Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ They're Here! ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 56: They're Here!
The five days went by agonizingly slow. Gohan was almost going through grand mal seizures by the time he could get a hold of her, and that was clear at the end of the school day. He had nearly been going insane during their classes, knowing that right after school he could have her all to himself.

He was grinning like a fool the whole way home, and so was she. As soon as they made it into the enormous house, they dropped their bags in the doorway and ran straight to the stairs, already ripping off their clothes. Their lips found each other and locked, not letting go even as they stumbled up the stairs, not even noticing Vegeta sitting at the table, Dr. Briefs cat in his lap. The older man gaped at them, and then blinked when he saw his insane mate running crazily into the kitchen, breathing hard and trying to catch her breath. "Where are they?!" she asked in a shrill voice, placing her hand over her pounding heart and resting against the wall for a much-needed break.

"They were tearing each other's clothes off last I saw."

She cursed, and started running up the stairs, seeing a shredded shirt that looked like it belonged to Gohan, three shoes strewn haphazardly along the stairway, and then the other missing one somewhat up the hall. She would have laughed when she saw Videl's bra hanging off a landscape portrait, but she didn't have the time.

She got to their door, and was about to bang on it when someone hit it hard from inside, causing her to jump a mile. She slapped her hand over her mouth when she heard through the door, "Gohan, get them off!" She listened with amusement when Gohan made an exasperated sound, and then said, "I can't! The zipper's stuck!" She was almost tempted to sit there and listen to their hysterical conversation, but she couldn't.

She banged on the door with her knuckles, expecting everything to go eerily silent, but all she got was, "Go away!" from both of them. She frowned, and knocked again. "You guys! You have to stop! Videl's medicine hasn't started working yet!"

That's when everything went silent. She felt really bad (not) about this, considering she knew first hand how hard it was to wait.

"Gohan! Stop! Bulma's right outside the door! We can't do this anyhow!"

"But...but what do I do about this?"

"I don't know! Go in the bathroom!"

"But I-"


She heard a rustle that sounded like clothes, and about a minute later Videl opened the door, a blanket wrapped around her. She looked extremely pissed. "What do you want!?!"

Bulma was taken aback at the tone in the girl's voice. "Videl, you have to wait a little longer. I just made some more tests today, and from the signs of your blood, you have to wait a few more days."

"What? Why!? You said that-"

"Yes, I know. But I also know that with you and Gohan only being teenagers with very promising futures, you two don't need to have a kid yet."

Videl's shoulder's slumped as she grumbled. "How many days now?"

"Around two or three. Until then, you will have to come up with a substitute to uh, do stuff."

Videl looked at her blankly. "What do you mean?"

Bulma blinked. "You mean you don't-?"

She was interrupted by two certain little mischievous little boys, Trunks holding a silk white bra in his hand. "Mom, what's this?"

The older woman ripped it out of his hands, and then gave it to Videl, who was extremely red. Videl excused herself after that, and then collapsed onto the bed, hearing the people outside her door converse. She turned her head when she saw Gohan come out of the bathroom a moment later, still dressed in his jeans. He looked just as pissed as she had been moments ago.

"What the fuck was that?! How long am I going to have to wait this time, damn it!?!"

Her eyes widened, shocked that he had talked that vulgarly. "Gohan, I'm sorry. I wouldn't have stopped you if it wasn't for Bulma. Please, don't be mad at me...."

He sat down on the bed, laying down and turning away from her. She scooted over to him hesitantly, afraid that he might lash out. She gingerly put her arm around him, feeling his body stiffen rigidly. He relaxed slightly when she rested her soft cheek against the hard plane of his muscular back, his heat warming the cool of her skin. She started rubbing the tense muscles on his chest, and it was only a few seconds later when he began to purr like mad. His tail began to thump contentedly on the bed, making both of them laugh lightly. They fell asleep like that, completely at peace.

"Dabura, send the space pods. We need to make them submit as soon as we get there."

"Very good idea, Master. The weak ones will be dead, and we will be ready to take over the planet as soon as we get there."

Babidi laughed evilly, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. Just you wait, you stupid humans. You will wish you never messed with me....

It was a glorious, warm and peaceful afternoon, the sun blazing down at the Earth, when it happened. The sky turned black as if with a vengeance of its own, and the birds stopped singing and chirping in the green trees. Gohan and Videl had just gotten out of school, and everyone was hurrying home to do their homework like good little kids. They were planning on doing something a little different since Videl's time was up, but when it happened, their plans drastically changed.

They came out of the sky like meteors, crashing all over the planet and leaving havoc and death in their paths. What emerged from these ball-shaped space ships were ugly creatures of unknown origin, bent on destroying everyone and everything in their path.

Both Gohan and Videl were summoned, and they had little choice but to give up their afternoon plans to solve whatever problem was going on. They were sent to a place about a mile west of the city, and got a big surprise when they spotted not only the police, but Goku and Vegeta. They didn't see Trunks or Goten, and could only guess their mother's had forced them to stay home.

The couple touched down next to the two full Saiya-jins, staring in wonder at the large crater formed in the ground about ten yards away from where they were standing. There was black smoke raising up from the hole and floating away into the darkening sky, and a familiar low hissing sound was heard when the airtight seal broke, and two aliens that looked oddly familiar emerged. Their white armor and black M's carved into their foreheads were unmistakable. They were Babidi's men.

Gohan didn't even notice Videl had started backing away until he felt absolute horror lace through his very soul, and he almost doubled over from the pain he felt coming from Videl. He turned around, shocked that he had felt something so violent. He hadn't ever felt her emotions that strongly before.

He turned around, grasping her strong arms and holding her still so she wouldn't trip over a rock or something. "Videl, what's wrong?" he asked, genuinely concerned. He already knew what was wrong, but he wanted to make sure.

She looked up at him, her eyes showing him her stark terror. It was like she was slipping into some form of shock, and just from only seeing two of Babidi's men. What would happen if they got closer, or she saw Babidi himself?

"Videl, shh, it's alright, ok? See, they aren't going to hurt you. Just watch, my dad and Vegeta will blow them up and you will never see them again."

She swallowed, her eyes never leaving his face. "Gohan...I'm scared."

His soothing expression went from nice to ready to commit murder in under a second. She had only once ever admitted to him that she had been scared. She had shown it, yes, but never told him verbally. He wanted nothing more than to take her away and comfort her back at the safety of Bulma's house, in the privacy of their own room, where he could just hold her and tell her everything would be alright. But he couldn't leave. Not now.

"Videl, I know that you are...scared right now. But you're going to have to pull through this, alright? You can't always be scared, you can't always live in fear of these guys."

He saw a muscle in her jaw jump, and felt a small tremor run through her body. He wondered briefly if she was going to faint.

"Alright," she whispered, still looking him straight in the eyes. He was surprised, but he didn't show it. He nodded, and tugged her gently over next to his father, making sure she was in between two people that she trusted, and that was him, and his father. She trusted Vegeta, but Goku was the closest.

The two beings walked forward, threatening looks on their faces. "Surrender now, or die," they said basically, making Gohan almost snort. They were apparently stupid.

He leaned closer to Videl's small ear, saying quietly, "I want you to blast these guy's into oblivion, ok?"

She shook her head hard, trying to back up again. He frowned, and gripped her arms, holding her firmly in place. "Do it, Videl. Now. You know you want to."

She gritted her teeth, and fisted her hands, and he smiled, almost picturing her stomping her foot in a fit. Goku and Vegeta were watching intently, wondering what was going on. Goku had an idea what was wrong with Videl, and the same with Vegeta, but they didn't know as to what extent. They just let Gohan take care of it. He seemed to be doing a good job anyhow.

Videl stared at her enemy across the short distance. She felt Gohan's hands tighten on her arms, and she growled, elbowing him stubbornly in the stomach. "How am I supposed to do this if you are latched onto me like a leech?" she growled low in her throat, hearing Gohan chuckle. She rolled her eyes, gathering every ounce of courage she had, and silently feeding off the strength she felt from Gohan. She had never realized how much she relied on it until now.

Her enemy was just about to advance when her hand shot forward, and they stopped in their tracks. Videl smirked evilly, something that even Vegeta was proud of. She tilted her head to the side, saying softly to Gohan, "Let's do it together."

He smiled, and extended his own hand. He felt Videl's ki skyrocket to amazing levels, and the next thing he knew he saw a bright blue light forming at her fingers, and then gather into a large ball. He quickly did the same, hoping that once they finished these two off, that Videl's trauma over her past situation would be gone.

Videl let out a hoarse yell as she threw it at them, eagerly awaiting to hear their screams of agony and horrible pain. She was almost leaning forward in her excitement as she saw the enemy hurriedly bring up their arms for protection, but to no avail. She heard exactly what she wanted to: the cries, the screams, the wails of torture and severe pain that she had been waiting for.

Gohan was stunned when he saw the look on Videl's face. A smirk that almost rivaled Vegeta's most wicked, and a glitter in her eyes that would beat Bulma at her best. Her hand fell back down to her side after the bright light subsided, and she turned to him, her smile softening. "Thank you, Gohan."

The rest of the day was spent traveling all over the world, destroying any and all aliens. They even made sure the space pods were unusable again. Videl didn't have much of a problem with their opponents after Gohan helped her through it, and it was very visible that she was grateful to him. She didn't leave his side once, and in fact, was acting rather clingy. Gohan enjoyed every moment of it.

It was nearing towards the end of the day, and they weren't even close to killing all of the of the enemy. There were still reports of them coming in and being spotted, and at this rate, it would take them days to get rid of them all. It was hard only having a few people to use, when there should have really been at least four or five more. The task would have been taken care of much more easily if that were the case.

Gohan ended up carrying Videl home at the end of the day, for even though she was just as strong as his normal form, she still tired easily, especially after flying all over the place. He didn't mind though.

Goku was talking quietly to Vegeta about what might happen over the course of the night because they hadn't been able to destroy all the creature's from outer space. Vegeta just snorted, saying something along the lines of, "This pathetic planet will finally get what's coming to it."

Goku just shook his head, upset and worried about what might really happen. Gohan was on auto pilot, and was falling asleep with Videl in his arms even as they made their way home. He nudged his oldest son in the side, and he blinked open his eyes, giving his dad a look that told Goku that he was really tired. He smiled at his son, saying, "We're almost home, Gohan. You can go straight to bed once we get there. I guess you're kinda happy that it's the weekend, huh?"

Gohan nodded absentmindedly, not really catching what his dad had said. He only heard something about home and bed, and that's all that he cared about. "Hey, dad, can you carry Videl? I'm afraid I'm going to drop her."

Goku was shocked that his son would let anyone but himself touch Videl, even if it was just to hold her at an impersonal level. Any other time Gohan would have started growling like a mad dog, and everyone would back off. He had always thought it funny, for he remembered he had done the same thing when he had first married and bonded with Chichi. Over time it hadn't been so bad, but he was still protective of her beyond human levels. It wasn't just him and Gohan, for Vegeta was just as bad, if not worse with Bulma. That's why injury reports always ended up in the paper about someone talking and/or coming too close to Bulma while he was in the vicinity. Goku wished he was alive and on Earth permanently so he could spend all his time making fun of Vegeta.

"Yeah, sure I'll carry her," he said, opening his arms so his son could shift Videl carefully into his arms while they were still flying. It was amazing that the clumsy males didn't wake her up, and she didn't really even stir. Once she was in Goku's arms, she frowned, but then settled against his chest, just happy for the warmth in the cool night air. Goku almost dropped her because he was afraid Gohan would kill him after that, but Gohan only smiled, shaking his head in slight amusement as they continued towards home.

Goku took this chance to really look at his son's mate, for he knew that these two would be together for the rest of their lives. He hadn't ever really thought that Gohan would go after a tomboy, but after close inspection, Videl looked just as feminine as any other girl out there, if not more so. He grinned, feeling her dark hair flow over his arm in her loose ponytail. Now he knew why Gohan constantly had his face and hands in it.

He adjusted her in his arms so that she was in a more comfortable position. He had to admit, he was happy that these two had bonded. They suited each other perfectly. Their personalities clashed, their strength and how smart they were made them very compatible, especially on the more "physical" levels of their relationship. He had been afraid that when Gohan had been older, and he had chosen a woman to get married to, that she wouldn't have been able to handle his strength. Dende only knew how hard it was for him and Chichi, especially when he got carried away.

He smiled when he saw the city looming in the distance, and he nudged his son again, waking him from his half-asleep state. Gohan didn't open his eyes, all he said, "Alright, mom, I'm awake."

Goku almost laughed. "No, Gohan, it's your dad. Wake up, we're here."

Gohan decided that he could open his eyes then, and he sighed, saying, "Finally." He turned to his dad, asking as nicely as he could to have Videl back when he saw how comfortable she looked. Then again, his dad had much more experience holding women than he did, and always had this comforting affect on any and all women. He did it for everyone, if you thought about it, not just the female species.

Goku just grinned, and handed back Videl to his son, seeing that he was fighting off something akin to jealousy.

Gohan hadn't meant to wake her up, but he did on accident. Her eyes opened, and then closed again as she gave him a sleepy smile. He loved how she did that. She did it almost every morning.

"Hey, Gohan," she said in a voice above a whisper, lopping her arms around his neck and giving him a small kiss on the cheek. He couldn't help but grin, for she always had this effect on him to smile at the oddest moments. "Hey, sleepy head," he said with amusement, seeing her own smile appear. She sighed, her sore arms tightening around him as she watched the fast-approaching city. She couldn't wait to get into a warm bed and sleep against Gohan as she did every night. She found that she had gotten quite addicted to him in only a short amount of time.

It seemed like only seconds later when they landed on the front yard of Bulma's place, shocked to see that the city itself had sustained some damage. At least it wasn't as bad as some places they had seen.

Gohan unconsciously held her tighter for protection, and hurried into the house, wondering if anywhere was safe anymore. When he got inside, Trunks almost killed him with a crowbar, and he ducked out of the way just in time before he got hit upside the head with it. "Trunks! Are you mad!?" he yelled, startling Videl.

Trunks looked apologetic. "Sorry, Gohan. I didn't mean to do that. Mom wanted me to guard the front door, and she said no energy blasts. So I had to use this awesome thing," he said, pointing to the wicked metal object in his hand. Gohan blinked, wondering if he had used that on anything. "Hey, Trunks, where's Goten?"

"Being my mom's bodyguard. She said I was too violent like my dad to protect her properly. She said that I would probably half-kill the guy that would try to hurt her, and then I would torture it, and then hack it into tiny little pieces and then send it all over the universe or something like that. She said it had to be something that my dad would do."

Gohan stared at him, wondering what was up with the boy. Vegeta came up to him at that moment, smirking. "Good job, boy. Your insane mother would probably drive you crazy in about ten minutes of being close to her. And everyone always wonders why I try to get away from her."

Goku was right behind him, and he frowned. "That's not true, Vegeta. We all know that you and Bulma lo-"

"Shut up, Kakarott. We do not need your opinion."

Goku shut his mouth, a sad look on his face. He mumbled something and motioned for Gohan to follow him, leaving the father and son alone to discuss what evil things Trunks had done while they had been gone. Goku was surprised to see that Trunks and Vegeta were actually bonding like father and son were supposed to, because he had never thought the two would ever be close. He shrugged. He guessed things just changed over time.

Gohan told his father goodnight as he walked up the stairs, seeing that Goku was deciding to talk to Bulma, who was sitting at the table with a forty four magnum in her small elegant hands. Goten was looking just plain horrified in his seat, having been in Bulma's company too long. He said goodnight to everyone else as well, and made his way up the stairs. He heard the conversation from below get softer and then disappear altogether as he made it to the room him and Videl shared, and he almost fell flat on his face from being so tired as he walked in. She was already half-asleep, and clearly so was he. He just laid her on her side of the bed and pulled off her shoes and socks, tucking her under the covers. He didn't know why he always put her on the opposite side, because he knew that as soon as he got under the covers, Videl would be right over on his side, laying all over him until she got comfortable. He smiled as he kissed her forehead softly and brushed her hair out of her face, hearing her sigh in contentment.

He made his way over onto his side of the bed, yanking off his shoes and socks just like he had her, and then pulling his shirt over his head and undoing his pants. He never liked sleeping in his pants. If he did, they would have to be comfortable, and he didn't have any with him. He would have to go back to his home in the countryside and get his stuff over here, since it seemed like this was where they were going to live for awhile.

Once he was only in his white undershirt and boxers, he crawled under the blankets, happy for the warmth and the heat that Videl provided. He automatically opened his arms as she rolled into them, their arms wrapping around each other as they fell into blissful sleep, not looking forward to tomorrow, and the dangers it would bring with it.