Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Confession ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 13

Bulma shifted in the bed, pulling the covers around herself for warmth. Her hand slid across the cool sheets to her side, her eyes blinking open when she found her husband’s side of the bed vacant. Alarm struck her, her mind wondering if last night’s reunion was a dream and she bolt upright.

“I’m here, woman.” Vegeta’s deep, throaty voice was music to her ears and drew her attention to where he sat on the window sill, looking out into the evening sky.

“Why aren’t you in bed?” she murmured, snuggling into his vacant spot. He didn’t answer.

Reluctantly, Bulma pulled back the sheets and got to her feet. She crossed to the window and slipped her arms around her husband’s neck.

“Come back to bed, Vegeta.” she whispered, laying a tiny kiss on his shoulder.

Vegeta gave a slow exhale of breath, his shoulder’s dropping.

“Bulma,” he began, turning toward her, taking hold of her arms and holding her away from him. “We need to talk.”

Bulma furrowed her brow in confusion. Vegeta didn’t like to talk. They had in their nineteen years of being together, maybe half a dozen serious conversations.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, concern for him obvious in her eyes.

Vegeta frowned, seeing the emotion so evident on her face.

“There is something I have to tell you.” he spoke, his voice laced with what she could only identify as regret. “I am not sure that when I am done speaking that you will still care for me as you do.”

Bulma gasped at his statement.

“Vegeta!” she exclaimed. “Nothing you could say could change the way I feel about you!”

Vegeta shook his head slowly, pushing himself to his feet.

“Don’t be too sure.” he replied. He crossed to sit on the side of the bed and motioned for her to do so as well. She sat down, reaching out for his hand. He didn’t pull away, but seemed to concentrate on her tiny hand in his as he collected his thoughts. “I know after...after the last world tournament that I made you a promise.”

Bulma nodded. What Vegeta referred to as the ‘last world tournament’, she and the others often referred to as the ‘Buu incident’ or the ‘Problem with Babidi’. Vegeta didn’t like to reference either of those two enemies.

“I promised you that while I may not be able to tell you all of my past, I would never keep secret from you something that occurs in my present and I will honor my word to you.” His voice lowered as he squeezed her hand. “Even though I may lose you...”

Bulma shook her head, reaching out with her other hand to hold his. Vegeta took a deep breath.

“The details are unimportant now. While we were held captive I....you know they had dampened our ki and we were powerless....” Bulma gave his hand another squeeze, hoping to show him that she was there for him. “...the children were in danger....” He took another deep breath, releasing it in huff. “The details are unimportant now...” he repeated, pulling his hands from hers and standing. He paced a few feet away from her and turned, looking back into her open, trusting face. He felt his stomach twist with guilt and fear. Yes...fear of disappointing her... He steeled himself and looked off to the side.

“They forced me to take him. I was given no choice. I was powerless and I could not protect him, much less the children.” Vegeta heard her soft gasp of shock. He spoke the rest quickly before she could react. “I cannot defend my actions. The alternative was far worse....my first loyalty was to my own blood...we were in agreement...I...the alternative...”

His statement was cut short as he was startled by Bulma’s hand on his arm. He turned, uneasily, to look into her eyes. Her watery, blue eyes.

Her voice was a choked whisper as she spoke.

“..they made you......” her voice faltered slightly. “...Goku?....” he nodded, once, frowning. Bulma shook her head and swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “Oh, Kami...why...” she breathed.

Vegeta was shocked when she opened her arms and brought them around him.

“I’m so sorry, Vegeta.” she spoke in a wavering voice. “I’m so...so sorry...”

Vegeta looked down at her as she rested her cheek against his shoulder.

“You don’t despise me?” he asked.

“How could I!?” she pulled away from him and made a frustrated growl. “How could they! How could they do this to you?! What the fuck kind of people were they!?”

Vegeta returned to sit on the side of the bed. He closed his eyes, wearily rubbing them with his fingertips.

“Saiyans.” he replied with a sigh.

Bulma turned to him and dropped at his side.

“Vegeta.” she spoke sternly, looking into his face. “This is not your fault! I don’t hate you!I know that no matter what you do or say you would never, EVER hurt Goku. Not.....not like that....” she reached up and cupped his face in her hands. “How could you think I would blame you for something that was inflicted on you as well?” Vegeta’s eyes searched her stern expression. Searched for a trace of a lie, of disbelief, of disgust. What he saw was nothing but anger and unwavering love. He felt a pulling in his chest and looked away. He didn’t deserve her forgiveness or her love. Not after what he had done...

“Vegeta...” she began, laying her hand tentatively on his. “... I don’t want you to withdraw from me. I’m here for you.”

“No offense, Bulma,” he snapped, turning to her. “You can’t fix it. There is no invention that can fix me. I am what I am. How many years before you realize this!”

Bulma’s pressed her lips together in an effort not to frown.

“Don’t start.” she warned him. “You are not broken. The problem is not with you and you know it.”

“Let’s go back to sleep.” he replied as though she had not spoken. “It’s very late.”

“We need to talk.” she stated.

“We’ve lasted long enough without talking.” he replied, moving toward the bed.

“Well not anymore!” Vegeta was actually startled into turning to look at her at the tone in her voice. Her pale skin was starting to color and tears misted her eyes. “Damn it, Vegeta! How can you just drop a bomb like this an expect me to just leave it and sleep!” He scowled at her words.

“I’m sorry to have ruined your night, Ms. Briefs.”

“Damnit! You know that’s not what I mean!” she planted her hands on her hips, her posture tense. “Look. You yourself brought up your promise to me. You promised me that you wouldn’t do this anymore.” Vegeta’s response was as much growl as it was a shout.

“I kept my promise to you, woman! I told you what happened! There is nothing else to say!”

Bulma shook her head, her hands reaching out for his but he pulled away.

“Vegeta, you promised me you wouldn’t keep things that bothered you bottled up inside. You don’t have to go through this alone. Vegeta,” she reached forward and snatched his hand in hers. He wrinkled his nose in disgust, but didn’t recoil from her touch. “I am your wife. I am your partner. I am your friend. I want to share the burden with you. You don’t have to let it eat you up inside.”

“Will you not be satisfied until I breakdown and cry like a child over so many insignificant episodes?” he asked her with a frown.

“Insignificant episodes....” Bulma whispered, her demeanor softening as she stared into his eyes. Vegeta shifted uncomfortably beneath her gaze. “Vegeta...”

“Have your share of pain with Kakkarot.” he told her, his voice lowered. “He is more in need....and more worthy than I.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean!” she exclaimed. “More worthy how? For not having the misfortune of living your life, huh? Huh, Vegeta!?” she pressed closer to him, her eyes flashing with anger now in addition to sadness. “Are you trying to tell me that you asked for all of this? That this is something you wanted?” Vegeta took a step away from her, in spite of himself, at her railing. Tears were streaming down her cheeks now, with abandon. “That all of those things that you can’t bring yourself to tell me about were somehow your fault? Your design?” she jabbed him in the chest with her index finger. “Tell me, Vegeta! Tell me about those things, if your so proud of them! Tell me about Vegeta and planet purging and Namek and..and Freiza!”

Vegeta’s hands moved swiftly, as if not under his control, and clamped onto her arms, stilling her and quieting her in the speed and ferocity of the movement. They stood there silently staring into one another’s eyes. Bulma could feel the energy trembling in his muscles. Whether it was fury or sadness, she couldn’t tell.

“You know nothing about me, woman.” he whispered. Bulma frowned, her voice barely audible as she replied.

“Whose fault is that?”

Vegeta relaxed his grip on her arms, pulling away to cross his own arms over his chest.

“I don’t know what you want from me.” he stated. Bulma wiped at her tears.

“I want you. That’s all.” she spoke with an honesty that was palpable to him. “But I want all of you.”

Vegeta swallowed hard, surprised to find emotion tightening his throat.

“Why do you want to hear things about me that are so atrocious? Things that I was subjected to that were so horrifying? Do you want me to be weak?”

Bulma shook her head.

“No, Vegeta. I know more than anyone that you are strong. Too strong, maybe.” her hand came back to his, her touch gentle once again. “But, don’t you think it’s time that you stop being punished for something that was beyond your control?”

“Punished?” he questioned.

“By yourself. The only one keeping you from being happy now is you, Vegeta. Being happy is not a weakness. It’s your right. You’ve been through alot. Things that...when I think about...I think that I know what they might have been... and I hurt so much for you. Not because I pity you Vegeta, but because you more than anyone deserve to have enjoyment from life.”

He looked away from her and starred blankly at the bed. He no longer wanted to see the tears in her eyes.

“Vegeta, it’s not weakness for you to enjoy life and to love your family.” she spoke, her voice quiet. “You are so much stronger than those monsters that hurt you. You have come all this way by yourself. But I am hear to carry the burden with you now. You think that I haven’t waken at night and heard you speaking softly to me in a language that I don’t understand. You want to share with me Vegeta. That’s the first step, now take the second.”

“Bulma -” her name was barely passed his lips when she stepped toward him and embraced him. He returned the gesture, holding her to his chest. Her voice was muffled and filled with emotion as she continued.

“I want more than anything for you to be happy, Vegeta. I know you think that you are not capable, but you are. I don’t want to die knowing that you never had any real joy out of our life together. That would mean I failed you. I just...just...”

Vegeta could feel the warmth on the back of his eyes as he held Bulma in his arms. Was she right? Was he capable of being....happy?

“That’s enough, now.” he spoke gruffly, gently pulling her from him. “You are working yourself up over nothing.”

He was overwhelmed with the feeling again of letting go and finding comfort in her arms. But wasn’t he too strong for that? What could the weakling female do anyway that could change the events and make things right?

“I love you, Vegeta.” she whispered, gently brushing her lips against his and hugging him against her.

Ah, yes. That was it. Unconditional love.

Vegeta closed his eyes and returned the embrace. She never stopped loving him. Not when he had killed remorselessly ....not when he had killed himself. She with loyal. Loyal to him.

Vegeta considered this as he held her in his arms as if it were she that had suffered. Maybe, after all these years, he could trust her with events in his past that refused to leave him. He stroked her hair, looking down into her glistening eyes.

No. He wasn’t sure that he would ever be able to voice to her what he had undergone. But she was there for him if he did. After all this time....she was still there...


“Of course Bulma, I understand.” Chi Chi spoke into the phone that next afternoon as she prepared lunch for her husband and son. “No, Goku won’t be disappointed.” she looked into the living room where Goku was napping on the couch. “I think we all need a few days to relax before we have a party.”

“Thanks, Chi Chi. It’s just....” Bulma explained. “I just don’t think that any of us our ready for a houseful of guests after...after all that has happened. I mean, I’m already supposed to be meeting later today with the Saiyan that they brought back with them. I guess he was told we had room here.”

“You could always give him a little capsule house and send him on his way.” Chi Chi told her. “But, Bulma. Honestly, are you sure that is all that is bothering you? You sound a little...upset.”

Bulma covered the receiver and sniffed back the tears that stung just behind her eyes.

“I’m fine! Just a little overwhelmed having everyone back safe after...well....anyway. I’m fine.”

Chi Chi tried another question.

“How is Vegeta doing?”

“Why?!” Bulma replied a little too quickly. Chi Chi was quiet a moment.

“It has to be a little disappointing for the ‘Prince of all Saiyans’ to be treated in the manner he was, don’t you think?”

Bulma gnawed on her lip as she thought.

“Um...yeah...but, he’s Vegeta....you know.” Chi Chi shrugged.

“Well, I hope the children are well. I have to go. Lunch is ready.”

“Of course. Bye Chi Chi. Thanks again and tell Goku that we will definitely get together later this week.”

“I will. Good bye, Bulma.”

Chi Chi placed the phone back in the cradle and moved into the living room to wake her sleeping husband. She looked at him a moment. He always seemed so peaceful in his sleep. Youthful and serene. Not like what one would expect the world’s strongest and the savior of planets to look like.

Gently, she reached down to touch his arm and jostle him.


Her fingertips barely made contact with his forearm when his eyes snapped open and he defensively slapped her hand away.

Chi Chi yelped and recoiled, clutching her smarting hand to her chest.

“Chi Chi!” Goku exclaimed, blinking the sleep from his eyes. “I’m so sorry, honey! Honest!...I ....I ...”

“It’s okay, Goku.” she told him, rubbing her hand. “Were you having a nightmare?”

Goku blinked a couple more times as he thought.

“Uh...I’m not sure...uh...yeah....maybe....” he rubbed the back of his head as he stood. He shook his head to clear the grogginess from his mind. “Let me look at your hand.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” she told him. “I used to be a fighter too, remember? You didn’t hit me that hard. No broken bones....Come on. Lunch is on the table.” she turned from him, not letting him put another word in on the subject. “GOTEN!” she called up the stairs. “Lunch time!”

Like every other meal at the Son home, lunch was completed in a record time for the amount of food consumed. When the plates were empty, Goten left his parents to meet up with Trunks. Goku began to help Chi Chi clear the table.

“You don’t have to do that!” Chi Chi exclaimed, taking the dishes from his hands. “Go sit outside and enjoy the day.”

“But, Chi Chi,” Goku rationalized. “The quicker you get done with this, the more time we have to enjoy the day together, huh?”

Chi Chi looked at him a moment, dumbfounded. She smiled.

“I...I would like that.”

Goku smiled back and retrieved the dishes. They two set about quietly washing and rinsing them together.

When the task was done, Chi Chi happily settled on the grassy slope next to their home with her husband.

“Bulma wanted me to tell you she had to change her plans for the party.” she told him.

“Oh?” Goku asked, laying back on the hill, folding his arms beneath his head. “That’s too bad. Did she say why?”

Chi Chi shrugged and ran her fingers through the cool grass, plucking up a blade.

“Just that it was a little hectic around Capsule Corp. right now. Did you know they have a Saiyan staying there?”

Goku nodded.

“Yeah. Daikkon. He helped us escape.”

Chi Chi shook her head in disbelief.

“I will never understand Saiyans as long as I live, I think.” she looked down at her husbands face. “What could they have possibly wanted, anyway.”

Goku felt all of the oxygen dissipate from his lungs as he starred back at her.

“More....Saiyans....” he croaked out.

“More Saiyans? My goodness. Like one or two can’t do enough damage on their own. Well, I have to say it’s a little surprising Vegeta didn’t jump at the chance to order around more ‘Third class Saiyans’ or whatever it is he is always spouting about.” Chi Chi was startled by the serious tone when Goku spoke.

“Vegeta is proud of his heritage. Just as there are good and bad humans, there are good and bad Saiyans.”

“And Vegeta has always struck me as one of the bad.” she replied. Goku shook his head.

“Vegeta has had a very hard life...I’m proud of how far he has come.”

Chi Chi patted him tenderly on the chest.

“You are too kind, my darling Goku. You will always see only the good in people.”

“And there is good in Vegeta. I think he just has it buried so deep, he may not know exactly where it is. We can’t judge him until we know exactly what his life had been up until he met us....”

Chi Chi made a small snort of disagreement.

“It would seem he led the life of a spoiled Prince.” she remarked with a chuckled. Goku’s voice was again gravely serious.

“Looks can be deceiving.”

Chi Chi looked back at him. His words reminding her of her feeling when she watched him lying on the sofa in his sleep. She leaned down next to him, propping her head on her arm and gently tilting his chin so they were looking face to face.

“I’m worried about you.” she said softly. “You were having nightmares in your sleep last night, too.”

Goku laughed, but it sounded a bit phony and forced.

“I think it was just eating too much of your good food too fast! I’m fine!”

Chi Chi wrinkled her nose at the obvious bad acting. Her features softened as she said:

“Honey, if there is something bothering you....you can tell me...I can help...”

Goku smiled, brushing back a lock of her hair and tucking it behind her ear.

“I am fine. There is nothing to be done.” He leaned over and kissed her playfully on the tip of her nose. “Unless there is some of that cake left over from last night. I would love to have some!”

Chi Chi grinned and shook her head.

“I wouldn’t want to give you any more indigestion nightmares.” she replied. Goku’s face fell.

“Uh...I’ll....eat slow.” Chi Chi laughed out right.

“As if you ever could!” she got to her feet and grabbed his hand. “Come on Son Goku! I believe there might be one or two more pieces of cake with your name on them.”


A/N: I am so tired right now that I can't tell whether or not this chapter is good or not. I know it's short, but that seems to be my lot! So, hope you all are liking, I would love to hear what you all think about where this is going or what you think is going to happen. As always, if there is something I can improve on let me know. I already think I could use longer chapters! Oh well, I shall try with the next one!! Enjoy!