Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Royalty Fails ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~When royalty fails~*~

Special Thanks to:

Stormy Angel

Adbzfan2k03 -(I can tell your really desperate, you reviewed 3 times, thank-you!)




Silly Dragon---(actually these chapters have been posted on ff.net and I was lazy and didn't change anything about it, sorry.)

For Reviewing!

When royalty fails: Chapter two.


"Sleep well?" I hear my brother ask me as I take my seat at the breakfast table deciding to sit across from him.

I decided to glare in response, hopefully he can read body language better than that damn servant of mine, Kackan.

"Good morning Trunks!" My mother announced, walking toward him and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

`Hold on…What!' I shout mentally as I processed what just happened and did a double take to make sure I saw what I think I saw.

What the hell was that about? Mom is never this cheery in the morning. My brother sends me a look of horrid confusion; it would have been funny if I didn't have the same look on my face myself.


^Was it just me, or did mom just give me a kiss!?^ Trunks asked his bewildered looking sister telepathically.

^Nope, I saw it too. What the hell possessed her to do that, is what I'd like to know.^ Bra answered, trying to hide her promiscuousness look on her face, needless to say that she failed miserably.

The two stopped their mental conversation (if you want to call it that) immediately when a VERY grumpy looking King stepped into view and took his seat at the head of the table. He wore his usual scowl, only now it furrowed deep making his gaze piercing and demonic. His mouth was nothing but a slit, and his jaw was visibly clenched for all to notice.

It was official; King Vegeta was enraged. (That can't be good. ^^;)

"Your Majesty, What would you like to eat today? We have just cooked a beautiful array of Soran with Balpaqu on the side." The kitchen servant suggested, not noticing the look of annoyance crossing the King's face.

"………………" Vegeta just sat there while the servant rambled on and on about the selection available for breakfast, all the while his left eyebrow twitched involuntarily, meanwhile the Queen sat beside her love with a big grin plastered on her face because of her mate's state of annoyance. The other two bystanders were completely lost, and looked on with dread of what would happen to them. I mean sure, the servant was going to be most likely blown into the next dimension, but it was the Queen, Prince, and Princess who suffered the most when their father was in this kind of mood.

And this is were the puzzlement started:

The Queen was enjoying this! Usually she would chastise her mate for being mean to her, not that he had been yet…but still, she was way too cheery for this kind of predicament.

`Any second now.' Both Trunks and Bra thought in unison…and two seconds later it happened.


`Right on time.' Trunks thought, smirking at the bumbling servant's end.

"Well it was about time you shut him up." Bra said quietly, not entirely wanting to be heard. She had been accustomed to her father being the type of person that killed when he was annoyed or angry. Quite frankly, he was rubbing off on Trunks and herself in that area. She remembered the days when she hated her dad for being so merciless and violent, but now she understood why he did that, and if she wanted to make it on this planet she would have to be the same way. If she were the kind hearted, loving girl she was when she was younger, everyone would walk all over her and take advantage. She had learned that lesson a while ago, and the wounds were still raw and bleeding. (Not physical wounds, if you were wondering.)

"Brats. Gravity room. NOW." Vegeta commanded as he stood from his sitting position, ignoring the incredulous look his offspring were sending him.

"But we haven't even eaten yet father!" Bra said, not wanting to get beaten into a bunch of bruises today, especially on an empty stomach.

"Father, how can we train without our breakfast!?" Trunks said loudly, gaining a demonic looking glare from his father accompanied by a cold smirk.

"Who said we were going to train?" Vegeta asked, his voice low and menacing, sending shivers up Bra's spine. She could never get used to the certain tone he used when he was in the mood to beat her brother within an inch of his life. She would never understand how in the world Trunks stood for it, but one thing is for sure, she was going to find out soon.

She knew that her father held back when he was fighting her, but that was just fine with her because just half of her father's power was enough to do some serious bone cracking to her delicate form.

Different story for Trunks though, Vegeta had to go all out when he wanted to beat him into a bloody pulp, and somehow her brother always came back stronger.

Yet another mystery to Bra:


Why dose my father always beat on my brother till' he's almost dead, and he just gives me cuts and bruises? Is it cause I'm a girl? Well if that's the case I'll have to give him a piece of my mind. Well…maybe when he's not so angry.


As expected, Trunks was beaten within an inch of his life and Bra was injured with both her arms and an ankle broken. No problem though, about fifteen minutes in the rejuvenation tank and she was all better, but Trunks would have to stay in for an hour and a half or so until all of his injures were healed, and trust me, they were a lot.


Guess I'll go visit my poor brother while he stuck in the tank and force him to tell me what I want to know, I mentally say to myself as I finish up my shower that washed off all of tank's sticky fluid from my skin. It's a good think that there are no servants or guards around, I'd hate to be found warring nothing but a towel out in the open. I walk the few steps from the showers to the tank where my brother is at and close my eyes in consternation as I focus to find my brother's currently sleeping mind.


^Wake up sweet brother!^ Bra shouted mentally in her brother's mind causing him to jerk at the sudden outburst, but his eyes remained closed.

^Damn you, not only do you bother me when I'm awake, but you just have to disturb me when I'm healing too!^ He said in an annoyed mental tone that made Bra smile happily at the fact that she had gotten his attention.

^I want you to tell me something Trunks. Tell me why is it that our beloved father is always beating you so bad that your hanging on to your life by mere strings, and he just toys around with me?^ Bra asked telepathically in a serious tone.


Oh great, why did my sister have to be so damn observant? Maybe if she were more concerned with finding a mate I wouldn't have to always watch what I say to her. So much for being a stupid bumbling girl, darn!

Too bad I can't tell her, I mean…I like the new Bra and everything, it's a nice contrast to the weak and kind girl she used to be, but its getting hard to keep my father's secrets from her when she's looking for the same things I am:

Power and strength

My father doesn't want Bra to find out that every time a Saiyijin gets beaten within an inch of life their strength nearly triples to that of which it used to be. He says that if she did know then she might go and get herself killed, and I agree.

Ever since that day when Bra's world was turned upside down she has changed into something that resembles the ideal warrior's attitude. I haven't seen her cry since that incident or whine…or act like a girl for that matter.

Sorry Bra, but I just can't tell you what you want to know, even though I feel obligated to.


^Well!? Are you going to tell me or do I have to beat it out of someone else!?^ Bra shouted at her brother through their mental link.

^Look Bra, our father simply likes you more than me so he goes easy on you. Besides, I always get him all wired-up when were training so he naturally takes it out on me. It's not a big deal ok.^ Trunks replied in a smooth calm way.

^I'm not the fool you take me to be brother so just tell me already!^ Bra said sarcasm and irritation lacing her mental voice.

^……………^ Trunks didn't answer, gaining a very annoyed string of curses thrown at him before his sister cut their mental link with harsh force, giving him an instant headache. (Ouch!)


Oh great, nice going Trunks.

What is Bra going to do now? Perhaps a little adventure is in order? Who knows?

Next Chapter:

Inside look on Goten's life, in detail. (^__________^)

Please review, even if they are flames/constructive criticism…I don't care! Though, if they are flames don't expect me to take them with my arms crossed.

Over and out,
