Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meant For It ❯ Den of Wolves ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The ship was extravagant and advanced by both saiyan and earth standards. It was absolutely captivating. Bulma almost felt like a kid in a candy store, just from being around all foreign technology. To explore it and understand how it all worked: that was a dream. Taking apart the ship piece by piece would satisfy her craving for scrutiny, but remembering what her father had told her, she was to be on her best behavior. And that meant not offending your host by dismantling his luxurious ship. Her father had once told her saiyans were very possessive of their things.

She had been on the ship for more than three days and was boring herself into insanity, until she entered her sanctuary. She had taken her tour of the ship more than a thousand times and always ended up in the same place; the science wing. At least if she couldn't take apart the ship, she could keep her mind alive with some new inventions of some kind. But sometimes her mind would wonder. She turned to look out of the porthole of the science wing; day dreaming into the darkened space, illuminated by the random planets and stars. As each moment passed, she knew she was only getting further and further away from earth.

She had less than an hour till she would arrive on Vegetasei to start her new life, with a person she's never met, and rule a planet she's never seen; all too far ahead of schedule too. Fantastic. Speaking of which, who was this prince she was supposed to marry? ‘With my luck he probably won't be Mr. Prince Charming.’ But then again, maybe he could be the one thing that actually worked out in her favor. ‘The perfect man. Ha! That'll be the day, when something actually perfect, works its way into my life. Can’t get too ahead of my self here Bulma girl…’ But still if that hope that he could be by some chance the perfect guy for her was all she had, she wasn't about to let go of it so easily.

She never really had any luck with men. Sure she was attractive beyond all, but she just never found the right guy she was looking for. Yamcha had been a good boyfriend, but he could never keep his eyes on one woman at a time. She needed a man that she was everything to. One she could make crawl on his knees and beg for mercy.

"Bulma." The King's voice sounded from inside the room. Bulma rushed to find the source of the voice and stumbled upon a hologram of King Vegeta.

"Yes?" she looked into the tall man's tiny figure and studied it. The king stood there with his arms crossed among his broad chest and feet apart as he always did when proving superiority.

"We will be landing shortly. When we get there, we will be greeted by my son and the royal elites. They are to look after you and protect you, so as no harm may come to the future queen of Vegetasei. Report to the docking wing immediately. I expect that you dress appropriately this time when meeting royalty." Without warning the hologram vanished.

What an asshole.

Bulma rolled her eyes and began her walk to the dock. As her feet hit the ground, her heart began to sink deeper into her stomach. Only minutes were left before this whole plan was set into play. Was she ready? She was taking on a whole new life, a whole new territory. She started to feel like a sheep thrown into the den of wolves; unprepared and more than a little scared. ‘Bulma! Stop! Quit psyching yourself out! You can do this. You are ready. You are Bulma Briefs damnit!’


A knock sounded at his door.

"Prince Vegeta, your father has returned from his trip. He is expecting you and your elites to welcome him and his guests in the royal hall." The common solider bowed before the prince and left.

Vegeta growled. He contemplated even giving his father the honor of welcoming him back from his trip to earth. Home comings were always tedious bull shit. Pretending he actually cared to keep up appearances pissed him off. He could care less about his father or the precious cargo essential to the treaty. Another knock came to his door and Kakarot popped his head in.

"Heya Vegeta! You almost ready? We have to go and greet your father along with the new queen to be." He had that idiotic smile on his face that he always seemed to have. Not only did it make him look more of a dumbass, but angered the prince even more.

"Piss off Kakarot. I don't need you or anyone else reminding me of what I already know." Vegeta shoved his way past Kakarot and started down the hall.

"Hey, wait up!" Kakarot yelled, trying to get the princes attention. "You aren't the least bit anxious to see what she even looks like?"

"I couldn't give a shit who she is or what she looks like. She's only good for one thing and as soon as she produces my heir, I'm getting rid of her."

“Oh come on Vegeta! I’ve heard many great things about the princess, They say that she is very beautiful and exotically colored she even-”

“Hmph, I heard enough Kakorot,” Vegeta silenced him with I his hand, “we shall see soon enough.”

Bulma departed from the ship along with the King of Vegetasei and a few other saiyans.

"Now that's proper attire for a princess." The king bellowed with a humorous smile on his face. She rolled her eyes. She was dressed in a long strapless, off white dress, that hugged her curves and flowed elegantly. Her aqua hair strode down her back along with that natural wave. She looked like a goddess.

They entered two large double doors to the royal hall. Bulma's jaw drooped. The room was absolutely divine. It was decorated with a deep crimson red and gold trim; the same as the King had been wearing when he arrived on her planet. The ceilings were tall, and had a dome like feeling. Directly in the middle of the floor laid the crest of Vegetasei carved out or some sort of rare diamond.

"Beautiful." She whispered.

"Why yes, you are."

Bulma looked up from the crest and her face fell upon green skin.

The king gestured, "I'd like you to meet Zarbon. He is a representative of the council."

He took her hand and kissed it sweetly. He was astonishingly beautiful. She knew that he was the type that most women on her planet would fall head over heels for.

"Pleasure to meet you Princess…?"

"Bulma." She smiled shyly.

"Ah, Bulma, what a beautiful name for such a beauty herself."

"Don't you think it is a little early to kiss ass, Zarbon?" questioned Vegeta.

Zarbon furrowed his eye brows. Just what he needed. The ass of a prince had to show up right on time to ruin his fun. "Why Prince Vegeta, how…nice of you to join us."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." he said sarcastically. Zarbon and Vegeta had obvious tension that cut like a knife.

So this was the prince. He was tall, well-built and absolutely gorgeous. He was even more beautiful than Zarbon. His hair was a brown raven blaze, and his body looked as if it had been built by gods. His arms were always crossed, resting on his chest while his feet stood apart in the superior stance; like father like son. He had been almost, if not identical to his father except for the fact that his father and sported a go-tee and looked aged. Prince Vegeta had a stone like appearance that was sharp enough to pierce right through her. It was enticing. He was dressed in royal saiyan armor that accentuated his muscles.

"Bulma this is my son, Prince Vegeta."

Bulma bowed before him and met eyes with him for the first time. Obsidian mixed with azure and for a moment, something sparked. Seconds seemed like forever. She was pinned and felt like she couldn't move under his gaze. That was until Prince Vegeta broke the stare and swiftly looked away. Was she the only one who felt the spark set off by clash of their eyes? She hoped no one else had noticed.

"And these are the royal elites." The King motioned to a group of men behind the prince. The group included Kakarot, his father Bardock, brother Raditz along with Vegeta's brother Tarble and a couple of other men. They were all tall and muscular and dressed in armor. Definitely not a force to be reckoned with. "They will be your protection, along with the prince of course. Now Bulma, you and Vegeta come along with me. The rest of you are dismissed."

Zarbon flashed Bulma a smile and Vegeta a hard dirty look. "Good bye, gorgeous. If in time the prince bores you, do trust that you will be seeing a lot of me."

The king led them to somewhere more private when they could discuss the next step to take. Bulma walked next the king and in front of prince Vegeta. She could feel his eyes burning on her back.

They arrived to a room with an oval table, obviously set for important saiyan meetings. Bulma sat down and began to listen to the king. He started to go on about the purpose of her being there and what the people of the planet were supposed to think. She swore she would feel Vegeta's eyes one her but as soon as she looked his way, his focused was fixed on something else.

"Bulma, although Vegetasei believes that the treaty was forged for technological advancements, which you still will offer, it is accustomed that the King and Queen have some sort of relationship to the public."

"Meaning that the prince and I have to act as if we are madly in love for each other?" asked Bulma.


"This is bullshit." stammered Vegeta.

"The council is suspicious about everything we do. We cannot leave them any reason to let them believe that we are plotting against them." Hounded king Vegeta.

"I don't think I can stomach wrapping my arm around this, pathetic, ugly weakling." Vegeta pointed toward Bulma.

"Well you're no basket of roses yourself, you jack ass!"

"Women, you best hold your tongue when talking to your betters."

"My betters? Ha, you wouldn't know what better was if it slapped you in the face."

"Listen you two!' the king bellowed. "We don't have time argue like animals. This will be done whether you like it or not. Vegetasei will not fall due to the fact that you two brats can't keep it together. Vegeta, escort Bulma to your quarters. You will explain to her duties tomorrow. Let her settle in and get some rest. There is much to do in the morning. Now go."

Vegeta growled. He started out the door and looked behind him to see if the woman was following. She was not.

"Woman." he called. "Woman! I knew you were stupid, but I didn't know you were deaf as well."

Bulma rolled her eyes and finally followed after him. So much for her ‘perfect man’. "Are all saiyans typical asshole like you?"

Vegeta chuckled. It was so easy to get under this woman's skin. He had to admit, it was sort of fun egging her on. Not many people would talk to him the way she did and expect to see tomorrow. He found himself liking that about her. He also found himself wondering what happened when their eyes first met. Why did he feel so entranced by her? If it wasn't for his steely composure, someone surely would have seen that. He was sure that of he stared at her any longer she would have been on her back beneath him, screaming his name.

Eventually, they arrive at his chambers and all Bulma wanted to do was climb into a warm bed and sleep forever. That was until she realized what she was here for. She was supposed to conceive an heir, right? She started to panic. Vegeta could see it on her face.

"Woman, I don't plan on impregnating you anytime sooner than I have to. This will not happen tonight, I assure you that. I have to allow myself time to stomach taking you to bed."

Bulma let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Wait a minute! Did he just call her ugly, again!

“Hey! Who do you think you are mist-”

"Now, undress. We need to sleep." Vegeta began to take off his armor until he was clad in only his boxers. Bulma couldn’t help but let her eyes wonder. ‘God this man's chest, along with every other part of his body was impressive.’

"And sleep where, next to you?"

"Where else woman? If we are to keep up appearances, we must sleep in the same room and bed. I don't like this just as much as you but we will deal with it." Vegeta got into bed.

"Fine." Bulma unclasped her gown and stripped down to her bra and under wear. She turned and looked to see Vegeta just staring at her. She was after all a beauty with an amazing body. "What are you looking at!"

"What is mine." He knew this one would piss her off. Good. He liked her fire.

Bulma couldn't believe that just came out of his mouth. "Yours? What do you mean yours?"

"You are to become MY queen of MY kingdom and produce MY heir. So I can admire what is MINE all I want woman." Bulma was dumb founded. Wasn't he just calling her stupid, ugly and deaf under just one breath a moment ago?

Bulma climbed into bed. " I'm not a possession to be owned asshole! And my name is Bulma Briefs! Not woman, MAN!"

Vegeta chuckled again. As Bulma lay down, he grabbed her waist and pulled her back to his chest, leaving no space between their bodies. He smiled, "Whatever you say, woman."

"Ughhhhh! Vegeta, let go!" She tried to squirm out of his grasp but her efforts were futile.

He pretended to be asleep but didn't let go. She tried to get out of his grasp, but his iron hold didn't loosen at all. She grew tired and gave in. It was a warm embrace after all. As she felt safe and warm in his arms, they both slipped away and let slumber takeover.