Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Psychopathic Deranged Crackhead Freak ( Chapter 58 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 58: Psychopathic Deranged Crackhead Freak
As soon as she felt the slightly familiar presence of the peaceful and scenic Son house when they appeared, she relaxed. She immediately sensed for Gohan's ki, and even though she was upset with him, she couldn't help but get that well-known rush of excitement when she knew he was close by. She started searching for him without even realizing it, dropping the bags and suitcases dazedly. All she could think of was feeling his smooth skin under her fingertips, breathe in his scent, run her tongue all over his body, taste-

She was snapped brutally out of her dreamland when she ran right into a rock hard chest, a familiar musky scent driving her senses wild and melting her pathetic resolve in a blink of an eye. She moaned, gripping his head and jerking him down, covering his mouth with hers. She ravaged his mouth, playing with his tongue in what hopefully was a suggestive manner, and pushing her hips against his. His body stiffened when he instantly got as hard as a rock, and she felt the resistance that was on his mind disappear when she rubbed herself against his arousal, making little desperate tempting noises in her throat. He forced her up against the wall outside his door, pressing her body hard against his. She started tugging at his shirt, but then just ripped it off, impatient to have his skin against hers. He started frantically trying to work his hand up her baggy shirt, his clever and deft fingers finding the clasp to the back of her bra and unhooking it easily. Her breathing began to come in short gasping pants as his lips latched onto her shoulder and sucked hard, the same place where he had bitten her only a short time ago. She felt an almost painful jolt of pleasure rip through her, starting at her shoulder and stopping low in her stomach. She jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist and letting out a ragged moan when his hand found her left breast, his fingertips teasing her hard nipple. She was just getting lost in his arms when she remembered something: Wait a second. I'm supposed to be pissed at him!!

She dropped her legs and pushed at his chest, telling him to stop in a shaky voice. This was the last thing in the world she wanted to do, but he had to be punished.

He remained oblivious to anything she said, until finally she shoved him hard, causing him to hit the wall behind him. He had a dazed look on his face, and a light blush high on his cheeks. He blinked a couple times at her, and then pushed himself up off the wall, walking back over to her and trying to take her back into his arms. "Videl? Videl, are you alright?"

She stared at him as if he was stupid. "What? Gohan, you're forgetting that we aren't talking since this morning. If we aren't talking, we certainly aren't touching!!"

He got even more confused. "But you're the one that came over to me and-"

She looked anywhere but his face. "I know...that's why I pushed you away," she whispered.

He glowered. "I told you once before not to tease me, Videl. If anything, I would heed that warning more so than ever."

She frowned at him, looking up. "Whatever, Gohan. Go ahead and try to threaten me. You don't scare me."

He felt something in his Saiya-jin blood spark, and his coal black eyes went even darker, if that was possible. She felt herself become mesmerized, no, more like hypnotized by the sight, and she couldn't unlock her eyes from his face.

He smirked, closing the few inches between them as if he was stalking his prey. He brought up his hand and caressed her soft cheek, the smile still on his face when he saw that she couldn't move. He didn't say anything, just watched the startled expressions cross her face.

He blinked, suddenly feeling bad about what he had just felt go through him. He hadn't really heeded the abrupt violence and urge to hurt her, to show her his dominance, but now he realized what he could have done to her if she would have pushed him any further. He just couldn't help that he wanted his mark and scent all over her, wanted to let everyone know that if you got within three feet of her, you were dead. He wanted her so bad....

He looked down, dropping his hand. He needed to tell her that he loved her, and that he was eternally sorry, but something in his Saiya-jin blood was just...stopping him. He tried to fight it, but it just didn't give up. He was too stubborn, and his Saiya-jin pride was kicking in.

He didn't say anything, just walked away, not even looking back.

She stood there for a moment, wondering what had just happened. First they were all over one another like they would die if they didn't have each other, and then the next they were threatening, and being too prideful to apologize.

She closed her eyes, resting her head against the cold wall as she felt tiredness tug at her. It had been a long day, and with Gohan's feelings putting her in an even fouler mood, she just wanted to give her mind a break. And an evil one at that.

She grinned, looking to see if anyone was around. She didn't see anyone.

She opened Gohan's door, smiling at the calm, not too bright surroundings. There was a big single window, which under to it looked like a nice soft queen size bed, and a bed stand one each side, with two lamps. She saw a desk standing along side another wall across from the bed in his spacious room, papers, numerous books, and a closed laptop sitting on top of it. She frowned; not knowing that Gohan had a laptop. If she had known that, then she would have suggested his house for their reports instead of the library. She shrugged, walking to his bed over the wooden floor. She ran her hand over the warm dark green comforter, and then the two white pillows lying side-by-side. She realized then that she would be sharing this bed with Gohan. She swallowed, wondering what she was going to do about it. She couldn't very well kick him out of his own room....

She yawned, not even bothering to cover her mouth as she sat down on the soft thing, giving a small bounce. She grinned, bending over and pulling off her shoes and socks, and then her pants. They were way too tight to sleep in.

She yanked back the covers, eager for the warmth they would provide so she wouldn't be so cold. She buried herself under them, curling up on her side and closing her eyes, sighing as sleep approached and claimed her.

Gohan walked straight into the kitchen, and laid his head down on the table with a loud thump. No one was around, so they didn't see his misery. He was happy to be alone, he wanted to be alone. He longed for the damn solitude that being with only one's self provided. He grumbled. I want Videl.

He snorted after that internal note. Of course I want Videl. Stupid bond, I knew this would happen.

He sighed, realizing that he couldn't stay mad at her for very long. And the bond wasn't stupid. It was something wonderful that allowed him to be closer to Videl then anyone ever would be, and let him stay in constant contact with how she was feeling. It was comforting to know that he could protect her this way. If she was ever scared, he could be by her side in a flash. But then if they weren't bonded, he would have to wait for her ki to rise, and then he would notice. The time difference between her emotions and the rise of her ki was drastic, and seconds always counted when she might need him.

He sighed again, staring blindly at the table surface. It hadn't been touched in how long? Three, almost four months? Chichi had been living at Capsule Corporation along with everyone else, leaving the house all by itself for the first time in forever. If it was living, it probably would have been grateful.

He sat up, wondering what to do. Goten was probably out playing with some weird animal, and his mom and dad were more than likely doing something he didn't want to know about. He was all by himself for the first time since he had bonded with Videl. It felt weird, especially once he realized she had fallen asleep. He always knew when she did because her brain activity nearly went dead. He smiled, wondering if he could get a quick peek at her without waking her up.

He stood up, but then shook his head. He had more important things to do besides watch her, and start the fight all over again.

He walked over to the phone, picking up one of the various phonebooks. He scanned through it, smiling when he found a few that looked good. He picked up the phone, and began dialing, hoping that he would get what he wanted.

It was around eleven o'clock at night when he went to bed, having not eaten dinner because he had had so much to do.

He yawned as he walked to his room, wondering about how Goten would act now that he had his own room. He had taken his little brother's pallet out of his room, and put it in the room that was originally meant for the kid, and rolled up his own pallet for good. Quite frankly, he couldn't wait to sleep on a regular bed.

He remembered how he had left early to go home just so he could steal the capsule queen size bed out of the guest room, thinking rather evil and lecherous thoughts the whole time. He had put it in his own room, situating it under the window so the sun could wake him up the way he usually liked it, and so that both him and Videl could have their own sides to climb off of. If he had put it against the wall, then Videl would have had to crawl over him to get off, not that he would have minded.

He sighed as he opened the door, seeing the lamp on Videl's side on, and the woman in question propped up by a pillow, a book in her small, yet powerful white hands. She looked up with a smile on her face, hearing the door open. As soon as she saw him, the smile fell, and she stared at him blankly.

As soon as he saw her, his first reaction was to blush. And that's exactly what he did. She had apparently taken one of his white undershirts to wear, which not only were very tight, but see-through as well. He gave her a nervous smile, and she returned a glare as she placed her book on her lap. He stopped staring before he got overly excited, and approached the bed slowly, wary of what she might say.

She abruptly sat up straight, her face hardening. He tried not to drop his line of sight down to her chest when he saw how the fabric strained against her body, and he almost fell backwards trying to get away.

"Gohan," she asked, looking at his pathetic display, "what are you doing?"

He stopped his mid-fall. "I'm going to bed. We have school tomorrow."

She growled. "No, you're sleeping on the couch."

His eyes widened. "What? Why?! I didn't do anything uh, bad...."

She blinked, and then shook her head, pointing to the door. "Out."

His shoulders slumped, and he got a sad look on his face. "Well, can I at least get my bed clothes and my pillow?"

She looked thoughtful, but then nodded. He grabbed the stuff he needed, and walked back to the door, turning back to look at her. "Videl, how long am I going to sleep on the sofa?"

She sighed. He sounded so innocent and full of longing; it was just so unbelievably hard to stay mad with him, especially when she felt how upset he was. She looked down. "I don't know."

He frowned, sighing as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.


He let his eyes bore into the cracked sidewalk ahead of him, his stride fast, but not as confident as it usually was. It was about a half an hour after school had been let out, and he was by himself, Videl having left for his house, or more like her new home, right after school had ended.

When he saw the place that he had called the previous night, he grinned, seeing that it looked just as professional as the manager had said it was.

It was called A-1 PC, a computer and office place. It repaired, created, and made computers, sold their products and other accessories, and not to mention all the office things it had. He walked in, not hearing one of those annoying bells or dings that most doors had. There were four desks, two women, and one man behind them. The other one was empty, a computer sitting on it. They looked like they were secretaries and people that asked "May I help you?" or something like that. He smiled when a girl about a year older than him looked up, grinning. "May I help you?"

Gohan chuckled silently to himself, having had the feeling that they were going to say something along that line. He nodded, stepping up to her as she stood up. He offered his hand, and she took it, her grin growing when she felt his firm shake.

"Yes, I'm here for a job application. My name is Son Gohan."

Her genuine grin turned into a coy smile, and she let go of his hand reluctantly. "Oh, hi, we were expecting you. If you will follow me...."

He nodded, following her as she came out from behind her desk, walking along the side of the wall that was lined with office supplies and products until she got to the back, at which there was a door that said "personnel only". She opened it, motioning him to follow her. They walked past various cubicles with men and women in them, at computers and typing away. There was more office things, like copiers and objects along that line.

They walked until she got to the very back of that area, at which there was another door that said "manager". She knocked, saying through the door, "Mr. Seiyaku, your job applicant you have been waiting for is here."

"Send him in, please."

She stepped aside, and Gohan frowned when he saw how indecently short her black skirt was, and her nearly transparent white shirt. He just ignored it, it wasn't like he was in the least attracted to her anyway.

He walked into the large and spacious office, the white walls covered in pictures and awards, and a huge cluttered mahogany desk settled in front of him, in the middle of the room. The about forty year-old, surprisingly muscular handsome man with black hair and kind green eyes looked away from his computer screen, standing and smiling at Gohan when he saw the nervous teenager. He offered his hand, and Gohan stepped forward, taking it with a smile of his own.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Son Gohan. I'm Mr. Seiyaku, but you can call me Akain for short. Please," he motioned to the two comfortable dark green leather chairs in front of his desk, "have a seat."

Gohan nodded, taking a seat. He liked this man, he seemed genuinely kind and nice, someone that he could get along with perfectly.

"Well, I have heard that you are looking for a job. Any specific reasons why you wish to get a job like this at your age?"

Yes, but I can't really say.... "No, but I could really use the money for uh, college." Well, I do need the money, but not for college. It wasn't too much of a lie....

"Ah, a wonderful reason to get a job. You came to the right place, I must say. We have been looking for a smart, determined person for a part-time job, and you more than qualify for this job. The people in this place have either gone to college or some technical institute, and your credentials go way beyond theirs in most places and instances already, and you haven't even graduated from high school. I shouldn't even have to tell you that you're hired."

Gohan grinned. "Thank you, sir. You have no idea how much this means to me."

The man waved his hand, dismissing it. "Your pay will start at ten Zen an hour, I hope that is good enough for you."

Gohan's eyes widened. Ten Zen already?! Man, that's more than people make at full time jobs...wow, I'm really lucky. Maybe this won't take as long as I was thinking it would.

"Uh...yeah, I guess...."

The man's smile faltered. "What? Isn't it enough? I could raise it another few Zen if you wished...."

Gohan waved his hands in front of him. "No, sir, that's fine! I was just shocked that I would get paid that much and I haven't even started yet."

Mr. Seiyaku waved his hand again. "You deserve it. Your paper work is hard, I must admit, but you should be alright after a while. And plus you have the three other secretaries out there with you. Most of your time is going to be spent typing up progress reports, filing information, helping customers, etc. I think that you can accomplish these tasks relatively easy, especially with your qualifications."

He nodded, thanking him again. "Thank you again, sir, for hiring me. I really needed this job."

Mr. Seiyaku stood, offering his hand again. Gohan shook it eagerly, so happy he could burst. He hadn't had a day this good since, well, he didn't remember. Videl hadn't been particularly pissed at him this morning, just somewhat silent. She hadn't given him that glare that she was famous for, and that was a relief in itself. They had just eaten breakfast in a calm environment, the silence not full of tension. He had been grateful for that.

After getting done with breakfast they had left, the fly to their high school yet again relatively peaceful. They had made good time, both in a good mood because of the warm refreshing air that they had flown in.

The day had been pretty much uneventful, Videl nor him being summoned to go help the chief of police, for which he was grateful. He was even happier that he hadn't gotten a lot of homework, he only had a few easy things to do that would only take about a half an hour.

Mr. Seiyaku released his hand, and then grabbed a piece of white paper off of his desk, which was laying beside his high-tech printer. "Here you go, Gohan. These are your hours starting tomorrow."

The teenager grinned, seeing that they weren't that bad. It was from after school to about eight, meaning that he had plenty of time to get home, eat dinner, do his homework, spend time with his family, and be with Videl. It was all good anyhow since he didn't even go to bed until around eleven.

"Thank you, Mr. Seiyaku, I'll be here tomorrow."

The man nodded, saying, "Just make sure you were some half-decent clothes." He grinned, shaking his head. "Most teenagers your age I have noticed, wear some weird clothes."

Gohan smiled, nodding himself. "Yes, sir, I will."

He left after saying a quick goodbye, and then went to an inconspicuous area at which he took to the sky, excited about telling his mother the news. He had first thought that she would flip out on him or something when he told her he needed to get a job, but once he had explained to her why, she had eagerly said yes. Even his father had agreed to it. The only reason why he felt bad about this whole thing was that his training time would be cut drastically, and so would any and almost all time to spend with Videl. He wondered how long he could take that....

Once he got home, he ran right into the house, yelling that he had got his job. He was happy Videl wasn't around, because she would have instantly started questioning, and forcing him to tell her why he had gotten a job when there was no real reason for him to do so. Little did she know.

Chichi hugged her son, congratulating him on his success. "Good job, honey. I'm proud of you. You got your first job with your first interview. That's hard for most people to say."

Goku, who was sitting at the table stuffing his face, nodded, swallowing hard to get the food in his mouth down his throat. "Yeah, good job, Gohan! So, when do you start?"

Gohan took out his paper, handing it to his mother and letting her show it to his father. Goku ate while looking at it, finding it difficult to use only one hand when he was so starving. He hadn't eaten since two hours ago.

"These are great hours, Gohan. How did you manage to find such a good place to get a job?" his mother asked, handing him back the paper.

He shrugged. "I don't know, I just looked for places that I thought I could do good at. Most kids my age go for places that serve food, and I couldn't do that without drooling all day. I would get fired the first day."

Goku laughed, totally believing his son. "You know, you could have probably gotten a job at Capsule Corporation that pays two times as much as this, Gohan," his father said, laying back in his chair and sighing as he placed his hands over his full stomach. "That was great, Chichi! I forgot how good you cook!"

Gohan sighed, leaving when he saw the look that his parents gave each other. He didn't plan on going into the kitchen for a good two hours. He definitely did not want to see what was going on in there.

He walked into his room, tempted to lay on his new bed just to see what it felt like.

The first thing he heard was a high-pitched shriek, at which he slapped his hands over his ears and closed his eyes as he flinched. "Ah! What the hell was that?!" he yelled, opening his eyes just in time to see Videl grab a shirt that was laying on the floor and bring it up in front of her to hide her naked body. He didn't really even notice, for he was looking around, seeing how her clothes were scattered all over the floor, and a familiar black bathing suit laying on the bed in a pile. He turned his attention back to her, grinning. "Hey, Videl. You going swimming?"

She let out a loud growl. "Gohan! You jerk, get out!!"

He frowned. "Why? It's nothing I haven't ever seen before."

She fought down the urge to scream just so she would hurt his sensitive ears. "Get out!"

He sighed. "Sorry."

"No you're not!!"

His head jerked upward. "What? Yes I am! I didn't mean to walk in on you, I just wasn't expecting you to be in here naked! I'm not used to having a woman staying with me, and when we were at Bulma's place, you didn't seem to have a problem with me walking in on you in the least, whether or not you were naked!"

She fisted her hands in the white baggy shirt she had a hold of, and she threw it as hard as she could in his face. "Get out!!" she yelled again, running over to him and shoving him out of his room, happy that he was temporarily blinded from her shirt. She slammed the door, leaning against it for a moment to regain her breath.

Gohan peeled the shirt off his face, and glared at the door, wondering if he should break it down. The only reason why he didn't want to was because he feared his mother's wrath, but even that didn't hold him back. He waited about thirty seconds before he rammed it with his shoulder, sending the door flying into splinters. Videl was standing there, amazingly dressed in her tight black bathing suit, her hands on her hips as if she had been expecting him to do that.

As soon as he was through the door, he realized how stupid that had been. "Uh, sorry," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"You...never mind. I can't believe you did that! What is wrong with you?!"

He didn't answer her question, just asked, "Are you going swimming?"


He flinched at the tone of her voice, and said timidly, "Can you stop yelling at me?"

Her face softened without even realizing it. "I'm sorry, Gohan. I-I didn't mean to...." she trailed off, looking down at the floor. He had such an impulsive desire to take her into his arms, but he didn't know what she would do. She seemed so determined to stay mad at him, and no matter what he did, he just seemed to be making it worse. "Videl...is it alright if I come with you?"

She lifted her head, her glossy black hair tumbling down around her shoulders. He loved it when she had her hair down like that. It made him want to bury his hands in it and kiss her hard, and then-

"I guess," she said, shrugging. She went over to the bed, grabbing a white towel that he hadn't seen before. He nodded enthusiastically, eager to go swimming in one the familiar lakes around his house. He ran over to his dresser and took out a pair of dark blue swimming trunks, and then grabbed her hand, racing out of his room and out of the house, his mother telling him to get a towel on his way out. He told his parents he would be back later with Videl, getting his towel and then hearing Videl laugh as she ran struggled to keep up with him, seeing how happy he was to be able to go swimming without her being mad. She couldn't believe how addictive his mood was, and she felt her anger float away as if it had never been there. She knew now that staying mad at him had been even harder than she had thought it was going to be, and she extremely doubted she would get Gohan so pissed that he would attack her at his most powerful level. She knew, that no matter what she did, he would never hurt her. She took his hand as they ran down a well-worn path to the closest lake, and she felt his surprise through their bond. He grinned, tugging her along.

She thought about what she going to do a brief moment before they threw their towels down on the hot sand, and then jumped into the cool blue water. The scene of them swimming together brought back their first kiss, and Videl felt herself blushing even before he took her into his arms, leaning dangerously close to her lips. She wanted to fight it, but she just couldn't. She wanted to stay mad at him so bad that she could nearly taste it, but she just...couldn't. She wanted to cry at how pathetic she was. She used to be able to resist him before their bond, well, not really, but at least it hadn't been as hard as it was now.

"Gohan, I wish I could hate you."

He leaned away, blinking at her. "Huh? Why?"

"I don't know. It's just not fair."

He gave her a confused look. "What isn't fair?"

She pursed her lips, and then gave a loud sigh. "I know that you were the one that started this fight, and the only reason why I was staying mad at you was because I wanted you to get so pissed at me that you would...attack me or something. I realized a little bit ago how ridiculous that sounded, and I just can't stay mad at you anymore."

He let the fact that she was trying to apologize go right over his head. He picked up on something that was more important. "Why in the world would you want me to attack you?"

She looked ashamed. "I wanted to see how strong you really were. I hear all about it from Goku and Vegeta, and sometimes even Goten and Trunks, and it seems like I'm the only one that hasn't seen it in the world. My dad has even seen it."

He got an understanding look on his face. "Videl, you saw it at the Tenkaichi Budoukai. You don't really need to see it again, do you?"

She shook her head. "No, I know that wasn't your strongest. And I also know that you have been training harder than anyone I have ever known, so you have to be stronger. I just want to see it so bad...."

He sighed. "Videl, if you want the truth, I don't even know what my strongest form is now. I can't really power up while I'm so close to people, and I couldn't do it while in space because I would have destroyed the ship. I have to get away from people before I do."

She understood. "Alright...but will you ever do it...so I can see?"

He smiled. "Yeah, sooner or later I will. I guess I'm just not...ready."

She grinned back. "Alright then. Shut up and kiss me."

He shook his head, wondering at the antics of his mate. "Alright," he whispered, leaning in and giving her what she wanted. She smirked. She could always pretend to be mad at him....