Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Royalty Fails ❯ Death To You. ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~When Royalty Fails~*~

::smacks head:: I've been forgetting the disclaimer!! I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters, but I do own Kackan, Lily, Adri, and the plot of this story, so no stealing!

This chapter is detected to:

Zerox (my betta)

Special Thanks To:

EVERYONE WHO REVIEWED! (The site was have trouble so I couldn't check my reviews, sorry.)

For Reviewing and saying wether you're a boy or girl!!

When Royalty Fails. Chapter 6.


Very explicit gore scene in this chapter, if you are easily sickened I suggest you speed read through the gory scene. This chapter is rated "R" just for gore and violence………nothing of sexual nature.


"Time to get up young Prince, your father is expecting you and the Princess in the garden this morning for breakfast." I hear my father's right-hand guard, Nappa say to me from the side of my enormous bed. I would not consider myself as a morning person but because of last nights' events I forced myself to get up and go awake my sister from her slumber.

Why you ask? Simply because I owe her that much, and because of the fact that my sister has been known to wear skimpy gowns to sleep, and I rather go wake her up than have some strange man come in and wake her.

If you're guessing that I'm a jealous brother who keeps an eye on his sister, you are absolutely right. No matter how much my father and I trust Nappa, I will not let him take a peep at my sister in one of her slutty nightgowns if I can prevent it. Ever since that incident that happened to my dear sister I have unconsciously found myself looking after her more than what I used to, a person can't trust anyone these days especially when one of your own kind tries to hurt one of your own blood.

I crawl out of my comfortable nest and walk into my bathroom to wash the signs of sleep off of my face then I dismiss Nappa from my quarters by telling him that I would go and wake my sister after I changed out of my sleepwear and into some clothes. I comb my fingers through my lavender, lower neck length tresses as soon as I hear the door to my room shut. On the way out my door I pass by a mirror for a quick check and when I see that everything is decently in place I shortly make my way towards my sister's wing of the palace.

The first sun of the planet is just about to rise past the great mountains, which divide the Upper Kingdom from the Middle Kingdom where the 2nd class Saiyijins lives. Past the Middle Kingdom lies the Lower Kingdom, which is where the 3rd class Saiyijins lives and works for the expansion of the community. Our day starts later than the day of a low class Saiyijin because of the fact that the sunlight touches their land before it does ours, therefore we are about 2 hours behind them in time, much to my relief. I despise mornings with an undying passion that burns everyone I come into contact with in the early morning hours, in other words………I am very grumpy in the morning if I did not have a good night's sleep.

`Oh well, perhaps it will be nice to watch the sunrise with my sister, we haven't done anything like that in a long time.' My mind says to me as I gently knock on my sister's thick wooden door, not expecting her to answer it this early so I just walk in. I silently tiptoe to the form of my sister under the pile of pillows and blankets as I feel a gust of wind sweep through her room, rustling my hair onto my face, which distracts me from jumping on to her tiny form. I turn my attention from the form of my sister to the wide open glass doors on her balcony, which are currently swaying back and forth from the breeze. I find the scene strangely disturbing, taking into account that my sister dislikes having the doors to her room open, heck, she even makes sure her closet door is closed before she goes to sleep.

The calming wind brings something else to my attention; Bra's scent on the rim of the balcony is blown in my direction, making me think the worse. I run back to my sister's bed and quickly pull back the covers to find what I feared.

My sister was not snuggled safe in her bed; she is gone.



"Very well………you may continue with what you were doing." I say to Pan's father as I avert my gaze to not behold the abomination's death, only to notice my brother's Ki shoot up tremendously. I quickly concentrate on him to try and locate where he is, as I turn my head in the direction where his power surge is coming from. The fact that he is angry and heading towards me worries me, but not enough to impair my awareness as I notice that I'm not the only one that has sensed my brother's uproarious energy.

It's funny how things turn out, from what I have learned third class Saiyijins are suppose to be weaklings; this group of third classes are everything but weak little ones. Hell, from what I can feel out the guy that I have chosen to be my personal servant surpasses me, The Princess of Vegeta-sei, in his power reading when his Ki is suppressed, imagine what it's like when he's at full power, amazing.

Not only have I noticed that, but also that Pan's father is exceptionally stronger than even he is! What the fourteen hells is going on here? These are third class Saiyijins right? My gosh, Pan's father's power alone feels greater than Nappa's………and Nappa is supposed to be the strongest of the Royal Guards of the palace, that's why he's my father's Guard, and here he is, a lowly third class, angered by a stupid taskmaster and crushing Nappa's once mighty looking power level with only a shadow of his strength.

This realization falls heavily upon my shoulders as I take in the truth of the whole idea.

`Oh boy………' My mind says to me as I go on to further study the depth of Pan's grandfather's power. My mouth involuntarily hangs open and I can feel my pupils go tiny as my eyebrows shoot up as high as they can………Pan's grandfather is so damn strong that I can't even read all of his underlying strength! But how can that be!? I am one of the most talented when it comes to Ki detection and discerning, how is it that this mere third class Grandpa be so unfathomable in power, so much so that I can't even measure it!? What kind of awful nightmare is this?! Am I dreaming?

I pinch myself hard, and after I feel the pain of the pinch I know for sure that this is any thing but a dream.

I notice Pan look at me with concern clearly written on her face as she tries to figure out what is bothering me so profoundly that I had been totally oblivious to the signals she has been sending me since a while ago. I force a small smile to her as to not worry her too much, but at the same time I guess she can sense that there is something bothering me. I turn my attention towards Pan's father once more, ignoring the blood that splattered everywhere within a four foot diameter around the gruesome torture which produced the sound of gushing with every outburst of blood coming from every ripped vein of the once high and mighty taskmaster.

The look in her father's eyes was enough to turn my whole being livid with apprehension and drained of color. He was so consumed with destroying the man below him, like it was his lone purpose in life to put an end to his taskmaster's pathetic self. The only other person that I have seen have that fire in their eye's when accomplishing something great is my father and brother. My father had the same kind of determination burning within his soul when he wanted to go from ordinary to legendary, and when he accomplished it, the fire that once flickered in the depths of his ebony eyes grew into a full blown flame. My brother has the same flicker of fire in his eyes when he trains to also become legendary like my father; that ember must run within the blood of the strong I guess.

A sickening gushing sound rings in the air around me so I turn my head to see what had caused it, bad idea. Pan's father, who I suppose is named Gohan, because I heard someone murmur the name and directed it to him, dug his fist into his opponent's throat, wiggling his fingers to get more leverage inside of him as he searched for something inside of his enemy. The blood of his foe ran freely down his arm in thin streams of thick red vital juices and dripped on to the dry dusty ground, which immediately soaked it all up as he continued his assault upon the weakened opponent. The evil taskmaster twitched in agony with every movement of Gohan's fingers inside his throat, making his neck muscles tighten around Gohan's wrist which in turn was constricted by the tightening action his neck was involuntarily doing, this only brought more pain to the foe who dared touch Pan.

A look of sick amusement crossed Gohan's face as he finally found what he had been digging for, in one swift movement he grabbed something witch was hidden deep within the depths of his opponent's throat and pulled it out. This act caused the man below him to cry out in pain but the obstructing pooled blood in his damaged throat muffled his cry dramatically, making his cry of pain come out in a gurgling way which made my stomach churn in disgusted protest. Pan's father had pulled out the tongue of his enemy through the hole he had made in his lower throat, and he let it hang there like a tie while he sent death glares of morbid fascination with what he had done so far to torture his forever hated superior.

Pan could no longer witness such an ugly gore scene so she completely turned around, and preferred to not look upon her father in his current state of gruesome violence.

I too could no longer behold such vile killing so I turned my head also. I tried with all of my might to block out all of the taskmaster's cries and all of the sounds of blood gushing out through tight enclosures which were insanely ripped with no mercy by the unstoppable force of Pan's father, Gohan. I was unconsciously wishing that someone would stop Pan's father from his continuing assault on the dead body, which was being defiled inexcusably by Gohan's blind rage. The once head taskmaster had died a while ago from the lost of blood, I figured that much out when the lack of breathy gurgled cries stopped coming for over five minutes.

Finally, as if Pan's grandfather could read my mind, he walked up to his son and placed a hand on his blood stained shoulder which was marked by the red blood of his now dead enemy. A few words came forth from the mouth of the older man, I couldn't exactly make out what he was saying, but its was said in a comforting tone of voice which immediately made Pan's father stop his defilement of the dead body before him. Gohan sidestepped and turned to face his father and tears danced upon the rim of his eyelashes as he hugged his father in a tight embrace.

`What an unexpected turn of events………' my mind said to me as I beheld the baffling scene before me. Who would have thought that someone who could kill another in such a stomach-churning manner would in the end feel bad?

Could it be that I'm not the only one who dislikes killing? Could it possibly mean that there are other's just like me………others who hate to kill and rather just let someone else get their hands dirty because they enjoy it?



I looked on from my current position, noticing how my brother cried freely into my father's open shoulder. To be perfectly honest, I have to admit that my brother did cross a few unspoken lines in the "how to kill" department, I mean………sure that animal deserved what he got but………I just never thought my own brother could do such a thing. It's almost like some evil blood lusting demon took over him and his good-natured self and turned him into a morbid torture inflicting devil who enjoyed every anguished cry that the taskmaster let out. The look that shined in Gohan's eyes was one to make even me shiver in fear, just the way he expressed joy and enthrallment with every single bit of pain the lower man expressed was enough for a wickedly evil smile to cavort upon his lips. It was definitely a demon that took over him; my brother would never enjoy inflicting pain upon another, no matter what he or she has done against him or one of our family members.

(A/N: Two of Today's Vocabulary words: Enthrallment---Syn. Fascination, enchantment, charm, attraction. Cavort: to leap about--- Syn. Prance or caper)

I turn my head once more to gaze upon the untouchable beauty known as the Princess and find that her attention has been turned to the fairly high power level heading in our direction. A look of worry crosses her features and it looks like she wants to say something but is a bit held back to do so, Pan immediately notices this and extends a comforting hand to her and whispers something quietly into the Princesses ear. Too bad I can't hear what my niece is saying………probably just some girlie stuff.

"Pardon me, but I really must get going. It was a pleasure meeting you Pan, although the circumstances could have been better. You and your family are always welcome to come and visit me whenever you please." The cerulean hared goddess said in her beautiful voice as I just stood there in a daze, drowning in her sultry laced utterance. I wonder how in the world am I going to keep my feet on the ground and not up in the air whenever I'm around her………damn, if anyone notices me acting like this it will be the beheading house for me.

I find my mind asking this question:

Is the fact that I am now the servant of the breathtaking beauty known as the Princess of Vegeta-sei a curse or a blessing?

My mind suddenly draws a blank as the blue flamed headed goddess turns to look at me in the eyes. Her mouth opens and closes, in a fashion which comes often hand in hand with words, however I can't hear anything come out of her mouth as I find myself lost the light blue sea contained within her eyes.

She is so………beautiful, kind, and untouchable. Her skin looks just like cream, soft, and flowing without a trace of any impurity.

Forget what I was asking myself before………If I lived a thousand lives I would die in every single one of them if it would only mean to serve such a wonderful mistress, whether it's a curse or not I don't care as long as I could just satisfy myself by looking upon such infallible beauty.

(A/N: Another word: Infallible-Incapable of error; never wrong. - Syn: perfect, faultless, unquestionable.)

My mother elbows me in the side and wakes me up from la-la land and impatiently looks at me. I turn my attention back to the Princess and forget about the nasty looks my mother is sending me, all I know is that I have the most beautiful maiden in front of me and that I have gotten the privilege to serve her.

………er……… well the Princess was in front of me.

"GOTEN! Hurry up or else you'll lose her!" My mother says to me in a loud tone of voice with an ambiguous look on her twisted angered face, if that is even possible.

(A/N: New word: "Ambiguous" it means- to be not clear; indefinite; uncertain; vague. Or having two or more possible meanings.)

Now I was confused beyond reason………where did she go? I look around me and mentally kick myself for not paying attention to what the Princess was saying when I decided to drown in her blue depths. I am so stupid! STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!! I decide to give up looking for her and decide to give in to my………er………usual clue-less self.

"Umm………where did she go?" I ask no one in particular in my sheepish tone as I take on the usual stance that comes along with it. (A/N: You know, one hand behind the head and the huge Son grin.)

"Your hopeless Son Goten. She flew off in a westerly direction; you better hurry up if you want to catch up to her." My mother says in a tone of sympathy mixed with sadness. Me being her youngest son; my mother naturally still considers me as her little one, so as to not make her too sad I get closer to her and lean down to place a kiss goodbye on her motherly cheek. She immediately returns the gesture and pulls me into a tight embrace that I return. I break the tender moment and look in Pan's direction only to find that she is not where she last was and instead in right in front of me. Pan throws her arms open and pounces on me with all of her strength, knocking me off balance and on to the dusty ground, making the dried up mud on my stiff legs crack and make a mess around us. She hugs me as tight as she possibly can as she lets her emotions fly into overdrive and starts to let her precious tears fall from her eyes; cascading down her cheeks until they fall onto me and drip into the dry ground.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you Goten, but I'll go and visit you sometime if you promise to never forget me." Pan said quietly so that I would be the only one to hear as she helped me up and off the ground. I wiped off her remaining tears with my thumb and kiss her forehead in acknowledgment; actions speak much more loudly than words do. I then waved goodbye to the others as I flew off after the lady who turned everything in my life upside down in a matter of seconds.



Who would have know that such tenderness existed in even the most poorest of families, I certainly thought that such care occurred only between my family, and even then, we do not express our feelings towards each other out in the open; freely like these low classes do. I have always noticed that my race is not exactly what you would qualify as a caring, loving or whatever you want to call it. My race is known across the universe for being ruthless, merciless murderers who take what they can………only the strong survive here, and I learned that the hard way.

Yet, I see how freely these people express their love for each other with no restraint what so ever and I can't help but feel a tinge of jealousy rise inside of me. Riches; Royalty, what are they worth compared to the emotional tenderness and love that these third class Saiyijins display and give away to each other? Priceless……… that's what it is. I would rather be the lowest of the low and have love shown to me than be royal and rich, and without love.

I quickly discard my train of thought as I notice that the mud pit worker starts to fly towards me.



"I was beginning to think that you no longer wished to serve me." I hear the princess say to me as I came into earshot of her.

"Forgive me, Your Highness, it's just that I wanted to say goodbye to my family." I answer, hiding the nervousness in my voice with ease.

"What is your name mud pit worker." I hear her demand of me more than ask me, I guess that the way servants are treated………oh well, no matter.

"Son, Goten, Your Majesty. What's yours?" I ask, trying to make the flight less nervous for myself by trying to start some small talk. I guess I said something wrong because she abruptly turned to face me as we flew against the sun's rays.

"Bra, but you will only address me by one of my titles. When in company you will not speak unless spoken to by one of my family members or me. Another thing you must remember is to never look at one of your superiors in the eyes unless directed to do so or unless you assess that the situation calls for eye contact. If you fail to remember this I cannot guarantee you a long life in service. You are to be humble and submissive, obeying orders and request given by me." She instructs me in a strong authoritative tone of voice.

"Who are my superiors other than your family and you, Your Highness?" I ask, not really seeing the whole picture that was being painted as a look of confusion overtook on my face.

"All of the personal Guards of my family, which are: Nappa, my father, and mother's guard, I don't know who is my brother's current guard………he goes through so many that I've lost interest in remembering their names because they all end up dead. And all of the other random guards who live in either my brother or parent's wing." She says to me in a passive manner. Curiosity gets the best of me and I decide to ask a few more questions about these rules, still not seeing all of the guidelines and possible loopholes.

"Do you not have a personal Guard to escort you, Princess?" I ask, trying to see her facial expression, but I'm unable to do so because of the fact that her backside is facing me. I wonder if I'm annoying her?

"No. You are my escort; it is not really necessary for me to have a personal Guard at the moment because I figure that my brother's watchful eye is enough." She explains, making her sentences short and to the point, instead of elaborating and forming a conversation with me. I decide not to push my luck so instead of questioning her about her brother I go back to my questions concerning these rules I must follow.

"Am I to follow only your orders or am I to do what others order me to do also, Your Majesty? I ask, noticing that the strong power level that I noticed earlier was approaching us at a fast speed, if we kept on going at the speed that we were accomplishing we would meet this power in roughly about 60 seconds.

"You are to do only as I say. If my mother orders you to do something then go ahead and do it but if either my brother or my father tell you to do something you can just listen to them and don't do it if it goes against me." She answers, I guess not really caring about the strong power coming.

"Excuse me, your Highness, am I to protect you also?" I ask, noting that a chi ball was heading directly towards the princess at a high speed, although she did not notice it or saw it. You know, just want to make sure its Ok to protect her because if its not then I wouldn't want to be punished.

"If the situation calls for it, then of course." She answers; I immediately go in front of her and cross my arms to block against the almost invisible chi ball that was quickly approaching. I guess I went in front of her a little too fast for her to see because she rammed into me hard and kind of lost her balance in the air.

"What is the meaning-----" She started to say but was cut off by the realization that I was blocking her from a chi blast that was intended to hit her. I blocked it and deflected it with little effort because it wasn't that strong, but my chest throbbed in protest at my fast power up, I guess I still am not completely healed from my injuries. A guy with lavender hair immediately followed the blast and stood there in the air, a look of anger was clearly written in bold letters across his face. He wore a spandex dark blue body suit that went as high up as half his neck and on top of that he wore Saiyijin armor much like the one that the Princess has on only it's a lot more masculine.



"Who the hell is this!?" I shout at my sister while pointing at the person, angered that the blast did not hit her and was instead blocked and deflected by some guy in a loincloth of sort. His legs were soiled and stiff all the way up to the thighs by what I guess is mud; he wore no shirt and no pants or decent covering for that matter. The only thing that kept him decent was a cloth, which was made of some kind of brown animal fur and was fashioned into some sort of underwear. A look of scorn immediately overtook my features and was directed toward my beloved sister.

(A/N: Ooooooo, Goten in a furry undies. ::drool:: Ok, all of you who are anti-animal killing, poor people have to kill animals to dress themselves.)

"He's my new personal servant, you killed Kackan so I needed a new servant, I simply went to third class territory to get one. Obviously I made a wise decision because not only can he serve me, but I bet he will make a sufficient protector, considering that the blast that was intended for me was strong enough to have killed a weak Saiyijin." She says to me in a passive authoritative tone of voice that she commonly used when speaking to my father or I when we're in the presence of another.

"Oh, I see, and I suppose there were no worthy third class females to choose from. The only one that fulfilled the requirements was this one hmm? Or could it be that my little blue hared vixen wanted someone so ogle?" I say to her in a suggestive sneaky tone of voice that gets her all wired up and upset. Her cheeks puff up in anger and embarrassment while she obviously tries to hide her blush as she makes a fist in frustration at the fact that she can't get rid of her blushing. The guy that had blocked my blast was just standing there, with a confused look on his face and still had not noticed my sister's insane blushing.

"Excuse me, but I don't think you should speak to the Princess in that manner, you could be severely punished if you do not use her title, Sir." I heard the funny looking male say to me in a tone that held nothing but sincerity. I wanted to laugh at his lack of knowledge of who exactly he was speaking to, and how he had said the sentence………I don't know, it just sounded so funny coming from such a clue-less looking character. I smirked at him in acknowledgment and he simply grinned widely in response, for some reason I can't help myself but like this person………he looks so childish for his age, I'm sure he won't harm my sister.

But if he does………I'm raising hell in all it's glory on him.

"You're right, please forgive me, Your Excellency." I say to my dear sister, gaining a look of unbelief from her and a look of gratitude from the guy with hair that stuck out in every single direction. It still baffles me that he can't see that I'm the Prince………could he be that uncultured? Oh well, I'll let it slip for now, I'll let him continue thinking that I'm just another Saiyijin like everyone else, after all it's not everyday that I can pass for a common Saiyijin and be treated as an equal.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you both at the palace when I get back from my duties, try to not get into that much trouble." I state in a passive uncaring manner to my sister then power up and fly in the direction of the rising sun; second class territory.


(A few minutes later, the arrival to the palace.)


"We will enter the palace through my balcony since no one knows that I'm not here, understand?" I hear the princess say to me as we approached the enormous royal grounds at an alarming rate, considering that we were flying pretty fast.

"Yes I understand perfectly………you snuck out last night didn't you, your Highness?" I say to her in a playful accusing voice while smirking. She looks over her shoulder and reflects my playful smirk.

"I have no idea about what you're talking about, I simply decided to take a walk outside and seeing that my balcony doors were closer than the main doors I used them." She said to me in a fake innocent tone, which would fit her almost perfectly had it not been for the smirk upon her beautiful features. We promptly arrived at her balcony doors unnoticed by the scouters worn by the gate guards as we flew over them by suppressing our chi's to almost nothing.

I stood there flabbergasted at such grand eye candy, my mouth must have hit the floor and my eyes grew to the size of saucers while my eyebrows shot up so high that they completely left my forehead and blasted to the ceiling.

"Wow………" Was the only thing I could say at the moment as I took in the grandeur of the room I stood in. The ground was a dark blue in color and had tiny mirror bits embedded into it reflecting everything on it. Made of what looked like marble or an equivalent of it; it looked almost like liquid in smooth softness but was hard and cold to my feet that stood upon it. In the very center of the enormous room there was an extremely large area rug of sky blue in coloring and long shaggy fibers in texture, greatly contrasting the dark flooring. The lighting of the room was strange, and varied in color I couldn't see where it came from but it reminded me of the wind; it's there although logically it's questionable. Occasionally I could see tiny sparkles of some sort of light source; like pixy dust of some sort, that changed colors constantly. The ceiling was a compleat reflective surface, but it was not a mirror; it looked exactly like water when reflecting the light of the moon, although it also reflected the things in the room with a certain moon light glow, very strange indeed! The walls looked exactly like the floor, hanging upon it were beautiful paintings of mystical creatures that seemed to come alive with every shadow or glimmer of light that touched it. Fairies adorned the room wherever their magic touched, as they flew in and out of the ceiling, and kept within three feet of it. Against one of the walls was her bed, elevated on two platforms that formed two steps to reach it, the plat forms were make of the same stuff the floor was. Every shade of blue in the universe, it seems, was on her bed in the form of blankets, sheets, and a mountainous amount of pillows arranged accordingly upon it. Perfect glass doors with water lilies crafted upon it were placed to my right, were I suppose the washroom would be. Further into the room, about twenty feet across from me stood two humoungously huge [1] wooded cherry doors that touched the ceiling and floor, and upon it were elaborate carvings of dancing nude sky-clad female fairies and imps, others were sitting on large fat mushrooms. This made me blush a little bit but I quickly banished it, not wanting to call attention to myself. Numerous articles of furniture sat on the flooring, a desk with it's companion; a chair, couches, and a large chiffonier to top it all off, not to mention the gigantic teddy bear that sat beside her bed.

When I had finished my observations I had taken notice that Bra was no longer beside me or anywhere to been seen, so I took it upon my self to investigate my surroundings a bit more profoundly. I've been taught to learn all I can about a person, his or her background, past, weaknesses, anything that may give me an upper hand in any situation that may arise with the person. Why? Well, simply because being that my race is Saiyijin it is a common fact that Saiyijins tend to make a lot of enemies within their own so it's good to have information about the people your surrounded with.

"Goten, I've called upon some of my servants to get you cleaned up; can't have the servant of the Princess looking like that." I hear the Princess announce to me, interrupting my curious state as she pointed at me. She paused and looked at me in a funny way, I couldn't really name the emotion that promenaded upon her face.

"What are you doing?" She asks me in a tone that suggests that she's baffled by me in my current situation. I'm at the moment floating in mid air while about to touch the curiosity inflicting ceiling with my pointer finger, I guess I must look pretty stupid because I can tell that she's about to bust into a giggling fit.

"Ummm………I've never seen anything like this, I wanted to see if it feels like water." I say to her in the tone that comes out of me whenever I'm in either an embarrassing situation or when someone catches me acting like a little kid or I'm placed in an awkward position, or all of the above, I believe the word I'm looking for is sheepish. As soon as I finished my sentence she smiled at me a tenderly, someone would usually use this kind of smile when seeing something amusing or cute; I can't help but melt inside at the fact that she is actually smiling at me for being stupid, how ironic.

"I'll show you what it is later, right now my servants are waiting for you; they are going to get you cleaned and primed for your introduction to my mother; follow me." She says to me, I get down and follow her to a door that I had not noticed and upon walking through it I found that it was connected to a different room. It was much more modest compared to the Bra's room but it was still grand in magnificence.

"This will be your room, you'll have time to adust it to fit your liking later; follow me." She stated when she saw that I had stopped following her to admire the details of my new room. She led me to a separate part of my room, one that I guess was used to get cleaned up or a bathroom as I had heard it was called, standing inside stiffly there were two elderly women; about in their thousands if they're Saiyijins.

"These women will assist you in getting cleaned. I suggest you don't cross them, they can get mean if you don't do as they say." I hear the Princess declare in a tone that says she knows exactly what she's talking about from experience. I then walk toward the elderly women, my back facing the Princess for the first time today. A loud gasp graces my hearing and I turn to find that it came from the Princess who is looking at me with concern written all over her fair face.

"What happened to you!?" she says in a loud tone of voice as she forcefully turns me so that she can further inspect the gashes on my back which were made by the taskmaster's whip yesterday, I guess I didn't have time to put on some healing cream this morning so I just went to work like this. The realization that the princess is touching me is enough to make my heart stop and my breathing die for about five seconds before I get my head screwed back on and my vocals ready to work.

"I was beaten yesterday by the taskmaster that lies dead at the hands of my brother, your Highness, sorry I'm not in tip-top condition." I explain to her, hiding my emotional state with all of my might while praying to any godly figure I can come up with to help my voice not break off while trying to ignore the bolts of electricity running up and down my spine. My state is made known when I feel my skin tighten it's self and make goose-bumps all over me, how embarrassing.

"That stupid bastard, the planet is a better place without him. So, Pan's father is your brother? I didn't know that." She says to me and the goes on, "You two, make sure to be careful when cleaning his wounds." She commands while addressing the two elderly women; they immediately bow in agreement to her will. Bra then goes to the far end of the bathroom and takes a seat in front of a vanity thing and picks up a book of sort with interest, completely forgetting about the two elderly women and I as if we weren't even existent anymore.

I really have to learn how to read body language between the lines because as soon as the action of the princess ignoring us was noticed, one of the elderly women approached me.

"The water will get cold if you don't hurry." She says to me while pushing me toward the bubbly watered bathtub while the other woman gets a pair of scissors and flashes them in front of me in a casual manner, not noticing my nervousness.

"Excuse me, but I really don't need help washing myself-" I start to say but I'm immediately cut off by having cold metal scissors slide between my skin and underwear and preform a snipping action to remove it from me with ease. While my article of clothing is still in the process of falling to the floor the other elderly woman pushes me into the bathtub before I have time to voice my protest and my embarrassment, needless to say that I did fall, face first if you want to get technical. As soon as I was completely submerged except for my head the two started scrubbing away, starting at my feet. I could feel my eyes tearing up when the women started to scrub between my toes; the dried up mud stuck to my skin, therefore it hurt very much when it was removed, pulling skin along with it. They continued their sterilizing assault upon me, using this dried up scratchy plant thing to scrape away every single bit of evidence that indicated ties to my formal job and life.

"You know, you could have just asked me to remove my clothes, it's not like I'm some wild uncontrollable animal that you have to treat harshly to get your job done." I said out loud, letting the bitterness of my anger and embarrassment drip from my words.

"Shut it boy, there's no use in getting upset about it, now is there? Besides, had I not ruined it you might have worn it again." The eldest of the old women said to me in a tone that only an elderly woman could possess.

No more words were passed between us; she simply ignored my glares and various ouches that I voiced every time one of them would scrub too hard or roughly. All of the sudden all of the scrubbing stopped and I looked up to see that both of the women had backed away from me and took two steps away from the bubbly bathtub; at the same time the soft padding sounds of footsteps caught my hearing. The Princess approached me and I couldn't help but avert my gaze from her in slight discomfort of being in line of her ever-watchful eyes. I was never modest when growing up, the concept of modesty was never taught to any of us, but I find it incommodious being seen in my most vulnerable state by someone of high importance. Just as she notices that my eyes are not on her she catches my attention by holding up two bottles of some kind of shampoo or a tantamount of it.

(A/N: Incommodious: causing inconvenience; uncomfortable; troublesome. Tantamount: having equal force, value, effect, etc.; equal or equivalent.)

"Which one do you prefer, "Sweet Musk" or "Spiced Bronze"?" The cerulean hared vixen asked in her unintentional voluptuarius tone of voice, which made my body explode in goose bumps. She gave them both to me to smell; my face wrinkled in disgust at the strong smell that emitted from the bottle named "Sweet Musk" so I automatically opted for the one that had the spicy clean smell.

(A/N: Voluptuarius- Syn.- sultry.)

"Spiced Bronze, definitely. Yuck! How can anyone use that musk thing!?" I shout, trying to blow out the strong sent that bombarded my nostrils and made them burn, not really addressing anyone with my loud tone.

"You got me on that one; Ladies, you may continue." The Princess announced handing the bottle labeled "Spiced Bronze" to the lady that spoke to me earlier. In absolutely no time at all I felt the cold creamy substance of shampoo puddled upon my head with four hands following it closely, working it into every single inch of hair on my head. I voiced my pain every time one of the elderly women would tug and pull on my spikes roughly, and sometimes they would even pull out my hair; they were yanking so hard!

(A/N: Poor Goten.)


[1] I know humongously huge is not a word, I used it cause it's an inside joke that this guy named Richard came up with.

The reason I used big words today is because I REALLY have to start improving my vocabulary so that when I take the S.A.T. test I'll ace the vocabulary section, and I'm doing a favor for all of you who are in high school, trust me.

THIS CHAPTER IS A LITTLE OVER 12 PAGES LONG, thank you very much. I'll need to see 20 reviews before I update again, so while you guys (and girls) are reviewing I'll be working on my other story, "If You're Not There" Thank-you!

Over and out,
