Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Destinies in Solace ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five: Destinies in Solace

The first explosion hit him like a brick wall. He'd been so engrossed by the object in his hand, that he had hardly noticed his surroundings. The piece of armor that fell from the Madranijin he fought could not possibly be Saiyan, but it was, by all means it was. Why? What did it mean? His people could not possibly have anything to do with this, it would be suicide, and he knew his father was too much of a coward and too stupid to organize something like this.

The Building collapsing around him brought him back to reality, he picked the piece of evidence and flew out through the same hole the Madranijin blew.

The Gynyu were already waiting for him as he made his way to the ships.

"Well, leave it to chibi-zaru to mess everything up." Jeyce spat maliciously.

"I didn't see you doing anything to help it." The Saiyan prince spat back.

"My job was to watch you, not help you… mate." Jeyce stated holding the same malicious grin.

"Watch me!? What the fuck is he talking about Gynyu?" Vegeta turned to the purple creature that had been staring at the screaming contest mildly amused.

"Watch it monkey! If I were you I'd respect those who can kick my ass to oblivion." Gynyu warned, all traces of amusement gone.

"What is he talking about?" Vegeta asked again, calmer.

"Nothing more than you heard." Gynyu said simply, flying away towards the ship.

"Yeah like we don't have better things to do than to baby-sit ohime- chan." Guldo added blinking his puny eyes.

"I can't kick your bosses ass, but yours, I can have for a door mat." Vegeta came nose to nose with the shorter creature, ignoring the rest of his comment.

"Where's Kakarotto?" He asked to no one in particular, he'd drop the subject for now, but he would have to ask the lizard when they got back.

"Some guy that looked just like your koibito took him back with the Saiyan fleet."

"Back to Vegetasei?"

"I guess," the fat greenish time stopper snickered at the prince's expression, "guess somebody' s gonna have to use his hand from now on." All five roared in laughter, Vegeta remained silent the rest of the way. Dammit he was all alone now, alone with the monster, and all because he could not control his emotions. What's wrong with me? Wondered the confused prince.


"Sorry we couldn't get more." Raditz watched her going through all the files and downloads they brought from Madran.

"Is fine, at least now I have an idea of the technology they have on hand…although," she said looking from the screen to some notes, "None of this seems to be new, just upgrades to their current models." Fingers flying over the keyboard, opening more programs, it had taken the whole morning to talk Raditz into letting her come to the lab, he finally gave in saying that she could come today and today only, and that he would come with, to make sure she did not pushed herself too much. " Is this one file here that I can't open no matter what I do."

"Maybe it didn't download completely," offered Raditz, scooting over to the computer screen for a closer look.

"No, I don't think that's it." She tried a couple of more times, " is not asking for any passwords though."

"If it were, you wouldn't worry about it?" He lifted her easily and sat her on his lap facing him, " Vegeta no Ou said you didn't have to start on this yet, we did enough damage in Madran, the best is to wait until he gives the order." He continued, nuzzling her throat.

"Raditz…stop that!" she smacked him on the shoulder, "you should be worried about this too, my intuition tells me that all the information we have is worthless compared to whatever is on that file." Her hands moved to rest around his neck.

"I am worried, but I trust you, and I know you'll figure it out," he started kissing her throat, his hands running over her back, "Bulma…I missed you." His hips buckled making her feel his hard erection; his mouth took in her earlobe, sucking it lightly.

It would be so easy to forget everything and just give in to the moment; she had missed him too, but was not in love with him and ultimately did not want to hurt him. She had thought about it while recovering from Trunk's birth. She loved Vegeta and it killer her not to know what had happened to him.

Goku had said he would contact him, but it's been quite a few days and nothing.

Raditz had not spoken too much of what happened in Madran either, if he told the king she would never know, every time she asked him he would give her vague answers or change the subject all together, all the wondering and worry was driving her crazy.

He was now unbuttoning her shirt, kissing his way down her chest.

"Raditz…" she wanted to fight it, she really did, but he was so gentle, always worried about her, treating Trunks as if he was her baby's real father…but Vegeta…did loving the both of them made her a bad person?

She didn't even know Vegeta, all she knew was that he was passionate and beautiful and arrogant and obstinate and…and…that's it, that's all she knew. Raditz on the other hand, she knew what he liked and disliked, he was not very sharing but little by little she had caught things he and there, like that he hated cold places and that he loved sweets, and that even if he denied it to his grave he loved flowers, he always made sure there were plenty of them around the house, even if he said they were for her sake, in truth she didn't care, she'd been so busy that it had taken her a few months to notice…imagine that…a Saiyan, a strong one at that… liking flowers. His mouth on one of her breasts brought her back to her senses.

Raditz was the best thing it had happened to her, since Chivaa…and Trunks.

She made up her mind.

Sorry Vegeta, she closed her eyes, taking Raditz head in her hands, bringing him closer, she kissed his mouth deeply…I'm sorry Vegeta, a single tear escaped her eye…this is the only grieving you will get…she bowed to herself.


"She's the worst," complained Chivaa to a very distracted Bardock as they walked down the hall to Bardock's lab, "she shouldn't be working yet, she can barely walk properly, besides Vegeta no Ou said to wait a while before starting with anything…we should really look into this traitor business," she went on, " who knows who could it be…"

"Chivaa!!!" Bardock snapped, "stop your blabbering, Bulma is a grown woman, and does not need you to baby sit… and for god's sake don't go around talking about the other `issue'"

"Sorry I didn't think…"

"I know, you have not done much of that lately and I'm wondering if Kakarotto have anything to do with it?" Bardock looked intently at her while they walked.

"Why would you say that?" the tall woman tried not to look into his eyes, he knew her too well.

"Just remember that you are engaged to Vegeta Ouji"

"I know you don't need to remind me, Gokou and I are just friends same as you and Raditz."

"Yeah? … I don't see you visiting me or Raditz everyday, I just mean for you to be careful."

"Thank you Bar-kun, you don't need to worry about me." They got to a door; Bardock pushed it open without knocking. As he entered Bulma flew off Raditz's lap and started buttoning her shirt, cheeks crimson red. His older son only smirked and nodded.

"Sorry brat," Bardock smirked back, " I don't make it a habit to knock the door of my own lab."

"What…what happened?" Chivaa come in at that moment missing the reason for the apology, "don't worry about it." The scared man told her, he looked at Bulma who was busied on her computer, still blushing.

"I have to go." Said Raditz getting up walking over to Bulma; the longhaired warrior kissed the blue head, "don't work too hard." And left.

" I see you two are getting along very well." Chivaa added as Raditz passed her nodding his goodbye.

"Anything?" Bardock wasted no time.

"No" Bulma responded without looking up from the screen.

"I'll be at the training grounds then, call me if you need me." He put his hand on Bulma's shoulder and nodded to Chivaa, " I'll leave you two to gossip in peace." and left as well.

"I'm happy to see you're doing so well, I thought it would take a little longer for you to heal, since the doctor said not to use the tank on you unless it is a life or death situation."

"I'm fine, I might not be super strong like you guys, but I can hold my own."

"I know…hey! so I see you and `king pervert' are getting along fine, to tell you the truth I was kind of worried," Her friend said, Bulma just turned the other way not wanting to face her best friend, in a way she felt guilty for not telling her about her and Raditz, but it was not that important and besides she felt guilty and ashamed for giving up on Vegeta so soon.

"Well…yeah, what made you think otherwise? We been living together for over six months you know."

"You know Raditz, I thought you might be annoyed at his bad habits and all."

"Anyhow, come look at this, I can't open this file, I have a bad feeling about it."

"Can you hack into it?"

"That's what I been trying to do for the past three hours…and nothing."

"Let me see," Chivaa sat on the chair previously occupied by Raditz, Bulma scooted over giving her friend room to type, "let's see…" the tall woman tried a couple of things, getting the same improper sequence message.

"I already tried that," Chivaa tried something else, "and that…remember I was the one who showed you most of your skills."

"Ok smart ass, you try." Sliding the chair back with her legs, Chivaa gave her blue haired friend the computer once more, "by the way where's Trunks?"

"Oh, Raditz brought me a woman from Chikyuu to be his nanny." She said typing some commands.

"From Chikyuu…wouldn't this woman resent you for living with a Saiyan?"

"I don't think so, she is a freeman as well, I refuse to have slaves. Raditz is paying her a salary."

"Wow, that doesn't sound like the Raditz I know…are you sure he's not falling for you?" Chivaa said feeling a little guilty at what her friend wouldn't do, but she, herself did.

"Don't be stupid," Bulma smacked her friend on the arm playfully, guilt all over her futures, Chivaa didn't see it though.

"Knock, knock." A voice came from the door making both women turn to look, Gokou was standing there with his usual goofy smile' "whatcha doin'?"

"Hey Karrot!!"


"Yup that's what I decided to call you from now on." Bulma announced eying Chivaa mischievously, for some reason her friend did not seemed very amused.

"I got so many names, I can hardly keep up anymore." The third class said laughing.

"What do you need Kakarotto?" Chivaa asked.

"Huh…oh yeah I thought you might want to have lunch together." Gokou came over to see what they were doing, Bulma immediately close all the programs shutting down the monitor, "hey!! Why can't I see what you guys are stressing about so much?" he asked, a hurt expression on his face.

"Yes Kakarotto, let's go to lunch." Chivaa got up pushing him towards the door to leave.

"Hey I want to look!!" he wined as they went out the door.

"There's nothing important to see…c'mon let's go…Bye Bulma." Came her friend's yell from outside the room. She only smiled, shaking her head, going back to work.


"No good" Vegeta sighted out loud as he tried for the hundredth time to contact Kakarotto, the mental link was not strong enough.

He could always use the communicators but he didn't feel like going through any of the channels, thus admitting to others that he needed the third class.

He turned on his bed forgetting Kakarotto for the moment; he needed to come up with a damn good excuse as to why he had failed so miserably to Freeza. Fucking Gynyu was already giving his report.

A knock on the door followed by the opening of it was the only warning he got before Zarbon grabbed him by the collar and smashed him against the wall.

"Lord Freeza is expecting you." He let go and exited the room. Vegeta put on his best uniform and prepared himself to kiss some serious ass, he made his way slowly to Freeza's throne room, trying to gather his thoughts. Fuck, he wished he knew what Gynyu was saying on his report, well, there' s no point brooding over it, he thought, facing the door and entering the monster's throne room.

"Well, well Vegeta- chan," the lizard said before he could make his way to kneel in front of the bastard, " I must say that I am very disappointed of you." Zarbon was back at the lizard's side, Gynyu was standing right next to the throne smirking, this did not looked good.

"Freeza- Sama…" he did kneel then, bringing his fist to his chest like he would to the king.

"Captain Gynyu here was generous enough to tell me how miserably you failed on the mission I entrusted in you, I thought you were better than that," The monster chuckled.

"Gentleman…if you'll excuse us." Freeza turned to Zarbon and then to Gynyu, making it clear that he wanted them to leave.

"But Freeza-sama." Zarbon protested, he didn't want to miss the monkey's punishment. Gynyu just hmphed and left, his job here was done.

"Do not worry yourself Zarbon-chan, our prince here can't even hold off a bunch of Madranijin, let alone me." He said chuckling. Zarbon bowed and left much to his disappointment. Freeza waited for the two to be out of the room, he made his way to the still kneeling Vegeta…God he looked good. Thought the lizard.

"I lost my weapons, my research, my pride and the fear those insects had in me," the monster trailed, he was now kneeling next to him, speaking in his ear, " and all because I trusted you, I know you are better than that, and I refuse to believe you let my factory be destroyed on purpose." The bastard was now stroking his hair, threading his cold fingers through it.

"Of-of course not Freeza-sama," Vegeta almost choked the words out, if the ice king really thought that way he will not live to see the end of this day, " I just got taken by surprise by a group of Madranijin warriors…I did not know they had them."

"Madranijin warriors you said?" Freeza asked curiously, he thought about it for a second, " No, they do not have warriors… Vegeta-chan, if you are going to lie to me, I suggest you do better than that." His tone was soft…too soft.

"I am not lying my lord, there were three of them, two men and a woman," he desperately wanted the bastard believe him.

"I believe you Ouji-chan," the monster husked running his icy tongue over his earlobe making the prince gag, Freeza ignored this, "That is why it will be your job to find out who was responsible for this," the demon got up and made his way back to his throne sitting himself down, taking a sip from the ever full glass of fine wine.

"Come here." He snapped, Vegeta looked at the monster, a mix of fear and rage in his gaze; he held the lizard's piercing stare and silently complied.

"Sit on my lap," the monster continued, noticing the look, but not saying anything, "I hope you can appreciate how lenient I'm being with you, I've killed others for much less." Vegeta was now standing in front of the monster, he didn't fucking care how lenient the bastard was being, he was not going to sit on the lizard's lap, that thought was short lived as the monster grabbed him and placed him over his cold legs. The horror he felt six months ago, on that very first day back, came on him like a bad dream, he was not afraid of being beaten to death or tortured by the lizard's men, but this…this was more than he could bear.

"I thought of the perfect way to punish you," whispered Freeza into his ear, grabbing hold of his head, bringing it down to lock his cold lips to his. Gods no! Not this, Vegeta thoughts screamed, trying to pull away with all his might, not able to move an inch, the fucking lizard's tongue was snaking its way around his, all the tortures in hell could not compare to this. Finally, with strength he did not know he possessed he pulled free from the disgusting tyrant.

"Get you fucking hand off me!!" He tried to flee, but strong claws held him down.

"Feisty little monkey," The monster chuckled, "This is going to be fun…"


He was holding onto the lavatory for dear life, after emptying the contents of his stomach for the hundredth time, he just sat there, staring into nothingness, broken, defeated. Trying to deny what just happened. Remembering the Lizard's final words after he got his way with him. "The more you fail…the more I will enjoy you." Whispered words only meant for him to hear as Zarbon was summoned back to take the limp, broken body of the once proud Saiyajin no Ouji back to his quarters.

After being deposited carelessly on his bed, after the mocking words of the blue longhaired warrior. "Welcome to my world… Vegeta…sama" he'd crawled to the sink he was now holding on to.

The Lizard had made it very clear that he, Vegeta had to find the ones responsible for the destruction of the base in Madran, or he would get another taste of this newfound torture.

He would start with the only clue he had, and if that proved to be a fact, the prince could already see the light at the end of the tunnel.

He held the piece of armor inspecting it for the thousandths time; it was Saiyan all right. If only he could make something out of this, bringing it to his nose he tried to pick a scent on it, nothing, he should have done that back in Madran.

How did that tall Madranijin got a hold of this? He asked himself, it could've been from the fights outside…no, something didn't add up here.

Vegeta got up from the spot he was kneeling on and made his way to the training grounds, he needed to pound something before he went mad.

It was not the same without Kakarotto, but it'll have to do. He needed to become stronger, stronger to fight the filthy lizard off the next time he…

`No!!!' He screamed attacking the invisible monster once more. Thanks to that monster he had learned a lesson, a lesson he would never forget.


"Isn't he the most gorgeous thing you ever saw!?" Bulma beamed rocking her baby, kissing his check. God how she had missed him! She didn't know how a few hours away from this tiny piece of heaven could make her ache so much, feeling his soft lavender hair… Trunks…her Trunks, the most beautiful thing ever to happen to her

His hair and eyes were her father's so it only seemed natural that she named him after him. The rest of her baby was…well Vegeta with no argument, from the permanent scrawl to the way he fussed over everything.

"Yes, gorgeous indeed," responded Raditz, coming to the child and taking him away from the crazy onna that had just given birth to a Saiyan child and already thought she could take on the world, "You should be in bed, I have no time to watch over you like a child."

"You don't have to watch over me, I am perfectly fine." Bulma said coming to retrieve her child, only to have Raditz hold him over his head and out of her reach.

"Raditz!! You're going to hurt him," she wailed jumping up and down trying to get to her child."

"He is half Saiyan, if you keep on treating him like a crystal glass he'll wind up like my brother."

"What's wrong with that, I happen to like Karrot." She tried to get Trunks once more, only to have Raditz lift him over his head again.

Trunks seemed to like this very much because he gave a loud giggle, he was only a few days old and was already acting like a much older baby, she wondered how long would it take him to walk…talk.

"Why don't we take a break," he kissed her forehead, mouth coming down slowly over the rest of her face, they had not spoken of what went on before he left, nor had they had any chance for physical contact…until now, the kisses and fondling they'd done, she knew could not lead to what might happen now. "We have things to discuss." He murmured as his lips descended on her neck.

"What things?" she asked throwing her head back unconsciously, to allow him more access, she needed this, this affection, this need of his, it kept her mind off…him.

"About us."

" I thought we discussed `us' I your father's lab this morning." Her breathing coming out in short hisses."

"We did? I thought you still had doubts, you seemed so ashamed when Bardock came in," he breathed, unbuttoning her blouse, "did you tell Chivaa?" she shook her head felling dizzy

"I thought you might not want me to." he ran one hand over her full breast, his mouth leaving her collarbone to capture the nipple into it, sucking softly, he suddenly stiffened, eyes snapping to her own, it took her a moment to realize what had happened,

she laughed.

"What is that?" he asked confused.

"Is milk." She continued laughing, smoothing his long hair out of his face, "Chikuu-jin women produce it when they carry a baby and feed it to them until they can eat other things…I though Saiyans were the same, seeing how we can procreate with each other."

He brought his mouth back to her breast and sucked on it again, longer this time, he did this for a few minutes, she fell on the chair behind her and he fell on his knees, his mouth never leaving the mound, a huge relief came to her as she felt the pressure on her breast go away.

"I like it." He said letting the nipple go, bringing his mouth to hers in a deep kiss, letting her taste her elixir of life, her hands went to his hair once more, she smiled inwardly realizing that she had become somewhat obsessed with it.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything." They both snapped their heads towards the one who had just spoken; neither of them had noticed her come in.

"You didn't interrupted anything," Raditz spoke, fixing Bulma's clothes while getting up,

" I have to go anyway." He kissed Bulma, walked over to Trunks, ruffled his hair playfully and left the room without another word.

"What was that all about?" Chivaa asked, staring at her friend reproaching. Bulma walked over to Trunks taking him in her arms, the tiny creature just giggled catching a strand of his mother's hair to play with, she sat down on her chair offering the baby the opposite breast to feed from. Chivaa looked on fascinated giving her friend space to sort her feelings.

"Raditz and I… sort of came to an agreement," she said simply, wincing at Trunks for sucking too hard. " We need each other."

"What about Vegeta?"

"Vegeta is gone…you saw him, he looks as if he's dead…he even beat on Gokou," Bulma could only swallow hard trying to hold the tears fighting to come forth.

"So that's it…you're just going to give up?" Chivaa came to kneel in front or her friend, "you're not the Bulma I know."

"That's easy for you to say, you got what you wanted…Raditz told me about you and Gokou," the tears did come, " you are lucky he loves you back, me…I'd be lucky if Vegeta doesn't kill me and Trunks when he finds out." She paused, looking up to meet Chivaa's eyes " He won't find out." Her gaze once more fell to her child; her hand came up to stroke the soft furry little tail swaying back and forth. Chivaa got to her feet and walked to the window.

"Gokou is going back." She whispered almost to herself, changing the subject… for now.

"Oh my god…When?!" Asked Bulma forgetting her pain for the moment.

"I don't know…Bar-kun don't want to let him go, but he's determined…he's waiting to see if Vegeta will contact him." Chivaa turned to look at a spot on the floor, suddenly finding it very interesting. " I honestly hope he doesn't"

"He won't, I didn't have the chance to get to know him well enough but I know he won't contact Gokou." Bulma said sadly, " is that what Gokou told you over lunch?"

"We never made it to it," Chivaa smiled, then blushed, looking at her friend, she shook her head getting rid of the shiver she just got. "Are you going to mate Raditz?" she asked meeting Bulma's eyes again.

"I don't know…I…I don't know"

"Let me know if you do." Bulma nodded grateful to see her friend walking to the door. "Are you going back to the lab, we miss you there?"

"In a week, Raditz will kill me if I go sooner." The thought of that made her smile, "you'll let me know if anything happens?"

"Yes" Chivaa nodded, silently walking out of the room.


"What do you mean you're going back!?" Raditz asked his brother disbelievingly, no, now that he no longer cared for Chivaa he did not wanted his only brother to go back to Freeza's ship.

"I have to." Gokou said simply, it had been a week already. Vegeta had not contacted him, making him worried, plus there was Chivaa, even thought they had made love like a thousand times since he came back he still felt very guilty about it. Raditz warned him not to get carried away, after all as far as everyone was concerned she was still engaged to the prince.

"Vegeta needs me, I know he won't admit it, if I go now he won't have to bend his already broken pride." Raditz only looked at his brother, it was amazing how much he had matured in the few months on the monster's ship, he understood his point…but still he did not wanted to see him gone.

"What about Chivaa…how is she taking this?" Raditz asked hopeful

"She feels the same way you and Tossan, but she'll see me off"

"Fine, if there's nothing we can do to dissuade you. When are you planning to go?"

"I don't know, after Vegeta no Ou's birthday ceremony…I guess."

"That's a week away!" Raditz exclaimed.

" I still hold hopes that Vegeta will contact me, besides it'll give me a little more time with Chivaa." Gokou concluded, he looked at his brother a long time then decided to ask what had been getting the better of him for months. "What happened that night between you and Bulma…or rather Vegeta?" Raditz did not needed to be told what night his brother was referring to, the long haired Saiyan looked the other way, taking a deep breath making the decision to let his brother in the secret.

"As you know our beloved `Ouji' took Bulma against her will,"

"She did not seem too upset to me." Gokou interrupted. Raditz gave him a hard look making the younger Saiyan shut his mouth.

"Whether Bulma liked it or not is not the issue here, he did it forcefully, against not only her will but Chivaa's as well…in any case that's not the issue either," Raditz sighted once more, fixing a serious look to his brother, " On you life you will not speak about this to anyone, especially the price," he waited for Gokou to answer, the said individual nodded once, " Vegeta got Bulma with child that night," Gokou gasped, Raditz continued " Toma was going to kill her. I offered to take the blame since I wanted to score points with Chivaa,"

Raditz looked at his brother a long while, allowing him to digest what he had just confessed.

"You mean Trunks is…"

"Yes," responded Raditz in a small voice.

" I can't believe it." Whispered Gokou, he shook his head, "you said to score points with Chivaa…does this mean that you are in love with her?" he asked sadly, he knew his brother knew her a lot longer, and the thought that he had just come in and take her, even if he didn't regretted it, made him a little sad.

"Not anymore," Raditz continued his tale, " In the beginning the plan was not to let anyone see Bulma, until she was able to get an abortion done…That was Toma's and Bardock's plan…however Bulma and I had a very different one, we were going to let the child be born, Bulma was supposed to seduce the prince into braking it off with Chivaa and I was supposed to have her…at last" he paused again, staring straight ahead, remembering the events that transpired.

" That night however, things didn't go as planned. Vegeta sama saw me with her and thought us lovers, I imagine…he didn't really explained himself when he was chocking me, after that we never saw him again, Bulma moved in with me, I fell in love with her, Trunks was born and here we are." Concluded Raditz omitting the other part of the story, the weapons building, raids planning, taking back what belonged to them part of the story, his younger brother did not needed to know that yet, if ever.

"Bulma has to tell Vegeta" Gokou said matter of fact.


"What do you mean…why?" Gokou was uphold that they even kept it this long, here was the prince of all their people suffering…thinking the worst, letting that repulsive lizard get his way with him all because he thought nobody cared, because his pride did not let him do otherwise…but a child, he now had a child with the woman he had been obsessing about all this time. Even if Vegeta did not talked about it, he knew…he knew his prince better than anyone…Vegeta was still infatuated with Bulma.

"Listen Gokou," his older brother hardly called him that anymore, only when he wanted him to be an obedient little brat he did, " It was Bulma's decision not to tell the prince. Who are we to say otherwise? Besides her and I are together now and as far as we're concerned Trunks is my brat," Gokou looked at him positively hurt, "look is best for everyone this way. Do you think Trunks would be allowed to live if it becomes known?

I don't need to give you an answer to that. Vegeta sama does not care for her, and even if he does he could never care the way I do, or even do anything about it, he is the crown prince and mating an alien is out of the question."

" She can be his concubine, Trunks won't be the king, but he would live like one." Gokou persisted.

" Bulma doesn't deserve that…neither does Trunks." The two brothers looked at one another for a moment, Gokou nodded once in agreement and walked to the door.

"I don't agree with you, but I hope you're right…'cause if you're not… may the Gods save you from Vegeta's wrath." With this said the younger Saiyan exited leaving his brother alone with his thoughts.

The communication screen came on displaying a somewhat annoyed Bulma.

"Raditz!" he looked at her beautiful face, reaffirming that he had made the right decision, "What are you doing? We need to talk," his blue haired vixen continued.

"What about woman?" she glared at him making him smirk.

"I told you not to call me that…if you are not letting me go to the lab at least let me work the folders you brought"

"They're in Madrani…can you just do like you're told and rest?"

" I will rest when we get that mother fucking lizard" he chuckled at her well-chosen string of words.

"Is Trunks in the room, remember you are a mother now, you shouldn't use such foul language except…when you're in bed with me." He laughed out loud when he saw the flush on her cheeks… point taken.

" I'll see you in a few." He said getting up to go.

"Are you bringing the folders?"

"Hai, hai." sighted Raditz ending the transmission, opening the drawer on his desk, taking the said folders and exiting the room.


Celpia came out of the closet she had been hiding in, her hand covering her mouth; she could still not believe what she had just heard.

She had come to get Raditz, to ask him if he would spar with her, upon seeing he was not here she began to snoop around his things. Her obsession with the longhaired god had dramatically increased since he saved her on Madran, since he fought the prince.

She hid in the closet when she heard someone coming, suppressing her ki. That hadn't been a hard thing to do; compared to the two brothers her ki was almost nonexistent.

While hiding in there, she heard the whole conversation between the brothers, from Kakarotto's admission to being with Chivaa to the harsh reality that Raditz was in love with that damned alien. However the bit of info about the woman's child was a pot of gold she'd been lucky enough to stumble upon.

She was too stunned to even think about that now, but surely she could find good use for it.

What was it about this woman that drove perfectly sane men…mad? She thought while rummaging through Raditz things, she found a glove, took it gingerly and hid it within her armor. Yeah, mad was the word, the long haired god had been so promiscuous before the alien showed up in the picture, she knew he had wanted Chivaa, she'd known for years as a matter of fact, but dismissed it as another of his flings.

The only reason she joined his squad was because the stupid attraction she had felt for him the first time she saw him. Soon it became infatuation and now…every time she saw the alien the urge to fly up to her and kill her, tear that long silky blue hair one by one prove too much to bear.

Exiting the room, she made her way to the training grounds; she'll go through her training as she originally wanted; only now her mind would be at peace, she finally had a weapon to rid herself of Bulma.


" You sent for me Freeza-sama?" Vegeta came straight from the training room, that was his only activity besides eating, not even wasting time in such a trivial matters such as sleeping, he drove himself to the bone, it kept his mind occupied, it kept it off the lizard, off the fact that he was alone, off the…woman.

His first reaction at hearing the monster's call was fear, fear and disgust…disgust at the memory and disgust at himself, for being this weak

"Well my Ouji, it's been a week and I have not seen you move to find out about the attack to my base" black lips touched the rim of the glass, Vegeta knelt fixing his gaze on Zarbon, promising all the pain he could conjure in his wicked tortured mind. The blue longhaired warrior was being particularly cruel and annoying of late.

"Hai Freeza- sama, I am investigating the matter, I shall report to you the minute I find out anything." Vegeta offered with hopes that- that would be enough for now.

"Very well," Freeza said, unconsciously making him look up, he didn't know whether to be relieved or scared at how easy he was taking this, " You do that Vegeta-chan. In the meantime I got a transmission from your father Vegeta okii zaru," Zarbon chuckled at the nickname, " requesting your presence at his birthday celebration in a week from now. You do realize that given your prior performance in Madran I should refuse to allow you to go, but since you are my very favorite soldier now a day," another chuckle from the braided man, " I think it will be good for you to distract yourself for a little while, plus I'm sure you would like to see that little girlfriend of yours," the monster's easy smile turned into an ugly malicious grin at the mention of his fiancé. On one of the monster's previous molestations, Freeza had made it perfectly clear that he would not allow him to mate anyone, not that the prince cared, but the fact that this disgusting lizard wanted to rule his life made his blood boil.

"But before you go to Vegetasei there's something I need you to do first…."


"The file I opened basically contained research logs and a journal of the `Body enhancement' program…I thought you said there would be Blue prints as well"

" Yes… that's what my Madrani informant told me."

"Body enhancements…what kind of body enhancements?" Bardock cut in.

" Well, according to this, they have experimented with drugs, genes, DNA and various other methods to increase body performance, even brain alteration and such. If I am reading this correctly, I think this is what they mean by ` weapon' Freeza seems to be trying to develop perfect warriors. In one of the files it even mention subjects, the information isn't complete so I don't know what they are referring to." Bulma looked around, examining each and every stunned face.

"You mean like…us?" Chivaa asked

" If I'm not mistaking…more powerful." Bulma responded.

"Drugs cannot harvest warriors, it cannot give them skill." Toma added with a tone of sarcasm, this all thing sounded like bull shit to him.

" I agree with Toma." Nappa grunted, the king only nodded not deeming it necessary to comment on it

" They are technologically very advanced, plus we don't know how long they been working on this project. I need more information, the downloads you brought me are not enough and the files only contain upgrades for the weapons they already have, all I have to go on is this journal, don't you guys fear this?" Her eyes fixed on Raditz, they had discussed this before, and he agreed with her, he also told her she would have trouble getting her point across. She looked at him begging with her eyes for him to interfere, to make them understand that this is no joke.

" I will look into it, giving Bulma's prior insights and the fact that Freeza sent the Gynyu force along with Vegeta-sama to protect whatever was there because of a simple rumor of an attack. It must mean something important was going down at that lab, I also think this could be it." Raditz eyes met hers, reassuring her.

"Do that, but be as discreet as possible. It might be very possible that Freeza is just leadings us in the wrong direction on purpose." Vegeta no Ou said getting up, " I will leave the rest up to you. Bulma, in the mean time I have another target I want to hit, we need to concentrate on our own weapon developing."

" Another target your majesty?" Bardock interrupted getting up as well. " Don't you think it is too soon Ou-sama?"

"I do, but given the information Raditz provided me earlier I think we must proceed."

"What information is that?" Bulma asked shooting her lover an evil glance, he had not told her anything about it.

" It seems that Freeza is transporting unusual quantities of a rare metal to a planet called `Lodos' on the `Darios' quadroon. As far as I know there's nothing there. Our majesty believe that is for the weapons they're building." The said information and strategy officer offered.

"I leave the rest to you Raditz." Vegeta no Ou said stepping out of the room.

"Hai Ou-sama," all the Saiyans in the room bowed to the departing king, Bulma however keep on glaring at Raditz murderously. They all sat, Raditz walked to the head of the conference table, giving her a pleading look.

"Is my job to inform the king everything I find out." He whispered to her in apology, he brushed his fingers to hers; jerking her hand away she looked the other way.

"What about what we talked? You said you'll tell me everything." She said angrily.

" Tell you everything that concerned you." He retorted in the same angry tone.

"And this doesn't concern me? You heard the king, he wants me to…"

"Enough brats!!" Bardock blurred behind the quarreling couple "If you have…things to discuss, do it at home. Raditz get on with it." He stepped between them pushing his son, opening a chair for Bulma to sit down.

"As you well know the, `Darios' quadroon is a system we purged for Freeza a few years ago. We wiped the whole system upon his request, but he has failed to sell it ever since. About a month or so ago a mix of rare metals and strange substances began being transported to the planet I mentioned before." Raditz typed some buttons on his computer reading his content before continuing, then added, " As we speak they are getting shipments of a rare material that can only be obtained on Pluto," he looked at Bulma,

" You should be familiar with that planet, is on the solar system Chikyuu used to be."

"Pluto…what kind of material?" Bulma eyes reverted to Raditz, her previous anger forgotten.

"Yes, its called adamantium, my sources tell me is an indestructible metal of some kind. We've known since the beginning about the transports."

"Then why worry now?" Toma asked.

"Because of the increased amount of activity since the attack to Madran, it seemed they were being discreet before, now they don't seem to care who notice." The longhaired strategist admitted.

"Why do you think they need this metal for?" Bardock added his own inquiry.

"We don't even know what the metal is used for or the chemical make up of it, I been trying to get a sample since this started but I have not been able to."

"We had that metal in Chikyuu too," Bulma added absently, " It was commonly used for spaceships, but as it got scarce they only limited the use for defense research, my father's company manufactured stuff for the government using the metal."

"What kind of stuff?" Nappa's turn to add to the mix

"I don't know they were top secret, I never really cared, back then I was just a young girl having fun. I do know however that they wanted to inject it on human subjects somehow, to make their skeletons indestructible, I know this because they approached my father to ask his opinion on the matter," her face had taken an absent, sad look to it, this was the first time she spoke of her family or life in Chikyuu since the fated day she was brought to this planet, " He told them it was impossible, that the metal would have to be at a very high temperature and stay that way until it attached to the matter they wanted it to, no human body would resist the first stage of the experiment and live." She finished.

"How do you know this?" Bardock asked, putting a hand on her shoulder, noticing her eyes shining with tears, and how vulnerable she was at that moment.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't wish to, we can manage with what we know." Raditz came down to meet her eyes; he stroked her hair out of her face and held her chin as he stroked her lips. For those who knew him, knew that he never displayed this kind of affection, openly or not, Bardock observed his first-born's tenderness toward the blue haired and wondered for the thousandths time What was it about her that could change people like this, he himself had notice subtle changes in himself, he was more compassionate and tolerant now, he even laugh and enjoyed himself more, something he had never done since his mate passed. He realized now, looking into her blue sad eyes that he saw her as a daughter, the daughter his mate had so much wanted and didn't lived long enough to have.

"Raditz's right. " was all he added, putting his hand on her blue crown stroking her hair softly.

"What the fuck is the matter with you two?" Nappa's voice made the two turn to him,

" Raditz if your mate don't have the guts to sit through this meeting she better go, we don't need weaklings involved in this." The bald man casted a piercing stare on her direction, Bulma quickly recovered, putting her arms around Raditz shoulders, she gave him a peck on the lips and got on her feet.

" Who do you think you are calling weak, if I may remind you I was the one mainly responsible for the raid to Madran, and I am also the only one who knows about this rare metal you're all obsessing about and I am the only one who has a sample of it, so you better lay off my back before I walk away from this whole thing, I still remember it was your god dammed race who destroyed my home. I have no obligation to help you." The room was silent after that, Nappa's eyes as big as saucers and Raditz smirked proudly at his woman's backbone.

" Go on girl." Bardock smirked like his son. Understanding a little more why he chose her over Chivaa.

" Did you just say you have a sample of it?" Chivaa asked on cue.

" Uh…yeah I do, I mean I have a locket my daddy gave me made out of the metal. He said it was indestructible like our family. I never really treasured it until I was brought here."

"Where is it?"

"At home…the one you told me looked like a cheap market souvenir." Her eyes met her long spiked roomie, smirking at his embarrassed expression.

" It does…" Raditz flush grew deeper as Toma released a loud laugh and Chivaa just covered her mouth to stop from giggling.

" I will bring it to the lab to be examined…that is if I'm allowed at the lab," she looked at her lover once more.

" If you must," he responded still lightly blushed.

"Well then, tomorrow, I'll be at the lab first thing in the morning…Nappa tell Vegeta no Ou that I will have a full report the day after his birthday celebration, arrange a meeting then." With this said she began to collect her files and papers not noticing the collective open-mouthed Saiyans staring at her.

"You don't tell me what to do!" Nappa recovered quickly.

"Fine, don't tell him anything, I'll have Raditz do it and make you look like the ugly monkey you are." Toma once again started laughing, this time Chivaa could not hold her amusement and laughed with him as well, Bardock smirked at the girl's spunk and Raditz just stood there staring at her with such intensity that it seemed that he would just fuck her right on the conference table.

"Ready?" he finally asked.

"Yes," she answered holding her things. Raditz put his arm around her waist and blurred out of sight.

"What the fuck was that about?" Nappa said disbelievingly.

"That…my dear Nappa is the Chikyuu-jin fire that will rule us all if you take your eyes off for too long." Chivaa smirked as the words left her mouth.


Vegeta, prince of the warrior Saiya-jin race, second commander of Lord Freeza's minions made his way down the long dark corridor of the prison like building on the distant planet of `Lodos'. Freeza had asked him to pay a visit to a certain prisoner who was opposing him by refusing to continue his research and develop the lord of darkness and horror's newest weapon.

Vegeta was taken to a room at the end of the hall, telling the guards that accompanied him to stay behind; he walked in the room without bothering to knock.

What he saw even made him feel distraught. On the corner of the room, a room that contained nothing more than a bed and a toilet sat on the floor a frail, disturbingly malnourished man, in his mid forties he would say. But what it stroked him the most, other than the condition of him was the unusual color of his hair and eyes. His hair was a shade of soft lavender, mated with dirt and dried blood, but his eyes…his eyes were as blue as…

The man was looking at him with contempt, even in the position he was in, the pride and resolution in the old man's gaze was something that made him, one of the most feared beings in the galaxy respect him.

"I am Vegeta Saiyan jin no Ouji." He started without preamble, " I was sent here to make you reassume your work." He usually was not this talkative or civil, but something about this man compelled him to.

" I know exactly what you are…monster," the man spat never taking his eyes off him,

" Tell your Lord that I will not perform the monstrosities he wants on live subjects, he can kill me for all I care, I been ready to die since your god dammed race came and destroyed my home." Vegeta just looked at the man, not feeling the usual rage he would at the man's open admonishing of his people, they had purged many worlds and destroyed at least half of them, all in the name of the fucking lizard, and for what? For the demon to spit it all back in their faces

That this man that had no fighting power whatsoever and was opposing the monster, was nothing short of admirable, he himself was the bastard's bed warmer and could do nothing but puke afterwards. He took a step closer, flinching at the smell of waste and body odor in the cell.

"What world were you from?" He asked calmly.

"Chikyuu." The man responded in a small voice, looking away for the first time. Vegeta's eyebrows went up at the admission; no wonder the old man resembled the woman so much, they were from the same world, he himself had never been to Chikyuu before they destroyed it, but had been told how beautiful it was, and judging by the woman and this man, its habitants must have been something else as well.

" I know it comes a little too late, but for what is worth, I am sorry." He offered, the man looked at him once more and nodded solemnly, he himself could not believe he had uttered those words. Vegeta no Ouji had never, ever apologized before.

"I didn't think that I would ever hear that from a Saiyan, especially their prince." The man offered more amicably.

"Neither did I."

" I' am sorry but I will not do it, if you were sent here to kill me if I refused, please do it now." The man's tone was determined.

"No, I was told to make you work no matter what, but not to kill you." Comprehending what the man meant.

"Why sending a Saiyan, Lord Freeza must know how much I hate your race and also the fact the he wants me to perform such obscene procedures to one of your people…are you really that cold?" Vegeta did not know what to say, Freeza hadn't told him what the scientist was working on, only to make sure he went back to it.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I am but another puppet in the lizard's army, I am not worthy enough of the details."

"Well young man let me tell you the details. I am to insert a metal called adamantium to one of your subjects' skeleton, Freeza thought that because of my hatred to Saiyans I would be more than happy to do it, but I am a scientist not a murderer, the procedure will most assuredly cost your comrade his life an a very painful way."

"To insert metal into his body?" Vegeta repeated amazed, "Why…how?" he asked.

"Because he wants mindless soldiers to do his bidding, and because he fears your race."

"Since when have you worked on this?"

"Almost three years, since I was captured from my home and separated from my family."

"Why you?"

" I must assume is because I used to build weapons for the Department of Defense back home, and because I have extensive experience with the metal in question and because this has been tried before, in Chikyuu, this very same procedure was tried in Canada. They came to ask me to assist on the operation, though I took no part of it. Your Lord seems to believe that your race can withstand the procedure…at least the strong ones"

"How is it done?"

"Do you really like to know?"


"Adamantium is a very tough metal that can withstand cold, heat, corrosion…everything that would damage common metals, it is very scarce and hard to find, Chikyuu had only one mine, if you could call it that, the other two places that were confirmed to have it are Pluto, the farthest planet from our sun and Mercury, the closest. For us, with our technology was impossible to reach either of those planets…but for Lord Freeza however…"


"He has gathered large amounts of it. In order to melt this metal and attach to any surface the metal has to be exposed to not only great amounts of heat, but a combination of heat and radiation at the same time, back home it was tried on three subjects…none of them survived long enough to determine what went wrong…there weren't even remains to be examined, the bodies simply melted away."

"And you say Freeza has a Saiyan captive to experiment on?"

"Yes, Lord Freeza's scientists believe that Saiyans cell make up, combined with their power levels are the perfect combination for success."

`They need an elite then." Vegeta muted to himself, thinking over everything he had just heard. It seemed very hard to believe that Freeza would be afraid of anything, but if that was true, that meant they had a chance against the monster and he knew it. He also was betraying them by taking prisoners and doing experiments on them, this man only knew of one, but who knows how many more Saiyans have suffered in the monster's hands. Coming to a conclusion he looked at the man in the eye.

" I will help you." Vegeta stated simply, "tell me where is this Saiyan you must perform this…procedure on?"

"He's held on a Ki dampening cell on the other side of the building, by the labs…why would you risk your life to help me?" No sing of distrust in the man's voice.

"Because for the good of the entire universe Freeza must be stopped, and because I very much doubt he will keep his end of the bargain with my father. As evil and selfish as it sounds, you must now choose which evil will you put your trust and life on." They stared at each other for a long moment, then the man stood up with great difficulty displaying for the first time a shackle around his ankle, Vegeta followed the chain to the wall, the man nodded and Vegeta let out a small Ki ball breaking the chain.

" I will take you to him." The man walked past him going ahead.

"Let's take care of you first," Vegeta went out first, leading the way to the dormitory area of the building, the man was bathed, dressed, fed and cared for the minor injuries he had suffered from previous `persuasions' from Freeza's crew.

As he watched the man's demeanor he mentally decided not to let anything happen to him, he had wanted to posses the woman, to make her his by force and had failed miserably. He had not cared about her feelings, her dreams, but now if only to make it up to her somehow, he would protect this man with his life. He closed his eyes pledging the silent bow.

"I told you my name…Do I get to hear yours?" Eyes still closed.

"Oh my… where are my manners, my name is Briefs… Trunks Briefs."


Raditz dropped her roughly on the bed; she had hardly any time to set her things down before he started ravaging her like an animal.

"What's the matter with you?" She got out between kisses. Trunks was still at Chivaa's place with his Chikyuu-jin nanny.

"I want you," he whispered as he kissed his way down her throat, she fisted her hands through his hair helping him on his descent.

"Raditz…I don't…" a warm tongue on her nipple, " I don't…think we should…do ahh…this." The words almost did not make it out.

"Gods Bulma…don't make me wait any longer," getting up from the bed he tore his clothes off dropping them on the floor next to him, her eyes roamed over his form greedily, call it hormones, call it loneliness she could care less, she would do this and put any feelings she still had for the Saiyan prince behind, her life was now Trunks, Raditz and the mission entrusted to her…defeat that fucking lizard, Freeza.

She tried to get up from the bed to touch his perfect chest and abs, but he roughly pushed her back tearing her clothes off of her, she threw her head back in laughter pushing his head to her breast.

"I got no time for foreplay." He hissed into her mouth, kissing, sucking her lips and nipping the tip of her nose. He brought a hand to her core making her scream in delight and anticipation.

"What are you doing?" it was now her turn to hiss as she sucked his earlobe.

"Making sure you want this like I do," whispered

" Oh…I want it" Raditz gave her the most beautiful smile and entered her, throwing his head back. She felt her body rock with the intensity of it. He sat her on his lap holding on to her hips, his tail swaying back and forth in excitement, she grabbed a hold of it, running her fingers through the soft fur, he captured her mouth once again, almost desperately while rocking her hips up and down, the pace was fast and hard, almost too much for her to take, but oh… did it feel good, she let go falling on the bed bringing him with her without separating, this was too much, her hips moved in tune with his, she arched her back screaming her release at the same time Raditz roar filled the room.

Moments later, after the throes of their orgasms resided, he rolled on his back bringing her to lie on his chest.

"Don't get too comfortable…we're not done yet." He said smiling.


Vegeta and Briefs made their way through a series of dark, humid and putrid corridors; they walked in silence, each man deep in their own thoughts.

Why had Freeza sent him here? Him off all people. It would have made much more sense to send Zarbon, or even the Gynyu, although the Gynyu only took part of the attacks and missions involving brute force…but why him? It was almost as if Freeza knew or expected him to try something against him, as if he wanted him to screw up.

No matter what the reason he had no plans to show any flaws, he would go through this charade, he would get Briefs to at least pretend to be following orders. Until he got a better picture of what the lizard was conjuring against them, and until he could get the man away safely.

Imagine what Briefs could do for his people. After seeing how feared and hated Freeza was…and the things he did, he felt disgusted to the core, true, he belonged to a race of conquers, but he had no intention to become like the lizard once he ruled over Vegetasei.

He decided long ago that he would rule his people to take what they needed, and to take it solemnly, and if at all possible have the natives of whatever planet that happens to be, to embrace them as their benefactors, not hate them and fear them the way they did the tyrant…or the way they were feared now. He did not wanted to kill needlessly anymore, he realized a little too late that it did not show power, but ignorance, cowardice and cruelty. He did not wanted more Chikyuus to be sacrificed for the good of the Saiyan Empire…or for any empire for that matter. It will be a long road, but a road that must be traveled indeed…if he was still alive that is…

"We are here," came Briefs low voice, "this is his cell." He opened the door using eye scan as well as DNA proof, the door hissed opened after a moment to reveal the same rancid smell as with Briefs' holding room, only it was not dark, but white, white and bright, as he followed the older man into it he felt a pull, as if the life was being sucked out of him, he felt dizzy and without even realizing it was on the floor, his breathing came in hard long gasps.

Suddenly the air came back to his lungs and his body began to feel normal again, he looked up to see Briefs by a switch of some sort.

" I disengaged the Ki dampening system…your…subject has been exposed to it for too long, it will take him a while to recuperate." The man walked to help him up, Vegeta nodded, acknowledging the jest but getting up on his own.

On a lab table, he saw the poor bastard strapped from his legs, torso and neck, he walked to him noticing his hair, it was identical to Kakarotto's, the way the man's head was positioned did not allow him to see the man's features.

Something pulled at him, something he did not know could pull, a wave of fear gripped him to think of the third class confined to this.

He took another step dreading what he would find. The man took a deep breath, arching his back to rejoice in it, as if he had been but denied this very simple and mundane act, he turned his face to the prince, making him gasp, the man was not Kakarotto…it was Bardock!!

"Bardock! He called out," the man breathed again, then coughed, opening his eyes with great difficulty fixing them on the Prince.

"Ouji…sama," he said weakly," he tried to get up but the metal straps prevent him, "I…I am…not Bardock" the man's weak voice taking a little more volume, "I am his brother, Turless." Vegeta felt his chest release the air he did not know was holding, he never knew he held any sort of feeling for his friend's father.

"What happened…how did you get captured?" the resemblance to the two he knew was remarkable.

"I was sent with my squad to planet Asckar, for a purging mission, when we got there we meet up with Dodoria…" he closed his eyes tight at the memory," we started the purging normally, then the Gynyu Force showed up and everything went havoc, they killed Dodoria and most of my squad, the rest of us got captured and brought here."

"Where are the others?" it was a question for the Chikyuu jin.

" I was not aware of any others," the man answered fixing his glasses.

Turless tried to break the metal straps; apparently his strength had somewhat returned.

"You won't be able to son," Briefs announced, " they're adamantium straps, they cannot be broken. Turless noticed him for the first time, he bared his teeth at the man, growling his frustration at not being able to reach him…and tear him apart.

"Turless!!" Vegeta snapped, " This man is here to help you, show him respect, at least in front of me." Turless gave the prince a quizzical look, but obeyed.

" So Freeza was behind Dodoria's death," Vegeta said to himself, " What do we do now?" he turned to Briefs, " I can't let Turless be cut open and experimented on." Briefs thought for a moment, he paced the room holding his chin nodding to himself every so often.

" I say we capture one of Freeza's guards, go on with the experiment as planned, if this goes anything like Chikyuu there won't be enough left to prove it was not this man." he pointed at Turless

" Perfect, it will look like both of us did our jobs…I will scramble the radars long enough for you to get on a pod and go back to Vegeta-sei, inform the king of everything you heard and saw, but tell him not to do anything, we will talk once I get there for his Birthday celebration." Turless just nodded, then reluctantly.

" What about the others?"

"They're most likely dead, but I swear on the throne I will someday occupy. I will not rest until I know exactly what became of them."


I don't want to leave Trunks alone, is enough that I leave him to go to the lab everyday." Whined Bulma, sitting on the bed while Raditz was getting dressed for the king's party, he looked so good in his formal armor, it reminded her of the knights tales she loved so much as a child, tall handsome knights in shining armor ready to protect the princess, well, she might not be a princess but Raditz sure was the knight who saved her.

"Bulma you have no choice, it would be considered an insult to refuse the Ou's personal invitation, besides you should be honored; you are the first alien ever to be invited to any event at the palace, and to be the Ou's fiftieth birthday celebration is more than a lot of us can even hope for." Raditz sermon brought her back to reality; he raised his eyebrow at the way she had been staring, then shifting his eyes to her closet, "go get dressed." He ordered.

" I don't have anything to wear, may I remind you that I had a baby not too long ago and my clothes don't fit me anymore."

"Bulma you are going even if I have to drag you naked."

"You wouldn't!"

"Try me."

"Fine I'll wear the ugliest, none flattering dress, you'll be so disgusted that you won't want to be seen with me." She cut her eyes at him turning the other way.

"There is nothing you can do to disgust me…remember, I am a Saiyan, I have done more disgusting things that you can begin to imagine." His lips were at the nape of her neck the next instant, kissing his way down her chest.

"If you keep that up you won't make it to the party either." Pushing him to get up to go to her closet, to get ready for the pain staking long night head.

"What color do you like?"

"I don't care."

"You have no taste."

"Ah, so that's why I like you…I couldn't quite figure it out before…woman."

"Very funny `your majesty Raditz no Ouji'"

"Don't call me that."

"Don't call me woman."


Everyone was already there. Chivaa looked beautiful in her Blue and silver armor, too bad she couldn't wear a dress, she'll look so good, ever since Gokou was around the woman positively gleamed. They had not spoken about him leaving since that day; she wondered mildly how her best friend was taking it, Chivaa stood by the throne waiting for Vegeta no Ou to make his entrance.

Bardock, Toma, Gokou and the others on Bardock's squad were laughing loudly by the food tables, she giggled at the sight, Raditz squeezed her hand softly and they made their way to them.

She had opted for a very flattering, low cut electric blue tunic, held together by a wide, black leather belt to match the pumps she wore, she wore her hair up, displaying big and shiny tear drop shaped earrings, made out of a stone that would resemble very much Chikyuu's sapphires. She was very proud of her post pregnancy cleavage and wanted to show it to the world, her flowing tunic show enough of it to even make the Bardock and Toma stare.

"About time you brats made it!" Bardock said not taking his eyes off her chest, Raditz only smirked proudly and held his woman closer, " I was afraid the King would make it before you did." The older man shifted his eyes to look at his younger son, he was enthralled staring at Chivaa, he elbowed him making him turn in their direction.

"Hey Raditz…Bulma!!" Gokou exclaimed, taking his eyes off his lover, much to his reluctance.

"Don't get caught staring boy," Raditz joked, " I don't think Nappa will miss it,"

"Hey Karrot!!" Bulma winked, Gokou turned to her gasping.

" My god Bulma you look good enough to eat," he flinched as Raditz fist knocked him on the side of the head, Bulma blushed, Toma snickered and Bardock just shook his head thinking how bold his youngest was, he had thought the very same thing, but would never put it into words.

Trumpets flooded the room, announcing Vegeta no Ou's entrance, every one turned as one to face the double doors, Nappa stepped up, and with so much pride in his voice announced his King.

"Vegeta no Ou…king to us all… bow your respects as we unite this night in celebration of his birth." The double doors opened and the tall king walked in slowly, his black cape flowing behind him…and then…and then she saw him, at the king's side was his heir, in his imperial armor and crimson cape…Vegeta… Saiya-jin no Ouji.

A/N Sorry it took so long, I had a lot of things going on for a while. I hope you guys like the twist I gave to the story…* did anybody caught that Wolverine bit there?*

From now on the story gets a lot more intricate and fast paced, I'm not sure how many more chapters I will write but sit tight from here on is gonna be a bumpy ride.

Ou: King

Ouji: Prince

Ohime: princess

Koibito: lover

Zaru: monkey

Chibi: little

Tossan: (short for Otossan) father

Onna: woman

Onna no Ko: girl

Okii: big