Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When the Past Meets the Future ❯ Chapter 04 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

When the Past Meets the Future
By: bardocksbabygirl

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, nor do I make any money from it. So please don't sue me.
*this* is thinking
~this~ is telepathy

Chapter 4

Trunks watched as his grandfather walked towards him with the grace only royalty would have. He felt his arms suddenly getting wet. He looked down at for the first time since she had collapsed into his arms. Blood! There was a spot of blood that just kept growing on the front of her white dress.

"Oh, my Dende. What is going on." just as he was about to take flight his father and the other z warriors landed in front of him.

"Hello father. Hello Mother. It has been a long time." as he sneered at his father, but his usual smirk took on the look of a half-smile.

He got down on one knee and placed a fist over his heart and faced his mother.

"You have grown to be a strong man my son. How I have missed you. I see you have taken a mate. She is not Saiyan." as she placed a hand on her son’s shoulder. "But that is fine. Any female that can win your affections is worthy to be your mate"

Goku walked up to Raditz, Turles and Bardock. And extended his hand for them to shake, but none would shake his hand.

"It has been a long-time brother and uncle." as he looked at Turles and Raditz. Then he turned his attention to Bardock "You and I look just alike."

"You are my son Kakarott." as Bardock walked closer to him. "When our planet was destroyed the one thing I ever regretted was that I never got to hold you as a baby as I got to with your brother."

"My father." as he grabbed Bardock in a bear hug.

Gohan and Goten overheard them talking and ran to Bardock and hugged him. Vegeta was watching this and just shook his head in disgust. His thoughts were interrupted when his daughter came up to him.

"Papa is she really your mother." timidly asked Bra as she eyed the woman, her father was bowed in front of.

"Yes, my child, I am your grandmother." a smiled graced her beautiful face as she walked to Bra. "You have a beautiful daughter, my son. Is she the only child you have?"

"No, I have a son." As he looked around for him.

No one had noticed that neither Trunks nor Celeste was there any more. Each began to wonder what could have happened to them. When suddenly Trunks landed in front of his mother. She saw the sadness in his eyes.

"What is the matter Trunks what has happened." as she embraced his face in her small hands.

"She suddenly began bleeding. I took her to Dende. He healed her. But he said she would be unconscious for a while. He is not sure for how long though." as a tear fell from his eye and slid down his perfect cheek.

"You are weak boy." sneered Nappa “Your mate has made made you weak, you disgrace your family.”.

Before he knew what had happened. Nappa found himself lifted off the ground gasping for his breath. He looked down with wide eyes at the person who had the strength to do this to him. But what he saw was a very peeved blonde-haired Trunks.

"You will never talk badly or even look at my mate if you value your life." growled Trunks as he dropped Nappa to the ground.

"Where is she at now son." asked Vegeta as he frowned at Nappa.

"I left her at Dende's said Trunks as he untransformed.

"I will get her and bring her home. And you can ask her any questions you have then." Stated trunks as he started to take to the air.

"You mean, you don't know why she made this wish." Asked Vegeta with confusion in his voice.

Trunks just shook his head no and took off toward Dende's.

"Come on, everyone can stay at our house till we find out what is going on." Said Bulma as she walked up beside Vegeta.

~~~~~~Elsewhere in Space~~~~~~

A ship was approaching Earth at top speed.

"How long till we find the rest of those absurd little monkeys." came a voice filled with venom from the darkness of the control room?

"We shall arrive at Earth in four months your highness." squeaked a little purple lizard like a man.

"Do we know that the Prince and the one named Goku are really on that planet." asked the same cold voice

"They are your majesty and that beauty of a little girl Celeste is on that planet." came a lustful voice from the opening doors.

"Hello, my son. I see. So, we will meet her again." smiled Queen Icesis as she turned in her chair to face her only son. "Get the wench for me."

Her son Kold that she had named after her father walked out of the control room. And came back a few minutes later with a female Saiyan walking proudly behind him.

The female walked past Lord Kold and got down on one knee in front of her queen. She placed a fist over her heart and kept her face down. Making sure not to look up till she was spoken to.

"Ahhh, Ambrosia. I have good news for you. We have found out that your treacherous son is on Earth. And that your daughter still lives." As she got up from her huge purple throne and walked towards the kneeling warrior. "What do you think we should do with them when we arrive to meet them."

"I think your son should lead a small army and exterminate them" as a vicious smile came to her face and she looked up at her master. "My daughter does not know that I am still alive and my son does not know who I am. I wish to be there and help to kill them for the dishonor that they have done.

"You, may my dear. We will arrive there in four months, so you and my son should begin preparing." as she turned from them and looked out the window with a grin on her face. "You are both dismissed"

She was not going to let the stupid Saiyans off as easy as just killing them she was going to teach them a lesson that they would never forget.

*You will pay for what you did killing my brothers and father. You all will regret ever killing them. * as she walked back to her throne.

She clapped her hands a slave rushed in with a gold jeweled encrusted goblet. And a pitcher of the blood red wine. He immediately poured her a glass and scampered back out of the room. But before he could make it out a single blast shot through his heart. The queen's evil laughter could be heard all through the ship.

~~~Capsule Corps~~~

The next day when Celeste finally woke she sat up in the bed suddenly and grasped her stomach. She was relieved when she could feel her child's ki stronger and healthy.

"You know you must explain to them sooner or later why you wished my grandfather and others back." said a voice from the shadows.

"I know Trunks I will" as she looked at the chair in the corner where he sat.

She could barely see him sitting there. If not for the little bit of starlight coming in from the window, she would have never been able to barely see the outline of him.

"The sooner you tell them. The better you know." as he got up and walked towards her. "Why don't you go and take a shower. And I will go down and tell them that you will be down shortly to explain everything."

"Ok" as she got up from the bed and gave him a peck on the cheek on her way towards his bathroom.

Trunks waited till he heard the water running before he decided to tell them. He made his way downstairs to find his family and the Son's sitting in the massive living room. All chatting to the resurrected Saiyans.

"She will be down soon." as he stood in the doorway.

All quit chatting and looked at him. ChiChi was the first to speak.

"She is awake. Where is she." as she jumped up from her seat.

But before she couldn't even take a step Trunks told her that Celeste was showering.

~~~~~~A While Later~~~~~~

A refreshed, but still pale Celeste came walking into the room. Each looked at her.

"Girl, why did you wish them back." asked Vegeta as he sat on the beige love seat with his mate. His arms crossed.

"Well, I wished for your parents back so Trunks and Bra could get to know them." as she pointed to King Vegeta and Queen Tatana on the floral print couch. "And I wished for Goku's father and his brother and uncle since I felt he needed to know his family and where he comes from."

"But why did you wish Nappa back, he is no relation to anyone." asked a confused Goten.

"Well, I figure Vegeta deserves to have someone grovel at his. So, who better to bring back to do that than none other than the biggest ass kisser than Nappa himself." as she looked over at Nappa who was standing in the corner of the room

They all laughed. Nappa growled. And vowed to himself, he would make her pay for the embarrassment she has done to him. No one, especially a unworthy human would disrespect him in front of his Royal family. He will just have to find a way to get her alone than deal with her then.

*She looks so familiar. How do I know this girl? * thought King Vegeta as he watched Celeste laugh in his grandson’s arms. He was just going to have to think about this.

~~~~The Next Day~~~~~

"Son, I believe that today you and Celeste should perform the mating Ceremony." said Vegeta stood behind his proud son.

He would never admit it to anyone, but one of his proudest moment in his life was the birth of his son. He had found a mate and was going to make him a grandfather. Life was good right now. The only thing left for him to do was beat Kakarott and all in the world would be right.

Trunks was standing on the back porch looking up at the morning sky. He turns and sees his father standing behind him with his famous smirk on his face.

"We will!" said Trunks as a smile came to his face.

Queen Tatana overheard their little morning discussion and decided to add a little advice of her own.

"The bigger the kill the better. Your bond will just be that much stronger." smiled the Queen as she caught both off guard.

"Yes as your grandmother has stated the bigger the kill the stronger your bond will be." smirked Vegeta. "I would go and get her and the two of you should just go ahead and begin."

"Yes, father. Thank you, grandmother, for the advice." as he walked past them and into the house.

"He looks so much like you. But has many of the mannerisms of the humans." as she saw Vegeta frown "But that is not a bad thing my son. They must be doing something right for their entire race has survived."

"They are very resilient. They adapt easily" as a smirk came to his face.

He began to think of everything that has happened to his wife. She is the weakest of all of them, but she is always right there in any battle ready to help. Even if it is with just her foolish little inventions.

They both watched as Trunks carried Celeste and flew to the east.

~~~~Trunks & Celeste~~~~

Trunks and Celeste landed on an island a few thousand miles away from Capsule Corps. He gently set upon the ground. She looked around with a smile on her face.

"This place is beautiful. When do you want to begin our hunt." as she unconsciously licked her lips.

Trunks just smirked. He could feel she was anxious to get this started. So, he grabbed her hand and led her to a cave deep in the forest. He had surveyed this island when his father first told him that he and Celeste should perform the ceremony.

"Ok my love we must go. Now remember we must kill something big. Just as my father and grandmother stated the bigger the better." as they took to the ground in search of something suitable to hunt.

After a few minutes they finally found a couple of thousand pound dinosaurs they decided to kill one each. Trunks killed his easy. But Celeste was having a little bit of a harder time. He couldn't help but laugh as she jumped in the air and took a dagger from her boot and was trying to kill the beast. Then in one swift move she jumped behind the dinosaur and slit its throat. And as it lay there roaring at its own death Celeste took her chance and stabbed it in the heart and killed it instantly.

Trunks landed beside her. He shot a tiny ki beam and sliced into the beasts and pulled her a piece of meat from the one he killed and offered it to her. She accepted too gratefully. She then in turn cut open the one she killed and sliced him a slice of meat and offered it to him. And he too accepted it. They both then began to eat till there was not much left but skin, bones and some internal organs.

She quickly set off running. She had talked to Trunks grandmother the night before. The first was to make sure they both were satisfied with each other’s ability to hunt for food. Next was she had to give him a chase, if he could catch her than in the ancestors’ eyes, he would be worthy of being her mate.

He smirked as he watched her run. He would give a thirty second lead. He decides he will not use his ki or try to sense hers it gives him an unfair advantage. What he didn't know was that Celeste had some tricks up her sleeve.

He took after with a flash. What he didn't see was Celeste in a tree about a hundred yards from their kills. She was crouched down on a high limb. She watched as he ran right past her. She tried to conceal her laughter the best she could.

Trunks whipped his head around when he heard her laughter. He sniffed in the air. Her scent was behind him. He smirked this is going to be more fun than he thought. He began surveying up in the trees. And that is when he spotted a flash of blonde hair go from one tree to another.

Her and her big mouth. She quickly jumped from one tree to another. And then made her way back to the ground. She took off running as fast as she could. She noticed a down slope and used it to her advantage. She slid down just as he was about to grab her. This was going to be fun. She can’t remember when she had laughed so hard.

She went to jump back up into a tree, but before she could get very far that she felt strong arms wrap themselves around her growing waist.

"I have you now my love." huskily whispered Trunks into her ear. "Now is the time to finish our little game."

He began nibbling on her ear. He suddenly had the urge to bite her neck. And when he did she clamped her teeth to his neck and they both drew blood. A wave of passion moved through them as they licked and sucked on each other’s marks. He transformed into a Super Saiyan after his animalistic instincts took over.

Before either knew really what was happening, they had torn each other’s clothes off and he was pumping in and out of her like a mad man. He looked down at her in the fear that she was crying in fear but was surprised that the only thing he could see in her eyes or on her face was lust. She was enjoying this just as much as he.

She wrapped her legs around his waist to let him get into her further. As her first orgasm hit she screamed his name. And before she could completely recover, she was hit by several more. He bent his head to her breast and began nipping and sucking on one and teased the other with his hand.

Her walls squeezed around painfully almost. It was all he could to control himself. But after her fifth orgasm he could not hold it anymore and he released his seed into her with a mighty roar.

He gently picked her up never removing himself from inside her and carried her to one of the caves. He gently laid and collected some wood and made a fire with a quick little ki blast. He lay next to her and pulled her to his chest. He could feel the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. He seemed mesmerized by it and before he knew it sleep came and claimed him.

They began to dream of each other’s past. They learnt things about the other they never knew.

Hope you enjoyed reading