Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Western Kai Reborn ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Dragon ball Z is not my intellectual property. I do not own the characters. The original characters do belong to me.
Please review. I look forward to feedback.
Bulma looked around her in wonder at the city before her. The buildings were lined with gold. Scarlet banners adorned everything. She was amazed that the people looked just like the ones back on Earth.
“Something is not right here.” Vegeta growled.
Bulma blinked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“There is a strange energy here. You shouldn’t have come.”
“Vegeta, there really can’t be anything here that can be a danger to me. I mean this planet couldn’t stand up to you before you came to Earth, so how could there possibly be any danger now? These people don’t remember you. It’s like you never even were here.”
Vegeta just grunted. Something was wrong, he just couldn’t figure out what. And of all the things that have happened over the past weeks. This bothered him the most.
“Have you been able to sense her?” Bulma asked softly.
Vegeta looked at his wife. She seemed to pick up on exactly what he couldn’t figure out. Of course that was the problem. The Ki that the woman gave off when she wasn’t corporal was strong. But now that they were actually near her, he could barely sense anything. “I can’t sense her.” Vegeta slowly admitted.
“Maybe we should just ask around.” Bulma suggested. Clearly she had to think of everything on this trip.
“Onna, I don’t want to make a scene. Asking around will surely make the natives restless.”
Bulma frowned. There shouldn’t be any reason that Vegeta would want to escape everyone’s notice. Unless, “You mean you don’t want anyone to notice you.” Bulma said pointedly. “You’re worried that these people remember being killed.”
“Onna.” Vegeta growled. This conversation was taking a turn he didn’t like. Sometimes the Onna didn’t know when to leave well enough alone.
“Fine.” Bulma said not wanting to bring up something that was long settled between the two. They both knew that no good would come of continuing this. She glanced up at her husband.
It must be torture to him, having to live something he thought he left behind.
I did leave it behind Bulma. I’m not that person anymore. You changed that.
Bulma smiled. Vegeta may never openly show her affection in front of anyone. But she knew he loved her.
“Excuse me.” An elderly voice sounded behind them. “I believe I can help you.”
Vegeta didn’t even turn around. “Who are you?”
Soft laughter sounded behind them. “Just an old seer that serves the rightful Queen. The gods told me of your coming. And I come out just to buy food for dinner and here you are Vegeta Samma.”
Vegeta turned around and glared at the stooped over old woman who was standing there. She wore nothing but drab brown clothes and the rest of her was completely grey. The colors of the world around her almost hurt to look at in comparison. “Speak quickly, and it better be interesting, or I will kill you where you stand.”
The woman moved closer and quickly glanced around. “This is not a story to be spoken here, please join me in my home and I will tell you everything.”
“Alright, but if you are trying to trick us.”
The woman held up her hand. “It would be very foolish of me to do that. You are the only hope this planet has. Now please come quickly come. The usurper has her spies everywhere.” She added in a hushed tone. She motioned for them to follow. She led them off of the brightly colored streets where the market was down dim side streets and eventually to a hidden part of the city that seemed just as colorless as the woman. She then led the four into a small home. She quickly closed and locked the door. She placed her burden down in the kitchen and went around the home making sure all of her windows were secured and any openings were sealed. It became painfully obvious to Bulma that this woman was terrified of what would happen if she was overheard.
“Alright old woman.” Vegeta growled. “Get on with it.”
The woman sighed. “It all started years ago, when you came to our planet. The people don’t remember, but suddenly everything was back to normal here. Like the destruction didn’t happen. I only have vague visions of what happened. But I can tell you have changed.” She looked at Vegeta with her eyes glazed over like one who was reliving a memory. Or one who was having a vision.
Vegeta growled.
“Please continue,” Bulma urged. She knew that Vegeta would never admit it, but he needed this woman’s help to find whoever they were looking for. And since he wasn’t going to ask for it, it was up to her to get all the help they needed.
“The next thing we know the queen was expecting a child. The king died some time ago and the Queen never said who the father was. It wasn’t my business to question it, so I didn’t. When the queen’s time neared something horrible happened. I know she was poisoned, but her death was ruled natural by her twin sister, who is now currently ruling.”
“And the child?” Bulma asked. This almost seemed like something that could happen on Earth. But really except for the color of the sky, this place was just like the Earth.
“It was assumed she died as well, but when the queen’s body was burned I found a new born baby girl in the ashes unharmed. I would assume that she was the queen’s daughter.” She looked at Vegeta, she could tell he thought her mad. “I stood over the fire during the queen’s funeral. There is no other explanation.”
“That’s impossible!” Bulma exclaimed.
“Nothing is impossible when the gods are concerned.” She went to her small stove and poured tea for her guests and herself. “Naturally the child came from the gods. I named her Vestia for the goddess of the hearth. One of the queen’s generals raised an army to remove the usurper from the throne, while I took Vestia in. The war went on for years. But the usurper had amassed power and magics of her own. About two years ago was when the first binding spell was placed on Vestia. Her mystics kept adding and layering binding spells upon her. The armies that she rose over came ours. It was a slaughter.” At some point during all the madness Vestia, who because of all the bindings on her couldn’t defend herself was taken.” She looked in her tea cup as a tear rolled down her face.
“She was in your care.” Vegeta grumbled “If you weren’t so careless she wouldn’t have been taken.”
“I know the blame I bear.” The woman said sadly. “But I’m sure they were quite surprised when they tried to kill Vestia.”
“What happened?” Bulma asked softly. If the girl was dead, then this woman couldn’t help them after all.
“Reportedly, Vestia only died for a moment. Then the bindings broke and she was alive again. She attacked everyone she could. She struck more of a blow to them than we ever could, but the usurper and her mystics must have thought that might have happened because the bindings were placed upon her once again.”
Trunks and Goten who had been sitting quietly in the back of the room until now looked at each other.
“Why don’t we go save her?” Trunks suggested.
“Yeah!” Goten said. “We could sneak in and get her out before anyone knew we were there. It’ll be fun!”
Trunks nodded. “Papa, we could go. Nobody would suspect us!”
Vegeta sighed and rested his palm on his forehead. This was becoming something he really didn’t want to deal with. “Alright.” He said finally. “You two go retrieve her. Bulma and I will stay here.” He turned to Bulma. “You did bring your capsule house?”
Bulma stiffened. “Of course I did. I’m not stupid.”
The woman watched this conversation in horror. “But they are just boys! Surely you can’t mean to send them alone.”
“Your own accounts tell what a mere child can do against the people of this planet. And I do know that there is nothing here that can challenge them.” Vegeta smirked. “It’s settled take the boys to where the princess is being held and let them attempt the rescue. Might I add a rescue that wouldn’t even be needed had you not been so lax in your job.”
The woman looked down at her feet. She could see the truth in his words. She may not have any of the skills she knew Vegeta had. But she could tell when someone held power within them. And both of those boys held enough power to effectively save Vestia. “Alright I will lead them to the dungeons. But I cannot go inside with them.”
“Good, but I am warning you crone, if you attempt to harm my family, you will die slowly and painfully.”
The old woman stared at Vegeta and could see the truth in his words. She may not fully remember him destroying everyone on the planet, but she knew he was more than capable and willing to carry out his threat. She stood up and turned to the two boys. “We will leave soon when the darkness can best hide us.”

Bulma closed and locked the door to the capsule house. “Are you sure it is okay to let them go alone Vegeta?” she asked softly.
“It is the best way to handle the situation. The boys can handle this easily, plus this way I can make sure you stay safe.”
Bulma smiled. “Well it does give us some free time together.”
Vegeta just looked at her and smirked.