Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Sometimes I just get these Urges.... ( Chapter 31 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Thirty One: Sometimes I just get these Urges to Hump this Lamp, Screw this Couch....
"Blast off in four...three...two...one. Lift off."
Bulma squeezed her eyes shut tight and gripped onto the arms of her comfortable chair, holding on so tight her knuckles turned white. Everything started shaking, jostling everyone around in their seats, and she fought the urge to scream her head off. It was a good few minutes before the female computer voice Vegeta loved so much said, "Exiting Earth's atmosphere. Launch successful. Thank you and have a nice day."
She snarled, ripping off her seat straps and standing up on wobbly feet. Everyone did the same, except Gohan, who looked rather content just staying there. She patted his head as she walked by, and then went over to Vegeta, who immediately commenced in making fun of her. She almost slapped him, but then just ended up securing herself to the safety of his strong arm. She gave the excuse that she was scared, and gave him her best puppy dog eyes, making his resistance melt like butter as he dragged her away to the nearest closet. Goku rolled his eyes as he saw the couple stroll away, and then shooed Trunks and Goten away, who were running around like two crazy little kids, which they were, and pretending they were shooting each other with super mega beam cannon guns. Once that was done, he sat down in the gray leather high-backed chair next to Gohan, who was still strapped in. He sighed as he got comfortable, leaning back and closing his eyes.
Gohan got up a few moments later, unlocking his black straps and standing up. He didn't notice his father watching him as he walked away, probably going straight to the new and much improved gravity room. Goku himself couldn't wait to try it out, but he had to wait until Gohan was done with it, which wouldn't be for-he looked at an interplanetary clock-another seventeen to twenty four hours. He sighed. He might as well get some rest until then.
Punch. Kick. Punch, punch, roundhouse kick. Must save Videl. Punch. Kick. Must save Videl. Kick, kick, punch. Must save Videl.
He jumped when the computer console voice in the GR announced, "Twenty six hours now completed. Gravity going down in three...two...one. Have a nice day."
He took a deep breath, wiping off his forehead with his arm as he settled back to the floor. So, I went a straight twenty six hours. I'm getting better. But it still isn't good enough. I must try harder.
He walked completely exhausted to the high-tech console, turning up the gravity again. He had exceeded the limit of everyone else, and he wasn't letting anyone know. Especially Vegeta. He would probably try to kill him if he ever found out he had reached seven hundred times normal Earth gravity. Vegeta himself had only made it to around six hundred, and that was only when he was pissed, or when his father was in there.
He gritted his teeth as he eased it up to seven hundred and ten. It was getting really hard to move at all, and his muscles felt stiff and ached like hell, not to mention all the burning and injuries he had inflicted upon himself. Using ki blasts when one couldn't see was hard, but he was getting the hang of it. The only reason why he was all cut up was because of the ki blasts he had used that had gone astray, or he had forgotten about, or had gotten distracted from other things. Like Videl. He now knew what Vegeta had been talking about when he said he was going to get as horny as hell. That was a huge understatement. He was getting such intense urges that he was ready to do anything in his path. He snorted at himself. Vegeta had said turn your weaknesses into your strengths. How the hell do you turn from being so damn horny that you would screw anything, into your strength??!?! He wanted to scream, and then blow up something. This isn't fair, he whined to himself, wanting to rip something in half, and then blow it up. What is with me and wanting to blow stuff up?
He sighed, giving up and collapsing under the pressure of the gravity. He was too tired to move. Too horny to care. He needed to talk to Vegeta again. He wanted to know about Saiya-jin mating bonds. He knew that Bulma and him were bonded, and that was probably why she was the only female in the universe that Vegeta could stand. And he also knew that his father and mother were bonded, but it was way too embarrassing to ask about this to his own father. Vegeta sounded like the only available option.
He got up, crawling over to the computer and turning off the gravity. He felt so much lighter that it was scary. But it felt so beyond good to be his normal weight that he almost fell asleep right there. He shook himself, standing up and making his way over to the door, searching with his fingers for the button to open it with. It slid open with an annoying hiss, and he walked out, finding his way slowly to the cockpit. Either Bulma or his dad would be there, for someone was always in there doing something. If he found someone, they could direct him to Vegeta.
"Hey, Gohan. What are you-what the hell happened to you?!" Bulma screeched, running over to him and pushing and prodding here and there. She gasped when she saw a particularly large and deep gash on his upper arm, and her fingers traced the outline of the bleeding cut. She didn't see how red he had gotten; all she did was tug him over to a chair, telling him to sit down while she got a first aid kit. She was back less than a minute later, a large box in her soft white hands. She immediately started tugging off his protective armor, at which he started to tell her not to. She frowned, wondering why he was acting so mysteriously nervous. "Come on, Gohan. You're hurt, all I want to do is clean this cut and you can go back to training or whatever. Now sit still and stop acting like I'm going to get you completely naked."
Oh, Dende, he thought, trying to shake her off desperately one last time. He shouldn't have been anywhere near her, and here she was trying to get him out of his armor and the top of his suit. She started struggling to get it off while he struggled to get away from her, and finally she yelled, "Gohan!! What is wrong with you?! Just stay still!! I'm not going to hurt you!!"
He swallowed hard, his shoulders slumping as he gave up and tried to concentrate on other things. She began seriously getting worried when he started trembling madly, and her brow furrowed as she took off his top shirt. He had some bruises and a few cuts and scrapes, but his arm really needed bandaged. She got down on her haunches next to him in the chair, and put her hand on his bare shoulder. "Gohan, tell me what's wrong. I'm just like your second mother. You can tell me anything, you know that." She looked down blankly at his hands, seeing them holding on as tight as they could onto the armrests. He was squeezing them so hard they were starting to bend. They were supposed to be able to withstand the strength of a Saiya-jin, but apparently not. She would have to talk to the engineer once she got back.
"Gohan, calm down, honey. After I'm done doing this we can go and get something to eat, ok? And then you can go take a nice shower and then I can tuck you into bed, alright? Does that sound like a good idea?"
He wanted to shake his head no as hard as he could, but all he did was nod, and try to stop his violent shaking. This was driving him mad, and he didn't know if he would be able to stop himself if she stayed near him much longer.
She smiled as he stopped trembling so bad, and then patted his cheek, going on with her task of cleansing his wound and then bandaging it with white gauze. Once she was done, she told him he could stand, and she helped him put back on his blue spandex top. She didn't bother with the armor because he would be taking it off soon enough, and then she led him into the spacious and clean kitchen to get some food. He sat down on a stool at the island table in the middle of the clean room, almost ready to cry with happiness that she was at least three feet away from him. He felt so embarrassed that he actually wanted her, his friend's mother, but then again, he would want any female that was around. He wanted to start cursing and cussing everything to death, but Bulma would probably whack him over the head and not feed him. He was hungry, and even that was starting to override how damn horny he was.
"Here you go, honey. Hope you like cold chicken. We had it for dinner last night, but of course you wouldn't know that, because you were in the GR for exactly twenty six and a half hours and twenty four seconds," Bulma said, sitting down across from him at the island table. He started picking at his food delicately, and then shoving it all into his mouth. She couldn't help but laugh at him, and then started eating herself. As she ate, she started to wonder what was wrong with him, and if it had anything to do with being a Saiya-jin. Hmm...she wondered, looking thoughtful. Maybe I should ask Vegeta what is wrong with him. That man always seems to know everything.
Once he was done, he stood up from the white table, walking over to the sink and fumbling with the handles to wash his hands off. Once he was done with that he felt Bulma hand him a towel, and he thanked her nervously, trying to avert his face and how red he was getting again. She cocked her eyebrow at him even though he couldn't see it, and then started bringing him to his room, which was down the hall with all the other bedrooms. He walked into the bathroom and almost slammed the door shut, hoping that a cold shower would work, but those things didn't seem to have much of an affect anymore. They really never did, he thought numbly, jumping when he heard Bulma say from outside his door, "When you are done getting undressed throw out your suit so I can wash it. It needs cleaned."
He nodded to nobody in particular, opening his door and slamming it shut again once his suit was out of the room. He heard her laugh, and he fought the urge to growl. He stood up straight abruptly, realizing that he needed clothes so he could actually have something to wear. He said through the door, "Bulma, are you still there?"
"Yeah, is there something you need?"
He swallowed. "Yeah, um, can you get me some clothes? I can't very well pick them out myself."
She giggled, walking over to his dresser and pulling out a white top and a pair of dark colored jeans. She looked through the rest of his drawers for some boxers, but she couldn't find them. "Uh, Gohan, where are your boxers at?" she asked, not even realizing what she was doing to him.
"Uh...heh...top drawer on the right, under all the socks and in the back, I think. I don't know, my mom was the one that packed my stuff because she felt like she was worthless."
Bulma did a cute little, "Awww, that's so cute," and opened the top one, digging through it until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out a pair of simple black boxers, laughing to herself when she saw how adorable the other ones were. One in particular reminded her of an old pair Vegeta used to have, with all the little red hearts and stuff. She shrugged, knocking on the door to his bathroom. "Can I come in, Gohan?"
She heard the water turn on, and she took that as a yes. She opened the door quietly, tiptoeing in and placing his stuff on the sink. She took a quick glance over to the shower, seeing his blurry and indistinct form behind the foggy glass. She sighed, smiling as she left the room to go clean his suit.