Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Attack of Videl ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Nineteen: Attack of Videl    

Videl saw Gohan staring down at a porcelain white sink with a red toothbrush in his hand. He groaned, falling backwards and onto the vinyl flooring, the small object in his hand falling into the sink.

Not one to get all worried and girly-like, she demanded, "Alright, what happened," and crossed her arms over her chest.

Gohan slapped his hand over his face, groaning again as he managed to grab back onto the sink, pulling himself up. "Eh, get this thing off me," he said weakly, motioning to the spandex he was wearing. Videl was now worried, and she placed her hands on his shoulders, asking gently, "What's wrong, Gohan?"

He shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it," he whispered, feeling Videl's hands start to work his tense shoulder muscles. It felt so good that he just let himself fall backwards, for he knew she could support his weight. Any other girl would have fallen down right along with him, and would have been smashed practically to death.

Videl moved her hands down his back, feeling along the almost hidden zipper line. She finally found it, having to almost dig through the spandex to get to it. She smiled when she felt his tail curl around her wrist, and start to tug downwards. He made a low sound in his throat, and said, "I'm sorry, Videl. I just too tired to pry that stupid thing off you right now."

She told him it was all right, and slowly pulled down the zipper. He sighed as if from relief when he felt it leave his shoulders, and he managed to support his own weight as Videl pushed it the rest of the way down. He could have cared less who was stripping him actually; all he wanted was to get out of his clothes and into the shower to scrub himself like no tomorrow. He felt so unbelievably dirty.

Videl felt a blush trying to come up as she let her cheek rest against his thigh, trying gain leverage as she pushed it with some major difficulty off of him, but she didn't let it. She finally managed to get it to his ankles, and he stepped out of it, kicking it away from him as he collapsed against a wall, closing his eyes. Videl stepped up to him, wrapping her arms around his trim waist. She gave him a light kiss on the lips, and it seemed to make him feel better, because he smiled, bringing his arms around her to hold her closer. She pressed her lips against his again, not demanding anything but the steady pressure of his mouth against hers. He sighed, not able to help himself as he deepened it, slowly opening his mouth and running his tongue along her lips to ask her to part them. She willingly opened her mouth, boldly searching out his tongue with hers.

She didn't know how long they were like that, but she gradually noticed the growing increase of his breathing. She liked what he was doing however, playing with her tongue as if it were a toy. She felt an odd warmth growing inside her, and in her urgency, she gripped onto his hair, forcing his mouth harder against hers. Their kiss deepened almost unbearably, and hands started to wander. Sometimes being a hormonal teenager had its advantages, sometimes it didn't.

Videl felt his hands drift down her back slowly, as if teasing, and fortunately, she had gotten back into her clothes right before she had come to see if he was all right. She gasped when she suddenly felt his fingers curl around her bottom, pulling her against him hard. Their kiss was abruptly halted when he moaned into her mouth, and then he jumped at the sound of it, his body stiffening. He let her go without further delay, and turned around, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Bulma covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hide her excitement. "Is that a moan I just heard?!" she whispered fiercely, pressing her ear even harder against the door.

Chichi nodded. "Yeah, I think so. Maybe we should interrupt-"

"Hell no! I want to see some action!!!"

Videl placed her hand on his broad shoulder. "I'm sorry, Gohan. I'll leave now."

She turned around, walking out of the large room. He caught her right before made it to the door, holding onto her arm desperately. "No, Videl, don't leave. It was my fault. I guess I just scared myself. Are you alright?"

She nodded, bringing her hand up to his cheek. "Why don't you get in the shower like you were going to before I came? I'll be here when you get out," she said, trying to make him feel better.

He looked nervous for a moment, and then nodded, walking back into the white bathroom. What he said next completely surprised her, and made her wonder if something was seriously wrong, or if something had bad had happened.

"Hey, Videl, is it all right if I leave the door open?" he asked timidly, afraid of what her reaction might be.

She covered her shock with a smile, and a wave of her hand. He smiled back, and walked into the spacious bathroom. She listened as his black boxers hit the clean floor with a soft plop, and she swallowed, searching frantically for a remote control to the TV in front of her. She found it on a bedside stand next to a lamp, and she turned the television on, keeping it low enough so she could still hear him talk to her if he so chose to. She couldn't find anything to watch, only a pathetic romance that had her wanting to gag at how fake it was.

She heard the water turn off around ten minutes later. She tried not to pay attention as he started to get dressed, and she jumped when he spoke up.

"Hey, Videl, are there any clothes in the drawers out there?" He didn't add that he was loath to put back on his old clothes. He would rather go naked.

Videl hopped off the bed, opening the large drawers and digging through them. Surprisingly, she found a ton of clothes that looked like they had never been worn.

"Gohan, who lived in this room?"

He poked his head out through the doorway, making sure that his towel was on tight. "Uh, Vegeta, why?"

"There are a bunch of clothes in here that look like they had never been worn!" She dug through some more, asking, "What do you need?"

He blushed. "Everything."

Hehehehe...."Do you need boxers?" she questioned wickedly.

"Ah, come on, Videl, stop teasing me!"

She gave a small laugh, looking for what she thought he would look good in. She pulled what she wanted out, trying not to laugh more as she picked out the cutest boxers she had ever seen.

He took the clothes from her, giving her an odd look when he saw only black.

"I thought you would look like a sexy Saiya-jin in all black. Oh yeah, I hope you like the boxers!"

He smiled, shaking his head as he closed the door. A few moments later, he stepped out, his arms crossed over his chest and a mean, yet haughty look on his face.

Videl started laughing her head off, rolling all over the bed. "You look just like Vegeta! What did you do, practice in the mirror!?" she cried, holding her stomach.

Gohan smirked, turning around in a circle. "So, do you like it? Oh yeah, nice boxers!" he said, laughing. He hadn't been expecting to see white boxers with little red hearts all over them in Vegeta's old dresser, let alone wear them!

"Yes, and you're welcome," she said, standing up on the bed and jumping into his arms. He caught her smoothly, a happy grin on his face. He seemed content just to hold her, and she let her cheek rest against his chest, listening to him breathe and his pounding heart. She didn't want to ruin the moment, but she wanted to know what had happened that had made him so upset.

"Gohan, what happened earlier?"

She felt his shoulders sag, and his arms tighten around her as if he was afraid to let her go. "You don't have to tell me."

He gave a sudden laugh. "No, it's no big deal, except that I was almost raped by a bunch of guys."

"What?!" she screeched, almost into his ear. He flinched, pulling away. "I was just scared, I guess, and I kinda went into shock." He smiled. "All I could think about was getting back to you so you could make me feel better," he admitted, seeing her beautiful face soften. She kissed his cheek, saying, "Did I make you feel any better?"

Gohan's smile grew. "Let's just say yes."

She laughed, lightly slapping his arm. "Ok, now that you're better, lets go downstairs. I don't want Bulma to torture me into wearing makeup to that restaurant. It's bad enough that she is getting me into a dress." She shuddered, causing Gohan to laugh.

"Don't worry, I will protect you. And anyhow, I think you will look gorgeous in a dress."

They walked to the door, opening it. Two women fell forward, flat onto the faces at their feet.