Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Some New Exciting Things ( Chapter 70 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 70: Some New Exciting Things
Talayia watched in complete awe as her daughter moved. Actually, she couldn't even see her daughter moving, but she knew she was. Bardock was in a similar situation as he warmed up, but he had a big grin on his scarred face instead of a shocked expression. He looked excited, and she guessed she understood why. After he was done warming up he was going to have a little spar with her daughter, and this really worried her. She didn't know all about her daughter's power increase, and she knew that Bardock was extremely powerful. What happens if he hurts her? What will I do? It wouldn't really be on purpose though...damn it.

She looked surprised that she actually swore, even though it had been silently. She got a smile on her face that Bardock immediately noticed, for he seemed to notice everything she did. "What's that naughty smile all about?" he asked, getting down on the ground and stretching his legs. She looked mesmerized by his movements for a few seconds, and then she snapped out of it, saying, "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking to myself about Videl."

He gave her a look that said "yeah right" and stood, signaling that he was ready. The Supreme Kai called Videl down from the sky, and she grinned when she saw that Goku's father was ready. It was so cool to meet Gohan's unknown grandfather, and she wondered what both Gohan and Goku would say if they knew she had met Bardock.

Somehow, Bardock knew what she was thinking. "I've already met my son, Videl. I only got to see him for a few seconds, and that was around seven years ago. He had to take care of a disruption in Lower World because no one else could. He didn't see nor notice me, so I guess it didn't count. But hey, at least I got to see him right?"

Videl nodded, wondering how in the world he had known what she had been thinking about. He lowered himself down into a fighting stance and she did as well, wondering how strong this guy was. If he was Goku's father, surely he was strong.

Bardock smirked. "Yeah, I am strong, but I'm beginning to wonder if you're stronger than me. I haven't had much of a chance to train for the past couple of years, but at least it wasn't as bad as Gohan not training for seven years straight."

Videl started to become frustrated with how he knew all this stuff. "How do you know these things?! It's driving me nuts!!"

Bardock's smirk grew. "I have visions from time to time. I knew that Goku was going to defeat Frieza many years before he actually did, and I knew that Vegeta-sei was going to be destroyed a little bit before it was. I tried to stop it, but I wasn't strong enough. Unfortunately I was killed along with every other Saiya-jin."

Well, at least she knew now. "So you have visions of Goku and Gohan? About what?"

"Various things. I get visions of more than just them, too. I have visions of anything related to them, and as an example, I can use you. I started having visions of you two or so years before Gohan even met you. I know a lot more about you than you think."

A fierce frown appeared on Videl's face. She didn't like having people know stuff about her that she didn't even know. She nearly growled. "Well...I know stuff about you!!"

His eyebrow lifted slightly. "Oh? Like what?"

She looked frustrated a second before she nearly yelled, "You're a...uh, scientist! Yeah, Vegeta said something about that before. He said he wished he could kill you along with Goku. He is obsessed with killing the Son family!!"

Bardock grinned. "Yeah...I am a scientist, or at least, I like to think I am. I haven't really been able to elaborate on that for years upon years, so I probably have lost my t—"

He suddenly felt a burning sensation on the side of his skull, and he frowned at himself when he realized Videl had just kicked him upside the head. He had been studying her, and he knew that she liked to use her legs more than her arms. Hmm, he thought. I can really take advantage of that weakness.

Talayia watched with dismay as her daughter and Bardock fought. Bardock kept going after her legs, and Videl was becoming frustrated, wondering what he was doing. She just knew Videl was going to be in a little bit of pain later on with the way Bardock was attacking her legs, constantly sweeping them out from under her, or kicking or punching at them.

When he delivered a devastating blow to Videl's stomach and then smashed his elbow into her back Talayia thought she was done. She hit the ground hard, and she was eternally grateful they hadn't been that high in the sky.

Videl growled as she shot back up into the sky, throwing her fist out at Bardock's face and then tricking him by sending her knee into his stomach just like he had done to her. She smirked at the surprised and pain-filled look on his face, and then promptly sent him hurtling to the ground with another nicely placed kick.

Bardock suddenly felt like he couldn't move. He tried to lift himself up, but it was as if he couldn't. He frowned when he felt his head whirl and dots dance before his eyes, and he just promptly laid his head down on the ground. He heard Talayia call his name somewhere in the distance, but some sort of blackness crept over him and he couldn't see or feel anymore. It felt better than the pain he was in however, so he just let it consume him.

Talayia frowned at her daughter, her hands on her hips. "Videl, look what you did to Bardock! That wasn't nice at all! Now he's unconscious!"

Videl looked shocked as she lowered herself down to the ground, and she gave a quick glance to the Supreme Kai and King Kai for answers. The two Kai's looked decisively evil, and then they both nodded.

"Yes," the Supreme Kai said, "I knew that you were strong. Bardock is a really powerful and smart fighter at the same time, and you managed to both take him down and trick him. However, he also realized your weakness, and he exploited it. We need to level out the use of your arms and legs, since you have a tendency to use your legs more than your arms. King Kai...work with her for a little bit while I talk with Talayia and wait for Bardock to wake up. We still have a long while to go, and Bardock has to be awake to help her train."

Videl sat down in front of the Supreme Kai and her mother, who were going to help teach her and show her how to use mental powers. She was really excited, she couldn't wait to be doing all sorts of neat tricks. She hoped she would be able to pick things up with mental energy and then let it float through the air and to her hand. That would be useful in the middle of the night when she didn't feel like reaching over to get a drink.

"Alright, Videl. I want you to tap into your most inner self, like you do whenever you want to bring out your energy. Except whenever you do this, I want you to be thinking about someone...someone in particular that you're close to. It's easier that way. If you do it right, then you will more than likely get a clear picture of the person in your mind. And when I mean clear, I mean that you literally see them, it's not a vision that you have conjured up. It might take a while because this is your first try, but it will get easier as time goes by, like when you use your ki. Now, Talayia and I are going to sit here in front of you and help, and if you are able to do it, then we will aid you from there."

Videl was decidedly confused. She just shrugged, closing her eyes and placing her hands on her thighs as she concentrated. The first person that she thought of was Gohan, and the Supreme Kai instantly knew it too, considering the way her hands started gripping harder onto her legs.

They sat there for about a half an hour before Talayia and the Supreme Kai started noticing a steady change in Videl. She relaxed her stiff posture more, and her hands loosened on her legs, but the small smile on her face turned into an intense frown. She looked almost angry, and all of a sudden she said, "You stupid moron, what are you doing?! Are you doing this because of me?! You jerk, stop being so selfish and GET UP!!"

The Supreme Kai and Talayia blinked, wondering what she was doing.


Gohan suddenly jerked upright, looking startled and dazed as he rubbed his head. Was that Videl I just heard? That is so weird...how could she talk to me all the way here? Well, maybe she got a hold of King Kai and got him to relay her message to me...or something.

He rubbed his head some more, wondering why he felt so dizzy and weak. He looked around, becoming aquatinted with his surroundings quickly and discovering that he was back in his old room. His mom was sleeping with her arms resting on the bed beside him, her head buried inside them as she slept. He didn't really know what else to do but wake her up, because he felt like he could barely stand, let alone do anything else.

Chichi snorted, waving her hand around to swat at whatever was disturbing her sleep. Someone was talking and it was annoying her, especially because it was Gohan and he probably wanted food early in the morning again. What a second...Gohan? Gohan!

She jerked upright, seeing her son staring at her with an almost scared look on his face. She immediately burst into tears, throwing her arms around him and nearly knocking him over in his weakened state. He laughed lightly, telling her it was alright as she complained about what it had been like without him.

Gohan finally managed to pry her off him, and he was shocked at how much harder it was to do that than normal. Had going into that sleep-like state weakened me this much? Heh...maybe I just need some food, and some good old-fashioned rest. After all, I haven't eaten for more than two weeks.

Chichi seemed to read his mind. "Are you hungry? Do you need anything? What do you want me to do? Do you want to see Goten? Your dad? Vegeta? Piccolo? Anyone?"

Gohan chuckled, and then realized that he was in somewhat of a predicament. He started turning red as he asked, "Um...mom, can you get dad to come in here? I need uh, some help to the b—"

"Oh, I'm sorry honey, I forgot. Your dad and Bulma went off together to go get the Dragonballs. The only people here are me, Goten, Piccolo, and Trunks, and everyone else is sleeping outside in the capsule house Bulma erected."

Gohan was trying to think of the worse string of curses he had ever heard in his life. They were certainly needed right now.

"Um...mom, I really, really need the bathroom," he said with some embarrassment, watching her blink a few times before she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, I don't know what's stopping you. You never had a problem going to the bathroom before, especially after—"

Gohan wondered how red he was. "Um, yeah, but you see, I kinda can't stand...I'm really weak, mom. I haven't eaten anything for more than two weeks."

Chichi's mouth formed a big "o". Gohan grinned sheepishly as she got up and told him she would be right back, coming back with someone Gohan would have rather not seen at this moment. Piccolo looked somewhat annoyed as Chichi shoved him into Gohan's old room, and he wondered what she was doing. It wasn't like Gohan was awake or something.

Or maybe he was wrong. He crossed his arms over his chest and gave Gohan a familiar smirk as he said, "Well, I was wondering how long you would realize how stupid you were being and wake up. It's about time. Videl wouldn't have been very happy with you if you had died, if I know her."

Gohan nodded quickly, agreeing to anything at the moment. "Um, Piccolo, you see, I kinda have this problem. I kinda can't uh, stand and um, my mom, I mean, it would be really, really—"

"Gohan needs you to bring him to the bathroom so he can do his business. He can't get up because my poor baby is so weak. You poor innocent thing, your mommy is going to feed you, and take care of you, and make sure that you...."

Piccolo just pretended he couldn't hear Chichi anymore as he walked over to Gohan's bed, helping the madly blushing teen to his feet. Piccolo didn't really understand what the hell everyone was so flustered about when all Gohan had to do was relieve himself.

Chichi followed after the pair, her hands clasped in front of her and stars in her eyes as she talked about how she was going to take care of him. Piccolo nearly slammed the front door in her face as him and Gohan made their way to the bathing house, where Gohan would be able to take care of his business. Gohan flat out refused help as the got to the door, and he nearly crawled inside, leaving Piccolo waiting outside.

By the time five minutes went by, Piccolo was ready to barge in or leave. Just as he was thinking on what he should do, Gohan managed to open the door, holding himself up off the floor by the door handle. Piccolo frowned at the boy, seeing how pale he was and how he looked ready to pass out. He wanted to scold him for not letting him help him, but just ended up picking him up and carrying him back into the house. Gohan was already asleep in the Namek's arms by the time Piccolo even got to the front door, where Chichi was eagerly waiting. Piccolo nearly knocked her over as she started yelling and carrying on about how Gohan had "passed out", and Piccolo just rolled his eyes, telling her that he was fine and that he had just fallen asleep. Chichi ordered him to place him on the sofa, at which she covered him in a blanket and went straight to the kitchen, planning on cooking more food than she ever had in her life.

Piccolo was left standing next to the sleeping teenager, a small smile on his face. He hadn't really been wondering when Gohan would wake up; in fact, he had been rather shocked to find out he was awake at all. He had been expecting him to die just like everyone else had, and he wondered to himself why he had had so little faith in the boy who had saved the world from Cell.

However, he had to wonder how or why Gohan had woken up, for he was in that coma-like thing in the first place because of Videl, and she was still dead. He had gotten to know Videl quite well when she had been alive, and he was getting almost as close to her as he was with Gohan. He had even started teaching her how to meditate correctly, and she had even ended up staying out all night with him once because she had gotten into it so much. He was proud of her, just like he was proud of Gohan. Seeing her get killed had been an experience that could have only been compared to seeing Gohan die himself, and he had felt an odd emotional pain that he hadn't ever felt before. It almost scared him with its intensity, and he hadn't told anyone about it in fear of being embarrassed. He wasn't much of a person to open up anyhow, and the only two real people he really talked to were Gohan and his mate, maybe Goku on occasion. He still couldn't help but wonder though how Gohan had woken up. Surely it wouldn't have happened without Videl being brought back.

Gohan woke up almost an hour later, for the scent of food had reached his nose. Piccolo felt mildly amused as Gohan sat straight up, his eyes not even open and his nose lifted up in the air. Chichi came out a few moments later, having the feeling that her son was awake now and ready for some food. Gohan grinned as his mom asked him if he was hungry, and he just nodded eagerly.

Piccolo ended up helping him into the kitchen, but he didn't seem particularly annoyed, especially since Gohan seemed to have already started gaining back his strength and could almost stand on his own now. By the time he was done eating he would be able to walk on his own and would be half recovered. But just in case, Piccolo made a quick trip up to Master Korrin's and got a bag of new Senzu beans. After the last incident with them, the white cat had started growing a lot more for another emergency.

By the time Piccolo came back with a brown bag full of them, Gohan was almost done eating his "breakfast" and didn't seem to need them. It was only around four in the morning, and Chichi was expecting Goku and Bulma to be back in a few hours, and then everyone else waking up. That also meant Master Roshi, Oolong, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, 18, Marron, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, Yamcha, Puar, herself, and Gohan. Too many people...it was a good thing that she had more women to help her cook now, for she didn't think she would be able to stay awake much longer. She still needed rest; it wasn't like she was super woman or something.

All hell broke loose around eight. That was when Goku and Bulma arrived back home with all the Dragonballs, and everyone woke up from the noise the vehicle made that Goku and Bulma had ridden in. They had been gone for almost a day, and both got quite the surprise to see Gohan awake, just like everyone else did. The teenager was bombarded by a thousand questions all at once, and no one understood how Videl could have talked to him and how he had awoken. Gohan just shrugged, saying something about King Kai and that maybe it had been him. Everyone seemed to buy it.

As soon as breakfast was over, everyone discussed what they were going to do with the Dragonballs and when they were going to wish Videl back. Piccolo mentioned something about wishing her back now and saving the last wish for later, when they would wish back all the people that had been killed from Babidi and his men. Everyone agreed, especially Gohan. Vegeta just ordered Trunks and Goten to follow him to the GR, which had been erected in the Son's backyard.

Gohan walked outside with everyone else, looking a little pale and still slightly weak, but much stronger than he had been when he had gotten out of his coma-like state. Piccolo and Goku stayed close to him, and Gohan still ended up leaning against his father after they stood there for a while, talking and arguing about the Dragonballs. Gohan was ready to snap after a while, and finally just yelled for someone to call on the dragon. Bulma mumbled something incoherent as she stepped forward, hating this job. It still creeped her out.

She was just getting ready to open her mouth when the Supreme Kai appeared out of nowhere. Everyone watched as he stepped forward, walking up to Gohan, who was being held up by his father and looking somewhat tired. Shin smirked, stopping in front of them. Piccolo nodded with respect, and Gohan gave him a goofy but weak smile.

"Gohan, I would like to ask you a favor. You see, we are training Videl in Other World to fight against Majin Buu, and her training is not yet completed. I ask that you do not wish her back as of now, or until she is ready."

Gohan looked ready to protest, and everyone felt bad when they saw the look on his face. His shoulders slumped and he nodded, understanding what the Supreme Kai was saying. He was expecting Shin just to leave, but he said something else that caught his interest.

"So, I see that Videl got a hold of you. I thought that she was just talking to herself, but it seems she was able to reach you. It is rather impressive for her first try, and her mother and I didn't even have to tell her what to do. Bardock was going to help as well, but Videl left a big lump on his head and he is out of commission for a little while. He—"

"What?!" almost everyone yelled at the same time. Vegeta seemed to have heard all the commotion and was now amongst the group of people, a scowl on his face at what the Supreme Kai had said. Gohan looked a little confused, Goku was shocked about hearing his father's name, and Vegeta looked decisively pissed for some reason. Everyone else was just standing there.

"Ok, let me get this straight," Gohan said, trying to keep his heavy eyes open. Goku was nearly supporting all of his weight, but his father didn't seem to notice. "Are you saying that Videl has learned some sort of mental trick and reached me through telepathy? And then are you saying that her mom is there with her, and my grandpa also? I think that...I think that...I need to lay down."

Goku shook his head with amusement, picking his son up like he was nothing and bringing him back into the house. Chichi clucked over him like a mother hen, causing her husband to flee back outside for safety.

Piccolo wasn't really paying attention until he saw Goku start asking the Supreme Kai a thousand questions a minute, a big smile on his face and his hands making weird movements in front of him. Shin didn't seem too disturbed so Piccolo let the Saiya-jin be, hoping that he wouldn't run over the Supreme Kai himself.

"Wow...you mean that Videl actually got to see my father? I never got to see him before, well, at least, I don't remember him. How is he? What's he like? Does he look like me? Is he strong? Is he smart? And what about these mental things you were talking about and him helping Videl? And is Videl alright? Did she lose the baby? What about King Kai? Does he—"

Shin told Goku to slow down. "One question at a time, Goku. First of all, yes, Videl has gotten to see him, and he is currently helping her train. He is as well as a person can be in Other World, and he's a nice person as far as I can tell. He looks almost exactly like you except for the scars on his face, and he is extremely strong for a person who hasn't gotten much of a chance to train since he had been admitted to the Lower World." Vegeta laughed somewhere in the background at that comment. "He is extremely smart for a Saiya-jin, and he is has some sort of physic ability that can help Videl out with learning how to use her own. Videl is fine, and no, she didn't lose the baby. Because they both died at the same time, the baby just went to Upper World along with her, and when she returns, it will come along with her. King Kai...well, he is King Kai."

Goku nodded his head, absorbing all this information. Piccolo was happy to see that Videl seemed to be advancing very quickly in the training that she was getting, and couldn't wait to see her come back and see how strong she was. These physic abilities sounded interesting, and he was even more excited about those than he was to see how strong she had gotten.

"Wow...it must be cool to see my dad," Goku said. "I never got to see him before. Maybe when I go back to Other World I'll get to see him. What to you think, Shin?"

The Supreme Kai shrugged. "He is supposed to be in Lower World for all the people he has killed in his lifetime, but I think that he deserves a second chance. Maybe after all this is said and done, I will allow him into Upper World. I can negotiate with King Yemma, no doubt."

Goku nodded eagerly. "And what about Videl's mom? I've heard a lot about her from Gohan and Videl. What's she like? Are her and Videl getting along well?"

"Yes, she's a very nice woman. Your father and her seem to be getting very close. When she returns to Lower World I'm sure Bardock is going to miss her."

Goku frowned. "Why is she in Lower World? She didn't do anything that bad, did she?"

"Her race is almost identical to the Saiya-jins. King Yemma, I think, unnecessarily punished her for crimes she didn't commit, and I might consider allowing her into Upper World along with Bardock."

Goku nodded, hearing Vegeta mutter something about another dumb ass being added to Upper World. He just ignored it and asked, "Supreme Kai, when am I going back to Other World? I've been here for a long time, and no one seems to need me." But Chichi...Gohan...Goten...Videl...everyone. Damn, what am I saying?

Shin wondered if he didn't feel like staying here any longer, for that's what it seemed like he was implying. When he asked Goku if this was so, Goku almost paled and waved his hands in front of him, saying, "No, no, no, no...I was just wondering...because, well, you see, I really miss being back home, and well, I don't want to leave everyone again."

Shin looked away. "Well, I guess it is up to you. As soon as you are no longer needed here and Majin Buu is taken care of, you will go back. However, if you use the Dragonballs, you can be brought back. It is your decision."

Goku looked thoughtful, and then he nodded. "Thank you, Supreme Kai. I'll think about it." Not...already decided....

Shin nodded, saying a quick goodbye and telling everyone he would be back later to announce that Videl was ready to be wished back. Everyone watched as he disappeared, going back to Other World to help Videl train.


"Can I learn Spirit Bomb, King Kai? Pleeeeeeease? It would be really, really cool, and imagine all the stuff I can blow up with it. Gohan tried to show it to me once, but I got all confused. Please? I'll do anything. I'll train for forty eight hours straight if you show me."

King Kai mumbled something and then nodded, seeing the glare he was receiving from his higher authority. "Alright, Videl, I don't see why it wouldn't hurt. We have to advance in your training some time, and I think you're ready for me to teach you some tricks. The Supreme Kai is almost done teaching you all those psychic things, and your mother and Bardock are as well. All they're doing is having too much fun by that waterfall over there."

Almost as an after thought, Videl looked over to the large lake they were by. It was fed by a beautiful waterfall, and her mother and Bardock were currently standing beside it, hand in hand. She didn't understand how her mom could do that to her father...but she understood. She didn't love him anymore, she had even told her that. Her father didn't deserve someone as wonderful and beautiful as her mother, and she was almost happy that her mom was with Bardock now. They seemed to genuinely like each other, and it was all but proven when Goku's father leaned forward, kissing her mother.

Videl sighed, turning away to leave them to their privacy. She missed Gohan more than anything, and she was rushing her training as fast as she could so she could get back to him. The Supreme Kai had told her that as soon as she was done she would be wished back, and she would be back to Gohan. He had even told her about how yelling at him through telepathy had woken him up, and had saved him from near-death. Videl just snarled and promised herself that she would whack him over the head when she went back...that was after she kissed him silly.

King Kai motioned her to follow him away from everyone just in case she decided something needed to be blown up. Spirit Bomb wasn't that hard to learn, it was just that you had to have it shown to you correctly. Gohan just hadn't been able to show her, or maybe he had been too preoccupied with something "else" when he had been trying to show her.

The Supreme Kai sat there for a while, waiting to see if Videl was gaining any progress. It was true that she had gained much in all areas, including strength and more fighting skill. It was a daily thing now that her and Bardock sparred for a few hours, Videl learning to battle against an experienced fighter, and Bardock getting some much-needed training. Everyone had been surprised when he had all of a sudden gone Super Saiya-jin, although it had only lasted for a few moments before he fell out of it. Bardock had sat there and stared at the ground for about a half an hour, muttering something about the legendary. The Supreme Kai had asked him what was the big deal about it, since he knew several other Super Saiya-jins. Bardock had sat there and stared at him, asking him who else was a Super Saiya-jin besides his son. Shin had just named them off: Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, and Trunks. Bardock nodded as if he was in another world, and then snapped out of it, a big grin appearing on his face.

So now, Bardock was experimenting with his new power, and Videl was getting some better exercise than she was before. He was just thinking about what else he could teach her when there was a sudden flash of light, and he saw a ball of energy the size of a car fly up into the sky, and then disappear from view. He stood and walked over the hill that was hiding Videl and King Kai, smirking when he saw Videl jumping up and down saying that she ruled. King Kai looked pleased with himself, and Shin decided that he would revise his opinion of the weaker Kai. He was doing a surprisingly good job with Videl, and her power level went up every day. It was only a matter of time until she was stronger than everyone else was. He just couldn't wait to see her in real combat....

Chichi frowned, stomping her foot. "Alright, Goku. I am sick of this. He has only been awake for a week, and he won't even leave the GR! He's worse than Vegeta, and all I hear from Bulma is how pissed her poor little Veggie is because he can't get any time in his own Gravity Room! I'm getting sick of it. Gohan does not need to be training; he needs to be studying for college! There isn't much summer left before he has to enroll, and Videl has to kinda be here to do that also! Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot! She's DEAD!!"

Goku flinched every time she screamed. "Calm down, Chichi. Gohan is just training so he can help us. He already knows he's stronger than all of us, well, I don't know about me, but he's still stronger than Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten. Maybe me and him should have a little spar to see who's more powerful. I haven't had a good old spar with him since—"

"NEVER! I will NOT permit this, Goku. My poor baby still needs to get his rest, and he needs to eat! He has been in there for two days straight, and I don't even know if he's gone out to go to the bathroom! Surely you—"

"Chichi, you need to stop obsessing over Gohan right now. He is a grown man, he's getting married, and he has a child on the way. He doesn't need you to be fussing over him as if he is going to die without you. I'm sure he can take care of himself, and if he thinks that training two days straight in the GR is good for himself, then he will do it. Stop this right now, all you're doing is getting everyone mad, including me. You don't want to get me mad, do you, Chichi?"

Chichi raised her hand to her mouth, a startled expression on her face. "Um, no, Goku. Of course I don't want to get you mad."

Goku smiled. "Good. Now, why don't you go lay down for a little bit? You need a break."

Chichi nodded absentmindedly, walking from the living room. Everyone else who was in the room blinked, wondering when Goku had suddenly become the dominate one in the relationship. Goku frowned at them all, asking, "What? Was it something I said?"

Bulma started laughing her head off. "Oh, no, of course not, Goku, but it was just so funny! Chichi was willing to do whatever you wanted her to do, and just went straight to her room like a zombie. I was just wondering when you started controlling her instead of the other way around. That has to be a record or an amazing feat of nature."

Goku just shrugged, walking out of the house. Piccolo followed after him, being tired of staying cooped up in the stuffy house with everyone else. They headed towards the GR, which took up a lot of the backyard. You could see light illuminate the inside every few moments and both could tell Gohan was training himself hard.

"Hey, do you think that we should tell him to stop for a little bit? Chichi was right...I'm getting a little worried about him. He's becoming more obsessive with training than he was when Videl was captured."

Piccolo just stood there. "I think Gohan should do whatever he sees fit. Like you said, if he thinks it's good for him, then let him do it. You can't stop him anyhow. He wants this threat of Majin Buu to be over with just as much as everyone else does, if not more. All Gohan wants is a normal life to live with Videl and his family. Gohan might be young, but he knows what he wants. We should just let him do whatever he wants."

Almost as if Gohan had heard them outside, the gravity shut down and the door slid open. He had a towel around his shoulders, was wearing only a pair of familiar looking spandex shorts and looked a little worse for wear, but other than that, he looked fine. He grinned when he saw his father and Piccolo, saying, "Hey, guys! What are you doing out here? Are you waiting to use the GR for yourselves? It's open if you want it."

Goku smirked. "Actually, Gohan, I was wondering if after you rest up and get some food if you would like to spar. I want to see how strong you've gotten. I'm sure you haven't had much of a chance to power up lately. I remember how obsessed Videl was with seeing how strong you were. You never really got a chance to show her...."

They walked off, leaving Piccolo standing there with a small smirk on his face.