Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Uh, I Think I Really Need To Go To the Hospital Now ( Chapter 53 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 53: Uh, I Think I Really Need To Go To the Hospital Now
By the time they got back, school was long over. Chichi nearly started screaming at them both, but when she saw the pleading look Gohan sent her, she shut her trap. Bulma came running from the living room and into the entrance area where everyone was, stopping in her tracks. She smiled when she saw them, holding hands, Videl looking a little too pale to be normal and Gohan with a concerned look on his face. "Hey, you guys are all over the news! Especially Gohan, with everything about the tournament and stuff...hey, is Videl alright?"

Gohan looked down at her, noticing that her hand was resting lightly on her lower stomach. His concern amplified tenfold when her knees fell out from under her, and he caught her just before she hit the floor. "Videl! What-what's wrong?" he cried, holding her slender and limp form against his for support. He watched as she closed her eyes, trying to hide whatever pain she was going through away from him. He jerked his head up, giving Bulma a panicked look when he saw two tiny insubstantial tears escape from the corners of Videl's eyes, and disappear into her dark hairline. Her hands were clutching at him, and he felt amazed when pain lanced up both of his arms. The hold she had on him was starting to hurt, and he couldn't believe it.

Bulma watched for about two seconds before she took off for the lab, yelling at him to follow her. He told the woman in his arms that everything would be alright as he picked her up as carefully as he could, feeling her head loll back on her neck and land thankfully on his shoulder. He cradled her against him as he dashed after Bulma, who was just ahead of him. The older woman flicked on the lights for the basement labs, the place where she conducted all her activities with her friends. If she went anywhere else, it would be all over the news. She only had few trusted people allowed down here, but that was only for drastic times. She told Gohan to place her on the metal surgical table in the middle of the lab, and she ran around, grabbing and reaching for things she would need to inspect her. Chichi, Goku, Trunks, and Goten came racing down the stairs, but Bulma ordered them out immediately as she started to lift the girl's baggy shirt, and saw the instant mean look on Gohan's face. She would never understand what was with Saiya-jin men and how drastically protective they were of their mates. He didn't seem at all defensive as they left, and they were left alone. In fact, he was hardly paying attention to Bulma as he took hold of Videl's hand, squeezing it in what he perceived as comforting to the prone woman. He watched the various pain-filled expressions cross her face, and the way she sucked in her breath when something particularly painful happened. Her head started thrashing back and forth, and she started to shift her legs, making him wonder if he needed to hold her down. Bulma seemed to get it in control when she threw over two leather straps over her legs and locked them, effectively holding the woman down for good. Hey, if they worked pretty well on a Saiya-jin, then they should work for her.

Uh, maybe I was wrong about that...Bulma thought about ten seconds later as both straps broke, a snapping noise heard as they whipped away from the girl's legs. Bulma yelped as she jumped away, eternally grateful that she hadn't been hit by one of those. She ordered Gohan to hold her down as best as he could while she finished the observations, and he tried to, but didn't succeed very well. Bulma was starting to get pissed when she finally asked, "How strong is this girl?! What is up with her?!"

Gohan grunted as he fought to hold down the struggling woman, and he said, "Well, she's just as strong as my normal form, if that's what you are asking."

Bulma didn't have any time to be shocked as she gritted her teeth in frustration, saying out loud, "I don't know what's wrong with her! She won't stay still long enough for me to even get her pulse, let alone to inspect her any further!" Even as she said it, she helped Gohan hold her down, seeing a scared look on the young man's face in his panic for his mate. He could feel all her pain, but even through their bond, he didn't know what was wrong. He had Bulma hold down her legs as he worked his way back up her body, until he was leaning over her face. "Videl, please, stop doing this. You are probably hurting yourself more. You gotta calm down. Crying just makes it hurt more, ok? Can you hear me? Please tell me what's wrong. Videl...we can't help you if you don't stop this. Please...." he trailed off in a whisper, his hand cupping the side of her face to force her took look at him. Her eyes opened just the tiniest bit, and her struggle calmed some. His face lit up with hope, and she opened her mouth to say something, but only a pain-filled moan escaped her lips. He tried again, begging her to stop doing this before he started crying, and then he laughed at himself, wondering how much more pathetic he could get. "Videl, stop it now," he said in a stern voice, forgetting about tenderness. It didn't seem to be working in the first place.

Her eyes shot open, their startling color nothing but pitch black now. He held down his surprise as she sucked in a ragged breath, closing her watering eyes. "Gohan...make it stop. Please, it hurts so bad...."

He could have sworn he had heard that before...but he just couldn't remember right now. He gave her an encouraging smile as her eyes opened again, searching his as she asked for him to make it stop. "Shh, Videl, you gotta calm down. Tell me what's wrong. You have to tell me, or we can't help you. Please, just stop fighting. You are just going to hurt yourself."

She shook her head, saying, "Something's wrong...my stomach...it hurts. What's wrong with me!"

Now he knew. He remembered when her stomach had started hurting her when the threat to the Earth had happened, and they had been about to go get Babidi and that Buu guy. She had said the same exact thing. He held down her shoulders as he continued to think, wondering what was wrong. Somehow I don't think this is her power's kicking in...it has to be something else....

"Bulma, this morning she took some pill, what the hell was it?!" he asked in a harsh tone, thinking about any and all possibilities.

Bulma thought frantically, having an extremely hard time keeping Videl's legs pinned down. She quickly remembered, saying, "It prevents her from getting pregnant. She told me that she had been terrified when she had thought she had been pregnant up in space, and I gave her these pills that I take to prevent myself getting pregnant from Vegeta. It was only tested out on my body, and I told her that it would take her body a long time to get used it, if it did at all. It must have been that pill...but why is it hurting her this much? I only got bad cramps, not anything close to this!" she cried, leaving the girl's side to run back to a counter filled with cluttered items of various nature. She shoved things out of the way, hearing Gohan call her to hurry up, and she ended up scattering things haphazardly all over the floor, but she didn't care at the moment.

She came back a moment later with a long and evil looking needle, filled with a clear liquid. Gohan didn't even ask what it was as she jammed it into Videl's upper arm, and pushed the plunger in a swift and quick movement, taking it out almost as soon as she had put it in. Videl's jerking movements slowed, and then ceased altogether a few seconds later, but it seemed like an eternity to Gohan. As soon as she was limp, they both sighed, and Bulma went quick to work, taking her temperature, and pulse.

"Holy shit, her temperature is 109º, and her heart rate is going off the charts. She's...she's going to die if we don't fix this right now. Her heart is going to explode, Gohan!!"

He felt as if all blood in his head went straight to his feet, and he weaved where he stood, feeling extremely dizzy. Bulma screamed at him not to even dare and pass out like a little weakling, and he snapped out of it, licking his lips as he asked in as calm as a voice as he could manage, "What do we do?"

She nodded at him, telling him to run into her office around the corner, and turn on the computer. He did as he was told, knowing that this could possibly mean Videl's life. He felt the oddest, almost painful feeling in his heart, and it made him feel like he couldn't breathe. He swallowed as he turned on the computer and yelled for Bulma to tell him what to do next. She told him to go into a program called Matrix, and the password was voodoo. He didn't even notice how weird a password that was, because she was still yelling at him to tell him what to do.

"Go to search, and type in formula! After that, type in uh...shit, what is that stuff called?! Um, try uh, contraceptive!"

She heard his fingers fly over the keyboard, and a second later he called back, telling her that nothing came up. She chewed on her lips, looking down at the bloodless woman. "I don't know, damn it! Try the word pregnant!"

She didn't hear him tell her anything didn't come up, so she guessed that something had popped up.

"Hey, is that stuff called Hasprin? There is also something called Twentiliphine...what is it Bulma?!" he yelled, getting so frantic his hands were shaking. Something in his heart wasn't feeling right...it was getting so hard to breathe....

"It's Twentiliphine! Click on it!! It should have a list of the ingredients, and antidotes! I need the antidotes, Gohan! Print it out!!"

She heard his fingers fly over the keyboard at a remarkable speed, and soon she heard the printer. The young man came running back into the room ten seconds later, nearly chucking the paper in her face. Bulma ripped it from his hands as her eyes quickly scanned over the letters for what she needed to get, and she ran back over to the counter, throwing things that were in her way. "Damn it! I never clean up this fucking mess...and now look what trouble I'm in! Damn it, Vegeta, you could tell me to clean up my mess once and a while!"

Gohan fell to his knees as he gripped Videl's seemingly lifeless hand, watching her chest rise and fall in rapid movements, her breathing irregular, and making him feel like he somehow held her fragile life in his very hands. All of this was so sudden, she had been fine just two hours ago, in fact, she had been laughing, making fun of him, and now...now look at her. She looked like she was...dead.

He blinked back stubborn tears, refusing to cry. They had been walking home when he had started feeling the pain she was going through, actually, he wondered if he had even felt her pain before she had. He had a tendency to experience was she was going through a split second before she did.

She had started to slow down her fast and arrogant stride, the one that he had loved the first time he had seen her walk away from him. Her happy expression slowly disappeared, and turned into a blank edifice of pain. Her hand holding onto his started having a tendency to grip it harder than was necessary, and her free hand curled around her middle, as if trying to prevent the pain, or make it go away.

He had thought that it had been something temporary, but the pain had just increased, and he had felt every little time she had flinched, and tried not to stop in her tracks and beg him not to carry her. It was all his fault...he should have asked her what that pill was, he should have told Bulma to have it tested first, damn it. Videl wasn't a full human, just like him.

Something suddenly rang through his mind like a never-ending litany of words, meant to haunt him forever in his worst nightmares.

What if she dies?

He tried to swallow the lump in his throat at the pain it caused him just thinking that, and he wondered what...what would happen if she did. What would happen to him?

He gave a sad look in Bulma's direction, bringing Videl's pale soft hand up to his cheek, and pressing it close to his face. He noted how cold it felt, and yet she was so hot inside. He saw the sweat beading on her forehead, and her body was drenched. She was burning....

He held her hand against his cheek as he squeezed his eyes shut, his other hand rubbing up and down her arm as he whispered for her to be alright. He told her he would become her eternal slave if she would just get better, and he would do anything for her if she would just pull through. He didn't even see Bulma coming back over to the table with two syringes, and plunge one into her arm, drawing dark red blood from her body. He finally caught on to what the older woman was doing when she took out the first needle and injected her with something in the second one, something that was a light blue fluid. He watched as Bulma yanked out that needle as well, and walked back away, looking like she was about to examine a specimen of Videl's blood under a microscope.

Gohan watched a steady change in the woman laying on the uncomfortable surface, how her breathing evened out, and her facial features relaxed as her pain eased away slowly. He let out a relieved breath when he felt the clamp-like hold on his heart loosen, and then disappear altogether. He didn't even hear himself thank Dende until Bulma told him in a soft voice, "Gohan, she should be alright now, don't worry. Lets just say she isn't going to school tomorrow."

Gohan smiled despite himself, and he stood, tucking her hand beside her as he walked over to Bulma, placing his hand on her slim shoulder. "Thank you, Bulma. I have never been so scared in my life. I will never be able to repay you."

She waved her hand in the air as a dismissive gesture, snorting in an unladylike way. "No, Gohan, it's alright. I guess you could say it's my job to keep all of you guys alive...if you get my drift."

He nodded, looking over her shoulder to see what she was looking at under the microscope. Only scant minutes later Bulma jumped up, crying, "I knew it, damn it! Something in that medicine counteracted with something in her blood, and it was destroying all the cells in her body. It's a good thing that she got sick this fast, because she would have died in about three hours, Gohan. Thank Dende she didn't die."

He was in complete agreement. "So...what happens now?"

"She needs to sleep. I want you to bring her up to your room and-"

"Put her to bed. Got it."

She smiled as she nodded. "Yep. Now get along." She almost added "little doggies." She turned around, and then added over her shoulder, "And don't you dare leave her side for one second. If you do, she might die. You wouldn't want that, now would you?"

He shook his head hard. "No, I wouldn't want that at all." He grinned abruptly. "Do you just want me to...carry her up there?"

Bulma nodded again. "Yeah. Now get out of here! She needs tucked in and kept nice and warm, and I think that you qualify perfectly for the job!"

Gohan didn't pay attention to Bulma as she giggled to herself, just walked over to Videl and picked her up, holding her as gently as possible. She didn't stir once. He was grateful, because he didn't know what he would do if she woke up. He was so happy that she was alive that he couldn't even think straight, and whenever everyone upstairs asked if she was alright, he didn't even answer them because he was in another world.

He got to their room and immediately placed her on the bed, wondering if he should undress her or anything. He decided to just take off her tight shorts, and leave everything else on. He didn't want to get too tempted, nor get her upset because he was stripping her and she wasn't awake to enjoy it. He grinned to himself, wondering if she really did enjoy him destroying her diminishing amount of clothes. She had thought those Saiya-jin armor suits would help some, but all they did was slow them down a little bit, and get in the way. In the end, it was just the same. Destroyed clothes, half-dead couple. He grinned. He missed that.

"Master, we have acquired the ship we have much need of from a nearby planet, which was also destroyed in the process."

Babidi nodded. "Yes, this is good. It will only be a little longer...and then I will have what I want."