Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Distractions ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. Oh, and fictional alien men having babies...'cause that's a'happen' here folks...

To my wonderful, wonderful beta-reader, Rowina: Thank you, thank you....thank you... ^-^

WARNING: This chapter contains LEMON... I think...

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 14

Bulma took the last drag off her cigarette when she could finally see the tiny dots in the sky that represented the approaching figures of her son, Goten and the Saiyan that would be staying with them for who knows how long. She tossed the cigarette butt to the ground, grinding it under her shoe and ignoring it as a tiny yard bot quickly scuttled onto the patio to sweep up the offending item.

Bulma smiled as the three touched down on the lawn in front of her and she raised her hand in greeting.

“Hello!” she sing-songed, her eyes taking in the new arrival. The Saiyan appeared young, younger than Goku but older than Gohan and was about the same height as Goku’s first born. His hair was dark brown, the same color as the tail curled tightly at his waist. His face was pleasant enough, no smirk or scowl as she was expecting. He even smiled at her greeting.

“Aunt Bulma,” Goten spoke up. “This is Daikkon. He took care of me an’ Bulla. He even risked his own neck givin’ us clues on how to escape.”

Daikkon inclined his head in greeting.

“It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Bulma nodded.

“I’m pleased to meet you, too.” she replied. “I can’t thank you enough for taking care of my baby and my husband.”

Daikkon’s eyes grew wide at her statement before he gave a deeper bow.

“My apologies, your majesty. I had no idea that Goten’s aunt and the King’s wife were one in the same!”

“Oh!” Bulma giggled and Goten mumbled.

“She’s not my real aunt.”

“You can call me Bulma.” she told him, gesturing him into the house. When he remained motionless (yet both boys went inside), she shrugged and proceeded him in. “This is the living quarters of Capsule Corp. This is where our family lives.” she explained, leading him through the living room. “This is the family room - to watch T.V. and that sort, if you know what I mean.” he just smiled so she continued. “This is the dining room. The kitchen is right through there. We eat our meals at 8:30, noon, and dinner is at 6:00.” she smirked as she added. “But Kami knows eating goes on around here 24/7. The chef bots can whip you up anything you want - oh - Earth food, anyway.” He followed her back out of the kitchen and down a hallway past the living room. “These are the guest rooms. This is where you will be staying.” She showed him into a cozy bedroom with an overstuffed double bed and classic lined furniture. It had a dresser, a closet and an adjoining bath as well. “The grounds are large enough for exploring if you want to get some fresh air and we have a pool out back. Just don’t go near the gravity capsule, that’s Vegeta’s.”

Daikkon nodded as he took in his surrounding.

“You are too kind, my Queen.” he spoke to her, gratitude in his eyes and voice.

Bulma shrugged.

“Really, it’s no trouble....and, it’s Bulma.” She observed the Saiyan as he carefully walked around the room, touching the fabric on the chairs, peeking into the closet. “How old are you, Daikkon?” she asked.

He looked back to her and thought a moment.

“Your Earth has 365 days to it’s revolution, correct?” he asked. She nodded. “My age is equivilent to a human near their early thirties.”

“You’re older than I thought,” she told him, but continued with a smirk. “But, then again, for a Saiyan- your still a teenager.”

“Our life span in extensively longer than the human’s, yes.”

Bulma’s smirk morphed into a wicked grin.

“I’ll bet you can tell me all kinds of things about Saiyans.” she stated. “About your culture and stuff?”

Daikkon cocked his head to one side.

“No more than the King has already told you, I’m sure. I had never seen our planet. I know only what was passed to me by my parents and what I read in books.”

“Well, I would love to hear it, just the same.” she laughed. “Vegeta tells mostly battle stories.”

Daikkon nodded.

“I was not a soldier, so I have little of those. I studied the sciences.” His expression changed slightly to what appeared to Bulma to be sadness.

“Well, if you are in the sciences, I would love to show you my lab.”

His smile returned.

“Yes, your high- um, Bulma. Very much.”

“Well then...” she stated. “Right this way.”


“My dad nearly freaked when I told him I was coming over.” Goten told Trunks as he threw himself across the older teen’s bed. “Mom had to tell him to relax. Canyabelieveit? Mom?”

Trunks nodded and sat down in the chair at his desk.

“He’ll probably worry for a couple days.”

Goten shrugged and propped his head up on his hand.

“It’s just weird though, my dad being the one who is worrying, Ya’ know?”

Trunks laced his fingers together and stared down at his hands.

“My dad was acting a little...different last night too.” he replied. “Not in a bad way! But, I mean, he let me and Bulla sleep in his and mom’s bed for a while while we watched T.V. That’s just not something papa usually does.”

Goten shrugged.

“They act like this was some kind of life altering event, ya’know?” Goten spoke, rolling onto his back and tossing a pillow up into the air and catching it again. “But, really, it has to have been one of the easiest things we ever got out of! I mean, Bulla and I spent our time playing hangman and tic-tac-toe. Sure, there was less food than I could handle and it was a little on the bland side, but really, the worst thing about it was the weird toilet.”

Trunks shrugged.

“Did you get any idea of what they wanted?”

“Not really. They scanned us with these weird machines and whispered about us in a different language. But they never tried to touch us or hurt us or anything. It’s funny...” Goten wrinkled his nose as he thought. “Both times we got to talk to my dad and your’s, the first thing they asked was ‘Have they hurt you’ or ‘Are you hurt’. I don’t get it...”

“Well, when we got there,” Trunks replied. “Both our dads look much worse for the wear than you or Bulla.”

Goten shrugged again and continued to toss and catch the pillow. After a moment of silence, he smiled as he spoke:

“Maybe they’re just getting old. Ya’ know it?”

Trunks frowned.

“My dad’s not old.”

“Well, they’re like, in their forties or something, right?” Again, Trunks shrugged. Goten sighed. “Well, that’s old...”

Trunks shook his head.

“Maybe they’re just upset because they’ve found out that there are more Saiyans out there.” Goten snorted.

“And that those Saiyans are a bunch of first class pricks. Fuck ‘em. I was happy when we were the only Saiyans left.”

“I don’t know...” Trunks replied. “I’m curious about Saiyans. Trying to get information out of papa, beyond that Saiyans never give up and are all about honor and strength and war, etc., is about impossible. I think it will be interesting, to say the least, that Daikkon will be with us for...well....however long he is with us...”

“True that.” Goten nodded. “He’s living proof that Saiyans were more than about war and whatnot, at least.”

“Yeah. But, just maybe, if he can teach me more about what it is to be Saiyan...” Trunks nervously rubbed his hands together. “...then I can somehow become closer to dad. You know, man to man.”


“Your facility is truly amazing.” Daikkon told Bulma as she completed the tour of Capsule Corp with her lab.

“Thanks.” she grinned. “I’m rather pleased with it. If you wouldn’t mind, I would love to pick your brain about Saiyan technology a bit. I have a few pieces left over from when Vegeta and the others first arrived that I’ve used a bit from, but there are things that Vegeta has told me about that I would be interested in recreating.”

Daikkon nodded.

“I would be honored to share whatever knowledge that you might find useful. As I said, I never got to visit my home planet, but my parents told me much about it and I was provided with plenty of reference materials.”

Bulma settled back into one of the office chairs, motioning for him to do the same.

“What happened to them, if you don’t mind my asking?”

Daikkon took a deep breath, but answered.

“My father was on planet when it was destroyed. My mother she....she only passed this last year.” Bulma sighed, her hand coming up to rest over her heart.

“I’m sorry.” she said simply. The Saiyan shook his head.

“No need. They were honorable people and I hope that I have in some small way glorified their memories by helping the son of the King that they so loved and fought for.” Bulma grimaced at his words.

“That...doesn’t really sound like the King that Vegeta paints a picture of when he speaks of his father.” Daikkon seemed confused.

“What do you mean?” Bulma shrugged.

“I really shouldn’t say. Vegeta doesn’t like me speaking of his personal business with anyone. But, I look forward to hearing all that you have to say. I have to admit, being married to a Saiyan for almost twenty years and raising two more really hasn’t helped me to understand them. I’ve got a general understanding of their nutritional needs and basic health concerns, but other than that, nothing. What illnesses do you get? What is the aging process like? Will Vegeta ever look any older, damnit!?”

Daikkon smiled.

“His highness is in the autumn of his Saiyan youth, so it will be some years more before he starts to show his time.”

Bulma grimaced and folded her arms as she leaned back into her seat.

“Figures.” She smiled then. “But, anyway, I am really interested to work with you.”

“Any knowledge that I posses is at your disposal, my Queen. It is an honor.” he smiled at her. “I will also be of any assistance with Kakkarot should the general’s intent come to fruition. I don’t have any hands on experience, mind you. Most Saiyans don’t. But I have medical training and have read extensively on Saiyan biology.”

Bulma narrowed her eyes.

“What do you mean?”

Daikkon appeared for a moment like a deer caught in headlights. He swallowed hard before continuing.

“Did... did the King not tell you what had transpired while they were held captive.” Bulma shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

“He told me... some stuff... but what do you mean by ‘the general’s intent coming to fruition’? What intent? And what does that mean for Goku.”

Daikkon sighed.

“I do not wish to divulge information that the King wishes to be kept secret.” Bulma leaned forward in her chair.

“If we were to wait for Vegeta to give up the information, we would be well in to winter of our old age. So Daikkon. Spill it.”

The young Saiyan seemed to struggle internally with himself for a moment under the intense blue eyed gaze of Bulma’s scrutiny.

“The King and Ka - uh, Goku - were supposed to produce a full Saiyan heir of royal blood.”

Bulma shrieked with laughter at his statement.

“That’s impossible! Didn’t that general ever have a lesson in basic anatomy!” she shook her head and wiped a tear from her eye. Her giggles stopped when she noticed the somber expression on her companion’s face.

“Maybe,” he told her in a quiet tone. “That I should give you a basic lesson in Saiyan anatomy.”


After an half an hour of explanation and several sketches later, Daikkon finished explaining the intricacies of the Saiyan form. The third class Saiyan, specifically. Bulma sat, starring down at the rough pencil drawing of anatomy with a look of pure amazement and a little bit of shock.

“This...this is ridiculous.” she spoke, awed.

“Yes, that is what the King said, as well.” Daikkon told her. She turned to him, stunned.

“Vegeta didn’t know about this?!”

“It appeared as though it was his first hearing of the matter.”

Bulma shook her head, looking back down at the paper in her hand.

“So, all this time, Goku...” she looked sharply back up to Daikkon. “You mean, at this moment, Goku could very well have...have...conceived a baby....with.....” Daikkon nodded. “Oh my....Kami! Kami! I can’t believe this! I have to talk to Goku...I have to check him out, make sure he’s okay!”

“You needn’t panic, Ms. Bulma. He was designed for this very purpose.”

“No, you don’t understand.” Bulma replied. “Goku is married. And he and Vegeta....well, let’s just say their relationship is...different. Challenging. And besides...this is something that is, well, highly unusual for everyone involved.”

She picked up her phone and dialed. After three rings, Goku answered.


“Uh, Hi, Goku!” She said with forced cheerfulness. “How are you?”

“Good.” he replied simply. “You?”

“Good....good....uh, listen honey, would you be able to come over for a bit, it’s kind of important.”

She could hear the concern creep into his voice.

“Is everything okay?” he asked. “Is Goten okay?”

“Oh, yeah! Fine!” she replied hurriedly. “I just need you to..help me with a few tests.” he gave a relieved sigh.

“Oh, good. Well, I’d like to, Bulma, but I’m doing some work around the house that I promised Chi that I would finish before your party on Saturday. Maybe before the party, I can come early?”

Bulma chewed nervously on her lip.

“I suppose...So, you are coming to the party? You’re feeling up to it?”

Goku was quiet for a moment before speaking.

“Of course, I am. I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“No reason! Just..making sure...” Bulma cleared her throat. “Okay then, I’ll see you Saturday at...noon?”

“That’s fine. I’ll see you then Bulma. Oh, and could you tell Goten to call before he leaves so we know when to expect him?”

“Sure thing, Goku. Bye.”

Bulma turned to Daikkon as she hung up the phone.

“So, Saturday would make....how many days?” Daikkon’s eyes became wide as he considered.

“Uh...that...that all depends...” Bulma grimaced.

“Well...how early can you detect a Saiyan pregnancy?” he shook his head.

“I have to admit that I’ve never really heard of Saiyans needing to detect anything. Procreation is something that is intentional. When one is fertile and once one has conceived is obvious to another Saiyan. But...I’m speaking male and female examples here. I’m am unsure how it affects males. Like I said, most Saiyans don’t have experience with this particular phenomenon....”

Bulma tapped her finger against her chin as she considered his words.

“You’re right...Vegeta did know when I was going to have Trunks....and Bulla was planned....Well,” she snapped her fingers as she came to a decision. “We will just have to wait until Saturday and see what happens from there.”

Daikkon nodded.

“In the mean time,” she told him. “Make yourself at home.”
