Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unnatural ❯ Chapter 8: I heard you and fell in love ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I can't believe how many reviews I got in such a short amount of time! And I also want to thank everyone for the support and encouraging reviews! To put it simply, I have a horrible relationship with my father, and things got really heated the other day. I'm having a hard time dealing with it, but I'm trying. And I want to thank everyone who filled out the survey, it helped a lot!
By the way, I'm planning to extend these chapters and show Bulma's struggle through her pregnancy (I know I said there'd be a huge time leap, but why the hell not? Hardly any of the stories I've read that did write about Bulma's pregnancy made it short). I've been curious to see how she handled it, and this is one of the many ways I always imagined it. If any of you would like to see anything in this story (only for Book I), I've posted a small text box where you can fill out what you'd like to see and I'll take it into consideration. I already have the mating planned out thanks to those who filled out my survey. However, we still have a long way to go till Book I is done.
REVIEW THANKS TO: Trixie-chan, Shirochan21, preciousjade76, Flame3723, aangfan, Cloud Envy Shikamaru, Ladylaide, Supersaiyan2479, Jaylee-Rebel, TheRebelx3, VladLover, elleelle, Miss Katrina Malfoy, WinryCherry101, mossgrl615, LoVeLiKeARaVoR, Shiningheart of ThunderClan, Sassee1892, Maddymadison101, Beauty Eclipsed (apologies for any misspelling)
DISCLAIMER: I was on a train and I heard this guy say to his friend “Man, I'm really good at checkers.” Which is the same as saying, “Man, I'm not good at a lot of things… I suck at everything except checkers… King me, dawg!” I will own DBZ one day!!!!! It's going to be on my Bucket List! (Joke Written and Performed by Demetri Martin)
WARNING: This story is Rated M for sexual content, adult themes and language. If you are offended by sexual themes or any reference to sex, adult themes, or the use of profane language; this story is not for you! You have been warned!
Also, warning, lots of flashbacks! And thank you to Maddymadison101 for beta-reading!
…And onto the story…
Through the Looking Glass Book I: Unnatural
Chapter 8: I heard you and fell in love.
Bulma stood in the kitchen, the occasional giggle escaping her lips as she chopped and stirred. Three weeks had passed since she broke the news to Yamcha about her unexpected pregnancy. When she finally told him, the tension was released from her, but a new tension settled between them when his shock was replaced with anger.
He sat there staring at her wide eyed.
The moment, “I'm pregnant, Yamcha” left her lips, a weight lifted from her chest, but a new heaviness settled between them. He was silent, his brain unable to absorb her news. She was waiting for him to say something, anything. Even if he yelled at her, she wouldn't have minded. It would've been a reaction. The one she expected nonetheless. But he wasn't saying anything.
Bulma stared back at him, allowing the news to register. The silence was almost becoming too much for her, but she told herself to be patient. But then, five minutes passed, and her knee started to bounce.
Ten minutes passed, and she fiddled with her hands.
Fifteen minutes passed and she sighed. Did it really take this long for him to get over his shock? Just as Bulma thought this, Yamcha jumped from his seated position on the couch and began to pace in front of her. She watched as he walked back and forth. He turned multiple times to her with his mouth open, about to say something, but instead, he shook his head, ran a hand roughly through his locks, and continued his pace.
It dawned on her.
She didn't have to explain. He already knew. The moment the words were said, he knew automatically who the father was.
It made perfect sense.
He stopped his pacing and Bulma stiffened. Yamcha lifted his head to scope the room, as if he was searching for something, but Bulma knew he was trying to sense if Vegeta was near. When he discovered that he wasn't, Yamcha turned to her, his face hard and his eyes cold.
Why? Why what? Why was she pregnant? Well that was a stupid question. She opened her mouth to reply, and then closed it, not knowing what to say or how to word what she wanted to say.
“Why, Bulma?” Yamcha began to shout. “Why? Of all the people, why HIM?”
She winced and shook her head. What could she say? Originally, she wanted to say, “It was out of loneliness,” but it was only partly true. Till now. Bulma couldn't tell him that she had feelings for the Saiya-jin no Ouji. It would just do more damage.
So, instead, she said nothing and just shook her head.
Yamcha threw his arms outward dramatically. “I don't understand! I offered this to you so many times! And you get it from him!”
“I don't know what to say to you, Yamcha! It just happened!”
He blinked. “Just happened? Did he fall in you and OOPS?
Bulma narrowed her eyes, her anger beginning to boil. She stood, her voice becoming louder. “What the fuck do you want me to say? We broke up and he and I happened for one fucking night!” Her eyes filled to the rim with tears, her anger now present. “I thought I'd tell you out of respect, but if this is the bullshit I'm going to get, then fuck you, Yamcha! I don't need this nor do I deserve it!”
She wiped at her eyes and saw Yamcha open his mouth to retort. “Oh, save it! It's not like you have any room to speak anyways!”
His eyes widened. “Oh, come on, Bulma! That happened four years ago! We got through it!”
“Well, maybe I never got over it.” She took in a deep breath. “I don't want to fight with you.” She said simply.
Yamcha scoffed. “Oh, okay. Well how do you expect me to take this? With open arms and a huge smile? I hate the fuckin' guy! He's an asshole!” He chuckled darkly. “I bet the moment he got what he wanted from you, he left! Is that—“
“Shut up!” Bulma screamed, her tears streaming down her face rapidly. “You know nothing, so don't act like you do!”
Realizing he hit a sore spot, Yamcha loosened his tight shoulders and sighed. He watched as Bulma fell onto the couch, her head cradled in her hands as she sobbed, and his chest tightened at the scene before him. Maybe he went too far with that last comment? Sure, he hated the arrogant Prince, but he knew he shouldn't have been taking it out on Bulma. He was just sore that she was pregnant with another man's child. A child that wasn't his. A child that belonged to a man who had killed him once, at least, in his eyes.
Slowly, he approached the couch and sat next to Bulma, hesitantly raising a hand and placed it upon her back. She flinched at the contact, but didn't move away. What he said was exactly what happened. Vegeta left. She felt used and not only that, but now she had to face being a mother alone.
Bulma lifted her head and buried her face in his chest, whispering “I'm sorry,” but to whom, he did not know. Yamcha just hugged her while she sobbed, his shirt wet with her tears.
“Is that why he's not here?” Yamcha asked softly.
Bulma nodded slowly and sat up straight, wiping insistently at her eyes to stop her crying. She let out a shaky breath and reached for a tissue.
“He left the next morning for space.” She blew her nose and grabbed a clean tissue to dab at her eyes. “I shouldn't even be surprised. I don't know what I was thinking. He doesn't even know yet. He left so fast. She whispered the last few words, her sobs waning.
Yamcha sat and listened, his face like stone and his teeth clenched together to keep from spewing the venom that was building.
She continued only this time, instead of screaming, her voice was a murmur. “I'm so scared. I feel so incredibly stupid.”
He swallowed hard, then his eyes zoned in on her stomach. He could already feel the ki of the small being growing within her, and it was quite powerful for that of a fetus. Yamcha shook his head and frowned. He shouldn't have yelled, but he couldn't help himself. He was, in fact, sore that Bulma was having a child with another man, but then he realized that this child was a part of Bulma. A part of the person he loved more than anything. And now, she was sitting in front of him, crying her eyes out, which never happened.
The Bulma he knew was strong and proud, and even the bravest person he knew. But, the person sitting in front of him looked broken and scared. He wanted to leave, originally. He wanted to spit at her feet for getting herself in this situation, but seeing this proud being crumble before him tore him apart. He couldn't leave.
Then, at that moment, Yamcha approached Bulma, and knelt in front of her. He gathered her hands in his and, with everything in him, produced a small smile.
As he spoke, he squeezed her hands. “I'm here. It'll be okay.” He said simply.
Bulma's eyes narrowed in confusion and she shook her head. “I can't ask you—“
“Stop. You're not asking, I'm telling. I'm here. You can't do this alone.” Her eyes began to water and he lifted a hand to wipe a tear away. “Whenever you need me, B. I'll come running.
Ever since, Yamcha hardly ever left her side. They both stood in the kitchen preparing lunch. The radio sat at the other end of the counter, the volume turned up as one of Yamcha's favorite songs played. Bulma watched, her chest shaking with laughter, as Yamcha head banged to the song, occasionally pretending to kick over an invisible speaker while he played the air guitar.
This was the Yamcha she missed.
When the song ended, he stood, and then bowed as Bulma clapped for him and she shook her head. “You're nuts.”
He chuckled. “I'm not the only one who's nuts!” Yamcha said as he patted her stomach. “Ever since we got back from that ultrasound, you've been baby nuts.”
Bulma smiled gently as she placed her hand over her small bump. Now nearly two months pregnant, she was just starting to show. They both returned to their chopping and peeling. “I can't help it. I'm excited.”
Yamcha shook his head as he stacked his share of sandwiches on a plate. “It's weird. Not too long ago, you were freaking out, and now you're all giddy about this kid.”
“Just because I'm giddy doesn't mean I'm not scared,” Bulma replied as she put two pieces of bread in front of her. “I still have my moments where I think what am I going to do, or what if I'm a bad mother.”
“There's no way in hell that you'll be a bad mother, Bulma.”
“How do you know? Can you see the future or something?”
Yamcha smirked, a twinkle in his eye as he glanced down at her stomach. “I just know.” He said softly.
Bulma laid on the exam table, her shirt lifted to expose her stomach to the cool air. Yamcha sat by her side and next to him was Bunny. Her mother bounced in place as they waited for the ultrasound technician.
“Oh my goodness! My baby is having a baby!” She squealed as if she had just found out the news. “Do you want to know the sex?”
Bulma shook her head, frowning as she eyed the cream colored wall paper with distaste. “No, I don't really want to know anything, Mom. Besides, it's a bit early to know that, isn't it?”
Bunny stopped her excited jumping and rested a hand upon Bulma's stomach. “Come on, dear. You have to be at least a little bit curious?”
When Bulma opened her mouth to deny it, Yamcha butted in. “Yeah, babe, aren't you even a little bit curious about what you're having?”
Her eyes widened at his question. Since she told him, he barely wanted to talk about the baby. She had to beg him to come to the ultrasound with her and here he was, questioning her about her lack of enthusiasm. Who in the hell was this Yamcha?
“You're seriously commenting on my lack of excitement? Just yesterday, you didn't want to talk about the baby!”
He shrugged and smirked. “I don't know. Seeing you sit there and being here with you is kind of making this more real for me.”
All conversation halted when the door to the exam room opened. A short older woman walked in, a smile presented on her weathered skin. Her gray hair was pulled back in a bun, her legs hidden beneath a long khaki skirt and a white blouse to match. She extended her hand to each person.
“Hello, I'm Dr. Hikari,” she introduced herself as she shook each of their hands gently. “I will be your ultrasound tech today.”
Bulma smiled gently as she took the woman's cold hand in hers and shook it. She watched as the older woman took a seat next to what looked like a television screen and placed a folder on the nearby table. “Well,” Dr. Hikari started as she met Bulma's eyes. “I take it you are the mother-to-be, Miss Briefs?”
The doctor nodded and opened the file, then set her pen down and faced the threesome. She then glanced at the other two standing next to the young girl. “And may I ask who is accompanying you today?”
Bulma looked back at her two companions and smiled gently. “This is my mother,” She gestured to Bunny. “And this…” When she got to Yamcha, she halted for a second, unsure of what to say. “This is a… friend of mine, Yamcha.”
After making the introductions, the doctor read through the file slowly. “So, today, I'm presuming you want to know how far a long you are and the progress of your baby.” She got up from her stool and walked to the other side of the room to open a cabinet. Pulling out a box of latex gloves, she stretched a pair on her hands, the gloves slapping into place. “Is there any questions or concerns you have for me today?”
Bulma shook her head, “No, I don't think so.” Even though she was worried about the fact that her child was indeed half Saiya-jin. She was worried what the baby's power would do to the machinery, but what could she say? That her baby was part alien? That's unrealistic.
But her fears were put to rest when her mother decided to share her concerns. “I was wondering…” Bunny trailed off.
Dr. Hikari turned from the counter after grabbing a bottle of some unknown substance. “Yes, Mrs. Briefs?”
Bunny shared a look with Bulma, but said nothing further, unsure of how to word the startling information. Noticing this exchange, Dr. Hikari stepped forward. “Whatever the concern is, I'd be happy to—“
“We're concerned for the baby's… genetics.” Bunny began to state. At seeing the confusion grow in the doctor's eyes, she tried to explain further. “Its origin is much different than you'd expect.”
“Mother.” Bulma said harshly. Was she actually going to tell this woman that her baby was an alien? Possibly a powerful alien at that? It was too risky!
Bunny smiled gently. “Dear, this is something that needs to be addressed. It is rather important.”
Bulma scoffed and looked to Yamcha for support, but he looked away. Really? Coward!
“I don't agree to this. It's too dangerous!” She argued.
Dr. Hikari interrupted. “Miss Briefs, no matter what, I'm subjected to doctor patient confidentiality. I'm not allowed to say anything, unless it involves some sort of abuse.”
Bulma growled. “Are you suggesting I'm abusing my child?” She yelled, her lips nearly curling back in a snarl, her body tense like she was about to leap from the table.
The doctor was taken aback at the outburst. “N-no of course not! I was just saying…” Dr. Hikari trailed off, unsure and completely shaken at the display of pure anger on the younger woman's facial features.
Bulma, dear, relax!
Bunny rested a hand on her daughters shoulder, her grip tight. Yamcha stood and sat on the bed next to her, his body blocking her path to the stunned doctor. “Babe, you need to calm down, no one is accusing you of anything.”
Bulma took in several deep breaths and laid her head back against the already flat pillow.
What was wrong with her?
She was angry over nothing. No, she was more than angry. She felt she needed to protect this small life, even though she didn't feel close to it. What was going on with her…?
Everything in the room slowed down. She tried to breathe to calm herself, but it wasn't helping. She just wanted to run from the room and huddle somewhere. She didn't like the topic they were discussing. It was endangering the one thing she had left of him. Her hands rested on her exposed tummy, her thumb rubbing soothingly back and forth, as if she was trying to calm the life in her. Was it the baby that caused her to react so harshly? The doctor hadn't even said anything, but she had felt… enraged.
She looked up from her stomach and saw Yamcha watching her, a small smile playing on his lips.
It was that moment that he knew everything would work out right. He watched Bulma nearly fly off the handle for any apparent reason. It was almost a protective reaction. Shortly after she had told him about the news, they barely talked about the pregnancy. He had the feeling she wanted to pretend it didn't exist, therefore, whenever the topic was brought up then, he refused to indulge in it. But after watching his ex react the way she did, her hands flying to her stomach without her knowing; it filled his heart with warmth.
It was then, Yamcha knew. He wanted this with her.
The sun was beginning to set as the day came to an end. Yamcha had already left after asking a series of are `you sure you're okay' questions. Bulma was more than just okay. She was feeling calm. The joys of pregnancy had barely hit her, but when it did, she glowed with it. Everyone she worked with commented on the aura she gave off.
At first, no one wanted to be around her. After finding out about her pregnancy, it threw Bulma into a newfound depression. She didn't want to talk about it, but then again, she did. Things would've been much easier if Vegeta was around. Wait…
Would it really be easier?
Then, shortly after her depression appeared, it was replaced with anger. She had just came back from the ultrasound appointment, her face glowing and her hands never leaving her stomach, but when she passed his old room, the smile abruptly disappeared. Ever since he had left, she hadn't been in his room.
Bulma didn't want to go into Vegeta's room. She wanted to rid herself of his memory, but that was impossible now.
She had glanced down at her stomach and frowned.
He left and didn't even know they were expecting a child. All Bulma could think about was how he had abandoned her in a time of need.
So, instead of moping, Bulma seethed and hardened. Vegeta was hardly mentioned and when he was, it was always centered on the baby.
Bulma wiped her hands on a dry towel after setting the last of the clean dishes in the dish drainer. She just could have the cleaning bots do the work, but she had been feeling restless. That day, Yamcha had tried so hard to keep her occupied. She knew he wanted to ask her about her plans for when the Saiya-jin returned, but she was thankful he didn't.
To be perfectly honest, she had no clue how she was going to tell Vegeta.
After leaving the kitchen, Bulma made her way to her room. The sun had set and she was due for her long bath. Her tense muscles had begun to ache from her long day and exhaustion was apparent. She fiddled with the bow on her shirt as she made her way around the corner of the long corridor, only to stop once Vegeta's room was in view.
Her heart fluttered.
It had been over two months since she had been in there and the pull to go in was strong this time. Would it still smell like him? Would his bed be made like it always was when he wasn't there? He was always a neat freak and whenever she was in there, everything of his had an order to it.
Bulma hesitated in her first step, but swallowed the hard lump in her throat. Yes, he left, but she had to move on. Her baby had become her priority and sulking over Vegeta wasn't going to help any further. She was to become a mother.
Taking in a deep breath, Bulma pushed the door open and walked into the dark room. A lingering scent still existed that she immediately recognized as Vegeta's, but it was faded. So, the room still did smell like him. How odd, when he hardly spent any time in here. Her eyes focused in the darkness of the room and they took in the made bed, the empty dresser, and the lone desk. Bulma walked further into the room and sat down on the bed.
Memories of their passionate tryst came back to her and she rubbed the small bump.
“This is where I made you…” She said softly to the being inside her. Odd to introduce her unborn child to the place it was conceived, but she needed closure and she felt this was the only way to introduce her child to its father.
Bulma lay upon the bed, her head buried in the one pillow, and she inhaled. Still, after all this time, his scent was still present on the fabric. She laid there for a short time, taking in his natural scent, till curiosity got the better of her.
Did he take everything?
She eyed the closet on the opposite side of the room. She had seen the boxes he took with him and knew he didn't have much, so what did he leave behind? Leaving the bed, Bulma threw open the doors to the closet and rolled her eyes. Of course.
He left the clothes he considered to be too human for him.
The clothes she bought for him when all he had was the armor and training suit that he wore when he first arrived on Earth.
Bulma wasn't the least bit surprised. She picked through each article of clothing, noticing the tags still intact. They hadn't even been worn. Oh well. Maybe one day he'll break down and wear them, like she was able to get him to wear that ridiculous pink shirt. Bulma chuckled at the memory. She could be devious when she wanted to be.
She fingered the clothing one last time before shutting the doors to the closet and made her way to his dresser. Did he even use it? She opened the top drawer, but it was completely empty. One by one, she opened the drawers, and all that was left was lint. Well, at least he took something.
But this made her question whether he was really planning to come back. Even the armor she made for him was gone.
Sighing, she stepped away from the dresser and turned to the desk. It looked completely unused and untouched. She sat at the chair and opened a few of the drawers, but none of them held anything. About to give up in her snooping, Bulma stood from the desk and turned, her toe immediately making contact with one of its wooden legs. She hissed and sat back down, her eyes watering with the pain that shot through her foot.
“Fuckin' son of a bitch!” Bulma muttered in a low tone.
Glaring at the possessed desk, she rubbed her toe until the pain began to ease. As she continually rubbed her toe, Bulma saw a small opening near the bottom of the desk.
Huh. I must've missed a drawer. It's probably empty anyway.
Bulma reached down and opened the last drawer further and her eyes widened.
Apparently he didn't take everything!
There laid a small leathered bound book, a symbol embedded in its cover. She pulled it out and sat it down on the desk, her fingers gently rubbing along the raised lines of the symbol. What a weird sign… It was obviously foreign, just from the symbol, she could tell.
Her eyes narrowed.
I've seen this somewhere before…
Then she gasped. Several times, during their arguments where Vegeta would stomp off, she'd give chase, only to find him in his room, this book in hand. But she was unable to get a good look at it, for he'd put it away quickly, his eyes turning on her with a vengeance, and their argument would resume, all thoughts of the book completely gone by then. She desperately wanted to open it, but that would've been an invasion of privacy and if Vegeta did return, and found out about it, all trust, what little of it he had in her, would diminish right there. Sighing, Bulma sat the book down and stared at it.
It was a beautiful symbol, but she had no clue to what it meant.
Reluctantly, Bulma put the book away and left the room.
She walked down the hall, somewhat dragging her feet as she came upon her door. She stood in the hall, a frown marring her face as she glanced back down the hall towards Vegeta's room. Bulma sighed and leaned against the wall. If… no when he came back, would he accept her pregnancy? To be perfectly honest, she didn't at first. All she could think of was how she felt too young to be a mother. Even the one thought of how the baby could possibly be ruining her life flittered through her mind. But ever since she came back from the ultrasound, all her doubts and worries ceased.
Pushing Vegeta to the furthest part of her mind, she entered her bedroom and shed her clothes. A shower sounded nice.
The beat of the water felt good against her back as she stood there and soaked. Her hand slowly ran down along her torso, over the roundness of her breasts to her mostly flat stomach. It was just that one sound. A faint beat that changed her entire perspective.
Bulma tilted her head back into the warm water as she recalled the first time she heard her child.
Dr. Hikari sat there, fidgeting with the many gadgets on the screen. They had a lengthy conversation about the baby's father, his heritage, and abilities. The doctor took the news exceptionally well, to everyone's surprise. After witnessing everything on the news about the recent attacks in the nearby deserts that were unexplainable and some of the fallen cities, the doctor had said it made sense.
She had smiled at Bulma and reassured her that their secret was safe.
Bunny rested a hand on her daughters shoulder as the doctor smeared a cold substance onto her stomach. She then pressed the probe to her abdomen and they all leaned in towards the screen. Bulma listened as the doctor hummed. All she could see was blackness and the occasional movement she assumed was her muscles contracting.
“Why can't we see anything?” Yamcha asked suddenly.
Bulma turned her head and glared. “It's an ultrasound, dummy! It's supposed to look like that!” When he lowered his head and quieted, Bulma turned back to the screen and watched as Dr. Hikari turned a few more knobs and move the probe around. Then, the screen changed. Bulma's eyes widened at the dark circle that was surrounded by white. The doctor smiled and she moved the cursor to the middle of the screen.
“This,” she started as she circled the dark circle, “is the amniotic sac and this little gem here,” she moved the cursor over the small being that laid in the middle of the circle, curled up. “This little beauty is your baby.”
Bulma swallowed as she stared at the small creature that lay in her womb. It was tiny.
So, that was her child.
She watched as the fetus squirmed, though she couldn't feel it, her eyes glazing over with a newfound feeling. Then, the doctor turned one knob and suddenly, the room was filled with a soft thumping sound. The baby's heart beat.
Bulma's eyes filled with unshed tears at the sound. She was listening to her baby's heart beat. It was so beautiful. No words were said as they listened to the rapid thumping noise and Bulma felt a warm hand cover her own. She looked down at it, then up to its owner. Her mother smiled down at her proudly, tears in her own eyes.
When she had found out she was pregnant Bulma had nearly come to regret it. She had been depressed; just the word baby would set her off.
That little heart beat changed everything!
Right then, Bulma had become a mother.
It was at that moment Bulma felt an instant connection with her child. Her mother had once told her that women become mothers when they're pregnant and men become fathers when they first see their child. She didn't feel like a mom when she became pregnant. She just mourned the changes of her body, the departure of Vegeta, and the loneliness she felt. But just listening to that small sound caused her chest to tighten and the air she was breathing to thicken.
Bulma stepped out of the shower and dried off. She turned around, the towel now draped over her shoulders as she attempted to dry her back, when her reflection caught her eye. She dropped her white towel and stepped forward, her eyes traveling over her naked form.
It didn't seem like much had changed.
But looking closely, Bulma could tell the difference. Her stomach seemed flat from the angle she was standing in, but turning just slightly, she could make out the small bump that had begun to appear in her lower abdomen. Her eyes traveled upward to her breasts. She knew what to expect when expecting, what changes were going to happen, and bigger breasts were one of them. Her hand lifted to her right breast and she felt around the soft flesh.
It didn't seem any bigger.
She certainly didn't feel any different, except the occasional mood swings. Thankfully, her morning sickness had ceased almost completely, only every now and then would she be caught off guard by a sudden nausea spell.
Both her hands ran down her sides gently as she felt out her figure. Bulma turned left and right as she checked herself out, her one hand pinching here and there, and the other cupping and squeezing. In her mind, she was committing her form to memory, because she knew that in just a short time, her figure wouldn't be as same slim and smooth as it was now.
Bulma was saying goodbye to her slender physique.
Finally, her hands, once again, came to rest upon the growing bump and she sighed.
“You're so lucky, baby…” Bulma eyed her form once more before she turned away from the mirror. Glancing down her body towards her stomach, she murmured, “Because of you, I'm going to get fat!”
All right! I have an awesome Beta. ^_^ Another special thanks to Maddymadison101 for beta-reading this chapter for me! You are awesome!
I just want to state something before I possibly get slammed with “No this isn't how it happens” and blah blah blah.
Everyone has their own opinions and views on pregnancy, but let's not forget that Bulma is pregnant with a demi Saiya-jin. So, her pregnancy is going to be different than that of a normal pregnancy. AND, I did do some research on pregnancy for this story. If you believe that I've written something wrong, please tell me, but things are not going to be completely accurate because of how I'm going to write her pregnancy. It will progress different and we'll see how it does in the upcoming chapters.
Also, Update!
I have created a forum with my site! So exciting! Please join!
Sequel to Expecting Unexpectedly coming soon! Called Melting a Heart of Ice.
Until next time, my lovelies!