Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Mesmermon's Castle ❯ Wine Anyone ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: Wine Anyone?

Tai stared in amazement as T.K. escorted Kari into the main hall. Like T.K., he too wore a simple outfit of slacks and a tunic, but his were black, Joe's were blue, Matt's were green, and Izzy's were gray.

"Wow Kari," Sora said. "you look great."

"You don't look bad yourself, Sora." The young girl replied.

"You think so? I never thought red was my color."

"Well I like it." Mimi said sweeping into the room in her silver evening gown. "I think everyone looks great."

"Hey Kari, what took you so long?" Tai asked.

"And why weren't you dressed? Yow!" T.K. shouted as Kari brought her foot down a second too late to silence him.

"You weren't dressed?" Tai's jaw dropped.

"No Tai, because no one I know takes a shower fully dressed. I'm sorry I stepped on your foot T.K., but that was a little more than they needed to know."


"You are so cute when you're clueless."


"I mean it Mes," Nymphomon said. "hands off."

"Now don't be so quick, Nymph." Mesmermon said. "At least hear what I have planned."

"Go ahead."

"Two words: Bottomless Wineglass."

"Why Mes, those two will be so drunk they won't need any help from me."

"Oh it's not just for those two." Mesmermon cracked a wicked grin. "It's for all of them."


"This may seem like a dumb question..." Mimi said.

"Go ahead Mimi. Coming from you we're used to them by now." Tai cracked.

Mimi stuck her tongue out at him before continuing. "Anyway does anyone else get the impression that this castle isn't all that empty?"

"Mimi has a point." Kari said cutting off Gatomon. "I found these clothes which are a perfect fit, and a candle in our darkened room."

"You have candles?" Izzy asked in surprise. "The room I found these clothes in has electricity and a computer."

"And that doesn't strike you as odd?" Sora said. "A room perfectly catering to your tastes?"

"Now that you mention it..." Izzy trailed off.

"We're all going to die, aren't we?" Joe asked.

"I don't think evil digimon are quite this subtle, Joe." Tai said. "But you do have a good point. Until we know exactly what we're dealing with we should stay on our guard."

"Hey guy's." Matt called. "Come here."

"What's up Matt?" Sora asked following Matt's voice into the dining room. "Something strange?"

"Well if you call a full course meal that none of us prepared something strange, then yes." Matt said airily. "But this painting and plaque caught my attention." Matt said gesturing to a painting of a young couple.

"'Welcome to home of Lord Mesmermon and Lady Nymphomon' Nymphomon?" Izzy said raising an eyebrow. "Would that be anything like..."

"Not in front of the kids." Matt said.

"Come on Matt." T.K. said. "We're not little anymore."

"No," Matt agreed. "but this is something you shouldn't know about until you're older."

You have no idea what some of us know. Kari thought. "So what else does the plaque read?" She asked aloud.

"'Welcome to all who enter these halls. We see all, and though we are unseen, we trust you shall stay as long as it gives you pleasure.'" Izzy read as Kari and Gatomon flashed each other a guilty glance.

"Well I don't know about you." Gatomon said. "but since our hosts were nice enough to prepare a meal for us, let's eat."

"I don't know." Joe said. "What if they're trying to poison us?"

"Lighten up Joe." Kari said as TK pulled out a chair for her. "I don't know about you all, but I'm sick of fish and potatoes."

"Well, the potatoes aren't so bad." TK said sitting to Kari's right. "If they had some salt and butter."

"Hey look." Gatomon said pointing to the glazed ham. "A relative of yours bacon boy?" She asked taking a seat to Kari's left.

"I am not a pig." Patamon squeaked indignantly, as he sat besides Gatomon. "You know something," He leaned close and whispered in Gatomon's ear.

"You're right." She said thoughtfully. "Must be a fluke."

"You're real funny." Patamon said as they began passing the food around.

"Glad you think so." Gatomon said passing some mashed potatoes to Kari.

"Funny looking." Patamon said.

"Why you little-"

"Leave him alone, Gatomon. You know it's no fair for a champion to pick on a rookie." Kari said. "What did he tell you anyway?"

"Nothing." Gatomon said quickly.

"Gatomon." Kari said menacingly.

"Patamon just said that youandTKmakeacutecouple." She mumbled quickly as Kari took a sip from her glass.

"What!" TK exclaimed choking on a fork full of salad as Kari sprayed her wine.

"You have got to be kidding me." She cried thumping him on the back. "Tell her Tai."

"Actually, you two are kinda cute."

"No Tai. You and Sora are cute. Mimi and Izzy are cute. We are just friends."

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much." Sora said with a twinkle in her eye.

"We are just friends!" The youngest 'destined exploded in unison.

"Suit yourselves." Mimi said.

"Thank you." Kari said taking a sip of wine.

"Cuties." She murmured.

"Argh!" Kari growled starting to push away from the table.

"Calm down, Kari." Gatomon said. "They're just picking on you. We're all friends, right?" The last two words had a deadly emphasis as Gatomon sliced an apple with her claws.

"Right." The group chorused as the two youngest relaxed.

"Ack! I think my juice is spoiled." TK said.

"It's not juice silly." Kari said "It's wine."

"Don't you two think you're a little young to be drinking?" Joe asked.

"Not really." TK said.

"Unless of course, we're too young to be a cute couple." Kari said. "Here TK, let me show you how to drink wine."

"How would you know?" TK asked.

"I've been drinking at family reunions since I was six." She answered. "You take a little sip, but you don't swallow."

"Like dis?"

"Yeah, just like that. Now roll it around in your mouth. That's it. Now swallow."

"Not bad." He said.

"You two better make those glasses last," Matt said. "cause it's all your getting."

"Just as well." Izzy said. "Our hosts neglected to leave us the bottle."

It was about after a half hour of steady sipping that Kari noticed her glass wasn't getting any less full. "Hey guys." She said slightly slurred. "I don't think this glass runs out."

"You're imagining things Kari." Izzy said. "A glass that never runs out is no more possible than..."

"Flying on a giant bug?" TK interjected. That was sufficient to silence Izzy's protests.

Several hours later the food was all eaten and everyone was still nursing their wineglasses as they returned to the main hall to find eight chairs pulled in front of a roaring fire.

"When are you two going to finish?" A bleary eyed Matt asked.

"We've been trying." Kari slurred, flopping into a chair.

"But the glasses just don't want to cooperate." TK said holding on to Kari's shoulder to keep from falling over.

"You two are funny." A none to sober Patamon said.

"Oh what would the five of you know?" TK said flipping Patamon the bird.

"I know if you don't get that hand off my shoulder I'll break your fingers." Kari said.

"You're so cute when your angry." TK said taking a long swig from his glass.

"Perhaps you didn't hear me." Kari said reaching up with her free hand to grip TK's fingers and squeeze. "Hands off."

"Geez Kari." Mimi said, "Why are you turning into such a bitch all of a sudden?"

"Because you p-pink loving slut, I'm drunk and horny. Now I'd like to nurse my drink in silence."

"Kari you apologize to Mimi." Joe demanded.

"Joe, bite me." She said tottering off towards her room with a very tipsy Gatomon following behind.

"Kari!" Tai started to get up.

"Let her go Tai." Sora said as she easily forced him back into his chair. "We're so hammered we'll be lucky if we can remember our own names in the morning."

"Well she still shouldn't have be so mean."

"Did you think that Kari is mean?" TK asked sounding the most sober he had been since he'd begun drinking. "Maybe that sweet girl we see is a mask, and tonight she took that mask off."

"That's re- re- redi- stupid." Matt managed. "Where are you going?"

"To my own concerns." TK said following Kari.

Fortunately she hadn't made it very far because she kept stumbling into and out of closets. "Hey Kari. Can I walk you back to your room."

"I don't need your help. Don't need anyone's help." She mumbled reaching for the doorknob.

"Hey you don't think I know what it feels like, getting up every day and pretending to be happy little TK?"

"Oh what would you know?"

"More than you think." TK said leading her to her room. He turned to walk away and walked straight into a wall.

"That does it." She said pulling him through the door.

"Whaz the big idea?" He said as she dragged him into the bedroom.

"You're going to spend the night with me." She said bluntly. "You're too drunk to make it back to your room."

"I'm not as thunk as you drink I am." He slurred as Kari relieved him of his wineglass

"Nonsense." She said setting the glasses on the bedside table. "Look in the cabinet over there and see if there's anything we can sleep in."

TK opened the cabinet and pulled out two silk robes, one in white the other in green. "Just these."

Kari sighed and took another sip of her wine before flopping onto the bed. "That will have to do, then." She said pulling off her shoes and stockings.

As she stripped off her dress, TK stared in open admiration. "You have to have the most beautiful body in creation."

"Stop." She said taking the white robe from him.

"No. I mean it. When some women take off their clothes they're naked but you are clothed in beauty." He said pulling off his own shoes and socks.

"Thanks TK, that's really sweet. Now all we're doing is sharing a bed for the night right?" She asked handing him the green robe.

"Well, yeah. What else would we be doing in bed together?"

"You are so innocent it's heartbreaking. You don't know about..." She trailed off and whispered in his ear.

"Kari!" TK was honestly shocked. "You're my best friend! I could never do anything like that with you. It'd be too weird. We're just going to share the bed, agreed?"

"Agreed." She said snuggling under the covers next to him and blowing out the candle.


"I don't know Nymph." Mesmermon said. "Their friendship seems to be stronger than their intoxication."

Nymphomon growled softly as she watched her two playmates snuggle closer to each other. "That's all good and well, but they're not-"

"Relax, baby." Mesmermon said. "They will. We just have to get a little more involved."

"Do you mean-?"

Mesmermon nodded. "Front row seats."


Mesmermon slipped back into the room. "It's done. Their digimon won't wake up until tomorrow." He whispered.

"Good." Nymphomon purred. "Now it's my turn. Passion Kiss." She whispered blowing a kiss towards the two sleeping children. "Now we watch the fun."

TK suddenly became uncomfortably warm. He carefully disengaged himself from Kari and threw off his share of the satin sheets but had yet to escape the increasing heat. As he took a long drink from his wineglass and untied his robe he was met with blessed coolness. Comfortable again, he replaced his wineglass and went back to sleep.

Next came Kari's turn to sweat as she was overwhelmed by an unbearable heat. She too found relief by shucking her robe and kicking the sheets off the bed.

"Nice start, Nymph." Mesmermon said encouragingly. "What next?"

"Dreams can come true you know." Nymphomon said with a smile.

And dreaming was exactly what the sleeping children were doing. In TK's dream he was making a pizza, gently kneading and massaging the dough. In reality he was massaging Kari's ass and lower back causing her to moan in pleasure. After a few minutes he settled down and sank deeper into sleep.

At the cessation of her sensual massage Kari awoke with a terrible need to urinate. She was about to slip her robe back on but it was hot to the touch so she abandoned the idea and crept silently to the bathroom. Moments later she returned having relieved her condition and took several large swallows of wine before climbing back into bed.

Upside down.

In her dream, Kari was sitting on a bench sucking on a lollypop. She was so startled when the lollipop popped in her mouth that she awoke to find TK's cock in her mouth and her face covered with his cum.

"Oh damn!" She whispered slowly pulling away and licking her face clean. "How the hell am I gonna explain that?"

"I'd like to know that too." TK asked.

"Oh! You're awake!"

"I don't think I could've slept through that. Kari why?"

"Would you believe I thought it was a lollipop?" She said squirming back around. "Where's your robe anyway?"

"I got hot!" He said defensively. "You seem to be missing a little something yourself."

At a loss for words Kari wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately.

"Wow." TK said breathlessly.

"Look, since we didn't really do anything, let's just go back to sleep and forget this ever happened."

"Didn't you like it Kari? I felt real good."

Too good. She thought. "I did but..." She found to her dismay she couldn't come up with a single argument. "All right TK." She pushed him onto his back and took his softening manhood in her hand.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a slight tremor to his voice.

"Just thought I'd try something new." She said sliding his now hard dick into her tight virgin pussy. TK liked this feeling a whole lot. He sighed in pleasure. Kari also liked the feeling of having him inside of her. He was
just the right size for her.

"Kari, something's happennnnnnn" TK trailed off as another orgasm hit him.

Kari sighed as she fell over beside him. "Did you like how that felt?"

"Oh yeah." He panted.

"Good. Then we can go to sleep." She said turning away from him and closing her eyes.

Which shot open again as TK slid his fingers into her still wet box.


"Shh." TK whispered in her ear. "Let me make you feel good."

Kari tried to speak but could only manage a moan as TK slowly worked his digits in her pussy. If she could have looked back she would have seen a loving smile cross his face. With his free hand, he began to stroke her firm young tits slowly increasing the pace.

"Takeru..." Kari moaned. "This is torture."

"It will end soon enough." He said knowingly, as he slowly rolled her clit through his fingers. Kari moaned loudly as TK quickened his pace to a frantic tempo.

"OH MY GOD!!!" She screamed as the orgasm overtook her. TK lay back and smiled as she finished writhing from her mind blowing orgasm. "That was great TK, but I don't think you should be here when I wake up."

TK was crestfallen. "But why? We made each other feel good didn't we."

Kid, you could show Gatomon a few tricks. Kari thought. "I can't explain. Just make sure I wake up alone."

"As you wish." TK said sadly as he turned his back to her.

"TK..." Kari began as she lay a hand on his shoulder.

He jerked away as if burned. "Good night Kari."

Kari was about to argue when her eyelids grew heavy. Sighing in resignation she rolled over and the two promptly fell asleep.


"I don't get it, Mes." Nymphomon whispered from the shadows. "Why'd you put them to sleep?"

"The mood has been ruined Nymph. Not even your powers could get them to do it again with the emotion they put into that first time. I'm going to erase their memories and give the boy a suggestion to leave early."

"I want a recall command linked to my voice."


"I have my reasons."

Mesmermon shrugged and lay a hand on each of the children. "So Nymph, what shall we do now?"

"I'm up for an instant replay." She laughed disappearing