Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Royalty Fails ❯ Stinging Disinfection. ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~When Royalty Fails~*~

This chapter is detected to:

Lysie300 (I like it when people complement my in compleat sentences, thank you!)

Special Thanks To:






For Reviewing!

When Royalty Fails. Chapter Four.


`Finally.' I say to myself mentally as I hear the insane beeping of the controller in front of the regeneration tank. The blue liquid quickly drains it's self and the glass door opens as I remove the breathing mask from my face. I still can't get over what my sister came here and asked me about an hour or two ago…did she mean it? I sure do hope those stupid guards don't spill anything I don't want her to know…or else.

I head over to the showers and cleanse my self of the access liquid that had stuck on to my skin before I head out and attend to my duties.

I mentally curse when I hear my stomach rumble in defiance…oh well, mightiest well go and eat something before I go to a cursed treaty meeting with my father.

It was when I got inside the dinning room that I noticed how late it really was. Outside the rows of enormous windows there was an endless sea of black solitude, populated my tiny points of light gazing back at me as I admired its strange beauty. Space is so empty, so…lonely and cold, yet its infallible beauty dose not go unnoticed by anyone. It reminds me of my race, from afar we are attractive, and we appeal to others, but from up close one notices our cold tendencies to be secluded from others.

"Grrrr." I hear my stomach almost speak to me, snapping me out of my trance like state and reminding me of my hungry predicament.

"I guess everyone's asleep, so I'll have to make myself something to eat." I say, looking down at my stomach as if speaking to it. I slowly make my way to the kitchen, making as little noise as possible as I sneaked in using the thick castle shadows for cover. When I got closer to the servant's dining table my ears picked up the sound of silent whispers. I'm not exactly familiar with the name eavesdropper, but for some reason I found myself barely breathing and strained my hearing to just see what this was about. After all, they are supposed to be asleep.

"Princess, I don't think I should be the one to answer that type of question." I heard, finally recognizing the voice to belong to my sister's personal servant Kackan. I quickly put 2 and 2 together and figure that this is about what my sister asked me about earlier. If that damn servant even tries to tell her… I swear I'll blow her head into oblivion.

"Stop denying my orders Kackan, I will not tolerate this any longer. Tell me now or be tortured for life at my own hands." I hear my sister's voice say in a low octave, whoa…she means business when she starts talking like that, I should know…I've been there.

"Very well Princess, but I wish that you not tell a soul where you gathered this information."

"Fine. Get on with it already before someone notices that I'm not in my room." My sister urges in a cold tone that gives her servant goose bumps that are noticeable from way over here.

"The King beats the Prince within an inch of his life becau-"


The smell of burnt flesh tickles my senses, as I look on to view my handy work. I hate it when I kill someone and then have to dispose of his or her body, so I avoided that by just blowing her into nothing but a cloud of smoke…fast and clean, just the way I like it. It took a while for my sister to get her barring, but she finally snapped from surprised and speechless to furious and ready to kill.

I guess she'll never get used to the entire idea of my father and I killing others at will. I suppose I'll never get used to the idea either, sounds strange…but it's the truth.

"Whoever has just killed my servant will pay with their own life!! Reveal yourself, you cowardly snake!"

"I think that phrase fits you more than it fits me, little sister. You're the one sneaking off in the night and hiding from everyone to ask you servant a question that does not pertain to you. In my opinion you're the cowardly snake, sweet sister of mine." I say to her, saying the last sentence in a sarcastic tone as I smoothly walk out of the dark shadows and into her view. It takes her a while to process everything I said, and instead of lashing out on me, she calmly sits down and lowers her head in what seems like shame, one act I least expected from her in this kind of state. I'm not that cold hearted and mean am I? I slowly walk to her and place a hand on her shoulder to silently and gently console her. I don't consider myself as affectionate, but I will always be loyal to my sister even though she's a real pain…perhaps this is what those sentimental saps call love…nah…a Saiyijin is incapable of such a weak emotion, or at least that's what I've been taught.

"Come on, its late…I'll walk you to your room. After all, it's the least I can do since I just disposed of you personal servant." I whisper into her ear, gaining a reluctant sigh from her in response as she leisurely stood up and leaned against me.

"Fine. I guess you do own me that much." Bra said just above a whisper as I offered my arm to her. She eyed me suspiciously, looking at my arm and then back into my eyes until she finally accepted it.

I quickly took her to her room, and avoided speaking to her as she did the same, I guess she was still at a loss for words at what she had done…or maybe it was because of what I had done. It used to be that my sister hated my father and I because we are so quick to dispose of life, but then she realized that if you wanted to be respected people have to fear you…or at least that's the case on this planet. She has changed her outlook on us a great deal ever since that fateful night….

But it's not in my place to even think or speak of it.



My brother…when I think I've got him figured out he does something so out of the ordinary it makes me wonder: Is he just like me? Trying to fit into a world where everything changes in a blink of an eye, wondering around in circles until something snaps you into reality? Or is he a hypocrite, just like everyone that pretends to like serving the King or one of us; when in reality they despise us with a passion, but hide it because they fear for their lives.

One thing is for sure, you could always trust a Saiyijin because it runs in their blood too be loyal to their own race…that is unless another Saiyijin denies his or her heritage, then we have no choice but to disown him or her.

It's roughly about two hours past midnight, and I'm still wide-awake, perhaps a hot bath would make me sleepy. I walk over to the room that adjoins mine and then mentally kick myself for being so forgetful.

Kackan is dead; therefore she can't draw me a bath.

Oh, well…I'll just have to do it myself. It was when I was already relaxing in the sea hot lavender scented water that it hit me:

I don't have a servant anymore…or anyone to protect me for that matter.

"Well I'll just have to change that…and the sooner the better." I said to my self, figuring that I was clean enough, I got out and quickly dried myself using my Ki and put on the darkest cloak I had in my closet. Underneath it I wore my favorite armor, it looked more like something a goddess would wear because of the cloth that draped in front of my lower abdomen and came to end above my knees, and the back part imitated it. The cloth would leave the sides of my legs bear if it weren't for the high boots that came with the outfit. To top off the ensemble I wore the armor that looked a lot like my father's except it was more feminine and it bore no other color but white.

Too bad the cloak was covering it…oh well.

I silently opened the door that leads to my balcony and flew off, staying miserably close to the ground so that none of the guards would spot me. How close to the ground was I? So damn close that I if I were to lower my head I would be eating dirt. The reason I opted to fly was because flying was silent, where as if I were to walk it would rustle leaves at rouse unwanted attention.

After much carful flying I had finally come to the spot where the palace meets the un-royal grounds, in the garden there ran a river which started with a waterfall, one day when I was exploring I went behind the waterfall and found a cave that went deep. It took a while, but I had finally gathered up enough courage to go all the way in, and found that it had an opening on the other side. I had found that at the fork of the river there were two waterfalls, connecting to each other by this one undiscovered tunnel, that lead to the outside world.

I went through the tunnel and then found myself debating if wether or not I should do this. Finally, after much deliberation I banished all thoughts that went against my will and flew as fast as I could away from the palace grounds, and into third class territory where I planned to get my new personal servant.



I shakily took a breath, as my focus was becoming clearer. It was near dawn and time to get up to another day in the life of Goten. It took a while for me to remember where I was and what happened, but it slowly came back to me. I was whipped silly, and then I passed out from way too much blood loss…and then…I don't remember.

I sat up and studied my surroundings…I was in my room, with blood staining the sheets covering the hay I slept on. My painful predicament was made known to me once again as I took in a deep breath of morning air. I actually hissed out my pain, something that I haven't done in years. I'm surprised I'm not dead…I wonder what happened. Deciding that there was no way I could get out of skipping work today I got up and made my way outside to the river that ran near our house to wash off all of the dry blood from my sticky skin. I guess I wasn't the only one thinking that it was time for a bath because my father was already in the river scrubbing away.

"Your awake! Good, come here son…let me help you…you were hurt pretty badly yesterday." I heard my father say in a sympathetic tone; I was in no mood to protest so I just did what he asked.

"How did I live through that dad?" I asked him as he slowly cleaned my wounds once I was in the river.

"About five minutes after you passed out I knocked the taskmaster out with one blow to the neck, and got you here. Everyone swore not to say who did it, since the taskmaster didn't see me, so we're safe." I heard him answer as he started the disinfecting part of the cleansing process. I hissed out my protest, but I did it more in pain…I hate the stinging stuff they put on my cuts and wounds.

"Thanks dad. I owe you one."


Ooooooooooooooooh! The good part is coming up!! In the next chapter Bra and Goten meet! Woohoo!!

This chapter is short because I did not get 7 reviews like I wanted…so you shall all suffer the consequences!!

If you people who are reading this story from mm.org I just wanted to say that you all are mean (with the exception of those who did review.) 35 people have read my story and only 2 have reviewed; What's wrong with that picture? This chapter has been posted on ff.net and it is very popular, and if you didn't already know this, the reason I'm updating this story everyday is because this chapter was previously written. ¬_¬;

If you want the next chapter to be longer than this (which is five pages flat.) You readers better start living up to the standards.

Get your friends to read and review…I don't know…put me on your favorite author list, people do read that you know.

IMPORTANT: Out of curiosity I want to know how many guys and how many girls read this story…so in your review put down whether you're a girl or a boy.

I need more reviews to get motivated!!

Please review!!

Over and out,
