Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Bond ❯ Party Time ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! If I did, the anime would never end and GT would have never happened!

Story notes: This takes place ten years after the Buu saga. The only differences I can think of is that the whole thing with the world tournament in the last episode never happened and Goku didn't leave to train Uub. I wouldn't count on anything from the movies being part of this story's time line either, 'cause I haven't seen them all and they usually don't fit into the show's time line anyway. Especially that Broly crap. Vegeta cried through, like, that whole movie! That certainly didn't happen in this story....but, that's a different rant altogether. Hope you enjoy!

PLEASE heed warning in story description!! If you missed it, this story is not for children! It is also not for people who do not like stories that contain elements of violence, strong language, adult situations, references to sex and sexual activity between men and women, and men and other men. As it sits right now, there are no extremely graphic depictions of any sex act, but, you never, never know....

Unlikely Bond

Chapter 16
Party Time

Goku touched down in front of Capsule Corp. that next Saturday at noon. Bulma had sounded a bit distracted on the phone when he called to tell her he was on his way, so he was sure whatever little experiment she needed his help with would probably not take long. Her parties were always an all consuming matter on the day they arrived.

He smiled at the young woman who sat at the reception desk as he entered the commercial portion of the compound. The young lady smiled back at him widely and leaned onto the desk toward him.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Son. Ms. Briefs is expecting you.”

“Thanks!” Goku replied, nervously rubbing the back of his head. It didn’t take heightened awareness for him to realize she continued to watch him as he walked away down the hall.

“Goku!” Bulma exclaimed when he appeared in the lab. She jumped up from her chair and rushed to his side. “I’m glad you made it!”

Goku grimaced.

“I...just called you...”

Bulma thumped her fingertips against her forehead.

“Of course, that’s right. Um, have a seat.”

Goku could sense there was an uneasiness in her voice and not just from her obviously wacky behavior. He looked over to the couch on the further side of the room where Daikkon was sitting quietly.

“Hi, Daikkon.” Goku greeted him with a smile. Daikkon smiled back at him, but there was something....off... “Is...is everything okay?” Goku asked nervously.

Bulma shrugged, leaning against the desk and folding her arms over her chest.

“I think so.” she replied. “Why? Is everything not okay with you?”

Goku blinked.

“I’m fine. But, Bulma, you are acting a little strangely. Is everything okay with your party?”

“What?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Oh, that. Yeah, everything is fine. I just....” She took a deep breath. “Have a seat, sweetie.”

Goku starred at her a moment before settling down in on one of the leather office chairs that were about in the lab. He tried to act casual and comfortable, but the fact was, he wasn’t.

“So, what kind of experiment do you need my help with?” he asked.

Bulma pulled another chair closer to him and set down in it. She took his hands in hers.

“Honey,” she started, a bitt apprehensively. “..Vegeta...Vegeta told me what happened.”

Goku felt his heart still and his stomach began to turn uneasily. His eyes locked with hers and felt wretched by the tears that were forming there, and shocked at the tears that began to well up in his own.

“....um....I....” he tried to speak, but he didn’t know what to say to her. She was his oldest friend, he knew she wasn’t angry, but why did she have to know at all? Vegeta had always been a secretive man, so why couldn’t he keep this one damn secret!

Bulma stood and wrapped her arms around Goku. He glanced nervously at their Saiyan guest.

“I’m so sorry, Goku.” she whispered. “How are you doing?”

Goku gently pushed her back, sniffing sharply and taking a deep breath.

“I’m...I’m okay. It’s nothing, really. Did you need my help?”

Bulma wrung her hands together. She looked to Daikkon and then back to her friend.

“I just want to run a few tests to make sure you’re okay, sweetie.” she told him, laying a hand on his arm. Goku stood.

“I’m fine. I don’t need tests.” He clumsily stepped around his chair, trying to put some distance between him and her.

“Goku,” she began, but he quickly cut her off.

“Look, Vegeta...I....I’m okay.”

“What I believe she means,” Daikkon spoke finally, drawing their attention. “Is that she wants to make sure that you didn’t conceive.”

Goku’s eyes grew impossibly wide and round.

“What!?” he exclaimed. “Of..of course not! I’m fine!”

“Goku,” Bulma took his hand. “I want to just check and make sure, for your sake and -”

“No!” his voice raised in pitch. “I don’t want you too. I don’t need you too. I’m fine. It was nothing! I...we...I..” he folded his arms to keep his hands from shaking. “It was just a..a few times...nothing happened..”

“It only takes once.” Bulma spoke gravely.

“But,” Goku retorted, “I would feel it’s ki, right?” he unfolded his arms and placed his hands protectively over his stomach. “And I don’t. I don’t feel a thing.”

Daikkon frowned at the slight sound of hopefulness in Goku’s tone.

“Not necessarily.” he said. “Saiyans don’t develop a ki signature independently detectable from the parents until it is able to survive outside of the womb. It keep predators from targeting carrying fema-...um..carrying...individuals.”

Bulma noticed the greenish tinge that began to creep into Goku’s skin.

“Maybe you should sit down.” she advised softly.

“No.” he shook his head. “I...I should go. I’m sorry.” As soon as he touched his fingers to his forehead, he was gone.

Bulma let out an exasperated sigh and slumped into her chair.

“That could have went better!” she stated. Daikkon nodded in agreement.

“I feel his pain, truly. And for his sake, I hope he is right. He won’t be able to do it alone...”


Goku had been so upset and confused by what had just transpired in Bulma’s lab that he hadn’t really given a thought to what ki signature he had locked on to to instantly transmit out of the situation. He just connected with the bright beacon in his mind and willed himself there. Now, however, he willed himself dead.

“Kakkarot.” Vegeta spoke without humor, folding his arms across his chest and starring at his uninvited guest.

Goku glanced around, wondering if maybe he should just instantly transmit somewhere else or to stay put. The wind softly whispered through the trees of the forest where they stood, but offered little in advice. Goku sighed.

“You, uh, you want to spar?” he asked.

Vegeta continued to stare at him, his eyebrow arched and his mouth in an odd smirk. Vegeta could sense something was off with the younger Saiyan. His skin was flushed, his heart was racing and he was starting to perspire slightly on his forehead. Vegeta grimaced.

“No.” he stated flatly.

Goku sighed again, rolling his eyes skyward. The last thing he needed was Vegeta’s scrutiny.

“Fine.” he mumbled, turning. “I’ll see you at the party.”

Vegeta spoke before he could retreat, stopping him in his tracks.

“Why did you let him live?”

Goku’s entire body tensed, a warm rush assaulting his skin. He knew who Vegeta meant.

“It’s not within my nature to kill without purpose, you know that.” he spoke softly, not looking back. He didn’t have to see the look on Vegeta’s face to know that he wouldn’t accept his answers.

“I think he gave you a damn fine purpose, fool.” the Saiyan prince spat out. “You know as well as I do you will never be the same again. He deserved to pay for that.”

“We fought. I won. End of story.” Goku snapped back, turning. Vegeta actually seemed momentarily shocked by the normally quiet man’s reaction. “Besides, I have no doubt you finished what I couldn’t.”

Vegeta’s mouth smiled but the rest of his face did not. It unnerved Goku and made him take a step back.

“No.” Vegeta told him. “He was not mine to kill. But I did do as I promised.” Goku closed his eyes as Vegeta continued, his stomach twisting uncomfortably and threatening to heave at the idea. “I broke....every...single...bone in that man’s body. I can assure you by the time I was less than a third of the way finished with him he was wanting very much for me to kill him. True, he may be dead now. But it would have been mercy for it to be at my hand.” His smile faded and turned into a menacing scowl, his eyes narrowing as he regarded the younger. “No, Kakkarot. I didn’t kill him. He deserved every second of what I gave him. Had I the time, I would have taken longer. But, now he will not go to Hell without knowing what it feels like to have your bone turn to dust and to breath in your own blood!”

“Revenge is not the only answer!” Goku shot back, his hands balling into fists.

“It is the final answer! Damn it, you idiot! You are the strongest fucking being in the universe! How can you act so flippant about being gifted with such might!”

Goku gasped at his statement.

“I am grateful for being given the ability to protect my family and my home! But I refuse to use that same gift as a weapon of senseless destruction for nothing but vanity and pride. That would make me no better than people like Horenz..or Cell..or Frieza...”

Vegeta nearly choked on his next breath, his eyes growing suddenly, impossibly wide. Goku replayed in his brain what had just passed his lips, but failed to see how it could have affected the prince so.

“Vanity.” Vegeta growled through gritted teeth. “Is that what you think of me, Kakkarot? That I am vain?”

“No...no of course not. I -” Vegeta shouted again, before Goku had a chance to continue.

“That I am vain to demand retribution for what I have suffered! To demand they pay their restitution with their lives for what they have taken from mine!” Goku backed up as Vegeta advanced on him. “You will never be whole again, you fucking moron! You think because you are back on your precious Earth and you have taken no one’s life that you will get yours back intact? Because that is not the way it works, Kakkarot! You are not rewarded for trying to please the universe! For all of your Kami-loving righteousness, there was no one there to save your ass when you needed them too.”

Goku felt his whole body trembling, unsure if it was from the anger at Vegeta’s word, or the hurt from them. The two stared at each other, waiting for the other to speak.

“There are those that will continue to take from you until you show them that you are not one to be trifled with.” Vegeta spoke, his tone no longer harsh, but very tired. “If I had your power, I would let the world know that if they want to challenge me, I am ready. But, I would also have them know they should think twice before they create designs on using those who are mine to bend me to their will. They would fear my retaliation.” he shook his head, wearily. “No one fears you, Kakkarot.”

Goku’s voice was barely a whisper.

“I don’t want to be feared.” he replied. Vegeta gave a small smile.

“You want respect? For your goodness and leniency? No.” his smile faded. “They don’t respect you, either.” He wearily ran a hand through his hair and turned toward the forest, listening. “Go home, Kakkarot. Soon the woman will throw her party and you can pretend the world is all laughter and smiles again.”

Goku watched, with burning eyes, as the sound that had drew Vegeta’s attention to the trees materialized from them. It was Bulla, and she bound happily toward them, clutching a fistful of daisies to her chest.

“Look, papa!” she exclaimed. “I told you! I told you I could find some.”

Vegeta didn’t speak, but nodded affirmatively to her as she slipped her arm through his.

“Look, Uncle Goku.” she addressed the other. “See?” she held out her bouquet for him to view proper. “Flowers are still blooming! It’s not too cold!”

Goku smiled warmly at her.

“That’s nice...”

“I’m going to take them home and Trunks will put them in my hair!” she continued to chatter, unaware of the tension that was still palpable between the two men. “And it will be so pretty for the party! Right, papa?”

Vegeta looked down into her imploring blue eyes. Goku watched him with sadness. Could Vegeta not see that his restitution from the universe was standing before him, holding onto his arm as though he were center of it all?

“I think it will.” Goku told her. “I look forward to seeing it.”

Bulla perked up at his compliment and turned her blushing face to him.

“Are you bringin’ Goten?” she asked. Goku smiled.

“He’s probably already at your house as we speak.”

Bulla squealed, and tugged on her father’s arm.

“Come on, papa.” she urged. “I want to help mom meet people for the party.”

“I’m sure she will be fine being silly about it on her own without you.” he replied, but let her pull him as if he could not resist.

“Papa!” she groaned.

Goku watched them walk away, catching Vegeta’s eye as he looked back. Neither gave anything in expression to the other. They may be of the same species, but they were completely different beings. Goku wanted to understand him. Wanted to be understood by him. But, it was fruitless, was it not? They had no common ground, nothing on which to meet each other as equals. And now, they may never even be friends.


Vegeta was more than irritated as he walked Bulla home. She chatted happily, holding on to his hand as they walked, but he could only make out the sound of her voice and not the words she spoke. How dare Kakkarot speak to him that way! How dare he even attempt rationalize and understate the magnitude of what had happened!

When they pair stepped into the doors that separated the back patio from the kitchen, Bulla broke from his hand and rushed to her mother who was just entering the room from the hall.

“Look mama!” she exclaimed.

“That’s nice, sweetie,” Bulma spoke, her eyes locking with Vegeta’s. She could tell he was not happy.

“I’m gonna put ‘em in my hair! Where’s brother?”

Bulma smiled and turned her attention to the child.

“He’s up in his room with Goten. Don’t bother them too much.”

Happily, Bulla skipped away to find the two teenagers. Bulma continued to watch Vegeta as he threw himself into a chair, the whole of his appearance shouting his agitation.

“Was she bothering you?” she asked, meaning Bulla.

Vegeta scowled as he looked her way.

“No. That third class idiot was poking around.” he replied. “Why can’t those fools ever stay on their own property?”

Bulma nervously chewed her lip as she poured a glass of lemonade. She sat the glass in front of Vegeta in hopes of softening his mood a bit as she set down next to him.

“I..I kind of invited him over this morning...” she began. He raised an eyebrow in interest as he observed her over the glass as he drank. “Daikkon said something interesting and I wanted to run some....tests...”

Vegeta slammed the glass down on the table.

“What did the boy say?” he demanded.

“First,” she said raising a finger. “He’s not a boy. I asked. He’s in his thirties so-”

“Get on with it!”

Bulma frowned. She looked into his eyes and felt her nerve slipping. Maybe, given his present state, he shouldn’t be reminded that Goku could have very well conceived with him.

“It’s no matter!” she said patting his hand. “We have a party coming up!”

Before she could rise from her chair, Vegeta snapped her hand up in his and pulled her back.

“What kind of tests?” he asked in a low tone. Bulma licked her dry lips and didn’t try to pull her hand free.

“I just wanted to see if I could find out if Goku....if he were....” she had to forcefully push the last word past her lips. “Pregnant.”

Vegeta’s grip on her hand went slack and he pulled it back into the personal space of his own body. He starred at her in astonishment for a moment before he replied.


Bulma shrugged.

“He wouldn’t let me. He said he was fine, that he felt fine and that he didn’t feel any change in his ki or detect the presence of a second.” Vegeta let out a sigh as she finished, but it was a bit premature as she continued. “However, Daikkon said that Saiyan...embryos..don’t let off an independent ki signature until late in the pregnancy.” she felt a horrible sickness in her stomach as she spoke, watching her beloved, proud husband as he closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb and take deep, measured breaths. There was silence between then a moment before he spoke.

“Well this is just fucking great...”

Bulma frowned.

“Honey....isn’t there anyway you....I mean, when I was going to have Trunks-” his next statement cut her off by it’s volume and force.

“I am not familiar with the minutiae of Kakkarot’s scent, woman!” he thundered. “His cycles are none of my concern.” even though he seemed completely flustered, embarrassed and enraged by the insinuation, Bulma’s own temper flared in her defense.

“Well, excuse me!” she snapped back. “You didn’t know me very long before you were well acquainted with the variances in my scent!”

Vegeta wrinkled his nose in disgust at the comparison.

“I had known you well over a year and soon after that I had developed a rather personal and imperative interest in your cycle variants.” he said, ignoring the smile his statement caused. “I will never have occasion to give a damn about his.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Kakkarot is a fucking buffoon. I’m tired of talking about him. I’m tired of seeing him.” he stood. “I think I will decline being present at your party.”

Bulma stood as well, taking hold of his arm as he passed.

“Vegeta,” she spoke with renewed tenderness. “Don’t you think he’s hurting, too?”

Vegeta smirked.

“Of course not.” he spoke bitterly. “Kakkarot is too fine an individual for such personality defects. He’s already back to his former clownish glory.”

Bulma tightened her grip on his arm to keep him from leaving. He humored her slight touch and waited for her next words.

“I think you’re wrong.” she told him. “Goku may be a fighter, but his heart is probably just as crushed as yours. Your situations are identical.”

Vegeta shrugged off her hand, shaking his head.

“You’re wrong. He is able to look on this as one hideous injustice that he again rose graciously and mercifully above. For me, it’s just one more mountain I have to surmount. My hands may get bloody, but I will climb over it too.”

“Vegeta...” Bulma spoke softly, sadly, as he walked away. “..but, this is your welcome home party.”

“I am tired, woman,” he spoke, his voice reflecting the truth of his words. “Welcome me alone, later, when you come to bed.”


Bulma welcomed all of her guests as graciously as possible while trying not to dwell on Vegeta’s absence. It was made more difficult, however, because it was generally the first thing people asked her about.

“What, Vegeta lurking in the gravity cap?” Yamucha asked as she ushered him inside. “That makes, what, seven hundred and thirty...two consecutive parties?”

“Can it, Yamucha.” Bulma grumbled, leading him through the house to the patio where the rest of the party guests were already assembled and enjoying themselves. “Besides, you said you were bringing a date and you did not. That makes, what, how many consecutives gatherings?”

“Okay, okay...” Yamucha grimaced. “I just think that it’s a little weird, after all of this time.”

Bulma shrugged but didn’t respond to his comment. She glanced over to the patio table where Goku was eating and chatting with Krillin. He didn’t seem to retain any of the agitation that he had only hours ago from their conversation. He ate without hesitation and spoke with ease and laughter. She was happy for that.

“Hey, B?” Yamucha whispered to her, drawing her attention. “Who is that with Trunks.” Bulma followed his gaze to the kitchen door, where her son and Goten stood with Daikkon. She smile at the trio.

“He’s our houseguest and a friend.” she replied, heading toward them.

Daikkon bowed slightly as she approached.

“I’m honored to be included in you festivities, my lady.” Daikkon addressed her. Bulma grinned.

“It’s nothing. We have them all the time.” she linked her arm in his and turned to the group. “Everyone, I would like you to meet someone.” when she had their attention, she continued. “This is Daikkon. He is the young Saiyan who helped Goku and Vegeta get back to Earth. He’ll be staying with us here at Capsule Corp.”

Bulma was not totally unaware of the weary glanced her friends gave one another as they regarded the Saiyan. Daikkon spoke.

“I did little, really, to deserve such praise. It was Goten’s persistence and the Kings fearless determination that is really due the commendation. And ultimately, it was them who saved me.”

“Well,” Krillin told him. “Anyone Goku says is okay is okay...well, generally...with well...”

“One exception.” Yamucha laughed, eliciting chuckled from others as well. They died off when it was noticed that Goku was not smiling.

“Well,” Daikkon replied. “I’m honored by your acceptance. Particularly as the young prince has told me of your rather unfortunate past experience with Saiyans.”

Krillin frowned.

“Vegeta told you that? And, he’s not exactly young...”

“I think he meant Trunks.” Bulma clarified.

“Yes,” Daikkon agreed. “But, where is his highness? Is this gathering not intended for him, as well?”

“Vegeta had decided to turn in early.” Bulma replied. “He’s not exactly fond of large gatherings.” Daikkon accepted her answer, but with a look a regret. Bulma only smiled and shrugged before turning away.

“Yeah, Vegeta is a bit of a recluse.” Yamucha added when she was out of earshot. “But, it’s better this way. It gets a little old having to walk on egg shells at a party.” Daikkon grimaced.

“Walk on egg shell...” he repeated.

“It’s just an expression.” Krillin explained. “Vegeta isn’t really the party type. Or the people type, for that matter. I would say he actually hates them.”

“And us.” Yamucha added, to which Krillin replied.

“Mostly you.”


Daikkon interrupted their exchange.

“Trunks told me that you are the Kings friends.” he spoke with confusion. Krillin and Yamucha exchanged glances.

“Well...” Krillin began, but Yamucha cut off his words.

“Vegeta doesn’t have friends. He won’t let anyone close. We’re surprised Bulma stuck with him!” he gave a laugh that was a cross between amusement and embarrassment. “He must be pretty great in the sack is all I can say.”

“And what does that say about you?” Krillin asked him.

Daikkon smiled politely and backed away from the two and left them arguing about sexual prowess. Could there be truth to their words? Was Vegeta really an outsider in his own home? He was pulled from his thoughts by being addressed.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” Daikkon turned to Goku who had come up to stand beside him. He indicated the large buffet table with the tilt of his head. “Bulma’s chef bots make the best stuff. Aside from my Chi Chi, I mean.” he smiled, but the slight change in his body temperature alerted Daikkon’s heightened Saiyan senses to his unease.

Daikkon followed Goku’s eye line to rest at the woman who sat at a patio table with a young man that he recognized as Goku’s eldest, Gohan, whom had aided in their rescue.

“She is your mate?” he inquired. Goku’s smile widened.

“My wife.” he replied.

“She is lovely.” Goku nodded.

“Yeah. I’m a pretty lucky guy. A great wife, great sons and great friends.”

“Would you count his majesty within the latter?” Daikkon asked him curiously. Goku stared down at his plate a moment, twisting his fork in some noodles as he thought.

“I,” he replied slowly. “will always consider myself Vegeta’s friend.”

“Ah..” Daikkon observed. “But, you question whether or not he returns the sentiment? Am I correct?”

Goku shook his head.

“No. I believe that I am one hundred percent confident in how Vegeta regards me.”

Daikkon watched his fellow Saiyan as he continued to look down into his plate, but now seemed disinterested in it’s contents.

“You two having fun?” Bulma asked as she stopped in front of them. Daikkon replied in the affirmative. Goku nodded.

“You bet. You made all of my favorites.” he pause a moment before adding. “Is Vegeta really not going to show up?”

Bulma tried to return the smile.

“No. I don’t think so. I think he’s not feeling so well.” Goku nodded.

“We fought.” he replied quietly. “I said something that made him more angry than normal. I just....I just don’t know what to do...”

Bulma tenderly rubbed his arm in an attempt to console him.

“Vegeta will get over it. He always does.” she told him. Goku shook his head.

“No, I think Vegeta never forgets. I always say the wrong thing at the wrong time and....well...”

Daikkon watched the exchange between the Saiyan and the teal-haired queen with interest.

“Goku,” she said in a low voice. “You and Vegeta just need to give each other time to process this whole situation.” she took a deep breath before finishing. “And I think that you both would have a greater peace of mind if you would just let me confirm for you that you are not-”

“No!” Goku snapped.

The three looked nervously around as the assembly seemed now totally interested in their conversation. Chi Chi moved from Gohan’s side to stand next to Goku.

“Is everything okay, Goku-sa?” she asked him, her concern not completely hidden in her voice.

“Of course!” he laughed nervously and Bulma spoke up.

“I was just teasing that I was going to give all of the desserts to Oolong!” She and Daikkon smiled. Chi Chi looked back and forth between the three of them before smiling herself.

“Well, I’m sure there are plenty. I wouldn’t worry about Oolong as much as I would worry about Goten.”

He laughed again at her statement, Bulma joining him. Daikkon watched the way the Goku’s wife regarded him and the way he happily reassured her. He could tell that she was not convinced by his lighthearted facade, but, she smiled and placed her hand lovingly on his arm.

“C’mon ya’ll!” Goten shouted suddenly, drawing all attention to him. “Is this a party or what!?” He cranked up the sound system and let the music blast. Bulla squealed in delight as he grabbed her hand and spun her around, but with his other hand he hauled Trunks up to his feet. The group laughed at his antics and were soon in hysterics as the two teenagers began to do a rather bad attempt at the ‘electric slide’.

“Oh Kami.” Bulma giggled, shaking her head. “Maybe Vegeta had the right idea.”


A/N: So sorry if there are too many spelling errors in this one. I did run it through the spell check, but if I have the right spelled word in the wrong place, it won’t pick that up. That you so much to everyone that is keeping with this story and reading the new chapters! Also, a big thanks to Pixelgoddess for mentioning my humble little fic at the DBZ fanfic salon. It is a cool site. I hope you all like this chapter. Enjoy!
A/N to Spendragon87: Hmm...that would be very fun.....I'll have to see what they think about that.... :)