Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Chemicals Between Us ( Chapter 50 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 50: Chemicals Between Us
So much pain....

It hurt to move. It hurt to breathe. She wanted to pass out again, but her body wouldn't let her. She gritted her teeth when she felt him stir on top of her, and in the next moment, his dark eyes opened. In an instant, they clouded with the same pain she was feeling. He watched as her lips pulled back in a grimace, and felt surprise wash through him when he saw the blood all over her face. His eyes traveled downwards, seeing it coated all over her neck, and her shoulder...it was just a bleeding mass of skin. He looked at his own, his eyes widening. His was just as bad as hers was, if not worse. Now he knew where all the pain was coming from.

"Videl...oh, Dende, I'm so sorry. I know you're in pain, so am I. Here, let me help you get up," he said, lifting her up as carefully as he could, and supporting her against his body. He heard her whimper as he picked her up, dragging a bloody blanket with him. He wrapped both of them in it with care, feeling his muscles contract and make him stiffen in pain. He managed to get to the Regeneration Room with little difficulty, and he could hear Videl muttering under her breath that next time she ever bit him, it wouldn't be his shoulder.

Blood. Blood everywhere. Bulma hadn't ever seen such a barbarous scene in her whole life. Even hers and Vegeta's bonding hadn't been this violent, at least she didn't think it had been.

Dried red blood was sprayed all over the white walls and elegant pictures, splattered on the new lamps and bedside stands, smeared on the pillows and blankets. It was almost a scene from hell, like someone had been slaughtered in this very room. Her hand went up to her throat, and she backed up out of the entrance of the room, only to run into something hard. She opened her mouth to scream, but something clamped over her mouth before she could. She got ready to elbow her captor in the stomach, bite their hand, and stomp on their foot, but a voice said, "Onna, don't even scream."

She let out a relieved breath, and she melted against his chest when he turned her around. He glanced over her shoulder to glance into the room, wondering why she was so upset. His eyes widened.

"Holy shit," he said, his grip tightening on her fragile arms. "Did they kill each other?"

Bulma shook her head. "I don't know, they're gone. I haven't looked for them, so I don't know where they are."

He nodded blankly, pushing the button to the door so it would close and his mate wouldn't have to see it anymore. He could tell she was almost in shock from the scene, and even though it hadn't really bothered him, he was shocked as hell. His and Bulma's bonding had been relatively...mild when compared to other matings of past Saiya-jins, and it looked like Gohan's and Videl's had quite succeeded in doing better than his own. He growled, wanting to get his hands on that boy and strangle him. He wasn't allowed to have a better mating ceremony than him. He was the Prince of all Saiya-jins, and he was to have the best of everything, not a spawn of some lowly third class baka. He gripped onto Bulma's arm a little too hard and yanked her down the hall along with him, intent on finding that boy and his new mate. He was just about to go into the kitchen when Bulma said, "Vegeta, what's wrong? Why are you acting so upset? You explained all this to Gohan, right? If you did, then what's so wrong?"

He jerked her against him and forced her to look up at him. "That brat had a better bonding than we did, Woman," he said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. She opened her mouth to say something, but he interrupted her. "Shut up," he growled, still pulling her with him as he searched for the newly bonded couple. Bulma tried to get free, but his grip was like a vise, and she wouldn't have been able to get her arm back unless she cut off his hand. She was planning on screaming in his "poor" ears, but instead said, "Vegeta, what's wrong with that?! They can have a better than mating than us! I don't care!"

He didn't yank her against him this time, just said over his shoulder in a mean voice, "I do."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, so what are you going to do? Kill him?"


"What?!" she shrieked, seeing him flinch. "Vegeta, you're taking this a little too far! Why don't you just let it go? You're acting ridiculous! Stop acting like a child!"

He stopped in his tracks, and turned to her, his expression blank. He started walking towards her, and she saw a dangerous intent in his eyes, and started backing up herself. He soon had her pinned up against a wall, except he didn't touch her, just kept his arms placed on either side of her head, leaving no chance of escape. She felt fear rolling through her, knowing that Vegeta could kill her with just a flick of his wrist. Little did she know though, that he wouldn't ever dare to hurt her, especially since they were bonded mates. She closed her eyes, trying to stop how bad she was shaking.

His expression softened when he saw how scared she was. It was never his intent to scare her. He placed his hand on her cheek, feeling how bad she was trembling. "Onna, look at me."

Her startling blue eyes opened slowly, fear clearly shown in them. He frowned, and then smirked. "How many times do I have to tell you that I would never deliberately hurt you? If I do, it's because I can't control my own strength sometimes, and you know that."

She nodded, letting out a breath that she had been holding too long. He released her, and she stood there nervously, not knowing what to do. She looked up to him for answers, and he grabbed her hand, his hold not punishing, but deliberately careful. "I didn't mean to hurt you," he said, and she knew that was the closest thing she would get to an apology. She gave him a forgiving smile, and twined her arms around his neck, hugging him. She felt the familiar feeling of him inhaling as his chest expanded, and she knew without a doubt that he was breathing in her scent. She wanted to shake her head. Saiya-jins....

He let her go a brief moment later, giving the excuse that he still wanted to find Kakarott's brat. She nodded, following after him. They found the newly bonded couple in the Regeneration Room, both in their own tanks, and the shield up so that the only thing visible was their heads. Vegeta left her side to walk over to Gohan, and the first thing he looked for was the mark on his shoulder. Sure enough, there it was, a perfect line of teeth deeply embedded into his left shoulder. He smirked when he noticed all the healing cuts and gashes all over the boy's body, and the same with the girl's. She looked like she had gotten it pretty bad, but he noticed one thing for sure. The smile on her face.

Time flew, everyone getting in training time as much as they could. Videl and Gohan dominated the GR out of them all, leaving Vegeta pissed beyond all measures. The only time he got a chance to train was when everyone was "asleep", which meant that no one ever saw him much, except Bulma, who switched her own sleeping pattern just so she would see him. No one ever saw them unless they got up early, or they went to bed late.

They only had a few days left until they were home, and everyone, except Vegeta, was excited. Videl actually couldn't wait to get back home and show everyone how much stronger she was, and Gohan....

Hmm...I wonder what everyone will say about me and Gohan. I know what my dad will say....

"Videl, you aren't allowed to be with this scrawny kid! He...uh, might be stronger than me, but he still isn't allowed to be with you unless I give him permission, and that is never going to happen, young lady! You're daddy's little girl, and you're supposed to stay that way!"

Yatta, yatta, yatta...whatever, dad. This time I'm not going to listen to you. You aren't going to ruin my one chance at happiness....

She smiled when she saw Gohan behind her, muttering something about stupid computers as he pushed a few buttons, hoping he would fix it that way. She walked up behind him, and wrapped her arms around him. He instantly smiled, turning around so he could draw her body up against his. He seemed just content to hold her, and she closed her eyes, remembering back to this morning....

She was late. She couldn't believe this. She hadn't ever been this scared in her life. This even surpassed how horrified she had been on Babidi's ship. She shook her head at herself as she stared at the pale face in the mirror. She had just gotten out of the shower, for once being able to keep Gohan out. They had been so wrapped up in each other that she hadn't even thought of the possibility that she could get pregnant. Discovering what it was like to be bonded to another person had been a new experience altogether, and they each found out something new everyday. Like how they could feel each other's feelings. Bulma had tried to explain it to her, but it had been somewhat difficult. She told her that if she was scared, or in pain, Gohan would instantly know, or how if she was happy, it would amplify his own. It always depended on how she was feeling, and it usually always affected her mate's feelings also. If she was in a good mood, Gohan would be too. If she was pissed, Gohan would know, and would instantly question what was wrong. If she was in pain, then he would come to her rescue. Bulma told her that it was a wonderful thing to be bonded, and to always cherish it. Videl had agreed.

But it all changed this morning. She woke up in Gohan's arms as she did everyday, and so did he shortly after her, for he could feel how happy she was. They talked for a few minutes, not much of anything important, just something to say. She got up, asking him how much time they had been in space, just for something else to say.

"Well, we aren't going quite as fast as we were when we came to save you, so we've been in space for about a month since we got you. We have less than a week left. Why?"

A month. The string of words "once a month" rang through her head, and she almost fell over. Gohan instantly felt that she was ready to panic, and he asked what was wrong. She ran straight into the bathroom, locking the door. He started banging on it seconds later, demanding to know what was wrong. She told him to go away, and she felt his pain at what she had said. She wanted to cry at how much that had hurt his feelings, just those stupid words, but he walked away before she could apologize. She took a quick shower, wondering about how she could be this stupid. She was planning on going to Bulma, but all she was able to do was collapse to the floor, crying her heart out. She didn't known how long she was there, but Gohan did. He somehow found a key or something, because three hours later, he opened the door, finding her crumpled on the floor, wrapped up in a white towel and curled up in a protective little ball. He gathered her in his arms, trying to soothe her worries away by whispering to her that everything would be alright. She didn't know how she could tell him...tell him that she was going to be one of those teenage mother's that she felt so bad for. And now she was going to be one herself. She started to cry without even realizing it, and he begged her to tell him what was wrong, but all she could do was shake her head. She couldn't tell him. She wouldn't tell him.

He carried her back into their bedroom, laying her on the bed. She asked him politely to leave so she could get dressed, and he frowned, telling her that she had five minutes before he came back in. She nodded, and he left the room. She got dressed quickly, and walked out of the room, seeing Gohan leaning against the wall and waiting for her. He offered his hand, and she took it quickly, needing his comfort desperately. He asked again what was wrong, but she promised she would tell him later. He let it go, and he dragged her to the GR, hoping to take her mind off of whatever was wrong.

They were in the middle of a light spar when she suddenly stopped, looking down at the ground. She dared to take a look at his face, and saw concern written all over it. She almost burst into tears again, but she held them back.

"Gohan," she said, taking a step forward. He stayed rooted to his spot, knowing something was seriously wrong.

"Gohan...I think I'm pregnant."

His expression didn't change. In fact, it went even blanker than it had been before. She couldn't read his feelings, and it didn't reassure her in the least.

She left the room, wanting to die. She passed Bulma on her way, and the woman had been shocked to her toes when she saw the look on her face. She apparently went straight to Gohan, but she couldn't get anything out of him.

Videl went back to their room, only to return back to the GR about a half an hour later. Gohan was still standing there, staring at the floor, in his own world. She walked straight into his arms, and felt surprised when he gave her a fierce hug back.

"Videl, I'm so sorry. This is my entire fault. If I hadn't have been so-"

She shook her head, looking up into his visage as she smiled. "No, Gohan, we don't have to worry now."

He got a thoroughly confused look on his handsome face. She kissed his lips, the grin still on her face. "I'm not pregnant."

His face flooded with relief. "Videl, I was so worried about you, I thought that-"

She shook her head again. "Lets not worry about it anymore, alright?"

He nodded, holding her close.

What a relief that had been, Videl thought, feeling Gohan sigh against her cheek. She looked up, seeing him watching her. She smiled as she tweaked his nose, and took off. He chased after her, running out of the GR as he lost sight of her. She was getting a little too fast for her own good, and sometimes he had a hard time catching her movements.

He grinned wickedly when he saw her flash past a corner, and he almost ran into Vegeta, who had apparently gotten up early. He stopped himself with a wall, apologizing as he laughed, pushing himself off the wall to continue his chase.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed when he saw how happy those two were, but just ended up shrugging. I wonder if there are going to be any consequences to their bonding....