Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ You get the couch, Chibi 'Geta. or..This is just Not our Day ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: Things have gotten very strange since Bulma and Vegeta became five-year olds...what's this? They changed again? *THUD* V/B romance with a comical twist, new inventions, and a whole lot of eye twitching. May include some Yamcha bashing.

Disclaimer: *eye twitches as she sits alone in the dark, with only an overhead lamp lighting her, the shadows cover her eyes* I..don't...own...DBZ...damn it! *growls and runs around in a straightjacket* I don't own it! Happy flying chimpanzees?

Flying Chimpanzees *the Kind you see in Wizard of Oz*: EEEE!! *jump up and down*

Android T:..now that's kind of creepy..*sweatdrop*

Shout out to:

DarkFire101: Yes you can have them for a limited time *hands her contract* the fruit loops are my property so you'll have to say so ^__^

Fruit Loops:*all poking each other with fly swatters and laughing madly*

Bunni:O.o;; That is, if your sure you can handle them..*looks at card* I'll be sure to take Kami there as soon as Piccolo lets me.

Piccolo:*stands gaurd*

Bunni:-.- He has not been able to forgive me for making a fool out of him in "Mother Knows Best" and now torturing Kami in this fanfic.. well he has a grudge against me now.



veggie-ch an: Stay still O.o;; I think the fruit loops can see you.

Kenzie-chan: I don't mean to bash poor Kami.. blame the voices in my head ^___^ they made me do it! Thanks for the medicine ^__^ I feel as if I were a Senzu bean! er.. O.o;; that did NOT make any sense. ^_^ oh well!

KumikoVegeta: Want a kiss scene? Weeeeeelllllll.. maybe *winks*

Rez: ^_^ Leaf sure did a number on Zargato.. he sure had to get drunk that night to get rid of the pain. I persauded Lana not to torture Kami anymore (until the last chapter, but that's a secret), also in current news, I'm trying to hide from Lima 'n' Bean. O.o That pair make me scared... *hides* Er. other than that, noting really new except for Jones and Kia eloping. o.O;; now who'da thunk that would happen?

Blue Angel: Doesn't he? ^_^

vegeta's lover: How do you steer towards a SERIOUS comedy? O.o;; to me that is impossible. *shrugs* maybe you know a way to do it.

Squirrel: I think she can see you..

Chibi-Bra:*grins at Squirrel*..


zipp: Hey thanks! ^__^ That made me feel better.

Mushi-azn: LOL, hyper is right! *pouts* can I have their autograph too? I'm in love with them! *starry eyes* I used to have ICQ but not anymore *sweatdrop* So.... I don't.. -_-;; Kami, I'm a loser! O.o;; Oh and the fruit loops will be after you *says in mystic whisper* Oh and more kawaiiness between the two hormonal teenagers coming up in.......the next chapter! *everyone falls anime style*

(AN: Note here guys. A nosebleed from guys is the anime way of an "erection" *blushes* nani? *looks at her note*..that's what it says! ~_~;;)

Also, it seems that people (of all kinds) seem to be reaching out to me. They have taken the liberty of Instant Transmissioning me *is hit by Goku* Wha? Oh I mean Instant Messaging, ^^;; me on my AOL account. At first I was like O.O "why are they talking to ME?" then I realized it's because they love my reviews and *coughcoughfanficscough* So I want to say: Thank you. *tears up* Damn, I promised I wouldn't cry! *runs off hiding her face*

Android T:*waves fist at them* You made her cry! I'll make you pay.. *looks after Bunni* um..after I comfort Bunni! BUNNI! HERE I COME! IT'S OK! *runs off after her*

Trunks:*pokes head out from corner of the screen and looks at readers* er... ^_^ Due to technical difficulties beyond our control, the delayed fanfic shall start shortly. *looks off-screen and whispers* Now Goten! Now!

Goten: Bow? Uh.. Trunks that's a little weird but if you say so, *bows* okay! ^__^

Trunks:*slaps head* no, NOW!

Goten:*blinks and understands* ooooooh... now.. *hits switch and the screen goes white with black letters*

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Nine
You get the couch, Chibi 'Geta. or..This is just Not our Day

Vegeta woke up, blinking the sleepiness away as he did. He sat up, and looked around. Kakarott (Goku) was over there thinking (now to him that was unusual), the screeching harpy that knocked him out with her oversized cooking device was humming a song as she sat down doing female-y stuff such as polishing her damned frying pan (blast that female for managing to knock him unconscious!), and the Onna was over there talking with Kakarott's brat.. KAKAROTT'S BRAT??

'I knew the kid had a death wish...' Vegeta mentally grumbled as he faintly growled, a vein was threatening to show itself on the fourteen-year old's head. Gohan must have heard because he looked up, while Bulma still talked. Blinking at Vegeta, he seem to give a half-smile, which, in turn, Vegeta gave one of his patented glares. Gulping, Gohan's smile wavered and seem to sink into the plushy loveseat, but Bulma took notice of this.

"Gohan.. you ok?" Bulma asked concerned as she put a hand on the boy's shoulder. Vegeta's vein in his head had a neighbor join him, as another vein burst out.

"Uh.. yeah, Bulma.." Gohan smiled unassured to her. Bulma looked confused and perplexed at this.

"You sure? I mean your homework isn't getting to you is it? Is there a problem you don't understand?" Bulma leaned over, looking over some problems, while Gohan blushed at the closeness.

Vegeta never felt so bloodthirsty before. All he wanted now was Kakarott's brat dead and possibly Bulma in his arms, having her hand on HIS shoulder. Yes.. and maybe be in a field some place far away and they'd be wrapped in each other's arms... kissing.. yes.. that's it.. mm.. Not really noticing anything else that went on around him, Vegeta soon got lost in his daydream..


"Onna!" Vegeta yelled as he ran [think slow motion here] across the green fields. Bulma was running on the opposite side of him towards Vegeta, with her arms open, smiling widely. Vegeta was doing the same, except with a smirk. ~_~

"Vegeta!" She cried as she and he got closer. [REAAAL Slow Motion here people]

"Onna!" He yelled once more as he jumped (more liked bounced) in the field.

"Vegeta!" Bulma jumped up, the wind blowing against her. She wore a white meadow sundress and was barefoot and in her 29 year old self again. Vegeta wore his spandex *coughcoughwho'dathunk?cough* and his infamous white gold-tipped boots. The two came and crushed their bodies together in an embrace. Bulma was breathless as she looked at Vegeta, and Vegeta looked down at her, then sappy music played in the background as he leaned in, their lips almost meeting..

~*~End DayDream~*~

Vegeta didn't notice the small trickle, not really noticeable exactly, of blood come out of his right nostril. Though someone else did.

"Eh.. Vegeta? Can I talk to you?" Goku asked as he took a tissue from out of no where. Vegeta grumbled as he snapped out of his delightful daydream. Then he noticed the small trickle of blood and cursed in his mind.

He stomped over to Goku, who handed him a tissue. Mumbling a "thanks, third class.." as he wiped the blood and thought about cold thoughts. REALLY cold thoughts.

"No problem, Vegeta." Goku grinned, and Vegeta rolled his eyes. Vegeta looked back at Bulma and Gohan, who was smiling because Bulma had praised on how smart he was. Vegeta felt energy crackle around him as his eyesight zoned in on how Gohan looked at Bulma. Goku noticed on how Vegeta's eye was twitching and looked at Gohan and resisted the urge to slap his head.

'Maybe I should keep Bulma and Gohan away from each other. This can't be good for Vegeta's health...' Goku thought, feeling a little worried.

'I will kill the brat in his sleep.' Vegeta began to laugh maliciously yet quietly as he thought of ways to torture Gohan to death. There was always strangling, or he could accidentally blast him..

Goku blanched when he heard Vegeta cackle ever-so quietly. It was kind of spooky, considering on his rising and lowering of the Saiyajin no Ouji's voice, and the fact that he never laughed unless he was planning something evil. Goku followed Vegeta's eyesight and shook his head. 'Maybe I should keep Gohan away from Vegeta and Bulma away from Gohan, and Bulma together with Vegeta, until they change back and then..' Goku continued to plot his romance masterplan. It was so ingenious, so clever, so-so simple!, that it was scary. O.o;;

"Great job, Gohan! Wow, after spending so much time training, I would have thought you were a little rusty, but I guess you got the smart genes huh?" Bulma winked at Gohan who laughed a little and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Aww, thanks Bulma." He said, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. Bulma smiled at him, oblivious to Vegeta staring at her and Gohan. Gohan, on the other hand, noticed Vegeta staring, and gulped heavily, wondering why Vegeta had a grudge against him anyway.

"Bulma.. why does Vegeta hate me so much?"

Bulma was a little taken aback by that question. "I don't think Vegeta hates you, kid. He just.. erm.." Searching for the right words, "He-he needs a friend. Yeah, it's just that he doesn't exactly have- well.. it's just that.." Bulma searched for the right words. Vegeta hadn't really opened his heart to her, neither had she. In fact.. she realized she didn't know anything about the Saiyajin at all other than his past. Vegeta was far too closed. She blinked and looked down at Gohan.

"I don't know. He hates everyone, Gohan. There's no use changing it.." Though I might want to.. Bulma thought then shook her head and turned to Gohan, plastering a smile on her face, "Now you almost done?"

Gohan felt worried but hid it, and smiled back at Bulma. "Yup! Just this one problem and time for cartoons!" Bulma nodded, feeling the strange childish urge to watch cartoons also.

Unfortunately, an overprotective mother overhead and screeched, "NO YOU DON'T! BEDTIME AFTER THAT ONE PROBLEM, MISTER!" Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta winced. Even Bulma cringed, rubbing one ear.

Vegeta opened his mouth to "comment" on Chichi, but the slight sting in his head reprimended him to shut his mouth. Goku nodded, as a silent approval. 'Thank Kami, Vegeta learned his lesson..' Goku thought as he smirked. Bedtime.. That reminded him of his plan.

Concentrating, he thought, 'Chichi!'

Chichi stopped polishing her frying pan, and blinked before thinking back, sending her message telepathically, 'Goku? What is it?'

'Where is Vegeta and Bulma going to sleep?'

'Simple. Bulma sleeps in Gohan's room, and Vegeta gets the spare bedroom.'

'NO!' Came Goku's mental outburst. Chichi raised an eyebrow and looked at Goku inquiringly, who still was beside the teenaged Vegeta. Goku blinked, almost blurting out what he had said mentally, but was thankful that he had the control and stopped himself in time.

'I mean no, Chi. I think Gohan is the reason why Vegeta is acting more violent than usual.'

'What are you saying Go-chan?'

Goku still blushed at the nickname. 'What I'm saying Chi, is that Vegeta gets jealous whenever he sees Gohan and Bulma together. Pairing up the two as roommates is not going to do wonders for the teen's blood pressure.'

Chichi gasped, and looked at the Bulma and Gohan, sitting comfortably on the couch working on the current problem, then her gaze flickered to Vegeta, who was watching them intently, every now and then chuckling evilly.

'Whoa boy..'

'Yeah, you see what I mean? I think we should instead pair up Vegeta and Bulma-'

'WHAT??!!' Chichi screeched mentally, causing Goku to wince again.


'Oops! sorry, Go-chan.' She sheepishly smiled back to him, and he smiled back.

'It's ok.'

'But why pair up those two?'

'Ok, I'm not supposed to tell you this.. but..'

'What?!' Chichi impatiently demanded, giving a glare to her husband. Goku gulped.

'Well.. The boy from the future is Vegeta and Bulma's son.'

"NANI?!!!" Chichi yelled outloud as she fell from her seat. Everyone stared, as Goku slapped his head and shook it. Chichi got up and shyly smiled.

'Er.. PMS?"

Vegeta arched an eyebrow, as well as Bulma, but Gohan didn't really have a clue as to what they were talking about.

"Uh huh.."


Both teenagers went back to what they were doing, whether it be helping an eight year old with his homework, or planning different ways to kill the eight year old. O.o;;

'That was close..'

'Too close..' Goku sighed softly.

'But-but the boy from the future is their son?! How can that be?'

Goku shrugged, 'Who really knows? All I know is that have to do is get them together to make sure the boy from the future is born. Chichi.. the future of tomorrow rests on our shoulders..'

'..just great. As if handling hormonal teenagers wasn't enough, now I have the pair them up to save the future.. this is just not our day.' Chichi rolled her eyes at her sardonic reply. 'What's the plan, Go-chan?'

Goku smirked, and went on to tell Chichi, 'Well.. it goes something like this..' Chichi widened her eyes as she listened to Goku's plan... it was so.. so smart, so devious.. so-so.. Chichi had a very evil smirk on her face as she nodded with Goku's plan. If this didn't work, she didn't know what did.

~One Minute Later~


Gohan and Bulma, excluding Vegeta, 'cause he didn't really care, looked up at Chichi in surprise.

"But, mom I'm still not do-"

"I said bedtime mister... do you really want to argue with me?" Chichi had a challenging sort of tone, as she reached out for her frying pan.

Gohan gulped and shook his head 'no' frantically. Chichi smiled and chirped, "Good boy. Now let's get you ready for bed. Goku honey," She half-guided, half-pushed Gohan up the stairs, "Show Vegeta and Bulma their bedroom."

Goku smiled. "'Kay, Chi!" Turning to Bulma and Vegeta, "This way please.."

Goku led the two teenagers to the guestroom.

"Have a nice night." He smiled secretively.

Bulma reached out for his arm and stopped him. "Goku.. There's only one bed here."


"Goku.. I'm not going to share my room with a damn seducing Saiyajin!"

"Humph. Well I don't exactly want to spend my night with a screeching harpy!" Vegeta sneered at her.

"WHAT?! How dare you!"

"How dare I what? I was simply stating the truth."

Goku simply grinned to himself and hummed a romantic and silly tune. 'I'm such a wily Saiyajin matchmaker...' He laughed a little as he walked off, leaving the two still arguing.

"You get the couch, Chibi 'Geta."

"No, Onna, I get the bed, and don't call me that."

"No, you get the couch."



"Bed, and there's nothing you can do about it."


The Saiyajin no Ouji plopped himself on the mattress, folding his arms behind his head, looking at her expectantly. Bulma growled at him, then whined.

"But I don't want to sleep on the floor or the couch, Chibi 'Geta."

"I thought I told you not to call me that!"

"Your shorter than me, so there!" Bulma stuck her tongue at him childishly, and Vegeta stared at her tongue, hentai thoughts creeping into his mind again. But thinking ahead, he concentrated on the coldest thoughts he can imagine. Freeza in a string bikini, massaging Goku with sunscreen. Vegeta shuddered inwardly, all hentai thoughts were chased away. (AN: That image was real sick *shudders also* I hope not to repeat. EVER.)

"Well Onna, since we agree to disagree, let's compromise."

Bulma arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms, "Go on."

"We stay on the seperate sides, avoid eachother for the rest of the night, never talking, or even interacting with eachother? Sound fair?"

"..." Bulma looked hesitant, but nodded. "Yes, Chibi 'Geta, it does. Deal."

"Ok, deal... and stop calling me that."

"Make me."

"I just might take you up on that, wench."

"Whatever, Chibi 'Geta." Bulma patted the fourteen year old's head as if he were a dog or something and went to find some spare pajama's. Vegeta growled at her, but she ignored it, and he watched her with predatory eyes until she decided to bend over. Bulma bent over to look through the drawers for some decent night clothes.

'Oh no, not this again..' He thought as he bended his head to get a better view of Bulma's can.

The sound of knocking shook Vegeta out of his reverie and Bulma to stand up. Bulma opened the door and Chichi was there with a small stack of pajama's.

"Hey Bulma. Thought you and the constipated troll *Bulma smiles and Vegeta growls* could use some pajamas."

"Thanks Chichi! Oh, and Chichi?" Bulma whispered the last part, trying to prevent Vegeta from hearing. Vegeta strained his ear to hear, his ear growing two times as big. O.o;;

"Is it me or is Goku acting a little strange lately?"

Chichi nervously smiled but covered it with a laugh. "Strange? B, I have no clue what your talking about. Goku's the same as he always is: Hungry, strong, and as good as ever. Need anything else, B?"

Bulma sighed and shook her head. "No, Chi. I guess not. Good night."

"Night Bulma." With that Chichi walked patiently but as soon as she was out of earshot, she ran up the steps, into her and Goku's bedroom and shut the door hurriedly and gasped for breath as she faced Goku.

"What's wrong?"

"It's *pant* that Bulma *gasp'n'pant* is a little *pantbreath* suspicious.."

Goku nodded solemnly. "We're gonna have to be careful. I think Vegeta's going to catch on also; afterall he is a little sharper than Bulma."

Chichi moved towards Goku. "Do you think we can pull this off?"

"If we don't Chi, than the boy from the future will never be born." Doing a dramatic pose, the married couple looked out their window, watching the night.

It was romantic until a rumble from Goku's stomach interrupted it.



"I'm hungry.."

*THUD* Chichi fell anime style.


What will happen during the night? O.o;; it won't contain a lemon that's for sure. ^__^ So is this Goku's plan? And if Goku seemed ditzy and stupid in the end, I didn't mean it for it to look like that but he IS semi-silly in the series so you can't really have him serious ALL the time. Where's the fun in a serious Goku? That goes against all we believe in! And again I apologize for the late update. -_-;; I just didn't feel all that well and had a slight writer's block. Forgive me.

Chibi-Bra: *scowls*... How dare you even think about pairing mommy up with Gohan?!
Trunks:*shudders* I do not want to even contemplate that thought.
Bunni:-_-;; *sweatdrop*But I ended up putting V and B together in a bed! Doesn't that count for something? O.o;;
Chibi-Bra: I guess so..*relunctant*
Bunni:^___^ That means I get free time away from the computer! WEE!
Chibi-Bra:*whacks her with her mega-wrench* NO! I want the next chapter!
Trunks: NOW! *gets out sword*
Bunni: but-but-but-but..*whimpers*
Chibi-Bra: NO BUTS! *whacks her with her mega-wrench again, this time knocking her out*
Bunni:X.x *unconcious*
Trunks:*slaps head* look what you did! Now if that crazy android that looked like me was here, I'd really be in trouble..
Android T: Huh? *pops head in* I thought I heard someone mention my- AAAAH! BUNNI! *runs to Bunni who has swirlies in her eyes* Who did this to you?!
Trunks:*points at Bra*
Chibi-Bra:*points back to Trunks*
Android T:*blinks looking back and forth, then has evil smile and walks towards Trunks* You hurt Bunni. Kill Trunks. Kill Trunks. Kill Trunks.
Trunks: AAAAAAAAAAAAH! *runs for his dear life* NOT AGAIN!
Android T:*gets out eight foot ax* DDDDDDIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE! *chases after him*
Chibi-Bra:*drags Bunni to the computer and handcuffs her to the keyboard* There. *evil smile and winks at reviewers* She'll forever write now! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Bunni:*wakes up*...Egads, I've created a monster..*faints*

Review please, O.o;; Otherwise I shall never get vacation time *the reviewers shake their heads 'no'* Damn! ^__^ um.. I'll give you chocolate and Vegeta plushies if you do! *reviewers immediately write reviews* YAY! *throws Vegeta plush dolls and chocolate bars to the crowd* I'm so glad I tampered with Pudgoose's Vegeta Clone machine.. mwehehe *evil giggle*

Pudgoose: YOU DID WHAT?!!

Bunni:....EEEEK! *puts on helmet and gets on hover scooter and flies into a portal*

Pudgoose:*shakes fist* COME BACK HERE!

(Please review and another note: I am looking for a beta-reader, anyone who could be responsible and faithful to the job, give me a shout by email)