Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ Didn't Yamcha Try This? or.. Why the hell can't we sleep? ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shout out:

Rez: I don't WANT to imagine. *shudders also* Remember I have horny personalities in my head; and yes, it's not out of the ordinary for one of my personalities to like one another in 'that' way. O.o;; Anyway I put more manipulation in this chapter, and made it super-long, so don't get real bored, okies? Gohan gets the deal, Veggie and Bulma pillow fight, Goku acts hysterical, and Chichi plans manipulatively. *sweatdrop* Believe me, it's a weird chapter.

sakura-chan:*whimpers* So many people hurting me..

veggie-chan: Believe me, it happens to the best of us. O.o;; One time I kept repeating myself in a review because I was half-asleep so i doubt I made any sense at all.

: LOL!! I LOOOOOOOVED YOUR REVIEW! Hmm..especially that yummy pic of Vegeta. ^_~ It actually got me involved in hentai pics *squeals* and I SAW THE MOST ROMANTIC PICS OF GOKU AND VEGETA AND BULMA (not together) ..and..well I skipped Chichi alot. ^_~ Anyway, I hope you love this chapter, because your review gave me inspiration! OH! YOU'LL ADORE THIS CHAPTER! *giggles evilly*

Squirrel:*watches as Chichi hits random people that come near Squirrel* Wow..

Squirrel: ^-^ *pretends to be writing, but is actually relaxing and drinking lemonade*

Bunni: I have to give her credit, she sure has great ideas for how to escape from Chibi-Bra..

*At Chibi-Bra and Yamcha*

Chibi-Bra:*growls as she holds Mega-Wrench* I don't like you or Gohan trying to prevent my birth..

Yamcha:*quivers* But-but-but-but-but..

Chibi-Bra: NO BUTS!! *swings mega-wrench* Time to DIIIIIIIIEEE!!

*At Bunni*

Bunni:*watching security camera of that scene* *winces* OOOOOOH, right in the kickers..

SapphireAngelOfNight: AAAAAAAAHH! NOOOOOOO!! *struggles* Not Frieza and the Swan Lake! I'll be forever traumatized!!!..*stops and looks at Saph* Saph, you have learned well in the art of torturing authors through reviews.

Saph: Thanks!

Bunni:*tears up* I'm so proud..*then struggles some more* Anyway, AVBC (Annual Villain Bikini Contest) is coming along SLOOOOOOWLY, 'cause of lack of inspiration -.-;; though I DID get great ideas from Zurri last night, and so I am writing more each day, when I think of hilarious stuff.

Saph:..*sniffles* It's just that I LOVED that story! I want an update.

Bunni:*struggles* Tell ya what, if you don't subject me to the torture of Frieza's ballerina and singing skills, I'll have an update by, oh say, Next Sunday?

Saph: I'll think about it..*walks off with Xellos*

Xellos:*rubs tummy* Hanging around the S.U.W.L. is the best thing I ever did. I'm so full alll the time ^_^!

Mushi-azn: O.o;; Your on a slapping spree aren't you?! Well, anyway, I'm running low on inspiration, so you have to send me some more "payment"!! Otherwise I won't be able to write ^^;; Believe me, by the title, you KNOW it's not the end. O.O now about those kawaii veggie pics..*evil chuckle*

zipp: Hehe, believe me it's FUNNY! Or at least I suspect it is..O.o;;

DarkFire101: Yes, yes I am evil ^_~

*At Dan, at the Airport*

Dan:*eye twitches as he holds box full of swatting Life-Size Fruit Loops*..why? What did I ever do to deserve this torture??!

Taxi-driver:*looks at Dan and the box weirdly* Yo, mack, I've seen some scary crap in my life, but none as scary as that..*points to chanting box* *turns to drive*

Dan:*eye keeps twitching*..Why??! *bangs head against window as they both drive on*

*Back at Bunni*

Bunni: I'm sure he's fine..^_^

Android18: Mwahahaha! I have plans for that toothpaste! O.o;; also, I'm going to need someone's opinion on something that's probably going to happen in the story. Can you email me later? (if you have time) Thanks! ^_^ (also UPDATE Possession!!)

Tweetyboo: Honestly, girl, I am sorry. I REALLY AM! *sniffles* I hadn't taken account of your feelings, but everyone has such close-minded comments like "Good story. Update soon" and that's it. T.T How am I supposed to work with something like that? I want to really get in touch with my reviewers! Again, I sincerely apologize. I didn't mean to sound mean or insulting. You truly are a great author, with awesome ideas, and to bring you down like that makes me feel awful. Please forgive me.

Disclaimer: Now to do that disclaimer I'll-*is cut off by a guy screaming and runs in holding a box*

Dan: TAKE THE DAMN THING!!! THEY'RE DRIVING ME NUTS!! *throws box to the floor and runs around in circles screaming*

Bunni:O.o;;*sweatdrops and picks up box, and hears chatter* MY FRUIT LOOPS!!! ^_^

Life-Size Fruit Loops:*swat eachother inside, chanting* Bunni, Bunni, Bunni, Bunni.

Bunni:*tears up* My gosh.. I MISSED YOU! *begins to open box*


Kami: NOT THE FRUIT LOOPS!! AAAAAAHH!! *climbs on Piccolo and grabs on his head*

Piccolo: O.o;;

LSFL:*come out and swat the ground and some swat Bunni a little*

Bunni:*big grin* Aww... ^_~ Come, my fruit loops. Let us celebrate by doing the disclaimer together!

LSFL:*chant in ancient language* Ig erg ohshi Bunni bing bling bonk wyjih kei DBZ! ..Beshi swat swat yupes? (Er, Bunni no own DBZ, she bonk people who do everyday, we like her...We swat you now, yes?)

Bunni:*hugs a random fruit loop* I love you guys..now..^_~ Remember we have to torture authors now..

LSFL:*evil laugh*

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Thirteen
Didn't Yamcha Try This? or.. Why the hell can't we sleep?

Goku walked in, very distinguished as he looked at his son, his wife at the door again.

"Ok, Gohan, I'm ready to make that deal."

Gohan's head popped out from under the bed and he had a grin on to rival Vegeta's. "I'm listening.."

"Here's how it goes, I'll let you spend as much time as your mother deems permissable with Bulma buuuuuuuuuuut-" Goku drawled the 'but' long to create suspense.

Gohan edged out, feeling eager, "Yeah?"

"Vegeta'll have to participate with you whenever he wants to."

"WHAT?!" Gohan yelled.

"That's right, sweetie." Chichi stepped in. "I'm supporting your father in this decision, so if you want to spend more time with Bulma, you'll have to go by the rules. Got it?"

Gohan mumbled, "Yes, mommy." and went under the bed again.

"Uh uh, Gohan." Goku grabbed Gohan's arm and dragged him out from the floor. "You sleep ON the bed. It's not like Vegeta is going to kill you in your sleep or something."

Gohan gave his father a skeptical look, then mellowed down. "Yes, daddy." Gohan kissed his father on the cheek and gave him a hug before jumping down into the bed and went under the covers.

Goku sighed heavily and went out and closed the door, facing Chichi. "One down, two more to go. Wish me luck, Chi...again."

Chichi smiled sweetly at her husband. "Good luck...again." She giggled.

Flopping down on the bed, close to the edge from the strangely laid-back Saiyajin beside her. Vegeta smirked at such careful precautions the Onna took, to try deny she was attracted to the hunky-dunky (my own word! ^^;;) Saiyajin Prince.

'Well, as if she could.' Vegeta smugly thought as he turned to say bedtime byes.

"NiGHt ONna."

Bulma smiled sweetly at him and yawned, snuggling into a pillow.

"Night Chibi 'Geta"

Just to get one FINAL rile out of her for the day, he called her, "DON't cALL me thAT, you PURpLE-hAIRed bITch." Then turned over and waited for her to send some callous remark that he could easily overcome, but Vegeta didn't know that Bulma's temper was possibly even worse when she was younger and therefore was much more wrathful in her anger.

He did not know that was the wrong to say to a teenage Bulma.

Vegeta blinked as a soft, white cushion-y object hit him smack-dab in the face with a surprising force. He lifted the pillow up to see a very red, a very cute, a very ANGRY Bulma. She took another pillow and smacked him with it again, only this time harder.

"You stupid Saiyajin!" She growled, making him turned on again. ^-^ Vegeta choose to growl playfully back.

"YOU SilLY oNNA!" He grinned, letting himself be hit again by the pillow. Bulma growled deep in her throat again, her hair flying out of it's bun, continuing to hit Vegeta with a pillow.

"Take that! And that! And some of that!"

Vegeta grabbed one of the pillows and copied Bulma, "HEY, ONNa, thIS is *WHAP* KINd of *WHAP* FUN! *WHAP WHAP WHAP* Hey! WaTCH the HAir!"

Bulma growled, not really listening to what Vegeta was saying. "Call me a bitch, will you? *WHAP* It's on, Saiyajin!"

Vegeta, on the other hand, couldn't be more turned on at this moment than any other. Seeing Bulma attack him was so Saiyajin-like, so beautiful, so-so-so heck! It was just really, really TURNING HIM ON!

'Oh yeah! Do it Onna! Just like that! Be the Saiyajin I want you to be!' He mentally yelled as he hit her with his pillow. Bulma in turn, growled deeply at him, and continued berating him with fluffy pillows.

"I'll make sure *WHAP* that you PAY *WHAP* for calling me that! Die by my feathery pillow wrath *WHAP* you Saiyajin princy thing! *WHAP*"

"AnD yOU TaKE THat *WHAP* you KOMInAI! Hmm..*WHAP* YES! Like tHAT ONNA! LIKe THat!" He half-growled, half-screamed as Bulma pushed him down and straddled him on his back, bonking him for all she was worth with her white pillow.


"Oh I'll give you *WHAP* what you were deserving all this time! I'll give to you tenfold!" *WHAP*

"YES! ThAT'S it! UnlEASh it on ME!"

Goku blinked unbelievingly as he put his ear to the door, and blushed at the statements said by both parties. It was odd, that's for sure. What kind of demonic torture was Bulma putting Vegeta through?

"AnD yOU TaKE THat *WHAP* you KOMInAI! Hmm..*WHAP* YES! Like tHAT ONNA! LIKe THat!"

Goku looked startled. It was as if-..nah! It couldn't have been.. Goku listened more closely.

"Oh I'll give you *WHAP* what you were deserving all this time, Vegeta! I'll give to you tenfold!" *WHAP*

Goku yelped inaudibly and looked at the door surprised. No! They couldn't have been, it'd mess his plans up!.. What was Bulma doing to him in there?!

"YES! ThAT'S it! UnlEASh it on ME!" Vegeta screamed happily.

Goku blushed heavily, and chewed on his fingernails. They weren't- well you know, were they?

They wouldn't!

They couldn't!


Would they?

Goku couldn't take it.


He was met with a surprising scene:

Feathers flying around wildly around the two in question, on the bed. Bulma straddling Vegeta's back, ceasing her unmerciliously bonking of her pillow onto the Saiyajin, and looked curiously at Goku. Vegeta, on the other hand, was severely pissed off with Goku's intrusion.

"BAka! WHO INvitED YOU heRe and GAVE YOu PErMISsion to INTerrUPT US?!"

"Eh..." Goku blinked, trying to get the image through his head, and he slowly realized through his shock-filled brain, that Vegeta and Bulma weren't having sex..

They were having a pillow fight.

O.O;; "Er..."

"You okay, Goku?" Bulma asked for the second time that night. She was seriously beginning to suspect something was up with that Saiyajin, and Bulma had a sneaking suspicion it had to do with her and a certain ouji.

Speaking of princes, one seriously vein-popped out teenage Vegeta glared invisible ki blasts at Goku. 'Blast that third class. He has the worst timing, and just when the Onna was straddling me! When I kill Kakarott, I'm going to make sure he suffers...' Vegeta made a mental note to really, really hurt Goku later on for this.

Goku laughed nervously, eyes going to an over-tuned "U" position, and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Er.. yeah, Bulma. I just came in here, because- er..Chichi was complaining there was too much noise down here. Yeah! that's right! too much noise; so you'd better stop and sleep or something. Yeeeeeah.. Er I think I hear Chichi calling me!" He put his hand to his ear and listened to the imaginary yelling. Bulma and Vegeta looked at him weirdly as if he just escaped form the insane asylum and were asking them if they had tap-dancing pickles to spare.

"Gotta go!" Goku ran out the broken door, forgetting totally that he could I.T.

Bulma and Vegeta stared at the spot where Goku had once-inhabited and looked at each other.

"He gets weirder and weirder every day.." They both said at the same time.

Goku sighed softly, enjoying the massage Chichi was giving him. "It was awful Chi.."

She murmured under her breath as she worked out the kinks in Goku's body. "Yeah?"

"Yeah.. they were staring at me like I was crazy or something!"

'You probably are..' She giggled at her thought.

"I heard that." Her husband chuckled.

Chichi gave a grin. "So?.. what happened next?"

"Well after I barged in, thought they were making whoopie, it turned out they were only just pillow-fighting. At this rate, Trunks'll never be born, unless I get them to sleep or something. It's like they have insominia or something."

Suddenly a lightbulb went over Chichi's head, and she had a very sly look on her face. Walking away to the window, she mentally whispered her plan to Goku, who's eyes widened and listened carefully.

After she explained it all, did Goku speak. "You are a genius, Chi."

"I know.." She gave a surprisingly evil chuckle.

Keep scrolling...

That's it.

I'm just teasing you.

Go on...

Keep on scrolling, you're almost there..

But you have to wonder is this the end?

< br>

Am I really that cruel to stop there and just END IT?


IT'S NOT THE END, BAKAS!!! Hehe, sorry I just HAD to do that. ^-^;; As many people threatened to hurt me, 'cause I merely said it MIGHT be the end. LOL.

Chichi hummed cheerfully as she walked towards the guestroom, holding a tray of ten cups of hot cocoa and she peeked in on the two in her evil and malicious matchmaking plan to help Goku.

Vegeta grumbled as Bulma returned to her side of the bed, still red-faced from their 'activity'. Mentally cursing Goku for barging in, Vegeta rested his elbow on one knee and plopped his chin on his palm, as he eyed Bulma through the corner of his eye. Damn, that pillow fight was good, and had left him so affected vay down there. ^-^ If ya know what I mean. *nudges the blushing readers*

Bulma fixed her bun and mentally sighed. She couldn't believe what had happened. It was as if Goku had thought Vegeta and her were- Bulma blushed heavily. No, THAT would have been embarassing. Keeping her distance like she promised herself, she was surprised at how her anger got the better of her, but even more surprised when Vegeta gave signs that he was enjoying what they were doing, especially the 'straddling him' part. She spied a look at him; could it be that he likes her?

Vegeta twidled his thumbs, well aware of Bulma's eyes on him, making him grin with satisfaction. If there was one thing Gohan didn't have that Vegeta did, was that he was much better-looking (in his own opinion ofcourse! ^_~ Though he IS one hot monkey..). Vegeta laid back, head resting against the wall, and stared at the ceiling, as a thought came to him.

"Why the hell can't we sleep?"

Bulma blinked. "I dunno.." She shrugged and sat down beside him. "Maybe it's a side-effect from the A.D.T."

Vegeta eyed her from the corner of his gaze, and slyly, ever so slyly, yawned and brought his arm around her shoulders, trying to supress the unnatural grin on his face.

Bulma felt Vegeta's arm around her shoulders as he yawned, and rolled her eyes. 'Didn't Yamcha try this?' But, deciding to humor her Saiyajin compadre, she leaned into him, enjoying the closeness also.

Vegeta resisted to yell "WOPEE!!!" and do a self-expressionized tango because Bulma responded to his actions. Instead, he tightened his grip, and turned to her, for that one kiss he had been yearning since that daydream earlier. Bulma looked into his eyes, and slowly the gap between closed agonizingly and their lips almost met when-

"Heeelllllooooooo?" Chichi's voice rang out as she came to enter the room. Both teens looked away, blushing at the thought of almost being thought, but Vegeta scowled at the older woman.

'Damn! First Kakarott, now his annoying mate! Is this some kind of sick ritual to deprive me of releasing my sexual frustrations?! Is it??' Vegeta screamed mentally at no one in particular, and his eye twitched rather badly.

"Hey Chi." Bulma greeted half-overjoyed, half-disappointed. Half disappointed, because a part of her actually wanted to be kissed by Vegeta, but she shoved that thought away, focusing completely on Chichi.

"Hey Bulma. Goku told me you guys were having trouble sleeping so I decided to fix you my homemade cocoa to fix you right up!" She put the tray down on a small coffee table, handing Bulma and Vegeta a cup of steaming chocolate.

Bulma smiled at Chichi, and drank a small sip of it, sighing softly at the warm and sweet taste of her drink. Vegeta, on the other hand, regarded it cautiously, suspiciously throwing Chichi a look of mistrust.

"Oh take the cup, baka!" Vegeta glowered at Chichi, and took it, sniffing, and looked at Bulma, who quietly drank her cocoa without interruption, and took a small sip. Of course when he did, he immediately realized that cocoa was a GOOD thing, and possibly almost as good as kissing Bulma.

Before Bulma could half-way finish her cup of cocoa, Vegeta was already on his third cup. Chichi, as she watched him down every cup on the tray completely, stifled the urge to let out an evil chuckle as he did so..

As Bulma finished her cup, she yawned heavily, stretching her arms and rubbing one eye with a fist. "Ergh..strangely, I feel so tired..must...nap.."

Vegeta, who had just finished his ninth cup, blinked heavily, and yawned also. "Yeah..*yaaaaawwwwwwwwn* so..sleepy...can't..keep...awake.."

Bulma went under the covers, mumbling a 'g'night' to Chichi, and instantly fell asleep as soon as her head fell against the pillow. Yawning still, Vegeta climbed in after her, not bothering to acknowledge Chichi in any way, and put his arms around Bulma's waist and head on her tummy, nuzzling into the half-exposed skin, before he began to snore.

Chichi picked up the tray and empty cups and then she laughed evily.

"Mwahahaha! My plan worked! Goku, you can come out now.."

Goku came out of the shadows, having watched the entire scene, and was smirking rather manipulatively. "Thanks Chi.. Without you, I don't think I could have done it.."

Chichi winked and patted his arm. "Sneaking sleeping pills into cocoa is such an old trick in the book. For a minute there, I thought Vegeta had caught on!..But, Goku, be careful..we don't know what that thing might do if you make a mistake with that machine."

Goku grinned. "Don't worry." Chichi sighed. Where had she heard those words before? Without so much as another word, Chichi went back up the stairs, determined to stay there, until Goku would come back, because Heavens knew that she was tired of going up and down the stairs, up and down, like a dang elevator.

Goku took out a long fishing pole he had gotten as his wedding present that he never had any use for and lowered the string down to wear the A.D.T. was, right in Bulma's chest pocket (forgot to put that in the last chappie ^_~).

"Ok, Goku, old boy. This is it. Don't make any sudden movements." Goku whispered to himself, as if he were hunting a deer or something. O.o;; the hook had a small weight attached to it as he was at a distance (just in case, because he didn't want to age or be transported to some other world) "Careful...careful.." The hook was right above the A.D.T, then Bulma stirred in her sleep. Goku held in his breath, as he watched her move then lightly snore again, hands wrapped in Vegeta's long mane.

If Goku weren't so busy trying to change their age, he would have thought it was cute the way they were in such a position. "That's it..." The weight went down and hit the remote, causing some beeping, then a bright flash enveloped the room.


Mwahahahaha! So that is Chichi's plan. Bulma and Vegeta are knocked out by sleeping pills hidden in the cocoa! ^-^ But now what's this? Goku tried the A.D.T. and...WHAT HAPPENED?!

Chibi-Bra: I could ask the same question. *holds Mega-Wrench threateningly*
Bunni: O.o;;
Trunks:*in bandages and has a cast on arm with a patch over one eye* *growls* Oh no you don't Bra. *hobbles over and stands in front of Bunni* Last time you hurt her, I WAS THE ONE THAT GOT HURT!
Trunks:*falls down anime style and gets up* *growls even more* Well I'm not going to stand for it. From now on, Bunni is in my protection!
Bunni:*grins happily* *blows raspberry at Bra* Which means you can't hurt me!
Chibi-Bra: ;_; Aww...
Bunni:*hums as she slacks off in front of the computer* Mwahahahaha! No more writing for me! ^-^
Chibi-Bra:*grasps Mega-Wrench tightly as the urge to hurt Bunni comes*
Trunks:*stands in front of Bunni, whistling, glaring at Bra*
Chibi-Bra:*growls then a light bulb comes over her head and she smiles evilly and walks off*
Bunni:..? Where the heck did she go?
Trunks:*confused as well* I have no clue. *looks at Bunni* Remember, she has the evil gene in the family DNA.
Bunni: Gotcha. *whistles a little then all becomes quiet* *cries* I don't know why, but i want a hug.
Trunks: ;__; *looks around to make sure Android T isn't watching and leans down to hug Bunni*
Chibi-Bra:*watches as they hug and whistles loudly* THERE THEY ARE, T!
Android T:*comes in with ax and glares at Trunks* I didn't want to think it was true, but YOU TRIED TO STEAL MY WOMAN...AGAIN!!
Trunks: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *flies away, 'cause he can't run away because of injuries* DAMN YOU BRA!! AAAAAAAAAAHHH!
Chibi-Bra:*evil giggle* Mwehehehe...*turns around to face Bunni*
Bunni:..eep.*tries to curl up in a little ball* I don't feel safe anymore..

Review, or Bunni shall die. *insert evil yet strangely cute demonic laughter by Bra* Mwahahahahahaha *cough cough* ahahaha *cough* ahahahaha..ha. ^-^ (I also won't update until Mushi-azn and everyone else sends me cute chibi Veggie pics!!)