Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ But I don't want to die a virgin! or.. I was beginning to wonder when it would grow. o.o;; Part Two! ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AAAAHHHHH!!! 233 REVIEWS! O.O *runs around screaming* THE END IS NEAR!!!

Android T:..why?

Bunni: Isn't 233 the sign of the devil?!

Android T: No, that's 666.

Bunni: .... *sits down* I knew that. *gets to typing, blushing furiously*

Android T: ^.^ She's just so cute and silly! Aren't ya? *pinches Bunni's checks* Yes, you are! *cooes*

Bunni: O.O;;

Shout out:

WOW! Alot of people took me up on my offer for Vegeta plushies.. those that didn't mention it, *blows raspberry* pffffft.. you don't get any! These are the people that DO get them, because they asked about it: Empress Sarah-sama, badgerwolf, Princess Sapphire, lisa kougar, MateOfVeggie, Aoi Hitomi, Veggie-runt.

Afrodite: I'll be sure to leave ya an email, if you really want it. ^_^ Oh? Author alert? o.O;; okies, it works either way, lol.

Suli:..O.O;; aren't they?! ^_^ Fruit loops are the friends of all insane.

lisa kougar: Whoo! Hippies live on!

MateOfVeggie: LOL, aren't they hilarious? Thankies!

Aoi Hitomi: O.O A dog?? NOOO! *hides* I'll update! I swear! Just don't Rusty out! ^^;;

the littlest dinosaur: Excellent point! Thanks for bringing it up. ^_^ I'll be sure to write out an explanation for that, littlest dinosaur.

DarkFire101: Trunks: X.x

Bunni: Dan? A DBZ FAN? WARGH! ^____^ Tis a celebration!

Dannor: *sniffle* Hai.. I've been so traumatized. ^_^ Now I listen to '80's! Just to torture people..

Alien Crustacean: o.O;; sounds interesting! ^_^ I want to bring my camera and tape it all, lol. wait.. we'd be all dead by the time I get my camera.. never mind. -.-;;

Yue Lover: The fruit loops! Come on! Don't tell me you haven't wondered in those Tucan Fruit Loop Cereal commercials that what if they came to life and started swatting that cartoon bird? ^_^ I have!

Veggie-runt: SODA? O.O wow.. that's different. Usually it's orange juice or something..

Tweetyboo: You're absolutely right! As usual! ^_^ I'm only going to make a shout out to those who have something interesting to say! You don't need to write a long review, girl. From now on, you will not be on the shout out.

nikki: Er..thanks. ^_^ Makes me happy to know that I'm making a difference in people's lives!

dvegetagurl15: Welcome! ^_^ People were begging for some B/V action, lol. I just couldn't string them along.. without getting hurt that is.

Mushi-azn: NOT THE UGLY STICK! ANYTHING BUT THE UGLY STICK! AAAAAH!!! *whimpers and hides*

Princess Sapphire: ;_______; my plushie... *looks down at Hercule doll* has mutated into Hercule! ;_____; VEGGIE WHY??? WHY HIM? You could have mutated into someone not as loser-y..

veggie-chan: Mwahahahaha! Traumatizing is my business! ^_^

badgerwolf: Yes, yes it CAN have a tail.

Disclaimer: Do your thing, fruit loops. *winks*

*Fruit loops get up and tap dance*

Trunks:..what is THAT supposed to do with you not owning DBZ?

Bunni: ^_^ Nothing. I just wanted them to do that.

Trunks: O.o;; Goten, hit the lights. I need a Bloody Dew.. *holds head*

Goten: Er.. okay, Trunks. *hands him a bottle full of Mountain Dew* Gotcha. *hits lights off*

This chapter is dedicated to the sandwiches. And to my new security gaurd of the S.U.W.L., Clarence W. Garbush. ^___^ Also three cheers for Dan, for he was just successfully converted into a DBZ fan! Whoo! Hip hip horray for Dan!

*Chibi Bra speaks in that kawaii voice of hers* Last time on Kids today, Adults Tomorrow....!

"IT'S THE GINYU SQUAD!" Someone screamed. Bulma gulped. Ginyu.. why did that sound so darn familiar?!

"Oh man, we are so busted.." Chichi whispered, clutching to Goku.

*Chibi Bra ends and giggles* Now on with the show, hehehehe! ^_^ *sounds of smacking is heard* GRRR! Bunni I hate you for dragging this on! *sounds of whimpers are heard* That's right! You'd better write! ^____^

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Sixteen
But I don't want to die a virgin! or.. I was beginning to wonder when it would grow. o.o;; Part Two!

Vegeta muttered, "Just you wait, Kakarott! I'll find a way to blame this on you. If my dad finds out what happened here from The Man, I'm gonna-"

Goku gritted his teeth. "It's Goku. GOKU." His eye twitched, making Bulma a little scared. Chichi looked used to it. "I'm not going to repeat it again, dude."

"Whatever, Kakarott."

"Man, one of these days, I'm gonna beat you up until you get my name right."

"Why you little -"

"What? You know I'd win! I always do!"

"Stupid, cocky-"

"Guys, shut UP." Bulma growled. Everyone around her blinked, surprised. Vegeta had his mouth agaped open, slightly shocked. Bulma couldn't help it. She was sick and tired of being helpless and having to watch everything without doing something! She was NOT going to be a helpless damsel in distress. It was time she actually did something about this. "Goku," she looked sharply at him. The banging was getting louder and louder, as the footsteps of the Ginyu sqaud got louder.


"What was your plan?"

"What good is my plan now that The Fuzz is-"

"Just give it to me." Bulma hissed, eyes turning into electric blue slits. Goku gulped, and Vegeta did a doubleback. Wow.. she was one scary chick. He silently wondered if taking her from Fried-Out Yam Brains was a good idea then shook his head.

"Uh..okay.." Goku laughed nervously. Chichi poked him in the ribs and growled, "well? get on with it, Goku!" Goku gulped. "I...uh..."

"Spit it out, Kakarott!"

Goku growled deeply in his throat. "GOKU. I forgot! Okay, dude? I forgot!"

Bulma didn't groan.

Didn't yell.

Didn't scream.

Didn't make any reaction at all.


She laughed. She laughed as if her life was the most comical joke in the universe. Which it was, then opened her eyes as she felt a hand tug her arm.

"Bulma.." Yamcha cried into her arm. He wore suede leather with love beads all around his neck, red, scratchy eyes that stared into hers, and black hair that went to his waist. "Bulmaaaaa...I neeeeed you."

"Yam Brains! I thought I got rid of you!" Vegeta narrowed his eyes.

Yamcha glared at him, "Shut up, dude! I'm workin' here!" He ignored Vegeta's eye twitch at that and turned to Bulma, his face softening. "Bulma.. you have to do something.."

"She's not going to do anything for you, weakling. Get. Away. From. Her."

"But I don't want to die a virgin!" Yamcha sobbed. "You know what The Man does to people like me in the Big House?!"

"...experiment to find out if you're smarter than a turkey..?" Goku asked, a question mark came over his head. Vegeta snickered and held out his hand as Goku low-fived him.

"They chop people up!" Yamcha wailed. Bulma fell down anime style and got up, vein throbbing.

"WHAT? Who fed you a piece of crap like that?!"


"AH!" Bulma fell down again. Chichi growled, "We still have a problem on our hands! The Ginyu Squad!!"

"Oh yeah..." Goku said, as if just realizing. Chichi shook her head, her forehead in her palm.

"I've got a plan.." Bulma said suddenly, as an evil smile came across her evil features. The stomping of the Ginyu Squad came closer. Vegeta smirked.

"That's my Lady." Then he turned to the panicked crowd, "Listen up! My Lady has a plan so listen up!" As if Bulma were a magnet and the crowd was iron, she was in the center of a circling mob.

"Okay, here's my plan.. Piccolo." The green-haired, green-eyed, slightly-tinged green colored skin looked up, slightly dazed. "We're going to need those flowers.."

-Outside Bulma's Head-

"COME BACK HERE!!" Vegeta roared after Gohan. Gohan shook his head running as if Frieza was in a bikini coming after him.

"DAAAAADDDDDY!!" Before Goku could reach Gohan in time, Vegeta grabbed Gohan and punched him in the eye. "OW!" On reflex, Gohan punched Vegeta in his stomach, but Vegeta blocked it, sending another swing at Gohan. Gohan dodged, and sent a kick to Vegeta's side, this time making contact. Vegeta groaned and got on his feet quickly then screamed.


Gohan blinked, and just as Goku and Chichi arrived, Vegeta fell to the floor, floundering with pain.

"Gohan! What did you do?!" Chichi demanded, not that she didn't like it.

"I..I.. er.. um.. well.. I.. I DON'T KNOW!" Gohan's eyes were wide and he looked to his legs and hands. Was he really that powerful?

"Vegeta, Are. You. Okay?" Goku asked, hovering above him.

"No, I'm in wonderland, drinking tea with a nice rabbit eared girl that likes to bonk people! YES KAKAROTT! OF COURSE I'M NOT OKAY! WOULD I BE ON THE FLOOR SCREAMING IN PAIN IF I WAS OKAY?"

"I guess Vegeta's okay then."

"..stupid incompetant..mumbleidioticmutter.." Vegeta muttered his breathe, still on the floor in pain. Then it the pain in his lower back intensified and as he opened his mouth to yell, he felt some clothe ripping and delicate breeze in back of him.

All three spectators gaped.

Vegeta swished his tail, and looked surprised and shocked to see it there. "Well, well, well.." Vegeta smirked. "Finally! I was beginning to wonder when'd it'd grow back."

Chichi's eye twitched. Goku stared enviously, remembering how wonderful it used to feel to have a tail, and Gohan merely blinked. Well, with one eye, since the other was swollen.


They all stared at Bulma. Goku by Gohan, in between Vegeta, his tail swishing happily at the sight of her, Chichi beside Vegeta. They just stared at her. Waiting patiently for her to wake up.

*Two minutes later*

"She's not waking up.." Vegeta growled, impatient. Goku stole a glance at Vegeta, while Gohan observed Bulma.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, Vegeta, I'd say you actually care for Bulma.." Goku had a sly smile on his chubby face.

"Shut up."

"..." Goku turned away, still grinning. Gohan held his now black eye, looking at Vegeta suspiciously. This feeling he had. He didn't know why he didn't like Vegeta liking Bulma.. but.. could it be?.. Gohan looked at Bulma and held in a sigh. Bulma.. The name felt like bannanas.


Now they were almost the same age. Gohan grinned subconsciously, unaware of Vegeta's sharp gaze on him. He just imagined all the games he could be playing and-

"OW!" Gohan rubbed his back, glaring at Vegeta, who innocently looked ahead.

"What's wrong?" Goku asked his son.

"Vegeta thwacked me with his tail!"

"Is this true Vegeta?" Vegeta snorted at Goku's question.

"No. Your spawn is lying, as usual."

"I'm not! You hit me with your tail!"

"Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did TOO!"



Goku suddenly groaned. First Bulma and Vegeta.. now Vegeta and Gohan. How could this get anymore worse?!

"Go-chan.." Chichi said quietly, and it interrupted the boys' arguement. Goku looked up at his wife. "I think there's something wrong with Bulma.." She kneeled down, and felt her forehead. Vegeta and Gohan were still. "She's not waking up.."


Wh at is happening with Bulma?!

Chibi-Bra: I dunno.. *desperately reaches out feet to try to grip on Bunni's neck with her feet* I was hoping you would tell me!
Trunks: ;_____; now I'll never be born!
Android T: *thrusts fist upwards* YES! ^__^ There is a God!
Bunni: awww.. *puts arm around Trunks* Don't worry.. Bulma won't die.. maybe..
Trunks and Chibi-Bra: WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'MAYBE'?!
Bunni: *whistles* I'm not telling..
Trunks: Why you little.. *reaches out to grab Bunni*
Chibi-Bra: Get her, Trunks! ^_^
Bunni: HEY! *points behind Trunks and Chibi-Bra* Isn't that your mom making out with Gohan?!

*Both look behind them, all powered up to SS*

Bunni: heh heh.. suckers! *jumps on Android T's back and they zoom off into a portal*
Trunks and Chibi-Bra: HEY!
Trunks: *runs after her*
Chibi-Bra: HEEEEEY! I'm still the chains!
Trunks: ^^;; Whoops! Forgot. Sorry! *unlocks her chains*
Chibi-Bra: Better. Now let's go find Bunni and beat the crap out of her!
Trunks: I'm with you! *both run into the portal*

What's wrong with Bulma? Will she get better? And what is her 'plan' in the dream? Will Trunks get born or... a SAD ENDING? *dun dun dun* ;______; Stay tuned for the next chapter! Possibly the last one.. o.o;; FOR BULMA! NOOOOOOO!!!