Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When the Past Meets the Future ❯ Chapter 03 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


When the Past Meets the Future

By: bardocksbabygirl


Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, nor do I make any money from it. So please don't sue me.

*this* is thinking

~this~ is telepathy


Chapter 3


~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~


Trunks and Celeste were leaving the hospital and were headed to his parent’s house. They went to stay there for a few days. Then stay with Goku and Chichi a few days. He wanted to make sure she was with someone at all times so this would not happen again. When they landed in the back yard his mother and ChiChi came rushing out of the house towards them.


"How are you baby." squealed ChiChi as she grabbed hold of Celeste and began to hug her tightly.


"I am fine mama Chi. Just a little tired. The doctor said for me to take it easy for a few days." as she looked at Trunks and grinned he was also getting squeezed by his mother.


"I am going back to work next week along with Trunks when he has that big meeting."


"WHAT/" screamed both women


"Mother, the doctor said she should fine enough to go back to work by then. She knows more about this meeting than even I do. She has been doing all the work while I have been training. She is vital to this going soothingly. This is a big contract for Capsule Corps. And it could mean thousands more jobs for a little town that has no real jobs." as he looked at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "She is my personal secretary."


"Are you sure you want to go back to work" frowned Bulma "Having a baby with any Saiyan blood is going to be hard on you. I know when I was working and pregnant with Trunks and Bra, they both seemed to want to use me as their personal training room."


"I am positive" as two strong arms encircled her now growing waist.


She looked up to see the man she called her father looking down at her with a loving smile on his face. She leaned into his embrace. His smile got even bigger when he felt the ki of the child growing within her. He was going to be strong. He had never felt a ki a baby so strong. He wondered if it had to do with it being saiyan and human. Pan was an exceptional strong little baby when she was born. But not even her ki was this strong when Videl was pregnant with her.


"Your son is going to be strong. His ki is already stronger than Gohan's when ChiChi was this far along with him." then suddenly his face turned grave. "I am worried about when you give birth to him. Maybe he is too strong for you to handle."


"Do not worry. Giving birth to my son will not kill me. I have already seen myself holding him." as she smiled at Trunks and remembered the images of what her son would look like. "He will look exactly like Prince Vegeta."


Vegeta just hmphed and walked into the house. He was secretly smiling, knowing his family line would be stronger than Kakarotts. Trunks grabbed Celeste into his arms and flew to the balcony of his old bedroom. He opened the doors and stepped into the room. The room was the same as when he last stayed in it a few years ago, his mother decided it better to leave it as it was so he would always feel welcome. He laid Celeste onto the massive king size canopy bed. He turned to leave when he was stopped by a gentle hand on touching his bed.


"Stay with me for a while" as she looked at him with her best puppy dog face she could muster.


Her bottom lip quivered as if she was going to burst into tears at any moment. He studied her deep pool of blue eyes, amusement as he fought with himself on if he should stay with her or go train with his father. He sighed and climbed onto the bed beside her.


She purred when she felt the contact with his massive chest. His scent invaded her senses. She took the tip of her tongue and flicked his earlobe. He moaned. Her hands made their way down his muscular body to his hardening manhood. Celeste took her hand and brushed it across his him. He moaned again and squeezed his eyes shut.


Her touch was starting a fire within him that he never wanted to be put out. He could not take any more of her ministrations. He flipped her onto her back. He saw her try to hide the pain she was in. Some of her ribs were still real sensitive. He climbed from off top of her and lay once again beside her. He scooped her into his arms. Trunks began to hum an old saying lull-a-bye that his father used to sing to him. If he remembers right his father was taught it when he was only 3 by his caretaker.


Suddenly Celeste began singing the words to the song. She sounded like an angel from heaven singing to him and him alone. They both drifted off to sleep to the sound of the music in the air.




Vegeta and Bulma were heading upstairs to Trunks room. Bulma wanted Celeste to stay in their home or at her parent's home. That way everyone would know that someone would always be close by to make sure she doesn't get attacked again. Just as they got to the door, they could her singing and Trunks humming the tune.


"Where did she learn that song." asked a confused Vegeta.


"It is beautiful whatever she is singing. Do you know what she is singing?" asked Bulma as she watched her mate's confused look?


"It is a song that I last heard when I was a child, then later when I sang to Trunks and Bra when they were babies." as a frown came to handsome features. "But what really bothers me is that she is singing it in my native Saiyan language."


"Maybe Trunks taught her the words. You did say that you sang it to him." as she opened the door.


When they entered the room the singing had ceased. Celeste and Trunks had fallen asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. They slowly closed the doors and went downstairs Bulma was going to have some tea then go to her lab. Vegeta was going to go to his gravity chamber and train.


Later the same day Trunks woke and slipped from the embrace of Celeste much to her displeasure. He made his way downstairs to the large lab. It was the room right next to his mother's personal lab. He quickly grabbed the new and improved dragon radar that he had fixed when he was five years old. He remembers when he played with his mother's dragon radar and when he showed her what he done had done to it. She was so proud. His father’s smirk even turned to a slight smile. That was the first of the few times he has ever seen his father smile.


He quickly retreated into his parent's home. He clicked the radar and seen the destination of the first dragonball. He quickly took to flight and headed to the east.


~~~~~A Week Later~~~~~


Every day for the past week he has gone in search of a dragonball. He is now in search of the five-star ball. It is buried in the depths of ice and snow in the arctic. He flares his ki just enough to melt the snow. As the snow melts he begins to float downward getting closer to his prize. After going about a hundred and fifty feet deep an orange glow catches his eye. He quickly snatches the dragonball and takes to the air. On the flight home Trunks recalls where he found each dragonball.




On the first day of his adventure he located the three-star ball in the possession of a kindly old woman. When approached about her prize possession suddenly from nowhere a frying pan came out of nowhere and hit him over the head. *Man, she must be some relation to ChiChi to be able to make a frying pan come out of nowhere. * as he rubbed his sore head. After he quickly explained why he was searching for the dragonballs the woman gratefully gave him the dragonball.


On the second day of his adventure the one star ball in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in a school of great white sharks. As he got the dragonball a few of the sharks decided to try to make him lunch. He quickly took care of them by frying one of their friends. They quickly retreated.


The third day was no better he had to fight a mother pterodactyl who thought the seven-star ball was one of her eggs. Fortunate for him one of her real eggs began to hatch and she forgot about him almost immediately.


The fourth day was not bad the four-star ball was just located in a desert under a few tons of sand. He flared his ki and made a sandstorm and moved the sand so he could retrieve the dragonball easy.


The fifth day was not so easy. The two-star ball. Was in the possession of some cannibals. Before Trunks knew what had happened to him, he was waking up tied to a pole in the ground and some fat guy was smearing something like barbecue sauce all over him. The cannibal had drool dripping from his lips as he looked at Trunks. He looked at them with disgust and quickly got untied and just took the ball and fled. He would have to remember not to go to this part of the world again.


The sixth day was the easiest Goten had the ball and all he had to was tell Goten that Celeste wanted the dragonball and he handed it right over to him. No questions asked. He would have figured Goten would have wanted to know what she was going to wish for. But to tell the truth Trunks didn't even know.


~~~~~~~Flashback Ended~~~~~~~


Here he was now taking her the last of the dragonballs. He and Celeste was going to travel to the desert where his father and Goku first fought. And that was where their three wishes were going to be made. For some odd reason, she didn't want anyone to know what they wishes were going to be for. As he got closer to his parents’ home he could see her outside waiting for him.


When he arrived, he just swooped her up and they headed for their destination. When they landed in the desert spot she quickly opened a capsule and threw it to the ground. BOOM! Out popped the other six balls. Trunks walked over to them and placed the seventh ball with them. They began to glow.


"Arise, great dragon and please grant our wishes!" screamed Celeste as she watched the dragonballs begin to glow brighter.


"Who has summoned me." bellowed a very cranky dragon


"I have called upon you great dragon" as Celeste began to speak in a language Trunks did not know but the dragon seemed to understand her. "I wish that no one can you wish to be immortal with any dragonballs."


"Your wish has been granted. What is your second wish" bellowed the dragon as his eyes flashed red.


"I wish that no Saiyan alive or dead can wish for power." as the wind from the dragon blew her hair around her face.


"Your wish is granted. What is your final wish?"


"My final wish is for King Vegeta, Queen Tatana, Goku's father, Raditz, Nappa, and my mother to be brought back to life."


"I can't grant your wish."


"Ah, but you can dragon" as she began to float off the ground.


She and the dragon both began to glow. The dragonballs began glowing. The light was so bright Trunks had to shield his eyes. The wind whipped around them with such force you would have thought someone had transformed to Super Saiyan.


"Your wish has been granted except for your mother. She is not dead. I bid thee mortal's farewell." as the dragonballs floated in the air and shot into different directions of the Earth to be hidden for another year or till someone has hunted them to make new wishes.


Suddenly, Saiyans appeared before Trunks and Celeste. She just collapsed at his feet. He caught her before she hit the ground.


"Who has brought us back from hell to this mud ball of a planet" asked King Vegeta as he crossed his arms across his chest and surveyed his surroundings.


He noticed a lavender haired boy holding a blonde-haired girl in his arms. He slowly walked towards the boy.




Goku and his family had just arrived and Capsule Corps when the evening sky suddenly turned dark. They all knew that someone had summoned the eternal dragon.


"I wonder who has called for the dragon" as he scratched his head.


"I don't know Kakarott. But I am going to find out." as he began to take to the air.


"Not without me mister." screamed Bulma from the ground. Her hands on her hips.


Vegeta picked up Bulma and Goku picked up ChiChi. And took to flight to solve the mystery of whoever called the dragon was a friend or foe.


On the way, there they meet up With Krillin who had his daughter Marron in his arms and 18 beside him. Piccolo was also going to investigate. Soon enough Gohan, Goten, Videl, Pan, and Yamacha caught up with them.


"Kakarott, do you recognize where we are headed" screamed Vegeta


"Yeah, the place we had our first battle." as he began to descend to the ground.


They all decided it would be better if they walked the rest of the way as not to be seen. Fifteen minutes later they came to a formation of rocks that they could hide behind and see what was going on.


"Hey, that's Trunks and Celeste I wonder what they are wishing for." said a confused Goten as he scratched the back of his head.


"How come we can't understand what they are saying? I have never heard the language before. Does anyone recognize it?" asked Videl as she looked at everyone else confused faces.


No one knew what language she and the dragon were speaking. Suddenly they saw Celeste begin to float. A blinding light that made it impossible for any of them to see what was going on. The wind nearly blew ChiChi and Bulma off the rocks for not their husbands grabbing them and holding them tight to their bodies.


When the light finally faded, the dragon spoke one last time and then vanished. Celeste collapsed, then suddenly from out of nowhere appeared seven people appeared. Vegeta gasped when he recognized who they were.


"Father, Mother?" whispered Vegeta, his mouth fell open in astonishment.


“Did she just summon some Saiyans back to life?” Stated Piccolo


“I wonder why she would do that?” wonder Gohan out loud


Hope you enjoyed reading