Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Music of the Night ❯ The Concert ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Music of the Night
Chapter: 1
Subtitle: The Concert
Author: Trixie-chan
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I. Don't. Own. Simple as that.
Author's Notes: Well, sorry that it took so long for me to write more... you should see how long it took for Love in a Day! Well, this fic isn't NEARLY as popular as Love in a Day but... :'( I can live with that! It does have fans! ^-^ For me, I have only 1 week of school left! :D And GOD I want Chris!! ::sigh:: Gomen... I'm like... TOTALLY head-over-heels. Ugh... What am I going to do without him over the summer?? I'm gonna diiieee!! But I'll still write! ^-^ I'll be the dead writer. :P I guess get on with the story shouldn't I.... ^-^;; Ok! It is done!

Thanks to those who reviewed:
For the Prologue (Introductions): BULMA16, Gohan's Girl, moonsaiyanprincess, Da Bomb, Sue, BulmaAngel, Renee the Rabid Squirrel (nice name!), Mia Jones, and Mushi-azn.

For the Author's Note thingy (Ode to Pebbles): Sue, KayakQueen, caged bird, Lauren Williams, RePliKaNT, *StaR*, Vegeta'sSis13, GundamAylith, and sterlight.

Thanks again!

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Hyperventilation. It occurs when extremely happy, sad, scared, or something to the extreme. This was Bulma's state as she and her friends were on the way to the concert they had been waiting months for. Vegeta's concert at Makuhari, Chiba, their hometown.

"Bulma! Calm down!" Trixie yelled from the driver's seat to Bulma, who was seated to her right. "Chill out!"

"I CAN'T CHILL OUT!! Do you KNOW where we're GOING??" Bulma screamed, then went back to her paper bag. She was completely freaking out. Front row tickets for the concert of her life!! She didn't know if she could take the happiness, she might just explode.

"Yes, Bulma, I know where we're going, but I'm obviously not as excited as you." Bulma's head snapped in her direction, a look of sheer horror and outrage on her face. "No! Don't get me wrong! I am extremely excited! Just... obviously... not as excited as you." Trixie cringed at what she had said; she had morally offended Bulma. She was dead after the concert.

"Whatever...." Bulma growled, then pulled down the flap with the mirror on it, checking to see if everything was in place and none of her make-up was smudged. Trixie sighed. Yep, she was dead.

When Bulma pushed the flap back up, she gasped in happiness and started screaming. "WHAT??" Trixie asked.

"I CAN SEE THE CONCERT HALL!!!!!!!!!!" Bulma cried, bouncing in her seat. Trixie sweat dropped.

"Oh Bulma... you're SUCH a groupie..."


Vegeta just stared at himself in his mirror, no emotions registering in his expression, but his mind was a regular highway of emotions and thoughts, as it always was before one of his concerts.

*Twenty minutes...* he thought, still staring at himself. He was always apprehensive before a concert, always semi-worried that something would go wrong and he'd look like a complete fool. Always a bit nervous about the love song where he took the girl up on stage with him; What if he couldn't find someone that he really felt he wanted to bring up on stage? Then, the thoughts of the future: What if he could never find a woman at all? Someone to care about him, not his money. *Ugh...* Vegeta thought angrily. *I hate it when I get all damn sensitive inside...* He scowled at his reflection with a look that said, "You pussy. How dare you think all that girly shit??"

"Vegeta! What are you doing still sitting there!" Chris cried as he ran into the room. "It's 15 minutes till the concert starts! GET THE HELL READY!!!" Vegeta snapped out of his deep thoughts.

"Oh Jesus!" he cried as he shot up and ran into the closet to change into his clothes for the concert. Chris put his forehead in his right hand and shook his head.

"God, Vegeta... You really need to start paying attention and getting ready AHEAD of time..." Chris mumbled as he left Vegeta's dressing room.


They had been in there seats at least 3 hours before the concert was scheduled to start, and Bulma was still as energized as she had been when they got there. The room was filled with talking and laughing of thousands and thousands of people. The other girls up in the front were giggling and talking, obviously happy to possibly be chosen by Vegeta, but not nearly as excited as Bulma. She was sitting in her seat bouncing lightly with a huge, ridiculous smile on her face, the two friends that were with on either side of her were talking to each other over her.

"So, what should I wear on my date?" Sara, seated on Bulma's right, asked.

"Hmm... maybe that cute red tank top and the knee-length flimsy black skirt..." Trixie responded, waggling her eyebrows and making Sara giggle. "I'm sure Tom would like that, just remember to wear panties." Sara and Trixie burst out laughing in their seats, expecting Bulma to join in. But no such satisfaction came as they looked at her after wiping the tears from their eyes.

"Awww Bulma! You're no fun..." Sara said, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting. Just then, though, the lights went down and music started up. Colored lights began flashing all around the room and the cheering started up. Bulma started screaming. The stage lit up in a brilliant red and flashed between blues and yellows and greens and back to reds. Then, there came an angelic voice from off-stage, but it boomed throughout the concert hall.

"Hello Los Angeles!!" Vegeta called as he walked out onto the stage in his black leather pants and black muscle shirt with gorgeous confidence and grace. The cheers followed him along the stage, where he stopped in the middle. "I hope that everyone's feeling good tonight, because we're gonna have one hell of a night!!" More cheering, girls screaming, guys "whoomp"ing, the whole shpeel.

The music started, and so did the concert.


Throughout the first half of the concert, Vegeta wasn't really looking for anyone to go up on stage with him at the end, which wasn't his usual style. He'd usually be looking since the moment he got on stage, but this one felt different; like he knew that he didn't have to look that much, it confused him. But during the time when he wasn't looking for anyone, just paying attention to his singing, he would keep getting quick glimpses of blue in the first row, then he'd loose them again. It was an aqua blue and he wondered how he could loose it, it was blue among dark colors and in the first row! So he just suspected that his eyes were playing tricks on him.

When he finally started looking for the girl he was going to bring up on stage, the flash of blue caught his eye again, but this time he followed it. And he was amazed. She was the most beautiful girl-no, woman-he'd ever seen in his life, he nearly choked on his words. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.


Bulma saw him looking at her (of course, she never took her eyes off of him) and nearly died of happiness. She turned to her friends giggling insanely.

"He's looking at me!! You see that? He's looking at me!" she cried, turning her head back to stare at him and scream out, "I LOVE YOU, VEGETA!!!!!!" at the top of her lungs. Trixie leaned behind Bulma and motioned for Sara.

"Do you really think he's looking at her?" Trixie asked. Sara looked at Vegeta, who she had to admit, looked as though he was looking directly at Bulma, then turned back to Trixie.

"I actually think so... look for yourself." Trixie looked up to see Vegeta looking at Bulma, he glanced away quickly to look around, then looked directly back at her.

"Hmmm...." Trixie mumbled, "interesting..."

Then, finally came the time. He had just finished with his second to last song and he took a quick breather, waiting for the audience to calm down a bit. When they did, he said, "Well, the time has come! Time for me to pick the lucky lady who I'll sing to." All the girls in the concert (which would be most of the concert population) cheered wildly as bras came flying onto the stage.

Bulma was nearly dying, her fingers were crossed and over her head as she screamed frantically for Vegeta to pick her.

Vegeta held the situation out as long as possible, oh how he loved to torture them. Slowly he walked along the front of the stage, looking at all the women. He already knew who he was gonna pick, he was just dragging it out. When he passed Bulma, he made eye contact for a brief minute and smiled lightly, making Bulma's heart flutter, yet fall when she saw that he passed her. Vegeta walked to the end of the stage on the opposite side where he began, then started back, bringing Bulma's hopes soaring again. He slowly walked along the stage again, this time stopping right before Bulma, delighting in the way her face lit up. He held his hand out to her and she nearly fainted.

He pulled her up onto the stage, and everyone cheered. Her face showed that of pure joy, happiness, and life-dream-fullfillness. He pulled her to the middle of the stage and ran his finger along her jaw, smiling at her.

"Every time I see you
I can't help but stare
You're the most beautiful thing
But do you care?

Do you know the way
You make me feel?
And do you know
Of my heart that you can steal

Just one look
From your eyes
Makes me happy
That I'm alive

Why can't I take my eyes off you?
Why can't I just let go?
When you reject me
I feel so low
Give me a chaaaaance...
Let me love you

How can you know
How much I care
If you just can't
Take the dare

Don't give me up
Without letting me prove
My love for you
Let me make my move

Why can't I take my eyes off you?
Why can't I just let go?
When you reject me
I feel so low
Give me a chaaaaance...
Let me love you

Love fills us up
Love gives up hope
I'm in love with you
But can you cope?

Every time I see you
I can't help but stare
You're the most beautiful thing
But do you care?

Why can't I take my eyes off you
Why can't I just let go?
When you reject me
I feel so low
Give me a chaaaaance...

Just one look
From your eyes
Makes me happy
I'm alive!!

Why can't I take my eyes off you
Why can't I just let go?
When you reject me
I feel so low
Give me a chaaaaance...
Let me love you

Give me a chance
Let me love you..."

The crowd burst into applause and cheers while Bulma nearly burst into tears. She would definitely give him a chance.... she would let him love her.... Then came the unexpected.

Vegeta leaned in and kissed her lightly, yet almost passionately, on the lips, then leaned into her ear and whispered, "Meet me backstage."


Well? Long enough? Yay! ^-^ I'm sorry that the song kinda sucks... As much as I wish it weren't true, I'm not that good of a songwriter. That's why I'm most likely not gonna be a singer/songwriter, just a singer. >) Pah! I wish. Well, tell me what you think of the chapter, I hope you like it! And again, I'm so sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out! Finals are this week, so that means the end of the school year is right around the corner (this coming Friday, to be exact)! And no more school means more time to write! ^-^ YAAAAY!! ::ahem:: Well, R&R! Ja.

- Trixie-chan