Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Jumbled ( Chapter 72 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 72: Jumbled
Videl awoke the next morning with Gohan's lips on the lithe muscles of her abdomen. He kissed his way down to her stomach, and she smiled drowsily at the feeling. She was just getting into it when she felt him abruptly stop, his mouth leaving her skin. She opened her still sleepy eyes to see an almost horrified look on his face, and she gasped aloud at the pain when his hands gripped onto her hips. "G-Gohan?" she whispered, confused.

"Videl...my baby. W-where's our baby?" he asked with a slight tremble to his voice, looking up the length of her body with wide eyes. She felt shock run through her at the look on his face, and cursed herself for not telling him earlier.

She brought him back up to her, giving him a small smile that didn't seem to help any. She could have sworn she saw tears in his eyes, and she pulled him down, giving him a soft and comforting kiss. She felt his lips cling to hers with emotional desperation, and she opened her eyes when she suddenly felt something wet hit her cheek. She quickly pushed him away, not wanting to see him cry for something that wasn't true. She didn't think she had ever seen him cry before, and the pain at seeing him do so hit her like a ton of bricks.

She brushed away the wet trails left behind on his cheek, and felt her stomach clench when even more followed after that. He just watched her, his dark eyes searching her face for answers. She couldn't believe it...but she didn't really know what to say. Seeing him act so emotional made her throat constrict and tears of her own come to the surface, but she blinked them back forcefully, shaking her head at herself and laughing pathetically.

"No, Gohan...shh, don't cry," she said with a smile, wiping away the torrent of tears that didn't seem to want to stop. "Gohan...don't worry. We still have our little brat, the Supreme Kai is just giving me a vacation because with all this fighting I'm going to be doing, I'll lose him. So don't worry...I'm going to get him back the day that all this fighting is done and over with."

Gohan blinked a few times as if he didn't believe her, and then stared at her for several moments to make sure she was telling the truth, even though there was no reason for her to lie. He nodded slowly, closing his eyes as he pulled her back against him. "Kami," he laughed, blinking back the rest of his tears. "That really scared me for a moment."

She smiled, feeling him turn over to his side so he would keep his weight off her even though she could barely feel it. "I'm sorry, Gohan. I should have told you yesterday, but I was so caught up in everything...."

"It's alright," he said, dragging the blankets back up to their shoulders since it was a little chilly in the room. She snuggled up against him, but the peace didn't last long before he smirked, making his way under the blankets. Videl blinked in confusion as Gohan disappeared under the sheets, destroying the chance to get some more sleep. Even though she wasn't pregnant she certainly still felt like it, and she wanted some rest.

She suddenly shot upright, and her hands gripped the sheets as her face turned a bright red. "G-Gohan, w-w-what are you d-doing?" she stuttered, feeling him coax her legs apart. His hand came out of nowhere and pushed her back down by her stomach, and she laid there bright red as she waited for Gohan to do something.

"You know, Videl," he said from under the blankets, making her unconsciously giggle at how funny it was to hear him talking casually under a bundle of sheets and blankets with him nestled between her legs. He seemed more interested in striking up a conversation than herself at the moment, and she completely relaxed with relief. Wrong move on her part.

Yamcha stopped dead in his tracks when he strode past Gohan's old room, and immediately grinned when he heard a loud moan. He pressed his ear up against the door to hear better, and witnessed firsthand some of the most incredible sounds he had ever heard come from a female. He was just getting into it when the perverted duo itself walked by, only stopping when they saw Yamcha. Master Roshi and Oolong gave him a questioning look when they saw what he was doing, and quickly moved to do the same. Yamcha scolded them with a harsh whisper when Oolong hit his head against the door and nearly shouted a loud "OW!" to the whole world. Master Roshi whacked him upside the head to tell him to shut up, and there was nearly an all-out brawl between the two men and pig for everyone to shut up and be quiet.

By the time they were quiet and had pressed their ears back up against the door, Chichi, the evilest woman known to Saiya-jin kind, decided to walk by. She blinked a couple times at the oblivious trio, and then pulled a frying pan out of nowhere, smirking wickedly at the chance to beat someone and with good reason. Now she would be the evilest woman known to all kind, Saiya-jins, humans, and pigs alike.

Gohan felt Videl's fingers in his hair tighten when she let out a loud moan, her head thrashing back and forth on her pillow as his mouth deepened. She seemed to be really enjoying this, for he had never heard her moan with such wild abandon since he had been with her. He was just getting into it when he heard faint noises outside his door, but he was too absorbed with what he was doing to even give it a second thought.

"Gohan...mmm...ahhhh...uuuhhh...AHHH!" she nearly screamed, her fingers clenching in his hair and her back arching clear off the bed when she felt his tongue slip inside her. His hands tightened on her thighs when she started thrashing around, arching her hips up to his mouth and begging him nearly in sobs not to stop. He felt her attempt to wrap her legs around his head to bring him closer, and he obliged her by plunging his tongue into her as deeply as he could. Her whole body stiffened at his action, and in the next moment he heard a low keening moan fill the room that turned into a full-fledged scream. Feeling her go insane in his arms was incredible, and he lowered her quickly onto the bed before he went nuts himself from just listening to her.

Videl vaguely realized that Gohan had dropped her legs off his shoulders, and in the next moment she felt them being opened wide, and nearly screamed again when he entered her in one hard thrust. She felt her climax lengthen and intensify as he moved inside her, and she discounted the almost painful sensations as he threw back his head a few long moments later, letting out a long and drawn out moan. He nearly collapsed on top of her a second later, but he held himself up by his trembling arms just in time.

Videl watched as his wide eyes opened, and he simply stared at her. He looked vaguely shocked, and she blinked when he unconsciously licked his lips. He groaned as he fell on her, burying his face in her shoulder as he said, "Kami, why didn't I ever do that before."

She turned a bright red, and even redder still when he whispered by her ear, "Mmm...you taste good, Videl. I think I want some more...."

She was just debating if whether or not that sounded like a wonderful idea when someone started banging on the door. Neither of them really moved except to look at the door, and Gohan casually jerked the blankets over them one second before Bulma burst into the room.

"Hey, you two, looks like you were having some fun, and from the sounds of the half-hearted groans from all the horny men in the house, it was really good. Anyhow, awww, look how red Videl is. Damn it, anyhow, we were thinking about going to track down Babidi's ass and kill the bastard. Anyone up for it? I mean, with Videl back and how strong she is—"

"Bulma," Gohan said, happy that he was in an extremely good mood. "Listen. Videl just got back yesterday, and we would both really appreciate it if—"

He was suddenly interrupted with a screech only Chichi could do, and in the next moment they all heard, "How dare you listen to them trying to make babies! They are just doing their duty by giving me grandchildren, and you almost made them stop! How dare you! I should kill you!!"

Bulma gave up. "Alright, you two. When you're ready to come out and eat all this yummy, delicious food that Chichi has—"

She had no idea what whizzed past her, but there was no longer anyone in the bed, and the clothes that were on the floor were now gone. She chuckled as she closed the door and headed for the kitchen. This was going to be interesting....

All the activity in the kitchen stopped when Videl and Gohan nearly tripped over each other to get to the entrance. They both halted in their tracks when all the men, including Piccolo himself, stared at the couple. Silence was heard.

Goku was the first to speak up, and he was very blunt and to the point. "Holy shit, Gohan," was all he could say.

Vegeta was next, complete with pissed look on his face. "You could hear that woman's scream clear into that capsule house that Onna put up!!! I was trying to sleep, but no, this brat here has to give this pathetic excuse for a half-breed an orgasm so huge that she—"

Everyone started talking at once before Vegeta could even finish. Yamcha and Master Roshi had the biggest leers on their faces imaginable, and the Supreme Kai just happened to appear out of nowhere in the middle of all the ruckus. Shin blinked when he heard several sexual references, but ignored it as Chichi strode into the kitchen with the biggest frying pan he had ever seen. Everyone was instantly silent. Chichi grinned evilly.

"That's what I thought. Now, why don't we let Gohan and Videl get some breakfast? I'm sure they are very hungry," Chichi said, watching as the couple sat reluctantly at the table and began making their plates. She didn't ask why Videl was wearing Gohan's shirt and Gohan had somehow managed to get into hers. It looked like it was about to pop, and Videl's shirt was hanging on her like a sack.

When everything was settled, Goku finally acknowledged the Supreme Kai. Shin mentioned something about meeting outside, and everyone left except Gohan, who was trying to shove some more food down his throat.

Once he was done, he made his way outside with everyone else. They all had serious looks on their faces, and Gohan yawned and scratched his half-bare stomach as he made his way over to the large group. The women and children were off to the sides by themselves, except for Videl and Trunks. Goten was forbidden by his mother.

He walked right over to Videl and wrapped his arms around her from behind, feeling her lean back against him automatically. There were a few snickers in the group, but no one said anything. Gohan wondered if he should be grateful or not.

"Well, it's nice to see that you're ready to join us, Gohan," the Supreme Kai said, a small smirk on his face when he saw the teenager's shirt. Gohan nodded, releasing Videl to stand beside her and bestow his attention to Shin, who was talking about the plan. He referred to Videl a lot, sometimes Gohan and even Goku and Vegeta. Trunks was even mentioned once or twice, and everyone else oddly felt left out. They were mostly used as decoys or distractions, even bait. Yamcha was immediately picked out for bait. He muttered something inaudible about the cruelty of the world.

"Alright, everyone. Tomorrow is the big day," the Supreme Kai said, hearing a few outraged gasps and a grunt from Vegeta.

"But Shin, shouldn't we go today? I mean, all those innocent people are being killed for their energy just for Majin Buu! That isn't right. We should get this done with as soon as possible," Goku said, both eager for some action and the need for all the fighting to be done and over with so he could spend some real quality time with his growing family. He grinned unconsciously as he glanced over at Videl and Gohan, who were standing close to one another, their hands linked loosely.

"Yes, I know, Goku," the Supreme Kai said. "However, the longer we wait, the bigger sense of security we are going to give Babidi. He thinks we are in hiding, or too scared. He thinks himself so invincible that he wouldn't think twice about the possibility of a master plan that will bring him down. Also, a day for everyone to spend time with friends and family before the big day would be nice for everyone, I think. Videl just came back yesterday, and I'm sure she wants to catch up with everyone before she has to go back to work. She hardly slept at all in Other World she was so busy."

Gohan chuckled. "So that's why you fell asleep right in the middle of—"

"Don't even say it, Gohan. And no I didn't! You're the one who fell asleep when I was—"

Everyone walked away. Videl and Gohan blushed, and then laughed to themselves as they quickly snuck away. The men rolled their eyes and Chichi grinned.

"Oh, think of all the wonderful grandchildren I'm going to have, Bulma," was all she could say.

Videl let herself levitate a few inches above the wooden floor, and she made her way through the quiet house as quickly as she could. She didn't want to walk just in case she stepped on a creaky spot, and woke someone up. That would ruin her mission.

She got to the front door, and opened it slowly. She hadn't ever heard it make a noise before, and was happy that it didn't now.

Once she was out of the house she flew up higher into the cool morning air, searching hurriedly for two familiar ki's before she took off in their direction. They were about fifty miles to the east, and it wouldn't take long to get there, even with her power lowered to almost nil.

She heard the well-known sound of a large waterfall before she was even there. The sky was getting brighter, but was still a dark blue-gray. It was peaceful all the way out here, where her and Piccolo meditated or even sparred once and a while.

The Supreme Kai smiled when Videl floated up next to him and Piccolo. They had been waiting for about a half-hour, discussing strategy and other things related to it.

"Hey, you guys, you wanted to talk to me?" she said, looking back and forth between the two pointy-eared beings.

"Yes," the Supreme Kai said, quickly relating to her what they wanted to talk about.

"You already know the plan, but we have conveniently left out some of the more important things to everyone else, especially the Saiya-jins. You see, the plan that we are going to use involves mostly them, and your cooperation."

Videl nodded, wondering briefly what this had to do with Piccolo. She listened carefully to everything they both said, feeling excited about the upcoming fight. She couldn't wait to pound Babidi into the ground, the stupid little mother fu—

"Videl, are you listening?"

She blinked, and then nodded quickly to Shin. "Yeah, sorry. You were saying something about Piccolo?"

He nodded. "Yes. I was just saying that you might be wondering what Piccolo has to do with this. Well, for one, we are going to need someone that is close enough to Goku to be able to control him. You have Gohan, and Vegeta can control himself perfectly fine, and he can deal with Trunks. Goten however, might be a problem. We might need him, but getting him away from his mother will be somewhat...difficult. If we do manage to get him away, Piccolo should be able to deal with him, along with you. If any of the boys get out of hand, it is instructed that one of you knock them unconscious or whatever else is needed. Those two are the only ones we can sacrifice, everyone else, mostly Gohan and Vegeta, are going to be needed. Goku will be as well, but he can't control himself and neither is he as strong as Gohan now."

Videl nodded, biting her lip as she hoped that everything would turn out right and that no one would get hurt. That was the last thing she wanted.

"Now, Videl, we are going to be leaving in a few hours, so if I were you, I would stay here and meditate with Piccolo. You're getting a little worked up and we need you to be at your best," Shin said, watching as she smiled faintly and nodded. He nodded back to both her and Piccolo, mentioned something about being back in a few hours, and then disappeared into thin air.

Videl sighed when he left. So...they were all relying on her. It seemed like a lot of stress was just crashing down on her, and wondered how in the world Goku managed.

"Videl, just relax. You're thinking too hard and not clearly. It is true that you have reasons to be worried, but if I were you, I wouldn't let them get to you," Piccolo said, sitting Indian style in the middle of the air with his arms crossed over his chest. She grinned, copying his posture. She already felt better, and even better when she closed her eyes, letting herself fall into the blissful world of meditation.


Gohan bolted upright in bed when he didn't feel Videl beside him. It was seven in the morning, and her side of the bed was cold. She had been gone for a long time.

He felt an odd mixture of panic, rage, and fear. He knew that his feelings were heightened because she was "pregnant", and he overreacted many times for no reason. He was more than just obsessed with her protection; he was obsessed with her. Even though it would have annoyed most men that they had to constantly know where she was and what she was doing, he didn't mind. It was bred deep into his mind to have the need to know what, when, and where. It drove him nearly insane not to know.

He was happy he wasn't experiencing these feelings nearly as strong as he had been when she had been truly pregnant. She had told him yesterday, after everyone had learned the plan and had gone back inside, that she felt like she was pregnant, but she really wasn't. It had confused him for a while, but he thought he pretty much had it down now.

He took a deep calming breath as he climbed out of bed. It was hard to stay calm in the first place though. There hadn't been a day he had woken up without Videl by his side since they had been bonded, not including the time she had been dead. He didn't like the feeling of not waking up without her next to him.

He pulled on his gi pants and didn't bother with the top. He left the room quickly, glad when he found his dad and Vegeta in the living room.

Goku looked up when he felt Gohan enter the room, and gave him a small grin. He had felt the instant his son had woken up, and had been expecting him to run into the room like a bat out of hell. He was surprised to find his son looking relatively calm, even though he could feel Gohan's ki fluctuating like mad. He had to give him some credit, because he had acted quite insane the one time he had woken up and found that his pregnant wife hadn't been beside him. He was happy that he hadn't been able to go Super Saiya-jin then, because a lot of stuff would be dead.

"D-dad...before I g-go psychotic on everyone...where's Videl?" Gohan asked, scratching his head so he could hide how badly his hands were starting to shake.

Goku didn't want to lie, but he honestly didn't know where Videl was. He usually always had all his children's ki's in close contact, and he considered Videl the daughter he never had. Sometimes in the middle of the night he would wake from a deep sleep because he would feel Goten sneak out the window with Trunks and go off on a journey, or when Gohan's ki would start going nuts while he was with Videl. It was odd, but he couldn't feel Videl's ki right now. Had something happened to her?

"Uh...actually, she uh, left early this morning. Yeah, she decided to go for a walk," Goku said, proud of himself. He heard Vegeta mutter something about a baka under his breath, and he frowned in the direction of the older Saiya-jin. "Well, why don't you try and do better, Vegeta?!"

Gohan blinked. What the hell...?

Vegeta smirked as he leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "Easy. She left this morning to meet with Piccolo and the Supreme Kai. Anyone who had any sense of ki would have been able to notice. It's rather pathetic how this brat didn't even feel his own mate leave his side. I have Bulma's ki branded into my brain, and I always know where she is. You should have long ago been able to know where your mate is at all times, especially when her ki is so easy to detect. Not only is she a different species altogether, but she is one of the strongest beings in the universe."

Goku gaped at Vegeta. That wasn't fair...he had tried so hard....

Gohan was going to ask why in the hell Vegeta even cared where Videl was or even why he was following her ki (because that was kinda creepy), but Videl herself happened to walk through the front door at that moment. Gohan wanted more than anything to run over to her and hug her, but he managed to stay rooted to his spot, glaring at her.

"Err...hi, everyone. Is something...wrong?"

Goku wondered if he should say anything. He shrugged, saying, "Yeah, I guess. You're lucky Gohan didn't just go insane, because a lot of people probably would be dead right now, and this house would be gone. Nice thought, huh?"

Videl blinked. "Uh...no. That isn't really a nice thought. And why would Gohan go nuts? Did something bad happen?"

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "You are completely oblivious to Saiya-jin kind, aren't you? It's surprising because Barakians are so closely related to us, and yet you don't know shit. You should feel ashamed."

Videl blasted him without a second thought. She didn't back much power into it because she didn't want to put him through a wall, but it was strong enough to give him the message and make him shut up. Goku chuckled, saying something about if that wasn't Saiya-jin he didn't know what was. Vegeta didn't say anything because...he couldn't at the moment.

Videl smirked at a job well done, and walked over to Gohan. Now more than ever she was aware that both of them were different species, and she let her eyes roam over her fiancé. His muscle build was slightly different from a human's, and his hair was just odd. The tail swinging back and forth behind him idly gave it away instantly that he wasn't human. She loved his tail.

Gohan wondered what was going on when Videl literally bounced into his arms. "Uh, Videl? What are you—"

Videl smirked when his eyes widened. He nearly dragged her back to his old room, her hand still on his tail, but the Supreme Kai appeared out of nowhere like he had a tendency to do. Goku was being extremely amused by the look still plastered on Vegeta's face, and how Gohan was still trying to sneak Videl away, but it seemed like the fun was over. It was time.

Videl flew next to the Supreme Kai, managing to stay far ahead of everyone else, but more importantly, Gohan. He had been asking her a lot of questions lately, questions that she couldn't answer yet. The worst one had been when he had asked her about where she had gone this morning, and why she had left, and she hadn't been able to answer him. She had told him truthfully that she couldn't tell him, but she would tell him later. He seemed pleased enough with that answer, but she could tell he was still upset.

Well, she was upset with him anyhow. He still hadn't told her what had happened after she had been killed. Was it honestly that bad? It couldn't be.

She sighed as she noticed the Supreme Kai glance at her out of the corner of his eye.

"Videl, there are reasons to be worried about the things up ahead, but if you let your personal life interfere, a lot of mistakes could occur. I want you to know now, that I want you to forget about Gohan, forget about any emotions. I know it's hard," Shin said as he saw the shocked and almost appalled look that overcame her face. "But, if Babidi or Buu manages to kill someone you are close to, it will destroy many things, including your concentration and your fighting skill. Anger does nothing but ruin things."

She nodded blankly. It was the only thing to do. Forget about Gohan? How could she do that when they were bonded? Was it even possible? She always felt his presence in the back of her mind, and most of the time felt his emotions, and they amplified her own. She couldn't feel anything right now because he was basically feeling nothing. His mind was concentrated solely on the fight ahead. It was kinda scary how intense everyone was acting, even the weakest of their group.

She grinned when she suddenly remembered Chichi. That woman...she was just odd. Prying little Goten from her had been a job all of its own, and Videl now felt like the Champion of the World because she had managed to pull the boy away from Chichi's motherly fingers. The woman hadn't gone down without a fight though, and Videl could still hear her ears ringing from all the screaming. She felt proud though, because no one else had been able to get Goten away from his mother.

So now the youngest Saiya-jin had joined their group, which made it complete. Android 18 had decided not to come, after a couple urges from her husband. Krillin didn't like the thought of leaving his daughter alone with Chichi, which she thought funny. She had the feeling though that Krillin had just wanted to keep his wife out of danger, even though 18 was stronger than him and could take care of herself. She remembered how Gohan had been the same way since he had found out she was pregnant, even before he didn't know. She thought it odd how their bodies knew things before their minds.

Gohan made his way up to the Supreme Kai and Videl, doing it on purpose because Videl was trying to avoid him. It was like she was distancing herself away from him and everyone else, and he didn't like that. He was getting a scary feeling because of what she was doing, like she was trying to stay away from him so it wouldn't hurt as much if she got killed...again. He didn't know...it was confusing. Maybe she was just sick of his presence.

"Hey, Supreme Kai. Are we almost there?" he asked, noticing how Videl didn't bother with looking at him. He frowned. He wished he could have held her while they flew like he always did.

"Yes, we are almost there. Babidi has his ship buried completely underground, but it won't be hard to tell where he is for the dirt will be disturbed. He probably has some men patrolling the area, but they should be easy to take care of. All we have to do is kill Babidi, all his men, destroy his ship, and eliminate Buu. It sounds easy, but if one thing goes wrong, we could be in trouble. At all costs we must not let Buu out of his shell."

Gohan nodded, understanding. He looked over at Videl, wondering what she was thinking when he saw the emotionless mask on her face. He hadn't seen that expression since before he had bonded with her. He didn't know why, but he was just realizing how much she had changed. He shook his head. It seemed like the old, indifferent, uncaring Videl was back. Hopefully it wouldn't last long. He wanted his passionate, cheerful, smiling Videl back.

He made his way back next to his father and brother, feeling oddly like he was all alone. His father seemed to notice the depressed way he was acting, and threw his arm around his shoulders. "Come on, Gohan. Don't worry about Videl. She can't be drooling over you like she always is right now. She has a lot of things on her mind, and she can't be concentrating on anything but this fight. You know that, Gohan. Worrying over you isn't going to help; it's just going to make things worse. The Supreme Kai has probably already told her that she can't be thinking of anything but the upcoming fight. As soon as this is over, you can jump right back into bed with her."

Gohan blushed, and Goku laughed as his son shoved him away playfully. "You know, dad, you always have ways to make every perspective look better. I don't know what I would do without you."

Goku looked away for a moment, a sad expression on his face. Yeah...I don't know what I would do without you either, Gohan. I just hope everything works out in the end...