bunny would say: What a maroon.”
Sora One says, “Pete isn't smart enough to tie his own shoes, if he had shoe laces, and he acts tough, but he is quite cowardly when true danger is around.”
King Mickey says, “Pete isn't too much trouble, but he does have a lot of tricks up his sleeves, so, don't underestimate him.”
Goofy says, “Uh-yuh! Especially with the ability to summon up Heartless, so, you can see why he is such a troublemaker.”
Sailor Uranus says, in a serious tone, “He's just a buffoon. Without the Heartless, he's nothing.”
Sailor Pluto states, “Indeed, Uranus. However, King Mickey is right. In this situation, we can't underestimate any of our enemies. No matter how . . . ridiculous they really are.”
Dimitri tells Solar Moon, “My liege, your battle was just excellent.”
Isis tells Sailor Sun, nodding her head, “Your mother and father would have been proud of you this day, my princess.”
Sailor Sun sighs and tells Isis, “What is going to take for you, too, to just call us Davis and Jun or Solar Moon and Sailor Sun in our Senshi forms.” Dimitri and Isis slightly blush in embarrassment while Solar Moon and Sailor Sun sigh and shake their heads.
Solar Moon tells the Digidestined, “Guys, never wish that you are royalty. It's not all that's it is cracked up to be.”
TK nods his head and says, “You said it, Davis.”
Just then a voice calls out, “Hey, everyone!” Our heroes and heroines turned to see Mai, Yami, Tea, Joey, and Tristan running towards all of them.
Sailor Sun goes up to Mai and says, “Looks like that you and the others survived what happened on Earth, Mai.”
Tristan says in reply, “Yeah, we did. However, we would like to know . . . WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!”
Dimitri says, “Well, in light of certain `circumstances', I believe that you do deserve a reasonable explanation of the events that just happened.”
Yami and his friends gasp in surprise and Tea asks, stunned, “Is it just me or did that dog just talk?”
Isis tells Tea, “My friend and I are not `pets', my dear lady, we are royal advisors and guardians of the tsuki-no-ouji and taiyou-no-hime as well as their protectors the Solar Senshi and the Zodiac Sailor Senshi.”
Joey asks, perplexed, “Solar Senshi? Zodiac Sailor Senshi? You mean that there are more Senshi than those in Juuban and they are like Sailor Moon and her girls?”
Sailor Sun says, “However, before we answer any questions, care to explain how there are two Yugi Motos? And why did they call the taller one `Pharaoh'?”
Mai says, in a curious tone, “That's what I would like to know.”
Yami and the others look a bit nervous and Yami says, “It is hard to explain because I'm not fully sure how I am.” Soon after, the four friends start to explain about Yami, his origins, the Millennium Items, and the ancient Shadow Games of Egypt as well as all of Yugi's and Yami's adventures.
After they were done, Matt exclaims, “I knew it! I knew those Duel Monsters had to be real! Some of you guys didn't believe me!”
TK tells Matt, “All right, Matt! You were right!”
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, “Well, some of those freak `monster warriors' with that Orichalcos whatever on their forehead were damn real!”
Sailor Mercury asks, curiously, “So, Yugi Moto was actually a `host' to a spirit of ancient Pharaoh that lives within that Millennium Puzzle?”
Joey says, in a plain tone, “Yeah, that's about the short version of it. The Pharaoh is trying to regain his ancient memories because for some reason after he defeated some kind of freaky evil a long time ago, his spirit was sealed in the Millennium Puzzle and he doesn't know why along with his past. So, Yug' and all of us are trying to help him.”
Tristan states, “Until we got side-tracked by all of this madness going on.”
Joey tells Tristan, “When we are with Yug' and the Pharaoh, this shouldn't come as no surprise.”
Joe says, “You know, with all that's happened to us before, nothing surprises me anymore.”
Sailor Scorpio tells Joe, “Actually, Joe, you are kind of surprised by everything still.”
Dimitri says, “Well, I am not surprised by this.”
Solar Moon asks Dimitri, in a bit of curiously, “Why not, Dimitri?”
Isis says, “You don't have all of your ancient memories, my liege, so, you have `forgotten' that your mother and father, Queen Serenity and King Apollo, were very good friends with the Pharaoh that defeated the great evil of the Shadow Games so many millennia ago.”
Everyone, minus Sailor Pluto, Luna, Atriums, and Dimitri, gasp in shock and Sailor Sun says, “Whoa! You mean that mom and dad were friends with this `Pharaoh'?”
Luna replies, in a plain tone, “Yes, Princess Juniper, they were. They visited during the reign of his father where they became good friends of his and the start of the Nameless Pharaoh, as he is called currently, reign over Egypt. When the great evil appeared in Egypt, the Pharaoh implored Queen Serenity and King Apollo to leave things to him as none of you were old enough or strong enough to take this evil. The evil had just as much power as Chaos ever had and remember what it took for Sailor Moon to defeat Chaos. The Pharaoh had to summon all three of the legendary Egyptian God Monsters to keep this evil at bay. Queen Serenity and King Apollo watched in shock and horror as the Pharaoh and his God Monsters, the protectors of Egypt, Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra, battled it out to save planet Earth from destruction along his loyal warriors. The battle was fierce and the Pharaoh refused to surrender, swearing to protect the world from this evil.”
Yami asks Luna, “Do you know the battle's outcome?”
Atriums sighs and replies, “Yes, we do. We have enough memories of the Silver Millennium to remember the end of your battle, but you might not like what you will hear.”
Joey exclaims, “Just get on with it! The Pharaoh needs to know!”
Sailor Venus roars out, annoyed, “Hey, don't talk to Atriums that way!”
Atriums tells Sailor Venus to calm down and when she does so, Atriums replies, in a serious tone, “In order to stop this evil, you sealed your own soul within the Millennium Puzzle in order to seal the soul of the great evil with you. You used your very name as to keep that evil contained within the Millennium Puzzle and to make sure that evil wasn't released into the world, you erased your own memories.”
Tea exclaims, shocked, “Wait! You mean the very same evil that nearly destroyed the world 5,000 years ago is also within the Millennium Puzzle with the Pharaoh?!”
Isis nods her head and replies, “Yes, it is. The Pharaoh sacrificed his own soul, sealing it within the Millennium Puzzle, in order to contain the evil that nearly destroyed the world. The mission to regain his memories is in order to make sure that if the Shadow Games and this evil return, he would be ready to aid mankind from this evil. However, all that rubbish about the Pharaoh being an evil ruler is nothing, but lies. You were one of Egypt's greatest rulers because of caring and kindness as well as great strength and willingness to put others over himself. That very thought of the Pharaoh being a terrible ruler is a slander to his good name . . . forgive the pun.”
Yami shakes his head and says, “No need. At least I know more of the truth about myself. But worries me is the great evil that I sealed away, could our enemies want to release this great evil from the puzzle? And if they do, without my memories, how can I defend the world against it?”
Tea tells the Pharaoh, comforting tone in her voice, “Well, it seems like your name is the key and remember, you have all of us by your side.”
The Pharaoh tells Tea, with a smile, “Thank you, Tea.”
Tea gives a slight blush and replies, a bit nervously, “You're welcome.”
Joey then says, “Anyway, since we told our story, it should be fair for all of you to tell us yours. We deserve the right to know what's going on here and what happened to Yug' after they separated my pal from our friend the Pharaoh?”
Sailor Pluto says, in a calm tone, “We did agree to those terms and we shall tell you our `story' per say. However, you must understand that you may not tell anyone about what I'm going to tell you.”
Tea tells Sailor Pluto, “Well, Sailor Pluto, we never had a problem to keeping secrets.”
Tristan says, “Like there is . . . was a 5,000 year old Pharaoh living with Yugi's Millennium Puzzle and sharing a body with him.”
Sailor Pluto smiles and replies, “Point taken. Well, what you are about to hear is the very origin of the Sailor Senshi and much more, so, please listen carefully.” Soon after, Sailor Pluto explains about the origin of the Sailor Senshi, the Moon and Sun Kingdoms, the Silver Millennium, and the royal families of the Moon and Sun Kingdoms along with how it relates to the current situation.
After Sailor Pluto is done with the story, Tea asks, pretty amazed, “So, let me get this straight: Sailor Moon is actually the reincarnation of a princess from a kingdom on the moon, the Sailor Senshi, well, the ones that represent the planets in our solar system, are reincarnated princesses that are duty-bound to protect her, this guy, Tuxedo Mask, is the reincarnation of her beloved prince, these two, Davis and Jun AKA Solar Moon and Sailor Sun, are reincarnations of her twin brother, who is the prince from this kingdom on the moon, and elder sister, who is the princess from the kingdom of Sailor Moon's `royal father', and many millennia ago, shortly after the Pharaoh was sealed with the Millennium Puzzle, a great evil destroyed these two beautiful kingdoms and their `royal parents' use the power of their kingdom's powerful treasures to send their children along with their guardians and all of the people of their two kingdoms to be reborn on Earth during our time?”
Sailor Sun says, “That's the short version of the story.”
Tea and Mai think in their minds at the same time, “But why does that `story' seems so familiar to me?!”
Joey says, “Well, this comes as no surprise to me. This isn't much different from all of the weird magic and freaky dangers that we had to face before.”
Tristan states, “However, what I worried about are these Heartless creatures and this `Kingdom Hearts' stuff.”
Yami nods his head in agreement and states, “Yes, I agree. If this `Kingdom Hearts' possesses the greatest powers of darkness and light, if the forces of evil get their hands on it, it would mean the end of everything. And if Yugi holds one of the `keys' to open the door to Kingdom Hearts, we need to save him as quickly as possible.”
Sailor Uranus asks, in a serious tone, “Now, who said that you were coming along in this battle?”
Joey exclaims, in an annoyed tone, “Hey, that's our friend out there with your princess and Davis' friend! We're coming along whatever you like it or not!”
Sailor Uranus was about to say something, but Sailor Sun tells her, in a serious tone, “Uranus, don't say another word. I'm allowing them to come along and you are not to protest one bit. And that's an order.” Sailor Uranus knew that she couldn't protest and she just crosses her arms in defeat.
TK says, “Okay, with that settled, what are we going to do now?”
Olette then speaks up, saying, “Well, I saw some kind of spacecraft in some kind of spaceport and they told me that had ships with interdimensional traveling technology since this world is a refuges for peoples that are displaced in other worlds. There are plenty of available ones that we can use.”
Donald exclaims, happily, “All right!”
King Mickey tells Olette, “Good work, Olette. Let's go find them.”
Just then a gentle female voice says, “It would be wise to wait, your majesty.” When everyone turns to the source of the voice, they see none other than Destiny standing before them and she says, “I am glad to see that you are all well.”
Tea says, amazed at her `looks, “Wow, she's beautiful. Who is she?”
King Mickey says, “Ah, Destiny. What are you doing here?”
Destiny tells King Mickey, “I managed to escape from my universe as Maleficent engulfed it in darkness and before you say anything, I do not know the whereabouts of the missing Moon Princess or the Child of Light along with the Child of Courage and his Digimon partner. I am sorry.”
Matt tells Destiny, “Don't worry about it. We'll find them.”
King Mickey asks Destiny, “Why do want us to wait, Destiny?”
Destiny says, pointing to Mai, “I am here to help her, Mai Valentine, to truly being her journey of self-healing after what happened with the Orichalcos.”
Mai asks, stunned, “How did you know about that?”
Destiny tells Mai, with a smile, “I know a lot about you, even things about yourself that you didn't know about. However, I come here as a friend and to tell you that if you wish to begin this journey of self-healing, you need to do what the Pharaoh did: Conquer the darkness within your heart and free the true depth of the inner light of your soul.”
Mai asks, curiously, “How do I do that?”
Destiny tells Mai, in a serious tone, “You must face the darkness within your heart through a test, but I must warn you: If you fail this test, your soul will be lost forever. All you will need to take this test is a duel disk and your dueling deck.”
Tea gives Mai her duel disk and tells her, “Here, Mai, you can use this.”
Mai tells Tea, “Thanks, Tea.” Mai takes out her dueling deck and thinks, “I've made many changes to my deck since I took those cards that can only be used by the Orichalcos and the Orichalcos card out of my deck. I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm never a girl to turn back from a challenge.”
Sailor Sun goes over to Mai, takes out half a dozen cards from a secret card pouch from the bow on the rear of her mini-skirt, and tells her, “Take these. I think that these will help you.”
Mai asks Sailor Sun, “Why are you helping me?”
Sailor Sun replies, with a nice smile, “Because . . . in a way, I know what you are going through. I just want to help.”
Mai thinks in her mind, “I don't get why, but I think . . . No, I know I can trust her!” Mai takes Sailor Sun's cards, adds them to her deck, and says, “Thanks a lot.”
Sailor Sun tells Mai, “No problem. But I want those cards back . . . One of them means a lot to me.”
Mai tells Sailor Sun, “That's a promise.” Mai thinks in her mind, “This time, I'm going to keep my promises and start living up to what I did.” Mai asks Destiny, “Okay, I'm ready! Bring whatever you got.”
Destiny nods her head and replies, “As you wish.” Destiny tells everyone else, “Now, I want everyone else, but Mai to please walk around ten feet from the two of us.”
Sailor Venus asks, curiously, “Why is that?”
Sailor Mars tells Sailor Venus, “Best that we don't argue.” The rest of our group of heroes and heroines get some distance from Mai and Destiny and when they are away, Destiny chants out some kind of ancient spell and a huge mist covers the field. Soon after, a female figure appears in the mist.
Destiny tells Mai, “Now, Mai, meet your opponent for this duel.” The female figure walks out of the mist and much to everyone's shock, especially Mai's, it was `copy' of Mai Valentine, but this `copy' was different, her duel disk was the same one that Mai used when she was under the `employ' of Dartz and the Orichalcos.
The `copy' of Mai says, in a dark tone, “What's the matter sugah? Why are you surprised to see your `true self'?”
Mai asks Destiny, in a bit of annoyed tone, “What is this?”
Destiny tells Mai, “This `copy' of you is the very representation of the darkness in your heart and if you lose this duel against your `dark twin', your soul will be lost forever. Are you up for the challenge? This is no shame in backing down.”
Mai says, in a determined tone, “I've never back down from anything in my life! Bring it on!”
The `dark Mai' says, in an evil taunting tone, “Never back down from anything in your life! That's a laugh!”
Mai activates her duel disk and tells her evil twin, “Are you going to duel or talk?”
The `Dark Mai' replies, in a dark tone, “Now, you are talking my language!” The `Dark Mai' then activates her Chaos Duel Disk and both duel disks register 8000 life-points each as the two duelists draw their first five cards.
The two Mai Valentines say in unison, “Let's duel!”
Starting Scores:
Mai: 8000
Evil Mai: 8000
Tea asks, worriedly, “You know, I have just thought of something. If Mai's `dark side' has the same duel disk that she had when she was under the Orichalcos' control, do you think that this `Dark Mai' could have . . .?”
Joey realizing what Tea is saying, says, “Oh boy. This is definitely one duel that Mai really has to put her best game on.”
The evil Mai Valentine or `Dark Mai' says, “I will go first, little girl!” The `real' Mai Valentine growls in annoyance as her `dark half' puts one card in her duel disk's spell/trap slots and then a card on her duel disk, declaring, “Now, I place one card face-down and summon Cyber Harpie in attack mode to end my turn!” In front of the hologram of the face-down card, Cyber Harpie (1800/1300) appears on the field in attack mode. Dark Mai says, in a dark taunting tone, “Look familiar, hon?”
Mai draws one card from her deck and says, nastily, “Are you going to duel or to talk?” Mai looks at her hand, puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and shouts out, “Now, I play my Graceful Charity! This spell card allows me to draw three cards from my deck and discard two from my hand.” Mai draws three cards from her deck and then sends two cards in her hand to graveyard. Mai puts another card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play Ties of the Brethren! At a cost of 1000 life-points, I can summon two level four monsters from my deck to the field!” As Mai's life-points dropped by 1000, Mai draws two cards from her deck, puts them on her duel disk, and calls out, “Now, I summon my own Cyber Harpie and Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon in attack mode!” In front of Mai, Cyber Harpie (1800/1300) and Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon (1200/600) appear on the field in attack mode.
Dark Mai laughs at Mai's two monsters and exclaims, pointing at the baby version of Harpie's Pet Dragon, “Ha! What's that pathetic monster going to do?! You are becoming weak like that wimp Wheeler with those `baby monsters'!”
Mai gives a slight grin and says, “Sorry, hon, but you underestimate my monster and it is going to cost you.” Mai puts another card in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk and calls out, “Now, I play Silent Doom! This card allows me to summon one monster from my graveyard in defense mode! Now, meet my dragon's mother! Harpie's Pet Dragon!” In a stream of lights, Harpie's Pet Dragon (2000/2500) appears on the field in defense mode. Mai says, with a smirk, “Confused? Well, I sent my Harpie's Pet Dragon to the graveyard thanks to my Graceful Charity spell card. Plus, thanks to the two Cyber Harpie's on the field, my dragon gains 600 extra attack points!” Mai's Harpie's Pet Dragon's stats increase from 2000/2500 to 2600/2500! Mai then shouts out, “Now, I play my Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon's special effect!”
Dark Mai exclaims, stunned, “What?!”
Mai calls out, “You heard me, girl! My Baby Pet Dragon's special ability varies based on the number of monsters on my side of the field with the word `Harpie' in the card's name expect for my Baby Pet Dragon. And since I've got Cyber Harpie and Harpie's Pet Dragon, my `pathetic monster' attack and defense points are doubled!” Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon stats then double from 1200/600 to 2400/1200!
Dark Mai shouts out, in totally surprise, “This can't be!”
Mai then commands, “Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon, destroy her monster with Baby Flare Flash!” Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon fires a burst of flame energy from its small mouth and destroys Dark Mai's Cyber Harpie, costing her 600 life-points. Mai exclaims, in a strong tone, “Now, Cyber Harpie, attack her life-points directly!” Mai's Cyber Harpie attacks Dark Mai, who holds up her hands in defense as 1800 of her life-points are taken. Mai puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and declares, “Now, I end my turn with two face-downs!”
Current Score:
Mai: 8000
Evil Mai: 5600
Dark Mai draws one card from her deck and says, with an angered growl, “You will pay for that.” When Dark Mai looks at the card, she gains a wide grin across her lips.
Mai says, in a sarcastic tone, “I missed the joke.”
Dark Mai says, in a dark taunting tone, “You are the joke, hon. You think that you can just forget about what happened and be `goody-goody', again? Wrong! You're dark and your life will be always live in the darkness! And this card is going to prove it!”
Mai gasp and exclaims, “Don't tell me that you drew . . .!”
Dark Mai shows the card, displaying the Seal of Orichalcos, and calls out, “Yes, the Seal of Orichalcos!” Dark Mai puts the Seal of Orichalcos card in the field spell slot of her duel disk, the ominous green glow engulfs her, and the Seal of Orichalcos appears on the `dueling field' that Mai and her evil counterpart are standing on. Dark Mai's forehead gains the mark of the Orichalcos on her forehead and blood red eyes.
As they continued to watch, Donald exclaims, stunned, “What in the world is that?!”
Yami replies, in a serious tone, “Trouble. That card contains an evil force of darkness and if Mai loses this duel, she is lost to us forever.”
Joey yells at Destiny, angrily, “Hey! What are you trying to pull?! Mai doesn't deserve this!”
Destiny tells Joey, “This is her test. The `evil doppelganger' is the very representation of the darkness within her and if she wins, the darkness within her heart will be conquered. She knew what the risk of taking on this duel is and she accept with all of her heart. Mai truly desires to be forgiven and she will do whatever it takes to make up for what happened. However, the road to forgiveness includes forgiving yourself and conquering the demons within your own heart.”
Yami thinks in his mind, “I hope Mai has the strength to conquer the darkness within her heart.”
Back to the duel, Dark Mai puts a card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play Premature Burial! This card allows me to summon one monster from my graveyard at a cost of 800 life-points! And I choose my Cyber Harpie!” Cyber Harpie (1800/1300) reappears on the field in attack mode and Dark Mai's life-points drop by 800! Dark Mai then declares, “Now, the Seal of Orichalcos gives my Harpie a 500 attack point boost!” Dark Mai's Cyber Harpie gains the red tint in its eyes, the mark of the Orichalcos on its forehead, and its stats increase from 1800/1300 to 2300/1300! Dark Mai puts another card in the spell/trap slots and she calls out, “Now, I play my Elegant Egoist! This card allows me to turn one Cyber Harpie into three to form the Harpie Lady Sisters!” In a bright light, the one Cyber Harpie turns into three Harpie Lady Sisters, each monster with 2300/1300 stats! Dark Mai puts another card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation! This card allows me to destroy a number of your monsters based on the number of Harpies I have on the field!”
Mai roars out, angrily, “I know how that damn card works! Plus, I lose life-points based the combined attack points from my monsters!”
Dark Mai says, with an evil grin, “Good!” Dark Mai then commands, “Now, say goodbye to all of your monsters, you amateur!” The three Harpies turn into a blue phoenix and rush at Mai's monsters and destroy them.
Mai calls out, “We'll see who the rookie here is, you fake! I play my trap! Damage Polarizer!” Mai's face-down card is revealed to be the Damage Polarizer trap card and a field protects Mai from the blue phoenix.
Dark Mai shouts out, stunned, “What?!”
Mai replies, with a loud yell, “You heard me! This trap protects me from all damage from a card effect! So, you may have destroyed my monsters, but my life-points are safe!” The three Harpies then return to Dark Mai's side of the field and Mai says, “Plus, both of us draw one card from our decks!” Mai and Dark Mai draw one card from their decks.
Dark Mai says, in a nasty tone, “You may have escaped for now, but your life-points are still exposed! However, I can't attack thanks to the effect of my spell card!” Dark Mai puts one card in the spell/trap slots and states, “I place one card face-down and end my turn!”
Current Score:
Mai: 8000
Dark Mai: 4800
Mai draws one card from her deck and says, “My move!” When Mai looks at her hand, she thinks in her mind, “Damn! There isn't anything in my hand I can summon that can stop those Harpies of hers! I still can't believe my best monsters are being used against me! For now, I've got to strengthen my defenses! And if I know `her', one of those face-down cards has got to be a certain trap card. However, I've got to risk it!” Mai puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I place one card face-down . . .” Mai then puts another card in the spell/trap slot and calls out, “Now, I play a card that Joey is famous for! Scapegoats! This spell card summons four sheep tokens to my side of the field in defense mode to defend my life-points!” Soon after, four Sheep Tokens (0/0) appear on Mai's side of field in defense mode.
Dark Mai exclaims, in an evil laugh, “Ha! You are becoming as weak as Wheeler, hon! Reveal face-down card! Nightmare Tri-Mirror!” Dark Mai's face-down is revealed to be the Nightmare Tri-Mirror trap card.
Mai thinks in her mind, seriously, “I knew it!”
Dark Mai tells Mai, “As you well know, this trap takes your four tokens' reflections and turns them into four new Cyber Harpies for me!” Soon after, four more new Cyber Harpies (1800/1300-2300/1300) appears on the field in attack mode.
Mai says, with a growl, “I end my turn.”
Dark Mai says, in a nasty tone as she draws one card from her deck, “That's what I thought!” Dark Mai shouts out, “And now, I sacrifice two of my Harpies . . . !!” Two of Dark Mai's Cyber Harpies vanish from the field as Dark Mai puts a card on her duel disk and she calls out, “. . . To summon Harpie's Pet Dragon in attack mode!” Besides the other five Cyber Harpies, Harpie's Pet Dragon (2000/2500) appears on the field in attack mode. Dark Mai exclaims, in a dark tone, “Thanks to the Seal of Orichalcos, it gains 500 more attack points and gains 300 attack points for every Harpie on the field!” Harpie's Pet Dragon gets possessed by the Orichalcos and its stats increase from 2000/2500 to 4000/2500!
Yami says, shocked, “Now, it has four thousand attack points.”
Tea says, worriedly, “This isn't looking good for Mai.”
Dark Mai calls out, nastily, “Now, my Harpies, destroy my weak side's little sheep right now!” Four of the Cyber Harpies attack Mai's Scapegoat Tokens and destroys all four of them with ease. Dark Mai then commands, “Now, Cyber Harpie, attack her directly!” Dark Mai's final Cyber Harpie attacks Mai's directly and she screams out as she is hit as well as 2300 life-points. Dark Mai shouts out, in a dark tone, “Now, Harpie's Pet Dragon, attack her directly!”
Mai shouts out, “Not so fast, hon! I play my trap! Draining Shield!” Mai's face-down card is revealed to be the Draining Shield trap card and Mai declares, “My trap will negate your dragon's attack and add his attack points to my life-points! Sorry, sweetie, but this duel is far from over!”
Dark Mai says, with an evil grin, “Not this time! I reveal my trap! Trap Jammer!” Dark Mai's face-down card is to be revealed to be the Trap Jammer trap card.
Mai exclaims, shocked, “Oh no!”
Dark Mai calls out, nastily, “No damn kidding! My counter trap will negate the effect of your Draining Shield and leave you wide open!” Mai's trap card was negated and she screams as she is hit by Harpie's Pet Dragon's attack causing her to fall to her knees as she loses 4000 more life-points.
As they witness this duel continue Sora One exclaims, “This is terrible! We have to do something.”
Riku tells Sora One, “Sora, I don't like it as much as you do, but we have to let her fight this battle.”
Sailor Star asks Riku, “Why?”
Riku says, in a serious tone, “She needs to do what I had to do to conquer the darkness within myself. And I had to face similar dangers that she is now. I don't understand too much of it, but I understand that this is a lot what I went through with Xehanort's Heartless within me. We have to allow her to battle her darkness by herself.” Sailor Star and Sora One nod their heads in understanding, but they aren't sure of this decision.
Back at the duel, Mai manages to get to her feet and Dark Mai asks, nastily, “Had enough, hon? Or are you a sucker for more punishment?”
Mai groans out, “We'll see who is the `sucker' around here, girl. I reveal my trap! Numerous Healer!” Mai's other face-down card is revealed to be the Numerous Healer trap card. Mai says, “Whenever you damage my life-points by a monster attack, I can increase my life-points by 1000!” Mai's life-points then increase up by 1000 points.
Dark Mai tells Mai, nastily, “Like that's going to do you any good.” Dark Mai then motions for the end of her turn.
Current Score:
Mai: 2700
Dark Mai: 4800
Mai draws one card from her deck, puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and states, seriously, “Now, I play my Pot of Greed! This card allows me to draw two more cards from my deck and put them into my hand!” Mai draws two more cards from her deck into her hand, puts another card into the spell/trap slots, and declares, “Now, I play my Swords of Revealing Light! This card prevents your monsters from attacking me for three turns!” Swords made of light surround Dark Mai and her monsters.
Dark Mai says, in a taunting tone, “A lot good that this will do you.”
Mai puts another card into the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play Awakening from Beyond! This card allows you to draw two cards from your deck and I get to take one monster card from my graveyard and put it back into my hand!” Dark Mai draws two cards from her deck and Mai takes one monster card from her graveyard. Mai puts the card on her duel disk and exclaims, “I summon my Cyber Harpie in defense mode!” Cyber Harpie (1800/1300) appears on the field in defense mode and states, putting one card in the spell/trap slots, “I place one card face-down and end my turn!”
Dark Mai draws one card from her deck and says, putting one card in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk, “I activate Spell Reproduction! By discarding two spell cards from my hand, I bring one back from my graveyard!” Dark Mai discards two spell cards from her hand, takes one card from her graveyard, and puts the card in her spell/trap slots. Dark Mai shouts out, “Now, time to destroy you with some phoenix action! I play Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation! Say goodbye to your only monster!” Dark Mai's Harpies get engulfed in blue flames that turn into a phoenix form and that `phoenix' sends out energy that destroys Mai's only monster as well as slamming into her causing her to scream out as she loses 1800 life-points. Mai then falls to her knees, smoking.
Tea shouts out, worriedly, “Oh no! Mai!” Joey's right hand turns into a fist as his rage starts to build at seeing this happen to Mai.
Dark Mai says, in a nasty tone, “Ha! I knew it all along! You are nothing! You think that you can just go back to `Miss Goody Two-shoes', sweetie?! Wrong! You just don't want to admit it! Admit that Marik's dark side is right about you! You are just as dark as Marik said that you are! You are nothing without the darkness! You are just like the weirdo that sent you into the Shadow Realm in the first place!”
Mai groans out, “You're wrong . . .”
Dark Mai tells Mai, nastily, “Nice try, hon, but you know that it is true! You are nothing without the powers of darkness! You never deserve the light! You never deserved friends! I mean . . . you betrayed the very friends that you had and sent one of their souls into the darkness! You are the darkness and never deserved to have any light in your life!”
Mai thinks in her mind, starting to doubt herself, “Maybe . . . Maybe she's right . . . I did betray my friends . . . and I was never any good when I dueled without the powers of darkness . . . and I'm no good to anyone . . . I've betrayed the only friends that I ever made . . . Yugi . . . Tea . . . Joey . . . I should give up . . .” Mai starts to move her hand over her deck, showing that she is about to surrender.
Joey then yells at Mai, in a strong tone, “Don't you dare surrender, Mai!” When Mai looks at Joey, he yells at her, strongly, “If you surrender now, you are giving up on yourself and your friends! Do you want to prove that I was right all along Mai?! If you want to prove that you really want to be forgiven from what happened, then you will get on your feet and win this duel! Or are you truly weak?!”
Mai secretly smiles and thinks in her mind, “Joey . . .” Mai then gets a serious look on her face and exclaims, in a serious tone, “No one calls Mai Valentine weak and gets away with it, Joey! I wasn't going to surrender to this `carbon copy' of me . . . I was thinking how to kick her butt! And that's a promise, hon!”
Dark Mai says, in a dark sarcastic tone, “Give me your best shot!”
Current Score:
Mai: 900
Dark Mai: 4800
Mai draws one card from her deck, puts the card in the spell/trap slots, and exclaims, “Now, I play my Card of Sanctity! The two of us now draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Both duelists draw from their decks until they have six cards in their hands, Mai puts another card in the spell/trap slots, and Mai shouts out, “Now, I play my Feather of a Phoenix! This card allows me to transfer any card from my graveyard back to my hand as long as I discard one card from my hand!” Mai discards one card from her hand and gets one card back from the graveyard. Mai puts the card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “The card I choose is Pot of Greed! Now, I draw two more cards from my deck!” Mai draws two more cards from her deck and gasps when she sees one of them.
When Mai looks at Sailor Sun, she smiles, nods her head, and thinks, “Go ahead, Mai! Show her how dueling is really done!”
Mai gives a slight smile of her own and declares, “You think that my dueling deck is the same as before?! Wrong, kid-o! I've made a few `improvements' since I've last dueled! Like this for example! I remove one Dark and one Light monster from play in order to summon this card!” Mai removes Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700) and Guardian Angel Joan (2800/2000) from her graveyard, Mai puts the card on her duel disk, and declares, “Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning!” Everyone gasps, expect for Sailor Sun, when they hear Mai call out those words. In front of Mai, Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning (3000/2500) appears on the field in attack mode.
Solar Moon tells Sailor Sun, “Wait a minute! That's your card isn't it?!”
Sailor Sun replies, with a smile, “Yep, that's my rarest and most cherished card. I gave it to Mai to show my support.”
Matt tells Sailor Sun, “Well, I hope that it helps her.”
Sailor Sun says, with a smile and confidences in her voice, “Oh, it will, Matt. Just watch, big boy.”
Mai puts a card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play my Monster Reborn to bring back my Harpie's Pet Dragon!” Mai's Harpie's Pet Dragon (2000/2500) reappears on the field in attack mode and its strength increases to 3500/2500, thanks to its special ability. Mai puts another card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “But she won't be around for long, hon! I play my Mystic Wok card and I sacrifice my dragon to activate it! Now, its attack points are added to my life-points!” Mai's dragon is sent back to the graveyard and Mai's life-points increase by 3500.
Tea asks, perplexed, “What did she do that?”
Yami says, in his usual tone, “She has some kind of plan.”
Mai states, as she puts another card in the spell/trap slots, “Why did I do that?! So, I can activate this! Dimension Fusion! Now, for the price of 2000 of my life-points, we can summon all monsters removed from play! So, the Dark Magician Girl and Guardian Angel Joan that I removed from my graveyard are summoned to the field!” Mai's life-points drop by 2000 and Dark Magician Girl (2000/1700) and Guardian Angel Joan (2800/2000) come back to the field in attack mode.
Dark Mai says, unimpressed, “Ha! So, what? You may three good monsters on the field, but they won't stop me!”
Mai shouts out, as she puts, yet, another card in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk, “You think, hon?! Well, you are going to be wrong when I play this! Another Feather of a Phoenix card! Now, I discard one card to bring another back!” Mai discards the last card in her hand and takes back one card from her graveyard, which she plays immediately, and calling out, “I bring back Card of Sanctity, but since you already have six cards, I'm the only one drawing new cards, this time!” Mai draws six cards into her hand and shouts out, “Now, I play my Black Luster Soldier's special effect! By sacrificing his ability to attack, this turn, I can remove one monster from play! And I choose your Harpie's Pet Dragon!”
Dark Mai shouts out, “Oh no!” Black Luster Soldier-Envoy of the Beginning then gives one swipes of his sword and Dark Mai's dragon is gone. Dark Mai roars out, angrily, “You will pay for that! Just you wait!”
Mai tells Dark Mai, with a sly tone, “Sorry, girlfriend, but this duel is already over.”
Dark Mai says, annoyed, “You're lying!”
Mai tells Dark Mai, “Well, hon, allow my cards to do the talking for me.” Mai puts one card in the spell/trap slots and shouts out, “Now, I play my Magic Formula! This gives Dark Magician Girl 700 extra attack points!” Dark Magician Girl's stats then rise from 2000/1700 to 2700/1700! Mai puts one more card in the spell/trap slots of her duel disk and calls out, “Now, I play my final card! Diffusion Wave Motion! By sacrificing 1000 life-points, my Dark Magician Girl can take out all of your Harpies and leave you wide open to attack!”
Yami says, with a smile, “Yes! This is what she needs to end this duel!”
Mai's life-points drop by 1000 and she commands, “Now, Dark Magician Girl, show this fake who's the real duelist around here! Dark Burning Attack!” Dark Magician Girl fires a wave of magician energy that destroys all of Dark Mai's Harpies and costing 2000 life-points in one attack.
Dark Mai calls out, in disbelief, “This can't be happening! I had you!”
Mai exclaims, in a serious tone, “Maybe this will teach you that there is only one Mai Valentine and I don't lose to some carbon copy! Now, Guardian Angel Joan, finish her off with Guardian Light Beam!” Guardian Angel Joan fires its attack at Dark Mai directly and she screams out as she is hit as well as losing the rest of her life-points.
Final Score:
Mai: 1400
Dark Mai: 0
With the duel over, Dark Mai, the mark of the Orichalcos, and the final holograms fade from the field and Mai, exhausted from the duel, faints and collapses to the ground.
Joey calls out, shocked, “Mai!” Every one of our heroes and heroines goes over to the fallen duelist and Joey puts Mai into his arms as they watch the mark of the Orichalcos shatter from her forehead.
Tristan asks, perplexed, “What just happened?”
Yami replies, in a serious tone, “The taint of the Orichalcos is gone and Mai has conquered the darkness within her heart. Now, she is truly free.” Just then a bright light comes from Mai's forehead and the astrological sign of Leo appears on Mai's forehead.
Joey asks, confused, “Okay, what in the world? That isn't the mark of the Orichalcos, but what is it?”
Sailor Sun says, amazed, “That's a Sailor Senshi mark.”
The four friends look at Sailor Sun and Tea asks, perplexed, “Whoa! Wait! Mai is a Sailor Senshi.”
Destiny then says, “Indeed, she is. Mai is the reincarnation of Sailor Leo of the Zodiac Sailor Senshi, our Sun Princess guardians.”
Isis exclaims, “Yes, I should have known that she was Sailor Leo's reincarnation! Sailor Leo was one of the most independent Sailor Senshi known in the universe! Very strong in spirit and complex in nature! Her royal family didn't have much time for her and in a way, she grew up all alone! In which, she became a very tough warrior. Very commanding, very strong in physical strength and in spirit, and never `dominated' by anyone, man or woman. She is very tough and always wanted to prove that she was strong. In fact, she got into a few `scuffles' with Sailor Uranus back in the Silver Millennium. And she never back down from fight no matter what. It takes a lot to scare her as well.”
Joey says, in a serious tone, “Now, that sounds very familiar.”
Tristan nods his head in agreement and says, “No kidding.”
Isis says, “I did get a `strange feeling' from Mai, but I wasn't sure that she was a Senshi. Somehow, the taint of the Orichalcos that was still within her must have suppressed her Senshi powers, but now, I can feel a Sailor Senshi aura from her as plain as day.”
Luna asks Destiny, “You knew?”
Destiny nods her head and says, “Yes, I did know, Luna. Mai has the powers of one of the Princess Juniper's Sailor Senshi within her and she will be needed to aid to save all worlds. In order for Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper to stop all of the Heartless as well as the Dark Alliance, they will need all of their guardian Senshi with them and they are spread across the universes. However, she will need to accept her destiny before you start any journey. So, it is for the best that you rest and start tomorrow.”
Sailor Jupiter exclaims, “What about Serena, our princess, and their friends, Kari, Tai, and Agumon?!”
Destiny tells them, “I can't tell you much, but I can tell you that they are safe . . . for the moment. However, you can't rush into battle unprepared. It is for the best that you rest and plan. Farewell.” Destiny then fades away in one bright light and vanishes from sight.
Sailor Mars states, annoyed, “Wonderful. We can't just sit around while my best friend and their friends are stuck somewhere . . . out there!”
Sailor Pluto says, “However, Destiny is correct. We need to prepare for a long journey ahead of us and Mai Valentine is a reincarnated Sailor Senshi, but she needs to accept that destiny. So, we should allow her to rest before we inform her as her `status'.”
Sailor Aries asks, curiously, “What if she doesn't accept `her destiny'?”
Sailor Pluto says, plainly, “We shall come to that road when get to it.”
Joe tells Sailor Pluto, “Sailor Pluto, that saying doesn't usually work.”
Sailor Scorpio tells Joe, “Oh, Joe, don't be a worry wart.”
Sailor Sun says, “Okay, let's get some rest and we will head off tomorrow.” Sailor Sun asks Olette, “However, Olette, could you show us where the ships are?”
Olette smiles and says, “My pleasure! Come on!” Our heroes and heroines head off to where the ships are `docked' with Joey having Mai in his arms.
Joey thinks in his mind, with a smile on his lips, “Hey, Mai, you really did great out there! You really showed me that you've changed! Sorry that I harsh on you before! You proved yourself today and I know that we can try to make this `work out' a second time!”
(In an unknown area; on the meanwhile)
Tai, Agumon, and Seiya, Sailor Starfighter's civilian form, are walking down some kind of rocky pathway and looking around for any of their friends or family, in Tai's case. On the meanwhile, Seiya explained about where we came from, about his transformation, and his `connection' to the Sailor Senshi of Earth, including Sailor Moon.
Tai asks Seiya, “So, when you transform to Sailor Starfighter, you turn from a boy into a girl?” When Seiya nods his head in agreement, Tai says, amazed, “Talk about your gender switching.”
Agumon tells Tai, “No kidding, Tai.”
Seiya says, in an equally amazed tone, “However, I'm surprised to learn that odango has a brother and elder sister and they are two of your friends.”
Tai nods his head and says, “All of us were amazed, including Davis and Jun, but I knew that there was more to Davis than meets the eye. However, even I couldn't have imagined this. When I saw him in action as Solar Moon and Jun, as Sailor Sun, they were one powerful team and very amazing.”
Agumon says, “We saw how it runs in the family.”
Tai says, worriedly, “However, I'm not sure where any of my friends are and I'm very worried for my sister. She means a lot to mean and I can't stop thinking about her.”
Seiya states, “I think I know how you feel. I just hope that Serena is safe with her friends. I care for her a lot and I hope that she is okay.”
Just then a dark voice says, “Perhaps I can help.” The three of them whip around to the source of the voice to find two dark grey cloaked figures standing before them. One of the figure says, in a deep male voice that's eerie familiar, “Hold. We mean you no harm.”
Tai exclaims, in a demanding tone, “Who are you? What do you want?”
The other figure says, in a female voice, “We are nothing, but scholars in search of knowledge. However, we became trapped in the darkness, like yourselves. But we have found a way out and we have heard your plight. Please, if you wish it, we shall show you the way out of here and aid the three of you to find your friends.”
Seiya thinks in his mind, “I'm getting weird feelings from them, but they don't seem that bad. However, we can't let our guard down.” Seiya asks, curiously, “What do you want in return?”
The cloaked figure in the male voice replies, “Nothing material or anything of that sort. We would like a little help in our quest for knowledge, but you don't need to help if you want to.”
Agumon whispers to the two of them, “What do you think?”
Tai tells Agumon, “We don't have much choice, Agumon. Besides, I don't think that they are that dangerous . . . But don't keep your guard down.” When Tai and Agumon look at Seiya, he nods his head in agreement with them. Tai tells the two figures, “All right, you've got yourself a deal!”
The figure with the female voice says, “Thank you, very much. Please follow us.” The two figures head off in one direction with Tai, Agumon, and Seiya walking after them.
The cloaked figure with the male voice thinks, evilly, “Excellent! These two will become the perfect `vessels' for our plans! Once we prey on their greatest weakness, their feelings for those that they care about most, they will become our warriors and the power of Kingdom Hearts will be ours!” As the five of them walk away, Tai, Agumon, and Seiya didn't have a clue what they were being pulled into . . .
Next time in Chapter 5: Miraculous Destiny's First Challenge: In the aftermath of her duel, Mai recovers and she is told about her `hidden past'. Like Davis and Jun, Mai didn't take it so well . . . at first. However, our Digidestined of Destiny and taiyou-no-hime convinces Mai to join the Zodiac Sailor Senshi team and it looks like our heroes and heroines are increasing in strength. Next, after our heroes and heroines get plenty of supplies and weapons for their journey, they get a powerful trans-dimensional ship for their journey, but only one gate is open currently. Leaving Olette back in Starlight Station, our team of heroes and heroines arrives in their first new `world', which proves to be an alternate Earth. Arriving on the alternate Earth, our gang meets alternate versions of Cloud, Tifa, Cid, and Yuffie that our Keyblade Master, Sora, Donald, and Goofy knew on their two journeys across the Disney Worlds. However, they are also met by one incredible surprise. The power of the Lifestream, a great force of life that surrounds this planet Earth, infused energy into the spirit of Queen Serenity and revived her! That's right, folks! The former queen of the Moon Kingdom has reborn and lives, once more! The revived Queen Serenity is reunited with her children and their friends, much to the amazement of even Sailor Pluto. But the joy was short lived when Sephiroth and his `remnants', Loz, Yahoo, and Kadaj, arrives for a fight with a hoards of Heartless looking for the heart of this universe and looking for the last of Cetra, Aerith, who was also revived by the Lifestream and is also one of the seven princess of this multi-verse's doorway to Kingdom Hearts. While the rest of our heroes and heroines search for the heart of this universe, Aerith, and try to fend off the Heartless hoards, Sephiroth's challenges, not Cloud, as you might think, but Davis and Jun to a two-on-one duel! After witnessing their first great battle with Queen Beryl, Sephiroth wishes to fight and test the limits of Queen Serenity's son and elder daughter. Not one to back down from a fight, Davis and Jun accept Sephiroth's challenge and transform to Eternal Solar Moon and Eternal Sailor Sun. However, the two of them might have gotten into a fight that's way over their heads, when Sephiroth proves to match both of them move for move which his greater dark powers. On the meanwhile, the rest of our heroes and heroines are in a race against time as they try to find Aerith, who is indeed revived and on the run from Sephiroth's army of Heartless and `remnants', and the Keyhole, but the appearance of a brand new Solar Senshi might tip the balance in our heroes' and heroines' favor and this Solar Senshi is well-known by our guardian of the Gates of Time. Who is this mysterious new Solar Senshi? Can our heroes and heroines prevent Aerith's capture and this universe from being destroyed? And can our bearers of Miracles and Destiny defeat one of the greatest villains in all of existence? Hopefully, we will find out the answers on the next DigiSenshi Hearts!
Well, here is the next brand new chapter of my newest story! Anyway, what did you think of the Sora/Kairi and Mina/Riku romantic `parts' that I put in this chapter? And anyway, along with the romances that already up, there is going to be a Mai/Joey romance in this story as well. Plus, I will try my best to put in some Digimon romances in this story as well. I would to thank all of you who reviewed my story, thus far, and plus, your `ideas' for my story have been very inspiring. Don't worry, like the Kingdom Hearts games, expect some `transformations', in `forms' and `costumes', in a few of the worlds that our heroes and heroines will visit. Now, please read and review, I hope that I hear from all of you, and I will catch you on the `flip side', Crossover Fans! Remember to please keep sending those reviews! Later!