Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Western Kai Reborn ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon ball Z. Would be nice if I did. I’m sure it is making a boatload of money from all the rereleases.
I do own Vestia and the natives of Planet Sheik. The goddess of the hearth is still property of anyone who worships her.
Thanks to Vimesy for the Beta!
Please read and review!
The crone led Trunks and Goten to the tunnels that lead to the palace. The tunnel looked to be nothing but a hole in the ground in front of cliffs that rose above them. The hole in the ground looked out of place in contrast to the beautiful gold spires of the city that stood above them upon the cliffs.
“I can go no farther.” She said. “The Usurper has already ordered my death. If I am caught, nobody would be left to care for Vestia.” She looked at the boys and sighed. I don’t really think that you children handle this. But maybe you will be overlooked because you are children.” She turned away from them with tears in her eyes. The poor child. She raised her from birth. Hopefully, the boys could save her in time. “Since your father doesn’t want to help. You two are her last hope. Please don’t fail me.”
Trunks turned to Goten and then looked at the tunnel entrance. “Go on in.” He said. Looking at the hole in the ground. He wrinkled his nose. It smelled funny down there.
“It’s dark in there.” Goten mumbled. “You go first Trunks-kun.” He looked at Trunks with a wide eyed pleading look.
Trunks sighed. But sometimes it was better to give in before Goten got worked up. “Fine, follow me.” He said crawling into the tunnel. “How far does it go on like this?” He asked.
“Only about 500 meters.” The crone said. She really wanted to leave before anyone saw her.
Goten crawled in behind Trunks. “I guess it is a good thing Vegeta san and Bulma san didn’t come.”
“Ka san would hate this.” Trunks said as they continued to crawl through the tunnel. “But Goten we’re sneaking in. We have to be quiet.”
Goten covered his mouth. “Sorry.” He whispered.
The two continued to crawl through the dark tunnel in silence. Finally they came to a faint light above them. Trunks looked up and saw a small grate above his head. He looked back at Goten and pointed up. He then pushed the grate and poked his head into the small room. A guard was sleeping in the corner, but otherwise it was unoccupied. It seemed to be a break room for the guards. He ducked back down.
“Goten.” He whispered softly. “It looks like there is a sleeping guard. We could take his clothes, like at the Budokai. Then we could walk around until we found the princess.”
Goten smiled. “That’s a great plan Trunks!” He said.
“Shh!” Trunks said putting a finger to his lips. “We need to knock him out, and put him down here.”
Goten nodded. Then the two boys floated out of the hole and walked over to the sleeping guard.
“Lift him up Goten.” Trunks said.
Goten nodded and lifted the man slightly up. Then Trunks jumped up and dealt a swift blow to the back of his neck. Trunks and Goten quickly started undressing him. Then Trunks put him in the tunnel and replaced the grate.
“I’ll be on top Goten.” Trunks said as he put the man’s shirt and hat on.
“Why can’t I be on top?” Goten whined as he put the man’s pants and on over his own.
“Because it was my idea.” Trunks said as he climbed onto Goten’s shoulders. “Besides I have better balance than you.”
Goten looked up with Trunks a protest forming in his mind but he didn’t give voice to it. “So which way?”
Trunks sighed. “I don’t know, we’ll just keep wandering around until we find her. I mean she has to be down here.”
Goten nodded.
“Goten don’t do that you’ll make me fall off.”
“Sorry.” Goten whispered. “Maybe there is a map or something.”
“Why would there be a map. I’ll just try sensing her. Maybe I’ll feel something, if not just keep turning right.”
“Why turn right?”
“Because Ka-san always said that is how you get out of a maze.” Trunks closed his eyes and tried to feel anything.
“Well?” Goten asked.
“There’s something, but it’s like a ghost.”
“Vegeta san said he couldn’t sense her. Are you sure?”
“No, but it is the best lead we have. Besides he wasn’t looking for something that feels this quiet.” Trunks smiled. “Or maybe it’s because I’m close to her. Or it might even be that I can sense ki better than Papa.”
“I don’t think Vegeta-san would like hearing you say that.”
“Papa isn’t here right now, and I know you won’t say anything. Now let’s go rescue a princess!”
Goten beamed under his discuss. “Okay!”
The two left the room and stumbled down the hallway looking for what they hoped was the princess.
“Trunks-kun.” Goten said. “This place looks scary. I think they hurt people here.”
“They probably do. I mean this is a dungeon.” Trunks said. “But you need to be quiet. I don’t want another guard thinking we aren’t supposed to be here.”
“Hey you!” A voice called out.
The two boys stiffened. “Yes?” Trunks asked not trying to give himself away.
“Make yourself useful and bring this to the brat. I’m tired of listening to her mouth at meal time.” He walked up to Trunks and shoved a plate of food in his hands. “I need a rest, and I don’t want to deal with her. Besides there is a much better use for her mouth.” He leered at the boys almost getting lost in thought.
“What do you mean?” Trunks asked. He had a bad feeling he knew exactly what the guard meant.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never thought of it, hell it’s encouraged. She’s a little young but you still get off.”
This guy is disgusting Trunks thought “Get off?” He narrowed his eyes. He really wanted to hurt this person, but he couldn’t. If he got into a fight now, other guards might come, and it would make finding the princess that much harder.
“You must be new. Oh well. I’m going to catch a break. I’m tired and need some rest. Thanks for doing this for me.”
“I am new. But sure no problem.” Trunks said carefully. He prayed this man would leave before he lost his temper.
“You’ll learn. This job is lonely but there are benefits” The guard waved over his head as he walked off.
Trunks glared as he watched him leave. “Good riddance” He muttered.
“Trunks what did he mean ‘get off?’” Goten said.
“Something bad.” Trunks said. “Let’s hurry up. I really want to get her out of here.” They set off down the hall again. After a few minutes they came to a large metal door. Trunks pushed a button that looked like it opened the door.
“You’re late you bastard.” A soft feminine voice sounded from the back of the room. “Besides aren’t you a little short to be a guard?” Trunks could tell someone was in there, and that she was a girl but she was so far back in the shadows he couldn’t tell anything else.
“I’m not a guard.” Trunks said. “We’re here to rescue you.”
“Sure you are. You are just trying to get me to come out without struggling.” She said darkly. Trunks could almost feel her glare. If the guards were so disgusting he would have pitied them.
“No we really are here to rescue you!” Goten piped up.
The girl stepped forward. Long red hair flowed down her back. She looked at Trunks and Goten with accusation in her golden eyes. “Who the hell are you?” She looked at both boys with a disapproving glare.
Trunks hopped down off of Goten and removed the disguise he was wearing. “I’m Trunks and this is Goten. Like I said we are here to rescue you.”
“You’re just kids!” She exclaimed. “Great first they imprison me, then they torture me and the best the seer could come up with to save me were just two children.”
“So are you.” Trunks quipped. “So are you coming? Because we can just leave you here.” He frowned. He figured she would be grateful, but no she had to act like a spoiled brat.
The girl smiled. Her smile didn't look like a friendly smile, but a dangerous grin promising death and destruction. “Might as well. But I’ll need you to do me a favor once we get clear of this place.” She wasn’t going to let a chance like this go. She probably wouldn’t get another one; the gods only help those who help themselves.
“We’ll talk later.” Trunks said. “Follow me.” He grabbed the girls hand and ran down the hall the way they came.
“So what’s your name?” Goten asked as he ran up beside them.
“Vestia.” She said. How did anyone on this planet not know her name. How completely insulting!
“Great!” Goten exclaimed “So we rescued the right person.”
“Wait.” Vestia said. “You mean you randomly rescued me not fully knowing I was the right person? Are you an idiot?” She sighed already knowing the answer to that question.
“I followed your faint ki. Besides how many other little girls are being held down here?”
“Watch who you call a little girl. I’ll have you know I am the princess of this planet.”
“So?” Trunks scoffed “My dad is the Prince of the Sayiajin. That’s much more impressive.”
“So what does that make you?”
“Stop right there!” A voice called out in front of them. “I don’t know who you are, but you are aiding a prisoner. And I doubt you are as indestructible as she is.”
Trunks smiled. This was the same guard that had stopped them earlier. Now he could deal with him like he wanted to in the first place. “Stay here with Goten.” Trunks said. He walked up to the guard. “Try me.” He said dangerously.
Vestia glared at the guard. If the kids failed she could use this chance to escape. And there was only one of them. Here anyway. But they wouldn’t shoot to kill with her, and it really hurt to get shot.
The guard laughed and fired his weapon. Trunks simply stepped to the side. “My turn.” He jumped and pouched the guard in the face who fell to the ground unconscious.
Vestia blinked. This was amazing, they might be able to pull this off. “Okay I will allow you to rescue me. Now let’s get out of here.” This was perfect she would be getting out of here. She just had to convince them to do one little thing.
“That was great Trunks-kun!” Goten cheered punching his fist up in the air.
“Come on!” Trunks said grabbing Vestia by the hand again. The three ran to the room where the boys had entered the dungeon. After going in and making sure the door was locked, Trunks picked up the grate. “Ladies first.”
“Fine whatever. I just want to get out of here.” Vestia jumped down into the hole. When she saw the guard she started punching and kicking him. She hated her captors. She only wished she had the means to kill them right now.
“Why are you doing that?” Goten asked coming up behind her.
“He deserves worse.” Vestia said quietly. She struggled to keep from crying. “All of them do. When I figure out how to break these seals I will kill them all.”
“But it isn’t right to kill someone.” Goten said innocently.
“Some people deserve to die.” Vestia said darkly. “These bastards most of all.”
“Let’s talk about this later. We need to get out of here before more people discover you’re gone.” Trunks said. “The end is about 500 meters away.”
“So I only have to crawl in the filthy dirt 500 meters.” Vestia said. “Great, just great.” She smiled, soon she would be free.
The trio began crawling down the tunnel.