Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Big Bloated Balloon Freak ( Chapter 74 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 74: Big Bloated Balloon Freak
Videl felt imminent horror fill her whole being. She stared at the creature before her, taking in the fat, pink pudgy body squeezed in between the slimy walls. She could feel his power...it felt so empty...so dark. So strong.

She could hear the Supreme Kai making scared noises behind her, but she was glued to her spot, unable to move. How could this happen? They hadn't planned that Buu had already been released! They had planned the possibility of him being released, but not this.

Gohan immediately felt Videl's dark mood change to something completely opposite. He imagined that she felt his change as well. He was almost directly in front of the creature...if he wanted to, he could reach out and touch it. He was still sprawled all over the floor from his “wrestling match” with Vegeta, and he still had the Prince's throat in between his hands. Vegeta didn't seem to notice.

Babidi snickered as he looked over his shoulder to the monstrosity behind him. He looked over the horrified faces of the humans in front of him, and fought the urge to laugh uncontrollably. They were going to pay for killing his precious Dabura, not to mention his ship, and everything that they had put them through!

“Buu, do me a favor,” he said amiably, waving his hand through the air. The pink blob made a high-pitched noise behind him, and Babidi's smirk grew.

“Kill them.”

Videl's eyes widened as Gohan and Vegeta shot to their feet, already in their stances. Majin Buu let out a happy squeal, yelling, “Yes, Master Babidi! Buu make dead!!”

The Supreme Kai screamed “Run!” as he saw a ball of yellow ki grow at Buu's gloved hand. There was a small moment of panic before he suddenly saw a swirl of color before his eyes, and he disappeared. What the hell...?

Goku sighed with relief as they made it out of there a split second before they would have been blasted into oblivion. He had never been more grateful for the Instantaneous Movement than he was right now.

Videl was disoriented a moment before she heard an explosion off to the side, and realized humorously that Buu had just blown up the ship, thinking that they were still there. She snorted as she stood, Gohan close to her side. She glanced at him, and dusted off her red and blue gi that she had gotten for her birthday.

Gohan frowned as the dust cleared from the explosion. Videl seemed curiously unaffected by it all, and he wondered why. She was acting a little too confident for his tastes...but he was afraid if he told her to take it down a notch, she would just get all the more cocky. He knew what happened when your arrogance took a hold of you...he knew exactly what happened.

Somewhere in the background the Supreme Kai ranted to someone about how they were all going to be killed, tortured, and mutilated. Vegeta smirked, and everyone else stayed silent, waiting for something to happen. No one could pinpoint where Majin Buu was, for his energy completely surrounded them. Videl shuddered unconsciously, feeling for the first time something this evil.

A squeal filled the air, and everyone lowered themselves into a protective stance, for they still didn't know where he was. It seemed like he was everywhere....

He appeared out of nowhere, Babidi next to his side. Except the little yellow wizard didn't seem too happy. He ranted and raved and swung his little arms around as he cursed Majin Buu to hell and back for destroying his ship.

“You idiot! You are the dumbest thing ever created!!! You just destroyed my damn SHIP, the one that I went through hell to get!! I should just put you back in your shell, you freak of nature!! Why can't your bloated body do anything right?! Do you even have a BRAIN?!”

Buu's face turned red in anger. “Master Babidi is—“

He was interrupted when his master suddenly disappeared. Off to the sidelines, Gohan stood there shocked, watching as Videl flew up to Babidi and took him out with one kick. The little wizard said nothing more as Videl's foot tore through his body, severing him in half. Almost as a second thought, the teenager blasted him with a ball of bright blue ki, ridding him of life forever.

Gohan wondered briefly why she had done that. She had had no reason to do that...had she? She had just killed him out of nowhere, and for no reason.

His question was answered a few moments later as Videl lowered herself back down beside him, a smug smirk on her face. Everyone else had their eyes stilled glued on Buu, who was currently looking for his master, as if he didn't know he was dead. Vegeta found it amusing.

“Videl...why did you do that?” Gohan asked, keeping on eye on her and another on Buu. He didn't know how unpredictable the creature was yet, and he was keeping all senses alert.

“You might not understand, Gohan. But I've wanted to do that the moment Babidi took me away from you. I guess you could call it revenge. I'm sorry if you are disappointed in me.”

Gohan smiled faintly, remembering everything they had gone through. “I understand, Videl. If I hadn't forgotten about that, I would have done it myself.”

Videl didn't have time to answer, for in the next moment, she was plowed deep into the boulder behind her.

Gohan paled as Videl disappeared from beside him, and felt incredible pride fill him as she came bursting right back out. She was covered in dirt and dust, and needless to say, she looked pissed. Her aura exploded around her as she powered up, and Gohan stared in wonder as chunks of rock flew in every direction. He felt her incredible power overtake that of Majin Buu's, and felt something soft replace the darkness. It was odd how her power felt soft, for she looked quite wild and insane with her huge silver-white aura and her hands fisted at her sides, a scowl covering her face.

Videl smirked at the looks on everyone's face as she walked by, heading for her enemy. The Supreme Kai was whimpering about the end of the world, and Vegeta flat out told him to “shut up or he would blow him into the next dimension.” The Supreme Kai's whines were no longer heard.

Videl stepped in front of the slightly miffed Majin Buu, her stance confident and sure. He didn't seem threatening at all, but he had just kicked her straight into a boulder! It hadn't really hurt; it had just shocked and pissed her off.

“You killed Master Babidi! Buu make you go bye, bye!”

Videl rolled her eyes and laughed. “Yeah r—“

Gohan watched completely horrified as Buu charged Videl again with incomprehensible speed, sending her into a side of a rocky cliff. Videl should have been paying better attention...she shouldn't have been so cocky. Now look where this was going. He didn't like this at all.

Videl didn't come flying out of the side of the cliff as fast as she had before, but Gohan was grateful when she did. She let out an enraged yell and threw her fist at Buu's face as she came at him, and looked quite shocked when the pudgy being blocked it.

Videl growled and powered up to her maximum, determined not to let this beast win. After all, she had sensed his power. She was stronger.

Or not. The Z-Fighter squad watched with dismay as Buu's power level went up at each punch or kick that Videl sent at him, almost as if he was feeding off the huge amounts of energy she was giving off. Videl slowly weakened, not used to endurance-centered fights. She tried her hardest, Gohan had to give her that, and he found himself shocked a few times when she used several techniques he had never seen before. The positions she got herself into were simply amazing, and the tricks and maneuverability of her ki had Gohan astounded. Goku, and even Vegeta were impressed a couple times, but a sense of doom seemed to overcome everyone when Buu kicked Videl in her stomach, sending her flying past Gohan and dragging along the ground until she came to a slow, painful halt.

Gohan felt his anger over the situation tenfold when he saw Videl lying there, almost with finality as her ki dipped to dangerously low levels. He gave his father a pleading look, almost as if he didn't know what to do. Go fight Buu or help Videl.

His silent question was answered as Videl made a pained noise and struggled to sit up, her energy level returning almost to normal. Gohan growled as he flung himself out into the battlefield, letting out a rage-filled cry as he went after Majin Buu with a vengeance. He had been comparing this fight to the one she had had with Spopovitch, except this time, it was with much, much more power. Videl had been kicking his ass to put it lightly, but every time she attacked him, he would just get angrier and stronger. Nothing seemed to hurt him...he just regenerated.

Videl struggled to her feet slowly, taking in ragged breaths as she attempted to collect herself. It was hard though, considering her body burned and ached with each movement or step. It felt like her nose was broken, and her ribs had seen better days.

Goku watched as his son attacked Majin Buu with everything he had. He was already in level two, and he looked somewhat...rabid. He flung attacks and techniques at the creature that had Goku stunned, and almost everyone forgot about Videl as they watched Gohan pummel the creature into the ground. The speed and energy that Gohan was exhibiting had Goku's mouth hanging open, and he watched simply stunned as Gohan's speed peaked and he could no longer see him. Everyone else had been in a similar situation long ago, and the only ones that had been able to follow the fight had been him, Vegeta, and Videl. It looked like Videl, who was now standing next to him, was the only one able to follow it now.

He glanced at her. "What's happening out there?" he asked as he saw rock explode to his right, and a stray ki blast went flying past his head.

Videl looked away, almost in shame. "...He's winning."

Goku could only assume that it was Gohan she was talking about. He could hear the sounds of flesh hitting flesh, could feel the booming vibrations of power hitting him and everyone else there in endless waves. It was amazing....

Gohan wiped the side of his mouth with the back of his hand as his feet touched the ground for the first time in a half an hour. Kami...he hadn't had a fight like this in years. The light spars and occasional attacks hadn't prepared him for anything like this. He was happy he had decided to start training again, however. Otherwise....

He didn't want to think about it. He could feel how ashamed Videl was as she stood off to the sides, trying to cope with her defeat. She had been the one planned to defeat Majin Buu. She had been the one to go through the hardships and extensive training in Other World with two different Kai's, and his grandfather, Bardock. She had been the one everyone had looked up to, the one that everyone had faith in. She felt like she had let everyone down.

And not only that. If he knew Videl, she probably felt like crawling into a hole and dying. This had been the most important thing in her life...she had wanted something like this her whole life. She had wanted to be able to say that she had saved the world single-handedly, with no help whatsoever.

He shook himself for a moment and rolled his head around on his shoulders. He wished he could tell Videl that everything was alright, that he would be proud of her no matter what, but Majin Buu had just exploded out of the canyon Gohan had kicked him into.

Great, Gohan groaned to himself, taking a deep steadying breath. He looks pissed.

The pink creature almost calmly touched down in front of Gohan. The teenager watched his opponent closely, trying to figure out what he was planning on doing. He could hear the pink thing saying something about "Buu make you DEAD" and "Cookies", but he was completely taken off guard as the pudgy monster took hold of his round stomach, and pulled a hunk of his own skin off his body. Gohan felt a disgusted look overcome his face, and he watched as Buu played with it as if it were putty, tossing it from hand to hand or swinging it around. The monster made happy little noises, like he was enjoying playing with his own skin. Gohan couldn't believe how simple-minded and child-like this creature was, and couldn't understand why it felt such a deep need to annihilate everything in its path.

Buu began prancing forward, squealing and laughing with childish amusement. Gohan was taken completely off-guard as the pink thing let out something equivalent to a growl, and chucked the blob of skin at him. He tried to dive out of the way, but he was too late.

Vegeta snorted. "Figures that the brat would let his guard down just like his mate. No wonder why they were meant for each other."

Videl, surprisingly, didn't have a comeback comment. Vegeta was actually looking forward to what she would say, but when he saw that the girl wasn't even paying attention to him, he frowned. She seemed intent on only watching the fight, and with the look on her face, he could tell that something was wrong. Big deal...so Gohan was a little "tied up." Like he hadn't been in tighter situations before.

Gohan felt his body being constricted by the pink mass of blubber. He could hardly breathe...his lungs were being compressed unto each other...his bones were being squeezed, crunched together. Kami...it almost hurt to think. And it was all just from this creatures skin!

Goku glanced over to Videl, wondering how she was reacting to this. Except she was no longer there. He blinked when he looked back over to Gohan and the creature dancing around his son, and held back a cry to tell Videl to stop as she dived for Majin Buu. He knew that she just wanted to save Gohan, but her ki was depleted to near nothing...she wouldn't be able to do much.

Videl knew that she had nearly no chance, so she didn't know why she was so surprised when she smashed her fist into Buu's face and he just continued to stand there as if he hadn't even felt it. She tried again. And again. And again. She could feel her body straining even move, but she refused to acknowledge the pain as she felt Gohan's ki weakening. She could almost see in her mind's eye as he struggled to breathe, struggled to get free of the mass of skin that surrounded him. He was going to suffocate if she didn't do something....

She screamed in frustration, drawing in a deep, ragged breath as she nearly slumped against Majin Buu in complete exhaustion. Kami...why was no one helping? They were all just standing there...as if Gohan wasn't dying right before them all, as if Majin Buu wasn't giggling at her pathetic, drained attempts.

She closed her eyes, fighting off tears. No one was helping...they were just standing there. They were doomed...they were all going to die....

"Please," she whispered, feeling warm tears leak out of her eyes. "Please...someone help. Please...."

Goku snapped out of his trance-like state, hearing Videl's heart-felt plea. He knew how prideful the girl was, and it was a shock that she would ask for help. Almost as if Vegeta had understood that as well, he felt the older man's hand clamp over his shoulder. Goku glanced at him, and both at the same time, they nodded in silent agreement. Majin Buu would pay.