Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Royalty Fails ❯ The Godess Approches. ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~When Royalty Fails~*~

::smacks head:: I've been forgetting the disclaimer!! I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters, but I do own Kackan and the plot of this story, so no stealing!

This chapter is detected to:


Special Thanks To:

Videl 17






Dark Warrior

Petite angel


Nobody special -(But your special to me ^^.)

Evil Goddess Vegeta -(thank you for your compleat sentence usage!! I've never considered taking requests………but if you have a good idea I would love to hear it…could you explain to me exactly what consist of a request? Your question intrigues me.)

The Goddess of The Light -( I e-mailed you, concerning your question.)

For Reviewing and saying wether you're a boy or girl!!

When Royalty Fails. Chapter 5


This chapter contains an almost rape scene and might be offensive to some…reader discretion advised. This chapter is rated R if you're wondering. This chapter also contains one vulgar phrase in which Goten cusses………that's all the warnings, you can read now.


"You know Goten, you are one lucky Saiyijin." I heard my father say to me as he helped me out of the river.

"Yeah…I guess." I answered, not really seeing what was lucky about me except the fact that I lived through a beating that I should have died.

"I'm serious Goten! I think fate favors you for some reason." My father says to me, gaining a skeptical look from me in return.

"Fate………right………You know that I don't believe in that stuff dad." I answered, getting an are-you-serious look from my father.

"BOYS!! GET IN HERE BEFORE YOUR FOOD GETS COLD!!" Mother shouted from the back door of our modest home, making my father and I snap our attention to her……… and the smell of food.

"Come on Goten, don't want the food to get cold do you?" My father says to me as he starts to jog over to my mother, I follow, also jogging over to her although my ribs are killing me. Nothing can keep me away from my mom's cooking, not even this piercing pain I get whenever I breathe in deep.

Breakfast goes as normal as expected, nothing out of the ordinary, that is, until my father looks at me from the opposite end of the table as if he wanted to say something.

What do you know, I was right.

"Goten, I think we should trade places for today. If you get whipped again I don't think you'll be so lucky as you were yesterday. You can take my shift in the mud pits, and pose as me while I pose as you in the stone-cutter's shift." My father says to me more than asks me, I hate it when people tell me to do something rather than ask me!

"What makes you think that the Task master won't come after you since your posing as me?" I asked, not really seeing what my father was getting at.

"I'm not saying that he won't come after me, but at least I can withstand his beating since I'm stronger than you son." He answers, getting my mother's attention when he said that.

"Yeah, he is right hun, you should just do what your father says." My mother says to me, her eyes pleading that I would obey her request. I finally give a reluctant sigh, giving in to my mother's pleading looks. She looks away from me as soon as she gathers that I will not go against her will, and looks at my father with an angry look that I really didn't think would arise as quickly as it did.

"AND YOU! IF YOU GET KILLED I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU KAKKAROT, UNDERSTAND!!??" My mother shouts at him, making him stop in mid-chew and turn his full attention to her.

"Of courth noth Chi-chi." My father says, his words muffled by the food still in his mouth, and tiny bits started to fly out and land on my face. No big deal, I'm used to it, so I just wipe it all off and stand to leave my parents to do their daily verbal sparring mach, which is usually one sided and won by my mother and her frying pan.

My parents, you gotta love them.



"Finally." I whisper to myself as I approach the working grounds of the third class Saiyijins. I quickly look for the head taskmaster from my bird's eye view and quickly spot him and make my way down towards him.

Up until now I though my life was hell, boy I never imagined anyone had to endure this, I mean……… come on, these people weren't workers or servants, they were slaves!

I quickly turned my head away from all of the moaning and cries of pain as many were killed behind me. How awful……… are my people these cold hearted and merciless ones that kill anyone they feel like as if it weren't anything?

Damn, if I stay here any longer, I'll surly expose my soft side………something I really don't want to do, especially when I'm here alone without an escort.

"Please have mercy on me, master!" I hear a girl my age almost scream to the taskmaster in a tone that was shaky and laced with hopelessness as I slowly approached the scene. She was beautiful from what little I could see of her face and features; the taskmaster's large and bulky body covered up the rest.

"I will teach you to mind me girl. Yesterday was the last lime I would tolerate such insubordination from you or any of your family members, your uncle Goten got away yesterday………but you, my sweet desert flower will pay for what I didn't finish yesterday." I heard the taskmaster say in a dangerously low octave, as he pinned the girl up against a near by wall. He gripped her wrists above her head and with his other free hand he grabbed a lock of her raven black hair and took a deep breath in, savoring her feminine sent as he inched his lips closer to her neck.

`Oh my………he's going to rape her!!' My mind screams at me as I quickly remember my status and my ability to stop such a vile disgusting act. I quickly take in a deep breath and shout my state of anger.

"YOU DISGUSTING, BASTARDLY WHORESON! HOW DARE YOU DEFILE MY PRESENCE IN SUCH A REVOLTING MANNER!" I shout at him, causing him to completely ignore the girl and turn his full-undivided attention to me.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO EVEN ADDRESS ME, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING HARLOT!" He shouts back at me, getting the once forgotten girl by the roots of her hair in his huge fists and threw her to the ground, making a loud thud resound the air around me. I smirk at him and his foolishness to not recognize me, his superior, so I swiftly remove the cloak that covered the armor that I was wearing, which on the right most edge of it lied the royal crest of Vegeta-sei, sealed with the finest silver in the universe.

The look he got on his face when he realized what he had just done was payable on death, was priceless. He kneeled right away and crawled the distance between us, and smothered his face to the ground when he got to my feet. I heard his muffled cries for mercy, as I simply looked down at him in disgust. I can't even believe he's a Saiyijin, surly my race is better than this, right?

(Ten points for those of you who noticed that the phrase "Payable on Death" is a name of a band.)

"You, girl…what's your name?" I ask the would-be victim that was earlier pinned to the wall.

"Pan, Your Highness." She answers in a strong fearless voice, as she looks at me in the eye. I study her for a moment, taking in her true beauty. She had ivory clear skin, and long cascading locks of inky-like hair to contrast her pale complexion, her eyes were a beautiful brown that danced with any bit of light that would hit them.

And here I was, thinking that beauty was only found within the palace………boy was I dead wrong! A beautiful female Saiyijin is hard to find, and usually the pretty ones are weaklings; but from what I can sense, this girl's power level exceeds that of the taskmaster's.

So here is my question:

Why doesn't she beat the living crap out of this guy for even touching her? Could it be that she doesn't know that she is stronger than he is? Or does she not raise hell because of her respect for superiors?

I know for sure that if one of my father's servants were able to surpass him in strength they would kill him for making their lives a living hell, no questions asked.

"Well, you low-life, you will sincerely apologize to Pan and her parents for what you almost did, after you do that you will escort me to help me find a personal servant. Then after I have found my new servant you will die by the hands of either Pan or one of her family members which you detest the most, the choice is up to you, Pan." I declare; the last phrase addressing the girl named Pan.

"I appreciate this act of kindness, Your Majesty, but I do not wish for him to be killed." I hear her say to me. I send her a look of confusion, but quickly turn it into a plain non-expressive look.

"He deserves to die. If you don't do it and if your family members decline to carry out my orders also, then what good would it have done for me to stop his vile actions? He will come back and reap revenge on either you or a family member, something that you could have prevented." I say to her, authority drenched in my voice, and then I notice a look on her face………one that I quickly recognize because I've seen it on my own self before when I look in the mirror, the look of not wanting to kill someone because you hate death and murder. I suddenly find myself chastising my own actions, because I'm doing exactly what my father and brother do, after I had sworn never to become like them. I walk over to the girl named Pan, ignoring the sounds of flesh under my feet as I walk on the man in my way as I finally make my way in front of her. She was still on the floor since that animal threw her there, so I kindly offered my hand to her to help her up. She eyed me suspiciously, but in the end my warm smile won her over and she took my hand gratefully, as I helped her stand.

"Listen," I start to whisper to her, getting her attention. "I can clearly see that you don't like to kill others, but sometimes it is necessary if one is to ever live in peace and an overall better society. This is one of those times, whether or not you want to carry out my order is one thing, but ridding this planet of disposable scum like him is another………I know that when your father hears of what he almost did to you, he will surly kill him. Don't let your kindness get in the way of justice, Pan." I tell her in a hushed tone of voice so that no one else but the raven hared girl before me could hear.

"I understand, Your Highness, I will do as you have said………thank-you for the advise." She answers, a look of appreciation swimming in her dark chocolate pools of sight. I answer her by winking at her rather than speaking my "no problem" answer.

"Well, what are you waiting for, you abomination of a man, apologize." I order the being that was cowardly crawling on the floor, he quickly made his way over to Pan's feet and bowed deeply, so that his forehead touched the ground. When he got directly in front of her he muttered his apology and then stood.

"Now, Pan………I want you to lead me to your parents so that I can be present when this animal apologizes to them." I say to the inky-black-hared girl, which in turn smiles happily and starts to lead the way with me and the soon-to-be-dead man in tow. She led us through narrow unsanitary grounds, until we finally arrive. She pointed her father out to me, who was in the mud pit mixing the straw, dirt, and water mixture with his legs by pumping them up and down.

And then something strange happened………instead of studying her father, I found myself staring at one of the other mud pit worker's who's hair stuck out in every direction. From what I could tell he was very strong and handsome………especially with his body drenched in his own slick shimmering sweat. What happened next took me by surprise………almost as if it were ordained by some higher power, he suddenly turned around and met my gaze with his ebony midnight orbs. Our eyes locked, and I could almost taste the tension in the air. I guess he was experiencing the same thing because at that moment we both broke through the trance like state and did not look back at each other for fear that we might be caught staring at each other's souls by someone.

I know that sounds stupid, but it is not right for me to be gazing into the eyes of a stranger, let alone a third class mud pit worker! And It's certainly not right for a third class Saiyijin to just get lost into the Princess's eyes just like that! Hell, if my father or brother would have seen that, they would have probably thrown a fit and kill his whole line of family!

"Dad, um………" I heard Pan say from beside me as she projected uncertainty in how to approach the situation. Her father trudged through the thigh high thick mud as quickly as he could and stood before his daughter and I with a look of ambivalence on his young looking features. At a distance I could see a woman drawing near to us, her facial expression imitating that of the young looking father before Pan and I.

From what I could gather, Pan was so extremely stressed and nervous that she was practically emitting her feelings to me. The woman that was coming towards us is Pan's mother, and she too, wore a look of not only puzzlement but also one of motherly worry. And believe it or not, the guy in the pits that had caught my attention was also related to Pan in some way because he followed a few steps behind Pan's father, who I still haven't learned his name. Two more people came to join the small group of family, one male that looked like an exact copy of the hansom guy that was standing behind Pan's father, and one female who I guess was the man's mate. I'm guessing that they are Pan's grandparents or something.

Seeing that Pan was at a loss for words I brought is upon myself to explain exactly what was going on to the small group of people.

"Your beloved Taskmaster here," I started to say, making sure that I let the sarcasm drip from my voice with the first phrase, at the same time gaining the attention of everyone as I pointed to the culprit. "Tried to strip Pan of not only her dignity and pride as a Saiyijin, but also her innocence of an untouched being, earlier today. I was able to stop the vile act before it got too far, thusly preventing rape, which is something that is payable on death in my book. Therefore I have sentenced this……… so-called man, to death by the hands of Pan or either one of you; the choice is up to you, Pan." I finished, directing my last phrase to the imp looking girl beside me. She and all of her relatives around me sent a look of gratitude my way, but that look disappeared completely when they all turned to look at the squirming man with a hatred in there eyes that made me feel very uneasy. Pan turned to look at me, reflecting the same exact uneasiness that I was probably portraying to her.



I had never in my life felt such an uprising rage and hatred towards someone like I did right now. The cerulean hared goddess had saved my Pan, who means more than just a niece to me………she's more like my sister, and for going out of her way to save a third class who does not even qualify as worthy enough to kiss the ground she walks on, I owe her everything I hold important in my life.

But right now this overpowering rage within me is too focused on ripping out and killing the discussing son of a bitch who tried to touch Pan in an intimate way when she's not even Of Age yet! How dare he even think to do that to her.

And then it hits me:

Its all because of me, its my fault that he went after her………if he would have just killed me yesterday, none of this would have happened. I put her in danger's way just so that I could go on and live my meaningless life………how could I be so stupid?

If the beautiful princess before me had not intervened, then Pan would have been raped senseless over and over again with no end, and she would have probably kept quiet about it, knowing her. What a kind and gracious princess I serve!

I look over at Gohan to see how he's taking the news, lets just say that at the moment his eyes are so bloody red that he can't see anyone but the coward in front of him.

"Just tell me when Pan, and I'll rip him to pieces for you." I hear my brother growl out in a low and evil tone of voice that sounds strange coming from him. I have never in my life seen my brother so set on killing someone like the way he was now. When I look over to see how Pan is doing I notice the look of horror on her face, she was never the type that killed anyone or even desired for someone to be killed.

What I saw next almost made my heart stop in mid-beat:

The Princess of Vegeta-sei was consoling my Pan by placing one of her delicate goddess like hands on her shoulders and rubbed it in an understanding sort of way. Mystical crystal blue orbs met with dancing chocolate imp eyes as they both seemed to read each other's minds as they just stood there and exchanged glances with each other.

Finally Pan broke the conversation like scene by speaking.

"Go ahead, dad." I hear her say in a strong voice that strongly opposed the vulnerable look she portrayed. Gohan leaped for the once mighty taskmaster in one simple power-up, but suddenly stopped in mid flight when the coward dared to open his mouth to speak.

"You can't kill me yet, I must escort the princess to help her find a suitable servant." The sick-minded man said, gaining an evil death look from the untouchable beauty that was the Princess.

"I've already found one." She declared, gaining a look of twisted horror from the animal twitching in fear about three feet below my brother. The realization hit me hard as I figured that she was probably going to take Pan away from the others and I.

Suddenly I found the forbidden beauty approaching me with a fire in her eyes as all coherent thought left my brain immediately.

"You will serve my propose well, will you not?" She asked me, I was so stupefied that all I could do was stand there like an idiot with my mouth ajar and my eyes wide in wonder. It took about five seconds for every single word she had just spoken to sink in through my thick scull as I slowly put the words she had uttered together.

"Well? Are you going to keep me waiting or are you going to answer me?" She presses, snapping me out of my stupor state and into hurry-up-and-answer mode.

"Yes! I will be honored to serve you Princess." I answer, gaining a pearly white smile in return for my answer.

"Very well………you may continue with what you were doing." She says to my brother, as I just stand there re-playing the scene in my head to make sure what just happened was not just a dream.

Can you believe it? I, Goten will be the personal servant of the Princess of Vegeta-sei………from a low-life third class nothing, to a high class Princess handy-man something!

Perhaps dad was right; maybe the goddess of fate does favor me.


Hey guys and girls! Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, but I got sick and was unable to do anything.

If you're an observant person, you might have noticed that this chapter is NINE pages long, thank-you very much. And you want to know why I made it long? Not only did I get seven reviews I got more! But I wanted to make it up to you all for me not updating quickly. Trust me I did get a few rotten tomatoes thrown at me which a bunch of HURRY-UP reviews so this is for those of you who DID NOT hurry me up and were just patient and understanding. Thank-you!

Quote of the day:

"Patience is a virtue."

If you leave your e-mail in your review I can tell you when I update, that way you don't have to keep on coming here to see if I updated yet. Again, I'm just thinking of you, the people.


Goten gets a taste of palace life!


I have abandoned my other stories, so I will not update this one for at least two weeks so that I can write a new chapter on at least one of them.

(That was exactly what you wanted to hear huh The Goddess of The Light? Well no worries, I'll start working on chapter 18 to "If Your Not There" Just for you!)

Over and out,
