Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Pain in the ... ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Words written between the asterisks (*...*) will denote someone's internal dialogue. Words written in italics and between forward slashed (/.../) will be dialogue and exposition that is in flashbacks.

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 10
Pain in the....

Four days. They had been captive for four days.

At least by the count of meals, it appeared to be four days. There weren’t any windows, and in space, time was all relative anyway.

Goku stretched his arms above his head, pulling the knots that had formed in his shoulders. This last time was strangely efficient, and Goku didn’t like the idea of becoming ‘used to’ it. It was difficult to think of anything other than the task at hand while it was in progress, but he had almost mastered clearing his mind altogether. Maybe it would be impossible to completely clear his thoughts. It wasn’t as if the rhythmic rocking of the mattress was for the purpose of lulling him to sleep. But, this time it was over sooner and less uncomfortable. There was also the obvious absence of vomit and tears. It seemed the initial trauma and discomfort was replaced by non-resistance and the heavy weight of hopelessness.

Goku turned his eyes from the ceiling to Vegeta, who paced back and forth across the room. His arms were folded across his chest and his head down turned, watching his own feet as they took each step.

“What are you thinking about?” Goku asked him quietly. Vegeta didn’t break his stride. He wanted to snap back that Kakkarot reminded him of the woman with such a post coital interrogative, but found he really had no desire to hurt his feelings.

Damn it.

“I am thinking about how it feels in battle when you punch all of the breath out of someone.” he replied. Goku pondered that for a moment. That was a nice thing to think about. A really solid, well landed punch to the gut.

“Hmm.” he responded. “What else?”

“....That’s really it...” Vegeta answered simply. Goku shrugged. He thought for a moment before stating wistfully:

“We haven’t sparred in a really long time....”

Vegeta misstepped.

“Um...no...” he agreed.

“I mean, like.....seven days or something like that.....Canyabelieveit?”

Vegeta narrowed his eyes and turned to the third class. Goku was looking back with wide eyes, his unruly black hair still damp around his forehead.

*How can he still look at me like that?* Vegeta asked himself. *How can he still have so much.....light....* Goku had begun to frown slightly as he waited for the Price to reply. *Because he hasn’t suffered years yet, fool, that’s why....but I could swear that our own light was already dead by this time....*

“Vegeta...” Goku spoke uneasily.

“No, Kakkarot, I can’t believe it.” Vegeta replied quickly, falling back into his pacing. “Seven days, you say...”

“Yeah...” Goku folded his arms and pillowed his head against them. “When I get back home, the first thing I want to do is spar -No! I want to eat. I want Chi to cook me a huge dinner! Steak and fish and lobster with butter sauce. And lots of rice. And homemade chocolate cake.”

Vegeta had stopped pacing and was again openly staring at the other Saiyan.

“Or maybe pie....I love cherry pie with vanilla ice cream....”

Vegeta’s voice sounded unusually quiet to Goku when he spoke.

“How can you think about such things?” he asked. “Let alone talk about them?”

Goku only sighed but didn’t turn to his companion.

“Because I’m done dwelling on the alternative, Vegeta. I may have to do it, but I don’t have to relive it again and again in my mind.”

My Kami, that sounded so simple.

Vegeta made a huffing noise and soon his footfalls echoed softly in the room.

Not thinking about it. Now there was a novel idea. And one much easier said than done.

The door to their room slid open, causing Vegeta to jump back several feet. No one usually bothered them so late in the evening.

Daikkon bowed quickly.

“I’m very sorry to disturb you, my lord.” he spoke quickly.

“What the Hell do you want!” Vegeta demanded. It did not escape his notice that the young Saiyan appeared uneasy about something. Vegeta moved casually to the side to block Goku from Daikkon’s eye line. Goku certainly wasn’t in any indecent state, but for someone else to be looking at him right now just seemed.....wrong. He deserved better treatment than that.

“Forgive me. Your children wanted to say good night.”

Goku moved swiftly to settle at the table where Daikkon was setting up the data pad. Vegeta stood beside him.

The screen snapped to life and was again centered on Goku’s teenaged son.

Goku gave a happy exhale of breath upon seeing him.

“Hey, kiddo!” he spoke with a wide smile. “How are you?”

“I’m good, dad.” he replied, nodding. “Good. You?”

“Uh..fine!” Goku told him, bringing a hand to the back of his head. “I mean, I’ve been better..not kidnapped and all.”

Goten continued to nod.


“Where is Bulla!” Vegeta barked. The image of Goten turned to look behind himself.

“Bulla, it’s your dad! Wake-up!” he spoke.

“But I’m so sleepy!!” came her whiny reply, but her pouty, sleepy face joined him on screen. “Hi papa.” she greeted, rubbing her eye with a fist.

Vegeta felt his heart lurch in his chest. He wanted to grab her and hold her tight and then fly her back to safety. But, he couldn’t even touch her, much less protect her.

“Um...see how cute Bulla’s hair looks, Uncle Vegeta?” Goten piped up, tugging on one of the child's blue pony tails. Both Vegeta and Goku seemed a bit stunned by such a random, non sequitur, comment.

Goku turned to the prince.

“He’s been indoors too long.” he explained.

“No dad!” Goten insisted. “I worked really hard.”

Bulla seemed to perk up a bit when the topic rounded to her.

“Yeah, papa! Goten did my hair! We didn’t have any bands, so he used strips of cloth from the bed sheets!” she announced happily. The statement only made Vegeta fume that those would be the communal bed sheets.

“Yeah..look” Goten turned Bulla around so they could see the back. Her hair was parted haphazardly up the back of her skull, her cerulean locks fastened in crude little bows.

“Um....” Goku tried to smile but the action only pulled his mouth into a mortified line. “That’s great...son...”

“What the devil are you talking about!” Vegeta snapped.

Goten’s voice was more forceful this time.

Really, Uncle Vegeta, don’t you think I did a great job?”

Vegeta was about to spit out another irritated remark, but he stopped, his features softening. He was quiet long enough for Goku to turn to him.


“Yes,” Vegeta replied, suddenly. “Yes, Goten. You’ve done an excellent job.”

“I really should return the vids now.” Daikkon interrupted.

“Good night, dad, Vegeta.” Goten spoke, Bulla happily adding.

“Yeah! Good night, papa. Uncle Goku.”

“Good night, kids.” Goku replied, sad that the conversation didn’t last very long. Vegeta only nodded.

Daikkon snapped the screen closed and turned to the two.

“I hope that has given you some highlight to your day?” he asked. Goku gave an amused snort.

“Well, no offense Daikkon, but just about anything could at this point.”

“Yes,” Vegeta interrupted. “Good night and....thank you.”

Daikkon nodded and gave a small bow.

“Thank you, sire. Your words humble me as Saiyans are known to be a creature of few words.”

Vegeta nodded in reply. Goku raised an eye brow.

*What are they talking about.....*

Goku watched as Daikkon exited the room and Vegeta returned to his pacing. He drummed his fingers on the table, his mind trying to make sense out of the last few minutes. Hell, he would love to make sense out of the last few days.

“You know, Vegeta.” he mused. “I think I was wrong. The first thing I want to do when I get home is take a shower.”

Vegeta turned quickly on his heel and looked down at Goku.

“Kakkarot,” he whispered. “Do you trust me?”

Goku was taken aback by his question.

“Of..of course, Vegeta.”


The Saiyan prince stalked over to the bed and motioned to him with his hand.


Goku stood and cautiously moved to stand in front of the shorter man.

“Turn around.”

Goku starred down at him for a moment as if he couldn’t have possibly heard him right. His suspicions were quashed, however, when Vegeta took his arm and turned him to face away. Goku swallowed hard.

Vegeta’s hand came to rest on his shoulder and firmly guided the younger Saiyan to his knees.

Goku’s heart began to thump heavy in his chest as both of Vegeta’s hands rested on either side of his throat. Goku closed his eyes as he heard the other speak quietly.

“Remember that you trust me....but I can’t promise I won’t hurt you....”


Daikkon moved swiftly down the corridors of the ship. Yes, the King had understood the message. He was the son of the great one, that was sure. He smiled to himself in grim satisfaction. He had wished there was someway to have gotten the message to them sooner, but as their chamber was not only being observed, but their conversations bugged as well. He had done what he could to aid them, the rest was up to King Vegeta now.

The hall had become suddenly blocked by two of his fellow Saiyans.

“Let me pass.” Daikkon demanded, glaring up at them. He was short for a Saiyan, somewhere in height between the King and Kakkarot. But although he wasn’t fond of Horenz’s type of ‘combat’, he could hold his own with this unruly bunch.

“Bowing and scraping before the kid-king, Daikkon.” one of the men addressed him.

“I said, let me pass.” Daikkon reiterated. “Now stand aside.”

“We would, but there is someone waiting to speak with you.”

Daikkon narrowed his eyes, but his confidence wavered when the two stepped away to reveal general Horenz.

“What have we here...” he inquired, eyeing Daikkon. “Been checking on our nesting couple, have we?”

Daikkon held his head up, defiantly.

“They are complying with our side of the arrangement, General. I thought it only fitting to see that we our honoring ours as well.”

“So late at night when little human children should be in bed?” Horenz asked incredulously. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you were working against us Daikkon. I mean....” his eyes darkened and his mouth drew into a sneer as he continued. “It does run in your blood, doesn’t it?”

Daikkon scowled.

“Or are you just trying to correct a mistake?” Horenz continued. “How would your precious King feel if he knew it was your blood that has placed him in this predicament?”

“That is a lie!” the younger Saiyan shouted.

The general made a clicking sound with his tongue that sounded like an admonishment.

“You’re right. We would have bred him with the third class as well, just in case. Guards! Take this traitor to a comfortable room.”

“You are the traitor, Horenz! King Vegeta will be the only true monarch to our people while he lives!”

A smile stretched across the general's face.

“You see, my young fool, that should be remedied as soon as possible.”

Daikkon barely had time to react before he was caught in an attack. As he punched and kicked at the guards that came at him, he saw peripherally the general walking in the direction he had just come from. If anything happened to the king or the princess because of something he had done, he didn’t know what he would do...


Goku squeezed his eyes tighter, feeling Vegeta’s hands on his neck. They roamed over the taut, trembling flesh for a moment before one slid to the back of his skull, forcing him to tilt his head forward. He could feel Vegeta crouch down behind him, the prince’s face now awfully close to his neck.

Vegeta’s breath tickled over his skin, his breathing seeming shallow and quick as his fingers worked over the small territory between his shoulders.

Goku wanted to speak, but he didn’t know what to say. This was highly unusual, of that he was sure.

“Hmmm...” Vegeta’s fingers paused in their ministrations a moment, instead pressing into his skin, pinching it between his fingers. Goku wasn’t sure, but he thought he heard a soft chuckling from behind him.

The door opening interrupted them.

Vegeta didn’t move from his place behind Goku, but he stood.

“Isn’t this cozy...” Horenz’s voiced oozed with malicious sarcasm and he walked into the room, coming to a stop within ten feet of the pair. “Enjoying playing the dominant, eh, your highness?”

Vegeta sneered.

“Count your days, you bastard. They are numbered.”

“Really? And who is going to stop us?” he laughed, regarding the scene in front of him. “Or our you relying on your instinctual protection of your little mate.” Vegeta laughed back, but his held the maniacal tone of a man too high on his own power. It raised the hairs on Goku’s skin.

“Never underestimate little Kakkarot,” Vegeta snapped out. “You’ll find it humbling.”

In one swift movement, Vegeta dropped back down behind the third class and sank his teen into the tender lump of flesh at the summit of his spine. Horenz took a confused half step away from Vegeta’s madness as Goku’s pained howl split through the air.

Goku spine convulsed from the intense agony that shot through him. His back arched, bowing him away from Vegeta, who still clung to him despite Goku’s insistent pull away. Just when Goku thought he couldn’t take the pain anymore, Vegeta snapped his head back, taking with him a bit of Goku’s flesh.

Vegeta jumped back up, spitting the mouthful of blood into Horenz’s eyes.

“Go, Kakkarot!”

Goku’s hands slapped the floor as he fell forward. He had very little time to wallow in the pain he was feeling as it was instantly replaced by an incredible rush of heat.

A rush of Ki.

Horenz had turned to give chase after Vegeta who had made a straight shot past him for the door, but he stopped short upon hearing the snapping of energy, feeling the thickening of the air.

He turned slowly to gaze upon the warrior before him, bathed in the golden light.

Goku narrowed his turquoise eyes at the general.

“We need to talk...”


A/N: Well..hope this is interesting to everyone. Again, I don't have a beta-reader so I hope there isn't any error that is too glaringly painful to read around. I can only read these so many times before my eyes glaze over! ^-^ Anyway, I want to give a big THANKS to everyone who has reviewed. I'm glad you like so far. My next update might be a while in coming, I have the dreaded 'writer's block' and the dreaded 'mandatory overtime' at work. Not a good combo! As always, I hope ya'll enjoy! ^-^