Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ Hmm..Work that butt or.. ARRRRRGGGHH!!!! ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Mwahahaha..miss me?

*everyone shakes their head 'no'*

Aww.^_~ I love you too!

*everyone sighs heavily and try ignoring her*

Anyway here I am again with the TWELFTH CHAPTER! MY FIRST TWELFTH CHAPTER! Have a celebration people!

*crickets sound out*

...okay time to do shout outs then! ^_~

*everyone whistles and claps immensely with appreciation*


Shout out to:

DarkFire101: ^____~ Airmail them! I want to see if they go insane after hearing the roars of the plane's engines 24/7. They could be more useful to me that way. Have Dan be their courier (the guy that handles the box and delivers it personally) 'cause I wanna see what effect they have on them. ^.^;;

dark_angel: ^_~ Ah, now your just buttering me up.

Android18: LOL! RIGHT! ^.^ as your hatred simmers and threatens to blow one day at some unsuspecting fool, you shall continue to read this fanfic. If you thought the last chapter was cute, check this one out. O.o;; at least I think it's cute.

Mushi-azn: You evil, evil person. *shakes head, eyes wide* O.O I NEEEED those pics. You don't understand! ^^;; If I don't get new ones, my inspiration slowly dies..

Inspiration:..*gasps for breath as it crawls pass Mushi-azn and Bunni* chibi Vegeta pics.. *dies* X.X

Bunni: O.O;;

Mushi-azn: Well that was interesting..

Bunni:..can I have more Veggie pics? PLLLLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASE? I promise to put extra funnies in the next two chapters (which are hilarious in my opinion)..

Mushi-azn:..I'll think about it.


Squirrel:*watches Goku flex his muscles as he eats candy*

Yamcha:*calls to him* GOKU!! *waves SUPER-SIZED BAG OF CANDY* JOIN US!

Goku:*looks at small bag of candy to big candy and runs to Yamcha and Gohan*

Squirrel:...AAAAAH!!! *screams*

Bunni: Well good things don't last forever you know.. ^^;;

veggie-chan: Oh thank goodness! It wouldn't do if anyone found it out. ^_~ I'll be sure to do that 9with the whacky daydreams and stuff) I'm thinking of having Bulma have one.

Tigerz_Angel: Hehe, your just trying to get my head all swelled up right?

zipp: The actual bed scene takes place in the next chapter. ^_~ But this chapter is funny too.

Rez:*bows* I take pride in what I do. ^-^ But enough about Lima and Beans-

Lima and Beans:*glare*

Bunni: ^-^;; Zargato says that he thinks Lena is cute and that she should come over to my head sometime for a 'talk' *shudders* aaaaaaaaaaand the latest news on the eloping of Kia and Jones is:...*looks at snapshot of photo*..Wow.. I never knew they could do that in that position. O.O;; and about the toothpaste thing: it just popped in my head! I had to do it. An image of Gohan running yelling, "Rabid Ouji!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" was just too hilarious to resist!!

cat.halliday@V\T_babe.medway.uk: Erk! Not the pics! Anything but the pics!

AnimeLover604: AWWWWWW... you people butter me up every chance you get, don't you? ^_^;;

Tweetyboo: Honestly, is that ALL you have to say? ^_^

Maxine: Yes, VEEEEERY interesting mental pictures. Also kind of creepy if you think about it: Vegeta suggesting a group hug. Now that IS scary.

(Note: I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED everyone's reviews last time. *blushes* You sure make a hybrid cat/bunny feel appreciated! ^_~ thanks for waiting!!)

Disclaimer: I don't own this peice of art called DBZ! Leave me alone so I can grief! *sits alone in the corner sobbing*

Trunks:*shakes head* Now that is just sad..

Goten:*nods in agreement and flicks light off* *black letters on a white screen come on*

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Twelve
Hmm..Work that butt or.. ARRRRRGGGHH!!!!

It took a while, but Bulma and Goku finally succeeded in taking away the toothpaste away from Vegeta, much to his disappointment.

'Stupid Kakarott..' Vegeta growled as he watched Goku put the toothpaste under his Gi, where Vegeta would dare come after it. ^.^;; 'Taking away my toothpaste... First the Legendary, now this.'

Bulma, on the other hand, was relieved that the 'toothpaste fiasco' was finally over *cough* not! *cough* (hint hint) Handing Vegeta a towel, she put her hands on her hips.

"You know, Veg-head, you really gave us a scare. I actually thought you had rabies."

Vegeta chose to ignore the nickname, this time, and only grunt at her, wiping away the remaining foam from his mouth. "OnNA, I am a SAiYAJIn. We dO NOT gET RABies.."

"Whatever, Chibi 'Geta." She patted him on the head, slightly stroking the widow's peak a little, and yawned, walking away. "Man, I'm tired. Night sweet Prince." She giggled and disappeared into THEIR room.

Vegeta stood stunned and felt his widow's peak. Did she really touch him? Did she??? ^_____^ He couldn't surpress the big grin that wanted to come on his face. Ignoring all around him, he gave a low throaty growl that meant he was happy, and went to join Bulma in THEIR room, whistling a little tune while he was at it.

Goku watched the brief interaction between the two and grinned like Vegeta, and rubbed his hands together maliciously again. This was all working out so well... even better than he had imagined it!! ^_^;;

But first before any real matchmaking, Goku had to check up on Gohan. ^_^;; Poor tyke was so scared out of his wits, that he refused to go to sleep in his bed. Goku shook his head sadly as he went upstairs.

Bulma hummed as she brushed her waist long lavender hair, and noticed in the corner of her eye Vegeta walked in, whistling a little. She blinked. She'd never seen him smile so wide or whistle or do anything remotely positive. O.O;;

Come to think of it, as she thought as she turned around and stared at Vegeta appreciatively. He was really handsome when he didn't have that scowl on his face. Even though he did look a little scrawny (he's 14.. basically how he looked when he first came to Earth) he was handsome.

Bulma blinked. What was she thinking?! The guy was wearing pajama's with little teddy bears in spaceships, and grinning moons, for crying out loud!

There's probably strange side-effects from the A.D.T., she attempted to reason. There could no way in Hell be any chance that she could be attracted to HIM: The murdering, unsensible, baka, idiotic, sexy, charming, strong-

AH!!!!! Bulma screamed mentally, turning away hurriedly, brushing her hair harder, as an attempt to cover her blushing.

Vegeta continued to whistle as he laid down the bed, completely aware of Bulma staring at him. That made him smile wider. ^_^

Ha! Beat ya Kakarott's brat! He mentally taunted to a mind image of Gohan, who looked bummed and sort of sniffled.

He stretched, allowing Bulma to have a better view. It just made his ego's day just for her to finally think about HIM and not him thinking about her, even though those pajama's on her DID look good.

As she turned away, he got a GOOD view of her butt, scantily clad in those small cotton shorts that he wished didn't exist.

'Argh! I'm a Saiyajin no Ouji for Kami's sake! I don't need that baka Onna. I just need to get stronger.. yeah..' His thoughts drifted as Bulma dropped her brush to the ground and bent down to pick it up, causing his head to go sideways. 'Stronger.. yeah.. strong.. oh yeah!!!' He grinned at the view. 'Work that butt, Onna.'

Bulma picked up her brush, then pinned her long hair in a loose bun, allowing some wisps of hair to frame a face slightly. She was trying VERY hard to not to think about Vegeta and his sexy smirk and the way he calls her "Onna".

She turned to the boy-er man-er boy ^^;; in question and looked long and hard at the bed.

One bed.

For the entire night.

Sharing a bed.



Bulma gulped and self-consciously tugged the extra tight and small cotton top down. Stay focused, B-girl. Remember the compromise. No touching, no interaction, no nothing. Sleep is all that's going to happen..

Somehow that thought disappointed her.

Goku tried to coax Gohan from under his bed.

"Aww.. come on, son. It wasn't so bad, was it?"

"YES!!!" Came the muffled yell from under the mattress.

O.O;; "Okay, maybe it was, but the important now is to GET OVER IT!"

"But I dun wanna..." Gohan whined from under mattress, peaking out his head from his hiding place.

O.O;; Goku sighed heavily. "What if I read you a bed time story?"

"...." Gohan gave a "You've got to be kidding me" look.

"Okay, maybe not a bedtime story, but what about..er.." Goku racked his brains for something he might be able to bribe-er, I mean, compromise Gohan with. He looked at Chichi, wo was standing by the doorstead, and shrugged.

"Ask him what he wants." She offered.

Goku nodded and looked under the bed, where Gohan retreated again.

"What doy you want?"

Gohan came out and had a coy smile. "Weeeeeeeellllll.. I wanna play with Bulma some more! She's really fun and knows all sorts of stuff. Can you do that? I also don't want Vegeta interrupting us while we have fun studying and playing and stuff!!"

Goku stifled the urge to scream, "NOOOOO!" to his eldest and only child and simply said, "I'll get back to you on that.." He got up, leaded Chichi out of Gohan's room, and held his two fingers to his forehead and I.T'ed out of there to an isolated jungle area, about twenty-three miles away from his and Chichi's cottage.

There he let out his frustration.


Chichi simply let her husband do what he needed to do.


< b>A/N: ^^;; It seems that this matchmaking job is slightly getting to our Goku. Wow. It seems both teenagers are getting HORNY THOUGHTS! Bad Veggie(horny monkey you!), bad Bulma(you bad...human..you...yeah..)! ^_~ Mwehehe.. And Gohan wants more attention from Bulma? Get ready ready for complications!

Chibi Bra:..what does horny mean?
Trunks: O.O
Bunni: O.O
Android T: O.O...
All:*point to eachother* You tell her!
Chibi Bra:*gets impatient* Weeeeelll?
Bunni: Uh..er..
Android T:*silent*...*turns to Bunni* What DOES horny mean anyway?
Bunni: Er.. *to Bra* ask your mom. *to T* Ask me when I turn twenty.
Android T:*weird expression*
Chibi Bra:*shrugs* Fine, but if they ask where I learned the word from I'm going to mention your name.
Bunni: -.- You just are so evil!!
Chibi Bra: ^_^ Well my father DID USED to be EVIL.
Trunks:..so that's where she gets it from..
Bunni: That still doesn't explain why I'm evil.
Android T: That will forever be a mystery..
Trunks and chibi Bra:*nod in agreement*
Bunni: U.U;;

Next Time: Pillow fight mania!!!! The title speaks for itself, ne? Anyway, Gohan and Goku make a deal, and the A.D.T. finally WORKS? Is this the end of the story? Mwahahahahaha!!! I'm not telling!!

*peels a bananna* ^_~ Review you magnificient readers! Show me your comments, questions and whackiness!

^-^ or in short: Just review.