Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ E.T. Go Home ( Chapter 51 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 51: E.T. Go Home
Three days later, Videl watched completely amused as Bulma tried not to scream as they entered Earth's atmosphere. Her fingers were gripping onto the chair for dear life, and she could tell that Vegeta was finding it funny as well. She turned back to the viewing glass in front of her, seeing the amazing bright swirling colors of the troposphere fly by, and soon they were hurtling to the ground so very far below, about two miles away from Satan City.

The impact jolted her in her seat, probably making her neck forever grateful for the support. As soon as the female computer voice said, "Landing successful, thank you and have a nice day," Gohan was at her side, taking off her straps. She latched straight onto him as soon as she was free, and he laughed when she kissed him.

Bulma rolled her eyes at the couple, going over to the computer and programming it to unlock the airtight seal. They all heard a pop and a loud hissing noise as the door's seal broke, and they all started walking. Trunks followed his father's example by crossing his arms, Goten got lifted up so he could sit on his father's shoulders, Gohan and Videl held each other's hands, and the Supreme Kai just walked behind them all. They all went down the long and seemingly never ending corridor that led to the exit of the ship, and once they were all out of the ship and walking down the ramp, they took in a deep breath of fresh and invigorating air. The door closed shortly after they left as a safety precaution, and they were left standing there, in the middle of nowhere. Bulma was pissed when she discovered they were going to fly back to Capsule Corporation, and she was the only one that couldn't fly. However, she shut up as soon as she discovered Vegeta was going to be carrying her. She smiled as she jumped into his arms, and they all took to the sky.

Videl felt so happy to be home that she couldn't express it. Gohan kept her close to his side as they flew as fast as they could back to Satan City, feeling how wonderful she felt. They saw people rushing out into the streets after the crash that had apparently made the Earth shake, and they all pointed upwards when they saw seven blue suits flash by, and some funky looking uniform, which was the Supreme Kai.

They all landed in the front yard of Bulma's, Trunks, and Vegeta's home, seeing a group of people awaiting them. Dr. and Mrs. Briefs, Yamcha, Puar, Master Roshi, Oolong, Chichi, the Ox King, 18, and Marron. They were all nearly attacked by hugs, except for Vegeta, who just kind of backed away.

Chichi jumped into her husband's arms, nearly in tears at how happy she was to see him alive. Goku laughed as she started kissing every inch of his face, and then just started crying as she buried her face in his chest. He got a silly grin on his face as Goten latched onto his mother's legs, asking her to pick him up. She let go of her husband long enough to pick up her son, and then latched back onto Goku. All the Son family needed now was Gohan, who looked to have a pissed look on his face as Master Roshi poached on his preserves. Chichi nudged Goku in the side, motioning over to Gohan, who looked ready to kill the lecherous old man. Goku pressed a quick kiss to her forehead, his grin growing when she blushed, and he hurried over to Gohan and Videl. He dragged them away from Master Roshi, who seemed a little too eager for Videl's tightly-clothed company. Goku told his son in a low, but stern voice to calm down, and Gohan took in a deep breath, smiling as he gathered Videl against his side and they walked over to his mother. He let go of Videl long enough to hug his mother and kiss her cheek, telling her how much he had missed her. Chichi took one look at Gohan and Videl and knew instantly what had happened. She clasped her hands together and said dreamily, "Oh, I'm going to be a grandmother soon! Err...maybe not soon, but eventually! I'm so happy for you two!"

Videl grinned at the older woman, seeing how truly happy she was. She looked up at Gohan, hating to bring this up, but she had to. "Gohan, I need to see my father."

He nodded, telling everyone that he would be back in a while. His mother didn't want to let him leave just yet, but he reassured her that he would be alright, and he would bring Videl back with him. He wouldn't be able to live without her next to his side for more than a few hours anyhow, let alone a night.

They waved as they took back to the sky, flying over the city and noticing that the people were going back into their homes. He saw a few more people point and he even heard Videl's named mentioned, but she didn't say anything.

They touched down in the front of her mansion, Videl just striding right in. He saw that grizzly old man once again, who was apparently the butler. He listened as he started panicking that the "miss" was back, and that he had to tell Mr. Hercule right away. Videl silenced him with her impressive authority, making Gohan try not to laugh as they climbed the familiar spiral staircase that led to the upstairs, and to Hercule's study, where he most likely would be. Before Videl had even knocked on the door, it flew open, Hercule standing in the entrance. He got a pissed look on his face as soon as he saw Gohan, but it was wiped clean off when he saw his little girl...who was holding that scrawny kid's hand. He wanted to rip them apart, but Videl was the once that parted from the boy, walking over to her father to give him a hug. He tried to squash her against him like he always used to do, but it didn't seem to have much of an affect on her anymore. In fact, all she didn't was give him a small smile as she pulled away.

"Dad, I'm sorry I never told you I was leaving, but uh-"

"Listen here, young lady, I want to know right now why you ran away with this boy, and no excuses!"

She wondered if she should just tell him the truth. She smirked. "Well, actually, Gohan saved my life. I was taken by aliens and to a planet far away, and he had Capsule Corporation build him a huge space ship for him and his friends so he could save me. It took two and a half months altogether, but at least I'm alive."

Gohan wondered if it was a good idea to tell her father the truth, but he thought it was rather funny when Hercule said, "What?! Do you expect me to believe that this skinny little boy saved you?! I don't think so, Videl! I don't care if he is supposedly stronger than me, I don't believe it! So he can fly, big deal! I bet I could fly too if I wanted! Go to your room, Videl! You're grounded for the rest of your life!"

Gohan felt completely surprised when Videl said simply, "No."

Hercule gawked at her. He could tell she had changed dramatically, and he could tell without even looking that she was way stronger than him now by far. He didn't like this. He didn't like it at all.

"What did you say, Videl? You can't tell your father no! Get to your room right now or I'll...disown you!!"

Well, if you put it that way, Videl thought with some chagrin. She scrunched up her face and stomped off with Gohan close at her heels, not caring when she heard her father yell at him to get away from her. She made it to her room, slamming the door and almost killing Gohan along with it. She plopped down onto her bed, laying on her stomach, and feeling Gohan sit down next to her as she buried her face in her pillow. She closed her eyes as he pulled her back up, until he had her positioned between his legs and her head resting against his hard chest. She completely melted when he began rubbing the tense muscles of her shoulders, and she sighed, feeling herself get that familiar drowsy feeling as he started to purr. She was almost asleep when he buried his nose in her hair, murmuring, "I have to get back, Videl."

She nodded weakly, wondering what she was going to do. It was already dark out, and Gohan would get in trouble if he wasn't back soon. "I don't want you to leave," she said, feeling oddly shy. She heard him chuckle as he picked her up, placing her back onto the bed.

"It's alright, Videl. My mom will understand." I guess I'm not going to get any sleep tonight....

She sat back up, wide awake again. "No, we can just sneak out the balcony doors. I do it all the time. I locked my door, and my dad hasn't been to my room in seven years. Please, Gohan, I won't be able to sleep tonight without you next to me."

He smiled. I guess she read my mind. "Alright. Get your stuff, we have to go back to school tomorrow."

She nodded, letting him help her up off the bed and running through her room to grab the stuff she wanted. She gave him a big grin when she threw him her traditional white baggy shirt, and long black spandex shorts. She kept the goodies for herself, much to Gohan's disappointment. She grabbed her backpack and stuffed her clothes and everything else in it, pulling the straps over her shoulders as they stepped out onto the balcony, and jumped off, deciding to walk for a little bit. She told him not to worry about any security cameras or guard dogs, because they didn't have any.

He took her hand without much thought, used to it by now. She glanced up at him, seeing that he was lost in thought as they walked through the lighted streets. People were starting to go into their homes, which left them pretty much alone. Neither noticed, for they were lost in their own worlds. Videl wondered what it would be like going back to school after being gone for two and a half months, and wondered how much work she would have. Knowing Gohan, he wouldn't even be bothered with it. You're too smart for your own good, Gohan, Videl thought, smiling as they continued to walk, silent the rest of the way home.

Chichi immediately started scolding them as they walked into the CC front doors, saying that she was worried that she would never see them again and she would have to wait until Goten got much older for her to have any grandchildren. Goku called her back into the living room, where she had previously been, watching her husband play with their little boy. She sighed, telling Gohan not to push it anymore that he had. He just told her he was sorry, and it seemed to work well enough on her so that she left them alone. They walked into the kitchen, seeing Bulma cleaning away the dishes. Videl handed Gohan her backpack and told him to put it in their room, giving him a small kiss on the cheek as she went to go help Bulma. She had to ask the older woman something anyhow.

After Gohan left, Videl asked nervously, "Bulma...I think I have a problem."

The older woman asked her what was wrong, her hands submersed in warm soapy water.

"When we were in space, I thought for a while that I was pregnant," Videl told her, confiding in her like she would a mother. Since she didn't have one, Bulma was the best one she could get.

Bulma's movements stopped, and she looked the girl straight in the eyes. "You aren't, are you?"

Videl bit her lip, shaking her head. "No, I'm not. But I-"

Bulma grinned, taking her hands out of the water and wiping them off with a soft white fluffy towel that was hanging off a hook. "I understand, honey," she told her, leading her away from the kitchen and down a hallway that led to the labs. She went to her own personal room, opening a drawer in her cluttered desk. "Videl, you have to know that Saiya-jin pregnancies are very hard to stop, and this stuff is extremely strong. It took me a good few months before my body adjusted to it, and it can really mess you up for a while. But then again, you aren't full human, so I don't know how this will take to your body. Maybe I should do some tests later on. Until then, be very careful, alright?" Bulma said, seeing Videl nod as she handed her a small white plastic bottle, nothing written on it. "Take one of these once a day, either in the morning, or at night. If I were you, I would do the morning, because that's when I do mine, and I can remind you. I know how you teenagers forget stuff important like this."

Videl nodded again, thanking Bulma in a quiet voice as they walked back upstairs. Videl encountered a panicked-looking Gohan as she entered the clean kitchen with Bulma, and then saw him almost fall over himself from relief. She gave him a silly grin and jumped right into his arms, listening to him as he said, "I thought someone took you away from me."

She shook her head. "Sorry, Gohan. Bulma and me had to get something real quick, and," she added, kissing his shoulder, "you know I would never leave you."

He smiled back, pushing her over to the kitchen table that had just been cleaned of all the food from dinner. They had missed it, and they were both starving. Gohan said nonchalantly, "Bulma, we need some food."

Videl frowned at him, and then grinned behind her hand as soon as Bulma placed two plates in front of them, about thirty seconds later. Gohan and her thanked the older woman, and started chowing down. Videl felt yet again the familiar shock at how much Gohan could eat. Yeah, and then look at his body. It's amazing that he doesn't have an ounce of fat on him.

Gohan didn't notice Videl's scrutiny, just ate all the food he could get his hands on. He had missed good old-fashioned fresh food. He finished a twenty-five-course meal when Videl finished one plate of food, and she just stared at him when he leaned back in his chair, replete with food. She shook her head, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore. It was getting late anyhow, and she yawned, feeling tiredness tug at her. Gohan noticed immediately, and stood, pulling out her chair and helping her stand. He told Bulma goodnight just as she finished cleaning up, and she nodded, wishing them goodnight as well.

Videl opened their door, seeing yet again that it was the same room that Gohan had stayed in before. Which meant that it was Vegeta's old room. She grinned over her shoulder as she picked up her backpack, and strode into the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later wearing a long shirt and a pair of short shorts, much to Gohan's amusement. She crawled under the covers, scooting over to him for warmth and wrapping her arms around his back. She giggled suddenly, saying, "Why, hello, naked one."

He grinned. "I don't like sleeping with clothes anymore. It prohibits what you like to call 'instant access'. Anyhow, I didn't feel like digging through Vegeta's old clothes to find something to wear."

She nodded against his chest, not minding in the least. She was almost asleep when she felt his hand start to wander up the back of her shirt, and she said in a stern voice, "Don't even start, mister."

He pouted. "How much longer to I have to wait for this curse of yours to end?"

She rolled her eyes. "I would call it a blessing if I were you. I could be pregnant right now, buddy."

He sighed. "Alright, how much longer is this wonderful blessing that Dende sent going to last?"

"Two weeks."

He paled. "What?! You aren't serious are you?! I can't-"

He shut up when he heard her trying to stifle a laugh, and he growled. "Alright, you little imp. How much longer is it really going to last?"

"A few days. You can suffer until then. I'll tell you the minute it stops."

He nodded, eternally grateful that it wasn't really two weeks. He would have gone nuts before then. He sighed, planning on spending three days of abstinence on his mate's part. He hoped it wouldn't be as hard as it sounded.