Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Music of the Night ❯ The Date ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Music of the Night
Chapter: 3
Subtitle: The Date
Author: Trixie-chan
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I type this on an awesome, KICK ASS new computer, but it's nowhere NEAR as good as it would be if I owned DBZ. Which I don't. Nor do I own Daybreak by Ayumi Hamasaki, or Ayumi herself. ^_^;;
Author's Note: I'm SOOO sorry that it took me so long! That is partly due to the fact that I didn't even finish the last chapter of Love in a Day in like, a month and a half after the last chapter was out… And the only reason that I'm typing this right now is because the cable is down and I'm tired of playing single player Diablo II.... u.u;; I'm sorry! I'm such a horrible author! >.< I don't deserve your kindness and reviews! ::gets down on knees:: Please forgive me? ::sniffle:: I promise I'll be good! Well, I guess you guys don't want to see me grovel anymore, you want to read the story. :P Then your wish is my command! ^_^ On with the story!

Thanks to those who reviewed:
Chapter 2 (Backstage): moonsaiyanprincess, Blurred Visions, Ren-chan, Kitten, Da Bomb, Anya1, Ashley, Dragongirl96, Venus, Renee the Rabid Squirrel (Geez, I just CAN'T get over that name!!), LadyMaeAn, DBZ chick, RePliKaNT, Sue, BulmaAngel, ScSa, Bulma angel, Ryo-ohky, and marcie.

Thanks again! And just because I'm a perverted sicko, I have to say.... YES!!! I HAD EXACTLY 69 REVIEWS!!!! ::ahem:: I'm so sick... ^_^;;

NOTE: I am changing the setting of this story to Los Angeles, California. Parts of this chapter wouldn't be right if it took place in Japan. Plus... I don't know.... :P DON'T ASK!! ^_^;; I have gone back through all the chapters (the whole 3 other chapters... woopie... ^_^;; ) and corrected it. You can check to make sure, but you CERTAINLY don't have to. ^_^

To join my Mailing List, send a blank e-mail to TChanFanFictionUpdateList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.


Bulma giddily brushed her hair in slow, yet somehow quick strokes. She was giggling constantly with a silly grin on her face. Then she heard her buzzer.

She squealed in happiness and jolted for the door of her large penthouse apartment and slammed her finger on the button to her communicator.

"Yes??" she cried into the machine.

"BULMA??" came the high-pitched voice that barely contained its excitement on the other end.

"Trixie!! Come on up!!" Bulma yelled back and pushed the button that buzzed her in. It wasn't long before the heard the frantic scrambling of footsteps down the hall toward her apartment, then the loud, fast knocking on her door. Bulma squealed and flung the door open, Trixie launching herself into Bulma's arms. They both jumped around screaming and giggling. They finally had to stop when the neighbors started yelling at them.

Bulma shut her door, laughing and walked to the living room, plopping down on the couch. "So where's Sara?"

Trixie landed next to her and put her feet up on the coffee table. "She said that she would meet us there. She also said she had a surprise for us." Bulma rolled her eyes.

"I can only imagine..." Bulma sighed and laid her head back on the large, leather piece of furniture. She picked up a remote on the arm of the couch, aimed it at the stereo and pushed a button.

Konna jidai no sei ni shite
Kao wo nakushite mama
Zutto umareta kitta koto ni
Sugaritsuki ikiteta

"God I love this song..." Trixie sighed as her feet started tapping to the beat of Daybreak by Ayumi Hamasaki. Bulma just nodded in agreement, mouthing along the words along with her friend.

Saa ima koso tomo ni tachiagarou yo
Kimi ha kimi wo kachitoru 'n da

Donna ni tooku hanarete ite mo
Bokura ha onaji sora no shita de
Itsuka no ano hi yume mite basho he to
Tabi shite iro doushi datte koto wo

Honking interrupted the song and Bulma hopped up to run to the window. She looked down to the street, and gasped happily when she saw a long, black limo with Vegeta getting out and walking up to the main doors of her apartment complex. She screamed and ran to her couch, quickly grabbing the remote and shutting off the music.

"Hey!" Trixie cried. She hadn't even noticed Bulma jumping up, the screaming, the honking, nothing. She was way too involved listening to her favorite Japanese artist. "What was that fo-" She was abruptly cut off as Bulma grabbed her arm and dragged her to the bathroom, tossing her in front of the mirror.

"They are HERE!!" she cried, checking herself out in the mirror. "Make sure everything looks fine." Then Bulma's buzzer rang. "I'll be right back, you... yea, make sure all your make-up's in place." She ran to the door as Trixie frantically attacked her purse with her make-up and began to redo it all.

Bulma composed herself before pushing the intercom button and calmly stated into the speaker, "Yes?"

"Hey you," replied Vegeta's deep, sexy voice. She could tell he had a smirk on his face just by the way he said it and she nearly melted. "You coming down?" Bulma giggled and sighed dreamily, honestly hoping Vegeta hadn't heard it.

"Yea, Trix and I just gotta adjust our make-up."

"Fine with me. Don't take to long, babe."

"We won't...." Bulma sighed into the speaker as she slid down to the floor. "Oh God...." She then jumped up quickly and ran to the bathroom to do the same thing Trixie was.


Bulma and Trixie walked through the apartment complex's doors giggling and trying to compose themselves as they saw they're men waiting by the doors of the limo talking patiently. Vegeta looked up and nearly choked. Bulma was dressed in a very flattering baby blue gown that sparkled in the dimming sunlight, it was very low-cut and came down to her ankles with one slit up her right leg to above mid-thigh. She had a shawl around her shoulders and high heels that matched her dress. Her hair was done up in a messy bun full of curls, a couple coming down to frame her face. She smiled at him with dark red lips and lightly fluttered her eyelashes at him.

*He does NOT look bad with a tuxedo.... Damn....* she thought, admiring Vegeta's lean body in the black tuxedo he wore.

Chris, on the other hand, was admiring Trixie. She was wearing a black cheongsam with dark red Chinese designs on it. It clipped half way up her neck with an elegant Chinese cloth-clip, and had a tear shaped open area down the middle, very low-cut as well and accented her every curve. Her dress also came down to her ankles and had slits up a little higher than mid-thigh, connecting with the cloth-clip on both sides. Her hair was up in an elegant bun with chop sticks through the middle of it, while a think strand of her straight, brown hair streaked with blonde came down on either side of her face, creating a picture perfect scene. She smiled at Chris, then lowered her head, trying to hide her blush.

*God he looks hot in that tuxedo...* she thought, the blush brightening on her face.

Vegeta walked silently up to Bulma with a light smirk on his face, took her hand and kissed it gently. Both Bulma and Trixie tried to restrain themselves from squealing with delight at the romantic gesture. Then Chris walked up and did the same thing to Trixie. The girls looked at each other, barely contained smiles on their faces and slight tears in they're eyes, then they both let out a giggle that couldn't be suppressed. The men looked up at them and smiled, then led them into the limo.

The girls sat in the middle and talked quietly as the men got in next to them. "So," Vegeta started as the limo took off, "wasn't there supposed to be another friend of yours?"

"Oh, she's gonna meet us there," Bulma stated as she looked into his eyes, blushed and looked away again, causing Vegeta to smirk at her cuteness (that's right, Vegeta thinks she's cute, if you can't tell, he's totally OOC).

They made idle chitchat all the way to the restaurant, no subject in particular, but the girls were still very nervous. Who wouldn't be in their situation?

Once they arrived at their destination, the waiters were immediately at their door, opening it for them to get out. "Hello Mr. Vegeta, Mr. Good, how are you and the lovely ladies doing this fine evening?" asked one of the waiters, and giant smile plastered on his face.

Bulma smiled at him. "We're doing fine." They walked down the red carpet to the doors of the restaurant (hey, it's fancy, it's mainly for stars), and made their way inside. Another waiter was waiting for them once they were inside.

"Would you like me to seat you now?" she asked with a pleasant smile.

"Actually," Bulma turned to Vegeta, "do you think we could wait for Sara?" Vegeta smiled.

"Sure thing," he said as he put his arm around Bulma's shoulder. The waiter nodded and seated the next person walking in.

"I'll bring you to your table Mr. Damon." Bulma stared after the Dogma™ (<-- yea... ^_^) star in disbelief.

"Oh cool!" both her and Trixie giggled. Vegeta just smiled. *Wait till she meets my friends,* he thought with a smirk. Suddenly, a loud crashing was heard from the entrance.

"Hey!! I have a fricken RESERVATION, dick head!!" a girl screamed. "Get out of my damn way! I will kick you where it hurts if you don't get out of my WAY!!!" Another crash. Bulma and Trixie sighed.

"Sara...." they both moaned in unison. Then a very flustered Sara came around the corner; eyes closed, eyebrows forked, and hair a bit mussed. She was wearing a long, sparkly, silver dress with a low-cut V-neck and slits up the right side to her mid-thigh. She blew a strand of hair out of her face, looked up, and gave the group a carefree smile with happy closed eyes.

They sweat dropped.

"Hi Sara..." Trixie laughed nervously. Sara ran up to her and jumped into her surprised arms. "Jeez Sara!!" she cried, pushing Sara off her, who only laughed. Then a strange, unknown, Asian man came around the corner. Sara squealed and jumped into his arms.

"Uh..." Bulma started, "Sara, who's this?"

"Oh! This is my date!" she giggled. Bulma and Trixie looked at each other.

"What happened to Tom?" Trixie asked. Sara waved her hand.

"He's old news. He was getting clingy and annoying." She stuck out her tongue. "This is my new boyfriend!"

"What's his name?" Sara shrugged.

"I honestly don't know, but I call him Pooky. I found him on the street and took him home with me." She pulled down imaginary glasses and waggled her eyebrows. Bulma sighed; Trixie raised an eyebrow. "He doesn't speak any English. It's the perfect relationship," she explained, hugging his waist.

"Yes!" 'Pooky' said, nodding his head erratically. Sara giggled and pinched his cheek. Trixie walked up to him and looked him carefully in the eyes.

"Hello, what is your name?" she asked slowly.

"Yes!" he said, nodding his head. Trixie sweat-dropped, turned around and shrugged.

"Sara, you're honestly sad," Bulma said, her face in her hand, shaking it slowly.

"Shiranai dare kochira, demo, kanojo umai neko*1," Pooky said with a smile. Sara giggled happily.

"Isn't he ADORABLE!?" she cried, hugging him so tight he almost turned purple.

Vegeta leaned into to Bulma's ear and whispered, "I think maybe we should be seated now that your friend is here." Bulma held back her dreamy sigh as she nodded and cleared her throat. Everyone else looked up at her, Sara still hopelessly attached to her 'Pooky'.

"I think it's time we sit and order," she stated with a smile. Instantly a waiter appeared before them with the usual giant smile that everyone working there had been giving them and everyone else.

"Would you like to be seated now?" he asked cheerfully. Bulma was a bit stunned at how quickly the sneaky waiter had just appeared in front of them. *Do they eavesdrop here or something??* she thought with a raised eyebrow and her mouth slightly open. Chris only smiled at the waiter.

"Yes, we would." The waiter informed them to follow him as the entire group went up two levels on the escalators (that's right, they have ESCALATORS, told you they're ritzy!), then walked back to a secluded area of ritzy restaurant. The girls gawked at the romantic setting of the large room with only a few tables, a couple of which were being used by kissy-faced, star couples. He led them to a giant, cushioned, 'C'-shaped booth in the corner of the room, which was located right next to large glass doors leading to a beautiful balcony. Bulma and Trixie sighed at the elegant surroundings; Sara was too busy groping her date.

(This view is when you're looking at the table.) Trixie and Chris scooted in the middle, Sara and Pooky in the right side, and Bulma and Vegeta on the left. The waiter smiled again at them and handed them all the menus. Bulma just gazed at it. *There's so many wonderful selections... which do I choose?* she thought, reading over everything. The waiter just waited patiently by their table, prepared at any moment for their order, something Bulma definitely wasn't used to.

After a while of looking at the menus, Vegeta piped up. "So, is everyone ready to order?" Bulma smiled at him, blushing as he smiled back, and nodded. Everyone else nodded as well and Vegeta began with his order. "I'll just have my usual, Jerry." Bulma raised her eyebrows. *So, his name is Jerry...* she thought with a smile.

"Three T-bone steaks it is," Jerry said, smirking and writing it down on his little notepad.

"Well, 'Jerry,'" she said, looking at him happily, "I think that I'll have the lobster."

"Sure thing Ms. Briefs." Scribble scribble scribble. He then turned to Trixie. "And you Ms. Chan?"

"I'll have the..." she thought for a second, "... the filet mignon. Never had it before, it sounded really good."

Scribble scribble scribble. "Mr. Good?"

"I'll have the crab."

Scribble scribble scribble. "And..." he looked at Sara's date, "I don't believe I caught your name..."

"Yes!" Pooky cried, nodding his head. Jerry just looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Sara pinched his cheek giggling.

"Pooky would like yakizakana*2, chirashizushi*3, and nabeyaki udon*4 (keep in mind, all of these Japanese dishes are tiny... ^_^). And I will have sumashijiru*5 with okonomiyaki*6, and mushi awabi*7."

"Sara," Trixie asked cautiously, "do you even know what you ordered...?"

"Nope!" Sara smiled. "But that's half the fun!" Trixie sweat dropped.

"Um, alrighty then Ms. Bubblecup... Are you SURE you don't want me to call you by your REAL last name?" Sara waved the idea away with her hand.

"Don't bother. You wouldn't get it right so there's really no point. Plus, I've always wanted a waiter to call me Ms. Bubblecup, isn't that right Pooky!" she cried, pinching his cheek yet again and earning a little squeak from him. "Eek! Isn't he PRECIOUS!!!" She burst into a fit of giggles and cuddled up to him, confusion written all over his face.

"Ooookay then... And what would you all like to drink?"

"Bring us your best champagne," Vegeta said, looking at Bulma, who was blushing.

"Ah, you guys can have the champagne," Sara chimed in, pronouncing it "sham-pahg-nae". "Pooky and I will have ocha and sake*8."

"Okay folks! Your food and drinks will be here soon!" And with that, Jerry was gone.

"Gotta love their Japanese cuisine part of the menu," Sara sighed.


Bulma sighed and leaned back against the comfortable cushions, hand on her stomach. "Oh goodness I can't eat anymore..." she choked out. Vegeta just looked down at her half finished lobster, then back to his completely empty plate, except for a few splatters of barbecue sauce.

"No wonder you're so thin," he chuckled. He reached for the rest of her lobster and looked her in the eyes. "You mind?" Bulma laughed.

"Go ahead... I won't finish it." Vegeta smirked and grabbed the lobster, pretty much inhaling it and licking his fingers. Bulma just laughed at him. Considering his star stature, he was a very normal person (despite all the fancy restaurants and big house). They had done some talking over dinner and she had found out things about him she never knew possible. She already knew that the saying, "Even celebrities are normal people," was true, but she had no idea HOW true it was. "So..." Bulma sighed. "What do you want to do now?" Vegeta looked at the rest of the table, then back to her and smirked.

"Why don't you come out with me to the balcony?" he asked, running his finger down her arm and causing her to shiver. She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment.

"Umm... what about the rest of them...?" she asked back, a bit dreamy from the lazy arm rubbing. Vegeta nodded his head at the rest of the table.

"Look for yourself, I don't think they'll miss us," he chuckled. Bulma looked over and stifled a gasp. Trixie and Chris were making small talk and gazing dreamily into each other's eyes. Sara was furiously making out with Pooky, both stone drunk, with her hands all up in places they shouldn't be in public. Bulma sweat dropped at that, and then turned back to Vegeta, laughing a bit.

"No, I don't think they'll notice." He stood up and held out his hand to her, which she gladly accepted. He led her out to the balcony and she looked out over it with her mouth open, marveling at the beauty of the scene. Sure, they were only 3 levels up, but the view was gorgeous. Trees surrounded the area, and down the long hill was the city, the lights of Los Angeles shining like the sun in the dark night. She looked up to see the sparkling stars, sighing at their beauty. She rarely got to see them, living in the city. All the lights really blocked out any sort of star. Vegeta chuckled a bit.

"I take it you like it?" Bulma looked at him happily.

"Oh, I love it!" she cried, hugging him. She quickly pulled back and cleared her throat, stuttering the whole time. "I... I... I'm so sorry.... I didn't..... Uh...." she was at a complete loss for words and was a bit embarrassed at what she had done. Vegeta only smirked and leaned in, giving her a light kiss on the lips, and taking Bulma by surprise. Slowly she closed her eyes and contributed to the kiss, making it deeper and sliding her arms up around his neck while his wound around her waist, pulling her even closer to him.


"So, where should we drop you ladies off at?" Chris asked, a smile on his face while still looking deeply into Trixie's eyes.

"Pooky's coming home with me!!!" Sara chimed in, raising her hand and jumping up and down. Trixie just laughed at this.

"Um, I wouldn't mind coming home with you......" she blushing, looking down to the floor and drawing lazy circles on Chris's chest with her finger. He smirked.

"I wouldn't mind that either," he answered, kissing her forehead. "What about you, Bulma?" She blushed deeply.

"Uh, I think I'll be going to Vegeta's...." she mumbled quietly, Vegeta squeezing her shoulders a bit for comfort. Chris winked.

"Cool. Should we get going?" The girls nodded. Sara was already out the door to her own car, dragging Pooky behind her who was frantically screaming, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

*Hmm....* Bulma thought. *Maybe he does understand English.....* She giggled at that mental comment and cuddled closer to Vegeta as they exited the restaurant.


Lotta words to define... thanks Sara... ^_^;;

1) "I don't know who this person is, but she's great in bed."
2) Broiled fish
3) Vinegared rice with egg and seafood topping
4) Noodles with fish cakes and vegetables
5) A soup
6) Meat/vegetable omelet
7) Steamed abalone
8) Alcohalic drinks (OF course....)

So? Whacha think? It's longer than usual because I feel really bad that I took so long (I knew it was going to be a long chapter anyway). ^_^ Sorry that I cut some things short, like the balcony scene, I really didn't' know what to have go on there other than kissing and small talk, and I'm not good at writing small talk.... u.u;; Anyway, let me know what you think of this chapter, it's mainly a comedy.... ;) What can I say, I felt like being funny, and I was laughing, so I hope all of you were laughing. :P Well, READ AND REVIEW PLEASE!! ^_^ I love you ALL and expect quicker chapters! ;)

Little Pole: I want to know what you people think. Should I make my Mailing List e-mail a smidgen shorter...? ^_^;; Let me know! E-mail me or put it in your review!

- Trixie-chan