Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Music of the Night ❯ Couch Nap ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Music of the Night
Chapter: 4
Subtitle: Couch Nap (? Didn't know what else to name it...)
Author: Trixie-chan
Genre: Romance/Humor
Rating: PG (Sorry! No lemon yet! I'm confused that I barely swore in this chapter though... ^_^)
Disclaimer: Once again, I will shout it from the mountaintops! I DON'T OWN DBZ!
Author's Note: Hi everyone! Sorry so late, but it's only been a month...! ::nervous laughter:: But here's a little note: Don't worry, people. This IS a B/V romance and will remain that way, from now on there will be very little Chris/Trixie and Sara/Hot Asian Guy Sub Named 'Pooky' romance and them in general (meaning they won't be in the story that much anymore). I have realized that I don't want to be obsessed with someone like this, and I am tearing myself apart, and I'm just being pathetic. ^_^;; I don't want to be pathetic in so many areas, so I am removing one of them. I have even taken all my memorial shtuff off my wall. That just shows you my level of patheticness and sanity.... u.u;; Anyway, on with the chapter that you have patiently waited for! Well, at least I THINK you're waiting patiently... God knows you could all be partaking in an organized riot to chain me to Word and force me to write. ^_^ Well, read on!

Thanks to all those who reviewed!
Chapter 3 (The Date): Frootie (who is 'Sara' in this story, the person IS her... scary, isn't it?), Venus, Nemo-Diesel, Renee the Rabid Squirrel, Mushi-azn, moonsaiyanprincess, Sue, Kayla, Ashley, DBZ chick, Daff Li, Tish-chan and Trunks Gal.

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Bulma stepped out of the limo and gazed at the house with a smile. It didn't surprise her that he had such a big house, and she wasn't gawking at it because her parents lived in a house about that size. She just moved out because she was tired of living with them, and it felt kinda sad to still be living with your parents past 18, unless you had severe money problems, which she did not. But she still could not wait to see what it looked like.

Vegeta smiled at her. "Like it?"

"Yea, it's very amazing. Bigger than my parents' house," she replied.

"Who are your parents? Your last name did sound rather familiar..." he asked, leading her into the house. Bulma blushed and looked down to the ground.

"Well..." she mumbled. "You've been unknowingly going out with a well-known person's daughter..." Vegeta looked at her with surprise. "My father is Dr. Briefs, the owner of Capsule Corporation..." She looked almost ashamed of it.

"Wow, really? No wonder you're so smart!" he smiled, relishing in the small blush that crept up to her cheeks.

"I guess so..." she sighed. Vegeta noticed the downcast look she had on her face as they walked into his house. He brought her to the living room and sat her down on the couch, taking a seat next to her.

"What's the matter?" Bulma sighed.

"It's nothing..."

"Well obviously it IS something if you're sulking when you should be happy. You've been invited to the house of your favorite singer!" he cried, a grin on his face. She laughed lightly at his joke; she could tell that he wasn't just proclaiming himself the main focus in her life (which he was, but he wasn't stuck up).

She sighed. "It's just that most people start to only focus on my parents, the business, anything but me. Not that I crave attention, but they tend to ask more questions about my father and the company than about me. It just kind of gets a bit nerve wracking after a while..." Vegeta brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face and looked her directly in the eyes, compassion written all over his features.

"Trust me," he whispered, "I am MUCH more interested in you than in your father or the company." No fault. Complete truth. Bulma smiled, slight tears in her eyes. She slowly leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. The light kiss soon escalated into a heated kiss, Vegeta wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, and Bulma's arms around his neck. Vegeta lightly laid her back on the couch, still locked in each other's embrace.

~*~*~*~*~*~ (Oooh! I know!)

"Trixie!" Her head turned to see Bulma running to her, an arm waving in the air and a bright smile on her face. Trixie smirked lightly, a wistful look on her face.

"Hey Bulma!" she called back, stopping her stride to wait for her friend to bolt up to her. "How are you?" Bulma stopped to breath heavily, having seen Trixie from a while away and having to run to keep up with her; that and having to dodge in between and weave around people on the sidewalk. She had some questions for Trixie that she was anxious to ask.

"Hey... Trixie..." she gasped, trying to regain her breath. Finally she took one deep breath and let it out slowly, standing up straight and smiling brightly at her. "Where you going?" Trixie blushed a bit.

"Um..." she mumbled, "the gym..." Bulma cocked her head to the side.

"The gym? But... why?"

"What? I can't just go to the gym now-a-days?" Trixie retorted defensively.

"Whoa whoa! Calm down!" Bulma said, holding her hands up in defense. "It's just that... you've never showed interest in going to the gym before..." Bulma thought for a second.

"Wait a minute... does this have anything to do with the face that you went to Chris's house last night...?" She gave her a wink and a nudge, smirking. Trixie frowned at her and told her to shut up, causing Bulma to laugh.

"So did you guys... uh...?" Bulma asked timidly, raising her eyebrows during the "uh". Trixie looked at her for a moment, then turned her head down to the sidewalk. Bulma gasped. "You didn't!"

"I-well, WE-did..." Trixie mumbled, a smile twitching at the side of her mouth. Bulma smacked her on the arm.

"But you barely knew him!"

"Hey! I know him plenty!" Trixie retorted defensively. "It's not like we got to his house and started tearing each other's clothes off! We talked for hours, and kisses led to... "other things"... And besides, what about YOU? You stayed at Vegeta's last night as well. What happened there?" Bulma blushed.

"Nothing happened. We fell asleep together on the couch." She smiled happily and giggled at the sweet memory of waking up next to him on his rather large couch with a slight backache, but nothing she couldn't handle or forget in place of the idea of waking up next to him.

"Oh," Trixie said and shrugged. "You're loss." Bulma smacked her on the arm and they both laughed.


Ugh, I know... a short ass chapter for such a long time. Trust me, I opened it up practically every day, I just... usually... didn't DO anything with it. ^_^;; I'm sorry for taking so long! My word prolly doesn't mean jack at the moment, but I'll really try to get them out faster! I start school in about a day (Tuesday), and I seem to write more often when in school. Cuz I get bored and I write. ^_^ Yay! But, I thank you all for your INFINITE patience with my ignorance, stupidity and procrastination. :) It is GREATLY appreciated. I hope none of you loose interest because of my lack of consistency in writing. Wow, lots of big words. XD So proud. Well, anyway, I will try harder, really I will! I just don't know what will happen next in the story. >.< Prolly the conflict sometime soon. :P I hope you all review! ^_^;; Ja.

- Trixie-chan