Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Quiet ( Chapter 15 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....
Pulling his knees up to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them and starred out into the distance at nothing in particular. He had hoped when they had returned home that everything would go back to normal and he could forget. Like all other enemies and all other battles before, he could file them away as a memory. But this...this time, he couldn’t. Every time he closed his eyes, every time he tried for a moments sleep, it came back to him.
And he remembered Namek. Remembered Vegeta’s plea as he lay dying. It made so much sense now...
/ “...We did everything he asked of us and more!...He took me from my father when I was still just a little boy! He made me do whatever he wanted and said he would kill my father if I didn’t!...I did everything he asked but he killed him anyway, along with everyone else!...He made me what I am...Don’t let him do it to anyone else...” /
Goku felt a chill travel up his spine as those words came back to him with new meaning.
He had seen many battles in his life and had fought, and even died, to triumph over evil. But now he knew that evil could do battle without strength, without fists, without fighting...and that was territory that put him out of his element. How did one train or prepare to battle an enemy who used such heinous tactics?
Goku sighed and rested his head on his knees. Vegeta was right. He had been right all this time. Goku was an idiot. A naive fool.
“Hey, dad.”
Goku looked up at his youngest son who was walking toward him from the edge of the forest. Goku smiled.
Goten settled onto the bank beside his father. Goku stretched out his legs and leaned back on his palms, both of them staring into the sky.
“How ya doin’?” Goten asked. Goku continued to smile, but shrugged his shoulders before answering.
“It’s a beautiful evening and I have a full belly so I can’t ask for too much more.” he replied. Goten nodded.
“Yeah.” Goten plucked a blade of grass from the ground and twisted it between his fingers. “Hey, dad....” he began slowly. “Can I ask you somethin’?”
Goku’s eyebrows raised.
Goten turned to him.
“Trunks and I were talkin’ about these Saiyans.” Goku tried not to frown. “And it’s all really weird, ya’ know? I mean, what did they want with us anyway? I can understand them wanting uncle Vegeta, but...I mean, what was their deal?”
Goku starred at his son for a moment. He didn’t want to lie to him. He had always made it a point to answer his children’s questions to the best of his abilities and with total honesty, no matter how uncomfortable the topic (and there were quite a few of those questions when Goten was in his young adolescence). But, he found himself not wanting to tell the truth, either. Not the whole truth, anyway.
“Um...welll...” Goku began, sitting up a little straighter. “From what we were told....their main goal was rebuilding a Saiyan empire....and Daikkon had mentioned that the general was ‘collecting’ Saiyans from around the universe, so to speak...”
Goten shook his head.
“What a freaky thing to do. I mean, how much of this could have been avoided if he had just come down, did his bowing and scraping in front of Vegeta like he should and then ask us along. I mean, we wouldn’t have gone, the freak, but, I don’t get all of the ki inhibitors and the crazy sleep drugs and...and those weird toilets that just kinda’ floated along the wall.” Goten rubbed his neck where the ki inhibitor had been placed and not very comfortably removed by Bulma earlier. He grimaced. “Freaks. No wonder Uncle V is actin’ weird. I’d be pissed if I was the prince of all weirdos who ain’t got nothin’ better to do than to kidnap little girls.” he turned to his father. “They went for her first, ya’ know? Like, I don’t even know how they knew she was a Saiyan. But, it was like they wanted her.”
Goku nodded absently.
“Has...has Vegeta been acting strange?” he asked.
“I mean strange in the sense that he hasn’t been acting his own normal strange. That’s what Trunks says, anyway. He was pretty bloodied up at the end...ya know, you both were....What happened?”
Goku shook his head and threw an arm around his son, pulling him close.
“We fought. Just like any other enemy, it ended in battle. It was nothing.”
Goten sat listening to the thumping of his father’s heart.
“You’ve been acting weird too, dad.” he mumbled. Goku gave him one last squeeze before letting him go.
“No. I don’t think so.” he replied, ruffling the young boys hair. “You’ll understand when you are a parent someday.”
Goten gave a shiver at the thought and turned back out to watch the setting sun.
Goku watched Goten as he looked out at the horizon. His beautiful child nearly grown into a man...Was he supposed to tell him about the true horrors of what lay out in the world sometimes? Or was he supposed to let him grow up naive as well...?
No, Goten was smart and world wise like he never was. He could probably teach his old man a thing or two. So no, he wouldn’t put worry or fear on the child’s shoulders. It was his job as a father to protect him from those very things that force one into a knowledge you shouldn’t have.
“Come on,” he announced, rising to his feet. “Let’s get back. Maybe your mom will give us a late night snack, huh?”
Goten smiled and joined him as they walked back toward the forest.
“Well, if she does, I hope it’s alot! ‘Cause I worked up one big Son appetite resting on the river bank!”
Goku let out a deep, belly laugh at his son’s words.
“Yeah, me too. But, I’ll tell you what:” he grinned devilishly and raised his ki. “I will have an even bigger appetite when I race you back home!”
He mulled the thought over in his mind.
No, he was not getting soft. He had trained himself to the pinnacle of what he was capable. He would never be any stronger. He was what he was now. He had never really given it much thought before. But last night: after last night he realized something about himself that he never let himself admit.
He was loved. Truly loved by the woman. Her pity didn’t make him feel ashamed, for it was not like pity. His wounds hurt her, his pain was her pain. Just as it was for the little ones. For Trunks and Bulla.
And was it so wrong? Was it so bad to love them so desperately? And was it bad for him to let them know? What exactly was he afraid of....How had his parents-
He shook his head. No. He wasn’t ready to think about them. He didn’t want to think about them. That was a totally different subject all together. He was nothing like his father.
A soft voice speaking in sweet tones drew his attention. He stepped cautiously toward the half opened door and peered inside.
Bulla was setting on the floor in front of her custom made Capsule doll house. Several tiny dolls lay on the floor in front of her where she sat on her knees. She was combing the hair of one of the little female dolls, speaking to them as she did.
Vegeta smirked. Role playing. Very interesting.
He pushed open the door and walked inside, tucking his hands into his pockets. Bulla looked up and greeted him with a wide smile.
“Hello, papa!” Vegeta gave a nod.
“What is this?” he asked.
“My doll house.” she replied happily. “Sit! Sit! Let me show you.”
Vegeta looked nervously over his shoulder toward the hallway and then back to his daughter's wide, blue imploring eyes. Hesitantly, he settled cross-legged on the floor beside her.
“This is the mommy.” she said, thrusting the recent hair-brushed doll into his hands. Vegeta looked down at the tiny figure in the smartly tailored suit with the bobbed blonde hair. It reminded him of Bulma when she had a ‘conference’. Bulla picked up the next doll. “This is the big brother and the big brothers best friends.” she let the two tiny male dolls tumble into his lap and he grimaced as he pulled them uncomfortably back up. “This is the baby girl!” she grinned, holding another tiny doll. This one wore a lacy pink ball gown and it’s blonde hair was streaked with varying hues of blue. Bulla shrugged. “Marker.” she told him.
Vegeta nodded.
“This is the uncle doll.” Bulla continued setting the little man on Vegeta’s knee. “He and mommy have coffee sometimes.” Vegeta examined the little man who was dressed not unlike himself at the moment.
Bulla scooted forward on her knees toward the miniature replica of a luxury capsule house. It was almost three feet high and contained every imaginable piece of tiny replica furniture.
“This is the living room.” she began to explain. “This is where mommy watches her soaps when she’s not drawing.” She pulled the mommy doll from Vegeta’s hands and set her on the tiny couch. “This is the dining room where they eat and this is where they throw parties!” Vegeta watched her as she explained with enthusiasm, but by the time she reached the third floor, he interrupted.
“Bulla.” he began. “Where is the...um...” he gestured to the dolls in his hand as he searched for the words. He sighed. “The papa doll. Where is the papa?” Bulla’s face lit up.
Vegeta watched as she jumped to her feet and scurried to the corner of the room. She retrieved a shoebox from the floor and returned to plunk herself back at his side. He watched with interest as she opened the box to reveal the lone doll inside.
“He’s training.” she explained as she placed the miniature figure in his outstretched palm. Vegeta look down at the tiny form, whose dark brown, incredibly stiff, synthetic hair was standing on edge as if in fright and whose naked plastic body was covered in a blue sheen. He looked to Bulla, cocking an eyebrow.
“Marker?” he asked. She nodded and tapped the immovable mane of hair.
“And white glue.”
“I see.”
He placed the dolls on the floor.
“Papa.” Bulla spoke to him, her tone serious. He regarded her but didn’t reply. “Don’t tell Pan that I still play with these. I mean....It’s....it’s kind of babyish.”
Vegeta only nodded as he looked at the child. She smiled back at him happily.
Kami, she was the most beautiful thing he had every seen. So pure and innocent. So...unafraid.
He pushed back the anger that welled up inside of him at the thought of what could have befallen his child.
“Are you mad, papa?” she asked, concern in her voice and she leaned on his knee, pressing her face close to his.
My Kami, was she ever unafraid.
“No, little one.” he replied shortly. “And you play to your hearts content. It will be our secret.”
Unexpectedly, the ten year old tumbled into his lap, throwing her arms around his neck.
“I love you!” she exclaimed. “You’re my hero, papa.”
Vegeta sat still a moment. Hesitantly, he brought he arms around her, returning the affectionate gesture. Why was this so much easier when they were too little to understand?
But, he wanted her to understand. Although his doll was relegated to the corner shoebox for training, he wanted her to know that was not all that occupied his heart.
He placed his hand on the back of her head, pulling her close to kiss her forehead.
“I do too, princess.” he murmured.
Trunks looked up as the question was asked. Daikkon settled into the chair next to him and waited for a reply.
“Uh..no...well...yeah.” Trunks answered, leaning back from the computer that he had been consumed by for the last three hours. “I mean, sometimes I’m out with Goten. But, mostly, I’m in here with mom.” he gestured with his head to where his mother sat on the other side of the lab, pouring over some sketches that he knew that the new Saiyan arrival had drawn. She wouldn’t show him, or tell him what they were of, so he couldn’t imagine what she was working on. “But, usually we work together.”
Daikkon nodded.
“Do you not spend time with your father?” he asked.
Trunks bit his lip, turning the question over in his mind.
“I used to train with him more when I was younger.” he began. “But, the older I got, the harder the training got. I only get in dad’s way now. We only train once in a while together or when I’m in trouble he’ll put me through the paces.” he laughed a bit nervously. “I don’t get in trouble much anymore, either, by the way.”
“I see.”
Trunks turned fully in his chair to address the Saiyan.
“What were your parents like?” he asked.
Daikkon smiled.
“They were very good people.” he replied. “My father was part of Frieza’s army since the occupation, so I did not get to see him as often as I liked, and my mother lived not on planet Vegeta, but a planet called Ceiden. That is where I was born. She was a mid-wife and skilled in stone work,” he laughed lightly. “But she could build a house out of just about any material.”
Trunks gave a weak smile.
“No offense, Daikkon, but you and your family don’t really seem like....Saiyans...”
“Mr. Goku and your mother have made similar comments,” Daikkon told him. “I find that I can’t imagine what they mean. They have both only known less than a handful of Saiyans thus far.” Trunks shrugged.
“I suppose less than a handful is enough of the kind they have met.” he replied. “I don’t know...from what I’ve heard, I just imagined all Saiyans as warriors. People who battle over acquisitions and purging planets.”
“Saiyans did not purge planets before the occupation.” Daikkon spoke a bit sternly. “Yes, there were events that as a people we should be less than proud of, as all races have, but those were Frieza’s orders that turned our people into mass murderers instead of just a race of formidable battle opponents.”
Trunks tilted his head to the side.
“I never considered the Saiyans as my people.” he spoke thoughtfully. “It just always seemed like us...and them...”
Daikkon smiled.
“Your father is the King of all Saiyans. We are most definitely your people.” he looked to Trunk’s computer screen at the complicated lines of code that the teenager had been writing before their conversation started. “ Most didn’t desire to be proficient in the gentler pursuits, such as science. It reminded them of deceit.” he stood from his chair. “But that is another story for another time. You are an exemplary model of an accomplished Saiyan, Trunks. Your father must be incredibly proud.”
Trunks kept the smile frozen on his face as he watched Daikkon move to the other side of the lab.
That was one statement that had been on his mind alot since, well, since he turned thirteen he supposed. He knew that his father cared for them, in his own way, but he wasn’t sure if what he felt for them was love. He wasn’t sure his father loved him, anyway. The way he interacted with Bulla was definitely different then the way he interacted with Trunks. And as far as pride was concerned, he didn’t see anyway a man as great as his father could be proud to have a son like himself.
A/N2: Okay, my bad on the spelling errors. I thought I sent this through the spell check before posting, but I guess not. I sent it through this time, with chapter 14 as well. You wouldn’t believe how many times it stops me when Goten is in a scene!! Just in case ya’ll were wondering, in Goten scenes, I purposely leave the ‘G’ of ‘ing’ words and sometimes scrunch several words in at once ‘cause he’s a fast talker. Other errors are just from me typing too fast to not lose the muse and that it is generally three a.m. at the time. Oh, and ‘cause I’m a lazy non-spell checking git. He he. Anyway, thanks Webtester01 for keeping me in line! I couldn’t fine the ‘our’ ‘are’ errors, I even did a search for both of those words in the document. It’s funny, because that is one of my all time annoyances is mixing words like that (there/their, your/you’re), but I have a tendency to do it alot myself!! Fast typing finger, I tell ya! Anyway, Webtester01, if it would be too much trouble (picture the groveling) could you shoot me an email and let me know where they are at. Thanks all!
Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!
PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....
Unlikely Bond
Chapter 15
Goku had finished with his chores shortly before dinner time. Chi Chi insisted that he spend the rest of the day to himself, having been such a dutiful husband all morning. So, he had made his way through the forest to the river and settled down by the bank to relax. Only, he found, that he couldn’t.Chapter 15
Pulling his knees up to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them and starred out into the distance at nothing in particular. He had hoped when they had returned home that everything would go back to normal and he could forget. Like all other enemies and all other battles before, he could file them away as a memory. But this...this time, he couldn’t. Every time he closed his eyes, every time he tried for a moments sleep, it came back to him.
And he remembered Namek. Remembered Vegeta’s plea as he lay dying. It made so much sense now...
/ “...We did everything he asked of us and more!...He took me from my father when I was still just a little boy! He made me do whatever he wanted and said he would kill my father if I didn’t!...I did everything he asked but he killed him anyway, along with everyone else!...He made me what I am...Don’t let him do it to anyone else...” /
Goku felt a chill travel up his spine as those words came back to him with new meaning.
He had seen many battles in his life and had fought, and even died, to triumph over evil. But now he knew that evil could do battle without strength, without fists, without fighting...and that was territory that put him out of his element. How did one train or prepare to battle an enemy who used such heinous tactics?
Goku sighed and rested his head on his knees. Vegeta was right. He had been right all this time. Goku was an idiot. A naive fool.
“Hey, dad.”
Goku looked up at his youngest son who was walking toward him from the edge of the forest. Goku smiled.
Goten settled onto the bank beside his father. Goku stretched out his legs and leaned back on his palms, both of them staring into the sky.
“How ya doin’?” Goten asked. Goku continued to smile, but shrugged his shoulders before answering.
“It’s a beautiful evening and I have a full belly so I can’t ask for too much more.” he replied. Goten nodded.
“Yeah.” Goten plucked a blade of grass from the ground and twisted it between his fingers. “Hey, dad....” he began slowly. “Can I ask you somethin’?”
Goku’s eyebrows raised.
Goten turned to him.
“Trunks and I were talkin’ about these Saiyans.” Goku tried not to frown. “And it’s all really weird, ya’ know? I mean, what did they want with us anyway? I can understand them wanting uncle Vegeta, but...I mean, what was their deal?”
Goku starred at his son for a moment. He didn’t want to lie to him. He had always made it a point to answer his children’s questions to the best of his abilities and with total honesty, no matter how uncomfortable the topic (and there were quite a few of those questions when Goten was in his young adolescence). But, he found himself not wanting to tell the truth, either. Not the whole truth, anyway.
“Um...welll...” Goku began, sitting up a little straighter. “From what we were told....their main goal was rebuilding a Saiyan empire....and Daikkon had mentioned that the general was ‘collecting’ Saiyans from around the universe, so to speak...”
Goten shook his head.
“What a freaky thing to do. I mean, how much of this could have been avoided if he had just come down, did his bowing and scraping in front of Vegeta like he should and then ask us along. I mean, we wouldn’t have gone, the freak, but, I don’t get all of the ki inhibitors and the crazy sleep drugs and...and those weird toilets that just kinda’ floated along the wall.” Goten rubbed his neck where the ki inhibitor had been placed and not very comfortably removed by Bulma earlier. He grimaced. “Freaks. No wonder Uncle V is actin’ weird. I’d be pissed if I was the prince of all weirdos who ain’t got nothin’ better to do than to kidnap little girls.” he turned to his father. “They went for her first, ya’ know? Like, I don’t even know how they knew she was a Saiyan. But, it was like they wanted her.”
Goku nodded absently.
“Has...has Vegeta been acting strange?” he asked.
“I mean strange in the sense that he hasn’t been acting his own normal strange. That’s what Trunks says, anyway. He was pretty bloodied up at the end...ya know, you both were....What happened?”
Goku shook his head and threw an arm around his son, pulling him close.
“We fought. Just like any other enemy, it ended in battle. It was nothing.”
Goten sat listening to the thumping of his father’s heart.
“You’ve been acting weird too, dad.” he mumbled. Goku gave him one last squeeze before letting him go.
“No. I don’t think so.” he replied, ruffling the young boys hair. “You’ll understand when you are a parent someday.”
Goten gave a shiver at the thought and turned back out to watch the setting sun.
Goku watched Goten as he looked out at the horizon. His beautiful child nearly grown into a man...Was he supposed to tell him about the true horrors of what lay out in the world sometimes? Or was he supposed to let him grow up naive as well...?
No, Goten was smart and world wise like he never was. He could probably teach his old man a thing or two. So no, he wouldn’t put worry or fear on the child’s shoulders. It was his job as a father to protect him from those very things that force one into a knowledge you shouldn’t have.
“Come on,” he announced, rising to his feet. “Let’s get back. Maybe your mom will give us a late night snack, huh?”
Goten smiled and joined him as they walked back toward the forest.
“Well, if she does, I hope it’s alot! ‘Cause I worked up one big Son appetite resting on the river bank!”
Goku let out a deep, belly laugh at his son’s words.
“Yeah, me too. But, I’ll tell you what:” he grinned devilishly and raised his ki. “I will have an even bigger appetite when I race you back home!”
Vegeta strolled through the hallways of Capsule Corp. He had intended to return to training after dinner, but after his shower, he really didn’t have much desire to anymore. Maybe it was the comfortable fit of the khakis or the soft fabric of the sweater that dampened his desire to train. Maybe he was just getting soft.He mulled the thought over in his mind.
No, he was not getting soft. He had trained himself to the pinnacle of what he was capable. He would never be any stronger. He was what he was now. He had never really given it much thought before. But last night: after last night he realized something about himself that he never let himself admit.
He was loved. Truly loved by the woman. Her pity didn’t make him feel ashamed, for it was not like pity. His wounds hurt her, his pain was her pain. Just as it was for the little ones. For Trunks and Bulla.
And was it so wrong? Was it so bad to love them so desperately? And was it bad for him to let them know? What exactly was he afraid of....How had his parents-
He shook his head. No. He wasn’t ready to think about them. He didn’t want to think about them. That was a totally different subject all together. He was nothing like his father.
A soft voice speaking in sweet tones drew his attention. He stepped cautiously toward the half opened door and peered inside.
Bulla was setting on the floor in front of her custom made Capsule doll house. Several tiny dolls lay on the floor in front of her where she sat on her knees. She was combing the hair of one of the little female dolls, speaking to them as she did.
Vegeta smirked. Role playing. Very interesting.
He pushed open the door and walked inside, tucking his hands into his pockets. Bulla looked up and greeted him with a wide smile.
“Hello, papa!” Vegeta gave a nod.
“What is this?” he asked.
“My doll house.” she replied happily. “Sit! Sit! Let me show you.”
Vegeta looked nervously over his shoulder toward the hallway and then back to his daughter's wide, blue imploring eyes. Hesitantly, he settled cross-legged on the floor beside her.
“This is the mommy.” she said, thrusting the recent hair-brushed doll into his hands. Vegeta looked down at the tiny figure in the smartly tailored suit with the bobbed blonde hair. It reminded him of Bulma when she had a ‘conference’. Bulla picked up the next doll. “This is the big brother and the big brothers best friends.” she let the two tiny male dolls tumble into his lap and he grimaced as he pulled them uncomfortably back up. “This is the baby girl!” she grinned, holding another tiny doll. This one wore a lacy pink ball gown and it’s blonde hair was streaked with varying hues of blue. Bulla shrugged. “Marker.” she told him.
Vegeta nodded.
“This is the uncle doll.” Bulla continued setting the little man on Vegeta’s knee. “He and mommy have coffee sometimes.” Vegeta examined the little man who was dressed not unlike himself at the moment.
Bulla scooted forward on her knees toward the miniature replica of a luxury capsule house. It was almost three feet high and contained every imaginable piece of tiny replica furniture.
“This is the living room.” she began to explain. “This is where mommy watches her soaps when she’s not drawing.” She pulled the mommy doll from Vegeta’s hands and set her on the tiny couch. “This is the dining room where they eat and this is where they throw parties!” Vegeta watched her as she explained with enthusiasm, but by the time she reached the third floor, he interrupted.
“Bulla.” he began. “Where is the...um...” he gestured to the dolls in his hand as he searched for the words. He sighed. “The papa doll. Where is the papa?” Bulla’s face lit up.
Vegeta watched as she jumped to her feet and scurried to the corner of the room. She retrieved a shoebox from the floor and returned to plunk herself back at his side. He watched with interest as she opened the box to reveal the lone doll inside.
“He’s training.” she explained as she placed the miniature figure in his outstretched palm. Vegeta look down at the tiny form, whose dark brown, incredibly stiff, synthetic hair was standing on edge as if in fright and whose naked plastic body was covered in a blue sheen. He looked to Bulla, cocking an eyebrow.
“Marker?” he asked. She nodded and tapped the immovable mane of hair.
“And white glue.”
“I see.”
He placed the dolls on the floor.
“Papa.” Bulla spoke to him, her tone serious. He regarded her but didn’t reply. “Don’t tell Pan that I still play with these. I mean....It’s....it’s kind of babyish.”
Vegeta only nodded as he looked at the child. She smiled back at him happily.
Kami, she was the most beautiful thing he had every seen. So pure and innocent. So...unafraid.
He pushed back the anger that welled up inside of him at the thought of what could have befallen his child.
“Are you mad, papa?” she asked, concern in her voice and she leaned on his knee, pressing her face close to his.
My Kami, was she ever unafraid.
“No, little one.” he replied shortly. “And you play to your hearts content. It will be our secret.”
Unexpectedly, the ten year old tumbled into his lap, throwing her arms around his neck.
“I love you!” she exclaimed. “You’re my hero, papa.”
Vegeta sat still a moment. Hesitantly, he brought he arms around her, returning the affectionate gesture. Why was this so much easier when they were too little to understand?
But, he wanted her to understand. Although his doll was relegated to the corner shoebox for training, he wanted her to know that was not all that occupied his heart.
He placed his hand on the back of her head, pulling her close to kiss her forehead.
“I do too, princess.” he murmured.
“Are you always in the lab this late?”Trunks looked up as the question was asked. Daikkon settled into the chair next to him and waited for a reply.
“Uh..no...well...yeah.” Trunks answered, leaning back from the computer that he had been consumed by for the last three hours. “I mean, sometimes I’m out with Goten. But, mostly, I’m in here with mom.” he gestured with his head to where his mother sat on the other side of the lab, pouring over some sketches that he knew that the new Saiyan arrival had drawn. She wouldn’t show him, or tell him what they were of, so he couldn’t imagine what she was working on. “But, usually we work together.”
Daikkon nodded.
“Do you not spend time with your father?” he asked.
Trunks bit his lip, turning the question over in his mind.
“I used to train with him more when I was younger.” he began. “But, the older I got, the harder the training got. I only get in dad’s way now. We only train once in a while together or when I’m in trouble he’ll put me through the paces.” he laughed a bit nervously. “I don’t get in trouble much anymore, either, by the way.”
“I see.”
Trunks turned fully in his chair to address the Saiyan.
“What were your parents like?” he asked.
Daikkon smiled.
“They were very good people.” he replied. “My father was part of Frieza’s army since the occupation, so I did not get to see him as often as I liked, and my mother lived not on planet Vegeta, but a planet called Ceiden. That is where I was born. She was a mid-wife and skilled in stone work,” he laughed lightly. “But she could build a house out of just about any material.”
Trunks gave a weak smile.
“No offense, Daikkon, but you and your family don’t really seem like....Saiyans...”
“Mr. Goku and your mother have made similar comments,” Daikkon told him. “I find that I can’t imagine what they mean. They have both only known less than a handful of Saiyans thus far.” Trunks shrugged.
“I suppose less than a handful is enough of the kind they have met.” he replied. “I don’t know...from what I’ve heard, I just imagined all Saiyans as warriors. People who battle over acquisitions and purging planets.”
“Saiyans did not purge planets before the occupation.” Daikkon spoke a bit sternly. “Yes, there were events that as a people we should be less than proud of, as all races have, but those were Frieza’s orders that turned our people into mass murderers instead of just a race of formidable battle opponents.”
Trunks tilted his head to the side.
“I never considered the Saiyans as my people.” he spoke thoughtfully. “It just always seemed like us...and them...”
Daikkon smiled.
“Your father is the King of all Saiyans. We are most definitely your people.” he looked to Trunk’s computer screen at the complicated lines of code that the teenager had been writing before their conversation started. “ Most didn’t desire to be proficient in the gentler pursuits, such as science. It reminded them of deceit.” he stood from his chair. “But that is another story for another time. You are an exemplary model of an accomplished Saiyan, Trunks. Your father must be incredibly proud.”
Trunks kept the smile frozen on his face as he watched Daikkon move to the other side of the lab.
That was one statement that had been on his mind alot since, well, since he turned thirteen he supposed. He knew that his father cared for them, in his own way, but he wasn’t sure if what he felt for them was love. He wasn’t sure his father loved him, anyway. The way he interacted with Bulla was definitely different then the way he interacted with Trunks. And as far as pride was concerned, he didn’t see anyway a man as great as his father could be proud to have a son like himself.
A/N: Hm....I think this chapter is even shorter than the last. But, what it has lost in length, it makes up for in father/son Angst...and a piss-my-pants funny scene with Vege-chan and a doll house. Hope you all liked reading as much as I did writing it. I hope to update soon. Enjoy!!A/N2: Okay, my bad on the spelling errors. I thought I sent this through the spell check before posting, but I guess not. I sent it through this time, with chapter 14 as well. You wouldn’t believe how many times it stops me when Goten is in a scene!! Just in case ya’ll were wondering, in Goten scenes, I purposely leave the ‘G’ of ‘ing’ words and sometimes scrunch several words in at once ‘cause he’s a fast talker. Other errors are just from me typing too fast to not lose the muse and that it is generally three a.m. at the time. Oh, and ‘cause I’m a lazy non-spell checking git. He he. Anyway, thanks Webtester01 for keeping me in line! I couldn’t fine the ‘our’ ‘are’ errors, I even did a search for both of those words in the document. It’s funny, because that is one of my all time annoyances is mixing words like that (there/their, your/you’re), but I have a tendency to do it alot myself!! Fast typing finger, I tell ya! Anyway, Webtester01, if it would be too much trouble (picture the groveling) could you shoot me an email and let me know where they are at. Thanks all!