Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ Through the Doors of Heat ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Through the Doors of Heat

At the throne room door, Ter'binya looked considerably the worse for wear, proving Toma's estimation of the situation to be characteristically spot-on. He'd got me as far as the hallway, then disappeared in a fit of self-preservation. The beleaguered guard's face lit up through the bruises and scrapes when she saw me, and I grinned back ruefully despite myself. She was strong, pretty, and competent… likely she'd go far, given the right kind of experience. "Thank Kami you're back," she murmured in greeting under her breath, "I don't envy you, though. I'm out of here, only the suicidal would dare that dragon's lair."

Oh, thanks. "Like me?" I raised an eyebrow.

She shot me a look that was somewhere between sympathetic and you-couldn't-pay-me-enough-to-go-where-you're-going. Great. Whatever he wanted, I would always be there to give it to him, but that didn't mean I was unconcerned about personal injury…

Hmf well, it would be MORE suicidal to disobey an order (not that the thought ever really crossed my mind), so…. The doors opened ominously before me, swinging shut to firmly encase me in the thick atmosphere of Vegeta's den.

Enma-sama, it was hot in here! And… the smell, gods, the smell. In the dimmed shade wherein my light-adjusted eyes could barely see ten feet, the input of my sense of smell was overwhelming. It made my tail bristle with one lungfull; musk and wine.

Head swimming, I would have extended a hand towards the wall to steady myself, but a blur of motion suddenly hit my chest like a missile, slamming me up against the latched doors. My wounded leg buckled and I hissed in pain, sliding my hands along the solid material behind me, trying to take the weight off it. Anyone else, I would have reflexively belted across the room, but even though he had flown out of nowhere, giving my conscious mind bare instants to recognize him, even though I could only now barely make out his features, I couldn't raise a finger against him.

Not against Vegeta.

I would have asked what I'd done wrong, but my survival instinct prompted me to silence. I could see him now, and even though I knew I would probably be incredibly lucky to get out of here on my own two feet, he was still… beautiful. A layer of sweat gleamed over his smooth muscles, bare to the world (which, at the moment, comprised of me and him) save for a very brief pair of black spandex shorts, the article doing nothing to hide evidence of his mood. Night-black eyes glittered with feverish intensity, and his normally immaculate hair actually seemed a bit tousled. His tail coiled and thrashed behind him, wafting more of his intoxicating scent towards me…

I swear to god that smell was going to make me fucking pass out. But I was responding already, despite fear of bodily harm, despite anxiety over having displeased the center of my own personal universe… kuso, I was hard, and getting harder by the minute. He was dangerous, so dangerous and powerful, and an absolute sex god.

Being off-planet often threw a Saiyajin's rut cycle off. For several years now my own had needed either a few months of Vejitasei's climate (an uncommon luxury), or the presence of another hormonal Saiyajin to jump-start the process… not so Vegeta, whose blood was purer and stronger, and who spent much more time on-planet, under our moon and seasons. Even if rut wasn't the most regular of cycles, we both ought to have realized it was about time… I suppose it had slipped both our minds. But even if I'd thought of it, I wouldn't have dreamed he'd insist upon my individual presence. He could have anyone he wanted, anyone… But he'd let himself be driven nearly half-mad rather than have anyone else.

Even though I'd been his rut partner for a good long time now, my ego refused to accept the possibility that I was anything more than convenient to him. I couldn't be that lucky. I was already more fortunate than anyone of my station deserved… It wasn't possible. The universe didn't like me that much, did it?

But then again… from the hard, animalistic tension he was emanating, I was surely going to pay hard for said luck.

"Radditz…" He pressed harder against my armored chest, and I really didn't need to hold myself up - I could have been dangling over empty space and not worried in the least about falling. "You're. Late."

An instant before a stammered explanation made its way from my brain to my mouth, I aborted it as I realized it would do more harm than good. He knew very well I'd gotten here as fast as possible… he was just pissed that "as fast as possible" didn't equate to "as fast as he wanted it." He was like that.

His iron grip on my chestplate yanked me down, and my leg complained again about having to bear my not-inconsiderable weight. Quiet, you, there are more important things going on right now… Of course my body never did what I told it. I did my best to put the argument on hold, however, as Vegeta's muzzle leaned in close and he scented - deeply - at my neck and hair.

The diamond-hardening of his eyes was all the warning I had. His fist, lethal and sudden as an ion storm, connected with my jaw to send me halfway across the room, stunned and dizzy. What on…?

"You've been with someone else." His growl sounded across the room, low and lethal. Wha-huh? I hadn't slept with anyone at all since the purge started, I'd been too busy - oh. Shit. He smelled Toma on me, who surely would have let me fall if he'd known things had gotten THIS bad. And as territorial as Vegeta was now… no amount of reasoning would get through to him that the other male's scent on me was neither sexual nor possessive. It just wasn't going to happen, and I was going to bear the full force of his anger.

But I was tired, and aching, and dammit, it wasn't my fault! "Sir, please, I didn't - I haven't -"

"QUIET!!!" The enraged roar stung my sensitive ears, but the anger behind it bruised my soul. With one word he reduced me from defensive soldier to whipped puppy.

Sleek and lethal as a panther, he crossed the distance of his throw to crouch over my ribs, knees digging into bruised sides, compact slender hands forcing my shoulders back down to the ground. I tried my best not to shake like a winter-dry leaf under his gaze, but at this point, I was stark plain terrified. The grip of his hand settling on my throat did nothing to alleviate that, either. "You are mine," he snarled, slowly and deliberately increasing pressure, and my lungs began to burn. Instinctively my arm reached up to struggle with the grip on my windpipe, but his hiss and the sudden pain in my shoulder as he twisted his fingers deep into my collarbone stopped that thought in its tracks.

"You don't move without my permission," he dictated, punctuating the decree by shoving my head brutally back against the cold stone floor. His hand tightened further.

"You don't speak without my say." Another shove. My jugular pounded against his palm futilely, my fingertips beginning to tingle, my vision whiting out. I felt him lean in close, body weight sealing shut the last of my compromised air supply.

"You don't draw breath without my leave." My chest heaved, only accomplishing the movement of spent air. The edge of unconsciousness nibbled at the back of my skull, hands tore at the ground in imitation of the attempt they would make to pry his hand from my neck were I to dare to lift them.

"Do I make myself clear?" he ground out, deceptively gentle breath tickling my flushed cheekbones. I made a valiant effort to respond, somehow managing to smuggle a hoarse whimper past my closed throat. With a half-satisfied grunt, he released me to gasp and cough. It took all my restraint to keep my hands at my side, not to reach up to soothe the bruising finger indentations he had left. Yet despite how close I had come to passing out, I was harder than ever; desire fired my stomach even as fear coiled around my chest.

This was quite possibly the most maddeningly erotic experience I'd ever had. And I'd only just gotten here…

My skin seemed over-sensitive as he heedlessly tore the armor from my body. From around my heaving chest, buckles snapped and fabric tore; armor that could adjust to an oozaru transformation had no chance against the Saiyajin no Ou. Somewhere in the flurry his shorts were discarded as well, and he sat naked on top of me, arousal hot against my stomach.

My vision returned, coalescing him from a peach-colored blur to pinnacle of Saiyajin perfection. He paused a moment, soaking in the image of me cowering below him. I waited in anticipation… I truly wasn't sure what to expect from him. Normally I could read him; a flick of the tailtip, narrowing of the eyes, shift in stance, all told me volumes. But his entire attitude had changed; he was a feral creature, and while he was still the one I lo- the one I devoted my life to, I couldn't anticipate his movements or thoughts now to save my life.

Thus his bite caught me by surprise, sharp carnassials sinking deep into my claim-scarred neck. My cry echoed hollowly through the chamber, pain and shock sweeping through me; my back arced as I shook with the need to seize him, hold him, touch him. But I couldn't, he wouldn't let me, and that hurt much worse than the wound that pounded with my heartbeat. Unable to reciprocate, I writhed in helpless pain and need. The taste of blood hit my tongue, and I realized I'd bitten my lip. Fuck…

His teeth left me, a purr starting deep in his chest. For this I was thankful, though my relief was short-lived as he pushed my legs apart with his own. Involuntarily I tensed; I'd never been taken raw, not when I wasn't in heat. With effort I kept my tail from wrapping protectively between my legs, settling for a tight, low coil that came up close against my rump, brushing the backs of my thighs. Too quickly Vegeta hitched my leg over his shoulder, curving my hips up towards him, as he liked, so he could look straight down on my face while he fucked me. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to, but I'd rather it not hurt like a -

Son of a BITCH!!! My voice broke as he thrust into me, fracturing my cries, and it was futile to try to stifle them. Technically, it wasn't speaking, and technically, I didn't have a choice. The hands gripping my thigh and hip trembled with need and ecstasy, and I tried for all I was worth to focus on Vegeta, on the agony he must have felt before I got here, on his fulfillment at this moment. What I suffered wasn't as important as the relief he got out of it. Yet the pain still overwhelmed my senses when he pulled out and thrust again, and again… then, as blood eased his entry - not enough, but some - he struck my sweet spot, on purpose or by coincidence, it didn't matter.

I whimpered as endorphins soaked into my adrenaline-saturated body, a low red hazy rush of endured pain and newfound bliss. Pain - pleasure - Kami, what was what? Incoherent noises escaped me as I pushed back into him despite myself, heightening both agony and rapture. I couldn't breathe, the sensations were too conflicting, too confusing… His grip crushed my traumatized leg, his rippled stomach sent shockwaves through me as it brushed against my member.

My heel struck the floor as he released my thigh, the pain of the impact that jolted through my battle wound blending into everything else. His freed hand seized my hip, mirroring the other, as he pulled me towards him in tandem with his thrusts, increasingly more brutal as his rising aura began to sear the edge of my senses. I was lost in his maelstrom as he snarled and burst into Super Saiyajin, golden ki searing my hide, his length inside me growing with the rest of him, forcing me wider and deeper. It hurt so bad, and it hurt so good…

I had no voice left to scream as he stiffened and came, ki-heated ejaculate within me so much hotter than my own which spattered my stomach. In the madness of orgasm it seemed like there was no more me, no more Radditz… no more Bardock's proud son, no more determined warrior. Vegeta filled me; I became nothing so illustrious as a part of him, but rather an accessory to him… his toy, his servant, his receptacle… he filled me to the brim and without him inside of me I would cease to exist.

Then the bottom dropped out of the pleasure with a crash, leaving me with a very large dose of pain. I tried not to whimper too pathetically, striving desperately not to curl away or try to escape… It was so hard to fight my body's instinct to get away from the source of the pain, but truthfully I didn't have much assertiveness left to do anything except shake.

With much relief I felt him pull out, hair and eyes once again midnight black, and tried not to remember that he'd likely be ready for more in a few minutes. I was grateful for the respite, brief as it was. Vegeta settled to drape possessively across my leg, hip and side, rumbling purr echoing in the humid chamber.

Good god I hurt, inside and out. But that was all right, so long as he was content… I supposed I was kind of pathetic, forsaking my own welfare for his happiness… well, if anyone besides Vegeta or myself dared say that, they'd be facing the business end of a hefty ki blast.

My tail twitched lazily as his mood began to affect me. That was one part of my body he hadn't victimized - I'd managed to keep it out of the way, and he'd benevolently ignored it. Thank goodness for small favors.

I rested while I could.