Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Royalty Fails ❯ Welcome to Hell ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~When royalty fails~*~


Bra: 15 ½

Trunks: 18

Goten: 17

Pan: 15

The adults: in an average of 30-50… Bardock is, well…old. (Keep in mind that Saiyijins live much longer lives than humans…so that means that although they are "old" they all look super young.

Side notes:

Bardock is alive and still kicking, He is the only one of his family that is kept in the palace because of his scientific expertise. (If you guys didn't know, he's the one that made it possible for Saiyijins to transform into Oozaru form without the need of a full moon.)

"…" = Speaking

~~* …*~~ = First person point of view

`…' = thoughts

*…* = sound/sound effect/ lyrics

CAPITAL LETTERS = Shouting/screaming/ Speaking VERY loudly

^…^ = telepathy

(I will not repeat the information above, so if you forget, come back to the first chapter.)

When royalty fails: Chapter one.


Streams of burning sunlight touch my fairly cool skin, invading my dreams in rude interruption. How I hate it when that happens, one minute your peacefully dreaming and the next your kicking yourself in the head for not getting up before sun rise.

This is my life, a life of a slave of Vegeta-sei, welcome to hell.

I force my self to get out of bed and then mentally wince when I feel the piercing pain of yesterday's whipping. Me and my big mouth…that's all I need in life to get myself killed. I was defending an elderly woman on my dad's behalf while he was gone; needless to say, it only took a few seconds for me to get the taskmaster all wired up and get my back slashed aimlessly. Its times like these I am so glad I have a grandfather in the palace, if it weren't for him my whole family would probably have an endless amount deaths due to infection and scarring because of that hotheaded taskmaster and his whip.

I guess you can tell that my whole family has a tendency to say what they're thinking at the wrong time, Especially my niece. I'm telling you…she is something else! She gets the mouthy and short temper part from her mother's side of the family for the most part. I guess there's some of my mom in her too, the add tons of strength to back it up thanks to my dad's blood flowing in her, and you've got one awesome Sayijin that is nothing but trouble.

Time to get ready for another beating session today, I say to my reflection in a happy tone that I've come to accommodate to, as I hunch over the tin bucket to wash off all signs of sleep. I've gotten used to acting like everything is fine, I mean I don't want to worry the others…but there is something deep within myself, a sort of fantasy that I plan to make into a reality. If the others knew this they would think I'm crazy but…I was not meant to be here, in this position; in this low status. I was meant to be a fighter, a right hand man. I don't want this life anymore…I want a better one, were I get hot meals five times a day and get waited on hand and foot. I want to become an elite, guard of the future King of Vegeta-sei. A bit ambitious, I know.

"GOTEN, YOUR GOING TO TASTE THE TASKMASTER'S WHIP AGAIN IF YOU DON'T STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF AND GET YOUR BACK HEALED BEFORE THE CART COMES TO PICK YOU UP!!" My mother yelled at me, breaking me out of my trance as I nodded my head in silent agreement and make my way towards her to get myself healed before another beating.

This is my life, welcome to hell.



"Wake up princess." I hear in my sleep, already knowing that in reality my personal servant Kackan is hovering over me insisting that I wake up to another boring day in the life of the Princess of Vegeta-sei. Oh how I leap with joy, I whisper to myself in a sarcastic tone too quiet for her to hear.

I roll over to my side and pull the covers over my head to signal her that I do not wish to be awaken just yet. I guess she doesn't know how to read body language because if she did she wouldn't have opened the thick curtains that were before me. How I hate mornings, especially sunny mornings…they're so bright and disturbing. I feel my anger rise and suppress the great desire to kill my servant due to the rude interruption of a fairly entertaining dream I was having. Not to mention the fact that the burning sunlight provided by our two suns has already graced my skin before I was able to put up my protective shield thanks to her and those obnoxious tendencies she has to follow my fathers instructions.

"I shall now summon the others to dress you, young mistress." She says to me more than ask me. Darn her…sometimes she forgets her position and just makes decisions for me. I despise it when people do that! I'm a princess not a doll for some one to control, to talk for, and move about. She's not the only one that dose that though, everyone some how manipulates me or at least tries to. My father, mother, brother, everyone, even the lowest of lows some how get the best of me or have seen me at my lowest…that is one thing that I will never cease to hate about me and my life.

Welcome to the life of a princess, a living hell.

I'm doing everything in my power to change the tendency everyone has to somehow make my decisions, the only way I know is to surpass everyone in strength so that they all cower in my presence. You don't see my father being succumbed to being controlled by some servant, well then neither will I.

But if that doesn't work I'll have to do the next best thing:

Run away.

This is my life, welcome to hell.



"FASTER YOU ANIMALS! DANCE!" The taskmaster shouts at the men in the mud pit, right before I hear the crack of his electric powered whip. At least there's one thing I can be grateful for, I've got the stone cutter shift this week, therefore I'm not on the ground for extended periods of time which means I have less chances of getting whipped today. WHOOPEE! I shout mentally at my unusually lucky brake. I mean, don't get me wrong…I do fell sorry for all of the others, but I'm just so glad that I don't have to taste the whip again for the third time in a row this week. Until now I have not one scar on my body, thanks to my grandfather smuggling his new healing cream to us. Out of all of the slave families I think we're the most blessed of them all, thank goodness.



Well that's the first chapter, hope you liked it. For those of you who are wondering, no, the whole story will not be in first person form; it will vary from first person to third person. This chapter was more of an introduction into the lives of our main characters, but worry not, I'll try to get the story moving along to your taste.

I want at least 7 new reviews or else no update, conprende (Spanish for "understand")?

In the next chapter we will get a more in depth look at the lives of our main characters. I'm hoping to make this story progress a bit quicker than my other 2 "If Your Not There" and "Alone" if you've noticed they are going along pretty slowly, something that I want to avoid while doing this story. (Although I'm not sure if I can.)

NEXT UPDATE: August 20-22, 2002  DON'T MISS IT!!

Now if you will, please click on the sky blue button on the bottom left hand corner of the screen please, and REVIEW!

Over and out,
