Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Home, Sweet Home ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 12
Home, Sweet Home

When Trunks programmed the capsule for auto return, Goku began to instantly transmit the group, two at a time, to the Kame house. First Bulla and Goten, then Trunks and Gohan, then lastly Piccolo and Daikkon. Now, the only ones left to travel were himself and Vegeta.

“Um...” Goku began. “You ready?”

Vegeta watched him a moment from where he sat by the wall. Goku tugged nervously at the sleeve of the blue training suit that was all he had to change into after his shower. He had deposited his own clothes in the incinerator.

“No, Kakkarot.” Vegeta finally replied. “I think I will return with the capsule. Make sure it gets there safely. Besides, I want to shower and sleep...”

Goku grimaced.

“You can shower. I’ll wait. And you can sleep at home.”

“I can’t sleep with you idiots having your blasted reunion.” he grumbled but, Goku noticed, without much conviction.

“True...because we will want you to join us, Vegeta.” Goku folded his arms across his chest. “If it wasn’t for you, we would still be on that ship.” As the words past his lips, the thought of what they meant made his stomach turn uncomfortably. “Come on, Vegeta. Let’s go home?” Goku looked imploringly to the Prince. The last thing he wanted was for Vegeta to spend twenty three hours alone steeping in the misery they had shared. It was in the past now. It was time to go home.

“Are you telling me you refuse to accept no for an answer?” Vegeta asked, his eyebrow cocked. Goku gave a small smile.

“Right. Besides, Trunk’s ki signature is already a great distance from the others. He’s probably at Capsule Corp. by now. I can IT you there.”

Vegeta considered that.

“Fine, Kakkarot.” he said as he stood. “But I refuse to attend your stupid party with your stupid friends.”

Goku laughed at Vegeta’s words.

“Right! Okay then....” Vegeta crossed to stand in front of the larger Saiyan. He frowned as he remembered how the younger of their group clung to Goku to travel via IT. He chose instead to follow Piccolo’s and Daikkon’s lead and lay a hand on his forearm. “...Here we go...”

The room around them shifted with incredible speed. It felt like being pulled in several directions at once, the air around them a swirl of nothing but color. And yet, in an instant, they were standing in the main family room in the part of the Capsule Corp compound that held the Briefs’ living space.

Bulma stopped her kissing of her children’s faces when they appeared. She smiled broadly at them both.

“Well..” Goku began. “I should be going...”

Bulma pulled her arms from around her kids and walked over to Goku, wrapping them now around him.

“Thank you, Goku!” she told him. “You will be back later, right?”

Goku returned the smile, but his eyes were tired.

“Maybe tomorrow...” he replied. Vegeta gave a snort of contempt.

“Let the man go home to his family, woman! Parties are not a top priority!”

Bulma continued to grin.

“Tomorrow then.” she gave Goku one last squeeze. “Good night.”

Goku nodded, looking from Trunks to Vegeta.

“Thank you, all.”

Trunks murmured a ‘You’re welcome’ and Vegeta only grunted again in reply. After raising his fingers to his forehead, Goku was gone.

Bulma turned to her children.

“Let’s go get baths, huh? It’s past bedtime.”

“I’m awake now!” Bulla pouted. “I want to watch T.V.” her whining fell silent by Vegeta’s voice.

“Baths now.” he barked, but his voice softened to add. “Then, we’ll see about television.”

Bulla smiled.

“Come on, Bulla.” Trunks said. “I’ll run your water.”

“No! I wanna do it!”

Bulma watched the two leave the room with a smile on her face. Her two beautiful babies...

She turned back to her husband, noticing he too was watching them leave.

She closed the gap between them in two steps and threw her arms around his neck.

Vegeta shifted, taking hold of her arms and pushing her gently away.

“Not now, woman. I’m in no condition.” he mumbled.

Bulma shook her head.

“I don’t care how sweaty or dirty you think you are.” she replied. “I’m so glad to have you back.” He held up his hand to ward off another affectionate attack.

“Please, I...I would rather you not.”

Bulma’s smile faded at his strange behavior. She had seen him worse off and had done more than just hug him at those times. But, there was something in his tone, in his posture that kept her from pushing the issue.

“O..okay. If you want to go up and shower, I’ll get you something to change in to.”

He nodded.

“Thank you.” he replied, moving past her, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze as he did.

Bulma’s eyes followed him.

“Vegeta!” she exclaimed. “What happened to your neck!”

“Oh, that...” he answered, not turning, nor stopping in his ascent of the staircase. “I’ll need your help with that later...”


Goku stopped his instant transmission about a hundred feet away from Chi Chi’s ki signature. He stood outside the tiny domed house where he lived with his family. So good to be home.

Quietly, he walked toward the front door. He could see the light streaming through the windows and heard the soft clatter of pots and dishes coming from the kitchen. Already he could smell the delicious aromas from whatever Chi Chi was busy preparing for him. It was then that he realized his stomach was empty.

Pushing open the door, he stepped inside the cozy house. Goten looked up at him where he was lounging on the sofa. Gohan, Videl and Pan were seated in the living room as well.

“Grandpa!” Pan exclaimed, bounding over to throw her arms around his waist. Goku leaned down to hug her back. “I knew you would be back soon, Grandpa! No one beats you! You’re the strongest!” the eight year old told him confidently.

“Grandpa has strong friends, sweetie.” he told her with a pat on the head. “There is greater strength in numbers.”

“Your just being modest, dad.” Videl told him with a smile. Goku returned the smile, but he didn’t feel modest, just realistic.

Goku disengaged himself from his granddaughter and turned in to the kitchen. Chi Chi was busy inside stirring items on the stove, checking the oven and setting dishes of steaming food on the table. Goku’s stomach rumbled from the scents but his eyes remained focused on one thing in the room. His wife.

Chi Chi stopped, brushing a stray strand of hair off of her forehead with the back of her hand, when she noticed him standing there. She gave him a smile, but cleared her throat and forced her mouth into a stern frown.

“Leave it to you to be four days late for supper yet still be the first one into the kitchen.” she mock reprimanded. Goku nodded in reply to her words, but didn’t really comprehend what she was saying. “I hope you didn’t eat over at Capsule Corp. I don’t want to waste any more food this week.” she looked up into his dark eyes as he came to stand before her. “Goku?” she asked.

Goku brushed his fingertips over her forehead where the offending lock of hair had fallen back. He leaned down and pressed his lips where his fingers had been. Chi Chi closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of his lips.

“I’m really....really glad to be home.” he murmured to her, running his hands over her arms. Chi Chi blushed. Sure Goku was affectionate, he had always fell back into family life with ease after each of his resurrections. But, even in their youth he saved most displays of affection for times when they were alone.

“Well,” Chi Chi chastised him in a teasing manner. “If you think that makes up for your tardiness, you are greatly mistaken Mister.” She turned her attention to the blue training suit. “And this...well....this isn’t the best dinnertime attire I think. Upstairs and change before you eat.”

Goku grinned.

“Yes, ma’am”

Dinner was everything he had hoped and imagined and everything that Chi Chi had always provided for him. Great tasting dishes in great variety and abundance. He laughed and talked with his family, forgetting his troubles and trials for a time. The meal was topped off with seven layer cake and homemade strawberry wine for the adults (except for Gohan who was driving).

Goten retired to his room shortly after dessert and Chi Chi and Goku saw off Videl and Gohan, who carried a sleeping Pan. Goku watched as their capsule car rumbled into the distance until the tiny clouds of smoke it kicked up in it’s wake were gone as well. He closed the door and returned to the kitchen.

“I’m going to bed, Chi.” he told his wife as she busied herself with the dish clean up. She smiled at him.

“Good night, dear.”

They starred at each other a moment, neither moving. Not Goku to head off to bed, nor Chi Chi to return to her cleaning.

“Um...” Goku spoke hesitantly. “Won’t...won’t you come with me?”

Chi Chi blinked her eyes. Sure, her life was far from that of the chaste, but not in many years could she remember retiring at the same time as her husband. She glanced to the stack of dishes in the sink but the memory of his gentle kiss on her forehead surfaced in her mind.

“Of course.” she told him. His smile was enough for her to realize that she made the right choice.

She preceded him up the stairs and into their bedroom. From the dresser she pulled her nightgown and his pajamas. They undressed and redressed in silence, communicating with nothing but looks between them. Chi Chi turned out the lights as Goku slid into the bed beneath the covers. She lay down at his side.

Goku scooted nearer to his wife and pulled her into his arms. She snuggled into his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. His hand roamed heavily up and down her back in lazy strokes sending chills up her spine. She tilted her head, laying tiny kisses on his jaw bone until he turned, meeting her lips with his own. Chi Chi opened her mouth to him, reveling in the slow, decadent sweeps of his tongue against her own. She gave a happy moan, her hand coming up to nestle into his unruly raven hair. They shared several deep, lingering kisses before he pulled away and settled back against the pillows, his arms still around her.

Chi Chi lay her head onto his chest, listening to the steady thumping of his heart.

“Goku...” she spoke quietly, receiving a ‘Hm?’ in reply. “Are you alright?”

Goku starred at the ceiling for a moment, a flash of the dingy gray metal ship ceiling snapping to his mind, causing him to blink his eyes and shake his head.

“Yes...” he replied. “Now that I’m home. Everything is alright...”


Bulma had considered stitching the ghastly open wound on Vegeta’s neck herself, but after a bit of thought and a little searching, she found a couple senzu beans in Trunk’s jacket pocket. Vegeta had refused them at first, but gave in when she threatened to stitch him closed with pink thread.

Bulma leaned against the bathroom sink as she watched Vegeta, who was already showered and dressed for bed, as he spread shaving cream over his jaw.

“You know,” Bulma told him, hopping up to set on the vanity. “I kind of like that scruffy couple days of growth you have there.” she raised her eyebrows and added in a deeper tone. “Very rugged.”

Vegeta smirked and began to shave off the offending “scruffy growth” as she watched. As he was finishing, Bulma ran a hand towel under warm water and rang out most of it. She sidled sideways on the counter until she was directly in front of him.

“Do you mind?” he inquired.

She shook her head slowly, using the towel to gently wipe the remainder of the shaving cream off his face.

“There’s my handsome prince...” she murmured. Vegeta’s smirk softened leaving his face almost expression less. Bulma abandoned the towel in the sink and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Are you ‘In condition’ for this now?” she asked suggestively.

Vegeta rested his hands on her hips but didn’t respond. He merely looked at her, his eyes moving from hers to her lips then to her throat. He leaned in against her, pressing his lips with a gentle force against the creamy skin of her neck. Bulma pulled him in closer to her, wrapping her legs around his waist.

“I want you...” she whispered softly in his ear, pressing her body to his. Vegeta moaned at the feeling of her hips against his, but he regretfully pulled away.

“The children are in our room.” he stated dryly.

“What?!” Bulma disentangled herself from him and hopped off the counter. When she opened the bathroom door and stepped into the bedroom, she did indeed behold both of her children snuggled in the middle of her bed watching television. They grinned widely at her appearance. “No no no.” Bulma told them shaking her head. “Papa is very tired and wants to get some sleep.”

“But mom!” Bulla pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. “Papa said T.V.!”

“Papa said ‘we’ll see’.” Bulma clarified. “And everyone knows that means no.”

Bulla stuck out her bottom lip. Her eyes followed Vegeta as he came into the room. As he approached the bed, her expression changed to the smile of an angel.

“Papa.” she coo-ed, setting up on her knees. “You want to watch T.V. with me, don’t you?”

“You won’t influence me with your sweetness.” Vegeta told her shortly, pulling back the covers and settling down. He folded his arms behind his head. “Ask you mother.”

Bulla turned to Bulma, her expression one of utter confusion. Would her princess skills work on her mom?

“Please, mommy.”

Bulma placed her hands on her hips and regarded the child with a stern gaze. She glanced nonchalantly to Vegeta who very slightly inclined his head.

“Okay,” she sighed. “But just for a little while.”

Bulla whooped with joy and dove under the covers to snuggle up against her father. Vegeta made no movement to return to gesture, but also made no movements away.

Trunks stood.

“Well, I guess I will see you all in the morning.” he told them. “I’m going to bed.”

Bulma crossed the room to kiss him on the cheek.

“Good night sweetie.”

“Good night, papa.” he addressed Vegeta. Vegeta smirked.

“Will the television bother you, boy?” he asked.

Trunks starred wide-eyed at him a moment. He looked to Bulma before asking:

“I...I can stay?”

Vegeta shrugged.

“Your mother said for a little while.”

“Come on, Trunks!” Bulla exclaimed, cheerfully patting the bed.

Trunks grinned, dropping down to lay across the end of the bed. Bulma smiled.

Would this man ever cease to amaze (and confuse) her?


A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I updated and I know this chapter is a little short so I added another after. Thank you very much to everyone that is reviewing. There is a short lull in the story at this point, so I hope you are all still with me. As always, enjoy!