Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Change ( Chapter 76 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 76: Change
Piccolo handed Videl's limp body over to an exhausted Goku after he dressed him in something more...proper. Seeing two naked men and two naked little boys would have had Videl blushing like mad no doubt, and he almost wished the she was still awake so he could see her turn completely red.

He sighed with relief after he had all the Saiya-jins dressed. He took Videl back into his arms, making sure she was still alive. He had thought that when she had gone limp in his arms that she had died, but thankfully, she had just passed out into a deep, exhausting rest. Her ki had dropped so low that she had just fainted from lack of energy, something her body would do to replenish her ki. However, remembering what Gohan had done when Videl had died, he had the feeling that her passing out had little to do with regaining her energy. He guessed that was a good thing, just so long as she stayed alive. They needed all the wishes they could get; they couldn't waste another one wishing Videl back when they had to worry about the planet.

As soon as they all managed to return to Goku's home and receive senzu beans, they were going to search for the Dragonballs. After they wished back all the people killed by Majin Buu, Goku was going to transport them all to New Namek, where they would collect all the Dragonballs there and use those wishes as well. They were all needed with all the things they had to wish back and fix. Piccolo just hoped that Videl would hang on long enough until they brought Gohan back.

They flew in silence as they retreated from the eerily silent battlefield, returning to Goku's home beat up, broken, and bruised. Piccolo watched protectively over any change in Videl, noting anything that might be too dangerous to handle. She seemed to be in a stable condition, thank someone high above.

They were there about an hour later; Chichi rushing out to see a familiar scene as Bulma, 18, and Marron stayed back. Everyone there was grateful when all she did was bury her face in Goku's chest and let him carry her inside their house, lying her down in their room and keeping her calm so she wouldn't "freak out" overly, if that's what you could call it. It helped immensely knowing that her bonded daughter-in -law was still alive and just passed out; no one bothered to tell her she was dying slowly because Gohan was gone.

Yajirobe, who had given them a brand new bag of senzu beans just a little while ago, was thanked silently as everyone there got one who needed one. Almost as soon as that was accomplished, Vegeta, Goku, and Krillin set out with the Dragon Radar to search for the Dragonballs as quickly as possible. They returned about two hours later, all of the dragonballs in a small bag at Goku's side.

Everyone walked outside except Chichi, who was in a drug-induced sleep thanks to Bulma. The older woman didn't want to hear her cry and whine and complain that her precious, beautiful, genius baby was dead and she was never going to see him again when he would be back shortly. At least they hoped so.

Piccolo saw Goku giving him an odd look as he continued to hold onto Videl; her small body nestled comfortably against his chest to keep her cold, trembling body warm. Piccolo lifted an eyebrow ridge in question to Goku's look as Bulma called the dragon, the sky turning a dark black filled with swirling clouds.

Goku looked almost shy for a moment and fidgeted around. "I um, know this sounds silly Piccolo, but, can I hold her? I don't know, I would just feel better knowing that she—"

"Sure, Goku," Piccolo said, not in the mood for conversation. He handed the girl over to the Saiya-jin gently, both stiffening when she let out a weak moan. They relaxed only when she tried to stuff her face in Goku's chest, probably thinking he was Gohan. Her bonded father-in-law smiled down at the girl he was holding, happy that she was still holding on. She wouldn't last much wouldn't longer. He hoped she could hang on.

Bulma watched the green dragon fill the sky and waited for him to ask her to state her wish. She didn't waste any time, knowing that they were pressed for time.

"Can you please bring back all the people that were killed by Majin Buu?" she asked loudly, seeing the floating dragon contemplate it for a moment before he said, "I have granted your wish! So long!!"

Bulma sighed with relief as the dragon disappeared, the balls scattering across the planet as the sky returned to its normal light blue. "Uh, it seems like a drain every time you make a wish. That can't be right...."

No one really heard her, for they were now crowding around Goku. The Saiya-jin made a mental checklist to make sure he had everything, and then brought his fingers up to his forehead, searching quickly through the universe for New Namek. A few minutes went by until he grinned, yelling, "Ah ha! Got it!!"

Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Videl, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha all disappeared, leaving everyone else behind. Vegeta was interested in one thing and one thing only as he stared at Bulma: food. He chuckled as she dragged him into the house, promising a very good meal.

Upon reaching New Namek, they set out to search for the large Dragonballs. Almost as an afterthought, Goku sent Piccolo to go ask for permission, considering that these Dragonballs weren't really theirs to take and enjoy. Piccolo nodded as he blasted off into the sky, in search of the new leader that had replaced Guru.

Goku stayed with Videl while everyone else searched for the Dragonballs, watching her mindfully. She actually wasn't doing too bad, and looked almost normal if you discounted the masks of pain and agony on her face. She squeezed his arms hard a couple times, which had surprised him the first time because he hadn't been ready for it. Damn, this girl was strong! He was gonna get bruises at this rate!

As he sat there, he contemplated the fight with Majin Buu. It had seemed organized in a confusing sort of way, and almost too pathetic to be considered a battle for earth's existence. Videl would have been able to defeat Majin Buu single-handedly had she not been so cocky and arrogant, but in the end, she had come through for them all by using that little trick. He had heard from the Supreme Kai that his father Bardock had taught her it, but no one had really thought that she would have need for it. He guessed that it was a good thing his father was such a genius. Otherwise, they might not even be here right now.

Not enjoying that thought, Goku continued to sit there, talking to Videl as if she could hear and understand him. They waited a lot longer for the Dragonballs than they had on earth, and Goku started fidgeting before long. He didn't like the sound of Videl's labored breathing; in fact, it was driving him insane. They were going to have a bit of a problem if they didn't wish Gohan back soon, considering they needed every single one of the wishes.

Goku made sure he kept his bonded daughter-in-law close against his chest when he felt her ki dropping even further. He didn't want to admit it, but he was afraid of losing her again. If she died, Gohan wouldn't want to come back, especially because they wouldn't have enough wishes to bring both of them back at the same time.

He looked thoughtfully out into the distance, wishing there was something he could do. It was hard enough just sitting here with her, but feeling her life drain away right before your eyes? It wasn't a pleasant experience.

"Hey, Goku! Look what we got!"

He jerked around, surprised to hear Krillin's voice. He grinned when he saw that he was accompanied with Yamcha, and they had three huge Dragonballs. The two men set them down next to Goku, exchanged a few pleasantries and took off again, in search of the last Dragonballs. It wasn't much longer when Tien and Chiaotzu returned with two of their own, and they only had two more to find. The twosome both went off in search of the last ones as Krillin and Yamcha had, and Goku continued to sit there, waiting for someone to come back. Kami...they needed to hurry. Videl wasn't going to last much longer....


He lifted his gaze away from Videl's paper-white face, smiling faintly when he saw Piccolo. The Namek nodded when Goku asked him if they had permission, and he was relieved to find out that the Namekian race didn't mind if they used all of the wishes. After all, Goku had saved them twice.

Piccolo stood next to Goku as they waited for the last two Dragonballs. It seemed like hours went by before they all returned, the two orange balls in tow. Goku stood with the young woman in his arms, stepping away as Krillin placed all the Dragonballs together and they began pulsating with power. Piccolo stepped forward, and everyone gave him a weird look. How did Piccolo know Namekian?

Piccolo fought down a blush as Krillin asked him that very question. "I uh, well, I know Namekian since I merged with Nail. So uh...yeah."

Yamcha and Krillin chuckled at Piccolo's obvious display of embarrassment. They had never heard the Namek speak his own language, and it was interesting to watch as he called forth the dragon just like Bulma had a few hours ago. The sky turned a familiar dark color as the dragon burst from the magic balls, his monstrous body filling the sky.

"What is your first wish?" the muscular dragon boomed, shaking the ground they were standing upon. Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu blanched at the sight of the dragon, for they had never seen it before. The first thing that came to their minds: Holy shit....

Piccolo immediately told the dragon that he wished for Son Gohan to be brought back from the dead to planet Namek. The dragon looked to be thinking about it for a second before his eyes flashed red and he said, "Your wish has been granted. State your next wish."

Everyone stayed silent until they felt Gohan's ki close by. Krillin wanted to whack himself over the head for not telling Piccolo to wish Gohan back to right where they were, but it didn't seem to matter because the teenager was there in a matter of seconds. Goku didn't even know what hit him until he saw Gohan lying Videl across his lap as he sat on the ground, holding her close and rocking her back and forth. The half-Saiya-jin didn't even seem to be affected by his short death; all he cared about was Videl. Everyone noticed that he seemed upset, probably because of Videl's condition, and they wondered briefly if they had been too late as Gohan shook Videl almost violently, nearly screaming at her to wake up.

"Videl...come on, wake up!! You're not dead; you're not allowed to die again!! Please...just wake up...."

Gohan continued to shake her until her head snapped back and her eyes shot open in blank surprise. She felt so cold...her whole body was shaking...she couldn't breathe...she wanted to die...oh, there was Gohan....


Gohan blinked. Hi? That's all he got? He had been going nearly insane in Other World, knowing that Videl was slowly slipping away because he was dead. He had been cursing everything to hell and back because he didn't know what was taking so long, but he had finally gotten wished back. Damn, what had taken so long....

"Hi," he said, in lack of anything better to say. She smiled weakly up at him, and it was all he needed. He enveloped her in his arms, nearly crushing her against his chest. He was never, ever going to let her go again. No more crazy fighting, no more insane battles, no more dying...just growing old together. Yeah, that sounded really good....

Goku smiled faintly at the pair. He could feel how happy Gohan was, and it amplified everyone else's there. They didn't even seem to notice that they were surrounded by numerous people as Gohan caught her lips with his, giving her a long, lingering kiss. Goku chuckled. He had told Gohan earlier that day that as soon as this was over, he could jump right back into bed with Videl, but he hadn't meant immediately after, and certainly not on another planet and in the middle of nowhere.

Piccolo rolled his eyes and gave the impatient dragon his next wish. "Please restore the planet Earth back to the way it was before Majin Buu appeared," he said in Namekian, blushing slightly when he saw how into the kiss Gohan and Videl were getting. Maybe someone should stop them before they did something in front of everyone else....

Goku cleared his throat, as if knowing what Piccolo was thinking. "Uh, Gohan? I think that maybe you should uh, stop, since uh, we're not in a um, bedroom...and uh, there are a bunch more people standing around err, watching you."

Gohan seemed completely unfazed by what Goku said, just grinned his face off as he stood, bringing Videl up with him. She stood on wobbly legs and clung to him because of her depleted energy, and Gohan gave her a concerned look as she closed her eyes and let him hold her up. Damn...she had been losing her energy even quicker than he had when she had died. He guessed it was a good thing he had gotten here when he had.

Goku frowned as he noticed how weak Videl was, and then grinned as he reached into the belt tied around the waist of his gi. "Hey, Gohan, catch!!"

Gohan looked up as he lifted his hand, catching a small familiar bean. He smiled as he tipped up Videl's chin, his smile growing when her mouth automatically opened. She was certainly a smart one, albeit a little cocky....

Videl felt power flow through her as she swallowed the disgusting bean, and Gohan grinned when he saw the sickened look on her face. She said "Yuck" quite loudly, and everyone chuckled.

Piccolo stood there, waiting for everyone to tell him the last wish. They just stared at him, as if they didn't know what he was looking at them for. He frowned. Sometimes they were more stupid than Goku on his worst days....

Gohan suddenly stepped away from Videl, the young woman making a protesting sound in her throat before Gohan shushed her and told her he would be right back. She hmphed and crossed her arms over her chest. Fine, let him leave. She would throw him on the ground and ravish him later.

Gohan stepped up to his mentor, whispering something in his ear. Piccolo looked confused a moment before he smirked, giving his pupil an approving look before he turned back to the dragon. No one but Gohan knew what he was talking about as he talked in his home language, the dragon's eyes flashing one last time before he said, "Your last wish has been granted. Until next time!!"

The dragon disappeared into the balls as they shot into the sky, all seven shooting through the sky as they dispersed to parts unknown. Everyone stood around, not understanding what Piccolo had just wished for. Gohan walked over to his dad, smiling faintly when realization dawned on his father. Goku felt a tingly sensation as the halo over his head disappeared, and he simply stared at his son in shock. He had been thinking that they wouldn't have been able to wish him back this time, and although it hurt just thinking about it, he had understood. Now, watching his smiling son, he knew that Gohan had been planning it all along. They had made all the wishes they had needed to, and they had had a spare wish left. Why not wish Goku back? It made sense.

Gohan was completely shocked as he felt his father hug him tightly, and he oddly felt tears come to his eyes as he embraced him back. Now he would have his father back...now he would get to see him and Videl get married, get to see his first grandchild, get to see Goten grow up....

Goku released his son after a moment, and everyone laughed as they clapped Goku over the back or ruffled his hair. It felt good to be alive, that was for sure!!


Gohan tried not to groan to himself as his mother dived into his arms, bawling her eyes out. She moaned and whined about how she thought she was never going to see him again, and about how she thought that she was going to have to raise Goten all by herself. Gohan just patted her on the back and went back to Videl. He didn't want to leave her alone in fear of her suddenly dying or something just as bad.

The Supreme Kai stood off to the side as everyone congratulated each other on a victory, Videl receiving special attention because she felt like she had let everyone down. Gohan was told about what had happened afterward, and he gave Videl a naughty grin. She was certainly a resourceful girl when she wanted to be....

Videl was trying not to bask in all the praise she was getting when she suddenly paled. Gohan immediately noticed as she gripped onto his arm, squeezing so hard that he could feel his bones starting to give. She gave him a helpless look before she collapsed on the spot she was standing, Gohan barely having enough time to catch her from being so shocked. Mayhem erupted around him as everyone yelled and screamed about what was wrong with Videl until the Supreme Kai stepped forward, shoving through the group of people. They glared at him, but he didn't notice it.

"Don't worry, everything is fine. Videl just lost her power."

Gohan gave him a confused look. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Shin shrugged. "As you know, Videl gained her power from being part Barakian and also because of the threat of Majin Buu. Now that Buu is gone and so is the threat, her body has recognized this and has gotten rid of her energy. It was no longer needed."

Gohan looked down sadly at the girl in his arms. He knew Videl was going to be upset, but hey, she would live. She was still the strongest female on the planet...at least she had that still. She could also still train and get even stronger, but that was her decision.

He carried her back into the house, laying her on his old bed. He wanted to make sure she was warm and cozy when she woke up.


Videl blinked open her eyes slowly, yawning dreamily as she snuggled deeper into the heat next to her. Mmm...whatever it was, it was sooooo warm....

She frowned when something got in her way of being closer to it. She moved her hand through the blankets to shove it away, and her eyes shot open when she noticed that the thing that was in her way was not going to be moved. She heard a chuckle, and she lifted her line of sight to see an amused Gohan.

"Hey," he said softly, tugging her closer. She concentrated on her surroundings a moment before she returned to what was wrong with her, and noticed that what was in her way seemed to be very round, and very big. She felt her frown disappear as recognition hit her, and a full-blown smile hit her face.

"I'm pregnant again."

A grin appeared on his face. "Yeah. When you lost your power, I carried you back into the house and laid you down. The Supreme Kai was the one that decided that it might be a good idea to give you back our baby while you were asleep. That way it wouldn't be as traumatizing. He wasn't sure if anything bad would happen or not. Are you...are you alright?" he asked, genuinely concerned as he watched her still pale face.

She closed her eyes a moment before she nodded, tucking her head under his chin. He held her close as she wrapped her arms around him, molding as much of her body against him as she could. He chuckled again when her large stomach got in the way, and she grumbled before she giggled as well. She hadn't thought she would already be this big, and she had to get used to being pregnant all over again. The sleeping, the food, the people spoiling you...yep, she could get used to that again. She smirked, kissing Gohan's bare chest before she snuggled back into his warmth, reserving herself for some long, restoring sleep. After all...she had a long life ahead of her. She would need all the rest she could get....