Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ We're Going Home! ( Chapter 57 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 57: We're Going Home!
The rest of the weekend was spent taking care of any and all aliens, much to Gohan's and Videl's disappointment. It seemed like every chance they got to be alone together was interrupted by something either drastic, or stupid. Like this morning....

He had just gotten Videl up at about four in the morning, awakening her with a sweet kiss that made her feel all warm inside. He was trying not to get too excited because of how long he had been waiting, but it was getting increasingly difficult, especially when it seemed like Videl didn't mind in the least.

He had just about been ready to lacerate the rest of their clothing until there was nothing left, when there was a timid knock on the door. The couple jerked towards the sound, wondering who the hell it could be. Gohan groaned and shoved his face into a fluffy pillow, ready to cry. Videl patted his back, hearing him giving half whimpers/half whines into the pillow, and then almost tearing it in two. He looked ready to commit murder to whoever was outside that door, and Videl's eyes widened when he got the most evil look she had ever seen on his face, and climbed out of the bed slowly, and precisely. He walked over to the door as if he was looking forward to doing something related manslaughter, and then he said gently, but with some grit, "Who is it?"

Videl bit her lip to try to keep herself from laughing, but it didn't help very well. Gohan threw her a look that told her she would get it later, and she couldn't wait.

Gohan heard a small whine outside the door, and he frowned.

"Gohan...it's me, Goten. Can I come in?"

Gohan got an annoyed look on his face, but then he felt bad, especially once he opened the door and Goten immediately latched onto his legs, tears pouring down his adorable face. "Gohan, I had a bad dream."

Gohan gave him a faint smile, and bent down, picking him up. "It's alright, little guy. You wanna sleep with me and Videl for the rest of the night?"

He nodded, rubbing his face off with his long-sleeved pajama shirt, and then sticking his thumb into his mouth. Videl lifted back the covers as Gohan sat back down, Goten held close against his chest. The poor boy was sniffing, as if he was trying not to cry anymore. Videl instantly felt her motherly instincts kick in, and she demanded Gohan to hand him over. Gohan was thinking that Goten wouldn't want to go, for he didn't even go to their mother, but he got a good surprise when he went straight into her arms. She brushed back his hair, shushing him as he let out a small whimper. She held him close and started to rock him, murmuring a small lullaby that soon had his eyes drooping. She stopped, smiling as she asked, "You tired, honey?"

He nodded against her shoulder, his tiny fingers locked in the front of her shirt, and his thumb still in his mouth, giving an occasional weak suck as he fell asleep. She glanced over to Gohan, who looked vaguely jealous. She kissed the top of Goten's forehead, wondering who could be more cuter. Him or Gohan, especially at their good moments. "Do you want to go back to Gohan, honey?"

He shook his head again, his wet thumb slipping out of his mouth. Videl blinked suddenly, feeling a small, but very familiar vibration in little Goten's chest. He was purring. And he was also fast asleep.

She looked quickly over to Gohan, who had caught the small sound with his acute hearing. His eyes narrowed dangerously, and he said, "Why don't you just give him to me, Videl?" Yeah, before I kill him for falling asleep on you! He did it on purpose....

Videl shook her head. "No, the poor thing is already asleep, and I don't have the heart to wake him up. We should just go back to bed. I'm not even going to school tomorrow. I think we deserve a much needed break."

He frowned, but nodded. Videl managed to scoot back down into the bed, for she had been sitting up, and grinned when she saw how Goten was laying on her. His arms were splayed out to the side, his head resting just above her right breast, Gohan's favorite place to fall asleep as well. His legs were draped over her hips, and he was purring away, just like Gohan had a tendency to do. She looked back over to him, grinning as she asked, "Does he do the same thing to you?"

He blushed, unable to help himself. "Yeah, he does, but only with me. I guess he took a liking to you, because he never even did it with mom. Goten always ends up having some sort nightmare during the night, and that's why we would sleep together in the same room. I guess that it started getting to him again, because after a while, his nightmares stopped, and he didn't have them as often as he did. Poor little guy, he must have been scared waking up all alone in his own room after having his nightmare."

Videl wondered why he would have so many nightmares. It couldn't be normal. Maybe it was just some little kid thing. "Hmm...Gohan, will you get over here?"

He cocked his eyebrow at her. "Why?"

"Because I want you to hold me, that's why."

He grinned as he made his way over to her, tempted to throw Goten off, that or stick him at the other side of the bed so he could have Videl all to himself. He had to content himself with the other side of her shoulder, and wrapping his tail around her thigh as he fell asleep, wondering what he was going to do about Goten now.

Chichi ran through the house, panicking because she couldn't find Goten. She had Bulma searching as well, and Trunks was just waking up, rubbing his eyes in an annoyed fashion as his mother drilled him about Goten's possible whereabouts.

"I don't know, he came to my door at like four in the morning, all upset because he had a nightmare or something. I told him to go to Gohan, since he was just right down the hall."

Chichi glared at the little boy, placing her hands on her hips. "That's the stupidest place in the world to send him! Why, they could have been-"

Bulma shushed her quickly, but she agreed with the younger woman. "Why don't you go check and see if he's there? That's the only place he could be unless he left the house."

Chichi grumbled as she stalked up the stairs, upset that her little boy hadn't come straight to her. She made her way to their door, not even planning on knocking and waking them up. She knew that Gohan and Videl had been working really hard over the course of the weekend to take care of the invaders, and as far as she knew, they were all dead. She had to ask Goku to find out for sure.

She opened the door slowly, seeing through the dim light coming from the window. What she saw brought a smile to her face, and she sighed, watching them for a moment.

Goten was sleeping in between the couple, who also had their arms wrapped around each other, causing Goten to almost be crushed in between them. It didn't really seem to be bothering them though, for from the loud purrs coming from both males, they seemed to be enjoying it. She never understood why Saiya-jins loved to purr, especially when they felt content and warm. You would think that from being a warrior race that they would purr during battle or something....

She closed the door, walking back down the stairs to tell Bulma where Goten was so the woman would stop drilling her little boy for information. Bulma almost looked disappointed, but she shrugged, latching onto Vegeta for entertainment when he entered the kitchen to look for some food. He grunted when she secured herself to him, and just ended up dragging her along with him around the kitchen. Chichi felt mildly amused at Bulma's antics, but just ignored them when she saw her husband walk into the kitchen, a smile on his face as usual. She jumped up, saying eagerly, "Are you hungry, Goku?"

His smile grew. "Am I ever!"

She was at least happy to do something around here. She was constantly stuck sitting around, and quite frankly, she was getting sick of it. She was just cooking up some food with what was laying around when she finally snapped, saying, "Alright, Goku! I really want to go home! We have been here for far too long, and I want to have the privacy of my old house! I even miss those stupid dinosaurs and weird lizards Goten has a tendency to bring home!"

Goku looked shocked, but instantly agreed. "Yeah, I miss being home, too. But I don't know if the Supreme Kai will let me just go off like that. My time is limited as to how long it will take to defeat this Majin Buu guy. We'll have to wait until he comes back in the afternoon. He's in Otherworld right now, doing some sort of business or something."

Chichi nodded numbly, thinking about ways she could torture the Supreme Kai if he didn't let Goku go home. She placed what little food she had made in front of Goku, giving him a glare that told him not to whine and complain at the amount when she saw him pouting. He sighed, and then shrugged, stuffing it into his mouth. Chichi sat down and watched him, just wanting to spend as much time as she possibly could with him before he had to go back and she would never see him again.

It was towards late afternoon when the Supreme Kai appeared out of nowhere, right in the middle of the kitchen. Gohan, who had just gotten up, grinned and asked politely how he was doing. Chichi gave him an approving look, and then turned her attention to the small purple man with pointy ears. "Um, Supreme Kai? I have a question for you."

He looked towards her, waiting for her to ask him whatever it was that she wanted to. She felt suddenly nervous with the look he was giving her, but then shook it off. "I would like to bring my family home to where we belong, if that is alright with you."

He looked skeptical, but when he saw the looks both Gohan, Goten, and Goku were giving him, he shrugged, saying, "It is fine, but whenever you are needed, you must come here immediately. I will contact you all at any sign of crisis. Until then, I will stay in Otherworld, and you all will train. Majin Buu is still much stronger than all of you, and we need to take this valuable time we have to get stronger. It will take a while for Babidi to get here since Goku and Vegeta blew up their ship, and I have no doubt that they have acquired another form of transportation because of all those space pods. They have probably stolen it from some helpless, but technologically advanced race."

Everyone nodded, surprised that the small being had talked that much. Chichi almost got up and danced, but instead she said, "Everyone get your stuff, we're going home!!"

Gohan walked up the stairs, planning on waking up Videl, who was still asleep. However, once he walked into the dark room, he didn't have the heart to do so.

She was sleeping on her back, the blankets tangled at her feet. Her right hand was brought up and resting beside her head, and her other one was laying on her flat stomach. The rhythm of her breathing hypnotized him, and he walked over to her without even realizing it. He crawled onto the bed until he was next to her, watching the peaceful expression on her beautiful face. He laid down, pillowing his head with his arm as he planned on laying there for a while, just watching her.

He had no idea how long he was laying there, but it seemed like she sensed him, and her eyes opened in their familiar drowsy way, making an unconscious smile come to his lips. She smiled back, scooting the few inches over to him so she could be in his arms. He was thinking that she had gone back to sleep, but she murmured, "How long were you laying there watching me this time?"

He blinked. He hadn't thought she knew about him watching her while she slept. She laughed softly, shaking her head. "Yes, I know all about you watching me. Remember, we're bonded, silly. You always get this feeling when you watch me, and if you weren't so...something or other, then you would know that. So, how long were you watching me?"

He grumbled something, and she pinched his arm, making him growl in return. "Fine, I don't know...a half an hour."

She sighed. "At least it wasn't so bad as a couple of days ago, when you just laid there for a good hour."

"I can't help it if you're so damn beautiful that I can't stop looking at you," he said stubbornly, getting mad.

She frowned. "Gohan, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not beautiful?"

He sat up, startling her in the process. "Well, how many times do I have to tell you that you are beautiful?!" he yelled, getting off the bed and glaring down at her. He walked over to the door, ripping it open. "Get your stuff ready, we're leaving."

At that, he walked out, slamming the door. Videl sat there, staring at the door. Her eyes started to water, especially when she felt how mad and upset he was. She could tell he was trying to fight it off so that she wouldn't feel it, but she did. She looked down at her hands, and then closed her eyes. "I'm sorry, Gohan."

She left the house a little later, planning on going to her father's mansion. She didn't even consider it her home anymore, that's how much she loathed her father at the moment. Then again, she didn't particularly like anyone at the moment. After this afternoon she had been in a foul mood, trying to figure out why Gohan would snap like that. He hadn't ever yelled at her, and it had stung more than she had thought possible. The pain in her heart couldn't compare to any physical pain she had ever had, not even after her ordeal with Babidi.

She just walked straight into her house, not seeing anyone, and being eternally grateful. She hurried up the spiral staircase and into her room, seeing that nothing had been disturbed. She grabbed a suitcase out of her walk-in closet, and then started shoving things inside randomly. She took all the clothes she could get a hold of without taking all the room, and then started throwing things inside that she thought she might use later.

The last place she visited was her bathroom, and she sighed, remembering how Gohan himself had been in here. As a last thought she grabbed all her shampoos and things, wondering if he would like to have the old smell of her hair back. She knew he would like it, in fact, she prayed that he did. She wanted to piss him off as much as she could, but at the same time make him want her like mad. Well, that part was no problem, but she liked it just as well. If anyone had ever thought of her as trying to tempt someone, they would probably laugh, but this time she would prove them all wrong. She would make Gohan sorry for getting mad at her if it was the last thing she did.

She went back to the Capsule Corporation housing area right after she got all her stuff, seeing that everyone was almost ready to go. Little Goten immediately ran up to her, asking her to pick him up. She grinned, unable to help herself as she sat her things down, bending over and picking him up. He started having an enthusiastic tug session with her hair, but she barely noticed. She looked around for Gohan, wondering where he could possibly be.

Goku walked up to her, as if knowing what she was thinking. "He already left. He didn't look too happy. What happened?"

Videl looked away. "We got in a fight."

He frowned. "About what?"

She shrugged, setting Goten down. "Something stupid. Don't worry about it, Goku."

He smiled at her, seeing that it wasn't the case. "You're just as a bad of a liar as Gohan, Videl."

She gritted her teeth. Goku's smile grew, and he bent over, picking up her large gray suitcase. "Videl, if I were you, I wouldn't get Gohan any madder than he already is. If you don't already know, it's not a good idea at all to get a Saiya-jin mad."

She snorted. Saiya-jin this, Saiya-jin that. Is it all about Saiya-jins?!?!?

She smirked. "I'm not that stupid, Goku."

He grinned. "Ok, well, as soon as we get back, you two can apologize."

Yeah right, whatever you say, Goku. I'm going to get him so pissed he's going to flip out on me, and that's when I'm going to get my chance. I want to see just how strong that boy is....

Goku walked away, and she followed somewhat behind him, feeling weird without Gohan around. However, Chichi seemed to want to take the chance to converse with her, and started the conversation with, "So, how is my future grandchild coming along?"

Videl rolled her eyes. "Pretty good, I should say. I might even already be pregnant. What do you want? A little girl or boy?"

Chichi looked shocked that she had said that. She waved her hand, saying, "Oh, Videl, you kid around very good. I was just teasing you."

Videl tried to keep herself from slamming her fist in the woman's face. "Haha, that was funny, Chichi."

The older woman smiled. "Well, I do have a good sense of humor. Anyhow, I have a question."

Videl pretended to be paying attention.

"When are you and Gohan getting married?"

Videl jerked around, surprised. "Wh-what? I-I never really thought about it. We're bonded, so isn't that like...we're married?"

Chichi snorted. "I suppose, but I would prefer it if you two got married and made the whole thing legitimate. You know, your father can come and get you at anytime, for there is no proof that you two are together...legally. The sooner you two are married, the sooner you don't have to worry about your father." She went silent, but then suddenly started again. "Wait a second, how old are you, dear?"

Videl sighed. "Seventeen. Why?"

Chichi got a horrified look on her face. "Oh no, you have to wait until you're eighteen before you marry him."

Videl gave her a confused look. "Why in the world would I have to wait?"

"You have to wait until you're either eighteen, that or you have your parent's permission."

Videl looked thoughtful. "Well, my birthday is only in two months, so that's no big deal."

Chichi nodded. "Yes, but we still must be careful. Your father could have Gohan arrested or something if he thought about this, or if he didn't want you with him. I take it the man doesn't want you ten feet within my poor sweet boy."

Poor sweet boy, my ass. He's the least poorest, most unsweetest thing ever! Damn him for being so...him! Uh, he is so going to get it later!

Videl smiled, asking, "So, when are we leaving?"

Goku suddenly jumped in between them, startling both women. "Right now! Everyone ready?"

Videl nodded timidly, wondering what kind of vehicle they were going to take. She followed Chichi into the middle of the kitchen, where all their stuff was sitting. She frowned, wondering why it wasn't outside. "Hey, why is all of our stuff in here? Aren't we taking a vehicle?"

Goku shook his head, picking up five bags of stuff and then having Chichi and Goten latch onto him. "Come on, Videl! Get over here!"

She walked over, picking up the last two bags herself. "Alright, I'm here," she muttered, standing next to Chichi. The older woman abruptly grabbed her arm, telling her to hold on as Goku placed his two fingers on his forehead, everyone waving to the Briefs family as they disappeared out of sight.