Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Super Saiya-jin 3 and Videl ( Chapter 71 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 71: Super Saiya-jin 3 and Videl
Almost a whole month flew by, Goku still not getting a chance to spar with his son. Gohan had been somewhat reluctant at even saying yes at first, and Goku had to wonder at it. Did his son know something that he didn't? Or was he just not ready or back to his normal strength?

Whatever it was or had been didn't matter now, since they were currently heading out to the most desolate area they could find. Piccolo was coming along to watch, and everyone else was staying behind. They had snuck out in the early hours of the morning when Chichi was still asleep, since the woman was still hell-bent on protecting her baby and making sure he slept eight hours a day and got a ton of food every meal. Gohan wasn't really complaining, but Goku and Piccolo could tell that his mother was overly smothering him when he was already used to living on his own with Videl.

They arrived to a perfect spot surrounded by mountains, trees, and lakes. Gohan had a big smile on his face, for he was actually excited about sparring with his dad for the first time in years. And a serious spar at that. They had had small little brawls now and then, but nothing heavy. This was their chance to power up to their maximums and go at each other with everything they had. Gohan was eager to see how much stronger he had gotten, and couldn't wait to see how powerful his dad had become in the seven years he had been in Other World.

Piccolo stood next to a waterfall as father and son floated in the air, about fifty yards apart from each other. They looked calm and relaxed, something common among Saiya-jins for some reason. He just looked back and forth between them, determining and thinking about whom could possibly win this fight. He was skeptical about Gohan winning; but then again, he had underestimated him way too many times. The outcome of the fight might not even be determined on their strength, but on skill and brains. If you thought about it, Goku wasn't exactly smart, but when it came to fighting, he was a genius. He had all three areas needed: skill, brains, and brawn. Gohan on the other hand, didn't have as much fighting experience as Goku did, and he had more than likely lost the knack of fighting from being out of commission for seven years straight. He wondered if with all the training he had been doing in such a short amount of time had helped some. He knew he was much stronger, you could tell just by looking at him. The boy positively oozed strength, power, and confidence, something that wasn't good. Piccolo didn't want his arrogance to get a hold of him and make him think stupidly. He had seen it happen too many times.

Chichi growled, stomping her way through the house. "I can't believe those two! How could they just sit there and leave me like that?! Gohan has only had one month to heal up, and he's already going off to fight! Why in the world didn't anyone stop them?! Are you all completely and absolutely insane?!"

Bulma pretended she was asleep, and Vegeta just closed his eyes and made it look like he was meditating. Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Master Roshi, Oolong, Puar, and Krillin all ran out of the house, leaving 18, Goten, Trunks, and Marron. She was planning on questioning the kids, but they all ran away also. 18 was the only one left, and Chichi glared at her. She just shrugged, saying, "I couldn't very well stop them. They're not mine to control anyhow. Maybe you should have kept a closer eye on them. And anyway, they snuck out of the house early in the morning. I was still asleep."

That left Chichi in a royal fit. She was just getting ready to go outside and search for them when the ground started shaking beneath her feet, causing her to fall over. Pictures started falling off the walls and the TV suddenly just exploded. Bulma was flipping out and Vegeta had a shocked look on his face, meanwhile 18 just stood there.

Goten and Trunks all of a sudden ran out from nowhere, leaving the house and taking off into the sky. Vegeta growled and followed them, wanting to know where this sudden power was coming from. There were two, and they were enormous. He could only guess it was Kakarott and his son.

That was also when the Supreme Kai decided to make an appearance. The women left in the house glared at him as he stood there like nothing was happening, and then smirked. "I take it Gohan and Goku are sparring?"

Chichi's face was red she was so mad. "YES!! And they left without asking me if they were allowed!! And what do you want?! If it's NOT important, then LEAVE!!"

The Supreme Kai shook his head. "No, actually, I am here for you to wish Videl back. She is ready to come home."

Chichi's anger melted away like it was never there. "Oh, are you serious? My little baby's baby girl is going to be coming home with my grand baby!! This is so wonderful...." She turned on Bulma, ordering, "Well, what are you waiting for?! Go get the Dragonballs!"

"It's...unreal. How are they generating that much power?!"

Piccolo stared at the two men. He couldn't explain what was going on...but it was amazing. He had never felt such power before in his life. It was just...indescribable. They just kept going and going, and the entire planet was shaking. At this rate, the whole world would be destroyed.

He suddenly blinked, remembering something that Goku had said to Gohan shortly before they had started powering up and wrecking devastation on the planet.

"Reach deep inside you son, find an energy that you haven't ever found before. Look hard for it...don't give up."

What was that supposed to mean? Was he talking about Gohan's hidden powers? Whatever it was...Gohan seemed to be finding it.

Piccolo turned his attention to Goku, finding that he was having a difficult time standing with both of them powering up at the same time. His eyes suddenly went wide, seeing something that he hadn't noticed before. Goku's hair seemed to be getting longer...which was odd. What was even weirder was that he hadn't ever heard two men scream so much in his life. He knew his ears were going to be hurting later.

He looked back and forth between the two men, not understanding what was going on when he saw how long their hair was getting. He knew that when you ascended to level two your hair grew, but surely it wouldn't grow that much. He held up his arm, blocking the sudden explosion of light that emanated from both men. He was almost knocked backwards from being at such a close range, but he held himself still until he could see again.

"Huh?!" was all he could say.


Videl stopped mid-punch, looking over her shoulder.

"Do you feel that energy? If I didn't know any better, I'd say that was Gohan. But...that's crazy."

"It is Gohan. And Goku too. I'm certain," King Kai said, getting a quick glance of everyone around him that could sense energy. Bardock's expression was nearly unreadable, but you could still tell he was shocked. He suddenly smirked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yep, that's my son and grandson alright. Just amazing, isn't it?"

Talayia looked at everyone like they were insane. "What is going on? What is everyone sensing? Is something wrong, Bardock?"

He shook his head. "No, it's just my son and grandson powering up. Nothing to worry about...I guess."

Videl crossed her arms over her chest, wondering how in the world she could feel their power all the way here. Surely that was impossible....

Chichi sighed with relief when the shaking stopped. "About time! Now we can summon the eternal dragon and wish back Videl, and my baby can live happily ever after!!"

Bulma almost gagged. Everyone around her was giving her and Chichi odd looks, and continuously glancing northward. They were talking amongst themselves, wondering how in the world Gohan and Goku had achieved such a level of power. It was almost funny, but for the first time since the end of the Cell Games, Gohan was stronger than Goku. And by a long shot. A very long shot.

Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu both suddenly took off into the sky, leaving everyone else still there and following a long ways behind Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten. Chichi just hmphed and ordered Bulma to summon the damn dragon. The older woman did as she was told, walking forward. She spoke the words to summon him forth, and the sky started turning a dark gray, clouds swirling as a sudden yellow light emerged from the dragonballs in the shape of the dragon. Everyone stared as the green, lizard-like dragon appeared in the sky, and Chichi smirked, stepping forward.

Vegeta stopped in mid-flight, Trunks and Goten nearly running into him. He stared as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, which in truth he couldn't.

"What the hell is this?" he yelled, seeing two odd-haired Super Saiya-jins standing across from each other. Trunks and Goten gulped, never having felt such power before. Gohan didn't seem to notice them behind him; he was just staring at his hands and trying to look at himself without a mirror. Goku chuckled, saying loud enough for everyone to hear, "This is Super Saiya-jin three, Gohan. It's amazing...you reached it and you were able to do so without even being in Other World. I thought it was something that could only be reached in Other World, but I guess not. Do you like it?"

Gohan gaped at himself and his father. "Wow...this is amazing. And check out all this hair! And my face feels weird...are my eyebrows gone?"

Goku nodded, a small grin on his face. Piccolo was standing across from them on a cliff, a shocked look on his face. "What in the world?! There's a Super Saiya-jin THREE now?! Uh...what next? A Super Saiya-jin four?" Little did he know....

Trunks and Goten flew up to Gohan, poking at him here and there. "Dude...that is so cool," Trunks said, sticking his face right in Gohan's. Goten was playing with his hair, and then crawled over his head to look at him upside down. Gohan laughed as his little brother poked a couple times at his face, saying, "Oh..." or "Wow..." every now and then. Vegeta seemed to be seething, and he couldn't help but yell at Goku.

"What the hell is this?! You reached a new level before me?! How...how is this possible? Is this some sort of circus? You look ridiculous!"

Goku frowned. "I'm sure if you reached this also, Vegeta, you wouldn't be saying that."

Vegeta scowled and was getting ready to launch another verbal attack on the younger man when some more people arrived, and the sky started turning black. Everyone's head turned back from whence they came, Gohan blinking a few times. His face suddenly broke out into a grin, and he cried, "They're wishing Videl back! Come on, dad, we gotta go back so we can see her!!"

Goku shook his head. "Why don't you just let her come here? By the time we stop talking and everyone is done poking at you, she will already be here. In fact, I can already feel—HOLY SHIT!!"

Everyone that was looking at Goku talk suddenly jerked their heads back into the direction of his home, shocked looks on their faces. Gohan felt his mouth fall open, and he attempted to say a few words without stuttering. "Is...is that Videl? There's no way that's her...she's just as strong as I am, if not stronger. And she isn't even completely powered up."

Vegeta's scowl turned dark. Now Gohan's bitch was back in the picture, and stronger than all of them. This was shit...how was this happening? They have a normal Earth girl that was as strong, if not stronger than a Saiya-jin? Oh wait, he thought with a sneer. She's part Barakian...what a damn coincidence that her kind was close with mine.

Vegeta forgot his trail of thought when he felt her energy approaching incredibly fast. It was like he just blinked and she was zooming right past him, flinging herself at Gohan. He grinned evilly when she stopped about an inch away from him, an intense frown forming on her face before she shrugged and threw herself at him anyhow. Everyone else was grinning non-evilly besides himself, and then all thoughts of happiness disappeared when Videl and Gohan both let out startled cries, pulling apart.

"Videl?! What the hell?! You shocked me!!" Gohan nearly yelled, wondering if he had just been struck with lightning. Videl's frown returned, and she shook her head, looking at her hands.

"No...you shocked me. And what happened to you? Is this some sort of new style that became popular while I was dead? Those eyebrows are a little iffy, Gohan...."

He grinned, shaking his head. "No...it's a new level of Super Saiya-jin I just reached. Isn't it cool?"

She nodded. "Yeah...I could feel it all the way in Other World with King Kai. It was amazing."

His grin grew as she gave him an almost shy, sweet smile, going back into his arms. He held her only for a second longer than last time before they both were forced to pull away again, wondering why it felt like they were being electrocuted, but without all the pain. Was their energy reacting to each other or something...? That hadn't ever happened to anyone else before, had it?

Piccolo blinked when he saw literal sparks fly between them. What was going on? Everyone was just flying around, staring at them and looking dumb, wondering what was happening. He smirked, wondering if anyone would be able to sleep tonight. He had unfortunately, heard it a couple times, but he wasn't as annoyed by it as everyone else seemed to get. Humans were odd creatures with odd actions and emotions, so he didn't worry about it.

Videl was growing angry, which amazingly, was an emotion Piccolo knew very well. He watched as she scowled at herself, getting mad because she couldn't even hold Gohan. If he knew her, she was probably wondering how in the universe was she going to kiss him and then whack him upside the head for almost dying. She was just like that.

Gohan gave Videl a curious look when she stubbornly lifted her hand, her palm facing him. He got the idea and lifted his own hand, keeping their palms a few inches from each other so they wouldn't touch. Both teenagers found fascinated expressions overcoming their faces when energy clashed between their fingers and ran up their arms, dying out just as it got to their shoulders. They were both amazed at the energy coming from each other, and Gohan wondered if what was going on was happening because he was in Super Saiya-jin three form. He let himself drop out of it, feeling oddly exhausted as their energy stopped attacking each other between their hands. Videl gave him a smile of relief as he embraced her, not getting as much of a shock as he had the first and second times. He could still feel something coming from her, or maybe it was just their powers reacting to each other still. He couldn't believe it...it was just so weird.

Goku fell out of Super Saiya-jin three as well, sighing loudly with obvious alleviation. Everyone was watching Gohan and Videl besides Goten and Trunks, who were gagging and making weird noises when the couple started to kiss. Goku felt a big naughty grin appear on his face as their passionate kiss continuously went back and forth from gentle to near-violent, also causing Goten and Trunks to have more gagging fits. Goku suggested everyone leave them alone for a little while, and everyone agreed except Piccolo, who stayed behind to wait for them to stop.

Piccolo watched as they stopped kissing shortly after everyone left and just held each other close, more than likely whispering sweet nothings to each other. He felt a small smile appear on his face as he floated up to their level, seeing Videl grin and pull herself out of Gohan's arms. He got one of the few surprises of his life as Videl hugged him tightly, and kissed his cheek. Gohan laughed as Piccolo nearly turned completely red, quickly patting her back and pulling away. Videl giggled at the expression on his face, and he grumbled something inaudible when he saw how much fun Gohan and his mate were getting out of his situation.

Videl almost immediately went back to Gohan, who buried his face in her hair. Piccolo motioned with his head that they should get going, and Gohan nodded, holding Videl as they flew very slowly back to the house. Piccolo couldn't believe how much energy Gohan seemed to have lost from that Super Saiya-jin three transformation, and wondered briefly how weak he would have been if his father and him had gotten a chance to go at it.

They were almost home when Gohan suddenly got a mischievous look on his face. He glanced at his old mentor, saying, "Hey, Piccolo. You know it would be really cool if you had your own little Namek...you know, so he could play with my kid. They could grow up together. It would be cute."

For the second time that day, Piccolo almost turned red, and Gohan tried not to laugh at how flustered he looked. Gohan wasn't expecting him to even say anything, and he was surprised when he spoke up, as pathetic as he sounded. It made Gohan want to laugh all the more.

"Uh, um, are you serious, Gohan? I mean, if you want...I mean, I don't know...wouldn't it be...well, I guess I could think about it...." He paused, wanting to kill something because he knew he sounded pitiful. "That isn't a promise though, boy! You like to get me into embarrassing situations, don't you?!"

Gohan gave him a cocky grin, and Videl giggled, getting a quick glance at the look on Piccolo's face. Gohan could be evil sometimes....

They landed a few moments later, surprised when only Chichi ran out and started nearly crying on Videl. Gohan frowned and murmured to Videl to be careful around his now-psychotic mother, and she grinned as she gave Chichi a quick hug and went back to Gohan. She told them to come inside, wondering at the look on Piccolo's face when he walked in as well. He looked a little different than usual. Hmm...maybe he's scheming something.

Chichi told everyone to sit in the living room and wait while she finished with lunch. Piccolo smirked and made sure everyone was there before he said out of nowhere, "So...is anyone going to get any sleep tonight, Gohan?"

Gohan turned completely red, and everyone burst out laughing, especially Bulma and Goku. The kids didn't "understand" what Piccolo was talking about, and Yamcha even went so far as to nudge Gohan in the side. Gohan growled when he looked across the room to Piccolo, knowing he had done that on purpose.

Videl rolled her eyes, saying to Gohan, "Hey...payback's a bitch, isn't it?"

He just pretended he hadn't heard that come from Piccolo. Everyone was having a field day now, and couldn't stop laughing and talking about how much "fun" they were going to have tonight.

"Hey," Trunks said suddenly to his mom. "Are they talking about that special kind of wrestling that only Gohan and Videl know that's really sex?"

Bulma gaped at her son, and then whacked him over the head. "Trunks!! Where in the world did you hear that from?!"

Trunks shrugged, rubbing his head. "I don't know, I think it was dad."

Vegeta, who hadn't really been paying attention and had been leaning against the wall with a small smirk on his face, suddenly got very angry. "Trunks! You brat, you're not supposed to tell your mother that!! Do you want me to sleep on the couch!?!?"

Trunks and Goten ran out of the room giggling like little girls, and Vegeta chased after them with a promise of revenge. Bulma, although she was mad, couldn't help but laugh. Videl, however, now had a reason of her own to blush as everyone laughed some more. She wondered how long her and Gohan would have to put up with this before the freedom of night came, and they could be alone together....

It was three in the morning before anyone even thought of going to bed. Half of the men were drunk off their asses, well, at least Yamcha was, and maybe Master Roshi. Everyone else, except the kids, were still awake, talking about old times, what it had been like for Videl to die, which had been painful for Gohan to even think about, and other various things. No one, even Gohan, had told her what exactly had happened to him after she had been killed, and she looked forward to interrogating him later. Well, much later.

Bulma finally yawned, stretching her arms above her head. "Well, I think we should be getting to bed. Now that Videl is back, new and improved, we are going to be looking for Babidi again, right? Or something like that...cometh, Vegeta. You need to attend me."

Everyone rolled their eyes as Bulma and Vegeta left the premises, and that was also when everyone else seemed to disperse as well. Videl could feel Gohan's hungry eyes on her...hell, she had felt them all night, and it was driving her mad. When everyone was gone from the living room and they were finally alone, she was expecting him to literally pounce on her, but he didn't so much as move. She turned to him, giving him a curious glance. He just returned it, but also let his hand come up and cup her cheek, running his thumb along the smooth skin. He smiled softly. "You're so pretty, Videl," he said innocently, making her unconsciously blush. She murmured a thank you, and then quickly stood, not wanting to stay in the brightly-lit room any longer. Gohan followed along with her, the smile still on his face as he took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. He pulled her gently to his old room, happy to find Goten not in there. Maybe his parents had gotten the idea and had let him sleep with them. The chance to have Videl again after so many weeks of abstinence was extremely tempting, but oddly, he didn't feel like a ravaging madman. He wanted to go slow...take the time to savor her and everything she had to offer. He wanted to show her that he loved her, that he never wanted to lose her again...and that's exactly what he did.