Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ HZ-7000 ❯ The Magic Carpet ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
One day Professor Mecha was testing out one of his newest inventions…
HZ-7000 was soaring high above the base was absolutely no one aboard. Everyone was down on the island and Mecha was using a remote-control he had built and tuned into the ship's systems. This could allow the crew to fly the ship to them if ever a time should come that they wouldn't be able to actually reach it.
It was so incredibly small, the remote, yet the ship was able to do all sorts of things that normally required pilots. Loops, dive-bombs, spins… Mecha even built in a noise-compressor, so that when the ship fired up its engines, it wouldn't be so loud. It would only sound like winds blowing without the rumbling…
Mecha then let Davis take over the controls to bring 7000 in for a smooth landing. “Well Professor, I think you've built something truly remarkable.” said Davis.
The others agreed they hadn't seen anything so exciting since they had first come to the army. “Ahh, shucks folks… your making me blush.” said Mecha.
Suddenly, there was an announcement form the tower. “Attention! Attention! HZ-7000 crew to report to General Daizo immediately…!”
Once at the tower, Daizo had explained to them, “Our satellite-programs have intercepted word that Prince Nomad Hassan, of the kingdom of Karakan, is deathly ill, and needs medical attention.”
“Karakan…?” Davis asked. “That's somewhere in central Asia.”
“Exactly right, Davis…” replied Daizo. “It's a very isolated Kingdom that has hardly any contact with the outside world. Such a journey is only possible for our type of vehicles.”
Nami realized this would be a serious job, so she went to get her medical gear ready, whole Davis, and Mecha refueled HZ-7000. Soon they were launched, and on their way. “Look out Karakan… here we come…!” cried Veemon.
The rockets fired and off they went.
Meanwhile, far, far away in the Asian desert… The poor Prince was lying sick in bed. His sister, Princess Medina, was by his side worrying to death about her brother's health.
Just then, a large man, wearing royal robes, and a sinister grin on his shaggy face entered the chamber. “And how is the Prince today…?” he asked with hardly any concern in his voice.
“He is not well…” cried the Princess. “I fear he may die.”
The big-man sniggered, “That would be a shame for you Princess. But not for me… no I feel it shall be most considerate.”
The Princess scowled, “You will not let him die. You cannot do such a thing.”
The other man assured her that there was nothing that could be done as Karakan had no contact with the outside world.
That's what he thought, but at that very moment, after four hours of flight, HZ-7000 was miles and miles over the Asian dessert. It was nearly nightfall too. “Professor Mecha…?” asked Davis, “Have you located the kingdom yet?”
Mecha was sorry to say that he hadn't, “Karakan is really isolated Davis. It's not going to be easy to find.” Then suddenly, “Wait… I see it. Davis, Veemon… steer course 132 Zero-Black.”
Nami was in the cockpit with Davis and Veemon, and gazed out the view-port as the Kingdom came into view. “Wow…!” exclaimed Nami. “It's like something out of the Arabian night.”
Veemon asked what they were going to do when they landed, and Davis decided since it was isolated and they wouldn't have to worry about security that much, “We'll just land near the gates of the town, and then look for the palace. We find the palace, we find the Prince, and then Nami can do her work.”
The Princess turned her head towards the window of the tower. “What is that sound…?” she asked.
While in the throne room of the palace where the sinister-man sat in the Prince's throne… One of the guards armed with his riffle in his arm. “Light of a-thousand suns…!” he cried. “Oh ruler of the suns, I have seen a magic carpet.”
The man stood up from the throne. “What are you saying of a magic carpet?” he growled.
“It is true, oh Prince…” cried the guard. “It has touched down at the gates of the town. Four people have emerged from it, and what is more… one of them is a little blue monster.”
The other man looked as if he was going to burst into flames. “Silence…! Silence, I do not believe such a ridiculous concept.” But right at that moment, the palace doors opened wide, and the HZ crew walked right in.
The man drew out the sword from his robes. “Bow this instant…” he sneered, “Bow before Aleph Bay, the sultan of sands, and ruler of a-thousand suns.”
Seeing no harm, the crew bowed. “Sorry to disturb you, your-highness…” Davis said. “But we mean you no harm. We have just flown thousands of miles with treatment for Prince Nomad Hassan.”
Nami and Davis took a few steps forth, “Stay where you are…!” sneered Aleph Bay and his guard poised his riffle at the crew. “You would like very much to see the Prince, would you?”
“Now you see here a minute…!” growled Mecha, but Davis held him off, “Hold it Professor. I think this guy means business.”
Veemon was shivering with fear, and the next thing everyone knew, they were being marched into a prison cell which was surprisingly luxurious for peasants. Chess-boards and comfy sofas… The bars on the windows were made of ordinary wood with no glass, but it was still a long drop down below as they were high in a tower.
The crew were also stripped of their weapons and contact-gear. “And now infidels… you shall remain right here in captive.” growled Aleph.
“But why are you doing thish…?” Veemon asked. “You know the Prinsh is shick… he could die!”
Aleph was aware of this. “The Prince's health and life is of no concern to you.” He grunted. “Just look out the window…” he was motioning to the tower directly ahead of them outside. “That lighted room is where the Prince Hassan and his sister, the Princess Medina are now. While they may not be as far, they might as well be a million miles away to you.”
“But aren't you going to let us at least try and help…?” Nami asked.
“Silence… Woman! I have no wish that the Prince be cured. If he dies, then I rule Karakan… and to make it more certain I shall marry the Princess myself, tomorrow! After that, I will decide what is to be done with you all.”
He chuckled nastily as he slammed the dungeon door shut, “Until tomorrow… happy dreams.” Then he was gone.
Davis and the crew were stuck. Without their weapons or contact gear they couldn't possibly hope to even try to escape from the tower, and it was at least a fifty yard drop to the ground below. They didn't get Davis' D3 though, but Davis and Veemon both agreed that Digivolving was too risky; It would make too much noise and then they'd really be in trouble.
Worse than that, Nami just realized that she'd left her medical bag and supplies on the ship, which was even further away at the other side of the town at the gates. The crew needed a plan, and a good one…
The Princess was still gazing out the window, but she couldn't see much. Then when she turned to face the bed, “Hassan, my brother, you have awakened.” she cried. “And while you slept, I do not know how… but I believe I had spotted a flying machine.”
Her brother weakly asked, “Flying machine you say? Surely it was a dream.”
The Princess wasn't sure…
Meanwhile, as the crew continued to ponder over what to do, Professor Mecha was feeling around in his pockets when suddenly, “Hey…!” he cried, “Look what we got here.”
To everyone's amazement, he pulled out the remote control box he had invented. “Whoa…! How did they miss that…?” Davis asked, but then decided never to mind it. “I think I have an idea…” Davis said as he took the remote box. “Nami… where did you leave the medical-supplies…?”
“Just near the escape-hatch…but why? We can't get at them.”
Davis explained his plan, now that he had the remote, “We can't get to HZ-7000 because of these bars, but we can get HZ to the Prince's room.”
Everyone thought Davis' plan was brilliant, “But uh… do you think we should really rishk it when it's so dark outside Davish?” asked Veemon.
“We've got no choice. We'll have to risk it.” Davis answered. Mecha stayed by the door to listen for the guard, in case he would see them. “Here we go… charging engines.”
With the noise-compressor in operation, the ship hardly made a sound as it started up, and by using the rockets, they wouldn't have to rotate the copter-blades. “Okay… here goes…” Davis whispered, “Take-off…”
Even though it was pitch dark outside, thanks to the ships blinking lights, Davis could see it just rise up over the walls. “Okay… now to move it towards the Prince's chamber.”
Veemon giggled softly, “Boy… is the Prinshessh in for a big shurprirse.”
Indeed the Princess was, for when she turned to gaze out the window, “Light of a-thousand rays!” she cried. “It is the stranger flying machine. But… how is it possible?”
The escape-hatch opened all by itself, and Davis called on the remote radio, “Don't be afraid Princess. There a bag filled with medicine for the Prince inside the hatch.”
“But… but who exactly are you…?” asked the Princess. “I cannot see you.”
“Never mind that.” replied Davis, “Can you see the bag…? Quickly, take it before we're seen.”
Heeding Davis' advice, the young Princess grabbed the bag, and not a moment too soon, “Hey Davis…” whispered Mecha, “I think the guard's moving away. Quick, get the ship back down to the gates.”
Outside the cell door, “What is that sound?” the guard asked no one in particular. “It cannot be the infidels…” he wandered over to the window, “By the profit!” he cried as he saw HZ-7000 flying towards the gates of the city.
He dashed off to warn Aleph Bay, “Excellence! I have bad news. the prisoners have escaped.”
Aleph shot straight up, “What?! Impossible! I told you to guard over them.”
“But excellence, I saw their flying machine in midair.” cried the guard.
The two men rushed to the tower, but not only was the guard surprised to see the ship was exactly where it was before at the gates, but when Aleph looked through the smaller peeking door on the large door, “So… they have escaped, eh? Look for yourself idiot. They are playing chess.”
“They-- they cannot be!” cried the guard as he peered through the door. “You idiot! You have been sleeping instead of guarding.” Growled Aleph, “Now do your job right or you will be sorry!” and he left.
When all was quiet again outside, Mecha gave everyone a thumb-up. “Heh, heh… so much for them.” He sniggered.
“Good…” Davis said, “Now we've got to get out of here.”
“But how can we do that…?” Nami asked. “We can't get trough those bars, and even HZ-7000 can't breakthrough the bars without making a tremendous noise.”
“Well Mecha's tool boxes should be in the lab onboard the ship.” replied Davis. “If we can grab the files and saws, we should be able to cut through he bars and onto the ship.”
“But Davis… there's no way any of us can fit through the bars.” replied Nami.
Veemon suddenly realized, “You guysh can't, but I sure can.”
Davis nodded, “Right… here goes.” And before long he got the ship to hover just outside their window again. “Okay Veemon… go!”
As Veemon slipped through the bars, and onto the ship, the guard outside was growing nervous as he heard the sounds of the compressed engines again. “No… no… I am not going to look.”
“Hurry up in there Veemon…” Davis called.
Veemon found the tool kits and quickly dashed back in the cell. “Gee… these are… ah-heavy!”
The guard couldn't take it much more, and peered back out the window. “By the profit!” he cried “I am not dreaming. They really are escaping.” Instead of running off to get Aleph Bay, he just began to shoot his riffle off like crazy.
“Quick… get her down Davis.” cried Nami.
The guard continued to shoot at the ship as it flew back towards the gates. The ship had just gone out of sight as Aleph Bay came by. “And what are you shooting at, you idiot?” he asked sternly. “Do not tell me the prisoners are escaping again.”
The guard was all in a stutter. “They're flying machine. I saw it. It was hovering over the gates…!”
Aleph did not look impressed, “We shall see…” and he opened the peeking-door revealing that. “You fool, I am surrounding by idiots. They are still inside!”
The guard looked and he saw that the whole crew was still there indeed. Aleph Bay shut the door tight, “Now you listen to me. I wish to sleep. Tomorrow I marry the Princess Medina. If you disturb me once more, with stories about flying infidels…!”
“No-- No… I swear it. It will not happen again.”
“Good! Now stand-guard and do not sleep!”
Once Aleph Bay was gone, and the peeking-door was shut, the crew got to work with their newly acquired tools. Though the bars were made of wood… they were still extremely tough to break. It took the crew roughly until about dawn to finally break free.
While in the tower across from them, the Prince was started to look much better in health. “There Hassan…” said the Princess, “You are better already. I feared you would die.”
“Were it no for these medicines I might have.” said the Prince, “All I now need is rest, but where are the people who brought me these items?”
“I do not know…” replied the Princess, “I have not seen them. Only their wonderful flying machine.”
Then suddenly, the Prince realized, “Oh dear…. I must get to the throne room at once!” he cried as he hopped down from his bed. His sister tried to persuade him not to, but that's not how he planned it. “I must. Was this not the day that Aleph Bay swore he would marry you?”
“Yes…” answered the Princess, “But you are still to weak to face him.”
Her brother didn't care. “He shall not do it! I am still alive, and by the profit while I am still alive I rule Karakan and not Aleph.”
Aleph Bay and his guard were in the throne room that very moment. Aleph was overjoyed with the events he believed were soon to follow. “And today I become ruler of Karakan. Soon the city will awaken and at noon we will have a wedding. In the meantime…”
“Yes… Prince of the suns.” The guard humbly said.
“I have not forgotten about your dreaming and disturbing me last night.” sneered Aleph, “But I have no time to deal with you now. Go and fetch the Princess Medina. I will speak to her myself.”
The guard bowed and left.
However as he thought he would pass along the dungeon to see if the prisoners were behaving, and much to his surprise. “No-- No! This time I am not dreaming. It is broad daylight!”
The crew had cut through the bars, and were now stepping onto HZ-7000 that was hovering right outside.
“All right… everyone ready?” Davis asked. His crew, now armed with spare weapons from the ship, they agreed with him. “Then let's go give Aleph Bay what he has coming to him.”
Aleph Bay was furious to see his guard return. “I thought I had told you not to disturb me with crazy stories of the prisoners escaping!”
“But they are, Excellence!” cried they guard, “They are on their way to the throne room right now.”
POW! Something began to ram at the doors. “VEE-LASER…!” Blowing the door down, Ex-Veemon leapt into he throne room and he was followed by Davis and the rest of the crew. “They have escaped!” cried Aleph, “Shoot them!”
The guard was about to pull the trigger. BANG! But Davis had shot the riffle right out of his hand. “All right, no more games!” Davis growled. “Take us to the Prince at once.”
“No need…” called a voice from the doorway, “For I am here.”
“Good morning Aleph Bay. As you can see I am fully recovered thanks to these fine people… and as for you--”
Aleph bay took one look at Ex-Veemon's scary form. “No! No…” he cried, “I will go in peace.”
With Aleph Bay and his guard now locked in the tower. Davis and crew prepared to leave. “Thank you for all your help Davis Motomiya.” the Prince said, “We're it not for you and your crew I might have been dead by now.”
The Princess bowed in thanks to the crew, “And while I do not understand much of your flying machine, it will always to me seem as a magic carpet.”
Davis smiled, “It's all in the line duty.” He said, but what he did next pained him. He had to wipe their memories clean as if they had never come and never shown with their ship.
Still… even though they had to leave with no reward and no friendship. At least another mission was successfully completed.
Author's notes:
I should've mentioned this earlier…
This is a serious Dakari Fic, and you all know my rules.
If Davis doesn't end up with Kari in the end, he will die. That's Mandatory.If he dies, Kari will get the blame, and as such be emotionally punished.