Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Again! * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *Isn't allfan fiction AU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


Vegeta left him lying on the ground in the middle of the forest. Left the baka with his stupid smell, and his stupid grin and his stupidly delicious, addictive EVERYTHING! There wasn't a thing about Goku that Vegeta didn't find absolutely perfect suddenly and he hated the feeling that rose in him. Shame that he was leaving his mate unattended. Shame that he had fucked the man into multiple-god how many had there been?-orgasms. Shame that he didn't tell Goku what that meant before he fucked him. Shame that he had taken advantage of the man's guileless nature and could very well have screwed everything up beyond repair. But shame didn't stop him from pulling his clothes on, or stop him from sneering at Goku and flying away.

As soon as he was back in Capsule Corp-it was dark now and most of them were sleeping-he showered. Hot water. Scalding his skin and he scrubbed to get the scent off. The water stung the scratches on his back and the cuts on his lip. Blood rinsed away and he regretted it. Some of that blood had been Kakarot's.

No! He screamed at himself. No! You will not give into it. That baka is a third-class! He is beneath you. You used him for his purpose and did the right thing by leaving him to deal with the aftermath. Who cares if the idiot doesn't realize he's pregnant with-lord, how many?-their brats. Kakarot was a big boy. He had tons of friends that would more than likely help him whelp the snots. Vegeta would pick the one he liked the best and raise it as his heir.

And when Kakarot went into season again, he would oblige the overgrown idiot again. Give him more children.

A chiding little voice in his mind mocked him: what about while he's pregnant, Vegeta? Will you fuck him while he's pregnant? They always want it. Need it. Crave it. Will you fuck him then to? Huh Vegeta? Make him breakfast in the morning, fuck him in bed until dinner?

No! He did his part. He was finished. If Kakarot wanted it that badly he could find someone else. There had to be people out there that wanted Kakarot. Nobody as worthy as Vegeta, obviously, but doubtlessly the idiot had admirers.


Goku sat there for a long time. Contemplated this new turn of events. So, he was a girl now. Or at least, he had the parts that let him get pregnant. Vegeta had proved that effectively. Fucked him until the Prince remembered Goku was just another bug that needed to be squashed and then ran off as soon and as fast as he could. But Goku didn't really blame him. He was an idiot. What kind of idiot goes to the eternal dragon and wishes to be made part woman?

Goku felt the tear slip down his face, grimaced as he realized how bad he smelled, how sore he felt and tired. He picked himself up, ignored the pain as he walked to the stream and slid into the cold water. Ignored the shiver as the water ran over his hot skin and washed away the sweat. He shivered there, in the gentle water until he felt the grime wash away. Then he climbed out, used his ki to dry off and slid back into the gi. And it was then that he realized how alone he was. ChiChi was gone; Vegeta was gone. Gohan was more Piccolo's son than his anymore. He had tons of friends but none that would understand what had happened.

He was alone.

Because he was the last of his kind. Because Vegeta was the only other one that would understand what had happened and the Prince made it painfully obvious what he thought of the situation.

Goku curled into a ball and rested his head on his arm. There was nothing he could do now but try to sleep. Nothing that could be done tonight. The ache in the pit of his stomach was gone now, replaced by the stinging ache between his legs. His earlier thought returned to him, about ChiChi, and suddenly he wasn't nearly as hateful toward her. How lonely she must have felt all the times he left her.


"What did you do?" Bulma demanded the next morning. She was already sitting at the table when he entered the kitchen. From the tone in her voice and the grim look on her face there was no way she was going to let him get away with anything but the full truth.

"What are you bitching about, woman?" he demanded.

"I asked just what in the hell you did? The Son house is destroyed. Everyone with a ki gauge could feel the explosions. You're lip is bleeding; Goku is missing. Just what in the hell has happened?"

"Do you think I should answer to you?" Vegeta demanded. "I am the Prince of…"

"The last two Saiyans alive, Vegeta! Climb down off your damn high horse and answer the damned question. What did you do to Goku?"

Vegeta felt the shame. Saw Goku just sit there, saying nothing as he dressed and ran from him. Saw the look on the face as Goku doubtlessly realized what had happened, that Vegeta never cared. Vegeta would have shown more affection to a hole in the wall. But there was no reason to lie to this yippy woman. He was stronger than her; if she tried to do anything he could kill her. So he answered, with a smirk on his face: "Fucked him."

And Bulma was speechless. Gaping. Astounded right out of words.

Humans, Vegeta thought with a roll of his eyes. He passed her and retrieved a breakfast for himself. The annoying little thought returned to him: aren't you supposed to feed Kakarot too? He ignored it, sat down at the table and started to eat. The woman was still standing there, mouth hanging open. He began to eat.

"Why?" Bulma finally managed. It was a tiny little whisper in the room. She turned to look at him, tears were on her face. "Why?" she repeated.

He watched tears well, fall down her face and unbidden, Kakarot's face rose in his mind.

"Why not?" he snapped.

"Why NOT?!" Bulma exploded. "Because UNLIKE YOU he is a DECENT person, He's a KIND and CARING person that you DO NOT deserve to destroy! He's BETTER than you. That's why you did it, wasn't it Vegeta. You couldn't stand that he was BETTER than you. So you had to beat him somehow."

Vegeta stood up, grabbed her by the throat, lifted her fragile little body off the ground. "I didn't make him do anything. Kakarot begged for it like a little whore. I gave him what he wanted." He snarled at her, repressed the words that he wanted to say, the words that mocked her for insinuating anything bad about his mate. With a disgusted snort he dropped her to the ground. "Go find him if you don't believe me. Ask him what he did with the Dragon Balls." Vegeta wanted to spit at her, but didn't, and left instead. As he left, he thought how good he had gotten at running away.


The difference was instantaneous. Goku woke up and felt the pulse of ki, strong ki, but not his own. It unnerved him until he realized that it was coming from inside of him. Three. Three little Saiyans growing inside of him. Joy and pain rose in him. Tears spilled down his face and he couldn't understand why. Three.

Three. Three more of him. Three more Saiyans. His wish had been granted, and it had never been a better wish in all his memory. He had never felt a great joy or a deeper pain as he realized that Vegeta had fathered these children and would not be there to raise them. And Goku was so distracted that he didn't even notice the sound of wind or the feel of ki approaching him. It wasn't until the stranger appeared in a blaze of yellow light that Goku raised his head to stare at the newcomer.

The similarity was devastating.

"Goku," the boy before him said, "I am Trunks."

Goku climbed to his feet, faced the boy and stared. Vegeta. This kid looked just like Vegeta.

"I'm from the Future. I'm Vegeta and Bulma's son."

He sort of smelled like Vegeta too.

"I've come back to save you. In three years, Dr. Gero is going to use androids to try and kill you. You're going to catch a fatal heart virus."

Goku tried to pay attention. But the boy smelled very nice, like Vegeta did, and it was a comfort to be right there and be surrounded by that smell. Pleasant. The scent dimmed the pain between his legs, made his tail swish calmly.

"And you'll die. But Mom made the antidote. I've brought it back for you."

Hmm? Goku thought, Has he been talking this whole time? Maybe I should pay attention.

"Goku?" The boy titled his head to one side, and stepped forward. He looked concerned. His hand touched Goku's shoulder, and he narrowed his eyes as he realized there was more than one ki signal coming from the man. He followed his senses, and dropped his gaze down to the man's abdomen, to where the ki signals appeared to be coming from. That didn't make sense.

Goku crouched and tilted his head to one side, grinned at him with the same sunny expression that Trunks associated with all the man's pictures. "The future huh?" He scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously. Goku's ki rose high enough to cover the smaller ones and Trunks straightened.

"Yes. Mom made a time machine." Trunks stepped back, straightened up, and tried to remember that just because his mother believed Goku was the key to saving the future didn't mean the man himself knew that. And then, the legendary warrior himself started purring.

"Well," Goku said, standing up, "Why didn't Vegeta or Gohan just defeat these…uh…androids?" The purring was back. The annoying feminine purring had returned. But it was comforting just like it was annoying, and he let himself purr, because it was a nice sound, and Vegeta's scent, diluted by Bulma's was all around him as this boy from the future kept talking.

"They tried." Trunks said. He hung his head. "Gohan was my best friend." Ki spiked around him, crackled in the air like electricity. "They killed him." Then he exploded in light. "And I finally achieved Super Saiyan."

"Wow," Goku said, "I thought it only happened once in a while." Louder purr. The smell got stronger. More powerful. More impressive.

"Gohan was one too," Trunks said. He powered down again.

"Really?" Goku asked again. Well. If his little half-Saiyan son could achieve Super Saiyan maybe the ones growing inside him would be just as powerful too. "What about Vegeta?"

"Uhhh," Trunks shifted. "No."

Despite himself, Goku smirked inwardly and sent a vindictive little thought at Vegeta. I'm better than you. "I'm hungry," he announced, "Lets go find something to eat. I bet Bulma's got food! She's always got food." He turned, beckoned the boy to follow him and took off flying.


Goku touched down in the kitchen, looking around at the disaster that had just passed. It wasn't that anything was out of place exactly, but Bulma was sitting at the table, eyes downcast, staring straight into her coffee. Tears were slipping down her face, and Chichi was there with a frown on her face. When Goku entered, Chichi looked up at him. Something crossed her face, something between gratitude and disgust.

"Well, we've found him. He looks fine to me." She rose from the table and with a sniff-a little twitch of her nose that reminded Goku of Vegeta-she walked out of the room.

Bulma looked up and in a rush of long legs and blue hair, she stood up and threw herself in his arms. "Goku!" She buried her face in his chest and wrapped both arms around him. "I was so worried about you!"

Goku hugged her back, and instinctively moved to retreat away from her. She was too close to him, and although he wanted to comfort her, he didn't want her to be touching him. "Why Bulma?" Goku asked. "Nothing's wrong with me."

"Because Vegeta said that… That…" She stared up at him. There was a ring of bruises around her throat. It looked like fingers.

Vegeta's fingers. Bastard! The arrogant Prince could do whatever he wished to Goku but he was not going to allow the asshole to hurt the people around them. "He said what, Bulma?" Goku prompted. If the arrogant little prince wanted a fight, Goku was more than capable of reminding him which one of them was stronger. Goku didn't like to fight for no reason but if Vegeta was going to hurt his friends, Goku was certainly going to hurt the Prince right back.

The tears were back. "He said that he…he…raped you. No," she said, "He said you wanted him to." Goku expected nothing else from Prince. In fact, he probably should just assume that everyone he met knew about Vegeta's little conquest. The Prince probably made posters to distribute explaining in detail how it was that the Prince had finally forced 'Kakarot' to his knees.

Trunks coughed, and his shifting escalated into a near dance of nervousness. When Goku turned to look at him the boy was blushing and he just shrugged. He was from the future, and apparently he was not aware of what had happened the night before.

"Bulma," Goku said kindly, "I'm going to go find Vegeta and see what this is all about, okay? I want you to stay with Trunks. He's from the future." He gave her a perfect, happy smile and stepped outside to find Vegeta.


* Review! * Also, please note that any 'historical' inaccuracies (such as just when Vegeta went Super Saiyan) are subject to the plot of this story.

Gk: I'm coming for you!

Vegeta: Whatever.

Gk: I'm going to tickle you!

Vegeta: I will kill you if you even try.