Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ A New Beginning ❯ cHaPtEr 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A New Beginning

By: Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Aro

Yami Cec: Yami Aro seemed to disappear Aro is here though.

Aro: yeah! But where is my Yami?

Davis: now, I'm not responsible for that. Hey, Yami Aro doesn't hate me anymore, so I don't bother her. She sort of likes me, as in a character wise thingy.

Izumi: remember that these are:


"Dialogue, quotes"


*~*(Author notes)**~

*Digivoling scene*

Kouji: also Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Aro doesn't own anything relating to digimon, including us. *~*Turns on the movie projector**~

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"Hello, Light and Hope. It is nice to meet you again," the mysterious person said to Hikari and Takeru.

"Light and Hope?" Hikari and Takeru asked.

"You two are the bearers of the crests Light and Hope. You have the crest of Light, and you have the crest of Hope." the mysterious person said while pointing at Hikari first then Takeru next.

"Do we know you?" Hikari and Takeru asked at the same time.

"Tai, Matt, Sora, Mimi, Joe, Izzy, and you two are the original digidestined," the mysterious guy said. "My name is Gennai."

"Gennai, how do you know our brothers' names?" Takeru asked.

"Yeah, Taichi is Courage, Yamato is Friendship, Sora is Love, Mimi is Sincerity, Jyou is Reliability, Koushiro is Knowledge, Hikari is Light, and you Takeru is Hope." Gennai said.

"Light, Hope, Courage, what in the world is that?" Takeru asked.

"If you don't hurry up and remember your past, then the great digital world will be endangered. Hurry Hope and Light, you must help us. Also once all the digidestined remembers their past, the new digivices will show up." Gennai pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but we still have no idea what you're talking about." Hikari said.

"I think you should have your friends out of this room for now, they'll know what this is later anyway, but you two need this information now." Gennai said. Miyako, Iori, and Daisuke left the room. "I think this will refresh your memories of what happened 4 years ago."

Gennai brings out a box. He opens it, and then their crests and tags were in it. He hands the pink crest and tag to Hikari. He gives the yellow crest and tag to Takeru. "Hope, Light you must wear it, then you'll remember your past."

Takeru and Hikari put the crest and tag around their neck and it started to glow. The light from their tags and crests engulfs them. Then all of a sudden, their clothes change. Hikari was wearing a pink and yellow tank top with a yellow scarf, and pink shorts before, and then afterwards it was changed into a pink and white tank top. And pink shorts. Takeru was wearing a green shirt and a yellow-greenish vest with green shorts. Then it was changed into a green shirt with yellow sleeves and green lighter shorts.

"I remember, the digimon, the crests and tags, the black gears, and the fighting." Takeru said.

"Light, Hope, Sincerity, Friendship, Love, Courage, Reliability, and Knowledge. Those where the names of the crests that we had. Myotismon tried to destroy me when we were eight. We took the trolley when we were coming home." Hikari said.

"Also children, I have the digivices. You can use the digivices to restore the other Digidestined's memories, or the tags." Gennai said, then handed Takeru and Hikari their digivices and the box of tags. "You must call them over here at school. You can restore them here, also they might faint so be careful."

Gennai then decides to go back to the digital world.

"I'll call them here." Takeru said. Takeru takes out his cell phone and calls the other digidestined. He first starts with Joe.

"Moshi Moshi, Kido residents." Jim said.

"Hello, is Joe there?" Takeru asked.

"Yeah, hold on a minute." Jim, Joe's brother said. "Joe, phone!"

"Hello?" Joe asked.

"Joe, it's me Tk, hey I just moved back and I wondering if you can come to Odiba Elementary? Can you call Izzy, Mimi, and Sora please? I need them to come here too. Tell them to go to the computer lab." Takeru said to Joe.

"Ok, alright I'll help you call Izzy, Mimi and Sora. I'll tell them to go to the computer room. Alright bye!" Joe said.

"Bye!" Takeru said. Takeru hangs up and calls his brother.

"Ishida Yamato speaking." Matt said.

"Matt? Can you come to school for a minute. I need to ask you something." Takeru said.

"Sure little Bro, I'll be there soon." Matt said.

"Hey Matt?" Takeru asked.

"Yeah?" Matt asked.

"Is Tai with you, we need him here too." Takeru said.

"Yeah Tai is here, I'll bring him with me." Matt said.

"Go to the computer lab ok?" Takeru asked.

"Ok." Matt said before he hung up.

After 15 minutes, Joe arrived with Izzy.

"Joe! Izzy!" Takeru yelled.

"Tk!" both Joe and Izzy yelled. They ran to each other and hugged.

"What's up little guy?" Izzy asked.

"Nothing much, hey do you want in into a little secret?" Takeru asked.

"Sure, why not?" Izzy said while Joe agreed.

"Well I think you should put these on, and you'll know what the secret is." Takeru said while handing Izzy and Joe's tags and crests'. The two put them on and then a grayish light engulfs Joe and a purplish light engulf Izzy. They both faint afterwards. Tk and Kari decided to use their powers to hide them. *~*(Aro: hey, I'm here for my Yami since she disappeared. Takeru and Hikari have powers. Yami Aro might write a story about their powers.)**~

Mimi and Sora show up together. Mimi decides to come with Sora because well, she didn't want to go to the school alone and meet Takeru. After what she heard from Sora, Takeru was a hottie.

"Now where is that Takeru Takaishi I was looking for?" Mimi asked in a flirtatious voice.

"Hm… I don't know. I don't know a Takeru Takaishi. I know a Tk Takaishi." Takeru teased Mimi.

"Really? Where is he, well did you know you look just like Yamato Ishida, did you know that? I bet you a lot of people must mistaken you for him." Mimi said to Takeru, not knowing that was he.

"I know it is such a drag." Takeru said.

"So you have heard of Yamato Ishida." Mimi said.

"Of course, if I didn't that there must be something wrong with me." Takeru said.

"How can there be a problem if you didn't know who Yamato Ishida?" Mimi asked clueless.

"Well if I didn't know my own brother, then I must have amnesia Mimi." Takeru said.

"Yamato is your brother? How did you know my name?" Mimi asked still clueless.

"Mimi, remember that question you asked earlier?" Takeru asked.

"Which one, the one about where Takeru Takaishi is? Yeah, but then you said you know a Tk Takaishi, so where is Tk Takaishi then?" Mimi asked.

"Well does Matty boy have another brother you know?" Takeru asked.

"No, so that means… Tk!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mimi yelled.

"Well Miss Strawberry Blonde, now you know I'm Takeru Takaishi." Takeru said.

"I thought you said you don't know a Takeru Takaishi." Mimi kidded.

"I was yanking your chain." Takeru said.

"So Tk, are you seeing anyone?" Mimi asked.

"Hm… I have so many options, but I already chose one. Honey can you come over here? I'm just kidding, I don't have one yet, but I hope I will soon" Takeru kidded around.

"Well so why are we here anyway?" Sora asked, saying something finally.

"Well Kar, can you come over here and help me?" Takeru asked.

"Huh? Wha?" Hikari asked dazed. She wasn't paying attention to the 'flirting" Mimi and Takeru was doing. Hikari was just sat down when they first started 'flirting".

"Kar, can you help us with the little problem we have." Takeru asked.

"Ok sure whatever." Hikari said.

"Sora, Mimi, you know what we have a little present for you." Takeru said.

"A present for us?" Sora and Mimi chorused.

"Yeah, here." Hikari said then handed Sora and Mimi their crests.

"Wow, they're pretty." Sora said.

"Put them on." Hikari said.

"Okay." Mimi and Sora said together. They put it on themselves and a red, light engulfed Sora; a green light engulfed Mimi. They also fainted. Hikari and Takeru used their powers again to make them invisible.

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Aro: I wonder how the story still went on without my Yami…

Yami Cec: well I guess Yami Aro already wrote it, but then didn't post it up yet. Hm… I guess we'll have to find out where Yami Aro went. We need investigators. Any volunteers?

Ken: I'll do it!

Miyako: if Ken does it, then I will to!

Izumi: well, since we're her helpers, I guess I will too.

Kouji: if Izumi is doing it, then I will too. I'm going to have to anyway. She's going to make me no matter what.

Ruki: well since Jeri won't do it, I will. There was a requirement for some people from each season help out. One has to be a boy and the other has to be a girl.

Jenrya: if Rika's going to do that, I have to too.

Aro: so we're set, we have a team of people from each season except 1st because I'm going to have 1st and 2nd be put together. So lets go and find my Yami!!!!!!!!!!

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Please R&R. Arigato. Ja!