Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Be Afraid...Chichi Attacks ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Sixteen: Be Afraid...Chichi Attacks  

Shin came back almost a half an hour later, and by then, everyone was trying to escape the tortures of the deadly heat. Videl and Gohan stayed under the water half the time, fearing that they might get sunburn really bad. Goku decided just to plain lay there in the sun, still floating on top of the water, and somehow not getting even a slight amount of sunburn. Vegeta was still sitting in the shade, laughing at all the losers and how pathetic they were, when he was probably cooler than them in the first place.

Shin just appeared out of no where, his booted feet touching down in the white sand. He saw everyone except Vegeta in the water, and he couldn't help but gape at all of them. Their world was in the most peril it had ever been in, and they were swimming!? He wanted to rip out his hair, and scream at them, but instead, he stood there, yelling at Goku to get everyone out of the water. The Saiya-jin pouted, but complied, shouting at Gohan and Videl to get out of the water also. They both looked sad, but they understood.

Videl started ringing out her shirt before she stepped out of the water, because she didn't want it clinging to her like a second skin. She, first of all, didn't have a bra on, and second of all, she felt self-conscious with showing her body off like that. She knew too many girls who did that in the first place, including her friend Erasa. Even if she was ditzy, and dressed kind of sleazy, she was still her closest friend, besides Gohan. She smiled at him as he raced out of the water with his father, splashing water around madly. She shook her head, sighing at her pathetic shirt. She did the best she could, and it probably didn't do anything to help.

She stepped daintily out of the water, trying not to look so obvious that she was trying to keep her shirt from touching the front of her body. It didn't work very well, and needless to say, she would have had to hold the dumb shirt clear out about two feet in order to hide anything.

She swallowed, giving up as the wet shirt plopped against her skin. This drew Goku's immediate attention, and his eyes widened as he smirked his face off. He elbowed his son in the side, saying in a low voice, "Hey, Gohan. Your girlfriend has a really nice bod-"

"Dad!!!!!!!!!!!" Gohan yelled, slapping him upside the head. Everyone turned to the display except Videl, who took to opportunity to whip on her clothes in a flash. By the time anyone noticed her, she was already dressed, her arms crossed protectively over her chest and standing nonchalantly in the sand as she watched father and son. Gohan was grumbling about something, occasionally giving her brief glances, and Goku was trying not to laugh his head off.

Once the two men were done getting dressed, Shin sighed, saying, "We have to search for Babidi. It will take a while, since their ship is probably completely submerged now, and their ki levels controlled. I don't want everyone to come at once, because I don't want to tire you all out. I'm taking Goku and Vegeta now, and Gohan and Videl can get that diary work done at Capsule Corporation."

Videl and Gohan gawked at him. "How did you know that?!" Videl asked, nearly falling over. Shin just smirked, and motioned the two older Saiya-jins to come with him. Videl and Gohan watched them the half second it took for them to disappear, and Videl picked up the small leather book, which had been lying next to her clothes in the sand. She dusted it off, and smiled at Gohan, who offered his hand. "Come on, Videl. The sooner we leave, the sooner we might be able to discover what you need to know."

She nodded, and they took once again to the skies, heading for Capsule Corporation.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!!! They just left me!!! How could they do this!?!? And you, young man, are in trouble. How dare you fight Eighteen and then fly off with Goten, to Dende knows where?!!! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!!"

"Uh, oh," Gohan said, recoiling from the door. "I don't know if I wanna go in there. More than likely my mom's in there too, and about to rant on Goten. I think that we should-"

"Listen here, Goten!! YOU ARE GROUNDED...FOREVER!!! I can't believe you!! You are just like your father, but at least you're back already!! And my poor baby, he isn't even back yet. Oh, Gohan, where are you?"

"Here I am."

Chichi whipped around to see Gohan and Videl standing in the doorway, Videl with a small book in her hand. She squealed, running over to her son and hugging him as tight as she could. "Gohan, I was so worried about you and Videl. Please don't ever leave your mother like that again, ok?"

Bulma hid her smile behind her hand, and saw that Trunks, her son, was doing the same. "Ok, you two little ones...go outside and play, but do not go anywhere but the backyard!!" she yelled, pointing the "finger" at both boys. They nodded, both taking off into the yard, and hoping that their mothers, which contrary to popular belief, were the scariest things in the world, would not ground them in real life.

Gohan pealed his mother off of him, and walked quickly over to Bulma, handing her the book as Chichi inspected Videl for any possible damage. "Uh, Videl dear, you smell like...salt and the ocean. Come with me, we must get you cleaned up." She stopped, pointing at Gohan when she smelled him also. "And you too, Mister!"

"But mom," Gohan whined, "I already took a shower today!"

Chichi stopped in her tracks, giving him the "eye". Gohan wanted to run, but he was pinned against the table unless he wanted to crawl over it because Bulma was standing in front of him.

"Oh, really, Gohan? Where did you take this shower at, hmm? IN THE OCEAN?!?!" she screamed, the house shaking. Gohan wanted to cower in fear, but he swallowed, standing his ground.

"No, me and Videl went over her house to talk to her father and I took a shower there," he said, hoping that he wouldn't get smacked upside the head.

Chichi looked at Bulma, who had a shocked look on her face, but a naughty grin starting to appear. "Oh, really, Gohan? Is that all you did there?"


Chichi laughed evilly, dragging Videl with her to the upstairs bathroom. "Come on, honey, we are going to make you nice and pretty for my son. Do you like that idea?"

Videl swallowed nervously, just nodding. She gave a quick wave to Gohan as she was yanked upstairs, and wasn't to be seen again for a few hours.

"Back to this book, Bulma. It was Videl's mom's diary, and we can't-"

"This is Saiya-jin. Where did you get this again?" Bulma asked, leading him down to the lab. Gohan followed, shocked about what she had just said.

"It's Videl's mom's, she died a long time ago, and left this for her. We couldn't decipher it, and we were hoping that you might be able to."

Bulma nodded absentmindedly. She sat down in front of a computer in the spacious lab, happy that she had saved the files that translated Saiya-jin into Japanese from Radittz's scouter. She told Gohan that it was going to be a long and difficult thing to do, and she was about to suggest bringing it to-

"Woman, where is my food?!?!"

Bulma smirked. "Like I was saying, maybe we can have the Prince of all Saiya-jins do this for us."

"Did someone just address me formally? Why, Bulma, I think you have finally gotten the right idea. Now go make me my food," he demanded, stepping down the stairs and into her lab. She smiled when she saw him, and jumped up, running into his arms. "Oh, Vegeta, I was so worried that I would never see you again. Are you ok? I promise I'll make a big feast if you're alright. Do you want some ice cream? Orange soda?"

"I'm fine, Woman, now get off me." He didn't admit that he was almost happy to be home, and she reluctantly released him. "So, what was this about you wanting me to do something?"

Bulma tugged him over to Gohan, who was still holding the book. "Do you think you can still translate your language?"

Vegeta growled at her, ripping the book out of his hands forcefully. "Of course I can!!! This is my own heritage, do you think I would forget?!"

"You never know, Vegetable Head, now, you translate this for me like a good little Saiya-jin, and I will make you your demanded food."

Vegeta growled at her, wondering if she was up to something, because she always was. He turned back to Gohan, who had a big smile on his face. Gohan asked abruptly, "When did you get back? And where's everyone else?"

"Your baka of a father and the Supreme Kai are upstairs, trying to discuss a new search tactic, since we couldn't find them. I don't think any work will be done when he's talking to Kakarott. If you want my opinion, he should talk to someone like me, or maybe that Onna upstairs."

Gohan rolled his eyes, watching as Vegeta opened the small book and leafed through the pages. "Where did you get this?" Vegeta asked, sitting down at the table in the middle of the room.

Gohan started to explain, Vegeta nodding every once and a while to acknowledge he was listening. When Gohan was done, Vegeta opened it to the first page, and began reading out loud:

Sentace 19th, year 29 AV-

"Hey, wait a second, what does that mean?" Gohan asked, completely confused.

"It's the Saiya-jin calendar. It's around October the nineteenth, twenty nine years after the last King Vegeta died. Get it?" Vegeta said impatiently, hoping that he wouldn't get disturbed again.

Gohan nodded, and the older Saiya-jin started again.

Sentace 19th, year 29 AV,

Today I have left Planet Vegeta, in hopes to find any remaining people of my race. I apologized to their king, saying sorry that I could no longer help them, since Frieza has wiped out what was left of my people.

You might be wondering why I am writing in the Saiya-jin language, and not Barakian. Well, it's not a long explanation. If there is no one left of my race, who could translate this? My hopes are that the Saiya-jins do not get killed like mine, and that someday someone will find this, and be able to read it, unlike if I was writing in my home language.

So, here I am, flying through outer space, in a Saiya-jin space pod. I have no idea where I am going, but if I do not find any of my people, I will take over some random planet. Most races out there are pathetically weak, and it should be easy. I heard there was a peaceful planet called Earth that I wouldn't mind visiting if I find no one left of my kind. Well, I'm about to go into Hyperbolic Sleep Extension, so I have to go. I'll see you in about 1000 light-years.


Talayia Alys Baraka

Gohan sighed, looking up at Vegeta, who had an almost blank look on his face. "I remember now," he said quietly. "There was this girl at the palace, making some sort of peace agreements with my father. They were planning on both attacking Frieza at the same time, but...as you can tell, it never happened."

Gohan's expression softened. "Did you ever meet her personally?"

Vegeta snorted. "Of course I did, boy. I was right next to my father when they first met." He set the book down, laying back in the chair he was sitting in. "I always wondered what happened to her." He almost gagged after a moment. "So, she married that so-called 'World Champion', huh?"

Gohan nodded. "We met with him this morning, and Videl quite literally denounced his title, and claimed that I would do some funky ancient Japanese torture ritual to him if he didn't talk." He smiled. "Needless to say, it made him talk."

Vegeta smirked. "Did he piss his pants?"

Gohan laughed, happy that Videl wasn't here because she would have been mad. "No, but he almost did. He's still all for those "flashy tricks" and stuff. Oh well, he can believe what he wants."

The older man snorted. "Someone needs to blast him straight to hell, and who better to do it than y-"

"Vegeta! Your lunch is ready!! You better get up here before Goku eats it all!!"

He growled. "If that baka even touches my food...."

Gohan watched as he stomped up the stairs, and sighed, picking the book back up and studying it. Come to think of it, with what little Saiya-jin he knew, it looked somewhat familiar. He set the book down, leaving it on the table for Vegeta and possibly Bulma to study it further. All he knew was that the food upstairs was making him hungry, and he left, trudging up the stairs.