Crossover Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts ❯ Shifting into Turbo ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well, it is the same old story with this fanfiction: I would like to thank all of you that reviewed my story, thus far, and given me such positive support for it. Once again, it is your reviews that inspire me to keep going and make sure that this fanfiction is to your liking. I'm glad plenty of you liked the surprises in this story and there are plenty more to come. Now, before I start this newest chapter, I would like to give credit to SSJ4Takeru/Kanius the V and this author's story of YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Wrath of Pharaohmon for the idea of the Ninja Sailor Senshi used in this chapter, through my version will be different from this author's version. Plus, I would like to give credit to Io14 and this author's story of Sailormoon Moon for the idea of the fiber-optic devices used or will be used by the Senshi throughout this whole story. Ready for some more Keyblade and evil crushing action?! I thought so! Time to rock and roll! Disclaimer: Once again, I DO NOT own Kingdom Hearts, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, any of the other stories, or anything/anyone else that comes from the other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Warning: This chapter will contain intense violence, blood, possible gore, death, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, and X-rated adult themes/situations!
Kingdom Hearts III: DigiSenshi Hearts
(Kingdom Hearts theme song `Simple and Clean' and Kingdom Hearts II theme song `Sanctuary' plays)
(Digimon 02 and Sailor Moon complete theme songs plays)
Recap: During their first evening in Starlight Station, Sora, our Keyblade Master, and Kairi completely admit their feelings to each other and those feelings lead into a passionate night. On the meanwhile, in an alternate Earth, we find that Queen Serenity managed to escape the conquest of her reality by the forces of darkness and found herself in another `after-life' in something called the Lifestream. Meeting Aerith Gainesboro, the last of the Cetra, there, Queen Serenity tries to an assess the `situation', but before she can, our former Moon Queen witness Aerith being taken by the forces of darkness and then she is revived by a mysterious force as well. Back at Starlight Station, somehow, our Moon Prince and Earth Prince find themselves in Starlight Station where they find Princess Serenity and Kari Kamiya waiting for them, but Kari had a surprise from them. Kari is the reincarnation of the Galaxy Princess, Princess Hikari of the Galaxy Kingdom, and Davis' soulmate back in the Silver Millennium. The two of them, Princess Serenity and Princess Hikari, told them that they are all right as long as our two princes are alive, even through they didn't reveal where they are. The next day, Jun, our taiyou-no-hime, looks and find Mai Valentine, who has been told about her `heritage' and let's just say that she isn't thrilled about it to say the least. However, after a good talking to, Jun convinces Mai to join the Zodiac Sailor Senshi and Jun's Sailor Senshi team has just gained a new member. Soon after, leaving Olette behind, our heroes and heroines talk an interdimensional spaceship into another reality to start their journey against Maleficent and the Dark Alliance and stop their plans to open the door to Kingdom Hearts. They arrived in the alternate Earth where Queen Serenity has been revived in, where she was picked up by native of that Earth known as Tifa, and they find that there are alternate versions of Sora's, Donald's, and Goofy's friends when they meet hyperactive ninja named Yuffie, who is very much similar to the Yuffie back at Sora's home in the Disney realms. When Yuffie tells them about Queen Serenity being revived, our Digidestined of Miracles and Destiny race off to find her and later, with Yuffie's friends of Cloud and Tifa, they are in reunited with her in a tearful reunion. After the other heroes and heroines reunite with the former Moon Queen, they find out about how the mysterious force used the Lifestream to revive her and they find out about how Aerith is the Princess of Heart for this reality. But before they could go out on a search, they are attacked by Sephiroth and his `remnants' along with a whole army of Heartless. While Solar Moon and Sailor Sun tackled Sephiroth, the rest of our heroes and heroines battled his minions. During the following battle that follows, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, and Sailor Jupiter turn from Super Sailor Senshi into Eternal Sailor Senshi and allowing them to take out Loz, Yahoo, and Kadaj, who are Sephiroth's `remnants'. But then Sephiroth manages to beat Solar Moon and Sailor Sun to the ground and even when a new Solar Senshi, Solar Pluto, comes in to help, it takes the powers of our Digidestined of Miracles and Destiny to beat down Sephiroth . . . at least for now. In the aftermath of the battle, our Keyblade warriors seal up the keyhole for Cloud's and his friends' world, but they have learned that Aerith has already been taken by the Dark Alliance. And now, our group of heroes and heroines, joined by the newest Solar Senshi and our revived Moon Queen, in their journey to stop evil and find their lost friends. What new adventures hold for our heroes and heroines? And what new worlds that they are going to discover? Well, we are going to find out on today's DigiSenshi Hearts!
Chapter 6: Shifting into Turbo
(Returning to Starlight Station; Around one day later)
Back in the streets of Starlight Station, we find all of our heroes and heroines, joined by our revived Moon Queen and newest Solar Senshi, Solar Pluto, called in his civilian form as Chrono, walking down the streets and talking about all ranges of things with each other from current living to plans to find Serena, Tai, Kari, and Agumon.
However, Rei asks her twin sister, Carrie, “So, Carrie, when did you find out about me?”
Carrie replies, “When I was about your age of fourteen years old is when I found that picture of you, Rei. I just couldn't believe that my . . . our father separated the two of us when we were born and then he didn't even give me the chance to find out about you, much less go with you to the Shinto shrine of our grandfather when mom died. I moved to America with my father during his diplomatic missions at the same time that you were left at the temple. I never knew that I wasn't an only child until that day. However, every time I tried to find out about you, my father would yell at me and tells me not to even of thinking of visiting you.”
Melody then says, “That's where our little feline and canine friends came in. Isis and Dimitri had already awakened Raven, Jane, and me, but we needed one more, the twin sister of Sailor Mars during the Silver Millennium. Soon enough, we found out about `Carrie Hino', daughter of the Japanese statesman, and we already knew about Sailor Mars being Rei Hino and that made us think that if Sailor Mars had a twin sister in this life, is she the same sister from her past life? Well, we confronted her and we found out that we were correct when she used her henshin wand for the first time. Mind you, she was pretty shocked.”
Raven says, in her plain tone, “To say the least.”
Carrie then states, “When I became Sailor Vesta for the first time, I just didn't know what to think. Soon after, they told me that my sister was a Sailor Senshi, too, by the name of Sailor Mars. I heard rumors of the mysterious Sailor Senshi from Japan because I think this was the time I was around fifteen years old and you and your friends were making `celebrity statuses'. Plus, when Isis and Dimitri told me of my `past life' as twin sister to the Princess of Mars, I wasn't sure what to think. However, what I did know that this was my chance to find out about my sister, one day, so, I decided to become part of the Asteroid Sailor Senshi team. Next, I kind of `ran away' from home, but in actual truth, I secretly left home and with Raven's help, I managed to get my dad charged with child abuse and get him off `scott-free' by giving up guardianship to Jane's parents.”
Rei asks, surprised, “How did you do that? How come it wasn't in the news?”
Raven replies, with a sly grin and her plain tone, “One, I know some `people', including some of the best lawyers in the United States. And two, we made an agreement with Carrie's and your `daddy' by allowing him to keep his reputation as a `great statesman' by agreeing to set Carrie free to Jane's parents, thus allowing her to visit her twin sister one day.”
Melody says, in a serious tone, “However, at the time, we couldn't aid in your battle because we were fighting some of our own in America. There was some kind of mysterious organization that was using some kind of `dark magic' that was very ancient and old and they were summoning very deadly demons in order to kidnap humans in order to suck them dry of their very life-energy, but they did it by inducing humans to see their worst fears and most `dark' or traumatic experiences in their lives. All they called themselves was simply `The Covenant'.”
Mina says, amazed, “Wow, they must have been nasty.”
Raven says, in her plain tone, “Nasty would be a nice word to describe them. They were among the vilest and horrible `monsters' even know and their demons were very tough, not because they were powerful. It was because they were very smart demons, as intelligent as any human being.”
Ami says, in her logical tone, “Demons as smart as humans? I would see how much trouble that they would bring.”
Jane says, rolling her eyes, “They gave us nothing, but headaches. It was a battle of wits and strength at times. However, we managed to gain the upper hand until they mysterious vanished around several days before Maleficent and her `goons' attacked you.”
Lita says, in a serious tone, “Something tells me that the rest of us are going to get a crack at your enemies as well.”
Hotaru looks at Queen Serenity and asks her, “Serenity-sama, do you think that Maleficent is responsible for the `disappearance' of the enemies of the Asteroid Sailor Senshi?”
Queen Serenity tells Hotaru, “I do believe so, young Princess of Saturn. If Maleficent have brought enemies that Serenity and her Senshi, including yourself, have faced in the past, then we can be assured that this `Covenant' is among them.”
Jun says, in a plain tone, “Sorry to sound so vulgar, mom, but we need this like a nail through our heads.”
Yolei tells Jun, “Took the words right out of my mouth, girl.”
Tea asks Yami, “Pharaoh, what is our next `plan of attack'?”
Yami sighs and says, in a plain tone, “I'm not sure, Tea. Our best bet for the moment is to try to protect the remaining Princesses and Princes of Heart through existence and hope that our journey will lead us to the headquarters of the Dark Alliance . . . and Yugi.”
Joey tells Yami, “Hey, Pharaoh, don't worry about it. You saved Yug' when his souls was trapped by the Orichalcos and you will do this time. Besides, when you do, you and Yugi will have separate bodies, now, so, you can lead your own lives.”
Yami's eyes widen at Joey's second remark and he thinks, “I didn't think of that. Maleficent separated me from Yugi and gave me my own body so she could get to Yugi. But when we save him, it might be possible that this `new body' of mine is permanent and now, I have a second life. There is also a possibility that this body disappears when we defeat Maleficent and the Dark Alliance, but it is also possible that it won't. I never thought of this until now. When this is over, Yugi and I can now lead separate lives and I have a second chance at life. But since Yugi and I have been sharing the same body, we have been sharing the title as `King of Games', the best duelist in our world. If we do get the chance to lead our own lives, what does that mean for our title because there can only be one `King of Games' and most of all, what does this mean for my journey to find my lost memories?”
Tea asks Yami, curiously, “Is there something on your mind, Yami?”
Yami snaps out of his `stupor' and replies, trying to sound as calm as possible, “No! I mean, no. I was just thinking about something.”
Tea doesn't take her eyes off of Yami and thinks in her mind, “The Pharaoh looks so deep in thought. I know that he is thinking about Yugi, but I think that he realizes that there is the possibility that when we save him, he and Yugi don't have to share a body anymore and they can lead separate lives.” Tea then sighs and thinks in her mind, “As well as my chance to tell the Pharaoh how I feel. Ever since he began sharing Yugi's body since he completed the Millennium Puzzle, I just can't stop thinking about him and all that he has done for Yugi, with Yugi, and our whole world. I knew that one day that he had to go to his final rest when he regained his ancient memories and completed his `mission' in our world, but this could be his chance for a second life . . . and my chance to share my life with him. But I'm too afraid to tell him because even if he gets to stay in our world for a second chance at life, what if he had a beloved in his `past life' as Pharaoh and he remembers her when he regains his ancient memories?”
On the meanwhile, Sora Two gives out a loud sigh and Mimi asks her, “Sora, what's wrong?”
Sora Two tells Mimi, in a solemn tone, “I'm just thinking about if we will find Kari, Agumon, Serena, and . . . Tai.”
Matt tells Sora Two, “Don't worry, Sora. Tai and our other friends have got to be out there somewhere.”
Sora One tells his new friends, in his usual cheerful tone, “Come on, guys! We'll find your friends and besides, since they are our new friends, we'll help you find them!”
Joe asks Sora One, “How can you be so cheerful?”
Sora One replies, “Well, Kairi and Riku were separated from me and all of us were reunited! And together we defeated Xemnas and Organization XIII! King Mickey's teacher, Master Yed Sid, taught Donald, Goofy, and me that even through we are separated physically, we are still `bound' together by `invisible ties' namely our hearts. So, no matter where we are, our friends are still with us.”
Davis tells Sora One, “You've got that right, Sora.”
Veemon nods his head and states, “Took the words right out of my mouth!”
Davis tells Veemon, in a sly tone, “Yeah, right, Veemon!”
Veemon yells at Davis, indignantly, “Hey!”
Renamon then says, “However, even through we, now, have the wisdom of your Lunarian mother, Jun, and the Time guardian's son, who is one of your brother's guardians, another of the Princesses of Hearts have been captured by Maleficent and the Dark Alliance, who might just as strong as ever through Queen Beryl and Sephiroth have been destroyed.”
Janet tells Jun, “Actually, Jun, we don't even come close to knowing their full power.”
Mai then states, in her usual serious tone, “So, simply, we are fighting partially blind and are losing ground against them, right?”
Raven says, in her plain tone, “Unfortunately, that's a pretty assessment of the situation.”
Sean then states, rolling his eyes and with an annoyed tone in his voice, “Way to keep a positive tone, everyone. That will raise everyone's spirits.”
Tristan says, nodding his head in agreement with Sean, “No kidding, dude.”
Goofy says, in his usual tone, “Gwarsh. Come on, everyone. We've got to cheer up. We did manage to stop the Heartless from destroying another world.”
Before anyone else could say a word, a familiar female voice shouts out, “Sora! Kairi! Donald! Goofy!” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Olette leading Taiki, Yaten, and Princess Kakyuu towards all of them.
Mina exclaims, shocked, “What are Taiki, Yaten, and Princess Kakyuu doing here?”
Sora Two asks, curiously, “Friends of yours?”
Ami explains in her logical tone, “They are Sailor Senshi from outside of our galaxy. They come from the planet Kinmoku in another star system and are known as the Sailor Starlights.”
Izzy asks Ami, “Whoa! Alien Sailor Senshi?!” When Ami nods her head, Izzy says, with a smile, “Prodigious.”
Davis looks at them and says, noticing Taiki and Yaten are guys, “Hold on! Two of them are guys! How can they can by Sailor Senshi when two of them are guys?!”
Lita tells Davis, “They are guys when they are in their civilian forms and when they are in their Sailor Senshi forms, they become girls.”
Sora Two's eyes widen and she says, amazed, “I've heard of gender switching, but that . . . whoa.”
Yolei nods her head in agreement and states, “You've got that right, Sora.”
Ami says, in her logical tone, “I believe that Taiki and Yaten and possibly all of the Sailor Starlights are genderless or neutral gender since they are Sailor Senshi from far from our home galaxy. Taiki is known as Sailor Starmaker, Yaten is Sailor Starhealer, Princess Kakyuu also has a Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Kakyuu, and Seiya, another member of the Sailor Starlights, is known as Sailor Starfighter.”
When the two groups came together, Kairi asks Olette, “Where did you find your new friends?”
Olette replies, “Just after all of you left to one of the alternate worlds, I had found them wandering the streets and this young lady, Kakyuu, asked me if I knew about a group known as the Sailor Senshi. When I told them about you, guys, they wanted me to take me to you, but I told you that you were in an alternate universe and they wanted to follow, but all three were pretty weak and I managed to get them a room at a Starlight Station hotel. When they woke up, I managed to spot your ship returning and told them about it. We came to find you and . . . here we are.”
Rei asks the three Sailor Starlights, “What are the three of you doing here? What happened to Seiya?”
Yaten points to the rest of our heroes and heroines and asks, in a cold and serious tone, “Should be discussing this with them here?”
Joey asks, in an insulted tone, “What's that supposed to mean?”
Tea tells Joey, “Chill out, Joey.”
Mina tells the three Sailor Starlights, “They're okay. They are with us. In fact, some of them are like us, if you get my meaning.”
Princess Kakyuu nods her head in understanding and tells our heroes, “Taiki, Seiya, Yaten, and I returned to our planet Kinmoku in order to rebuild our home and for two years, our world was at peace, once more, until just over one day ago, some mysterious black creatures appeared in our world. They came from the shadows and when they attacked our people, they seemly removed their hearts from their bodies, making their bodies vanish, and our peoples' hearts then get transformed into more of those creatures.”
Sora One, Riku, Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey yell out in unison, “The Heartless!”
Princess Kakyuu asks, curiously, “You know of them?”
Kairi tells Princess Kakyuu, “Hello, your majesty. My name is Kairi and my friends and I know of the Heartless because we fought them before. The Heartless, also known as `those without hearts' are creatures of pure darkness. What they do is strike to capture the hearts of living beings and increase their numbers. Whenever a person's heart is taken by a Heartless, if they have any darkness within them, they turn into a Heartless themselves while their bodies usually vanish unless the person has a very strong heart.”
Ami says, “Kairi and her friends come from an alternate dimension where they defeated the Heartless before. They are under the control of evil witch known as Maleficent, who has gathered villains from other worlds and realities into an alliance of evil known simply as the Dark Alliance, and they plan to use the Heartless to gather a set of individuals from all over other worlds, seven females and seven males with the purest hearts of them all, known as the Princesses and Princes of Heart, with two very special individuals, one boy and one girl, with the most pure hearts of them all, known as the Supreme Prince and Princess of Heart, in order to open the door to the center of all worlds known as Kingdom Hearts.”
Princess Kakyuu says, “I know of the legend of Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds. It is the place where the greatest powers of light and darkness reside. If any being with the great evil within their hearts and souls gets access to Kingdom Hearts, it is said that all worlds would be covered in endless night for many millennia and possibly for all of eternity. The only power in all of existence that can stop them are the Keyblades, the most powerful mystical weapons in all of existence said to bring peace or destruction to any world based on the welder, and the warriors that weld the Keyblades.”
Jun, Davis, Darien, Kairi, Riku, King Mickey, and Sora One summon their Keyblades to their hands and Jun asks, with a sly grin on her lips, “You mean one of these, your majesty?”
Princess Kakyuu says, pretty surprised, “That's them! The legendary Keyblades!”
Yaten states, in a sarcastic manner, “Princess, you don't mean the fate of our world is their hands, do you?”
Jun roars out, insulted, “Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! I'll let you know that I'm Sailor Moon's big sister!”
The three Starlight's eyes widen at Jun's remark and Taiki asks, with cold and logical tone, “When did Sailor Moon get an elder sibling?”
Ami tells Taiki, “Queen Serenity had more than one child and we learned that back in the Silver Millennium, Sailor Moon had a brother and a sister as well as the origin of Sailor Moon's father. Sailor Moon, as Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, had a twin brother and elder sister. Her elder sister was the princess of the Sun Kingdom, the `brother' kingdom to the Moon Kingdom, and Supreme Princess of the Golden Alliance, the alliance of the Sun Kingdom and the twelve kingdoms of Earth's Indo-European star constellations, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, and she was known as Princess Juniper Serenity Amun-Re called the taiyou-no-hime or Sun Princess. She is guarded by the twelve princesses from the Constellation Kingdoms known as the Sun Kingdom or more commonly known, the Zodiac Sailor Senshi. Sailor Moon's twin brother was the Supreme Prince of the Moon Kingdom and the Silver Alliance, the tsuki-no-ouji or Moon Prince, and he was guarded by the Princes of our guardian planets known as the Solar Senshi, our male counterparts to us, the Sailor Senshi of our Solar System.”
Princess Kakyuu states, in a plain tone, “I've heard of actual male Senshi, known as Solars, but I've never seen actual Solar Senshi before.”
Mina then points to our Digidestined of Miracles and Destiny and says, “Well, you are about to. These two are Jun Motomiya, the reincarnation of taiyou-no-hime, and Daisuke Motomiya, the reincarnation of the tsuki-no-ouji. Their Senshi forms are Eternal Sailor Sun and Eternal Solar Moon, Sailor Moon's male counterpart, and even through they are among the two of the newest additions to the `Senshi force', they started kicking major butt the first day. `Like sister, like brother', you've got to admit.” Davis holds up his Senshi morpher and Jun displays her transformation brooch in front of the three Starlights, amazing them.
Princess Kakyuu does a slight bow and says, “Well, it is an honor to meet the siblings of the Moon Princess. We are just surprise to learn that Sailor Moon have more `family members' on the planet Earth.”
Jun tells Princess Kakyuu, while motioning to newly formed Solar Senshi and Zodiac Sailor Senshi teams, “It is no problem, your majesty. Next, these are our Senshi teams. My brother's Solar Senshi, thus far, has Daniel AKA Solar Mercury, Ami's twin brother from the Silver Millennium, Sean AKA Solar Jupiter, Lita's twin brother from the Silver Millennium, and Chrono, one of the few survivors of the Silver Millennium because he is Sailor Pluto's . . . *cough* son. However, he is story for another time. My team, the Zodiac Sailor Senshi, consists of Sora Takenouchi, who is Sailor Aries, my team's Fire Senshi, my best friend, Janet, who is Sailor Aquarius, my team's counterpart to Sailor Mercury as an Ice Senshi, Mimi Takencuchi AKA Sailor Scorpio, Sailor Senshi of Nature and Plants, and finally, Mai Valentine, no nonsense, hard-core, unyielding, and quite the dresser, I've got to admit, and Sailor Leo, one of the most powerful members of my team. Get her mad and she will send you into next week.”
Princess Kakyuu does another bow and states, “It is an honor to meet all of you, fellow protectors of the universe.”
Mimi tells Princess Kakyuu, “Thanks. However, we don't much of a universe to protect since it is covered in darkness and all.”
Rei tells Mimi, sarcastically, “Thank you for bringing that point up, Mimi.”
Princess Kakyuu then looks at Queen Serenity and the four Asteroid Sailor Senshi and asks, curiously, “Who is this stunning woman that looks similar to the great Moon Queen that I've heard about?”
Davis tells Princess Kakyuu, “Actually, your majesty, this is our `first mother'. May I present Queen Isis Serenity, last ruler of the Moon Kingdom, wife of our dad, King Apollo, and my sisters' and my mom?”
The three Starlights gasp in shock and Taiki states, in a perplexed tone, “I thought that you told us that the Moon Queen was long gone from this world.”
Luna goes over to Yaten and tells him/her, “Yes, she was. But a mysterious force within one of the worlds that we already visited had revived her back to life, returning her body to her and reviving it among more things. With her are the four Sailor Scouts of the Asteroid Belt, Sailor Ceres, Sailor Scout of the Cycle of Life and Death, her civilian form is known as Raven, Sailor Juno, Sailor Scout of the Divine Lightning, her civilian form is known as Jane, Sailor Athene, Sailor Scout of the Divine Wisdom of Warriors and Winds, and finally, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Senshi of the Eternal Flames, and her civilian form is Carrie Hino, twin sister to Rei Hino, who you know as Sailor Mars.”
Princess Kakyuu bows, yet, again, but this time for Queen Serenity and she tells her, “It is an honor to meet the mother of Sailor Moon. Your daughter, as Sailor Moon, has saved my people and my planet for a great evil.”
Queen Serenity nods her head and says, “Which I have witness from the spirit world of our home reality, but the honor is really mine, Princess Kakyuu of Kinmoku.”
Ami asks Taiki, “What happened to Seiya, Taiki?”
The three Starlights lower their heads and Princess Kakyuu replies, “Unfortunately, when these `Heartless' attacked our home world of Kinmoku, we tried our best to defend our world, but we were losing until a huge black sphere appeared in the air and sucked all of into it. The next thing that we knew we were in this world and Seiya was missing from our group.”
Hotaru tells Princess Kakyuu, “Unfortunately, Kakyuu-sama, you aren't the only one missing friends.” Hotaru then quickly explains about what happened to Serena, Kari, and Tai when their universe was covered in darkness.
Yaten asks, pretty shocked, “Sailor Moon is missing?”
Jun nods her head and replies, “Yeah. We've tried looking for her and our other friends, here and in another world, but so far, we've had no luck.”
Yaten looks at the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi, especially Amara and Michelle, and says, sarcastically, “Some protectors of the Moon Princess you turned out to be.”
Amara roars out, angrily, “What was that?!”
Mimi says, in her usual tone, “I'm thinking that there isn't good history between all of you, here.”
Queen Serenity tells Mimi, “Unfortunately, Princess of the Scorpio Star Constellation, that would as you would call . . . an understatement. I've witness this `conflict' between my daughter's guardians and the guardians of Princess Kakyuu of Kinmoku from the spirit world. All of the Outer Sailor Senshi, minus the Princess of Saturn, considered the Sailor Starlights as invaders and one time, the Princess of Uranus attacked Sailor Starfighter during one time. Serenity, Hotaru, and the Inner Sailor Senshi are the only ones that `welcomed' them.”
Amara says, with a nasty tone in her voice, “If you are so great, then why are desperate for help to look for one of your own?”
Taiki tells Amara, in a cold tone, “At least, we didn't fail our princess unlike you . . . who proved less useful than the Earth Prince, who managed to find a way to keep her princess safe unlike you, who is supposed to be one of her guardians.”
Amara roars out, angrily, “You take that back!”
Rei thinks in her mind, annoyed, “Oh, great! Here we go again!”
Lita thinks in her mind, around the same time and just as annoyed as Rei, “When is Amara going to stop treating the Starlights like that?”
Yaten asks Amara, in a nasty sarcastic tone, “What are you doing to do about?”
Amara was preparing to bring out her henshin wand and transform when Jun roars out, in a strong tone, “All right! That's enough!” When everyone looks at Jun, they see that her sun sigil has appeared on her forehead and her expression has become one of commanding presence and strength. Jun then says, her voice sounding like Princess Juniper and her tone is commanding as any powerful leader, “Princess of Uranus, I am currently in command of the Sailor Senshi and I say to quit this nonsense right this instant!”
Matt then asks, perplexed, “What's wrong with Jun? She sounds kind of different.”
Joe says, in his usual tone, “Actually, her voice is exactly like her `alter ego's' voice, Princess Juniper.”
Trista tells Joe, “Which is exactly right, young warrior of Reliability. Right now, Jun's `alter ego', the part of her that's Princess Juniper, has taken over. Remember, at this time, Jun's soul is divided into two halves. One part is her `Earthling half' as Jun Motomiya and the other part is the taiyou-no-hime, Princess Juniper.”
Izzy asks Trista, “So, you are saying that Jun's personality as Princess Juniper is currently in control of their . . . her body?”
Queen Serenity nods her head and replies, “Indeed, young warrior of Knowledge. Right now, it is now the true personality of my daughter that is speaking to us.”
Sora Two says, with a sigh, “This is going take some time to get use to.”
Mimi tells Sora Two, “Tell me about it.”
Kairi thinks in her mind, “If I'm a reincarnated princess, maybe I have `another side' to me, but if that's true, why I can't hear this `other self' in my mind?”
However, a voice exactly likes Kairi's replies in her mind, “Or maybe you aren't listening hard enough, girl!” Kairi's eyes widen in shock when she hears the voice and her expression turns one into surprise.
Sora One asks Kairi, “Is something wrong Kairi?”
Kairi tells her boyfriend, in the calmest tone possible, “No, Sora. I'm just fine.”
Amara tells Jun, who's `alter ego', Princess Juniper, is in control, “But you don't understand! Their friend, Seiya also known as Sailor Starfighter, tried to take our princess away from her prince. That `wolf' is nothing, but trouble!”
Yaten says, in his sarcastic tone, “Look who's calling who a `troublemaker', Amara! You attacked us when your princess, Eternal Sailor Moon, was trying to negotiate an alliance with us and when our princess also tried to make peace and an alliance with your group, guess who drove us away, again? I'll give you a few guesses.”
Jun roars out at both Yaten and Amara, her voice still sounding like Princess Juniper and her royal command tone in her voice, “I said that's enough! Both of you!” Jun then roars at Amara, in a commanding tone, “I've told you before! I'm currently commanding the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi along with my own until my sister, Serenity, returns! And my command is that you don't take any provocative action against the Sailor Starlights and their Princess in any way unless it is defensive! If you do take any aggressive action against them, I will strip you of your powers faster than you can say Negaverse!”
Amara exclaims, shocked, “You can't do that?!”
Queen Serenity tells Amara, in a strict and serious tone, “Oh, but she can, Princess of Uranus. As a member of the Moon Kingdom royal family by blood, even through she is the taiyou-no-hime, she has the ability to take away your powers even through you are a Sailor Senshi of the Moon Kingdom. With my son and Serenity, they can do the same with them unless Juniper says otherwise and vice versa. And without Serenity to aid you, you can't stop my elder daughter from taking your Senshi powers away from you.”
Trista tells Amara, “Our queen is right, Amara. It is for the best that you obey her command.”
Queen Serenity tells Trista and Michelle, in a serious and commanding tone, “However, do not think me foolish if I don't know about your `aggressions' against the Princess of Kinmoku and her Sailor Senshi. My daughter's command extends to all of the Sailor Senshi, including you and the Princess of Neptune, so, do not try anything foolish because I wouldn't expect that from you.”
Trista nods her head and replies, “Yes, your majesty.”
TK whispers to the others, when he witness Queen Serenity's `action', “Wow. Davis' and Jun's `royal mother' is really something. She can be kind and generous and strong and dominating to command respect.”
Cody nods his head in agreement and says, “Yes. And I have a feeling that Davis and Jun inherited a lot of her commanding presence and then some from her, which is still `alive' within them as just Daisuke Motomiya and Jun Motomiya.”
Izzy nods his head as well and states, in his logical tone, “I've read in many books on reincarnation that even through the person who becomes reincarnated is a new person, it is said many `parts' of him or her in their past life remain the same in their current life including personality. We've seen Jun to be a very strong person, but it looks like her personality as the Sun Princess is even stronger and more commanding.”
Jun then looks at Princess Kakyuu and says, still in her Princess Juniper `persona' and in a strong, but `diplomatic' tone, “However, Princess Kakyuu, not to sound rude and all, but I would ask you to at least request your Sailor Senshi to refrain from making any `moves' that would provoke my sister's Sailor Senshi. Not to sound threatening, if you can't control your Sailor Senshi's actions, then I will have to do it for you.”
Yaten asks Jun, in a cold tone, “Is that a threat?” Just then Jun's saber, as Sailor Sun, appears in her right hand and before anyone could say a word or make a move, Jun points her saber at Yaten's neck, her hair transforms from maroon into platinum silvery-white, and her clothes transform into her princess gown/dress. In place of Jun Motomiya, Princess Juniper of the Sun Kingdom stands before everyone with her saber pointed at Yaten's neck.
Princess Juniper asks Yaten, in a commanding tone, “Do you wish to challenge me? I do not wish to fight you, but you need to understand that my sister and my friends are out there and possibly in need of our help. Plus, you also need to understand that I do not take when my friends and allies are needlessly hurt or insulted and `pushed around' without any plausible reason, including by bullies. I will not tolerate any provocative action from you and your fellow Starlight. Do I make myself clear on that?”
Princess Kakyuu gently puts her right hand on Princess Juniper's sword and tells her, “Please, Princess of the Solaris Kingdom, lower your sword. I can assure you that Taiki and Yaten will not do anything to provoke any aggressive action from Sailor Moon's guardians. I give you my word as Princess of Kinmoku.”
Princess Juniper then immediately lowers her sword from Yaten's neck and replies, with a kind expression only matched by Sailor Moon and Queen Serenity, “You are a kind and honorable person, Princess Kakyuu, and I know that I can trust you. I'm sorry that I was so aggressive and nasty to your guardians, but I don't like when my friends and allies are hurt in anyway. I hope that we can work together to save my sister and both of our friends.” Princess Juniper extends her left hand in friendship towards Princess Kakyuu.
Princess Kakyuu takes Princess Juniper's left hand with her left hand and says, with a smile, “Yes, I believe that all of us can work together to find our friends and save all of existence from eternal darkness.”
Yaten says, in a cold tone while looking at the Digidestined along with Yami and his friends, “Kakyuu-hime, you don't expect us to work with them?” Yaten looks at Yami and thinks in his mind, “Including that Earthling. There is nothing normal about him and his aura. He holds great power within his body . . . More than any normal Earthling can ever have. I'm not sure this Earthling is even human. I had better keep an eye on him.”
Yolei asks, insulted, “What's that supposed to mean?!”
Ami tells Yolei, “Yaten has a distrust of Earthlings and the humans that live on our planet.”
Princess Kakyuu points to the Digidestined and tells them, “Do not be so sure, Yaten. Do you see those symbols around their necks along with the symbols around the necks of Moon Prince and Sun Princess? They are the ancient symbols of Friendship, Knowledge, Sincerity, Love, Reliability, Hope, Faith, Honor, Miracles, and Destiny. In the ancient prophecy of Kingdom Hearts, as you and Taiki already know, it is said that the power of the Keyblades and their warriors will not be enough to stop the ultimate darkness from within the heart of all worlds. In order to restore balance between the powers of light and darkness, the two forces of life, the legendary warriors of Life, the ones that bare the ancient symbols within their hearts, are among the only one that can give the warriors of the Keyblade the power that they need to give life from chaos.”
Yaten points to the Digidestined and states, stunned, “Princess Kakyuu, you don't mean that they are the legendary warriors of Life in the prophecy?”
Taiki says, in a logical tone, “It would seem so. But they don't seem like much.”
Ken then states, “Well, looks can be deceiving you know.”
Biyomon yells at out, angrily, “That's right!” The three Starlights jump back in shock when they heard Biyomon speak.
Yaten states, surprised, “What in the name of . . .?!”
Amara asks, with a sly grin, “Surprised by a `creature' of Earth?”
Taiki looks over the Digimon as they started to move and show their expressions and says, in a logical tone, “Well, this is a turn that I didn't expect.”
Ami tells Taiki, “We will explain about our newest friends' `special friends' later. However, we need to continue our journey to find all of our friends.”
Olette tells the group, “Well, count me in!”
Kairi tells Olette, “Olette, this is too dangerous for you to help.” Olette holds up a henshin wand with a golden staff with an ice-blue orb that contains three five-pointed golden stars in a triangle formation in front of a pearly white colored specter within the orb and attached above the ice-blue orb is a pearly silver heart jewel with three five-pointed golden stars on the heart jewel with four white angel wings attached to the heart jewel.
Our heroes and heroines, minus the three Starlights, gasp in shock and Olette says, “Actually, you might need my help since I'm one of these `Sailor Senshi'. Just after I had found these three, Destiny came to me and gave me this wand, telling me that I'm this `Eternal Sailor Constellation', Kairi's sister from this Silver Millennium, and one of the protectors of the universe. I'm not sure what that meant, but I knew that I can help all of you.”
Sean asks Chrono, “Hey, Chrono, since you are Trista's son and all, did the Lord of Time have more than one kid?”
Chrono tells Sean, “Actually, Chronos actually had three children to be more precise and these kids were triplets. One was Sailor Star, the hoshi-no-hime and one of the warriors of the Keyblade during the Silver Millennium and the second one were called Sailor Constellation, Sailor Senshi of the Starlight and another of the protectors of the universe.”
Kairi then says, amazed, “Wow! So, you and I are sisters, Olette!”
Olette tells Kairi, with a smile, “I guess so, Kairi.”
Goofy asks, confused, “Uh-yuh! I'm confused. How can they be sisters when they don't have the same mom or dad?”
King Mickey tells Goofy, with a smile, “I will explain later, old friend.”
Princess Juniper then transforms back into Jun Motomiya, holds her head, and Matt asks her, “Are you okay, Jun?”
Jun shakes her head and says, in her voice, “Whoa! I know that my `alter ego' took over and it felt . . . a bit weird. It felt like I was someone different, but yet, I felt like that I wasn't someone different . . . that I was still just me.”
Trista tells Jun, “I know, young taiyou-no-hime. Remember, your `two halves' as Jun Motomiya and Princess Juniper are essentially two sides of the same coin. You are Jun Motomiya and Princess Juniper is you as Jun Motomiya. It may seem different when your `alter ego' as the taiyou-no-hime, but you felt it was you because Princess Juniper is you as Prince Daisuke is your brother as Daisuke Motomiya.”
Davis says, with his usual grin on his lips, “This is going to get some use to.”
TK tells Davis, “You aren't the only one that has to get use it this, Davis.”
Mina exclaims, in her cheerful voice, “All right! Let's get going!”
Izzy asks Ami, “Ami, do you have I idea where we fit into all of this?”
Ami shrugs her shoulders and tells Izzy, “I'm not sure, Izzy-kun. However, I do believe that Princess Kakyuu's prophecy isn't wrong at all because you are connected to Davis and Jun and not just because you are Digidestined. All we need to do is to find your connection to them.”
Izzy nods his head and replies, with his usual smile, “Right!” For some reason, Ami couldn't help herself to blush at Izzy's smile.
Riku says, in his usual serious tone, “Let's get the supplies that we need and return to the ship. We might be able to find your friends in the next world.”
Sora One says, in his usual enthusiastic tone, “Right, Riku!” Kairi is unable to help herself to smile at her new boyfriend's enthusiasm as all of our heroes and heroines, but Yaten looks at Yami and the non-Senshi Digidestined, as well as their Digimon, with some to major distrust, not sure what to make of them.
(Somewhere within another alternate reality; Sometime later)
Within the vast reaches of outer space, we find ourselves with the enemies of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Lord Zed, Rita, Goldar, and Rito as well as the other `members' of their `crew' with Maleficent, Pete, and Seymour displaying all types of Heartless to the evil villains. The Heartless were battling some of the Z Putties and Tangas that Lord Zed and Rita send against them. The Heartless were beating them, taking out their hearts of the Tangas, and transforming them into Heartless as well as destroying the Z Putties without much trouble.
Maleficent tells Lord Zed and Rita, in her usual tone, “As you can see, it is exactly as what I said. The Heartless are creatures of pure darkness and can't be beat. They can serve you much better than the useless minions that you have now.”
Lord Zed says, nodding his head in agreement, “Indeed. These `Heartless' are perfect to conquer the entire universe! As long as there are shadows, they are no end to them!”
Goldar roars out, in his serious tone, “What's the catch?!”
Seymour asks, in a curious tone, “Catch?”
Rita shouts out, “Yes! You just don't give out the power to summon these creatures for nothing! So, out with it already!”
Maleficent replies, “There is no catch. Only that you join us in our quest for Kingdom Hearts.”
Lord Zed yells out, surprised, “What?! You are going after the heart of all worlds?!”
Maleficent says, in her usual tone, “I see that you heard of it.”
Rita shouts out, in her usual tone, “Who in the universe wouldn't know about the `heart of all worlds'?! You would be an idiot not to know about it!”
Rito asks Rita, “Hey, sis, what is these `Kingdom Hearts' thingy anyway?”
Lord Zed says, annoyed, “I rest my case.”
Rita yells at Rito, “You idiot! Kingdom Hearts is the heart of all worlds and all of existence! The greatest powers of light and darkness lie within it! If anyone opens it up, they can release either the greatest amount of light or darkness in existence everywhere or every time!”
Maleficent says, with an evil grin, “Exactly. We already have some of the `keys' necessary to open the doorway.” Lord Zed and Rita gasp in shock and amazement, which is quite rare, and Maleficent continues to explain herself by stating, “Imagine what would if we opened Kingdom Hearts. We could gain ultimate power and with the power of Kingdom Hearts on our side, we could cover all worlds in total darkness for all of time.”
Rita and Lord Zed look at each other, whisper a few things, and when they look back at Maleficent, Pete, and Seymour, Lord Zed says, “Why, of course, it would be an honor to join your forces!”
Maleficent sends a bit of energy into Lord Zed, Rita, Rito, and Goldar and says, “Excellent. The power to control the Heartless is yours. However, a friendly bit of advice: Do not rely on the powers of darkness too much. The Heartless consume the careless.”
Seymour then says, “We have recently found out that one of the Princesses of Heart needed to open the door lie in your world. I think that you know her well.” Seymour then uses some magic to create a hologram of the former Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, Kimberly.
Rita shouts out, surprised and angered, “What?! That former Power Punk is the Princess of Heart!”
Lord Zed growls in annoyance and says, “Makes sense. Anyone who has that kind of purity of heart would be the Princess of Heart.”
Goldar says, with a grin, “It would be a pleasure to capture her.”
Rita says, in a dark nasty tone, “Her heart would be broken if she knew that she could be used to do the things that she fought against.”
Maleficent says, with an evil grin, “Excellent. We will be waiting for her back at our headquarters.” Maleficent creates a portal of darkness and she, Seymour, and Pete go inside of the portal, which vanishes after all three of them go through the portal.
Lord Zed says, with a wide grin, “What a fool. When she opens the gateway to Kingdom Heart, we shall take the power for ourselves.”
Rita shouts out, with evil grin on her lips, “Yes! This will allow us to rule all of existence for all time!” Lord Zed and Rita laugh triumphantly and Goldar and Rito join in.
Lord Zed says, with an evil excited tone in his voice, “Yes. And it all begins by putting one over on those pathetic Power Rangers!” Lord Zed then tells Goldar and Rito, “Prepare the Heartless! We are going after the former Pink Power Ranger!”
Goldar states, in a dark sarcastic tone, “Won't she be happy to see us, again?” The evil foursome, Goldar, Rito, Rita, and Lord Zed, give off evil laughs as they prepare their new armies of Heartless to head to Earth.
(Inside of the Power Chamber; Sometime later)
Inside of the Power Rangers' Power Chamber, we find Alpha Five and Zordon, inside of his `tube', motioning Angel Grove, the whole of Earth, and all of the Milky Way Galaxy for any trouble. The Zeo Power Rangers have given King Mondo and the Machine Empire one major setback and they haven't `heard' anything from them as well as Rita Repulsa and her husband, Lord Zed, so, there hasn't been any need for the Power Rangers for some time. Right now, Alpha Five and Zordon are working on a `project' during their free time from attacks by the forces of evil.
Zordon asks Alpha Five, “Alpha, what are the readings on the Turbo Accelerators?”
Alpha Five pushes a few buttons on the computer terminal and replies, “They are at one hundred percent efficiency, Zordon.”
Zordon tells Alpha Five, “Excellent, Alpha. Next, we will work on the turbine matrix.”
Alpha Five tells Zordon, “Right, Zordon. However, Zordon, do you think it is necessary to be working on this?”
Zordon tells Alpha Five, “It is, Alpha. We need to be prepared for a future attack. There are other powerful dark forces in the universe and they are more powerful than Machine Empire and Lord Zed and Rita, Alpha. When those forces come, the Rangers will need new powers and more powerful Zords to combat them.”
Alpha Five tells Zordon, with a sigh, “I guess that you are right, Zordon. I just wish that we could enjoy this peace while it lasts.” However, soon after, the alarms in the Power Chamber ring out and Alpha Five shouts out, shocked, “Oh, great! Ai Ai Ai! I had to open my computerized mouth!”
Zordon tells Alpha Five, “It is not your fault, Alpha. There seems to be a break within time and space. An interdimensional gateway has opened just outside of Earth's atmosphere.”
Alpha Five pushes some buttons on the computer terminal and replies, “I'm putting it on the screen right now.” On one of the screens within the Power Chamber, an image of our heroes and heroines Megaship comes on the screen and heading towards here. Alpha Five exclaims, “Ai Ai Ai! What in the name of the universe is that?!”
Zordon tells Alpha Five, “I'm not sure, Alpha. All that we know is that it is on a course for Earth. Contact the Rangers at once.”
Alpha Five replies, “Right, Zordon.” Alpha Five beings to push more buttons on the computer terminal to activate the communication system and contact the protectors of this Earth known as the Power Rangers.
(Somewhere within Angel Grove; On the meanwhile)
Inside some kind of stadium with a boxer ring in the middle, we find three of the Power Rangers in their civilian forms. One of Tommy, the Red Zeo Ranger, Adam, the Green Zeo Ranger, and Rocky, the Blue Zeo Ranger, doing plenty of martial arts training in the boxing ring. When the trainer puts blocking pad on his left hand, Rocky performs a spinning heel kick, but hits a bit too hard and falls to the ground on his butt and his back.
The trainer helps Rocky to his feet and tells him, “No! No! Rocky, you are trying too hard!” Rocky goes over to Tommy and Adam for a few minute break and they wipe the sweat off of their foreheads.
When Rocky is done and prepares for more training, Adam tells Rocky, “Hey, Rocky, I think that you might be trying too hard.”
Rocky then says, “Or maybe I'm not trying hard enough.” Rocky then does another spinning heel kick on the training pad in the trainer's left hand, but he kicks too hard, launching himself past the pad, over the ring, and flipping down onto the floor, crashing on his back very hard. Rocky gives out loud cries of pain as his friends rush over to him in horror.
Tommy tells Rocky, in a concerned tone, “Rocky, stay still.”
Rocky yells out, in pain, “Ah! My back!”
Tommy yells out to the rest of the crew with them, who are stunned at what happened and unable to move, “Call an ambulance!” Immediately, people began to rush off to get an ambulance and medical help for the fallen Ranger.
Rocky says, groaning in pain, “Ah, man . . . I'm so stupid . . .”
Adam tells Rocky, reassuringly, “No, Rocky. It was nobody's fault. Don't worry.” Fortunately, medical teams were on standby and under fifteen minutes, Rocky was on a stretcher and beginning to be wheeled to a hospital. However, Kat, the Zeo Pink Ranger, and Tanya, the Yellow Zeo Ranger, come into the stadium with a group of kids, including a young kid with dark brown hair in a mop top.
When he looks to the see Rocky in the hospital mobile stretcher, he gasps and exclaims, shocked, “Rocky!” Kat and Tanya look to see the young kid running down towards Rocky, who is in a hospital stretcher.
Kat shouts out, horrified, “Rocky!” Kat and Tanya race down towards the injured Ranger and go by the young boy.
As they go by, Tanya tells the young boy, “Stay here, Justin, please.” Tanya and Kat then race off to join Adam and Tommy, who are already by Rocky's side as he is wheeled away, but before they could get very far, their Ranger communicators go off.
The Rangers are unsure what to do when Rocky motions for them with his eyes to get going and Tommy tells Rocky, “Don't worry, Rocky, we will be there soon.” Rocky manages to motion with his eyes and head, slightly, and the four Rangers move off until they are out of view, but they are watched by a very suspicious Justin. However, since he is concerned from Rocky, he heads off to find a way to visit him in the hospital.
(Back inside of the Power Chamber; A short time later)
Returning to the Power Chamber, we find the four Power Rangers teleporting in through the teleportation system in front of Zordon and Alpha Five.
As soon as they were fully materialized within the room, Alpha Five asks, “Ai Ai Ai! Where's Rocky?”
Tommy tells Alpha Five, “Rocky badly injured his back and is on his way to hospital. I'm not sure what the test results are going to be.”
Alpha Five says, worriedly, “Oh, dear! This is some fine pickle that we are in! We are down one Ranger and we might have new trouble!”
Tanya asks, curiously, “Is King Mondo and the Machine Empire back for another round?”
Zordon replies, “We are not sure, Tanya. Observe the screen, Rangers.” When the four Power Rangers look at the screen, it reply our heroes and heroines ship heading towards Earth and Zordon explains, “Just some time ago, Alpha and I detected a breech in the time and space continuum.”
Adam asks, curiously, “What does that mean?”
Alpha Five replies, “It means that a dimensional gateway has been opened. Whoever these people are came from an alternate reality for some reason.”
Tommy asks, in a serious tone, “What do they want here?”
Zordon replies, “We are not sure, Tommy. However, just before they arrived, I detect a small disturbance within the morphing grid. We cannot be sure what it is, but we believe that this isn't a coincidence.”
Alpha Five then asks, “We believe that this mysterious ship and this disturbance could be related to each other.”
Kat asks Alpha Five, “Where is this ship now?”
Zordon tells the four Rangers, “The ship landed some distance from Angel Grove and we have detected a huge amount of life-forms coming out of the spaceship. Not all of life-forms are human. Be careful, Rangers, we are not sure of who they are or what they want and our strength is reduced with Rocky out of action for the moment.”
Tommy tells Zordon, in his serious tone, “Right, Zordon.” The four Rangers then use their communicators, activate the teleportation system, and de-materialize as they teleport away to the location where Zordon specified, not knowing what they are going to face.
(Just some distance from Angel Grove; A short time soon after)
Somewhere within the desert-like plains of California, just a good distance from Angel Grove, we find our heroes and heroines walking down towards the direction of Angel Grove, thanks to Ami's computer and Janet's new sailor computer. Isis `summoned' a portable computer similar to Ami's computer for Janet, expect it was ice-blue in color and it has the astrological symbol of Aquarius in bright silver on the top of the portable computer.
Rei yells at Sora One and Donald, annoyed, “Nice going on the landing, you two! We're walking through the desert, now!”
Mina tells Rei, “Calm down, Rei! We couldn't just land in the city, you know!”
Rei tells Mina, “I know, sis, but I don't want to die in the California desert.”
Carrie tells her twin sister, “Don't worry, sis. We're Sailor Senshi. We just can't get killed by the stupid desert.”
Rei tells Carrie, with a smile, “I guess that you are right, Carrie.”
Yolei asks Ami and Janet, “Are you two sure that we are going to the right way to civilization?”
Janet nods her head and says, “Ami's and my new computer are telling us that there is a city in this direction.”
Mimi says, using a portable fan, “I hope so. It's pretty hot.”
Joe tells Mimi, “Well, we are in the desert.”
Jun asks Queen Serenity, “Mom, are you sure that you want to come with us?”
Queen Serenity replies, with a kind tone, “Yes, I do. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't try everything I could to help.”
Luna tells Queen Serenity, “I know that you want to us, your majesty, but you have just been revived, so, please take it easy for your children's sake.”
Queen Serenity tells Luna, “Your concern is touching Luna and do not worry, I will. I know the limits to my ability and I'm not up to speed.” Queen Serenity then takes another small chocolate bar out of Jun's pack, gently unwraps it, and starts to slowly eat it.
Darien asks Queen Serenity, “Your majesty, not to sound rude, but that's your fifth snack within three hours. Why do you eat so much?”
Queen Serenity tells Darien, “Unfortunately, this is the downside to Daisuke's and Serenity's crystals and Juniper's emerald. It uses so much energy when you use it that you need to eat a lot from all of the food groups in order restore that energy that you lost. Even when you aren't using the crystal anymore and passed it down to your children, you still need to eat a lot more than average Earthling do maintain your energy since you have a permanent accelerated metabolism and if you don't, our own bodies would eat us from the inside out.”
Sora One states, surprised, “Wow! Now, that's spooky!”
TK tells Sora One, “No kidding! Not a pretty picture!”
Joe asks, curiously, “Makes me wonder this is why Davis and Jun had such huge appetites for all these years that we knew them and they never gained a single pound?”
Trista says in reply, “It is most likely. Remember Davis and Jun had treasures inside of their bodies ever since they were reborn as Daisuke Motomiya and Jun Motomiya, through they didn't display any special powers for all of this time, it could be possible that they already had accelerated metabolisms.”
Davis scratches his head and states, wondering, “I've always wonder why I ate so much and never gain a single pound.”
Izzy tells Davis, “Well, since your `powers' and the crystal are fully `activate', now, Davis. You had better be careful to make sure that you eat enough to maintain your energy, especially when you exercise since you expend more energy when you do so.”
Sora Two tells Jun, “That means you, too, Jun.”
Jun tells Sora Two, “I know, Sora. I guess it is true what they said. Great power does come with its price.”
Yolei tells Jun, “No kidding, Jun. Use too much of your treasures' power, it will kill you, if your treasure is destroy, your very soul is ripped the shreds, and your metabolism is so supped up that you have to eat a ton of food just to make sure that your own bodies don't eat you up from the inside.”
Davis says, in his usual droll tone, “Thanks for reminding us, Yolei. What would we do without you?”
Veemon states, in a sarcastic tone, “Don't get a headache?”
Yolei growls in annoyance and says, “Ha. Ha. Very funny, dragon breath.” On the meanwhile, while our heroes and heroines continue to walk, Riku and King Mickey keep glancing with their eyes towards our heroes' and heroines' left sides and towards the sandy hills on their left.
After a few minutes, Kairi notices this and asks them, “Your majesty, what are you and Riku doing?”
King Mickey motions for Kairi to quiet down and says, in a serious tone, “We're being watched, Kairi.”
King Mickey's statement causes everyone to look at him and Sora One asks Riku, “Is that true, Riku?”
Riku nods his head and replies, “Yeah, Sora. There are four people in the hillside, trying their best to keep out of sight, and they are watching us with devices that probably keeping us in view of their sight.”
Matt says, in a serious tone, “Most likely, binoculars.”
Gabumon asks, curiously, “Do you think that they are the enemy?”
Palmon says to Gabumon, “We can't be sure, Gabumon. They could be some kids, noticing a group with unusual members and some `strange pets'.”
Riku shakes his head and says, “No. They have been watching us for sometime and I don't think that they are tourists or locals out for a simple walk.”
Lita asks Rei and Amara, “What do you, two, think?”
Amara says, in a serious tone, “Riku is right. They have been watching us for sometime. I've noticed them sometime ago.”
Rei says, “Well, I've just sensed them, now. They have `unusual auras' around them and I'm not sure what it is.”
Carrie nods her head in agreement and states, “Rei isn't the only one that inherited the spiritual awareness from mom. I can sense them, too, and Rei is right to say that these people aren't `normal humans'. But I can't be sure that they are the enemy.”
Taiki tells Princess Kakyuu, “She's correct, Princess. Who or whatever these humans are, they are unlike the others around here.”
Biyomon asks, curiously, “What do we do?”
Matt says, in a serious tone, “They have been watching us for a while. Let's keep going and let's see what they do. But we better not tip them off that we know that we are following them. Until we know who or what they are, they could be dangerous.”
Cody says, in his logical tone, “Right. We don't know much about this Earth and it might look a lot more like the universe that we came from, we're not sure about this place and how different it is from the United States of our reality.”
Riku states, in a serious tone, “Matt and Cody have a good point. Let's keep going and see what they do. If they make move, we make ours immediately.”
Davis says, in a serious tone, “Stay on guard, gang.” Our heroes and heroines continue walk forward, knowing they are being watched, while trying to make sure that they don't indicted that. Meanwhile, watching from the sandy hills, the four Zeo Rangers, in their civilian forms, wearing lightweight and plastic computerized packs on their backs and watching the rest of our heroes and heroines with computerized high-tech binoculars.
Adam asks Tommy, “What do you think Tommy?”
Tommy says, in a plain tone while looking through the binoculars, “Well, many of them look like humans, but they have what looks like small monsters with them. Plus, there are two young women that differently look like aliens with one of them with silvery-white hair in two oval-shaped buns that look like flattened meatballs and some kind of mark on her forehead. It looks like a golden crescent moon. The other has coral red hair in a mysterious alien style and coral red eyes. Both women are dressed like they are royalty like princesses or queens. Three of them are even stranger. One of them looks like a large humanoid mouse with black circular mouse-like ears, another is a humanoid duck that looks like a wizard of some sort, and the third . . . I'm not sure.”
Kat says, looking through her binoculars, “He kind of looks like a human-like dog with a large shield.”
Tanya asks her fellow Rangers, “What do you think of them, guys?”
Tommy tells Tanya, “I'm not sure, Tanya. They look pretty harmless enough, but we can't be certain about them. It is for the best that we keep their eyes on them.” Adam keep his high-tech binoculars trained on our group and then he noticed Riku's, Amara's, Rei's, Carrie's, and Taiki's eyes focused on their position. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that our heroes and heroines already knew that they were being watched. And Adam know this for a fact since he already realized that our heroes and heroines were already `on to them'.
Adam tells his fellow Rangers, in a serious tone, “Guys! They already know that we are watching them!”
Tommy asks Adam, surprised, “What?! Are you sure?”
Adam tells Tommy, seriously, “Take a look.” Tommy looks at the group and realizes the same thing that Adam does when he looks at Riku, King Mickey, Amara, Rei, Carrie, and Taiki.
Tommy tells the other Rangers, in a serious tone, “They already know that we are here. Let's move!” Tommy and the other three Zeo Rangers start move around, get to their feet, and make their next move, through they are unsure what it would be.
However, this doesn't go unnoticed by our heroes and heroines walking across the sandy plains and Riku says, in a serious tone, “Everyone! Whoever is watching us knows that we have noticed them! They're going to make their move!”
Mimi asks, a bit worriedly, “What do we do?”
Goofy states, in his usual manner, “Gwarsh! I'm not sure, Mimi.”
Donald shouts out, in a serious tone, “I say that we get them before they get us!” Donald then rushes forward with her specter ready to attack.
King Mickey shouts out, in a bit of a worried tone, “Wait!” However, it was already too late when Donald calls out his attack.
A rain of lightning bolts crashes down on the group of four Rangers and they yell out in shock and surprise.
Tanya asks, pretty shocked, “How did that large duck do that?!”
Adam replies, “I don't know and I don't want to find out!”
Tommy nods his head and says, “I agree! It's Morphin Time!” The four Power Rangers summon their Zeonizers and activate them, starting their morphing sequence.
Kat shouts out, “Zeo Ranger One, Pink!” Kat then transforms into the Pink Zeo Ranger.
Tanya calls out, “Zeo Ranger Two, Yellow!” Tanya then morphs into the Yellow Zeo Ranger.
Adam roars out, “Zeo Ranger Four, Green!” Adam then transforms into the Green Zeo Power Ranger.
Tommy then cries out, “Zeo Ranger Five, Red!” Tommy then morphs into the Red Zeo Power Ranger, the leader of the Zeo Power Rangers.
The four Zeo Power Rangers appear on top of the sandy ridge and Sora Two asks, perplexed, “Who or what are they?”
Matt tells Sora Two in reply, in a serious tone, “I'm not sure, Sora. But we can't be sure that they are friendly.” The Digimon immediately move forward to take up defensive positions in front of their partners, but the Green Zeo Ranger mistaken that move as an aggressive move.
The Green Zeo Ranger takes out his Zeo Laser Pistol and exclaims, “Watch out!”
The Red Zeo Ranger tells the Green Zeo Ranger, “Adam, wait!” However, it is too late when Adam fires his Zeo Laser Pistol at the Digimon and our group shouts out in shock.
Lita calls out, in a serious tone, “I think that shows their intentions quite clear to me!”
Taiki says, in a serious tone, “I have to agree.”
Taiki and Yaten get in front of Princess Kakyuu and Yaten tells her, in a serious tone, “Get behind us, Princess! We're going to have to fight!”
Amara tells Queen Serenity, “Please get behind us, your majesty. As the Sailor Senshi of the Moon Kingdom, it is our duty to protect as well as your family.” Before anyone could say anything more, Taiki and Yaten summon their Sailor Starlight transformation items and Ami, Mina, Rei, Lita, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, and Trista summon their henshin wands to their hands.
Healer Star Power, Make-up!”
Maker Star Power, Make-up!”
Mercury Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Venus Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Mars Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Jupiter Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Saturn Planet Power, Make-up!”
Uranus Planet Power, Make-up!”
Neptune Planet Power, Make-up!”
Pluto Planet Power, Make-up!”
After their transformation sequences are done, Sailor Starhealer, Sailor Starmaker, Eternal Sailor Mercury, Eternal Sailor Venus, Eternal Sailor Mars, Eternal Sailor Jupiter, Super Sailor Saturn, Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, and Super Sailor Pluto stand in place of Yaten, Taiki, Ami, Mina, Rei, Lita, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, and Trista.
Yolei says, “No matter how many times they do that, I'm not going to get use to it.”
Hawkmon nods his head and says, “I say that I agree, Yolei.” However, the four Power Rangers were more shocked to see the transformations.
The Yellow Zeo Ranger asks, surprised, “What the? They transformed too. Do you think that they are Rangers from outside our universe, guys?”
The Green Zeo Ranger states, “I don't think so. Those don't look like Ranger uniforms.”
The Red Zeo Ranger nods his head and says, “I agree. Many of those uniforms look similar to the sailor uniforms that girls wear in Japan. I've read about them in World Culture and World History classes. They don't look tough, but we can't be too careful.”
Sailor Venus asks her fellow Senshi, “What do we do about them?”
Sailor Starmaker says, in a serious tone, “We can't let them attack, again. We have to make a move, now.”
Sailor Jupiter yells out, “I agree! They attacked our friends and now, they are going to pay!” Sailor Jupiter leaps into the air and prepares to attack before any one could stop her.
The Pink Zeo Ranger asks, perplexed, “What is that girl trying to do?”
Jupiter Thunder Tower!”
Sailor Jupiter launches an electrical beam of energy into the air, creating large storm clouds over the four Rangers, and the Rangers yell out in pain as they are struck by the tower of electrical force filled with half-a-million volts of electrical force causing a powerful explosion around the Rangers. Their uniforms `explode' with sparks as they are sent rolling down the sandy hillside and down to the sandy ground.
Sailor Jupiter lands back on the ground and yells out, triumphantly, “All right! That will teach them not to mess with the Sailor Scouts!”
Sailor Mercury tells Sailor Jupiter, in her scolding tone, “Jupiter, their intentions might not have been hostile!”
Sailor Jupiter roars out at Sailor Mercury, “They attacked our friends and the friends of our prince! What does that tell you?!”
Sailor Starmaker says, in a sarcastic tone, “Look, they are down and out. Most likely, we can just leave and continue our search for the keyhole and the Princess of Heart for this world. We locked this keyhole and this world is safe.”
Sailor Starhealer says, in a serious tone, “Yes, I would like to leave as quickly as possible.”
Sailor Venus then points to the four Rangers and tells Sailor Starmaker, “I wouldn't be sure about that, Sailor Starmaker.” Everyone looks to see the four Zeo Rangers slowly stand on their feet and hold their helmeted heads with their gloved hands.
Sailor Jupiter yells out, shocked, “No way! No one can withstand that and not be unconsciousness.”
Sailor Neptune tells Sailor Jupiter, in her plain tone, “I guess that you are wrong.”
Meanwhile, the four Zeo Rangers shake off Sailor Jupiter's attack and the Pink Zeo Ranger says, “Whoa. Those girls might be wearing mainly Japanese sailor suits, but they aren't pushovers.”
The Red Zeo Ranger says, “Oh man! That is one seriously powerful electrical attack! I never felt anything so powerful in my life!”
The Yellow Zeo Ranger roars out, a bit angrily, “Well, they're not going to get away with hurting my friends! Time to teach them what it means to mess with the Power Rangers!” The Yellow Zeo Ranger takes out her Zeo Laser Pistol and Zeo Blade, combine them to form her Zeo Blaster, and before anyone could stop her, she fires at Sailor Jupiter, hitting her in the exposed portion of her lower right leg, and knocking to ground as she yells out in pain. The attack from the Yellow Zeo Ranger's Zeo Blast leaves a nasty second degree burn in the center of Sailor Jupiter's exposed portion of her lower right leg.
Sailor Mercury asks Sailor Jupiter, “Are you okay, Jupiter?”
Sailor Jupiter roars out, angrily and in pain, “I will be when I get my hands that rotten jerk!”
Sailor Mars shouts out, angrily, “Okay, that does it! I don't care if they are friendly or not! They're going to get it!”
Jun tries to stop Sailor Mars by calling out, “Hold on a second!” However, it was already too late as flames began to form around Sailor Mars' arms and hands.
Mars Comet Inferno Flash!”
Sailor Mars creates a comet engulfed by super-hot and powerful flames and launches directly at the Yellow Zeo Ranger and she scream out in extreme pain as she blasted back with a powerful force that sends the Yellow Zeo Ranger flying ten yards backwards and landing on the sandy ground, pretty hard. However, the very soft sand prevents any major injury and actually greatly softens her fall, but she is temporary stunned.
The Pink Zeo Ranger says, angrily, “You aren't going to get away with that!” The Pink Zeo Ranger summons her Zeo Shield and charges at Sailor Mars, who charges right back. When the two of them get close, they go into intense close range combat with extreme martial arts moves. The Pink Zeo Ranger comes in with a powerful right hook, but Sailor Mars grabs her right hand, swings her body one-hundred and eighty degrees, making her back face the Pink Zeo Ranger, and uses a classic judo throw to knock the Pink Zeo Ranger to the ground.
However, the Green Zeo Ranger grabs Sailor Mars' left hand from behind and shouts out, “All right, that's enough, you!”
Sailor Mars shouts out, trying to break free of the Green Zeo Ranger's grip, “Hey, let go of me!” On the meanwhile, Sailor Saturn uses her healing powers to heal the injury to Sailor Jupiter's leg.
When she is done, Sailor Saturn asks Sailor Jupiter, “Are you okay, Jupiter-san?”
Sailor Jupiter tells Sailor Saturn, with a smile, “Yeah! That was great, Saturn! Thanks!” Sailor Saturn smiles to show her thanks to her fellow Sailor Senshi.
Sailor Venus tells them, “Sailor Mars is in trouble!”
Sailor Saturn summons her Silent Glaive, runs over to Sailor Mars and the Green Zeo Ranger, and she shouts out, “Leave Mars-san alone!” Sailor Saturn swings her Silent Glaive at the Green Zeo Ranger, who barely dodges out of the way since her Silent Glaive came rapidly towards him.
The Green Zeo Ranger exclaims, “Whoa! That was close!”
The Red Zeo Ranger asks the Green Zeo Ranger, “Adam, are you all right?”
The Green Zeo Ranger nods his head and says, surprised, “Yeah, I am Tommy. But man, how can a young girl like that hold such a huge weapon like that?”
The Red Zeo Ranger says, “I don't know, but I know that there are more to them than meets the eye.” The Red Zeo Ranger steps forward to fight and summons his Zeo Sword to his right hand. Sailor Saturn goes into a defense position and prepares to defense herself. The Red Zeo Ranger says, in a calm tone, “I don't want to fight you.”
Sailor Saturn says, in her serious tone, “If you take one step closer to my friend, I will fight you.”
The Red Zeo Ranger says, in a calm and `diplomatic' tone, “If we fight, you might get hurt.”
However, Sailor Uranus' voice shouts out, “No, you won't!” Sailor Uranus then rapidly attacks the Red Zeo Ranger with her talisman, the Space Sword, thinking the Red Zeo Ranger's statement was a threat on Sailor Saturn's life. The two of them continue to battle with their sabers until the Red Zeo Ranger barely manages to get the upper hand with a quick maneuver that knocks Sailor Uranus' Space Sword to the ground and the Red Zeo Ranger gives one powerful kick to Sailor Uranus' chest, knocking her to the ground on her butt.
Star Sensitive Inferno!”
Star Gentle Uterus!”
Just then the Red Zeo Ranger is blasted by a circular blast of light and an explosion of light that throw him away from Sailor Uranus and she looks to see Sailor Starmaker and Sailor Starhealer were responsible for the attack.
Sailor Uranus roars at them, angrily, “I didn't need your help!”
Sailor Starhealer says, in a sarcastic tone, “That's what it didn't seem to us.”
Sailor Starmaker states, in a cold tone, “And besides, we are only here to protect our princess.”
Sailor Neptune goes over to Sailor Uranus, helps her to her feet, and she roars out, angrily, “Fine by me!”
Meanwhile, the other three Zeo Rangers help the Red Zeo Ranger on his feet and the Pink Zeo Ranger asks the Red Zeo Ranger, “Are you okay, Tommy?”
The Red Zeo Ranger replies, “Yeah, I'm fine. But that attack threw me for a loop. Their attacks might seem strange, but they are very powerful . . . and very dangerous. I really hate to do this, but we have to use the Zeo Cannon.”
Green Zeo Ranger asks, curiously, “Don't you think that's a bit excessive? And will it be powerful enough to stop them without Rocky?”
The Red Zeo Ranger replies, “I don't like it as much as you do, but it is the only way to put them down. However, you do have a point, Adam. Without Rocky's Zeo Cell, the Zeo Cannon might not be powerful enough, but we have to try.” The three other Zeo Rangers nod their heads in agreement and the Red Zeo Ranger yells out, “All right! Zeo Power Cannon!” As the four Rangers take their positions, they summon the powerful Zeo Cannon towards them and they load their Zeo Cells inside. When the Red Zeo Ranger adds his Zeo Cell, he closes the chamber and calls out, “Loaded and ready!”
The four Zeo Rangers shout out in unison, “Fire!” Soon after, the Zeo Cannon fires a sphere of multi-colored energy at the Sailor Senshi and Sailor Starlights, but Sailor Saturn steps in front of the rest in order to defend her friends.
Silent Wall!”
Sailor Saturn creates a barrier in front of all of them and manages to block the Zeo Power Rangers' combined attack, but she strains under the pressure from the assault of the Zeo Rangers' Cannon.
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Saturn, “Be careful, Saturn!”
The Yellow Zeo Ranger states, shocked, “How can she block the power of the Zeo Cannon?!” However, the Yellow Zeo Ranger spoke a bit too soon when the Zeo Cannon's attack manages to break through Sailor Saturn's attack and throws the Sailor Senshi of the Moon Kingdom and the two Sailor Starlights to the ground, very hard. This leaves them on the ground, very stunned, and their bodies smoking with their fukus slightly torn.
Sora Two states, horrified, “We have to stop them!”
TK asks Sora Two, “How Sora?! This battle has already accelerated out of control!”
Jun says, in a serious tone, “TK is right, mom! In order to stop this, we have to beat them down and force them to start coming to talking terms!”
Davis tells Queen Serenity, in a serious tone, “Mom, I know how you feel about violence, but unfortunately, time for talk is over and the time for action is now!” Just then images come into Davis' and Jun's minds and showing them, as Prince Daisuke and Princess Juniper, using their jewels to drain energy from a powerful life-form into their jewels.
Jun asks Davis, with a sly grin, “Hey, bro, are you thinking what I'm thinking?”
Davis tells Jun, with his classic grin, “If you saw the same freaky vision of our past lives, then yes.”
Matt asks Jun and Davis, “What are you, two, talking about?”
Jun tells Matt, “Davis and I just remembered something about our past lives. We remember how to use our treasures to safety drain powerful life-forms of their energy without seriously harming them or killing them. This is what we need to end this.”
Davis says, in a plain tone, “Through this will leave my sis and me drained of energy since we will be using my crystal and Jun's emerald for this. But hey, I never got anywhere without trying something.”
Yolei tells Davis, “Something crazy you mean! Didn't you forget what your mother just reminded us of?! If you use your treasures, it will drain you of your energy and you might be left weak if not dead, especially if you use your treasures' full power!”
Davis tells Yolei, in a serious tone, “Look, Yolei! Do you have a better idea?!” When Yolei doesn't answer and gives a nervous look in reply, Davis says, in a serious tone, “And that settles that. We're going with our plan and that's that!”
Ken tells Yolei, “Better not argue, Yolei. When Davis makes up his mind, there is no stopping him.”
Yolei sighs and replies, “No kidding. From what I heard, that hasn't changed in more than three millennia.”
Eternal Solar Moon Power, Transform!”
Sun Eternal Power, Make-up!”
After their transformation sequences are done, Eternal Solar Moon and Eternal Sailor Sun replace our Digidestined of Miracles and Destiny before everyone else and they quickly draw their swords.
The Red Zeo Ranger says, a bit surprised, “Uh oh. This looks like trouble.” Before any of the Zeo Rangers could react, Solar Moon and Sailor Sun throw their sabers right at the Zeo Rangers' Zeo Cannon, impaling through it like a knife through butter. The Zeo Cannon then explodes into the thousand pieces and throws the Zeo Rangers two dozen yards through the air until they land on the ground, pretty hard.
The Yellow Zeo Ranger shouts out, in shock, “They destroyed the Zeo Cannon! How is that possible?!” However, before that question could be answer, the Yellow Zeo Ranger is tackled by Sailor Sun and the Green Zeo Ranger is tackled by Solar Moon.
The Green Zeo Ranger roars at Solar Moon, in a serious tone, “Hey, let go!”
Solar Moon tells the Green Zeo Ranger, “When I'm good and ready to let you go, buster!” Solar Moon's and Sailor Sun's left hands start to glow, Solar Moon's hand glows with silver energy and Sailor Sun's hand glows with golden energy, and they take a deep breath.
Solar Moon and Sailor Sun think in unison, “Well, here goes nothing!” Solar Moon and Sailor Sun slam the palms of their glowing left hands into the chests of the Green and Yellow Zeo Rangers and they roar out in pain as their Ranger energies are being absorbed into Solar Moon's and Sailor Sun's jewels.
The Yellow Zeo Ranger shouts out, as she is getting drained, “What . . . What's happening . . . ?!”
The Green Zeo Ranger replies, groaning from the energy drain, “I don't know . . . They are draining us of power . . . somehow . . .!!” However, Solar Moon and Sailor Sun groan out in pain themselves as portions of their own energy are drained from using their jewels.
The Red Zeo Ranger calls out, in a serious tone, “Let them go!”
Sailor Sun shouts out, “Veemon! Renamon! Now!” Veemon and Renamon then leap into action as Solar Moon's and Sailor Sun's D-3 digivices and crests glow with bright lights.
“Veemon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Cyberdramon!”
“Renamon Ultimate Digivolve to . . . Taomon!”
End Digivolution
Cyberdramon and Taomon fly until they are above the Red and Pink Zeo Rangers and the Pink Zeo Ranger asks, surprised, “What in the world?!”
Taomon shouts out, “Now, Cyberdramon!”
Desolation Claw!”
Talisman of Light!”
The two Zeo Ranger cry out in pain and surprise as they are blasted and thrown to the ground by Cyberdramon's and Taomon's attacks and on the meanwhile, back to our Digidestined of Miracles and Destiny, they continue to absorb energy from the Green and Yellow Zeo Rangers until they de-morph returning to Adam and Tanya, all of their Ranger powers stripped from them. Sailor Sun and Solar Moon let them go and they fall to their knees while they groan out in pain and put their hands to their hearts.
Solar Moon states, groaning in pain, “Ow . . . Man . . . That didn't tickle.”
Sailor Sun replies, in a serious tone, “No kidding. We have to be more careful with this special `technique'.” Solar Moon and Sailor Sun then quickly retrieve their sabers from the wreckage of the destroyed Zeo Cannon and turned to face the Red and Pink Zeo Rangers, who summoned their own weapons. Sailor Sun says, in a plain and serious tone, “Just surrender now and you won't get hurt.”
The Red Zeo Ranger says, “Well, let's just say that we never learn the term `surrender'.” The two Zeo Rangers rush towards Solar Moon and Sailor Sun, but when they get close, Solar Moon and Sailor Sun just swing their blades, destroying the Red Zeo Ranger's Zeo Sword and the Pink Zeo Ranger's Zeo Shield, and before they could react, Solar Moon and Sailor Sun slammed their left hand palms into their chest and drained them of all their Ranger energies like they did with Tanya and Adam, forcing them to de-morph back into Tommy and Kat.
(Back in the Power Chamber; around the same time)
Zordon and Alpha Five watched in amazement, awe, shock, and horror as they watch on the viewing screen as Sailor Sun and Solar Moon drain and strip the four Zeo Power Rangers of their Ranger energies.
Alpha Five shouts out, horrified, “Ai! Ai! Ai! This can't be happening! The Rangers have been stripped of their powers! How is this possible Zordon?!”
Zordon replies, in a serious tone, “It would take a power stronger than the Zeo Crystal to take the Rangers' powers away. However, from what I sensed and the scanners show, these two possess powers far more powerful to the Zeo Crystal and allowing them to drain the Rangers of their powers.”
Alpha Five states, in a very worried tone, “Without their powers, the Rangers will be at their mercy!”
Zordon tells Alpha Five, in a plain tone, “Don't be so sure, Alpha. Nothing is what it seems. Observe the viewing screen, Alpha.” When Alpha Five returns to looking at the viewing screen, he sees Solar Moon and Sailor Sun, greatly drained of their own energy, stumble back to their friends, and into their Lunarian mother loving arms. Cyberdramon and Taomon return to the others as well and go into defensive positions in front of our heroes and heroines while the powerless Zeo Rangers regroup.
Alpha Five asks Zordon, “Huh? Why don't they finish off the Rangers?”
Zordon tells Alpha Five, “As I said before, Alpha, there is more to this battle than it appears.” Alpha Five wonders what Zordon was talking about, but he continued to look on with worry as the battle was about to come to its conclusion.
(Back to the battle; A short time soon after)
Returning to the battlefield, we find the powerless Zeo Rangers regrouping together after they were drained of their powers by Sailor Sun and Solar Moon. On the meanwhile, Solar Moon and Sailor Sun, breathing heavily and so weak that they have to be supported by Queen Serenity, are staring them down in their mother's arms.
Ken asks Solar Moon, “Davis, are you okay?”
Sora Two tells Solar Moon, “If anything hurts, just tell us.
Solar Moon replies, in his sarcastic tone, “Everything, but my earlobes.”
TK gives a wide smile and replies, “They are just fine. If Davis can say that, then we know he is all right.”
Yolei tells them, “Yeah, but it was pretty crazy to do what they did. You know that your jewels drain your own energy when `dive' into their power and can kill you.”
Cody says, in a logical tone, “Plus, based on what we know, you haven't used your jewels in many years and not exactly used to them and their powers even through they were inside of your bodies when you were born or reborn, based on your point of view.”
Sailor Sun says, with a weak smile, “Hey, nothing ventured and nothing gained, right? It might take awhile, but we will be okay.”
Queen Serenity tells Sailor Sun, “I know, Juniper. But next time, please try something that won't worry so much. I've seen Serenity die around two times and I'm not sure my heart, which beats once again, can take much more.”
Solar Moon tells Queen Serenity, with a weak version of his usual grin, “Sorry, mom, I can't make any promises, but I can tell you that we will try.” Solar Moon and Sailor Sun then turn the powerless Zeo Rangers, who try to activate their morphers, but they can't since there is no power in them.
Adam says, “They've totally drained us of our powers.”
Tanya states, pretty stunned, “How can this be possible? Nobody can take our powers away.”
Sailor Sun calls out, in a serious tone, “Well, call us `nobodies'!” When the four powerless Zeo Rangers look towards Sailor Sun, she points to her transformation brooch and says, “Your powers are inside of our gems and you can't get them back! We've used an ancient and powerful spell to drain all of your power into our gems and they won't come back until one of us or a member of our family chants the reverse spell to return them. And if you destroy our jewels, then your powers are lost for all time!”
Tommy asks, in a serious tone, “What do you want?!”
Sailor Jupiter yells out, in a serious tone, “To know why you were following us in such a suspicious manner! Are you members of the Dark Alliance?!”
However, before any of the Rangers could answer, a dark voice yells out, “They aren't, but I am!” Just then four explosions hit near the group and everyone looks to see Lord Zed and Rita standing by a nearby hillside with a huge army of Heartless of all types with them. Darien transforms into Tuxedo Mask and summons his Keyblade to his right hand. Lord Zed shouts out, “Welcome to my universe, defenders of existence! Thank you for doing my dirty work for me by stripping this planet's only defense of their powers!”
Sailor Mars asks, “Who are they? I sense a lot of negative energy coming from them. And what do they mean by that?”
Sailor Mercury says, “I guess that these four are the defenders of this planet Earth and our battle that forced Solar Moon and Sailor Sun to strip them of their powers to end this has left them helpless.”
Rita shouts out, excitedly, “Bingo! Next time, make sure who you fight is the enemy! I swear these girls are more pathetic than these Power Rangers, but then again, they caused their own demise! Not only did they force two of most being in existence to strip them of their powers in self-defense, they left them too weak to defend themselves. Thanks load, Power Losers! Not only will we destroy your powers, you've also helped us get rid of two of the greatest threats to cover all of the multi-verse in darkness!”
Adam says, in annoyance, “Oh man! Something tells me that all of us just got ourselves killed over a misunderstanding!”
Lord Zed laughs in evil tone and replies, “No kidding, Powerless Ranger! Now, it is time to die!”
Queen Serenity says, in a serious tone, “I don't think so, evil one.” Queen Serenity then closes her eyes and softly chants a spell in Lunarian causing Sailor Sun's brooch and Solar Moon's morpher to glow with bright lights. Soon after, red, green, yellow, and pink lights come out of them and hit the four Zeo Rangers in their civilian forms.
Rita shouts out, in shock, “What's going on?! What is she doing?!” Soon after, Tommy, Adam, Kat, and Tanya are engulfed in bright lights and when the light dies down, they are back in their Zeo Ranger forms.
The Yellow Zeo Ranger calls out, “All right, we have our powers back!”
Lord Zed and Rita gasp in shock and Solar Moon says, with a sly grin on his lips, “Hey, who do you think taught us that spell, huh?!”
Lord Zed roars out, angrily, “Heartless, attack!” Without another word needed to be said, the Heartless rush towards our heroes and heroines to attack them and Sora One, Riku, and King Mickey summon their Keyblades to their right hands.
Sailor Sun tells Sora Two, “We're too weak to fight! Sora, I need you, Mai, Mimi, and Janet along with the Asteroid Sailor Senshi to defend us!”
Olette shouts out, in a serious tone, “I'll help too!”
Princess Kakyuu nods her head and says, “So will I.”
Sailor Starhealer tells Princess Kakyuu, in a serious tone, “Kakyuu-hime, you can't fight.”
Princess Kakyuu tells Sailor Starhealer, “You are too weakened for your last battle to fight. Do not worry, I will be fine.”
Raven says, with a smile and her plain tone, “Don't worry, we've done quite well with guarding royalty ourselves.”
Sean shouts out, “Hello! The time for talking is over! Time to fight!” Princess Kakyuu, the three Solar Senshi, the Asteroid and Zodiac Sailor Senshi, Kairi, and Olette take out their transformation items and prepare to transform.
Kinmoku Star Power, Make-up!”
Eternal Solar Mercury Power, Transform!”
Eternal Solar Jupiter Power, Transform!”
Eternal Solar Pluto Power, Transform!”
Athene Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Juno Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Ceres Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Vesta Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Aries Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Scorpio Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Aquarius Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Leo Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Star Eternal Power, Make-up!”
Constellation Eternal Power, Make-up!”
After their transformation sequences are done, Sailor Kakyuu, Eternal Solar Mercury, Eternal Solar Jupiter, Eternal Solar Pluto, Eternal Sailor Athene, Eternal Sailor Juno, Eternal Sailor Ceres, Eternal Sailor Vesta, Eternal Sailor Aries, Eternal Sailor Scorpio, Eternal Sailor Aquarius, Eternal Sailor Leo, Eternal Sailor Star, and finally, a brand Eternal Sailor Senshi stood in place of Princess Kakyuu, Daniel, Sean, Chrono, Melody, Jane, Raven, Carrie, Sora Two, Mimi, Janet, Mai, Kairi, and Olette.
The new Eternal Sailor Senshi replacing Olette has Olette's dark brown hair in Sailor Neptune's hairstyle, with two sets of three small white feathers on the forward portion of her scalp, one set on the left side and the other set on the right side, three golden five-pointed stars in a triangle formation, Olette's emerald green are sparking with a new faint golden light, her lips are covered strawberry pink lipstick, her earrings are three five-pointed golden star jewels in a triangle formation with golden heart jewel attached below them and both jewels are attached to her ears, her cloth choker is a pearly white color with a golden heart jewel and a silver five-pointed star jewel attached to the golden heart jewel with both jewels attached to the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is sparkling light blue in color, her shoulder pads are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, but they are pearly white in color, her bodysuit is also pure white in color with golden heart jewel attached to the bust area with the heart jewel having four white angel wings attached to it, her gloves are designed like Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves, but they are silver in color with white bands attached to them, her mini-skirt is triple layered with white, gold, and silver as the colors of the skirt, on the top center portion of the mini-skirt is the same heart jewel with the four white angel wings attached to her bust area, the bow on the rear of her skirt is designed similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's bow, but it is deep maroon in color, on her feet are pure silver versions of Sailor Neptune's high-heeled shoes with two white angel wings on each heel, and four white angel wings coming out of her back. In her right hand is a beautiful pearly white specter with a huge ice-blue heart jewel on top that has four silver angel wings attached to it and there is a pointed silver spear coming out from the bottom portion of the specter.
Sailor Star asks the new Sailor Senshi, “So, this is your new `form' as Eternal Sailor Constellation, huh, Olette?”
The new Sailor Senshi smiles and replies, “Yeah! And I've got to admit, it is the most awesome outfit and the powers are a plus. I'm really glad that I can help.”
Riku tells Sailor Star and Sailor Constellation, in a serious tone, “You, girls, will have to talk later. Right now, we need to get to work.”
Sora One nods his head and replies, in a serious tone, “Right, Riku!”
Sailor Athene says to the Zeo Rangers, “Why don't we make up for this misunderstanding by helping you kick some evil ass?”
The Red Zeo Ranger crunches his knuckles and says, “That's fine by me.”
Sora One shouts out, “Well, allow us to go first! We know how to take care of Heartless!” Sora One and Riku quickly rush forward and use their Keyblades to slice through around three company's worth of Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless.
Sailor Juno tells her fellow three Asteroid Sailor Scouts, “All right, girls, time to show them our stuff!”
Sailor Vesta, Sailor Ceres, and Sailor Athene nods their heads in agreement and they shout out in unison, “Right!” All four Asteroid Sailor Scouts leap high into the air, taking a `diamond formation' in mid-air, and all four of them glow in unison.
The Green Zeo Ranger asks, perplexed, “What are they up to?”
Sailor Twilight Shocker!”
The four Asteroid Sailor Scouts fire star-light bursts of their Sailor Senshi elements at all of the Heartless and destroys a good number of them with multiple powerful explosions. Soon after, Sailor Star moves in with her Keyblade and teams up with Sora One in a combo assault to cut a pathway through the Heartless towards Rita and Lord Zed.
Lord Zed shouts out, “I don't think so, kiddies!” Lord Zed fires a two powerful dark lightning bolts at Sailor Star and Sora One and knocks them down to the ground.
Sailor Scorpio calls out, “Hey, why don't you pick on someone your own size?!”
Scorpio Petals Dance!”
Sailor Scorpio spins around like she is in a ballet and sending a hurricane wave of pink rose petals at the two evil villains and they explode when they come in contact with their bodies.
Rita yells out, surprised, “Ah! What is this?!”
Starlights Royal Straight Flush!”
The leader and princess of the Sailor Starlights throw dozens of cards at Lord Zed and Rita and disorienting the two evil villains. At once, Tuxedo Mask and King Mickey use their Keyblades to knock their staffs out of their hands.
Lord Zed shouts out, angrily, “How dare you?!”
Just then the Red Zeo Ranger's voice calls out, “Hey, Zed!” When Lord Zed and Rita look towards the source, they see the four Zeo Rangers setting up a somehow fully restored Zeo Cannon.
Rita shouts out, “Wait a minute! That cannon was destroyed! How was it restored?!”
Sailor Constellation gives a wide smile and replies, “That's my fault! I have a unique special power that allows me to restore `items' that are destroyed for around twenty-four hours. So, `reviving' their weapon was easy.”
Rita calls out, in disbelief, “You've got to be kidding me!”
The Red Zeo Ranger shouts out, “Don't count it, Rita! Now, fire!” The Zeo Rangers fire their Zeo Cannon at Lord Zed and Rita and they scream out in pain as they engulfed by multiple powerful explosions. When the smoke and dust clear, Lord Zed and Rita emerge with great amounts of burns and cuts along with smoking bodies.
Lord Zed roars out, angrily, “You haven't seen the last of us, Rangers! Nor you, warriors of the Keyblade, or your allies! The power of the heart of all worlds will be ours!” Lord Zed and Rita pick up their staffs and go through a portal of darkness, which closes behind them when they go through. Soon after, all of the remaining Heartless vanish into the shadows.
The Yellow Zeo Ranger says, “I'm glad that's over.”
The Pink Zeo Ranger tells the other heroes and heroines, “Hopefully, we get off to the `right foot' this time.”
King Mickey tells Donald, “Next time, Donald, look before you leap. It nearly cost us this time.”
Donald tells King Mickey, “Sorry, your majesty.” As our heroes and heroines begin to gather together, they begin to introduce themselves to each other and start to explain about themselves.
(Inside of Angel Grove General Hospital; Early that afternoon)
Within Angel Grove General Hospital, we head inside one of the hospital beds where we find our injured Blue Zeo Ranger, Rocky, softly sleeping inside of his bed, but the door to his hospital room opens gently and Justin, the young boy that saw Rocky get injured while training, walks into the room. Justin slowly goes over to the bed and was preparing to wake up Rocky when he hears the doorknob turn causing him to quickly hide under the bed. When the door fully opens, the four other Rangers in their civilian form enter the room with a large `Get Well' card and some balloons. Rocky wakes up to greet his friends and they give him the usual greetings.
Rocky asks his friends, not knowing Justin was under the bed, “So, what did Zordon want?”
Tommy tells Rocky, “Oh, just some new `people' came into town from another reality and by the looks of it, they are our new best friends.”
Tanya says, nodding her head, “Yeah, we got into a `misunderstanding', but we managed to come into agreement. Especially since Lord Zed and Rita are back with some powerful new friends.”
Rocky states, in a bit of annoyed tone, “Great. What a time to get injured like this.”
Kat tells Rocky, “Hey, it is not your fault.”
Tommy tells Rocky, “Yeah, we might be one Ranger down, but with our new friends, we can handle this new `problem'.” Justin mentally gasps at what they just heard.
Rocky then says, solemnly, “The doctor said that I will make a full recovery, but not in time for the martial arts competition.”
Adam states, “Well, I see that we have to go without you.”
Kat says, “It would be a shame to lose the shelter. Justin is taking this quite hard. First, he loses his mom and then the shelter.” Just then the Rangers' communicator watches go off, they step back, and they activate them.
Tommy asks into his communicator, “What is it, Zordon?”
Zordon's voice replies into the communicator, “Rangers, you are needed back at the commander center. It is not only us and our enemies that seem to know about our new friends.”
Tommy tells Zordon through the communicator, “Right, we are on our way.”
Rocky tells his friends, “Good luck, guys.”
Kat nods her head and replies, “Don't worry, we will back soon.” They activate the teleportation system in their communicators and in blinding flashes of light, the Rangers teleport out of the hospital and to the command center. Justin, when he is able to look again, is awestruck about what he just experienced. Justin moves his head forward slightly, but he hits his head on the metal bed and gives out a loud yelp of pain.
Rocky calls out, surprised, “Who's there?” When Justin crawls out from under the bed and rubs his head, Rocky asks, shocked, “Justin? Did you hear everything?”
Justin looks at Rocky and replies, “You guys are the Power Rangers?”
(Back at the Power Chamber; A short time later)
Returning to the Power Rangers' Power Chamber, we find all of our heroes and heroines listening to a recorded message that they had just recently received.
The voice was a female with a beautiful tone to it and this female voice says over the speakers, “Legendary Warriors of the Keyblade and Warriors of the Planets, you have already made it to your second world by now and have become stronger in your journey, but at your current level of power, you will not be able to survive the other worlds that are ahead or defeat evils of the Dark Alliance. In order to begin your training for the battles to come, you must head for the temple of Ninjor and learn the ways of the ninja in order to get to the next level of power. If you don't, then all might be lost.”
When the recording is done, Tommy asks, “Do we know who sent that message?”
Alpha Five shakes his head and replies, “The recording was masked to make sure that we don't who or what sent it.”
Yolei asks, curiously, “Okay, what do all of us make of it?”
Ami says, in her logical tone, “Whoever this person is seems to know us well and the legend of the Keyblade warriors as well as the legend of Kingdom Hearts possibly.”
Alpha Five states, “Yes, our world knows full well of the legend of the heart of all worlds. The greatest powers of light and darkness reside within there and if dark forces like that `Dark Alliance' open it up, it would be a total disaster!”
Sora One exclaims, “Don't worry as long as we are around, that won't be happening!”
Matt tells Sora One, “It isn't as easy as that.”
TK nods his head and says, “Yeah, take it from us.”
Mimi asks, in her curiously, “So, what should we do about this?”
Amara says, “I'm not sure we can trust a person that doesn't even come to reveal itself.”
Jun says, in a plain tone, “You don't trust the Starlights and they are helpful friends from outside our galaxy.”
Amara yells at Jun, defensively, “That's different!”
Jun tells Amara, in a plain tone, “I don't see much difference and I say that we're going to Ninjor's temple.”
Before Amara could say another word, Davis tells her, “Don't ever try it. When my sister makes up her mind, she stubbornly refuses to change it.”
Yolei says, with a sly grin and tone, “Just like someone that we know.”
Davis roars out, annoyed, “Oh, can it, Yolei!”
Riku says, in a serious tone, “I think that some of us should stay behind to aid our new friends against the Heartless. Only a Keyblade has the power to defeat them. Plus, we have to find the keyhole and seal the heart of this world before they find it.”
Mina says, in a plain tone, “Not to mention to find the Princess of Heart, here. If this universe has one, of course.”
Luna states, in a serious tone, “I don't think we have to worry about that. We wouldn't be here if there wasn't one of the Princes or Princesses of Heart within this reality.”
Kairi tells Sora One, “Sora, since you aren't a Senshi like us. I think that you, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy should remain here while the rest of head over to visit this Ninjor and hope that he can help us.”
Ami asks Alpha Five, in a kind tone, “Can you teleport into the area that Ninjor's temple is?”
Alpha Five says, “I can, but you will have to find the temple on your own from there.”
Lita holds out a piece of paper and says, “Well, at least our friend sent us this piece of paper to guild us through the desert.”
Kairi kisses Sora One on the right cheek and tells him, “Be careful.”
Sora One tells Kairi, in a loving tone, “You, too.”
Yami tells everyone else, “We will also stay behind. In this world, I believe that we won't be much help.”
Trista tells Yami and his friends, “Good luck, young Pharaoh.”
Joey tells the ground, “Good luck, gang! And show them what you can do!”
Alpha Five pushes some buttons on the control panel and before he pushes the final one, he states, “Good luck.” Alpha Five then pushes the final button and our heroes and heroines, minus, Sora One, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, are teleported away. Alpha Five then speaks to the four Rangers and he says, “Speaking of new powers, Rangers, Zordon and I need your help to transform your Zeo Ranger powers into new Ranger powers.
The four Zeo Rangers gasps and Adam asks Alpha Five, “What do you mean Alpha?”
Zordon tells Adam in reply, “After the last battle with King Mondo and the Machine Empire, Alpha and I have been working on the next level of Ranger powers. By combing your Zeo Ranger powers with the new Turbo Matrix core that we have created, we can created a next stage in Ranger power in order to combat new evils that are on the horizon. It has come to our attention that one great enemy is defeated that a new and more powerful enemy awakened to threaten the peace of the universe. In order to make sure that the Power Rangers are ready for the next generation of foes, Alpha and I have working on the next generation of Ranger powers. When they are finished, the age of the Zeo Rangers will come to an end and the new age for the Power Rangers will be born. The age . . . of the Turbo Power Rangers.”
Tanya states, shocked, “TURBO Power Rangers?”
Alpha Five says, “Observe the viewing screens, Rangers.” When the four Rangers do so, they see five vehicles in front of them, two vans, one yellow van and one green van, two sports cars, a white one and a red one, and finally, a dark blue semi-truck.
Kat says, perplexed, “They look like ordinary cars.”
Zordon tells Kat, “No, Kat, they are extraordinary cars. They are your new Turbo Zords, cars infused the best of turbo technology. Taking your Zeo Zords as a biases and using our new Turbo technology, we have created the most powerful Zords to date. Adam, you will command Desert Thunder. Tanya, Dune Star is your Turbo Zord. Katherine, Wind Crasher will serve you well. And Tommy, your Turbo Zord is Red Lightning.”
Adam asks Zordon, “What about Rocky's Zord?”
Zordon tells Adam in reply, “The Mountain Blaster will have to be on standby for now, but I believe that a solution will arrive soon enough.” Soon after, the picture of the cars turn into a picture of a Megazord with the two vans as the legs, the dark blue semi-truck as the body, the white sports car spilt apart as the arms with hands coming out of them, and the red sports car in the `truck' of the dark blue semi-truck. Zordon tells the Power Rangers, “Individually, they are formidable fighting machines, but when combined together, they form the Turbo Megazord, the most powerful Megazord ever created.”
Tommy says, amazed, “It's awesome.”
Alpha Five tells the four Rangers, “However, Rangers, you need to give up your Zeonizers, so, we can transfer the Zeo Crystal energies into the Turbo Matrix in order to create your new Turbo Morphers.”
Tanya asks, perplexed, “But what about Rocky and his morpher?”
However, a young male voice calls out, “Don't worry about it, guys! Rocky sent me to give it to you!” When everyone looks at the source of the voice, they, expect for Zordon, gasp in shock and Zordon gives a wide smile at this `event'.
(Somewhere on Angel Grove Beach; Later that very same afternoon)
On the beach near Angel Grove, we find two people, one male and one female, looking down at the beach. When we get a closer look at these two, we find that they are two former Power Rangers, one is Jason, former Mighty Morphin Red Ranger and Zeo Gold Ranger, and Kimberly, former Mighty Morphin Pink Ranger, looking down at water while they have some scuba gear ready to go inside of a boat.
Kimberly tells Jason, “Thanks a lot for helping me get here, Jason.”
Jason tells Kimberly, “No problem, Kimberly. I just hope the guys are doing okay. Last time, they worked with Trey to demolish King Mondo and his family.”
Kimberly asks Jason, “Still sad about not being the Gold Ranger anymore.”
Jason tells Kimberly, with a slight smile, “Yeah, but I'm okay with it. I think that those powers worked better with Trey anyway. Using them was a real pain on my life-force.”
Kimberly gives a few giggles and says, “Well, I hope that we can help with the shelter.”
However, a dark female voice calls out, “Oh, you will be helping, but not your pathetic friends, Kimmy!” Jason and Kimberly quickly turn around to face Lord Zed and Rita, who are standing confidently in front of them.
Jason states, annoyed, “Oh, great! What a sight to see coming home! I thought that King Mondo already sent you, two, packing!”
Lord Zed shouts out, in a dark taunting tone, “Last time I saw Mondo, he and his family were rusting on the moon!”
Rita yells out, “Now, we're back and we have some new friends!”
Jason asks, perplexed, “What do you mean?!”
Lord Zed says, nastily, “Let me show you, Jason!” Just then dozen of shadows appear from the ground and all of those shadows turn into Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless.
Kimberly asks, fearfully, “What in the world are those?”
Rita shouts out, “Meet the very embodiments of darkness! The Heartless!”
Jason asks, perplexed, “Heartless?”
Lord Zed points to Kimberly and replies, darkly, “If you don't hand over the former Pink Ranger, you will soon find out.”
Jason moves in front of Kimberly and says, defiantly, “If you want to get to Kimberly, you will have to get through me first!”
Rita says, with an evil tone, “We were hoping that you would say that.” Rita points towards Jason and yells out, “Attack!” The Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless move in on the two former Power Rangers and Jason gives two of Shadow Heartless swift kicks in their faces, knocking them to the ground, but they easily get back to the feet.
Jason says, worriedly, “Oh man! Something tells me that they are not going to be as easy as Putties or Tangas.”
Lord Zed says, with an evil tone, “That's a huge understatement, ex-Power Ranger. And these are the weakest of the Heartless. Without your powers, you can't hope to win.”
Jason tells Lord Zed, in a strong tone, “We'll see about that, Zed.” However, Jason thinks in his mind, “However, he does have a point. Since I'm not a Ranger anymore, I can't hope to stand up to these things. Guys, I hope that you are on your way.”
(Returning to the Power Chamber; On the meanwhile)
Back inside of the Power Chamber, we see our four former Zeo Rangers in their new Turbo Ranger uniforms with their helmets by their sides, but with them, is young Justin in the Turbo Blue Ranger uniform with his helmet by his right side.
Zordon tells Justin, “Justin, as the newest Ranger, you must take your lead from the others and use your new powers wisely. However, you must abide by these three rules: You must never your powers for personal gain. You must never accelerate a battle unless your enemies force you, too. And finally, you must never reveal your identity as a Power Ranger.”
Justin tells Zordon, “You can count on me, Zordon.”
Zordon tells Justin, “I know that I can, Justin. You have a heart that's true and wisdom beyond your years.”
Tanya tells Justin, “I still can't believe that you found out, Justin.”
Justin tells Tanya, “It was kind of by accident.”
Kat says, in a serious tone, “I'm not really sure about this, but I know that you will make a fine Ranger, Justin.”
Sora, our Keyblade Master, thinks in his mind, “Wow! I wish that I can get cool clothes like that.”
Just then the alarms went off in the command center and Riku exclaims, in a serious tone, “What's that?”
Alpha Five taps some buttons on the computer terminal and he exclaims, shocked, “Ai! Ai! Ai! Rangers, Jason and Kimberly are under attack by the beach!”
Tommy exclaims, shocked and horrified, “What?!” Alpha Five pushes some buttons on the computer terminal and the viewing screens show Jason being thrown away by the Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless with Kimberly being taken by Lord Zed and Rita.
Kat exclaims, shocked, “Why do they want with Kimberly?! She isn't a Ranger now!”
Sora calls out, in a serious tone, “She must be the Princess of Heart for your world . . . universe . . . or whatever!!”
Zordon says, in his logical tone, “Our new friend is most likely correct. Out of all of the Rangers, Kimberly is the purest of heart that I've ever known. It is most likely that she holds one of the keys to Kingdom Hearts.”
Donald calls out, “We have to stop them!”
Tanya says, in a serious tone, “Well, I think that it is good test of our new Turbo Powers.”
Justin exclaims, excitedly, “All right! I was hoping that you would say that!”
Alpha Five tells the new Turbo Ranger team, “Your new Turbo Zords and your new Turbo Powers are online and they are at one-hundred perfect efficiency.”
Tommy shouts out, excitedly, “All right! That's great, Alpha!”
Zordon tells the group, “Good luck to you and our new friends. May the power protect all of you.”
Tommy calls out, in a strong tone, “Ready to do this?!” When the other four Rangers nod their heads, they bring their helmets above their heads and Tommy roars out, in a serious tone, “Shifting to Turbo!” The five Turbo Rangers inserted their helmets over their faces, their bodies glow for a second, and all of our heroes and heroines are teleported out of the Power Chamber.
Alpha Five says, worriedly, “Good luck, everyone.”
(Back on the beach; A brief time soon after)
Returning to the beach, we find the Heartless throwing Jason around like a rag dog while Kimberly is being held captive by Goldar and Rito and she tries her best to struggle free.
Kimberly shout out at Rito, annoyed, “Let go of me!”
Goldar tells Kimberly, in a dark taunting tone, “Not this time, pinky!”
Rito says, in a dark tone, “Without your powers, you can't hope to stand up to us!”
Kimberly replies, “You want to bet?” Kimberly then uses every bit of strength to wrestle free of Goldar and Rito and when they try to grab her, she ducks down and they slam into each other, which also Kimberly to get away. Kimberly then tries to fight the Heartless and get to her friend and former partner in fighting evil, Jason.
Lord Zed shouts out, angrily, “Fools! You are letting her get away!”
Just then a portal of darkness appears below Kimberly's feet and while she is being wrapped up in tentacles made of darkness energy, a dark voice calls out, “No, she is not!” Another portal of darkness appears besides Kimberly and Maleficent comes out of the portal.
Kimberly states, perplexed, “Who are you?”
Maleficent tells Kimberly, “None of your business, young princess.”
Kimberly tells Maleficent, “Princess? I think that you've got the wrong girl, here, sister.”
Maleficent tells Kimberly, darkly, “No. We have got the right person, young Kimberly.”
Rita asks Maleficent, “So, she is the Princess of Heart that we need?”
Maleficent tells Rita, in her usual tone, “Indeed. You have done well, Rita Repulsa. We are one step closer to opening the door of ultimate darkness with another maiden with the purest of hearts.”
Kimberly asks Maleficent, “What are you talking about?”
Maleficent tells Kimberly, “You will see, soon enough. You are going to help us cover all of existence in darkness.”
Kimberly shouts out, in a strong tone, “I will never help you hurt anyone!”
Maleficent tells Kimberly, in a dark tone, “You don't have a choice.”
Jason's voice calls out, shocked, “No! Let her go!” Everyone looks to see Jason still struggling with the Heartless, but he hasn't had any luck and the Heartless knock him down the ground.
Kimberly shouts out, horrified, “Jason, no!”
However, before the Heartless could deliver the final blow, a male voice shouts out, “Stop it!” Just the two Keyblades slam down on the Heartless and take two Neo-Shadow Heartless and four Shadow Heartless. Jason gets to his feet to see Riku and Sora, with their Keyblades in their hands, are standing by his side.
Maleficent says, with a evil grin, “Sora! Riku! How good of you to join me on my latest triumph, the capture of the next Princess of Heart.”
Riku tells Maleficent, in a serious tone, “You won't get away with this!”
Maleficent laughs evilly and replies, “And who is going to stop us?”
Just then Justin's voice rings out, “We are!” When everyone looks to the source, the five new Turbo Rangers with King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy leap into the fray.
Rito asks, perplexed, “Aren't those the Power Rangers? They look kind of different. Did they get new costumes?”
The Green Turbo Ranger shouts out, “We've got more than new costumes, Rito. We are the brand Turbo Power Rangers.”
Goldar says, confused, “Turbo Power Rangers?”
Rita says, annoyed, “New costumes, new name, new powers, but the same old Power Pukes in my book!”
The Blue Turbo Ranger exclaims, “Wrong, Rita! You haven't met me before!”
Rito asks, confused, “Huh? Did his voice change?”
Lord Zed roars out, angrily, “No, you dolt! This is a brand new Blue Ranger!”
The Blue Turbo Ranger shouts out, excitedly, “That's right, bone head! And I'm here to kick back to whatever graveyard that you came from!”
Rito says, in a dark mocking tone, “Oh, really? Well, we are just going to see about that.”
The Red Turbo Ranger states, in a serious tone, “Yeah, now, give back Kimberly!”
Maleficent says, with a evil smile, “You want her? Come at get her!” Maleficent then snaps her fingers and Kimberly is quickly pulled into the dark portal.
Jason and the Red, Green, and Pink Turbo Rangers shout out in horror, “Kimberly!”
Before she goes into the dark portal, Kimberly shouts out, “Guys, help me!” Soon after, much to the other's horror, Kimberly is dragged into the dark portal, which vanishes right behind her.
Maleficent tells Sora, Riku, and King Mickey, “You and the other Keyblade warriors have failed, once again, your majesty. Soon, my allies and I will rule all worlds under a veil of eternal darkness!”
King Mickey tells Maleficent, “We shall see about that.”
Maleficent tells Lord Zed and Rita, “Can you handle these pests before you come back?”
Lord Zed replies, in a dark excited tone, “It will be my pleasure.”
Maleficent says, in a dark tone, “Very well. I will leave it in your hands.” A portal of darkness appears behind Maleficent and she goes through the portal.
The Red Turbo Ranger shouts out, “Get back here!” He tries to go forward to catch Maleficent, but he is quickly blocked by numerous Heartless and that allows Maleficent to go through the gateway, which closes behind her.
Rita calls out, triumphantly, “At long last, the end of the Power Rangers! Plus, we will destroy the legendary warriors of the Keyblade as well!”
Sora says, in a serious tone, “Just you try it!”
Goldar roars out, nastily, “You've got it!” The Heartless, Goldar, and Rito rush towards our group of heroes and the five Turbo Rangers, Sora, Riku, King Mickey, Donald, and Goofy rush into the fray with a battle immediately erupting between the two forces.
(Inside of Ninjor's temple; shortly thereafter)
Within the depth of Ninjor's temple, we find Queen Serenity, Darien, our Digidestined, their Digimon partners, and our Senshi, Solar and Sailor, walking deep into the temple and looking around everywhere for any signs of Ninjor, but they don't see him. Thankfully for them, the map that they were given by their mysterious `friend' led them exactly to Ninjor's hidden temple.
Davis says, plainly, “Well, this looks like a hidden temple if I ever seen one.”
Veemon tells Davis, “Actually, none of us have seen many hidden temples.”
Davis tells Veemon, drolly, “Thanks a lot, Veemon.”
Rei asks, perplexed, “Okay, we're here, but where is this Ninjor guy?”
Just then Ninjor's voice booms, “Who dares enter the sacred temple of Ninjor?”
Yolei and Mimi give a few `yelps' of surprise and Matt asks, surprised, “What was that?”
Mina says, surprised, “I think we found Ninjor.”
Ninjor's voice booms again, “Indeed, young human. Through I never seen or felt unusual human such as you. So, I ask again: WHO DARES INVADE THE HALLS OF MY TEMPLE?!”
Jun tells Ninjor, “You know, if you are trying to scare us, it isn't working.”
Ninjor's voice booms again, “How rude! Maybe I shouldn't talk to you at all.”
Melody goes over to the large jar and says, “Oh, I think that you will be talking.”
Melody then opens up the jar, looks inside, and Ninjor's voice booms out, “Hey, don't touch that!”
Raven asks Melody, in her plain tone, “What are you doing Melody?”
Melody gives a wide grin, points inside of the jar, and says, “Guys and gals, meet the great Ninjor.” All of our heroes and heroines go over to the jar, take a look inside, and find Ninjor standing inside.
Lita asks, perplexed, “That's the great Ninjor?”
Mina says, simply, “I would have imagined him . . . I don't know . . . Bigger . . . More commanding . . .”
Ninjor yells out, nastily, “Ha! Shows much that you know!”
Mina roars out, angrily, “Hey, what's that supposed to mean?”
Queen Serenity says, in a logical tone, “Do not be fool, everyone. This might just a special power or technique in order to shrink one's mass, size, or both. There are techniques and abilities that allow the user to increase to decrease his size and mass at will.”
Ninjor says, “Ah! Something with great wisdom! Finally, someone I can relate to.”
Carrie says, in a serious tone, “Okay, very funny. We're not here to play games, here! We're here to see you, so, could you please transform back to normal size?!”
Ninjor replies, “Well, you did have the dignity to say please, so . . . All right. Stand back!” Ninjor puts his hands together and a whole lot of smoke appears in the jar, coming out of the top of the jar in quick fashion and forcing our heroes and heroines to step back in a fast fashion. When the smoke clears, Ninjor is outside of the jar at his `normal' size. Ninjor says, “All right. State your business and make it quick.”
Ami tells Ninjor, “Well, Ninjor, sir, we are the Solar and Sailor Senshi, protectors from an alternate reality, and we needed help to stop an evil force from taking over existence. Someone contacted us that you can help us.”
Ninjor thinks in his mind, “Hmm, could it be? Well, let's see if they pass the same test as the Rangers did.” Ninjor says, in a slip-song manner, “Nope. Sorry. Can't help you.”
Rei yells out, shocked, “What?! We came out all this way to see and you won't help us!”
Ninjor tells Rei, “Sorry for your long trip, but I just don't help out anybody.”
Davis shouts out, in a serious tone, “Hey, we know good friends of yours! The Power Rangers!”
Ninjor states, in another slip-song tone, “That's what they all say! Got any proof that you know the Rangers in a `personal' manner.”
Hotaru says, in her usual tone, “We just met them, so, no, we don't!”
Ninjor says, simply, “Sorry, can't help you then.”
Amara roars out, angrily, “We've come all this way for you help and you just throw us out! Do you know who you are talking too?”
Ninjor states, in a slip-song tone, “Don't know and don't care. Bye.”
When Ninjor turns his back on them, Jun tells everyone, “Come on, everyone. Let's go. I can see that he isn't going to help us.”
Janet asks Jun, “But Jun, what can we do without the power that we need?”
Davis states, in a serious tone, “We've got all the power that we need right here.” Davis then points to his heart and says, “We've got all the power we need right here. As long as we have each other and our hearts are connected, all the power that we need is right here. It got us through our other battles when we didn't seem to stand a chance, right?”
TK smiles and replies, “Right, Davis.”
Mina exclaims, in her excited tone, “Yeah, that's right!”
Lita says, in a serious tone, “Come on gang, let's see if the Rangers and our friends need our help to protect their world and this universe's princess.”
As our heroes and heroines start to walk away, Ninjor turns back to the face them and says, “Hold on! Wait!” When everyone looks back towards Ninjor, he says, admitting, “All right! I see that you have proven yourselves worthy and you are indeed mainly pure of heart and soul in order to receive the power of the ninja. Please follow me.” When Ninjor heads towards garden portion of his temple, the other heroes and heroines followed him immediately.
(In the temple garden; A very brief time later)
In the middle of the temple garden, we find all of our Senshi, Solar and Sailor, lined up in three rows in front of Ninjor while the others, Digidestined, Digimon, Queen Serenity, the three Sailor Starlights, and Darien, watched from the sides.
Ninjor says, “I can tell that you have indeed the purity of heart and soul in order to use the power of the ninja. However, your powers and strengths are different from the Rangers, so, you will gain powers far stronger than what they have gained around a year or two ago. Within yourselves, you hold the powers of the star and planets, which makes the reasons obvious why your new ninja powers will be far superior to the ones that the Rangers gain. Now, if you are the chosen ones of legend, it is my duty to guide you on the way to your destiny. Now, close your eyes, open your hearts and souls, and let the power of the ninja flow through you.” When all of our Senshi, Solar and Sailor, in their civilian forms, close their eyes, Ninjor gives out a small chant that can't be heard by anyone else and a small mist surrounds the ground causing them to glow in their Senshi colors and start to feel a new power flow through them. Soon after, they were all covered in a bright light that forces everyone else to cover their eyes. After several minutes, when everyone is able to uncover their eyes and look at our group, they gasp at how they been changed.
Davis, Sean, Daniel, and Chrono are dressed in exactly the same ninja uniforms as the Rangers in their Ninja Ranger forms with Davis being silver in color, Sean's uniform is dark green, Daniel's uniform is blue, and Chrono's uniform is pitch black in color. On the center portion of their ninja uniforms is a golden circular jewel with their Senshi symbol in the center with Davis' being the golden crescent moon, Sean's symbol is the emerald green symbol of Jupiter, Daniel's symbol of the astrological sign of Mercury in blue, and Chrono's symbol is the astrological sign of Pluto in pitch black colors. Across their waists are pitch black belts with golden belt buckles that contain their Senshi symbols as well and attached to those belts are short samurai swords with white hits and silver blades as well as pouches for knife-like ninja shuriken.
Sora, our Digidestined of Love, Mimi, Kairi, Olette, Mai, Janet, Jun, and our Moon Kingdom Senshi were wearing ninja uniforms, but only the chest, sleeves, and gloves are similar to the Power Rangers' ninja uniforms in their Ninja Ranger forms with the same golden circular jewel in their bust areas with the Sailor Senshi symbols in the center of the golden jewels, Kairi with the eight-pointed white star, Olette with the three five-pointed golden stars in a triangle formation, Sora, Mimi, Janet, and Mai with their Zodiac Sailor Senshi symbols in their Senshi colors, and the Moon Kingdom Sailor Senshi are their planetary symbols in their Sailor Senshi colors, their scalps are covered in magical open-faced hoods which manage to hold their hair inside, across their forehead are bandanas with jewels in the form their Sailor Senshi symbols in the center of the bandanas, their mouths up to the bottom of their noses are covered by magical cloth veils that allow them to speak and breath through them, they have mini-skirts connected to the ninja `vests' on their chest and waists that go down to one-eighth of their tights, they have nighttime black stockings that cover all of their legs, even the portion under their skirt, and nearly all of them have female Arabian shoes on their feet, like the ones seen in storybooks, expect for Mai, who is wearing dark yellow high-heel shoes. Across the girls' waists, they also have nighttime black belts with silver belt buckles that have their personal Sailor Senshi symbols imprinted in the center of the belt buckles and the belts holds two pouches, one containing knife-like ninja shuriken and the other pouch are full of powerful ninja spell scrolls like the ones seen in Naruto.
When everyone of the `new Senshi' look over themselves, Davis, in his new form, says, amazed, “Awesome! I can get use to this!”
`Olette' says, also pretty amazed, “Oh, wow! This is amazing!”
`Jun' calls out, “I can feel the power flowing through me! This is great!”
`Ami' says, pretty amazed, “I've never felt anything like it before.”
Ninjor then says, “Of course. It is the power of the ninja, young mistress of Mercury. Your `other forms' rely on powerful magic and power to win your battles. The power of the ninja relies on stealth, grace, speed, and agility. Ninja is also known as the art of invisibility. In order to use that power, you must become one with your new ninja powers. You will have all of the powers that the Rangers have and much more because even through the Ranger can `communicate' well with their powers, you can do that much better because you were already more deeply linked with the powers that you already had. Remember to feel out your ninja powers with your heart and soul and they will guild you.”
`Amara' says, with a wide grin under her mask, “I think that I'm going to like this.” Just then Amara's, Michelle's, Hotaru's, and Trista's henshin wands appear in front of them and transform in front of them. Amara's henshin wand has a golden staff with a crystal clear orb that has the symbol of Uranus in orange in front of a golden colored shape in the form of Amara's Space Sword with a golden heart jewel attached above the orb with the symbol of Uranus engraved and the heart jewel has four white angel wings attached to it. Michelle's henshin wand also has a golden staff and crystal clear orb, but the orb has the symbol of Neptune in aqua-marine in front of gold colored shape similar in form of Michelle's Aqua Mirror, a golden heart jewel attached above the orb with the symbol of Neptune engraved in the heart jewel and the heart jewel has four white angel wings attached to it. Hotaru's henshin wand also has the same golden staff and crystal clear orb, but inside of the orb is the symbol of Saturn in dark violet in front of a gold colored shape similar in form of Hotaru's Silent Glaive scythe, a golden heart jewel attached above the orb with the symbol of Saturn engraved in the heart jewel and the heart jewel has four white angel wings attached to it. Trista's henshin wand, once again, also has a similar golden staff and crystal clear orb, but the orb has the symbol of Pluto in dark pink in front of a gold colored shape in the form of the her garnet rod, a golden heart jewel is attached above the orb and the engraved on the heart jewel is the symbol of Pluto, and four white angel wings are attached to the heart jewel.
Ninjor says, with a bit of surprise in his tone, “This is certainly unexpected. It seems like your new powers have `upgraded' your current powers to the next level of power for you, Senshi.”
`Lita' exclaims, excitedly, “All right, all of you are Eternal Sailor Senshi, now!”
`Michelle' asks `Amara', in her usual tone, “This is certainly going to get interesting, isn't it, Amara?” `Amara' nods her hooded and veil covered head in agreement.
Ninjor then says, “Your new Ninja Senshi powers will be infused with your transformation items and all you need to do is call out a new transformation command in order to activate them. With the devilish young males over here, they need to call out `Solar Shinobi Power, Power-up!' and they will be transformed. With the beautiful and sometimes, deadly, young female flowers, here, they need to call out `Sailor Shinobi Power, Make-up!' and they will access their Ninja Sailor Senshi powers. Your new powers will have plenty of similarities with each other, but they will have differences depending on your Senshi element. Plus, with any new Senshi that come into your group, their transformation items will already be infused with the power that they need since I've given it to the young prince's and princess' two guardians, Dimitri and Isis.”
`Davis' tells Ninjor, “Thanks a lot, Ninjor! You've been a great help!”
Ninjor tells `Davis', “You have already proven yourself, young prince! I am merely just a guide for your journey. A journey that you and your sister will shape with your choices. Remember, all of you plan a `role' in your journey together, but you, two, as the bearers of the symbols of Miracles and Destiny can shape and re-shape destiny itself by the strength of your will and the power of your hearts.” Ninjor then tells all of our heroes and heroines, “Now, good luck to you all and remember, young warriors of the universe, the power of ninja is within you, now. As long your hearts remain true, it will never fail you.”
`Mina' says, in a serious tone, “Right! Now, let's rejoin the others!” The rest of our heroes and heroines nod their heads in agreement and they headed out of the temple and back to the Power Rangers' Power Chamber.
Ninjor thinks in his mind, “Farewell and stay safe. The fate of all of existence depends on all of you.” Ninjor then uses his ninja powers to teleport away from his temple's garden to somewhere else within the temple.
(Back at the Power Rangers' Power Chamber; Another short time soon after)
Alpha Five, Zordon, and Yami and his friends were watching the battle between King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Sora One, Riku, and the five Turbo Rangers and Lord Zed, Rita, and their Heartless hordes. By this time, the Rangers and the other heroes were getting the upper hand and were managing to beat back and defeat more and more of the Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless. Just then our heroes and heroines teleport in with all of our Senshi are still in their new Ninja Senshi forms.
Joey exclaims, amazed, “Whoa! Looking good, Mai!”
`Mai', as Ninja Leo, replies, “Thanks, Joey. This uniform might not be in fashion, but hey, I make this look good.”
`Mina', as Ninja Venus, tells Ninja Leo, “Oh, yeah! I'm the Avatar for the Goddess of Love! You might make it look good, but I make it look better!”
`Jun', as Ninja Sun, shouts out at them, “Okay, you, two, that's enough! We've got work to do!”
`Daniel', as Ninja Solar Mercury, asks Alpha Five, “What's been happening while we were gone?”
Joey tells them, solemnly, “Bad news. One of these guys' friends proved to be the Princess of Heart and Maleficent got her hands on her, despite the others' best efforts.”
`Hotaru', as Ninja Saturn, states, in a worried tone, “Oh no!”
`Davis', as Ninja Solar Moon, asks, “What's the current situation?”
Alpha Five replies, “The Rangers and your friends have got the Heartless on the run and they are seemly about to win.”
`Rei', as Ninja Mars, tells Alpha Five, “Don't count on it. Take it from people with experience. When the villains are about to lose a fight, they always seem to find a way to turn up the heat on you.”
`Ami', as Ninja Mercury, asks Alpha Five, “Alpha, can ask you a favor? Can I look at the plans for the Megazords that you currently have and once had?”
Alpha Five asks Ninja Mercury, “Why?”
Janet, as Ninja Aquarius, replies, “Knowing Mercury, she has a plan to help the Rangers and I get what she is getting at.”
Alpha Five asks Zordon, “Well, Zordon?”
Zordon tells Alpha Five, “They are fellow warriors in the war against evil, Alpha. They will not deceive us. Do as they ask?”
Alpha Five nods his head and replies, “Right, Zordon.” Alpha Five then shows Ninja Mercury, Ninja Solar Mercury, and Ninja Aquarius the plans for the Megazord ranging from the Dino Zords to the current and brand new Turbo Megazord.
Michelle, as Ninja Neptune, says to Amara, as Ninja Uranus, “I'm curious to see what those three are planning.” As the others continue to watch the battle, our three Ninja Senshi work with Alpha Five on some kind of project, but they didn't notice that Zordon was looking at a small keyhole forming on the lower portion of the back wall of the Power Chamber.
(Short time later; back at the battle)
Returning to the battle, we find the five Turbo Rangers, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Riku, and Sora, our Keyblade Master, are winning the battle against the Heartless with the small army of Shadow and Neo-Shadow Heartless are nearly totally defeated. However, Goldar and Rito rush at Sora and Riku with their sword.
Rito shouts out, “You, two, little brats are going down!”
Goldar calls out, plainly, “Prepare to die, humans!”
Sora roars out, in a serious tone, “I don't think so!” When the two evil villains came close, they attacked with their swords, but Sora and Riku manages to easily block with their Keyblades and use two Trinity Limit attacks to knock them back.
Soon after, the Blue Turbo Ranger leaps high into the air, summons two dark blue hand-cannon sized pistols to his hands, and the Blue Turbo Ranger calls out, “Turbo Hand Blasters! Fire!” The Blue Turbo Ranger fires several dozen laser bullets from his cannons and his attack throws Goldar and Rito to the ground.
Rita roars out, annoyed, “Argh! You idiots!”
The Green Turbo Ranger shouts out, “Hey, Rita!” When Lord Zed and Rita look at the Green Turbo Ranger, they see he is holding large cannon at them. He roars out, “Turbo Thunder Cannon! Fire!” The Green Turbo Ranger fires three shots of them and the two of them roar or scream out, depending on whom you are speaking of, as the blasts nearly hit them and cause three powerful explosions around them.
When the Green Turbo Ranger `slacks' his fire, Lord Zed roars out, angrily, “That does it!” Goldar and Rito return to the side of Lord Zed and Rita and Lord Zed shouts out, “Now, I call upon the darkness powers of the Heartless! Make us grow!” Lord Zed raises his staff into the air and lightning energy zaps into the Heartless causing them to be infused into the four villains and they grow until they are the size of many skyscrapers.
The Red Turbo Ranger says, in a serious tone, “Why shouldn't I be surprised about this?!”
The Pink Turbo Ranger asks the Red Turbo Ranger, “What should we do Tommy?!”
The Red Turbo Ranger exclaims, “It is time to call on our new Turbo Zords!”
The Blue Turbo Ranger yells out, excitedly, “Oh, yeah! I was hoping that you would say that!”
The five Turbo Ranger then shout out in unison, “We need Turbo Megazord power now!” Soon after, the five new Turbo Zords appears from a `Zord bay' and speed off, quickly arriving on the battlefield. The five Turbo Rangers teleport inside of their individual Turbo Zords.
The Red Turbo Ranger takes out a special key, inserts into a key slot in his control panel for this Zord, and shouts out, “Turbo Megazord morph sequence activate! Turbo up!” The Red Turbo Ranger turns the key in the key slot and activates the transformation sequence for his Zord.
The other four Turbo Ranger do the same and shout out in unison, “Turbo up!” Soon after, the Wind Chaser splits in two, getting mechanical hands on the back-sides, and attached to the rear tires of the Mountain Blaster. The Mountain Blaster's front bumper slightly opens up and creates two `connection points' pointing ahead. The Dune Star's and Desert Thunder's front bumpers' rise up to reveal openings and they connect with the Mountain Blaster's split front bumper with the Dune Star becoming the left leg of the forming Megazord and Desert Thunder becoming the right leg of the forming Megazord. The Mountain Blaster then opens the door of its trunk and Red Lightning rolls into the trunk of Mountain Blaster, locking in, and with aid from jets in the legs and back of the new Megazord, the forming Megazord goes from the a horizontal position into a vertical portion with the Red Lightning Turbo Zord opening down the middle, revealing the new Megazord's head. When the transformation sequence is done, the Turbo Megazord stands before the four skyscraper tall villains.
The five Turbo Ranger shout out in the command center of the Turbo Megazord, which is located in the head of the Megazord, “Megazord, Turbo Charged!”
The five Turbo Rangers, in their positions in the Megazord cockpit, activate all of the systems on the Megazord, and the Red Turbo Ranger shouts out, “All right! Time to take care of business!”
The Blue Turbo Ranger exclaims, “Let's get them!” Soon after, the Turbo Megazord begins to move the four tall villains, who aren't threatened by the new Megazord.
Rito calls out, “So, you want to fight us in that tin can?! We will rip you apart!” Goldar and Rito draw their swords and charge at the Turbo Megazord. When the three of them clash, the Turbo Megazord blocks their sword attacks and slams its fists right into their chest causing sparks to fly when the Megazord's fist slam into the evil villains' chests.
Lord Zed cries out, annoyed, “How I hate fair fights?! This should change things!” Lord Zed fires lightning blasts from his specter and blasts the Turbo Megazord with a powerful assault causing sparks to fly from its body and the Turbo Megazord stumbles back. Rito and Goldar take this change to slam their swords into the Turbo Megazord's chest, damaging it more, but the Turbo Megazord fights back with a powerful kick to Goldar's chest and one powerful punch to Rito's face, knocking the two evil villains back.
Rita shouts out, “You pathetic Ranger can't beat us with that tin can! Now, taste the powers of darkness!” Rita summons an orb of pure darkness energy and launches it at the Megazord, causing a powerful explosion when it hits, and knocking the Turbo Megazord to the ground, badly damaged.
Inside of the Turbo Megazord, the Pink Turbo Ranger shouts out, “There is too many of them!”
Soon enough, the four evil villains move in front of the Megazord, looming over it and the fallen Rangers, and Lord Zed shouts out, “You're done, Rangers! Any last words?!”
Just then a familiar male voice shouts out, “Yeah! How about take this jerk?!” Just then all four villains are blasted by four beams of blue laser energy right in their chest and sending them flying backwards into a nearby forest. Soon after, another Megazord, looking exactly like the Astro Megazord from the Power Rangers: In Space saga, drops down by the fallen Turbo Megazord and helps the Turbo Megazord to its feet.
The Yellow Turbo Ranger states, surprised, “Whoa! Another Megazord!”
Just then a familiar female voice calls out, “You know it, girlfriend!”
The Green Turbo Ranger says, amazed, “Hey, it is those travelers from the alternate reality!” Within the cockpit of the new Megazord, which is located in the head, we find Ninja Solar Moon, Ninja Sun, Ninja Mercury, Ninja Solar Jupiter, and Ninja Aries at the controls.
Ninja Sun says, “We will pretend that we didn't hear that! And anyway, how do you like our new Astro Megazord? Mercury used the plans for your Megazords and our Senshi energies to turn our spaceship into a Megazord just like yours.”
The Blue Turbo Ranger exclaims, excitedly, “Awesome!” However, our heroes and heroines didn't have long to talk when they turn to see the four skyscraper tall villains rise to their feet to face the two Megazords.
Lord Zed roars out, seriously, “So, what if you got another Megazord to aid you, Rangers?! That won't help you against this!” Lord Zed fires a beam of electrical energy at the two Megazord, damaging them in a powerful explosion. However, the two Megazords are still standing and the Astro Megazord gets a blaster in its right hand. The Astro Megazord fires five blasts at the evil villains and sending them backwards as well as causing Lord Zed and Rita to fall to the ground, but Goldar and Rito are still standing. However, the two Megazords gain swords in their right hands and their jets activate causing them to float slightly in the air.
The Red Turbo Ranger asks his fellow Rangers in the Turbo Megazord, “Ready to fly?” When the other Rangers nod their heads in agreement, they prepare to attack.
Ninja Sun asks her friends in the cockpit of the Astro Megazord, “You ready to kick their butts?”
Ninja Solar Moon asks his elder sister, with his usual grin, “Do you have to ask?”
Ninja Sun nods her head in understanding and shouts out, “All right! Astro Megazord saber at full power!”
Ninja Mercury tells Ninja Sun, “Right, Sun!” Ninja Mercury activates the maximum power of the weapons' system on the Astro Megazord.
On the Turbo Megazord, the five Turbo Rangers shout out in unison, “Turbo jets, full power!” They push some buttons of their control pads and the Turbo Megazord rushes forwards towards Goldar and Rito with the Astro Megazord joining them.
Goldar and Rito, still dazed from the Astro Megazord's last attack, look to see the two Megazords coming towards them with swords `drawn', and Rito says, worriedly, “Uh oh. This isn't good.”
When they get close, the two Megazords prepare their swords and the Red Turbo Ranger calls out, “Later, bone head!” Soon after, the Turbo Megazord slashes its saber right through Rito's chest.
Around the same time, Ninja Solar Jupiter exclaims, strongly, “See ya, ugly!” At the same time that the Turbo Megazord attacks Rito, the Astro Megazord slashes its sword across Goldar's left shoulder down to the monster's right lower waist. Both Megazord stop behind the two monsters and they call out as their bodies give off sparks and explosions of sparks.
Rito shouts out, painfully, “What a world!” The two monsters fall down to the ground and explode on contact causing huge explosions behind the two Megazords as they are destroyed.
Lord Zed and Rita, who are back on their feet, see in horror of Goldar's and Rito's destruction and Lord Zed roars out, angrily, “You may have gotten them, but you will not destroy us! Farewell, Rangers!”
Rita calls out, “Yeah! You and your new friends will pay for this!” Lord Zed and Rita are then engulfed by pitch black shadows and when the shadows fade away, Lord Zed and Rita have totally vanished! The two Megazord's sabers vanish from their hands, they turn towards each other, and they shake each other's hands.
The Red Turbo Ranger says, through a communication link with the Astro Megazord, “Thanks a lot for the help.”
Ninja Aries replies, through the communication link, “No problem. However, we are sorry for what happened to your friend.”
Ninja Solar Moon states, in a serious tone, “But don't worry, we will get her back for you! Promise!”
The Pink Turbo Ranger says, “We know that you will. We wish that we could come along, but we are needed here in case they return. However, we know that you will save Kimberly and stop the Dark Alliance and their mad plans.”
Ninja Solar Jupiter exclaims, in an excited tone, “You know it!” When the two Megazords look down at the beach, they see King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Sora One, Riku, and Jason looking up at them.
The Red Turbo Ranger calls out from the Megazord's speaker system, “Hey, Jas'! I would like you to meet our new friends and their personal Megazord!”
Donald states, stunned, “Whoa! That's our spaceship!”
Sora One tells Donald in reply, “Looks like it, Donald.” Sora One then says, with a smile, “Wow. Awesome.”
Riku shouts out to the Astro Megazord, “Hey, we still need to find the keyhole!”
Ninja Sun calls out from the speaker system in the Astro Megazord, “Already took care of that! Turns out it was in the Rangers' headquarters the whole time! Darien already sealed it with his Keyblade!” Just then Sora One's, Riku's, and King Mickey's Keyblades glow with bright lights with the Turbo Megazord, the Turbo Megazord sends a beam of light into the air, creating a huge keyhole, and the three Keyblades warriors send beams of energy from their Keyblades into the large keyhole, causing a huge `click' to be heard before the keyhole vanishes in a bright light.
The Red Turbo Ranger and Jason state in unison, wondering what just happened, “What was that?”
Ninja Mercury says on the Astro Megazord's speaker system, “It means that our journey is continuing!”
The Yellow Turbo Ranger calls out from the Turbo Megazord's speaker system, “Okay! Thanks for the help and bring Kimberly back soon!”
Ninja Sun shouts out from the Astro Megazord's speaker system, “Right!”
King Mickey tells his four friends, “Well, time to go!”
Donald tells King Mickey, “Yes, sir, your majesty!” King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Sora One, and Riku then run off towards the Astro Megazord to rejoin the others and to continue their journey with the Sailor and Solar Senshi having new powers as well as a brand new weapon that they can use and renewed purpose . . .
Next time in Chapter 7: Welcome to `The World': After our heroes and heroines return from the Turbo Rangers' reality to Starlight Station, they are met with an incredible surprise as they find Seto and Mokuba Kaiba wandering around town with no clue about what's happened or in Seto Kaiba's case, mainly denying what's going on around him. However, a duel between Jun and Seto Kaiba might set him straight or enrage him when Jun pulls off some incredible `dueling moves' with an improved deck that she made with some Duel Monster cards that she got in Starlight Station. In the aftermath of the duel, our heroes and heroines, once again, enter their spaceship and head off into another reality to stop the Dark Alliance and Maleficent. However, this time, they end up inside some kind of world-wide RPG game known simply as `The World' and somewhere within the `game world' is the next Princess of Heart. Our heroes and heroines enter into `The World' where Donald proved some kind of incredible new `costume changes' for our group to `blend in' with some of them that are beyond belief . . . for our heroes and heroines anyway. As they explore `The World', they meet up with a group of players known as Shugo, his twin sister, Rena, Mireille, the `Rare Hunter', Ohka, a female werewolf player with power and grave to her, and a shy player that has the same name as our Princess and Sailor Senshi of Saturn, Hotaru. They also meet up with one Balmung of the Azure Sky, who seems to know a lot about the events of `The World' including one of them known simply as `Twilight'. However, they are going to have to work together when Pete and the Heartless come into `The World' to find the Princess of Heart and take her away causing all sorts of chaos for `The World' and the Real World added to it. Can our heroes and heroines stop Pete and protect the Princess of Heart as well as stop the threaten collapses of two worlds within the same reality? Hopefully, things will work out on the next DigiSenshi Hearts!
Well, it may have taken nearly one month to finish this story's next chapter, but I'm back! I'm sorry for the extend length of this chapter, but there was a lot that I needed to get in here. Hopefully, it didn't take out the excitement of this story's newest chapter. Anyway, how did you like Carrie's `back-story' that I added in this chapter? If you want to know more about the Asteroid Sailor Scouts, just send me an e-mail or a review. I would like to take this time to also give credit to joyfulsara and this author's story of `Sailor Universe!' for the idea of Olette's past as Sailor Constellation with Kairi/Sailor Star during the Silver Millennium. Now, please read and continue to review because it is your reviews that keeps inspiring me to do this story. I will read your reviews as soon as possible and I will catch you later, Crossover Fans!