Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ Oh. My. God. or... IT'S THE MAN, MAN! Part One ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
You will not believe who just reviewed!


Android T: *grits teeth* WHO? *eye twitches*

Bunni: Dan.. you know that guy... in all those skits... with the fruit loops.. and the snappy snappy shrimp and him going insane and whatnot.

Android T: *eye stops twitching and he calms down* oh? ^__^ That guy.

Bunni: Yeah, well he REVIEWED! And even though I'm really hyped, I'll explain what snappy snappy shrimp is:...I have no clue. Just some sort of popcorn shrimp. I dunno, use your imagination of your favorite kind of shrimp and voila! There it is! ^___^

Android T: Well that was certainly special.

Bunni: Now to get down to the thing people actually read.

Android T and Bunni: The shout-outs! ^___^

Shout out:

DarkFire101: Oh, yes, well not exactly crazy and weird.. just.. freaky.. and weird.. and...cute.. O.O;; I can't really explain it. Oh by the way, Dan gave me a call! ^_~ He sounds cute.. lol jk. I'm pullin' your leg people.

Android T: *grits teeth as he glares at Dan's picture on the wall* You'd better be. *throws a knife which lands smack-dab in the picture's middle* Stupid people trying to take my Bunni..

Bunni: O.o;; I'm guessing those Anger/Jealousy Management Classes aren't working out for you, huh T?

Android T: .... *looks down ashamed* I put the counseler in the hospital after I saw your photo on his desk...in the file..

Bunni: O.O;;

Empress Sarah: Finally a fellow person that can relate to my troubles! ^___^ Your logic agrees with me.

Chibi-Bra: *sour face* LET ME OUT!

Bunni: Nope. ^____^

Alien Crustacean: I'm afraid to ask what kind of bad things will happen... but I'm a hyrbid and we tend to have dangerous and deadly curiousity so... tell me! What bad things? O.o;; I want to know!

dvegetagurl15: Hehe, you honor me, O' Great Vegeta Worshipper Fan (I'm guessing by your name..o.o;;) They WILL get their freak on.. possibly in this chapter. *wiggles eyebrows*

Lady Katz: Oh yay! Really? I can post my story on your site? WEEEEEEE!! Of course! ^_^ Where do I sign? *gets out handy-dandy-ink pen*

Ashton Toope: Yup. Ten. Can you believe it?? Hahahaha! *insanely laughs*

sakura-chan: Awww.. you flatter me too much! *waves hands*

Princess Sapphire: NOOOOOOOOOOO! Anything but that!

Chibi-Bra: DO IT! DO IT DO IT DO IT!!! *kicks legs at computer so she can mess up Chapter 15*

Bunni: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *jumps in front of computer and it becomes slow motion as Bra kicks her in the chest and Bunni shakes*

Bunni: *falls down to the floor unconscious as Bra stops*

Chibi-Bra: *looks down the knocked-out rabbit* .....oops... O.o;;*innocently whistles* wasn't me..

Kiki: Hehe, believe me.. it gets weirder later on..

Faith In A Bad Guy: well there ya go, buddy.

veggie-chan: *malicious laughter* Oh yes, we CAN laugh evilly and cruelly like this *starts malicious laughter again and looks over her shoulder to the fruit loops* The little critters DO get breaks now and then, and coffee time is their favorite break. ^_^ How can I refuse them such a sweet and simple request? *blinks as she leans over to one side to see veggie-chan trembling under a sink* shhh... play dead for a while and they stop poking you after the first ten minutes or so.

zipp: You ain't see nuthin' yet!

: Oh, don't worry... I have PLANS for those lil' kids.. *malicious laughter as she wiggles fingers together, 'Mr. Burns style'*

Afrodite: ^_____________^ You're gonna LOVE this chapter.

CERULEAN*blue-17: Oh, don't worry my friend..*narrowed eyes* this chapter will go down in Crazy Dream History.. *quietly cackles*

Tweetyboo: I'm so glad you decided to read my story still! I am still very sorry about the shout out incident and am glad you forgave me. ^_^ Glad there's no hard feelings, girl. ^.^ *blushes* This? Good qaulity fanfic? Aww.. Tweetyboo, you sure know how to butter me up!

Mushi-azn: *whimpers and curls into a ball* I'm sorry.. does this please you? *show chapter 15* It's nice and long and full of cute romance. Vegeta actually KISSES Bulma in this! And also rather songficcy! ^_^ Does it, huh, huh, huh?

Rez: Oh boy, man were you right. First I was like, nah Goku will remain unaffected then it came to me: What fun is it in that? I'm going for the Ranma 1/2 approach that lil ninjin has inspired in me. Goku, Bulma, AND Vegeta all ten, Gohan eight, and Chichi...well we don't know what her age is exactly ^.^;; but who cares? We only want the kids! Lol..

Disclaimer: Don't own anything, except plot, any possible original characters and...that's about it... ;_____; *turns away to sob* I need hugs!

Dancing Life-Size Fruit Loops: *go 'Awww' and run over her and swat her with their fly-swatters lovingly*

Bunni: *sniff* You are the best, guys! ^__^ *sniff* You all have a special place in my heart! *embraces them all*

Trunks: Goten, if you please. I just don't want to look at that anymore... O.o;;

Goten: Roger that. *flicks lights off and black letters on white screen appear*

P.S. Guys, it'd really help the theme of this story if you either put on either Smash Mouth's version of "I'm a Believer" or the old Monkees' version "I'm a Believer" repeatedly during this chapter. You'll see why later on. Also some implications of taking the 'special stuff' that's addictive..*coughdrugshackwheeze* ^_^;;.

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter 15
Oh. My. God. or... IT'S THE MAN, MAN! Part One

As Gohan ran from Vegeta, now ten years old, and Chichi and Goku rushed to stop the fight, little chibi Bulma slept. Now, unlike Kami, her dreams made a lot more sense... and weren't as freaky and weird. But, they were astoundingly eyebrow-raising. So, as you take a peek inside this little genius' mind, be warned that there are side-effects, both good and bad. O.o;; Mostly laugh-your-butt-off-funny.

^___^ Be warned, my simple-minded friends. Be warned. Hippie-licious time. *people stare at the text weirdly*

-Inside Bulma's Head-

(AN: Imagine creepy music with that... there ya go. ^_^)

"Yo, like, Bulma, like..wake up, Flower Child." A gentle voice stirred Bulma from her sleep and Bulma relunctantly fluttered open her eyelids, eyes getting adjusted the dimness.

"Huh? where...where am I?" The last thing she could've sworn she remembered was hot chocolate, soft pillows, and the sweat yet somewhat minty-scented boy.

"...um...Bulma, are you alright?" Bulma turned to the voice and blinked when she saw a raven-haired girl around her late teens with wild Chinese one-word symbols on her cheeks and a PEACE medallion hanging from her neck that bounced off her belly whenever she turned. She had a blood-red peasant top with a thick leather belt whose silver handle gleamed whenever the light hit it, tight bellbottom jeans that curved around the hips.

It just hit her. The girl was...


The girl grinned. "Bulma! So that, like, last trip, like, didn't take you out, eh?" The girl, 'Chichi', helped Bulma up. "Man, you were out of it.."

"Uhhh....." Bulma couldn't control the bulging of her eyes. It was so overwhelming! Chichi..dressed..like..a..teeny-bopper! "Uh..."

Then Bulma looked down. She was wearing low-waist jeans, a tube top with the expression, "Hot Mama" in tubular-cursive writing, and beads. So many colorful beads surrounding her neck, wrists, heck, even as her belt! "Oh. My. God."

"Bulma, you okay?" Bulma looked up sharply. It wasn't Chichi this time. No, sirree.. It was..


Raditz grinned at her. "Hey B." He gave the peace sign before turning to Chichi. "Umm.. is she okay? She, like, totally wiped out on us there.." He glanced back at her, kind of warily at her open jaw that was slammed down to the floor and eyeballs wide as dinosaur eggs.

Chichi shrugged. "You know how she is after a trip. Weird and kooky as my cat Goku."

Raditz nodded. "Yeah, I know how my bro can get.." He looks to Bulma. "Are you sure your gonna be alright, babe?" He reached out to touch a comforting hand on her shoulder, no doubt brotherly, but Bulma screeched as if his hand were a hairy spider.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!!!! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" She hid behind Chichi, feeling the coward side of her teenager-self return with a vengeance.

O.o;; Raditz looked kind of weirded out and slightly hurt but shrugged it off. "Geez, you'd better lay off the substance for a while.. it's affectin' your mind, baby." He pointed to his temple as emphasis and walked off. Chichi grabbed Bulma's elbow sharply.

"Why were you actin' so nutty, B? Raditz is your compadre!" She hissed. "Not to mention my future bro-in-law.." Chichi had this dreamy smile on her face as she fingered a toy ring on her left hand.

Bulma looked confused. "But Raditz's is evil! He tried to kill Goku and Piccolo and kidnap Gohan and-"

Chichi held up a hand. "B, you're not making any sense. Sure, Raditz is a bad boy, but so's Vegeta and my cat, Goku. And secondly, Raditz wouldn't kill his own brother and best friend! Besides, Piccolo and Goku are looking mighty-fine and alive to me right about now... by the way, who's Gohan?.." Chichi wiggled her eyebrows and grinned behind Bulma. Bulma's jaw dropped for the second time that day as she turned around.

There was not the green-skinned, attenaed, heavy-clothes-wearing, only-drinks-water and hates-everyone-to-bits-except-for-Gohan- Namekjin she expected to see.

A boy.

With green hair and green eyes.

And ..

A basket full of flowers???!!!!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Bulma burst out laughing again. She assumed the boy, with slightly tinged green skin, green hair that flowed behind him, dressed in soft leather tones, handing out flowers to people, singing a slight song, was Piccolo. He was wearing a hippie feather band and giving the peace sign, obviously out of it. Beside him was a bald headed boy (obviously Krillain) beating a PEACE tamborine hopping around on one foot, chanting along with Piccolo.

"Yeah, man. Piccolo's doin' a cause. But didn't you know that already?" Chichi bobbed her head as she grinned. Bulma aruptly stopped laughing and stared at Chichi. Weird.. Chichi was actually SUPPORTING Piccolo.. Bulma blinked." Um, sorry Chichi, but I kind of got messed up.. you're going to have to explain things for me.."

"Oh..You know, if Goku hadn't, like, been my man, I'd of gone for Piccolo.."

Bulma blinked again. Now that. Was. Weird. Chichi and Piccolo??? Bulma snorted in laughter again, slapping her knee.

"Hey, dude, that was so not cool of you to laugh at me." Chichi growled.

"So-sorry.. hahaha.. it's just so-" Bulma was cut off by the murderous glare Chichi sent and instantly shut her mouth. "Umm.. romantic?"

Chichi grinned yet again. "There's the B I know and adore!"

"Uh..yeah.. sure.." Bulma decided to look around. Hmm.. lava lamps at twelve o' clock, love beads at the entrance, totally dim and perfect for making out. In fact, Bulma craned her neck and there actually WERE people making out on the beanie bags. Bulma blushed.

Then the lights dimmed (if that could be possible!) and Bulma looked around. A beacon of light came unto a low platform with instruments on it, as Bulma strained to figure out what the hell was going on. Aa girl came unto the stage.

But not just any girl, Bulma observed as her eyes bulged.. YET AGAIN!

A Girl.



(AN: we all know who kooky character that is... TURLES! ^_^;; *people give her weird looks*..what?)

"Damn it, how much more freak crap is going to show up?!" Bulma screamed to herself, causing more stares, but she ignored them.

"Okay guys, I know you're all rowdy for some lovin' and fun, but now to announce our very own, super-tastic, hot-tastin', now playin'...." The rabbit-eared girl grinned as she waved her hands dramatically, " 'THE MONKEYS!' Come on out guys!" She wolf-whistled and ran off the stage. a flame-haired teenager, only around nineteen or so, came scowling after her, shaking his fist. Bulma widened her eyes. No.. it couldn't be. Up there, was a sight Bulma was familiar with. But.. but.. it.. no.. it couldn't be!





Bulma burst out laughing yet again, and had to strangle her giggles by putting her hand over her mouth to muffle it, as she got weird looks from both Chichi and the surrounding mass of people, but they all shrugged it off. Lady Bulma was sometimes kookier than Old Man Goku. Bulma turned her attention to the fuming Vegeta.. or at least she thought it was Vegeta..

"WE PREFER 'THE SAYUNS'!" (AN: I purposely misspelled that because the Monkees and every other band doesn't go politically correct! *thrusts fist into the air* Yeah, man! Fight the power! Go against the fur! Buy me a sub sandwich! ..ahem..*coughs clearly embarassed* er..sorry. Continue on with your reading.)

"WHATEVER!" Even offstage, the girl's voice rang clear and loud. Vegeta grumbled giving the girl offstage the evil eye before smirking at the roaring crowd. He grabbed the huge microphone. "How are you weaklings?"

The crowd yelled, "GOOD!"

Vegeta smirked more. Behind him, Bulma saw Goku and what looked like Goku, all strung out in beads just as Bulma was with a Jamaican hat, light 5 o' clock shadow on his face, a tye dye shirt like Vegeta's, taking out a silver harmonica.

Wow... Goku looks hot.. Then she hit herself. What was she thinking?! Goku?! Hot?! This was the kid she knew since he was twelve!

And then she saw...GOKU?.. come out AGAIN. Bulma couldn't control the bulging of her eyes.. If that was Goku, then who was...

"Yo Turles, shake that yummy butt of yours!" A girl yowled beside Bulma. The Rugged Goku held the harmonica, as Bulma dubbed him, blushed a little and winked, causing the girl to sigh and melt like butter. "Oh yeah!"

Bulma sighed in relief. Oh, it wasn't just her imagination and she wasn't crazy for thinking that guy looked hot.. She looked and saw the real Goku behind the drums, holding the drum sticks as if it were candle sticks threatening to break. He wore a type-dye t-shirt like the rest, only wearing round glasses with blue insides, grinning as he always did.

Boy is he a sight for sore eyes.. at least he looks half-way normal..
Bulma giggled.

She skimmed the stage, and sure enough one last member came up. A tall, bald-headed man, whom she reconized to be the one that first came on Chikyuu-sei all those years ago with Vegeta. What was his name? Oh it didn't matter. Bulma shrugged and then unexpectantly her eyes caught Vegeta's. He grinned and winked at her, making her blush and look away. What the heck was wrong with Vegeta? Did he had a tick in his eye or something?

"Man, he's got eyes for you, girl." Chichi answered her as if reading Bulma's thoughts and grinned, brushing her hair back past her shoulders.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Bulma rised her eyebrow.

"It means he likes you." Chichi did a quirk-of-an-eyebrow-thing and had a twinkle in her eyes. "Geez, you must be really out of it, B, if you don't know that Vegeta and you have been dating for about five months.."

Bulma then again for the second time that day (or night?) laughed right in Chichi's face, sending a bit of spit into Chichi's eye. "Kami, Chichi, what have YOU been smoking!?" Bulma laughed more. Chichi daintly lifted her finger and discarded of the spit in her eyesocket.

"The usual."

"........" Bulma didn't answer but directed her attention the flame-haired boy-man standing erectly on the stage, with a smile, full of mischief and excitement covered by facial hair. Hey, he didn't look half-bad with that goatee. It sent shivers down her spine, even though it wasn't directed at her. What was happening to her?

Then Vegeta decided to speak. "To my Lady Bulma," Bulma blinked, unknowingly leaning forward, "my flower child...You light my fire, baby! WHOO! This song is for you, ma lova!" Vegeta yelled getting catcalls and 'wha-whooping' as an answer. Bulma was a tomato. Chichi nudged her, smiling slyly.

"See? I told you."

"Shut up, Chichi."

Vegeta strummed his guitar, Goku started to gently tap his sticks together as Raditz tuned the piano and Nappa, the bass. Vegeta smirked and put his lips to the microphone, keeping his eyes on a pair of blue eyes. (AN: We all know who that is, right? Good. I didn't feel like explaining it. XD)

"...I thought love was only true in fairy tales/Meant for someone else but not for me." He winked, causing sighs to arise in the crowd and Bulma's heartbeat to quicken.

"Love was out to get me/That's the way it seemed/Disappointment haunted all my dreams." He looked away and signaled something silent to Goku. Bulma felt a pang of disappointment arise in her, but at what?

She growled to herself. Why did she feel so kamidarn young and teenagery again? Unless... Bulma widened her eyes. Could it be the A.D.T. was taking effect now that they had been teenagers for so long? She didn't get to even think before the midnight orbs caught her dreamy-blue again.

"Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer/Not a trace/ of doubt in my mind./I'm in love/ Oh!/ I'm a believer!/I couldn't leave her if I tried." Everything seemed to spin. What was this feeling? It traveled around in her stomach, causing fluttering to tickle her soul. Bulma only could think, know, breathe onyx. (AN: OH GOD!! THAT WAS CORNY! XD.. oh well, I might as well keep it. ^^;;)

"I thought love was more or less/ a given thing/ But the more I gave the less I got, oh yeah/ What's the use in trying/ All you get is pain/ When I wanted sunshine I got rain... oh hit it Kakarott!" Bulma looked sharply at where the drums were being violently punched on by drumsticks and everyone swayed softly to the music as if it were Pash Mode. Vegeta strummed the guitar, and the man that looked identical to Goku blow the harmonica like a true jazz artist should. Bulma found herself tapping her foot to the beat.

Damn, they were good.


"Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer/Not a trace of doubt in my mind./I'm in love, I'm a believer!" His eyes caught Bulma's again."I couldn't leave her if I tried."

The music continued on and on. Bulma seemed lost in the notes, and didn't realize when it ended. The incense that filled the air clouded her senses and before she could think, she felt arms around her. She tensed then a familar voice whispered in her ear.

"Hey sexy.." Vegeta grinned at her, tickling her lobe with his facial hair.

(AN: *hearts in eyes*...*drool*..)

"EEP!" Bulma spun around, shocked, but strangely pleased. "V-Vegeta, what are you-" She was cut off by his mouth.

"..hmmmm..." She moaned through his mouth, as Vegeta skillfully inserted his tongue inside her, tasting her as if she were this rare chocolate delicacy from Russia. (AN: *big hearts in eyes*..oooo..)

"Ain't that cute..?" The two broke off, even though Bulma lingered around the kiss for too long. Damn, if she had known earlier that Vegeta kissed like that...

"Shut up, Kakarott."

"It's Goku, man. GOKU."

"Yeh, whatever, man.."

"Cheh. Whatever." Bulma sensed Goku was kind of annoyed with Vegeta, which kind of made her surprised. Vegeta snaked his arms around her waist when she wasn't looking. She looked down, arching an eyebrow. Ok....

"So, do B, do you-" Chichi was cut off by the noise upstairs.

"What the..?" Vegeta whispered, his eyebrows knitted together as he looked up. Bulma followe his gaze, absolutely clueless and somehow frightened. Vegeta's arms tensed around her instinctively.

"OPEN UP!" An extreme amount of stomping and heavy knocking was heard beyond the expense of silvery-blue beads.

"OH KAMI! IT'S THE MAN, MAN!" Goku yelled running, shaking random people as he did so. "WE'RE GONNA GET BUSTED!" Chichi started crying as people screamed and panicked. Vegeta growled, keeping a posessive arm around Bulma's waist. Despite the vast pandemonium, Bulma grinned. Man, this feels good..

Vegeta growled and yelled. "No! We shall stand our ground, Kakarott! Fight The Man!"

"How many frickin' times do I have to tell you, dude? It's Goku. GOKU!"

"Whatever. It's Kakarott and I say it is." Vegeta glared. Goku glared back. Chichi grabbed Goku's arm. "Daddy-o, let's go." Bulma looked at Chichi weirdly. Does she know that rhymed?, Bulma thought.

"Sure thing, baby. Later dude. We're bailin' this joint."

"WAIT!" Bulma's loud outburst made everyone cease 'magically' and they all turned on their heels as one to look at her curiously. Bulma blinked. Wow.. this was weird. First a singing Vegeta, a human Piccolo, a teeny-bopper Chichi, and now this. The wails of sirens and more bangined was dimly heard and Bulma got up on a wooden crate, looking around.

"I think I saw this in a movie once! We can fight the police! And-"

"You mean The Fuzz." Goku interrupted.

"The what?"

"Fuzz. You know, Pigs, Squares In Blue, The Man, man. Ya dig me?" Some guy in the back yelled.

Bulma sweatdropped. "Uh, sure thing, uh...dudes! The Fuzz." There was a murmur of approval. Bulma cleared her throat and looked determined. "But we can defeat The Man!"

"Woah, is, like, Vegeta's Lady trippin' or what?" "Man, what is SHE on?" "Dang, even Old Man Goku ain't that nutty." "Can I have a pack of that gum?"

Loud whispers rang throughout the Pad. Boys told girls and chicks told dudes, that the blue haired teenager was cuckoo, nutsy, like, out of it, man.

"SILENCE!" Vegeta roared and all was quiet. Everyone from the wallflowers in the back to Vegeta's own band 'eeped' at the tone, knowing Vegeta was not to be messed with. Him or His Lady.

"No one messes with MY Lady." He looked to Bulma and winked, growling playfully. "Do your thing, baby."

Bulma blushed, still not used to this Vegeta. 'This has got to be an alternate dimension or a dream or something..' Bulma grumbled mentally before she straightened. "All we have to do is fight back!"

"Yeah!" Goku added in, thrusting his fist in the air.

"And you can do it!"


"All you have to do is believe in yourselves!"

"YEAH!" Now a loud chorus had been added to Goku, who was nodding violently, making his purple granny shades bob up and down.

Bulma grinned. "Now, does anyone have a plan?"

The noise died down and a few crickets sounded out. Bulma sweatdropped again.

"Anyone? Anyone at all?"

Goku got up on the crate with Bulma and grinned. "I have a plan!"

"Well it better be good." A voice sounded off. All the hippies looked up startled to the figures in the beaded doorway. Five solitary figures stood out against the blinding white light that was let in from the broken hatch.

"IT'S THE GINYU SQUAD!" Someone screamed. Bulma gulped. Ginyu.. why did that sound so darn familiar?!

"Oh man, we are so busted.." Chichi whispered, clutching to Goku.


DAMN, I FEEL HYPED! No! I'm not kidding! I just watched the episode where Goku comes back to life and Vegeta is at the judgement table to go back to life to fight Buu! Damn, that was good! I was seriously repelling against the new epi's and kept missing them until Vegeta showed up! I'm SO gonna see the next one! Vegeta, Vegeta, Vegeta, Vegeta! *grabs Vegeta plushie from the pile from the previous chapter when she tried to bribe readers to review with them* *cooes and huggles it* MY VEGGIE! *smooches Vegeta plushie repeatedly*

Trunks: I feel a little sick.. *turns away* my father.. being used like that.
Android T: *eye twitches* ...what..? *growls at plushie in Bunni's arms* *walks out of the room*
Chibi-Bra: *still chained to the wall* WHAT? *looks around and sees Bunni smooching Vegeta plushie* AN IMAGE OF MY FATHER IS BEING VIOLATED! SOMEONE STOP THAT FIEND! ANYONE! STOP HER!
Bunni: *keeps on smooching* ^____^ smooch, smooch, smooch!
Android T: *comes in now dressed in black with smudges of black shoe polish on his cheeks and hair kept in a black beanie. He takes out his eight foot-long ax and mutters something* kill..Vegeta.. must.. kill... Vegeta.. kill the one that stole my woman! *stomps off* GAAAAAAAAH!!!
Chibi-Bra: Isn't anyone going to stop him?!
Trunks: Hey, if I can handle it, Dad can handle it.
Chibi-Bra: *glares* Was I talking to you?
Trunks: No, but I simply assumed that-
Chibi-Bra: I didn't think so. *looks to Bunni* Please, you rabbit-eared freak, stop the madness! Just have my dad and mom get together in a simple chapter yet OOC chapter! Make T non-jealous for once! Just stop the nutty-butty-flavor!
Bunni: *doesn't hear Bra and keeps smooching* I wuv you Veggie! *smooch smooch smooch*
Veggie Plushie: X.X *even though it is a doll it is traumatized*
Chibi-Bra: -.-;;
Trunks: *turns to the reviewers and winks* Don't worry kids, everything will be normal as soon as the fanfic ends. *starts laughing crazily* NORMAL DO YOU HEAR?! NORMAL! AHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Chibi-Bra: *hits her brother with her foot* Shuddup Trunks.
Trunks: Shudding up, dear sis. -.-;;

Review and it shall be contributed to the "We Luv Hippies" fund that keeps the chapters going! ^___^ Make one review, get a Veggie plushie free!