Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Of Us ❯ 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Of Us


Notes: Slash. M/M. Sex eventually. *Like in this chapter! * Mpreg. Chi-Chi bashing. AU, I guess. *isn't all fan fiction AU?*

Oh, and I don't own them. Of course I don't, or I would be rich.


Krillin was willing to accept a lot of things. He was used to not understanding Goku, to having the feeling that something was happening inside of Goku's mind that the rest of them couldn't understand because Saiyans were animals of instinct and humans were creatures of tradition. But, he never thought that one day he'd be staring at his best friend gobbling up food with (what Krillin considered to be) his mortal enemy sitting at his side handing him dishes. Bulma was on Goku's side opposite Vegeta and she was writing down notes as Goku ate roughly triple the normal amount.

"So…" Krillin started again, "You're… Pregnant?" The last word sounded like a squeak.

Goku nodded as he sucked the meat off a turkey leg. "Yep."

"And… Vegeta" another squeak "Is the… uh… Father?" multiple squeaks.


"And… Er… There's a boy from the future that says you're going to die in three years?"

"Uh-huh." And the massacre finally ended with Goku leaning back in his chair, face smeared with various colored food. His tail was wrapped around the chair leg, holding him in place as Goku started to rock the chair on its back legs.

"And you got your tail back because you got your tail back because you wished for the dragon to make you into a…uh…woman?"

"That's pretty much it," Goku said. He looked away from Krillin to stare at Vegeta, and his eyelids dropped down, his eyes got darker and he started to purr.

"And uh… Chichi?" Krillin asked.

Goku didn't answer, but he leaned forward in the chair and purred louder, his tail unwrapped from around the chair and curled around Goku's elbow. Vegeta was sitting ramrod straight in his chair, with only his eyes moving as he watched Goku, but he was growling.


Vegeta snarled again, and looked away from Bulma. "Has it been forty-eight hours?" he demanded.

Bulma blinked. "Since when?"

Vegeta scoffed. "Since the bitching harpy showed up!"

Krillin could only assume that Vegeta was talking about Chichi. Why it was relevant to whatever the Saiyans were doing was a mystery to Krillin, and obviously to Bulma as well, because she gave Vegeta and odd look.

"Not quite," she said, "Why?"

Goku moved closer to Vegeta and purred louder. His tail was wagging between the two of them, straining to get close enough to Vegeta to touch him. But Vegeta resolutely moved away from Goku and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, Kakarot," he said sternly.

Goku whined. " 'Geta."


"What's going on? Guys?" Krillin's ability to accept and understand was being strained to the very limit. He didn't trust Vegeta, he didn't like him and he certainly didn't believe that Goku was the one responsible for this mess that they were now in. Krillin knew his best friend, and he would have known if Goku was going to do something like this.

"I think it's a mating ritual," Bulma said.


"Stop purring Kakarot!" Vegeta commanded. He had moved his chair further away from Goku and was now holding his nose with one hand. The other was resolutely crossed over his chest, and for all his pride and arrogance, the Prince looked like a disgruntled housewife.

"Please?" Goku asked.

"No." Vegeta responded.

"What's the forty-eight hour thing?" Krillin asked. The headache that he had gotten the first time Bulma explained everything had turned into a full blown migraine as he realized that he was going to be the best friend to a pregnant male alien who was mated to a planet-destroying prince of a dead race. Why had he come here? Why hadn't he just stayed away? Who cared if he thought the world was being threatened again? Who cared about that? He should just go far away and live his life where everything was perfectly normal and Saiyans didn't enact strange purring-growling mating rituals in the middle of the kitchen.

"Maybe its part of the Saiyan fertility cycle," Bulma said. She jotted down a few more notes.

"Dammit!" Vegeta shouted. "You will not blame me for this Kakarot!" Then he shot to his feet, wrapped his hands in Goku's hair and yanked the tall Saiyan up to kiss him.


Once he had eaten, Goku was feeling pretty good. Warm, full. Content. And yet, at the same time, that place under his waist-that place he now associated with the feminine parts of him-was aching again. Just like it had before he and Vegeta… Just as the thought occurred to him, Goku heard the purring start up again, like a motor engine in his chest. He remembered what that sound meant; he was purring like that when Vegeta and he had made the little Saiyans, and he was purring like it right before Vegeta attacked Trunks. To his pleasant surprise, he heard the answer growl in Vegeta's throat, and stared at him, leaned forward and drew in a lungful of the musky scent.

But Vegeta wasn't looking at him. He seemed to be trying to avoid him again. Which was fine, Goku figured. Hadn't Vegeta done the same thing last time? Then the little prince spoke: "Has it been forty-eight hours?" Someone must have replied to the prince because he continued. "Since the bitching harpy showed up!"

Goku moved closer to Vegeta and purred louder. He was beginning to get a handle on this instinct thing. The purring was what made the musky smell get stronger, he figured, the stronger the delicious smell, the more likely he would get what he wanted. Then his tail started straining towards Vegeta-just like last time! And Goku smiled, pleased that he was learning how to be a Saiyan. But Vegeta resolutely moved away from Goku and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No, Kakarot," he said sternly.

Goku whined. " 'Geta."

"No." Vegeta gave him a look out of the corner of his eye. The smell got stronger and Goku purred as loudly as he could, focused all his attention on Vegeta and thought of every scandalous thing he could, hoping that somehow thinking about Vegeta doing things to him would end with Vegeta giving him what he wanted. "Stop purring Kakarot!" Vegeta commanded. He moved his chair further away from Goku and was now holding his nose with one hand.

Well, when the Saiyan way wasn't working perfectly, throw in the human way: "Please?" Goku asked.

"No." Vegeta responded. But Goku wasn't discouraged. He could tell that Vegeta was getting ready to give in. Just a little more persuasion, little swishes of his tail and: "Dammit!" Vegeta shouted. "You will not blame me for this Kakarot!" Then he shot to his feet, wrapped his hands in Goku's hair and yanked the tall Saiyan up to kiss him.

Goku smiled into the kiss, wrapped his larger, stronger arms around Vegeta and crushed them together until they could barely breath. Teeth knocked together again, Vegeta was snarling and tearing at him, ripping the clothe under his fingers, and pushing Goku. Goku felt the wood against the back of his legs, shoved past that, to where he could feel a countertop against his ass.

Then, just as Goku pulled his legs up, wrapped one around Vegeta's hips, there was something yellow in his peripheral vision, and Bulma was standing there, thwacking them with the business side of a broom.

"You will not destroy my kitchen like you wrecked Goku's house! Outside!"

Vegeta growled, snapped at her like an animal, but Goku wasn't interested in a meaningless turf war, so he tugged at his mate's hair and whimpered. Vegeta turned back to look at him, smiled, and followed Goku outside.


Vegeta snorted, just briefly, to realize that they were once again back in the clearing where it all started. For a moment-a rare moment of sanity before Kakarot attacked him again-he thought that he should probably tell Kakarot he would wake up more pregnant than he already was after they finished. But the moment passed when the Saiyan in question pressed his-Kami, how did he get naked again, already?-whole body against Vegeta and whimpered.

Vegeta wrapped his hands around Goku's wrists and restrained the man from ripping the tight spandex from Vegeta. The Prince of All Saiyans was not going to become the Prince of Streaking because Goku was too impatient to remove clothes the correct way. With his hands restrained the man restored to dirty tactics, like wrapping his tail around Vegeta's sensitive thigh and rubbing himself against the Prince.

Vegeta pushed Goku to the ground, on his back, and pulled his pants down enough to free his erection. Goku purred, rolled his hips up, and spread his legs. His eyes were clouded again, but dark with lust.


Vegeta ran his hands up and down the soft, strong legs, and traced the tender-albeit unnatural-entrance until his fingers came away wet, and then he grinned, sucked on his fingers and pushed himself inside of Goku once again. The taller Saiyan shuddered, from the very tips of his hair to his curled toes. Vegeta grinned, leaned forward and bracing himself with one arm, he began to thrust into the warm, wet body beneath him.

Goku was holding his other hand, and when Vegeta thrust into him, the man would suck on Vegeta's fingers, like a baby. Vegeta smiled at his mate, thought fondly of what a good mother this man beneath him would be, and then, Goku bit down on his hand and sucked on the blood. Damn Saiyan instincts!

Goku looked up at him, wrapped his legs around his hips and tightened until Vegeta couldn't move. Then Goku smiled, and pulled Vegeta down to kiss him, licking him over and over, purring and nuzzling his face and his neck. His body pulsed around Vegeta's erection and it was absolutely insane because the Prince was trapped, unable to move as Goku lovingly bestowed this affection on him.

"Kakarot," he growled.

Goku grinned. He tightened his grip on the hand he had bitten and pushed it down his body until Vegeta's fingers were wrapped around Goku's erection. " 'Geta," he purred. Of course, the passive Saiyan didn't say it exactly, but he was holding a certain power over Vegeta and shamelessly made it known that if the Prince would like to continue to fuck he would see to it that all of his mate was show the same consideration. Once Vegeta obediently tightened his hand and started to stroke him, Goku loosened his legs and allowed Vegeta to thrust again.

For a few moments it was sheer perfection. Tight, hot, hard, all around Vegeta with the most delicious smell. Submission beneath him, and he was dominant, claiming his mate, providing the necessities to bring life, and then, the thighs tightened around his hips again, and Kakarot whined again.

The baka was actually pouting! Right in the middle of getting fucked, the baka was pouting!

" 'Geta…" Then Goku wrapped his hands in Vegeta's hair and pulled him down until he was face to chest with Goku. Vegeta was panting, and Goku shivered with every moist breath that blew over his nipples. There was a whole body stretch and that little whimpering voice again. "'Geta."

Vegeta rolled his eyes and closed his mouth around the distended nipple, sucking it hard, and running his teeth across it. His hand kept moving on Goku's erection, and the man pulled his legs away again, spread them wider so Vegeta could thrust deeper into him. Vegeta switched from one side of Kakarot's chest to the other as he pounded into him, and begged Kami-with what little bit of his rational mind he had left-that the man under him did not stop this heaven again.

There was a quickening, and Goku was pushing back against him, crying out and his strong hands clawed down Vegeta's back, raising blood again. Goku flattened his palms against Vegeta's ass and pressed him in harder.

The Prince was willing to give into his mate's needs, because Goku was the one who would carry the physical burden of the brats, but he wasn't about to allow the baka to take control of absolutely every aspect of their life including how Vegeta chose to thrust. So he gathered all his energy, burst into Super Saiyan-funny how easy that was now-and Goku absolutely screamed under him. The hands clawed at his back again, but couldn't break through the skin. Vegeta thrust harder, grinned into the man's chest as he felt the orgasm ricochet through his lover's body.

Vegeta forced himself to come-even though he didn't want to. And as he released inside of Goku, he let his power dwindle back down until he was staring at the happy, satisfied look in Goku's black eyes. Kakarot stretched under him and yawned.

"Thanks 'Geta." Then the baka promptly fell asleep, leaving Vegeta to clean up the mess and stand guard. Which he did this time, rather than attempt to run away and face the resulting shame. There was no loss in pride in protecting the bearer of the next generation of Saiyans. After all, as Prince it was his duty to make sure his race continued.


* Review! Reviewing makes the writing happen faster!*

Gk: Why couldn't I be on top, Vegeta?

Vegeta: What are you complaining about, I did everything you wanted.

Gk: You didn't let me be on top!

Vegeta: Where are you going?

Gk: I'm gonna find the Dragon balls!

Vegeta: BAKA! Get back here!