Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ It Starts with a Bang ( Chapter 73 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 73: It Starts with a Bang
Videl lowered herself to the ground with cat-like stealth and grace. She either heard or felt everyone behind her, for some of them were either annoyingly loud or very quiet. Gohan was almost directly behind her, but she still felt everyone's eyes on her as she weaved quickly through the dozens of enormous boulders scattered around them. The Supreme Kai had been right; the ground looked like it had just been recently disturbed.

Videl listened to Shin talk to her telepathically, and she nodded to no one in particular as she stopped behind a large boulder and held up her hand, motioning everyone to stop. Yamcha was muttering something under his breath about being bait and how he didn't want to die because there was a hot, sexy chick he had to meet in a couple days, and she grinned when she heard Gohan snort in disgust.

After scouting the area quickly, she flicked her fingers a few times to bring Yamcha up next to her. He muttered something else as he made his way through everyone, a not too pleased look on his face.

"Yes?" he said, trying to sound like he was overjoyed. Videl spared him a side glance, and then turned back to the area in front of her.

"You know what to do. Go out there, but try not to look obvious. Raise your ki so it's higher than normal, but not to a threatening level. Make them laugh at you for wandering clear out here by yourself." Not like that would be hard or anything.

Yamcha nodded, hoping for the millionth time that he wouldn't die. Please don't let me die, please don't let me die, he said over and over again in his head as he stood. He straightened his red and blue gi and cracked his fingers, and then strode out into the empty, flat expanse of land that signaled Babidi's ship was buried beneath it.

No sooner did Yamcha stand right in the center of the dusty area, looking around like he was an explorer, did a large hole open up almost directly beside him. He jumped and almost squealed like a girl and ran in the other direction when he saw the creature, but he stood his ground like a trooper. Videl was somewhat impressed. All she had to worry about now was him doing his job and not messing up.

Yamcha cleared his throat and lifted his chin, placing his hands on his hips. The black, white armored being with the longest, slimiest slithering tongue Yamcha had ever seen let out a rattling laugh, and he almost gagged when he saw drool spill out of the sides of its mouth. What the hell was this thing? It didn't look too strong, but he knew from experience that you shouldn't underestimate your opponents. Especially ugly, slimy, smelly ones that made you want to puke....

"So," the being started in a raspy voice. "Did you come here to have some fun? You're very pretty," he said, pronouncing the word "pretty" with enthusiasm. He chuckled, more thick drool oozing out of his mouth when he saw the absolutely horrified look overcome the weakling human's face. Yamcha looked over his shoulder with desperation, and the dark-skinned creature caught it with a leer.

"So, you have some more pretty specimens here with you? Why don't you bring 'em out so we can all have some fun, eh?"

Yamcha wanted to cry, especially when the thing took a step closer to him. He didn't know how he did it, or even why, but he just threw out his fist. He barely even felt his skin connect with the rough hide of the nasty creature, but he heard a low cheer a second later. He cracked open his eyes, and blinked when he saw the alien sprawled in the dirt at his feet. He grinned. "Simple."

Videl rolled her eyes. Yamcha had almost messed that one up royally.

She turned back around to the group, and motioned for Tien, Chiaotzu, and Krillin to come up next. They didn't seem as embarrassed, or at least didn't voice it as they went out on the next round of bait. They nodded to her and the Supreme Kai as they moved past them, and joined Yamcha. A second later she watched them jump down the large hole the ugly alien had popped out of, and then waited. And waited. And waited.

Videl was beginning to worry if they had all been killed about a half an hour later, and felt total relief when she saw Tien lift himself slightly out of the opening, wave, and then call out that everything was under control. Their job had been to make sure they ran into no difficulties as soon as they made their way into the ship, and Videl hoped they had done a good job. She at least hoped that no one knew they were here yet, or that no alarms had been set off. She knew from prior experience that Babidi's ship had had poor security and alarms, and she doubted that he had surveillance. Well, that had been with his first ship, and now he had a new one. She hoped that this one wasn't too much more advanced than his first one, else they might be in trouble.

Videl stood, and everyone followed her action. Vegeta stood directly behind her, the biggest smirk imaginable on his face since he was second in command after Videl. He didn't quite know why, but he didn't care. He was more important than Kakarott, which was all that mattered. It made it even better that Kakarott's eldest brat was even ahead of him, and the low-class Saiya-jin was stuck with the children. He loved it.

Videl could practically feel the arrogance and smugness radiating off the Saiya-jin Prince, but she didn't say anything as she ran as quietly as possible to the opening, everyone following after her. The Supreme Kai was last in line, for he wanted to make sure the back end knew what they were doing just in case they didn't hear instructions or were confused, even scared. He knew it was risky involving mere children, but from the stories he had heard from Goku about how young his son had been when he had defeated Cell, he had a lot of confidence in them. They might be young, but they were taking this seriously. Trunks was acting like he was undercover, and Goten was just replicating whatever the older boy was doing so he didn't feel stupid. It would have been funny had this had this not been so important.

Videl moved through the oddly shaped halls, trying not to gag at the stench. The ceilings were low and the hallways weren't very wide, but it was dealt with.

They soon came to a break in the long hallway, and Videl pointed down the one to her right, telling Vegeta and Gohan silently for them to go that way. She felt the hesitance in Gohan when she told him to leave, and she tried her best to ignore it. He glanced away with a depressed look before Vegeta yanked on his arm and he had to follow him.

Videl looked down the hall directly in front of her. She waved her fingers again, and Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Krillin came up. She moved her head in the direction she wanted them to go, and they nodded as they went down the dimly lit hall. It smelled, it was dark, and the walls almost felt like they were slimy. She didn't like this ship. But it didn't matter, for everything seemed to be on their side. No one had seen them yet, and no alarms had gone off. She hadn't seen any cameras or anything that she should be worried about, so everything was going very well. Good.

The hall to her left was the last one. She glanced back at what was left of the group, which was Goku, Trunks, Goten, and the Supreme Kai. Piccolo had stayed behind to watch outside and make sure nothing happened, and Shin was keeping constant telepathic contact with him.

She waited a few moments to make sure she didn't hear any explosions or yells or anything of the like from any of the other halls, and then moved down the last one. This one was darker than the rest, and had almost no lighting at all. She didn't know where the light was coming from in the first place because there weren't any lighting fixtures. The light was just...there.

After walking through the hall a ways, they came across several doors, each very close to each other. Videl gave the Supreme Kai a look as if to ask him if they should go in and investigate, and he nodded. Each person took a door, and it turned out that they only seemed to be bunkrooms. Videl sighed with relief, for no one was in them. But then again, that could have been a bad thing. She didn't know.

Gohan scowled at Vegeta's back as the smirking Prince strode through the halls. He wished he could flick him with his finger and send him hurtling into a wall. It would be entertaining.

He wasn't really paying attention to anything except Vegeta's back and the way the older man was strutting with such annoying arrogance. That was his first mistake. He didn't hear anyone following behind him, watching his every move, every intake of breath. He just continued to walk down the narrow corridors, following wherever Vegeta went.

"Duck, baka!!!"

Gohan barely had enough time to think before Vegeta spun around, a large ball of ki forming at his hands and flying straight at his head. Gohan ducked a millisecond before it would have hit him, and he could have sworn that the tips of his hair got fried.

Vegeta growled as whatever had been following Gohan was vaporized. Gohan was looking somewhat dazed, but he recovered quickly and turned on Vegeta. "You idiot! Videl said don't use any ki blasts!!"

Vegeta snorted. "Too bad. Like anyone will notice."

Gohan watched Vegeta smirk with triumph, and a second later, a loud blaring alarm went off. Vegeta's victorious expression was wiped clean as he heard the alarm, and Gohan grinned evilly. "See. You're such a stupid little—"

"Come on you guys!! We got about fifty million aliens on our asses! Yamcha blasted some guy and it set off the alarm!!"

Gohan groaned half-heartedly as a horrified Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha dashed past them, Krillin barely having enough time to say anything before he was gone. Gohan didn't have much time to think about how pissed Videl and the Supreme Kai were going to be before Vegeta yanked him down the hall. Except in the wrong direction.

"Vegeta! Where are you going?!"

Vegeta smirked. "Looking for some sport, why? After all, this whole mission was just screwed by a pathetic human. We might as well fuck it up some more!!!"

Gohan was going to protest about how stupid that sounded, but the fifty million aliens that Krillin had been talking about appeared right in front of them. He heard Vegeta laugh, and then... "BIG BANG ATTACK!!!" The hall lit up with a bright blue ki blast a second later. Gohan gave up. Nothing ever went his way....

Videl almost fell over when she heard an alarm go off overhead, and a few moments later, the whole ship began to shake. She stomped her foot and nearly screamed, "VEGETA!!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!"

She could have sworn she heard his laugh echo through the halls. She growled and stomped her way through the group following her, almost shoving the Supreme Kai through a wall and stepping on Goten and Trunks. No one stopped her.

Vegeta felt his triumphant smirk return when he saw the empty hall in front of him. "See? That was enjoyable. You should try it sometime, brat."

"No, you know what you should try? RUNNING FOR YOUR LIFE!!"

Gohan turned at the sound of Videl's voice, and nearly swooned at the sight of her looking quite insane. She always looked so beautiful when she was about to kill something. Or someone in this case.

Vegeta shrugged. "It couldn't be helped. That human Yamcha set off the alarm, and these creatures were chasing them. I just took care of them. You should be grateful, you sadistic bitch."

Gohan jumped him, his fingers going around the older man's throat. "I am so sick of you calling her names!!! I am going to rip your—!!"

"Gohan!! Stop!!!" Videl yelled over the alarm, not believing how everything was turning out. Everything had been so good at first, and now there was an alarm going off, everyone was scattered all over the ship, and Gohan and Vegeta were attacking each other. To make things even worse, the Supreme Kai appeared behind her, a disappointed look on his face.

"I was thinking that everything would turn out alright. Maybe we were wrong to involve Saiya-jins."

Videl turned her face away from Gohan choking Vegeta with the intent to kill him. She felt tears come to her eyes, and she fought to keep them back. This had been the most important thing to ever happen in her life...the most important thing that had ever happened to the planet. This was the damn future of the universe they were talking about, yet everyone...everyone just had to mess it up. Mess it up for her. Mess it up for the planet...the universe. They were dead.

Shin wasn't too surprised when he heard Babidi's laugh fill the air around them. A second later he saw the short, yellow wizard appear in front of them, a smirk covering his whole face. The one thing that he was expecting though, was the being standing next to him.

It was Majin Buu.