Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *In fact, this chapter is all sex * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't all fanfictionAU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


The very smell was enough to make Vegeta instantly aroused. Attempting to avoid the smell, to block it out by pinching his nose had given him a migraine but did not prove effective. In fact, the harder he tried to ignore Kakarot, the harder he tried to look away, to not see or smell, the harder the baka tried to be seen and smelt. To the point where as Vegeta looked at him he realized it would be futile to back out now. He was the Prince of All Saiyans and it was his duty and his privilege to have any fertile Saiyan at his disposal.

Kami! Especially when they smelt like that, and the taste of chocolate in Kakarots mouth, smooth and velvety, innocent and yet, under it all, the heartbeat that was a Saiyan, pure Saiyan. Instincts rose in Vegeta that had been dormant. He shoved the taller man down, pinned him against the bed and growled, roared as loudly as he could, to claim this mate. The walls shuddered, and underneath him, replying in instinct so strong it clouded Kakarot's black eyes, the taller Saiyan purred and grabbed his legs to spread them as far as he could. The tail curled out of the way, and except for the horrendous orange, there was nothing in Vegeta's way. Kakarot had unwittingly, shamelessly displayed himself for the conquest and there was absolutely no way to back out of it now. Consequences and pride be damned!

Vegeta pressed his palms to the hard chest under him and bent to kiss Goku again. Gnashed their teeth together, attacked the mouth under him until he drew blood, and tasted the heady smell in the blood. Without preamble, without even an attempt at an explanation, Vegeta grabbed handfuls of the gi and ripped it straight down the center, and threw the tattered remains away. He pulled back to look at his conquest and smirked. Yes. This certainly befitted someone of his stature.

The purr turned into a needy little whine, Goku stretched out on the bed, rolled his hips provocatively and then in a voice that shoved coherent thought away whimpered: " 'Geta…"

Vegeta wrapped his hands around Goku's thighs and pulled him down to the edge of the bed, spread him wide, far enough that it had to hurt because men were not made to spread their legs so far, and then shoved his own confining spandex away from his erection. Goku's purring got louder, he was writhing on the bed in a dance as old as the Saiyan race, a dance that made Vegeta's blood boil just to watch the strongest warrior on any planet squirm like a seasoned whore. Another growl, another bloody kiss, and then, blindly, Vegeta shoved himself deep inside Goku. The baka's mouth fell open, soundlessly screaming out. The whole body tensed, ki spiked high enough to shatter glass. The whole room trembled, the whole house was shaking, right down to the foundation.

It only fueled Vegeta's arousal. He grit his teeth hard together, drew blood from his own mouth and swallowed it as he pulled out of the body beneath him, took in the satisfied look on his mate's face and slammed back in. Goku screamed then, his back when completely straight, his eyes squeezed shut, hands tightened impossibly around his own knees.

Perfection, Vegeta thought, utter perfection.

Then, between the screaming and the purring, Goku breathed one word: "More."

Vegeta happily obliged, felt that subconscious barrier break, and pounded into his mate. Harder and faster than any other race could possibly had withstood, Vegeta strove to meet Goku's needs. Their hearts were beating so loudly it was audible in the room and they fucked to that beat, meeting each other. Sweat made them slide against each other, bloody teeth gritted and bared, Vegeta snarling and growling, Goku's endless, mindless purring that drove them higher and higher. Pleasure became a sort of spiked pain that made it impossible to stop.

"More, Vegeta!" Goku whined. He beat at the bed with his head, used his strength to shove back against every thrust. His whole body was on fire, sweating and needy and nothing had ever felt so right in all his life. But the need, the burn in his chest and his stomach was too much to stand, and he shoved himself upright, shoved Vegeta back, toppling them to the floor. Goku landed on top and he mindlessly thrust himself down on Vegeta, again and again. He could feel something inside of him, some feeling that was building and building but he couldn't reach the peak, couldn't manage to achieve whatever his goal was.

Vegeta snarled under him and grabbed him by the biceps, shoved him over, unseating Goku and shoved him face down against he floor. The hand moved to the back of his neck, shoving him down, and Goku whimpered, pressed back against nothing. It was insane! He needed Vegeta right now! Where the hell was he? What was he doing? The hand moved down his back, to wrap around his tail, and then, with a vicious thrust that ripped another scream from Goku's throat, Vegeta entered him again. The Prince raised the tail to his mouth, blew against it as he fucked Goku, and then, just as Goku was banging his head against the floor in frustrated ecstasy, the Prince closed his mouth around the tail.

Everything exploded. Ki rose high enough to blast the walls and everything shook, broke, fell in on itself, destroyed whatever semblance of human life Goku had been leading. More than that, Goku felt his own body explode, his lungs struggled for breath, his heart beat so hard that he thought for a moment it would beat right out of his chest.

But his prince was still hard, hot, inside of him. There was an amused chuckle, then the Prince leaned down to whisper dirty little words in Goku's ear: "Saiyan women have multiple orgasams." Strong arms wrapped around Goku's midsection and pulled him up until he was sitting. "Look at what you did, Kakarot."

The whole room was destroyed. He was too concerned with recovering to really care that the walls were no longer shielding them from whoever would have the unfortunate luck to pass by. But Vegeta was just behind him-inside him-and he chuckled darkly again. "I think we need to move this somewhere else."

Goku whimpered, tightened himself around Vegeta. "No…" Breathless. "Please, 'Geta. More."

But the Prince just bit his ear and promised: "Soon."

Goku didn't want to move, didn't want to put clothes back on his burning flesh, didn't want to follow Vegeta as they flew away from the rumble that had once been his home. Didn't want to fly behind the man and smell the arousal and feel his own body respond, the quickening in him that wasn't masculine, but something else, as if his body were preparing to receive his prince. Which it had, Goku knew, everything was a haze, but he knew Vegeta had been inside of him, had been a part of him. And it had never felt so right. Nothing had ever felt as right as the slide of his Prince within him. And yet; how was that even possible?

Vegeta stopped, dropped through a forest of broken trees. He landed, just where Goku had been earlier that day, and turned to look at him.

Shamelessly, without his mate asking it of him, Goku shed his clothes, tossed them to one side and licked his lips. Who cared how it was possible? Who cared if technically it should be impossible for Vegeta to be inside of him? It was possible, it was delicious and Goku wasn't going to deny himself a chance to make more Saiyans.

Vegeta grinned at him and stripped off his own tight apparel. They faced each other, and Goku fell to his knees, whimpered and purred and knew that even if he was the strongest, Vegeta was the superior here. The Prince was right there, at his side, bending to kiss him, to push him forward onto his hands and knees. "Stay," he whispered into Goku's ear.

Then he moved, back to where he was most needed, behind Goku. Warm fingers ran down Goku's spine, circled the base of his tail, traced patterns over his ass and then moved lower, to just behind his erection-odd, why was that there still? He had come-and fingers slipped inside. Rational thought disappeared. Goku's every thought was a purr, every word was an expression of pleasure and instinct as he tried to show his Prince what he wanted.

There was that chuckle again, and fingers slid back out, ran up his hips, circled his tail again. Then Vegeta pushed in again, easier than before, and once he was in as far as he could go, stopped. His chest was pressed against Goku's back, his breath on his shoulder blades. "What do you want Kakarot."

Whimper. Backward little thrust, an attempt to communicate without using words. But Vegeta didn't move, just smiled and kissed the inflamed skin of his back. "What is it Kakarot?"

Dirty words; Goku thought. Every dirty word he had ever heard said rose in him and he spit out the first ones he thought of: "Fuck me." Felt instincts in him clash. He wanted to grab Vegeta, throw him to the ground, remind the little Prince who was the stronger, and then the other part wanted to spread wider open, beg to be fucked hard. "Please!" he hissed.

Vegeta obliged him. Pulled out, pushed back in, further and further into his body, into parts of him that Goku never knew he had. Something was happening inside of him. Goku could feel it, feel the way Vegeta was inside him, spreading life inside of him. And Goku clenched around him, screamed out in pleasure and frustration, because it was so good but it wasn't enough.

Vegeta took his hand, waited patiently as Goku adjusted his balance so he could hold himself up with one hand. Then guided the other hand to his erection. "Lets not forget you're still part boy," he whispered. Then he moved away, wrapped princely hands around Goku's hips, dug his fingers in deep and bruised him. Fucked him hard. Goku tightened his hand around his erection and thrust into his sweaty palm.

The world around them took on a yellow hue. Vegeta cursed when the flesh around his erection hardened and got tighter. Goku howled again, his hair flickered yellow and black, his whole body tightened and loosened like a live wire snapping. Brutality struck Vegeta suddenly, and he lowered his mouth to sink teeth into the flesh under him. Blood blossomed.

Then, in an explosion even more magnificent than before, the two Saiyans growled out their pleasure and collapsed into each other.


Goku moved first, felt something slippery between his thighs and frowned. Vegeta just laughed at him.

"You are such an idiot, Kakarot," the Prince said.

"What happened Vegeta?" Goku asked.

Vegeta was lying flat on his back, staring straight up at the sky. His heart was slowly settling back into a normal pace. "Fucking happened."

"But," Goku said quietly as he turned to face the Prince. "How?"

Vegeta rose a single eyebrow in distaste. Laughed at him again. Well, Goku thought sourly, it was good to know that even after fucking the Prince still thought he was better than everyone. Some things never changed, apparently.

"You wished to make more Saiyans," Vegeta said, "And the dragon granted your wish."

"What do you mean?" Goku whispered.

Vegeta frowned at him and reached down to pull Goku's leg up. Then he ran his fingers down the brawny thigh, to just behind Goku's penis and slipped his fingers inside of him again. "Feel that, Kakarot?"

Goku whimpered. Sore is what he felt, but as strong fingers moved in and out of him there was something else there too, a new awakening of need. "What is it?" he asked. His hands wrapped around Vegeta's arms, tightening and untightening.

"It's a vagina," Vegeta said. That stupid laugh again. "Your wish turned you into a woman."

Goku would have objected, would have fought against the insinuations, but he couldn't. He was thrusting his hips against Vegeta again, Whimpering and purring and writhing as the fingers moved inside of him. The taller Saiyan moved his hand down Vegeta's body, tugged at Vegeta's returning erection and then shoved the little Prince onto his back again, straddled him. Fingers slid out again and Goku lowered himself on the erection instead.

"Careful, Baka!" Vegeta hissed. His hands grabbed at the brawny thighs, but Goku growled, felt male and female instincts rise, meld, and he grabbed the Prince's wrist, pinned them to the ground and slowly rose and fell above his mate. Slowly, so slowly it was a torture to both of them. The slide was easier now, slippery, and smooth. Goku stared down at Vegeta, watched the dark eyes contract and dilate. Wondered what it felt like. Wondered why ChiChi had hated this so much. Goku lowered his head to kiss Vegeta, forced the arrogant smirk open, fought for dominance with his teeth and his tongue in a way he had never thought he would fight. He thrust harder against the hips under him. Quick little thrusts, over and over again until it became subconscious, until he thought that all he would do for eternity was fuck Vegeta. But, then, all at once, he was shaking, howling into Vegeta. His teeth bit through a soft lip, and he sucked on the blood as he rode through the orgasm. His grip on the prince loosened, and he felt Vegeta's hands on him but was too satisfied to object. Fingers on his throat, pushing him over, down, against the ground. Vegeta was above him now, moving in him harder and faster until it hurt and didn't hurt all at the same time. Goku just closed his eyes thought of the sky and the trees and a happy life where he had dozens of little monsters like him.

"Fool!" Vegeta breathed against his face. "Idiot!" But the Prince was still there, still thrusting into him, still shaking and burning with heat. Goku smiled lazily, ran his hands down the Prince's lithe back, dug his nails in, raked them down. Marked Vegeta. More growling, hissing, and then there was a liquid rush inside of Goku.

Vegeta pulled back, sat with his bare back against a tree and struggled to breath. "No more," he hissed.

Goku just nodded. Felt lazy. "Whatever 'Geta."

Whew. Hope you liked it. *camera pans to Goku and Vegeta sitting up in a bed, smoking*

The link for the whole scene is listed on my Profile. Couldn't get it to show up here.

Gk: * pout * Can I be on top next time?

Vegeta: NO.

Gk: * turns pouty little pleady eyes to author* please?

Vegeta: Kakarot! I am your Prince?

Gk: * pout *

Vegeta: Besides, you wouldn't know what you were doing.

Sorry about the long delay. *hides head * This story (and all its sequels and everything else I've written ) is at AFF.net. The link is: http://adultfan.nexcess.net/aff/authors.php?no=12445